HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1944-02-17, Page 5•E THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER ONTA RIO, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 17, 1944 HENSALL Miss Mary Goodwin spent the week-end with relatives jn London. Miss Florence Schwalm, of Gode­ rich, spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Peter Schwalm, Miss Marion pougaiL R.N., of London, is spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W, R. Dougall, The Exeter-Hensall Branch of the Canadian Legion are sponsoring a Bingo and Dance in the Town Hall Hensail, on Friday, Feb. 18th. Good prizes. The World’s Day of Prayer Serv­ ice will be held in Carmel Presby­ terian church on Friday, February g5th at 3 p.m. when the members of St. Paul’s Anglican and the Un­ ited church will unite in the service, Mrs. Harry McMillan had the mis­ fortune to slip on the icy sidewalk on Main street last week and in so doing fractured the bone in her leg. She was attended by Dr. D. G, Steer and removed to Scott Memorial Hos- pital, Seaforth, where X-rays were taken and the fractured limb placed in a cast, Mr, Wilson Carlisle received word of the death of his sister, Mrs. Humphrey Dayman, of Kennedy, Sask. The deceased was formerly Miss Diantha Carlisle and was well known in this marriage to Mr. to the West. Zurich Fire Miss Florence Kerslake, Mrs. Good- T, J, Chip- Hed- Miss piano district. After her Dayman they moved fire very Mrs, miles when their was little of the Ar- the home of Tuesday eve- Mrs. Melvin opened the taken by The hymn Saviour” was offering, roll reading was Brigade received a call to the home of Mr. and Frank Lostell about three west of Hensail on Sunday the chimney caught fire on house. Fortunately the kept under control with damage being done. The February meeting nold Circle of Carmel Presbyterian Church was held at Mrs. Roy McLaren, on ning, The president Moir, presided and meeting by singing “Sow the Seeds Beside All Waters”. Mrs, Ray Broderick led in prayer and the Scripture reading was Mrs. L. Baynham. “Speed Thy Servants sung, followed by the call and business. A given by Mrs, Norman Stanlake. The topic on British Guiana was ably taken by Mrs. Roy Bell. A. quizz contest was held. The meet­ ing closed with a hymn “From Greenland's Icy Mountains” follow­ ed by prayer by Mrs. Moir. Refresh­ ments were served. Valentine Party The Sunbeam Mission Band of Carmel Presbyterian church pleas­ antly entertained the Home Helpers and mothers at a Valentine party in the school-room of the church on Monday evening under the leader­ ship of Mrs, Orr and Mrs. Baynham. The program opened by singing, “Jesus Loves Me, This I Know,” followed by prayer by Mrs. Orr. The story of how St. Valentine’s Day originated was very ably .given by Mrs. Orr. Misses Lila and Moir, Ann Hildebrandt, Boyd and Betty E. Moir “Saviour, Teach Me Day by Claudette Blowes favored reading and Marie Boyd Valentine reading. A song “Coming In On a Wing Betty Marie sang Day.” with a gave a entitled, and a Prayer,” by Misses Betty and Lila Moir, Marie Boyd, Ann Hildebrandt, and Betty E. Moir concluded the program. The National Antliem was sung and the Lord’s Prayer repeat­ ed in unison. The Valentine Box was opened and the Valentines dis­ tributed after which the children played games and the adults enjoy­ ed contests. Refreshments were served. W.M.$. Meet February meeting of the of Carmel Presbyterian was held on Thursday at 3 the school-room of the future use in packing boxes, A com­ mittee as follows was appointed in charge, Mrs. J. gangster, convenor, Miss Beryl Pfaff, Welsh, Mrs. win, Mrs. R. Broderick, Mrs. Sherritt, Mrs. shirray, Mrs. chase, Mrs. Drysdale and Mrs. den. Mrs. R. Cameron and Greta Lammie favored with a duett, A letter was read regarding D coupons in the ration book and Mrs, gangster consented to inter­ view ten families in regard to same. Mrs, Robt, Simpson gave an inter­ esting demonstration on “Flags.” Mrs, Middleton gave the special ad­ dress of the evening on the sub­ ject, “What The British Empire Means To Me,” which was teresting. Mrs. W. Smale Wartime Recipe and Mrs, gave song Mrs. ence al Anthem was sung and refresh­ ments served. Valentine Party Largely Attended The Valentine Party held in the school-room of the United church under the sponsorship of the Wohelo class was a splendid success and largely attended. Mr. Peter Mc­ Naughton was chairman over the following program, which opened by singing “Onward, Christian Soldiers” after which Rev, R. A. Brook led in prayer. Miss Violet McClymont favored with a reading. Miss Eunice Haist sang a solo en­ titled, “Hush-a-bye, My Baby,” ac­ companied by Miss Margaret Sang- ster on the piano. Three lads from the R.C.A.F. were guests and fav­ ored With several selections on the guitar and two clarinets, which were much appreciated. A skit pre­ sented by Misses Mary Goodwin, Elva McQueen, Irma Kipher, Edna Saundercock, Mrs. Lome Chapman, Mrs. McNaughton and Mrs. Ken­ nedy, and Harold and Earl Dignan, Ed. and Jack Corbett, Ross and Edi­ son Forest and Bloss Pepper, was a highlight on the program and was most amusing. Mr. Benson Stone­ man contributed a vocal accom­ panied by Miss Florence Welsh on tlie piano. Miss Mattie Ellis gave a humorous reading and a piano se­ lection by Miss Florence Welsh con­ cluded the numbers on the program. After singing the National Anthem, Rev. R. A. Brook led in prayer. Games and contests were enjoyed and an abundance of refreshments served. Convenors Elected at Meeting A Red Cross executive meeting was held in the Town Hall, Hensail, on Wednesday evening for the pur­ pose of electing the 1944 committee convenors. The president, Rev. M. A. Grant was chairman. Convenors are as follows: finance and ity,- Messrs. R. H. Davidson, Rev. A. R. Campbell, H. Rowcliffe; buying Katie Scott, Mr. W. O. inspection, Mrs. C. Cook; (convenor), Mrs. T. J. Sherritt, Mrs. R. Dick, Mrs. M. McKaig, Miss Johnson, Mrs. Graham, Mrs. W. Dougall, Mrs. L. Chapman, Mrs. Burnett; cutting convenors, Miss Reynolds, Miss Mary Fee, Mrs, W. R. Davidson, Mrs. Lome Luker; knitting convenor, Mrs. W. O. Good­ win, Miss Greta Lammie, Mrs. John Passmore; Margaret Middleton; Messrs. Peter McNaughton, Morley Sanders; salvage convenors, Messi’s. Geo. Hess, Claude Blowes, A. W. Kerslake, with power to add; blood donors convenor, Reeve E. dick, Stanley Tudor, Dr. D. Dr. A. R. Campbell, Miss nolds and Miss Mary Fee COOK’S HALL, CENTRALIA, WEDNESDAY, FEB. 23rd, featuring a good floor show. CLAYT. STEEPER and hjs 8-piece orchestra. Admission 40c, most in­ gave the Goodwin A sfng-the Current Events, concluded the program led by J, Patterson with Miss Flor- Welsh at the piano. The Nation- Miss Ellis, that the chairman and secretary be a delegation to appear before Council re the annual grant. Carried. Mb'S- Joy nt and Mrs. Nor minton, that we now adjourn to meet again on April 11th at 7.45, Carried, - Jas. A. Patterson, Secretary. Reeve Shaddick, Chairman. ELIMVILLE Mrs. Rundle, of Thames visited her sister, Mrs. F. last Thursday, Mrs. N. Watson, who spent six weeks with Mrs. Ed. Johns during the latter’s illness, returned to her home near Kirkton early last week, Mrs, Sam Pym has been waiting on Mrs, Jas. Kirkland who is ill. Mr, Everett Skinner is having hydro installed. The Play, “Safety First” by the Thorndale dramatic was presented in this church nesday night of last week. The tors all took their parts well the play was well received by audience. The proceeds go to local Red Cross unit. Bdr. Eric Carscadden, of Peta- wawa, spent a week’s leave here. Mrs. Carscadden, who has been her husband for some months, remain with her parents, Mr. Mrs. Garnet Miners. The Farm Forum met at Howard John’s on Monday night with an attendance of about 20. The discussion Youth played Road, Skinner given club, Wed- ac- and the the with will and Mr. was on “The Rural Problem.” Lost Heir was afterwards. DASHWOOD Miss Esther McMath, of Goderich, visited with -Mrs. Mary Schroeder this week. Pte. .Lloyd (Guenther, of Listowel, spent the week-end with his par­ ents, Ml and Mrs. E. R. Guenther, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Clemas and family, of London, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Hoffman. Mr, and Mrs, Mervyn Tieman and Nancy and Mrs. Gertrude McCrae are spending a few days in Toronto this week where tend a hardware Mrs, Tieman and McCrae will visit N. Evans in Aurora, Mrs. Wm, Nadigei* visited friends at Grand Bend on Monday, Mrs. Wm. Musser is visiting with Mrs, ALvena Van in Forest Hill Tor­ onto Ontario, Ml Cunningham, of Guelph spent a few days with his sister Mrs. Morenz. Several teachers of the local pub­ lic schools while taking up Com­ munication in their studies, have brought their pupils to the Dash­ wood telephone office for further instruction. Any teachers wishing their pupils to take this may do so by .getting in touch with T. Harry Hoffman. , The Ladies’ Aid of the Lutheran church held a very successful Valen­ tine Party on Monday evening at the home of Mrs, Milford Merner. During the evening two new mem­ bers were added and Mrs. I. Schroeder and Mrs. C. Rinker were chosen on the the visiting commit­ tee. The evening was s$ent in games and contests after which a dainty lunch was served by the hostesses, Mrs. M. Merner and Mrs. Addison Tieman. Red Cross shipment for February: 19 large quilts, 2 crib quilts, 1 child’s dress, 1 child’s jacket, 2 pr. pyjamas, 2 pyjama coats, 2 ladies’ slips, 2 boys blouses, 1 boy’s pants, 2 round-neck sweaters, 1 V-neck sweater, 2 pr. gloves. Mervyn will at- convention Nancy and their sister, and Mrs. Mrs. Exeter for an her a C J reed Them Shur-Gain Shur-Gain Chick Starter is fortified amply with the best grade of Cod Liver Oil. Your chicks will grow cheaper on it than op any other starter. You will find that 16% Dairy Ration will produce more milk for less money than a straight grain ration. e For finishing your baby beef feed them Beefmaker. SHUR-GAIN SERVICE MILLS <S T. B. ALLEN LACKIE BROS Farquhar Whalen Wlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliilllllllllllllllllllllllllllin public- W. R. Dr. A. Elgin King- with Mor- Middleton, R. Brook, Lawrence, and stores, Miss Goodwin, sewing E. R. A. A. hospital convenor, Miss Buchanan, Mrs. R. H. packing convenor, wea- Box Social' in the Friday night. Next held at the home Orville Cann, Fri- Feb. 18 th. extended M. Miller A cordial in- to all young was admitted her last Mc- The W.M.S., church, p.m. in church with a splendid attendance. In the absence of Mrs. Taylor, the president,^ Mrs. C. Hudson took charge of the meeting. The opening hymn, “Faith of Our Fathers,” was followed by the Lord's Prayer in unison. The Scripture, Romans chap­ ter 10, was read by Mrs. Hudson. Mrs. Geo. Walker gave an interest­ ing paper on “The Dixonville Field Visited.” Mra. Logan led. in prayer. Following the business Mrs., Jas. Patterson favored with a vocal solo entitled “Throw Out The Life Line,” accompanied by Mrs. Malcom Doug- all on the piano. Mrs. Hudson gave the topic on "The People of British Guiana.” The meeting closed by singing “Simply Trusting Every­ day,” and Mrs. Hudson led in prat­ er, ‘Women’s Institute Hear Interesting Address The February meeting of the Women’s institute was held nt thu home of the president. Miss Gladys Luker, oil Wednesday evening with a splendid attendance of members and visitors, The meeting opened by Singing “The Ode’’ and “O Canada’; followed by the Lord’s Prayer, Tile roll call was answered by “A promi­ nent military leader of the Allies.” The ’ president disclosed that 45 boxes had been packed and mailed overseas. It was decided to sponsor a euchfd and dance for funds for R. Shad- G. Steer, A. Rey- were ap­ pointed delegates to attend the On­ tario Division in Toronto in' March. Liaison officer, Dr. A, R. Campbell. Discussion took place regarding the need for salvage and campaign for funds to be launched February 28th. Library Board Meeting A meeting of the Public Library was held in the Council Ohambei at 7.45 on Tuesday evening with the following members being pres­ ent: Reeve R. E. Shaddick, Mrs. a. Joynt, Mrs. W. O. Goodwin, Mrs. E. Norminton, Miss M. Ellis, Rev. R. A. Brook, and C. Blowes being ab­ sent. Minutes of the previous meet­ ing Were read. Mrs. W. 0. Goodwin and Rev. Brook that the minutes be adopted as read. Carried. The Liu. rarian’s report for January read as follows: Adult fiction 221; Juveni.e fiction 89; Adult non-fiction 28; Juvenile non-fiction 4; total 342; same considered good ns the Library was closed for a week checking over books. The annual report for the year read by the secretary and com­ pared with last year showed a bal­ ance of $163.48 and the circulation being 6,355 Which was an increase of 375 for the year, The secretary ■also reported that one Rural School was being supplied with books and that others would be if requests were handed in to the librarian, Ac­ counts read as follows: Wendell Holmes $38.86 for books; Wm. Dawson, subscription Service $ll<2b for magazines; Miss Ellis and Norminton, that accounts as be paid, carried, Rev. Brook THAMES ROAD The Farmer’s Club held their annual Euchre Party in Farquhar Hall last Thursday evening. / O/S. Glen Ballantyne returned to the Naval base at Deepbrook N.S., last week after spending leave with his parents. Mrs. J. Kirkland was admitted to Victoria Hospital last week operation. Her friends wish speedy recovery. AC2. Allison Morgan, of ston, spent the week-end leave his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. gan. Despite the cold and stormy ther, a good 'crowd attended the Y.P.U. Valentine church basement meeting will be of Mr. and Mrs. day night, vitation is people. Mrs. R. to Seaforth Hospital last week. Her many friends will be glad to see home again. Mrs. Thos. Ballantyne spent week with her daughter, Mrs. Intyre in London. Rev. Mair and Mr. and Mrs. A. tMorgan attended the Legion Ban­ quet in Exeter Monday night. A combined meeting of the four Farm Forum groups of the Farm (Forums of this area,will be held next Monday, Feb. 21st in the Thames Road Church basement. Mr. Jas. Simpson will give a report of the recent Federation meeting held in Toronto. Othei' items will be given, Any who are interested are cordially invited to meeting is called for The Farm Forums trict were held at places Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Johns, and Mrs, Chas. Borland, Mr. Mrs. Harold Rowe, Lumley School House. Church .services on Sunday at the usual hour, Sunday School a.m. and Church service 11.15 a.m. attend, The eight-thirty. for this dis- the following The homes 01 Mr. and CREDITON P/O. Lewis (Faist and his mother Mrs. H. M. Faist spent last week­ end visiting with Mrs. Dave Geil of Detroit. Lewis returned to Dunn- ville Thursday after a week’s leave. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Clarke accom­ panied by their granddaughter Janet Kestle of Exeter spent the week-end with their son Russell in Detroit. The senior ropm of the Crediton school had a Valentine’s party at the home of Wellington Haist. The first part of the evening was spent in skating. Refreshments consisting of ice cream and cookies were serv­ ed. Mr. Hubert Cooper has startea to tear down the barn beside the hotel which has been used by Wil­ liam Roeszler for the past few years. Mrs. Rodney Bowman spent last week visiting in Windsor. Mission Circle Meet The Evangelical Mission Circle held its February meeting on Mon­ day evening at the home of Mrs. H. K. Eilber. The meeting opened with the circle song. The secretary, Mrs. Gordon Ratz, read the report of the last meeting. Reports of the knitting and sewing were given. Business was then discussed. The fin­ ance under the convenorship of Mrs. IT. Fahner took charge of the meet­ ing. Scripture readings were given by several members “I would be true” was then sung. A poem on ■prayer was rendered by Mrs. Ed, Finkbeirter followed by silent pray­ er and the Lord’s prayer in unison A vocal duet by Ella Morlock and Mrs. Harold Fahner was sung. The study book was presented by Mrs. Lawrence Wein. The hymn “Into My Heart” closed the meeting. Lunch was served. Sunday being Missionary Day Sunday school Misses Betty and Dorothy Cunningham duet. SHIPKA In the past two months the War Service Club of this community have raised $58,00, An auction sale of articles donated by the members realized $30.00 and a bingo this month $28.00. Plans were made for a social evening to be held in the school on March 10th with a door charge of adults 25c, children 10c. Mrs, Milton Ratz, Mrs. Roy Ratz, Mrs. Arthur Webb, Mrs. Ross Love, Mrs. Albert Gaiser and the Misses Ruth Ratz, Margaret Ratz, Elsie Gaiser and Ruth Cunningham at­ tended a trousseau tea in honor of Miss Mildred Hicks, on Saturday. On Friday evening last a social evening was held in aid of the Red Cross in the public school house. A large number were present, proceeds amounting to $29.00, In the course of the evening Miss Mildred Hicks, a former teacher was presented with an electric lamp. Last in the Love sang a The Y. P. Society held their meet­ ing this week at the home of Miss Pearl Keys. Rev. L. Turner sang a solo at the regular service on Sunday last and was enjoyed by all present. On Monday, January 31,, Farm Forum met at the home of Mr. Roy Dietrich when the series of the “Rural Community” was begun. On February 7th, the forum met at the home of Herbert Harlton, the sub­ ject of “The Church in the Rural Community” was most interesting. It was agreed that all clergymen serving in rural districts should make a special effort to study the problems of agriculture. On Febru­ ary 14th the forum met at the home of Lome Dietrich when the place of the school and the opportunities that should be provided by them to bring about a better educational and recreational program for1 rural com­ munities. Schools should not be used for the education of children alone; the education of the pupils whose ages range from 18 to 65 are of just as great importance. Miss redd and 10.15 “Before I close this contract, do you play the piano?” the landlord asked the prospective tenant. “No.” "Do you play any other instru­ ment?’’ “No.” “Do you have any •singing lessons?” “No, and when I gargle I get into a cupboard and shut the door behind me.” /M) uz^tams Br^y Chick Hatchery Exeter; Phone 246 Agent: Alvin Kcrslake, Hensail GREENWAY and Mrs. Jas. Wellman, and Robert, of Port Huron, on Sunday with*' relatives Mr. Marilyn visited here. Miss spent the week-end with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Curts. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Honsberget and Fit. Sgt. Harold Honsberger of Vineland, visited recently and Mrs. Wm, Hicks, Mr. and Mrs. Ervine Shipka, visited on Sunday and Mrs. Lisle Woodburn. Mrs. Fred Kading, of Grand Bend, Visited on Monday with Mrs. A, Gollen. Mrs. S. McIntosh spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Chid Woodburn. Mrs. Harold I-Ionsberger and Jim­ mie returned to the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. after spending some friends at Vineland. Mrs. Ray Patterson son, of Grand Bend, week their Viola Curts, of London, with Ratz, with Witt, time and Mr. of Mr. Hicks, 'With infant Visited 'Tuesday with her mother, Mrs. Woodburn. on M. KHIVA D/iCpI. Henry Ziler, of London, Spent the week-end with Ills parents Mr, and Mrs, Louis ZiieL ship, Grateful to the ivory, Smooth as aged tapestry Where light has and long.” Signed on behalf of S, S. No. 7, Stephen. touch as ancient wine or sheen of lingered intimate Elmer Pickering Albert Gaiser Stop... Breeding Failures with REX WHEAT GERM OIL Take out the guess work —Get Results — CREDITON EAST Mr. Jack Appleton has purchased the house and lot of Mr. Gordon Merner who moved to London some time ago. Mrs. Charles Anderson underwent an operation last Thursday in Sar­ nia General Hospital and is getting along as well as can be expected. Mrs. Rachael Sims returned to her home in Exeter after a week’s visit with her son and daughter-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Sims. Pte. Alvin Sims, of London, spent the week-end at his home here. Mr. Harry Lewis has purchased the house and land belonging to Mrs. Alec Hamilton, of Grand Bena, and recently owned by the late' Matthew Sims. Mr. Benson Fowler, of Clinton, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Sam Sims. Mr. H, Kuhn has been confined to 1 her bed with a bad cold the week. Your ©rugs at ROBERTSON’S Phone 50 * Exeter w,^,M,WUM,ii.Hn,B„wn,,„„„CT. .............. ZION Miss Laurene Hern R.N., of Lon­ don, spent a few days with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Eph. Hern, Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Brock and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. F'red Hodgins in London on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brock and Jean visdted on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Dickinson of Denfield. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Jaques and. family visited with Mr. and Mrs- Wilson Morley of Exeter on Sunday- Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Spence visi­ ted on Monday with Melville Hern. We are very sorry Mr. Everard Miller Mr. and Mrs.. past WOODHAM Valentine concert sponsored Mission Circle on Friday eve- to report that was taken to- the hospital on Tuesday morning: for an appendicitis operation. His- many friends wish covery. Don’t forget euchre to be held Friday, February 18. him a speedy re~ the progressive in the school on Presentation On Friday evening of last the Shipka Red Cross held regular meeting at the school. Dur­ ing the evening Miss Mildred Hicks, a former teacher, was presented with a table lamp and envelope of money. Mrs. Arthur Webb read the address and Mr, Albert Gaiser and Elmer Pickering presented the gift. The following is the address: Dear Miss Hicks: We are glad to welcome an ex­ teacher back to Shipka school to­ night. No doubt during this evening memories have crowded upon your mind of the days when you presided over this familiar class-room in three years you dwelt among Perhaps you remember some lug days as well as joyous ones, we hope that only the happy mem­ ories may echo down through the years, Tonight we take this opportunity to remember you and since the hap­ py announcement of your approach­ ing marriage we want also to wish you many years, of health, happiness and good fortune. We express Ottr friendship to yon by asking you to accept this gift and our goojj wishes. As you look back on this evening may it bring memories of old friendships, “beautiful and rich is an old friend- The by the ning last in the church school was largely attended and was a decided success. Mr. Wilbur Wynn acted as chairman in the absence of Rev. A. Laing. The kitchen orchestra was the first thing on the program; a piano duet by the Misses Rhoda and Dor­ othy Thompson; a reading by Mrs. Suchard; a piano duet by Grant Mills and Loreen Jacques. A very splendid dialogue “Electing a New President” by eighteen of the young ladies which was quite humorus; solo by Miss Alma Trawaitha; a solo by Mary Urquhart of Kirkton; a number on the accordian by Rhoda Kirkby of Kirkton; a very humor­ ous reading by Miss Rhoda Thomp­ son “Mixed Prescription”;a pleas­ ing solo by Mrs. Leonard Thacker; a number on the violin by Russel Mills; another number by the kit­ chen orchestra; a reading by Mrs. Wilbur Wynm “When my ma uped her hair” which was very good. The National Anthem was served t the sion Circle girls, ed to $26.50. The Young People’s Union will hold a skating party on Thursday evening of this week at Kirkton rink. The Misses Dorothy Thompson and Annie Spence and Billi© Spence visited Sunday last with Mrs. George Wilson. Envelopes were distributed Sun­ day last to collect for the people of China and India who are so in dire, need of food and clothing. The money will be received Sunday, Feb­ ruary 2D th. * 8.1st Birthday Congratulations to Mr. Edward SWitzoL Of Kirkton, who Celebrated his 81st birthday on Fob, 13th With his family at the koine of Mr. and Mrs, Harry Rodd. AU the family were present, except five grand­ sons in the armed forces. To Our Policyholders.... Due to the numerous wartime res­ trictions and in order to use any available time to do special work in the London district we have de­ cided to discontinue our Centralia office, we will continue to service our policyholders in this district from the house Tel. Crediton 30-r-ia We may assure you that with the continuance of the splendid co­ operation you. have given us in the past we will continue to keep your interests our first concern. was sung. Lunch close hy the Mis­ Proceeds amount- C. J. Hennessy Insurance Agency, CENTRALIA, ONT. KIRKTON RED CROSS the ns. try- but will hold a Aberdeen Hall, Kirkton Friday, Feb’y 25th 15 GAMES FOR 25c Good prizes every game, EXTRA GAMES FOR* SPECIAL PRIZES SPECIAL DOOR PRIZE Everybody come and help this worthy cause. All proceeds Will go id th© ; Rod Cross