HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1944-02-10, Page 5THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY, 10, 1944 JMt s M. Valentin^ in Hensail Town Hall on WED., FEB. 16 Dancing 9.30 to 1,30 l'ED 1>UDNISY’S BAND from London Refreshment Booth Admission $1.25 couple; 75c single. HENSALL Mrs. Lome McNaughton spent the week-end with her daughter, Miss Helen McNaughton in. Toronto. Mrs. Alpine McEwen has accepted a position as bookkeeper at "the produce store of Mr. A. W. Kers- lake, Donlad Mousseau and Lexia Los- tell had their tonsils removed at the office of Dr. D. G. Steer recent­ ly, Mrs. Glenn Bell and Mrs. Wes. Venner visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, Gilbert Johns at Elimville. Th© Exeter-Hensall Branch of the Canadian Legion are sponsoring a Bingo and Dance in the Town Hall on Friday, Feb, 18th. Mrs. Wesley Jones was in London this week attending the “At Home” of the R.C.O.C. of which’ Pte, Wes­ ley Jones is a member. Mr, and Mrs. Don Rigby and Don­ na, of Blenheim, spent the week­ end with Mrs, Rigby’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McQueen. The Wohelo Class of the United Church are holding a Valentine party in .the schoolroom of the church on Friday evening February 11th. Miss Margaret Dougall has been engaged as organist and choir lead­ er of Carmel Presbyterian Church and commenced her duties on Sun­ day. Master Wayne Welsh, son of Mr. and Mrs. Scott Welsh, underwent an operation foi’ the removal of his tonsils at the office of Dr. D, G. Steer last week. Don’t forget the big Valentine Dance in the Town Hall, Hensail, on Wednesday Feb. 16th, when Ted Pudney and his band of London, i will furnish the music, under thel sponsorship of the Girl’s Dance Club. Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Passmore and family visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Passmore and family and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Passmore and son Kenneth Gerald in Delhi. A Farm Machinery School was held in the Town Hall on Tuesday , and Wednesday sponsored by the Agricultural Society under the direc­ tion of Mr. James C. Shearer, rep­ resentative. These meetings were well attended by the local farmers A Valentine party will be held in the school room of Carmel Presby­ terian church on Monday, Feb. 14th, for the Mission Band members and their mothers. A valentine box will be an interesting feature on the pro gram. More and more volunteers are needed at the blood donors clinic . A clinic will be held in Seaforth on Friday, February 18th and anyone wishing to contribute are asked to hand their names to Mr. Stan Tudor chairman of transporation commit­ tee, by Feb. 16th or to Mr. R. H. Middleton and a means of transporta­ tion will be arranged. Euchre Party The members of the Ladies’ Five Hundred Club held a most success­ ful progressive euchre party at the home of Mrs. Catharine Devlin on Wednesday evening, with twelve tables playing. The prizes as follows, ladies’ first prize, Mrs, A. Spencer, consolation, Mrs. Walker Carlisle, lone hands, Mrs. Thos Sherritt. The proceeds amounted to seventeen dollars. The ladies are very grateful to all those contributing to make this splendid amount which will be used to send smokes to our local boys overseas. Sunbeam Mission. Band The February meeting of the Sun­ beam Mission Band was held in the school room of Carmel Presbyterian church on Feb. 6th at 2.30 p.m. The meeting opened by Singing “We’ve a Story to Tell to the Na- tion” followed by the Motto Tpxt and Mission Band prayer. The Scrip­ ture in two parts Acts 10; 35 and Psalm 67 was taken by Claudette Blowes and Mrs. L. Raynham. Fol­ lowing the singing of “Tell Me the Stories of Jesus”, the roll call was answered by thirteen members ana one visitor present, Arrangements were made to hold a Valentine i’ar- ty on Feb, 14th and entertain the Home Helpers. Mrs, Logan gave the story from the Study Book, °Up and Down South America.” Donald Orr led in prayer and Mrs. Orr read a short story from the Glad Tidings. Two verses of “America the Beauti­ ful,” -were sung and the meeting closed with the Lord's Prayer in uni­ son. * Pack 44 Boxes The ladies of the Hensall Insti­ tute and the War Service Commit­ tee, and other willing helpers pack-, ed 44 boxes for the Hensall boys ini service overseas on Friday night, February 4th. The fact that a great many folks throughout Hensall and district' gladly gave of their sugar rations made possible the provision of delicious home-made candy con­ sisting of chocolate and divinity fudge, this splendid work being ac­ complished by Mesdames, Pfaff, I Sherritt, Welsh, Sangster, Beer, Norminton and Hess while other kind friends contributed a lovely variety of cookies. In addition to these items each parcel consited of playing cards cribbage, bars, tobac­ co and cigarettes, gum, soup, milk, chocolate, Kleenex, shaving sticks, an assortment of razor blades, shoe laces, nail brush, As formerly one ladies’ box was packed for Gpl. Helen Bell. Besides the candy and cookies and bars, it contained ar­ ticles suitable foi' a lady in the service. This made the’ total num­ ber of 45 boxes. All shipping charg­ es were borne by the War Service Committee who also are giving the Institute a worthy cash contribu­ tion from their funds towards cov­ ering the cost of the supplies. The five recent arrivals overseas are namely Lieut. Howard Hemphill, Allen Solclan with the R.C.A.F., Pte. Orville and Russel Hedden and Pte. Roy Kyle. CENTRALIA Master Benny Harleton, who has been receiving treatments in Vic­ toria Hospital, London, for the past few weeks, returned home on Thurs­ day. Mrs. Fred Baynham and daughter visited last week with Mr. ’and Mrs. George Baynham. Mrs. Andrew Hicks returned home last week after visiting with her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Sid Henry, at Harriston. Week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harris West were: Cpl. Leslie MacLeod and LAW. Edna Smith, of No. 9 S.F.T.S. Don’t forget the Euchre and Box .social in the school house on Feb. 16. CREDITON EAST Mrs. Racheal Sims, of Exeter, is visiting her son and daughtelr-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Sims. Betty, nine-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bender, was rush­ ed to St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, last Sunday night for a serious op­ eration. We are pleased to report she is getting along nicely. Mr. Wm. Bender spent the week­ end in London. Master Gary Bender is staying at the home of his aunt’ and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Glanville while his mother is in London with his sister Betty. Bray Chick Hatchery Exeter; Phone 246 Agent: Alvin Kerslake, Hensail WOODHAM Miss Alma Trawaitha visited for the week-end at her home at Holmesville. Miss Gladys Shier, of Hespeler, was a week-end guest at the home of her parents, Mi’, and Mrs, Wesley Shier. Pte. Jack Stephens, of Quebec, was a week-end visitor ot his home here. * Miss Florence Kirk spent Satur­ day last in London. Miss Marjory Laing, of Granton, at her home here for the week-end. The Mission Circle will hold a Valentine Concert on Friday even­ ing of this week, A good program is provided and lunch will be served. The W.M.S. met Wednesday after­ noon last at the home of Mrs. Wes­ ley Shier with an attendance of 22, The president, Mrs. Fred Doupe, presided and led in the devotional part of the meeting. The ladies that attended the Perth Presbythrial: Mrs. GeO. Wilson, Mrs. Mervin Cope­ land, Mrs. F. Pattison and Mrs. F. Doupe brought back very interesting add instructive reports and this took up a great deal of time and the regular program whs dispensed with. The president read tile letter from Toronto, tolling of' the great need for the starving Chinese ana,. Indians. Lunch Vas served and ft ‘collection taken up for this cause, and it was decided that the con­ venors of each group collect for this fund at an early date. The meeting was brought to a close as usual. Bingo & Dance will be held in Crediton Town Hall WED,, FEB, 16 SPONSORED BY CREDITON BRANCH OF THIS RED CROSS FREE ROUNDS ... CASH PRIZES Draw for Quilt —NEW AND OLD TIME MUSIC— Admission 25c DASHWOOD A Red Cross Dance will be held in Gossman’s hotel next Wednesday night February 16th. Good music will be provided and everybody is invited to attend, Mr. Vernon Schatz spent a few day in Toronto this week, Mrs. Ness who was visiting In London last week returned home on Sunday. Mr. Harold Kellerman motored to Fergus on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pfile, of Hen­ sall, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Pfile. Dr. and Mrs, Taylor are spending a few days in Toronto this week. The monthly meeting of the Red Cross will be held on Monday eve­ ning February 21st at 8,15 p.m. in the Hotel hall. Pilot Officer W, Mal­ colm of the Centralia Airport will be the special speaker for the meet­ ing. Musical numbers will‘be given by local talent. Be sure and attend this meeting. A silver collection will be received. Huf fman—Gu en th er A quiet wedding was solemnized at Calvary United church parsonage London on Tuesday, January 25th, 1944, when Rose Cathern, daugh­ ter of Mrs. Charles Guenther and the late Charles Guenther, of- Dash­ wood, became the bride of Sgt. Air Gunner Jack Huffman, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Huffman} of Port Colborne. We extend congratula­ tions. Ladies’ Aid and W.O. The regular monthly meeting of the Ladies’ Aid and W.M.S. was held at the home of Mrs. D. Weber. The Spiritual Life Committee had charge of the meeting which open­ ed with a hymn followed by prayer by Mrs. M. Haugh. The Scripture was read responsively by Mrs. C. Snell and Mrs. G. Wildfong; A piano duet was played by Mrs. J. M. Tie­ man and Mrs. M. Klump. Mrs. Geo. Link gave an interesting talk on the Study Book after which Mrs Becker led in prayer for the Mis­ sionary’s. The president Mrs. C. Becker then took charge of the business, the officers gave their re­ ports. Six quilts were quilted dur­ ing the month and there were 14 sick visits made and 7 dainties sent to the sick and shut-ins. It was de­ cided to observe the World’s Day of Prayer February 25th in the church basement to which the en­ tire community is invited. A special sacrificial offering was receive, d which amounted to $3.45. Self De­ nial week was observed and a spe­ cial program was carried out in the Sunday evening service when the self denial offering amounted to $20.00. The hostess then served a dainty lunch and a hearty Vote of thanks was given her for the use of her home. KHIVA Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stade and Mel­ vin attended the funeral of the late Jack Hopkins at St. Thomas 011 Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Bell, of Hen­ sall, visited on Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Clement McCann and family and Mr. apd Mrs. Earl Dietrich spent Sunday with rela­ tives near Zurich. CREDITON Mrs. Martin Morlocfc and Mrs, Henry Quehl, of Kitchener, visited with Mr. and Mrs. H. F» Young,, last week-end, Eugene IFinkbeiner, R.C.N.V.R., of Toronto, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr, and Mrs, Joe Fink- beiner. The Stephen Township Council purchased four car-load of birch wood and have ordered seven,^more. Practically all of this has been sold. This will sure help out the fuel shortage, The school held a salvage drive last Monday and collected a very good amount of paper. A future paper drive will be held later. Ladies Aid and W.M.S. Meet The Ladies Aid and W.M.S, of the Evangelical Church met at the home of Mrs, H. K. Eilber on Wed­ nesday afternoon, January 27, with twenty-six members and visitors in attendance, Mrs, Dan Finkbeiner presided for the devotional period and opened the mteting with the Be” followed by prayer. Mrs. C. Haist read the Scripture Lesson and several of the ladies gave responses on the theme of the month “Stewardship and Self-denial", Mrs. Royal Gaiser gave a report of the Good Cheer Committee for 1943. Mrs. H. M. Faist gave the Red Cross report. Mrs. Freeman Morlock was appointed 4th vice president and assistant treasurer of the W.M.S. It was decided to donate $10 to the War Services Committee of Ex­ eter and $10 to the Red Cross sew­ ing group of the Ladies Aid. Mrs. D. Finkbeiner and Mrs. A. Amy were chosen to meet with the com­ mittee of the United Church to plan for the World’s Day of Prayer ser­ vice to be held in the Evangelical Church on Friday afternoon, Feb­ ruary 25th, at 3. p.m. The presi­ dent announced that a Mission Band had been organized with Mrs. Em­ mery Fahrner as secretary. Four new members were welcomed to the society. Mrs. Clayton Sims read letters of greetings from Mrs. Stamm, president of the W.M.S. of the Evangelical Church and Mrs. J. B. Showers, president of the W.M.S. of the United Brethren Church on the proposed Union of these two churches. Mrs. M. E. Reuber gave a splendid review of Capter five of the Study Book “For All of Life”. A hymn, was sung and a social half hour was enjoyed. A motion of appreciation was ex­ tended to the hostess and the -com­ mittee in charge. The Woman’s Association of Crediton United Church will con­ vene in the home of Mrs. J. Wood- all on Thursday afternoon at 2.30. A full attendance is desired. On Friday evening at 8 o’clock a social evening under the auspices of the Sunday school will be held in the church parlors to take the form of a crokinole party. Refresh­ ments will be served and a time of good fellowship is guaranteed. Don’t forget that neighbor of yours, pass the word along. Next Lord’s Dly services will be conducted at Shipka, Brinsley and Crediton at the usual hours, grace the family pew with your presence and remember the claims of the Sun­ day school upon you and upon your children. The superintendents and teachers depend so much upon your loyalty in terms of your attendance. We are glad to hear that Mrs. Jack Hodgson, nee Marian Morley, is home again after a sojourn in St. Joseph’s Hospital, . London. Her many friends wish her an early re­ covery. The Rev. John B. Moore, B.A.. minister of Milton United Church was a visitor to the United church parsonage, Crediton Saturday after having visited former Parishioners at Grand Bend. He later left for London to occupy the pulpit of Grace United Church on Sunday morning the occasion being the un­ veiling of the Honor Roll. Mr. Moore served this congregation for two years. ...Chick Starter Season is Here Again SHUR-GAIN CHICK STARTER HAS ALL THE INGREDIENTS TO MAKE STRONG, VIGOROUS CHICKS. ••• OUR STOCKS ARE ALWAYS FRESH AND HENCE ARE VERY PALATABLE. WE HAVE ALWAYS A GOOD SUPPLY OF SHUR-GAIN EGMAKER AND HOG CONCENTRATE ON HAND. TO GET THE BENEFIT OF THE EXTRA PREMIUMS ON GRADE A HOGS FEED HOG CONCENTRATE. We have Feed for Every Purpose and you will find the prices right. For Chicks and Hens:For Hogs: 18% 18% 15% 18% LAYING MASH CHICK STARTER GROWING MASH HATCHING MASH For Turkeys: 18% HATCHING MASH To Our Policyholders.... Duo to the iiuuici'oiis wartime res­ trictions and in order to use any available time to do special work in the London district We have de­ cided to discontinue onr Centralia office, wo Will continue to service Olli' policyholders in this distidet front tlio house Tel. Crediton’ 30-1-12 We may assure you that with the continuance of the splendid co­ operation you have given US hi the past WO Will continue to keep your interests our first concern. C. J. Hennessy Insurance Agency, CENTRALIA, ONT, BRINSLEY The Brinsley community in par­ ticular and the Crediton charge in general was plunged into gloom up­ on the receipt of the news of the tragic and lamented passing of John Walker Hawkey, late son of Mrs. James Dixon. In the pursuit of duty this young life surrendered itself having experienced only twenty- tliree summers. To Mrs. Dixon the sympathy of the minister Rev, Law­ rence H. Turner, and her innumer­ able friends is tendered. A memor­ ial service Will be held in Brinsley United Church on Sunday, Feb­ ruary 20, nt 2.30 pan. conducted by the minister. The Ladies* Aid and W.M.S. held their monthly meeting on Wednes­ day last at the home of Mrs. Thos. Lee with group I In charge, Mr. and Mrs, Levi White enter­ tained a number of their friends to a progressive duolire party on Thursday evening last. The Ladies’ high score was won by Mrs, Luther Morley with .112 points and the Ladies’ low being won oy Mrs. Bean White with 69 points. Gent’s high score went to Ted Hotson with 112 points and the low Score to Jim 18% PIG STARTER 15% SOW CONCENTRATE 15% HOG GROWER For Cattle: 25% 16% 30% 30% CALF MEAL DAIRY RATION DAIRY CONCENTRATE BEEF MAKER CONCENTRATE SHUR-GAIN SERVICE MILLS CANN & SONS T. B. ALLEN LACKIE BROS Exeter Farquhar Whalen 11IIII111 il 111HII8 S 81 a IIIIU Farquhar [f IKS Morley with 89 points. Lunch was served by the hostess. Mr, Norman Amos, of Guelph, and Mrs. John Schofield, of Park­ hill, spent Sunday with their father, Mr. J. L. Amos. Mr. John R. Corbett spent last week with his niece, Mrs. Ken -Kuhn, of Crediton, Mr. J. L. Amos spent last week with his broxher-m-iaw, Mr. Arcnie Webb, of London. Mrs. Cecil Ellwood is confined to her home with the flu. Little Phyllis Hodgins who was confined to St. Joseph’s Hospital. London, returned Home on Monday Mrs. Dean White has been spend­ ing some time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Dixon. Mr. and Mrs- Lon Hodgins, Mr. and Mrs. Lin Craven spent Friday evening last with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Watson, of Haig Farms. We are sorry to know that Mr. Wm. Morley is still confined to his bed, I-Iis many friends will be glaa to see him around again. Mrs. Jack Hodgson returned home from St. Joseph’s Hospital last week. will be held in Gossman’s Hall, DASHWOOD WED., February 16 Good music. Admission 35c * THE ARMED FORCES —with responsi­ bility for training and supply, for troop move­ ments, for operations on land, air and ocean battlefronts. YOU —depending on your telephone for quick* essential communication at work and at home. PRODUCTION MEN—keeping in con­ stant touch with sources of raw materials, sup­ pliers of parts, government and military authorities. GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS-in touch with every phase of our production and mili­ tary program — with foreign governments — : with national and international war agencies. ___ Manager. 1' . Sil i ' foreverybody ' “,4 |||| telephone lines ,can carry tins wartime load only if we all use existing facilities Sparingly, and keep our calls iust as short and business-like as we can. Additional equipment is severely limited by material shortages; co-operation must take the place of construction if essential calls are to go through promptly. • Buy War Savings Stamps and Certificates Regulariy. & F* ROLFE,