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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1944-02-10, Page 8
THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY, 10,1944 V’s Beauty Shoppe For Permanents of Lasting Beauty i Epfmb Croquinoie, Combination | MaehJneless j VERA a DECKER Phone 112 Exeter Markets Wheat, si.io Creamery Butter 39c Eggs, A Large 31c Eggs, A Medium 2 9 e Eggs A pullet 23e Eggs, B 28c Eggs, C 23c Dres-ed hugs, SI 6.65 Bonus A &.V0 Georgian Beauty Shoppe (Successor to Marion Pooley) ; Satisfaction Guaranteed | M. Christine McCrae, Prop. | Exeter Phone 245Ii 10 11 Leavitt’s Theatre Exeter Ont. Phone 135 I •ft*.* .iWW ” **>'il,!,W f‘ ,,nft! 1.............................................................. 1 II LOCALS • II l| Mr, Geo. Andrew. of London J Bpent the week-end at his home here J- Mr. S. J. Sweitzer, hobbyist, has “ a wide collection of shells on dxs-L play in the south window of Tra-[ quair’s Hardware. Pte. H. Hockey spent a 48 hour leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. N, Hockey. Harold is transferred from Camp Borden to Toronto. Mr. Gordon Emmett and Miss Ruth Fraser, of London, were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fraser. Mr. Ivan Perkins, of London, spent the week-end at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Perkins. Miss Catherine Armstrong visited in London over the week-end Misses Margaret Allison and ence Southcott. Mrs, Mary MacKenzie and Donald and Mrs. McClure, of field, visited on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. J. H, Harrison. Mrs. Wm. Gardiner, of Meaford, left Wednesday for her home after visiting for two weeks at the home of her brother, Mr. Roy Parsons. At the James Street Sunday School Sunday afternoon, Bob Glad- man played a clarinette solo accom panied on the piano by Dawson Goulding. Mr. Roy Carrick, of the Lake South Huron Ministerial Association Road, who has been employed at the . x „ canning factory for some time, isA most interesting and Informs-. „ dut this week an lnfection five paper on the history and polity I { hand of the Evangelical Church was de livered by Rev. M. E, Reuber, of Crediton, at the February meeting of the South Huron Ministerial As- WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 8 1 night only - 2 features LOCALS ft starring DONALD O’CONNOR ’Raiders of Son Valley’ starring SMILEY BURNETTE THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY Special feature “Corvette K 225 starring RANDOLPH SCOTT, ANDY DEVINE, BARRY FITZGERALD 11 MONDAY AND TUESDAY 2 Features — 2 Nights Only “White Cargo” starring HEDY LAMARR and WALTER PIDGEON “Around the World” starring KAY KYSER, JOAN DAVIS, and the two rookies, WALLY BROWN and ALLAN CARNEY Snell’s Phone 100 I I- ■4 I with Flor- son Bay- Round the Clock Service STEWART’S TAXI Phone 155w Exeter sociation. Tht meeting was held in Trivitt Memorial Parish Hall on Monday afternoon. The work of this church is carried on for the most part among the people of German, descent whose ancesters were peace- loving immigrants from Europe who came to this continent seeking a democracy they knew not at home. The church is American in origin and has no connection with any European church. It was founded by Jacob Albright, of Potsdown, Penn. Albright was converted in 1791 and in his youth was closely associated with the Methodists. The Evangeli cal church is a missionary church and was born for a missionary pur pose rather than for any language or cultural reason declared the speaker. Rev. Irwin, the president, was in charge of the business, while Rev. Hunt conducted a worship period. Mr. W. C. F. Oestricher is in Tor onto attending the annual conven tion of the Ontario Fair Association. Last week it was mentioned that Dr. Steiner was attending this con vention. Dr, Steiner attended a convention of veterinarians.. i I protection for the On profit- thc yearly The Ordinary Life plan creates an immediate estate in event of death and gives the greatest amount of per manent smallest outlay, sharing policies, premiums run from less than 2% at age 20 to about 5% at ago 50, of the capital suin assured. 1 I Herman Hodgson Representative The Canada Life Assurance Company Exeter FRESH FISH WHITE FISH (drawn) COD & HADDOCK FILLETS LAKE SUPERIOR HERRING SALMON STEAKS SMOKED HADDIE JUMBO ICE CREAM EXETER FROZEN EOODS Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Edworthy and Elaine spent Sunday in town. Mrs, Horton returned to Exeter with them after spending two months in Tillsonburg with them. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Triebner and Doreen. Mr. .John Triebner and Mrs. Albert Fahner attended the funeral of the late Mr. James Pomeroy in London on Thursday, January 27th. AC 2. Freeman McGill, of St. Thomas, is visiting for a few days at the home of Mrs. T, McCurdy. He is being posted to Vancouver and leaves this week for that place. | Donna, and Mrs. been seriously ill in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, was operated on the end of last week and is now im proving. Messrs. Donald Traquair, Irvine Armstrong, Melvin Gaiser and Ea ward Schenk were in Toronto Satur day taking in the Toronto-Detroit hockey game at the Maple Leaf Gardens. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Green are in Toronto. Mrs. Green is attending the annual convention of the On tario Fairs Association as a dele gate from the Exeter Agricultural Society. Mr. Kenenth Hockey, of the R.C. N.V.R., Toronto, spent the week-end at his home here. Mrs. Hockey and little daughter accompanied him back to Toronto and will visit with relatives. I Week-end callers at the home of I Eli Coultis were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Doupe and daughter Grace, of Wood ham, Mr. and Mrs, Newton Gunhing, of Granton, and Mr. and Mrs, Fred Lankin, of Blanshard. Douglas, second sort of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Waghorn of Exeter, was taken to the Children’s War Mem orial Hospital, in London, on Satur day of last week and was given a blood transfusion. He remained in the hospital for observation and re turned home Tuesday evening. Mrs. Robert Dinney, Exeter, Master home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gaiser last Saturday. They spent the after noon playing games and. worked up a hearty appetite for hot dogs, ice cream, cocoa and doughnuts. They then returned to Exeter on the air port bus. Mr. Charles Johns had a wood- bee one day last week and cut down two huge trees in front of their residence on Main Street. Those as sisting him were Messrs. Will El- ford, Harry Ford, Phillip Johns, Billy Johns, and Wesley Johns from back on the farm, also two neigh bors Mr, Scott and, Mr. Hogarth. Hug match on Monday evening, Messrs, Elston Horton, Harry Dougal, Winston Shapton, Elmer Rowe, and Roy Walker motored to Toronto iast Saturday spending the week-end there, They witnessed an exciting game of hockey in the Maple Leaf Gardens, also visited points of interest in the city and Niagara Falls, coming back to Lon don whore they took in. the wrest- Striped Flannellettes 36 inches wide 25c, 30c, 35c Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir Leader. Mr. Middlemiss CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Mrs. J. G. Cochrane, Organist a.m.-—Sunday School. a.m.~- Rev. E. Grigg. Evening service is withdrawn. Wednesday, Feb. 9, Mid-Week serv ice in Caven church. r spring NEW New Curtains Pure Linen Good Values at per roll 15c, 20c, 25c to 50c WE SELL WAR SAVINGS STAMPS Buy as Many as You Possibly Can H. vve handle Boxer’s Sunworthy Wallpapers. This season we have a splendid range of patterns and colorings in popular priced papers. Get your papering done early while the paper hangers are not too busy. MAIN 3X UNITED CHURCH = Rev. N. J. Woods, M.A„ Minister ISiD’s, A. y, wilhvnl. Organist i If your hair isn’t becoming to you You should be coming to us. Tomlinson’s QUALITY PERMANENTS Phone 14G Phone 140 EXETER HIGH SCHOOL will be held in the Exeter Arena on Thurs,, Feb, 10 Dancing 9.30 to 12.30 Music will be supplied by Lionel Thornton, and his Casa Royal Orchestra Admission $1.25 a couple; 75c single Refreshments POLICYHOLDERS OF THE METROPOLITAN PLEASE READ Infant daughter el PteJ even If you should Cecil Munroe, who has ”°t,bo a Pobcyholder of the Metro- ■ politan, it will be to your interest to listen in. If you have any kind of inquiry on the subject of life insurance—I represent the Metro politan Life Insurance Company. Your question will be. welcome, and service gladly given. GORDON LAMPORT. Phone 149 Representing Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. MARCH WINDS and CHAPPED HANDS WHAT TO DO? BQBP i Large 44c Bottle , Cub entertained the Cubs at the f Phone Your drugs at ROBERTSON’S 50 Exeter Try our Classifieds—They pay! Valentine BINGO Friday, Feb’y 11th at S. Sft No. 3, Stephen 1 mile West of Exeter 15 rounds free Special rounds Valuable Prizes, Programme and Spelling Match Bring lunch and tea Admission 25c PROCEEDS RED CROSS Come and bflhg youy fflendfl. M. Gliflllan — teashe^ 11 a.m. —- Public Worship and Church School, The Minister. 7 p.m.™Union Evening Service in Main Street—Rev. Woods, ■ Wed. Feb. 9, 8 p.m.—Union Prayer, Service in Caven—Rev. Grigg, Thurs. Feb. 10, 3 p.m.—W.M.S, Mrs. J. Hind’s. Mon. Feb, 14, 7.30 p.m. Main Y.P. in Main Street. Suitable for comforters, gowns, pyjamas. This is scarce merchandise and we would suggest you secure your requirements early. Three qualities at per yard JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev, A. B, Irwin, B.A, W» R. Goulding, A.T.O.M. Organist and Choir Leader . a.m.—Morning Worship. “Work Out Your Salvation.” p.m.—The Church School. p.m.—Service in Main St. Church Rev. N. J, Woods. Tuesday, Feb. 15—Annual Congre gational Meeting, Pot Luck Sup per, 6.30 p.m. 11 7 TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Sexagesima Sunday 11 a.m.—Sunday School. 7 p.m.—Evensong and Sermon. “Personality and Organization’ Thursday, 8 p.m.—Ladies’ Guild and Red Cross at the home of Mrs. Hector Heywood. Wed. Feb. 16—Union prayer serv ice in James Street church. Rev M. A. Hunt speaker. ZION EVANGELICAL CHURCH Crediton M. E. Reuber, B.A., B.D., Minister Mrs. F. W. Morlock, Organist Lawrence A. Wein, Choir Leader 1*0 a.m.—Morning Worship. 11 a.m.—Church School. A, Amy. Supt. 7.3 0 p.m.—Evening Worship. Monday, 8.15—Y.P.M.C. at Mrs. K. Eilb'er’s. Thursday, 8.00—Midweek Service at Parsonage. Friday, 7.15—Jr. League. Friday, 8.00—Sr. League. Welcome a 3 PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE Exeter Revival Church Nelson and William Streets Wednesday, 8.30 p.m., Thursday, p.m. Ladies Missionary meeting,’ Thursday, 8.30 p.m. Evangelistic, Thursday and Friday, 8.30 p.m. Evangelistic} Sunday, 2 p.m. Sun day School, classes for all, Sunday, 3 p.m. Consecration service, 8 p.m. Gospel service. Everyone is cordially invited to attend all of these services. Come on out and see for yourself the Revival is on. H. T. Kendrick, Pastor. The large residence of the lato Dr. J. W. Browning, recently pur chased by Mr. Wm. Sweitzer, of Stephen Township, is being remod elled and fitted up, for apartments. It is expected to be ready about March 1st. Mr. and Mrs. Sweitzer are moving to town and will occupy a part of the dwelling. held Jan. Pot-Luck Supper Caven Presbyterian church their annual meeting Monday, 31st. A pot-luck supper was held at which there was a fair attendance. In the absence of Rev. Mr, Taylor, of Hensall, through illness, the meet ing was presided ovey by Rev, Ern est Grigg in a most efficient manner. The various reports showed the dif ferent organizations to be in a splen did condition. The secretary-treas urer, Mr, Wildman, reported a sub' stantial balance in the treasury. Acknowledgement The Exeter District War Committee acknowledge the receipt of $20.00 from the Caven Presby terian Sunday school for the Greek Fund, ana $10.00 from S, S, No, 6, Stephen Twp,, for the parcel fund for the boys overseas, Timo Mr. G. W. Layton, secretary for the Red Gross, reports the following donations: Uhl’1 17, 4 and 5 Us- borne, $7.70; Caven Unit $2,25; Grand Bend Unit $30,00; S, S, No. 6 Stoplion .$25,00. Curtain Nets The range will not be as large as other years but we have a very fine range of nets, scrims and floral patterns for drapes. Four only pieces of pure linen towelling. They will last only a few days as this is another item that is very scarce. Per yard 59c and 60c Southcott Bros Phone 16 liiiiiiiiiiHiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiN returned home her daughter, of Toronto, and Mrs. Flor- i I l/our Wardrobe Mr. Jack Fraynej of Sarnia, visi ted with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton IFrayne. Mrs, S. Greb has after visiting with Mrs. Victor Payne, Mrs. Wm. Gould ence Gould, have been visiting for a week with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Gould of London. Pte. Gordon Bieber, who was with the Canadian Forces at Kiska, has been visiting for several days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bieber of Hay Twp. Several budgets from our corres pondents have been crowded out this week as well as the reports of several church organizations. Library Board Elects Officers The Library Board held its in augural meeting Saturday evening. The following appointments were made. Chairman, Mr. Victor Kestle; secretary-treasurer, L. M. Jeckell; Book Committee, Mrs. R. N. Creech, Mrs. M. Southcott, Mr. V. Kestle, Mr. Dore and L. M. Jeckell. Maga zine, Mr. V. Kestle, Mr. G. Howard, Mrs. R. N. Creech. Property, Mr. Howard, Mr. Kestle, Mr. Dore, Mr. Tuckey. Librarian, Mrs. M. Gidley. Caretaker, Mr. W. Waering. W.C.T.U. Meeting The January meeting of the W.C. T.U. was held at the home of Mrs. Pybus with a fair attendance. Mrs. Christie presided. Mrs. Miners con ducted the devotional period assis ted by Mrs. Chas. Johns who gave an excellent reading entitled “The Voice in the Twilight”. For the special musical number the hymn “O Master Let Me Walk With Thee” was sung.by all. Rev. .Tas. Anthony, the guest speaker addressed the ladies in a most helpful and prac tical way, stressing the one great, duty of the W.C.T.U. members was to keep on living wholesome and beautiful lives in the midst of all the terror of these days, that over Influence may bring encouragement to those whose minds may have only a spark of hope and Aspiration left, and especially let is remember th© keeping of the Sabbath day as part must than lives of peace, This talk was illustrated by Interesting incidents in the pas- total life of Mr, Anthony, of the wholesome life. We consider it a privelege rather a restriction and so make our guide posts to the better days Phone 81 For the man who plans his wardrobe with a great deal of care and delibera tion we recommend Taman’s clothes. Our custom-tailored clothes give him only the best in men’s apparel, and as he wears them he will want more of Taman’s clothes because he has dis covered that no others give him so much pleasure and satisfaction. W. W. TAMAN Exeter, Ontario Mr. and Mrs. Walter? Hind, of Goderich, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Johns on Wednesday of last week. On IFriday evening of last week a number of relatives and friends were entertained to tea and a pleasant social evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Harrison. The guests included Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Harrison and family and Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Oke and family, of Fullar- ton; Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Harrison, of Hibbert; Mr. and Mrs. Allen Johns, of Elimville; Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Cottle, Mr, and Mrs. Ray Cot tle arid Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cottle and family of Usborne. Fairfield Farm Forum met at the home of Mi’, George Hepburn with 19 members present. The subject for discussion was “The Church and the Rural Community”. The points brought out Were that the ministers are not interested in the farm forum, The young people have drifted away from tile church especially the eve ning services, because of their par ents drifting, because Of other at tractions and because sermons are unrelated to their daily lives, Gam es wore played and lunch served. The next meeting will be held at the homo of Gordon Wilson, Visi tors from other * sections are wel come. Londoners Surprise Newly-weds With Shower Mr. and Mrs. Earl Heywood who spent their honeymoon in Toronto returned last Thursday evening by train, On their arrival in London they were greeted by surprise by a cousin of the groom Ross Stadel- baurer and escorted to the home of Mrs. Dora Stadelbaurer at 827 Dun das St., where many London friends of the bridal couple gathered to honour them on the occasion of their recent wedding. An enjoyable evening was spent playing court whist and singing songs. Before re freshments were served Mr. and Mrs, Heywood were presented with many beautiful gifts. Mt, Heywood spoke on behalf of his wife, words of appreciation and thanks in the kind way their friends in London expressed themselves, Mi*, Art Smith, wireless engineer at Centralia airport for nearly two years has been transferred to .New. Brunswick, and left last Week. Mrs. Smith and daughter Loraine have left for Port Arthur where they will visit with Mrs. Smith’s parents. They have been residing in Mrs. Bedford’s house on William street. Mrs, Smith will be missed in the Anglican church choir, of which she was a member.