HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1944-02-24, Page 5THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER QNTA RIO, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 24,1944 Pm® 5
Dr. and Mrs, D. G. Steer and
Patsy visited on Sunday with Mrs.
Steer's mother, Mrs, Gertrude Braz
ier in London.
Mrs, MacFarlane (nee Violet
Schwalm) of Sidney, N.S., visited
this week with her mother, Mrs.
Peter Schwalm and sister, Mrs,
Robt. McKenzie,
Mr. and Mrs, IDldon Kading and
Children, of London, visited recent
ly with the latter's parents, Mr, and
Mrs. Colin Hudson.
The Henfeall Women's Institute
are sponsoring a Euchre and Dance
in the Town Hall, Hensall on Wed
nesday, March 1st, Refreshment
booth, good prizes and good music
for the dance. Proceeds for overseas
Mrs. Catharine Hedden is visit
ing with members of her family in
St, Catharines,
Miss Helen Moir left recently
for Windsor where she intends
spending several months.
Mrs, Don Rigby and daugher,
Donna, of Blenheim, visited last
week with the former’s sister and
brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Mrs, Barbara Ferguson, of Till-
sonburg, visited with friends here
during the past week.
Mrs. Gus Votli and daughter,
Gwendolyn, visited for the past two
weeks with the former’s mother,
Mrs. Lou Simpson and grandmother
Mrs. Robert Bonthron.
Miss Marion MacLaren, of Gode
rich, visited With friends here dur
ing the week.
Mrs. Edith MacMartin, of Barrie,
visited recently with her mother,
Mrs- Robert Bonthron and sister,
Mrs, Lou Simpson.
Mr. Jack Simmons, of the R.C.N.
V.R., Nova Scotia, is spending a
furlough with his mother, Mrs, Alda
Mrs. Wm. Chapman left last week
for Pittsburg, Pa., where she will
spend a number of weeks with her
daughter, Mrs. Price (Grace).
A. Euchre and Dance will he held
at S.S. No. 10 Hay on Friday even
ing, February 25th under the dis
trict .Red Cross Society. Everyone
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Spencer
spent a few days in Toronto during
the past week.
Miss Ellen Fremlin spent the
week-end with her aunt in London.
Reeve E. R. Shaddick and Mrs.
Shad dick are spending this week in
Mr. Gus Voth and Mr. Wm. Simp
son, of Detroit, visited over the
Week-end with the*Tatter’s mother,
Mrs. Lou Simpson and grandmother,
Mrs. Robt. Bonthron. They were ac
companied home by Mrs. Voth ana
daughter. Gwendolyn who have
spent the past two weeks here.
Mrs. R. D. Bell visited on Satur
day at the home of her daughter
and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Elgin
Hayter, in London.
Mrs. Don Rigby and daughter,
Donna, returned to their home in
Blenheim on Monday after spend
ing a three week’s visit with the
former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Stewart McQueen.
Sgt. Edward Norminton arrived
at his home here on Saturday aftei
spending the past few years over
seas. He will have a month’s fur
lough prior to being stationed in
Canada for the duration. Sgt. Nor-
minto has travelled a great deal and
has been in Algiers, England, New
York and various centres.
The Exeter-Hensall Branch of the
Canadian Legion held a most suc
cessful Bingo and Dance in the
Town Hall On Friday evening. The
door prize was won by Miss Mae
McNaughton, Chiselhurst, The win
ner of the rug was Mr. John M.
Glenn. This rug was made by Mrs.
John Fisher and was most beauti
fully done with “There’ll Always
Be An England.” Proceeds from
tickets sold on the rug amounted
to over $40. Murdoch’s orchestra
furnished the music for the dance.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen, of Hensall,
visited with Mrs. Glen’s mother,
Mrs. Harmon Gill, on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Moody have
moved into London this past week.
The Grand Bend* Trustees have
bought the Reau property and will
turn it into a town hall which was
badly needed.
Mr. and Mrs. Walls have moved
to Port Stanley on Saturday.
Miss Eloise Gill, of Kitchener,
visited over the Week-end with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Gill.
Cpl. Erwin Holt, from Deseronto,
was a week-end visitor with friends.
Miss Amos was laid tip With a
Very bad cold hence ho school for
a couple of days.
You won't want to miss the play
in the United Chttrch on Feb* 29,
put on by the Young Hoople of Exe
ter for the Red Cross. Coihe and
enjoy a good laugh and help the
Red/ drobs.
“Women will suffer much to be
beautiful,” Says a writer. “Tile re
moval of eyebrows, for instance,
calls for quite a lot of pluck.0
Mta and Mrs. Ward Fritz and.
Mary Lou, of Zurich, visited with
Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Eilber on Sun
Miss Myrtle Hatet, of' Kitchener,
spent the week-end at her home
Sgt, Eugene Beaver, of Petawawa,
and Mrs. Beaver, of Exeter, visited
on Sunday with the former’s par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Beaver.
Eugene Finkbeiner, R.d.N.V.R.
of Toronto, spent last week-end with
his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Joe Fink
Harold Wolfe, R.G.4-.S.C, of Owen
Sound, was home with his parents,
Mr, and Mrs, A. Wolfe, a few days
last week.
Clarence Fahner who was in the
St. Joseph’s hospital in London for
an appendicitis operation, is home
again. We wish him a speedy re
Mr. Bill Woodall, of Windsor, and
Miss Laura Woodall, of London,
spent the week-end with their par
ents, Mr, and Mrs, Joe Woodall,
Mr. Ed. Yearley, of Windsor, was
home for the week-end with his
parents, Mr, and Mrs, Tom Yearley.
Mr. Henry M, Brown has received
word that his son, Harold L. Brown,
has been promoted from pilot offi
cer to Flying 'Officer. Harold went
overseas last June.
The Crediton North Farm Forum
held their meeting at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Trick last Mon
day evening. The broadcast took
the form of a review of all activities
of the Forum’s in Canada. After the
discussion games were played and
lunch served.
The Young People of the Crediton
United Church met on Tuesday eve
ning, Feb. 22, to organize the Credi
ton United Church Union, Rev. L.
Turner read the scripture and led
in prayer. The officers elected are
as follows: president, Mrs. Ted
Lamport; vice-pres. Bryce Mack;
secretary-treasurer, Betty Mawhin-
ney; corresponding secretary, Eva
line Mack; pianist, temporary, Eun
ice King. It was decided to meet
weekly on Friday night at 8.00 p.m.
The next meeting will be on 'Fri
day, March 3.
An enjoyable social evening was
held on Friday, Feb, 11, in the
Crediton United Church when the
members of the Sunday School met
for a crokinole party. Music and
contests opened the evening. Ten
tables were in play and prizes were
won by Mrs. Lawrence Swartz, Jack
Galloway and Winnifred Mack.
Lunch was served. The collection
taken is to be used to purchase new
hymn books for the Sunday School.
The regular monthly meeting of
the W.M.S. of the United Church
was held at the home of Mrs. H.
Mitchell. Mrs. R. Hill acted as lead
er. the theme being “The Bible, the
Common Possession of the World
Church.” Different passages of
Scripture were read by members.
Mrs. Down read “The Great Frater
nity.” Mrs. Trevethick gave a ream
ing on Christian Stewardship. The
study book was taken by Mrs. H.
Mitchell and Mrs. A. Baker.
Crediton Red Cross Unit
At the executive meeting of the
Crediton Red Cross Unit, plans were
made for the coming Red Cross drive
which starts next week. Arrange
ments for obtaining blood donors
were also discussed. This need is
very urgent. All people between -the
ages of 18 and 60 should become
donors if at all possible. Often as
many as 45 blood donations are
necessary to save the life of one
of our boys in Italy. And wishing
to become donors for the next clinic
March 15th, please give your name
to Mrs. Lawrence Wein immediately.
SInnishine and Good Cheer Classes
The Sunshine and Good Cheer
classes of the Crediton United
Church met for a social evening in
the church basement on February
18. Familiar songs were sung and
contests were enjoyed. Seven tables
of crokinole were played. Jean and
Russell King and Allan Hill won
the prizes. A hearty lunch was en
joyed by everyone. A. vote of thanks
to the girls was given by Roy Lam
port. The teachers of. these two
classes are Mrs. J. Woodall and Mr.
Edward Chambers. Everyone pres
ent enjoyed the evening and it was
decided to organize a Yoling Peo
ple’s Union, the first meeting to be
held Tuesday evening.
Evangelical Mission Band
The Mission Band was organized
in the Evangelical church at Credi
ton oh Friday, Feb. 11, at the home
of Mrs. E. M. (Fahrner, The minis
ter, Rev. M. E. Reuber, was in
charge of the election of officers
which resulted as follows; Brest-1
dent, Ailiff~*Wein; vice-president,
Delores Schenk; secretary, Calvin
Wein; treasurer, Lloyd Roeszier. lA
talk on our spend-a-day With our
missionaries and an explanation of
the objective of the Mission Band
Was given by Mrs. E. M, Fahrner.
Prayers on behalf of the missiona
ries and poems and readings fob
lowed, A fine social conclusion Of
refreshments closed the meeting,
This Mission Band will meat once a
month to ecquaint our Evangelical
youth with OUr missionaries.
Mrs- IL M. Miller returned tp her,
home Saturday after convalescing
at her mother’s, Mrs- Drakes in
Mrs, A. Hunkin returned to her
home after spending a few days
with her daughter, Mrs. A, Mac-
Beth, Of Kippen.
Mrs. B. Stone visited with her
daughter Mrs. Nelson Lamport a
few days last week.
Mr. and Mrs. c. Miller, Lily and
Mr. Miller Sr,, visited at St. Joseph’s
Hospital Sunday with Everett Mil
ler who underwent an appendicitis
operation on Tuesday of last week.
We are glad to report he is re
covering nicely.
The regular monthly meeting of
the Red Cross was held at the
home of Mrs, Wiseman on Wednes
day afternoon with 19 present.
Meeting opened with hymn and the
president, Mrs. W, Cann presided,
followed with silent prayer and the
Lord’s prayer in unison, Minutes
were read and adopted. A letter
of thanks was read from Mr. Lee
Webber for Christmas parcel re
ceived, It was decided to hold a
social evening March 17th in the
church basement, each group lead
er to be responsible for arranging
program. The need for blood donors
was urgently stressed. Those taking
part in the program were Mrs. Roy
Coward, Mrs, R. Cann, Mrs. Mair,!
giving a short reading. Donations
for the overseas boxes for Easter
are to be given to the group leaders.
Meeting closed with God Save the
King and Benediction. A 10c tea
was served and a social time was
spent over the tea cups.
The Y.P.U. met at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. O. Cann on Friday
evening with 31 present. The presi
dent, Arnold, Cann presided. Marion
Hodgert read the Scripture and Mr.
Mair took as his topic “Keys”. Bil
lie Rodhe and Arnold Cann favored
with violin selections, Orland and
Dorothy Squires a mouth organ and
piano duet and an instrumental by
Marion Hodgert. Contests were en
joyed and a dainty lunch served by
the hostess, Mrs. Cann and a social
time spent. Next meeting Friday
February 25th will he at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Coward.
The Day of Prayer will be observ
ed on Friday afternoon, 'February
25th at the manse, all ladies of the
congregation are cordially invited
to attend.
The Thames Road Mission Band
was held at the manse Sunday
morning during church service hour
with 38 present. Dalores Allison,
president presided. Meeting opened
with hymn 446 followed with pray
er by Betty Mair. Scripture lesson
was read by Mrs. Lee Webber. Roll
call was answered by payment of
fees. Hymn 43 2 was sung. Agnes
Bray gave an instrumental. Lloyd
Stewart a reading. Mrs. Webber
gave the topic from the study book
and Mrs. Mair a short story “Kem-
bo” The African Girl”. Hymn 446
was sung, followed by the National
Anthem and prayer by Mrs. Maim.
The regular monthly meeting of
the Thames Road Mission Circle
met at the home of Marion Hodgert
on Saturday afternoon with the
president June Coward presiding.
Meeting opened with hymn 311 fol
lowed with prayer by Marion Hod
gert. The secretary’s report was read
and adopted. Roll call was answer
ed by “Your Favorite Hymn. 12
members responding. Treasurers re
port was given and business dis
cussed. Offering was taken and hymn
402 was sung. Doris Duncan was in
charge of program which was as
follows. Temperance reading, Rus
sia and the drink problem by Mrs.
Mair; instrumental by Jean Cann,
Harold, Elsie Bray. Topic given by
Jean Cann. Hymn 483 brought the
meeting to a close followed with
Mizpah benediction.
A combined meeting of the Farm
Forums was held in the church
basement on Monday night with a
fair attendance. Mr. James Simpson
president of Usborne Farm Forum
presided. Mr. Simpson gave the re
port of the Federation Annual meet
ing which was held in Toronto re
cently. Mr. Webb, of Blythe gave
a very educational address on the
Scientific Care of Crops, Livestock
and Poultry. A questionaire follow
ed his address. Mr. Simpson favor
ed with one of his Scotch songs.
Rev. Laing of Woodham was • also
present and in his short address
stressed the need of Rural High
Schools where special agricultural''
knowledge would be part of the
Curriculum for rural children. It
is expected another gathering of
this type will be held in the near
future. The National Anthem
brought the evening to a close.
Mr. and Mrs. Oecil Smith, of
Exeter, spent Sunday with the lat
ter’s aunt and uncle, Mi% and Mrs.
Sam Sims.
Mrs. Blake Heatlie, of Windsor,
is visiting her mother, Mrs. IL Kuhn,
Mrs. Sam Raynham is visiting in
Exeter wifh her daughter and .son-
in-law, Mr. and Mrs. H. MacDonald,
Mrs, WilSOh Alidersod and sOh,
Charles, visited Sunday With Mt.
and MrS. Win, Schroeder, dt Fair-
field, -
Mrs, E. Bartcliffe, pt Clinton,
spent the week-end with her mother,
Mrs, Merner,
Mr, and Mrs. IL Goetz spent the
week-end with her sister, Mr. and
Mrs, J. Humble in Sarnia,
Miss Lois Gaiser, of London, spent
a few days at her home here last
Miss Pearl Kraft is on the sick
list. We hope for a speedy recovery.
Mr. Fred Preeter, of Stratford,
called on -friends here a few days
this week.
Quilting bees are the order of the
day here just now.
Dr. Taylor,, newly-elected member
for Huron, is in Toronto attending
the session, Mrs. Taylor accompan
ied him and was present for the
opening of Parliament on Tuesday,
Dr, Taylor will move the acceptance
of the Speech from the Throne.
The pot luck supper which was
to have been held in the school this
week has been postponed indefi-
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Murray and
family, of Exeter, were Sunday visi
tors with Mr. and Mrs. G. R, An
Mr. and Mrs. O, Clarke and'family
of London, visited with Mrs. Har
ness and Mrs. Greenlee on Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hodgins and
family spent the week-end with
relatives in London.
Mr. Harry Bowden, of London,
Mrs, R. Smith, of Malton, and Mrs.
R. Schroeder, of Clandeboye, were
called home over the week-end ow
ing to the serious illness of their
father, Mr. Wm. Bowden.
Mrs. J. A. Pollard and Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Ford visited a few days
this week with Mr, and Mrs. Gerald
Ford, in Kitchener.
Cameron Proctor, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Andrew Procter, Clinton, for
merly of Centralia, graduated a§ a
navigator Friday afternoon, Feb. 11,
at No. 4 Air Observer School, Crum-
lin. The graduates were presented
their wings by Wing Commander W.
R. Kingsland, Supervisory Officer
I-Ie congratulated them on winning
the objective they had been working
for, air crew badge. The whole class
received their commission which is
a record. Pilot Officer Proctor, who
is now .spending a short leave at his
home in Clinton, is a .grandson of
Mr. Arthur Brooks.
The Red Cross unit held a meet
ing on Tuesday evening of last week
at Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Pooley’s home
with twelve present.. Mr. Lome El-
ford presided and opene'd with a
sing-song. Miss McCulloch read Ps.
1 as the scripture lesson and Mr.
Pooley led in prayer. Mr. Howard
Johns read a poem, “Life's Coupon
less Things.” A good paper on “Do
we want democracy in Canada,”
was given by Mr. James Smith. Mrs.
Wib Batten and Lome Elford
favored with a piano duet. Minutes
were read and adopted. Canvassers
were appointed for the Red Cross
drive namely: Messrs. Lewis Johns,
Thos. Bell, Alvin Cooper, Frank
Brock and Sherwood Brock. Next
meeting will be held at Mr. Kenneth
Johns ’on March 14th. The meeting
closed with singing familiar songs.
Cpl. and Mrs. Harry Murch and
family, of London, were week-end
visitors here.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Johns visited
with relatives in London on Sun
day last.
Mr. and Mrs. Rollie Williams,
Hazel and Ona, also Mrs. Richard
Johns were in London on Monday.
They visited Mrs. W. Spry in Vic
toria Hospital and Miss Bessie Johns
at Byron.
Mr. George Kellett is able to be
up around again after having had
a bad attack of pneumonia a few
weeks ago.
Are you sure you are getting enough
cod liver oil in the feed you are
feeding—-vitamins arc easily des
troyed you know.
If yott are feeding the best oil, and
feed it every day, you can bo Sure
of results, Vitamins are a big factor
in livestock raising.
We know how many vitamins you
ate buying in every ounce we sell—
If you don’t know be sure your
dealer knows, ask him-—If lie doesn’t
know, buy from one who does.
Pheim 60 Exeter
Mr, Wm. Stephens, of Byron, visi
ted on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Eph. Hern.
Mrs. George Earl spent a few days
with her daughter, Mrs. Norman
Mr. and Mrs. James Earl visited
on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Howard Kerslake of Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bailey, of'Win
ch elsea, visited on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Milton Brock.
We are sorry to report that Mr.
Lloyd Hern was taken to the hos
pital on Saturday for an appendici
tis operation. His many friends wisn
him a speedy recovery.
A progressive euchre was held in
the school on Friday night. Pro
ceeds from the evening amounted to
$40. Prizes went to Ross Jaques
for high gents; Mrs. George Brock
for high ladies; Mrs. George Brock
for lone hands; Mrs. James Earl
for consolation.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brock, Mr.
and Mrs. Wellington Brock visited
on Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs.
Luther Rowcliffe of Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hern and
family visited on Thursday with
Mr. and Mrs. Hector Taylor, of Ex
A Russian Relief bail will be
packed on March 2. All who wish
to donate any garments are asked
to bring them in by this date,
A number from the community
attended the Farm Forum meeting
at Thames Road on Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brock and
family visited on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Milne Pullen of Whalen.
Mr. and Mrs, Pius Dietrich and
family spent Sunday with relatives
in Kitchener.
Miss Shirley Ann Wurm spent a
few days last week with her grand
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wil-
lert, in Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Veach and
family, of Ailsa Graig, visited on
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Eagleson and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
The Misses Eileen and Ruth Wil-
lert, of London, spent last Sunday
with their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Otto Willert.
Mrs. Milford Ayotte returned
home having spent the past couple
of weeks with relatives kt Welland.
The World’s Day of Prayer for
the ladies of the Anglican and Uni
ted church will be observed in the
United church on Friday afternoon
at 2.45 p.m, All ladies of both Con
gregations are invited to attend,
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Hartle and
Howard visited on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Cecil Hartle, of West Cor
Miss Doreen Brophey visited last
week with Mr. and Mrs, Eldon
Young of Lucan,
Mr. and Mrs. Russel Brown at
tended the funeral of a telative in
Sarnia on Sunday.
AC Ray Eagleson, of Trenton and
Mrs. Eagleson and son, of Hamilton,
are visiting with relatives,
Mr1, and Mrs. Emerson Woodburn
and Leona and Mr. and Mrs. Car
man Woodburn and Mation visited
on Sunday with friends at Brins-
The Airwomen from No. 9, S.F.
T.S. Centralian who attended the
Memorial Service on Sunday, 'Feb
ruary 20 in honor of the late John
Walker . Hawkey were as follows:
Cpl. Dorothy Taylor, Sgt. Mary
Copper, DAW. Phyllis Hicks, Dpi.
Evelyn Cook, LAW Ruth Windus,
AW. Hedy Laga, Cpl Mary Lang,
LAW. May Sharpe, AW. Bernice
Visitors at the home of Mrs, Bea
trice Dixon on Sunday evening were
Mr. and Mrs. Cains, of Parkhill, Mr.
and Mrs. Bruce Dixon of Centenary.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Dixon, of Cen
tenary, spent Sunday evening with
Mr. and Mrs. George Lee.
Many friends of the community
are sorry to bear that Mrs. Fred
Fenton is confined to her home
through illness,
Rev. and Mrs. Lawrence Turner
and Grace Marie, Mr. and Mrs. Lin
Craven dined with Mr. and Mrs.
Alonzo Hodgins on Friday evening
The many friends of Mrs. Jack
Hodgson (nee Marion Morley) are
sorry to hear she has returned to
St. Joseph’s Hospital, London again
and all wish her a speedy recovery.
Mr. Harold Lee is all smiles, it’s
a girl. Congratulations Harold.
The community is sorry to hear
of Mr. A. D. Steeper’s operation in
St. Joseph’s I-Iospital, London.
Mrs. Mary Carter and Miss Ida
Hardy spent Saturday afternoon
with Mrs. Fletcher Gower.
Mrs. Norman Amas, of Guelph,
Margaret and Earnest, of London,
spent the week-end at the home of
their father, Mr. J. L. Amos.
We are very sorry to hear that
Mr. Earl Hamilton is still confined
to his bed with a relapse.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Robinson enter
tained a number of their friends
to a progressive euchre party on
Thursday evening last. The ladies
high score being won by Mrs. Wes.
Smith. Gents high score being won
by Mr. McDonald. !A dainty lunch
was served by the hostess.
Mrs. Joe Amos and. daughter
Helen spent a few days last week
with her -father and mother, Mr.
and Mrs. Eli Rosser, of Ailsa Craig.
Mr. George Lee, of London, spent
the week-end with his parents. Mr.
and Mrs. Thos. Lee.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Watson and
son Eddie spent Sunday evening
;.......................................................................... j, ■ in^-^.....t\r -------------------------------------------Mlllll Hrr-nr.-. .........-r—
Baby Chicks and Pullets
Having increased our capacity from ? to the extent that we
can now hatch over 30,000 chicks per week, we are still able
to supply you in some breeds for immediate, and in the very
near future with your requirements for baby chicks.
Started .Chicks
2, 3 and 5 week old mixed chicks or pullets, also one lot
of 6 weeks old. Act quickly if you want any of these as they
ai*e really going fast.
We have used this starter for 5 years with good results*
Wein Bros. Phone 78
with Mr, and Mrs. Lin Craven,
Sunday visitors at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. James Trevethick were
Mr. and Mrs. Hess and children and
his mother Mrs! Hess of Zurich.
Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Rock and
children, of Parkhill, spent Sunday
with hex* father Mr, J, L. Amos.
GODERICH—Roy Stonehouse, 49
popular principal of Victoria public
school, died suddenly following an
operation in Alexandra Marine and
General Hospital at noon on Mon
day. He was taken suddenly ill on
Sunday morning.
He was a past master of Maitland
Lodge No. 33, A.F. and A.M,; a
past president of the Goderich.
Lions Club, vice-president of Vic
toria Home and School Club and
intensely interested in all patriotic
endeavor. He was an active mem
ber of North Street United Church:
and at the time of his death was-
the clerk of the session.
Mr. Stonehouse was born in East
Wawanosh near Belgrave and was
educated in Wingham High School
Surviving are his wife, 'formerly-
Miss Emma Lillian Campbell. of
Westfield, and a son, LAC. Donald.'
Stonehouse, R.C.A.F., stationed at.
Yarmouth, N.S.; a brother, Mar
shall, of Belgrave.
will hold a
.Monster Bingo,
in the
Aberdeen Hall, Kirkton
Friday, Feb’y 25th
15 GAMES FOR 25c
Good prizes every game.
Everybody come and help this
worthy cause. I
All proceeds will go to the
Red Cross