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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1944-02-10, Page 4
TUV T! Farmers! Attention! THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY, IQ, 1944 M Our estimated number pf chicks fpr this season ■will be *2 million. However, we are sorry' to report we have very little tp offer in baby chicks until about the 3rd. week in May* We can, however, supply some Hybrid cockerels for February and March -delivery. We also have several hundred 2 -and 3 week old Hybrid chicks and pullets- on hand,. Act quickly unless yop .have your requirements on order. OAC STARTER ON HAND AT ALL TIMES We have used this starter for 5 years with good results. A LIMITED SUPPLY OF PEAT MOSS ON HAND. Wein Bros.Phone 78 'H™A' BIRTHS and Mrs. Of -H'~ r- a EXETER COUNCIL fro:■ge THAMES ROAD | ...... ............. G S. Glen BaC.antyne, of Deep-.- in<5 thoibnwk, Nora Scotia, is spending aj^Cann,nfe fleare nt bis home. | I We are glad tn report that Mr»| |B. Williams who is confined to Msj I bed, is improving nicely. I * ■ Miss June Bierlfsg, of Exeter, | . spent the week-end with Miss deani >j€ann. . ■ - . I ■ Miss Margaret Rundle- of Exeter J il spent the week-end with Miss Ledsjl ■LF^rd- I - Miss Mary -Gardiner motored to| ! Toronto en Thursday, visited with- ; her brother Bert, and returned Sun- •day afternoon. | The Farm. Forums ' met at ; following places Monday night: ■ homes of Mr. and Mrs. William ford. Rev. and Mrs. Wm. Mair, Mr J and Mrs. Jack Hodgert, Exeter, and . Lumley -Sehol House. AU Forums J report a goad attendance. h ACS. Edwin Miller returned to' Manning Paol Friday of last spending a few’ days is home. ice vs and teacher? of the v the manse last AVednes- Basiness and program ,e year was discussed, are serry ‘o- report that Mrs. 'onfined to her bed. ds hope she will SPORTS By ‘'SCOOP" & we--k after leave a: hi; The off:: S.S. met ar day 4? V, He we w- K i Fliers Get Close Victory From Seaforth By tossing in two goals in the Mast; four minutes of play the Fly- igrs broke a 5-5 deadlock to snatch »a elose victor?' from the Seaforth the jt Beavers at rhe Exeter Arena Thurs- the| EL^ met at the home Percy Passmore be Of ; §44, io Mr. sad Mvs a ? Alex. M - - Elds R«SS’.‘ MILLER—At Dashwood. ?© Mr. as a son. : February 6. 1?44. Mrs. Edwin Mi ler. € Those taking par. were Billie Rohde. Arnold Cann, Mary Passmore and hi. gave the topic. Next meeting e held in the church basement: Classified Directory THERE’S NO DEAD HEAPS HERE—EVERY WANT AP WORKS HARD FOR SALE FOR SALE—First class no barb | seed barley, Apply kj Sam Johns, I R.R. i, Woodham. 3,10*1 FOR SALE—Apple butter by the gal- lop. Apply S. J. V. Cann, Main St. Phone 130, tfcl I „ .1,.. , - WANTED Leader Church, Warren credentials, G. C. Koch, Exeter, WANTED auction sales TINNEY—At -GofboM's Hespital on Tuesday. February §•. 1&44. to Mr. and Mrs. Ja?k Tinney, of Hay a daughter. ,%.,o DEATHS DAUNCEY__Zu Luc February 1944. Levina. ZsvbS daughter ©f the late and Mrs. Kessel Daun;ey. m S&7h year. Sunday, be- Mr .rklan 3 is many frit- soon. The Y.P.U. Mr. and Mrs. Friday evening with a good attend- The president, Arnold Cann, was in charge. ;n the program. Marion Hodsert. Borland. Alice Mair w:L % Friday evening Feb. llih in the form of a Valentine Box Social. The hostess, Mrs. Passmore, served a very dainty lunch, and a social time was enjoyed by all. Church services ©n Sunday are at the usual hoar. Sunday Senov 1 ,-.15 a.m.. and church at 11.15 a.m. CARDS OF THANKS at of wishes to- thanks to he tires and nri remembered I and cards dur oded by Bierliug Library be the IN MEMORLAM 4 of Cnunrill&rs D: County cf Hr Sli 25: Huron 1 for office. Narrv phone ri Times-Advocate, port- printing i Jeckell. Library BOARD OF EDUCATION Rus- re- page few supplies were x.eeSe-3. Per. 3. N. W:".:g ar. 5 R, E, sell adopt:on of the two school ports. Supplies to he jroc-ured. High- School Inspectors’ report was read and discussed, ■Per.-.Mrs. Beavers and E. R. Ru«- eB That Fee fe? Memberhip $5.45 be sent by secretary to the Ontario School Trustees Association. Per. 3. N. W'illfs and H. W. Whyte payment of following attnunt.?.. Canada Packers Co,, supplies $1.75: London Cleaners’ Co., supplies S&.97: Cooks Grocery, supplies $3.v6: Frank Coates, supplies $7..53: Tra quair’s. B. w. F. Beavers. $17.33: W. C. A'liscn. $23.25: E. Lindenfield. Brownings. $1.65; Times-Advo7-atet SITj’ri: Grigg Stationary, $31.98: Huron Lumber Co., $14.15. Per J. N»- Willis, adjournment. K. M, MacFaul, secretary XBBE -— Organist and Choir for James Street United Exeter. Three manual Pipe Organ. Apply, with stating salary, to 10c AUCTION SALE OF CHATTELS The undersigned has received in* structions to sell by public auction in Exeter North, on Saturday, February 12th, at 1.30 p.m., the following: Good driving horse; buggy; cut ter; light wagon; scuffler; set of harrows; onion sower; wooden rake; single harness; double harness; halters; horse collar; barley fork; wheel barrow; shovels; step-ladder; bags; 2 ripsaw; sledge; chains; feed box; water cans for chickens; horse blankets; ladder; boxes; bar rels; and many other articles. TERMS—CASH MRS, WILLIAM BRICKWOOD, Proprietress, FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer. day night of last week. I Around a thousand fans turned | out to lend a gaze at the get to-1 geiher of this pair and although the iee was soft it was the best rilt of| the three games played at the local arena. Carnegie and Macey Score Three Carnegie and Macey were the leading goal-getter? for each team, ■both canning three markers. They were the teams* b<?’ dangerous all ever..n airmen plenty of tr. the Flyers Macey By did he scare nt. ■ ba: he was sharing, Hi- firs: goal, in ’ • Piet are play. Seaforth drew ri.'-t blood when‘|EOR RENT—Furnished rooms. Ap- Carnegie scored h:> number one but ere the period w.^s ended Baanall squared this up. The boys from Number 9 whipped in three more in the second beftre their oppon ents retaliated. M?. ey scored the first on a play wiri. Forsythe and it was a beauty. Hawkes sandwich-1 &d in one before Ma ey scored his second to make it four to 1. Sea forth kept charging and Farmer McFadden popped 'h- twine Shaw added another to the count, making it Seaforth Ties Count Carnegie scored two in a row in the third to tie the count but the > Airmen decided the issue by bang- j ing two goals to ri::; L the verdict. !e-hresker and (■ I ■! I ■i ! ! WANTED—Will buy an unlimited number of aged horses, heavy or light. F. Taylor, Exeter. tfm FOR SALE—Holstein cow, springer, good condition, right in her udil-| er, $110.00. Apply Roger A J Brown (on highway near Cen tralia), 10*| FOR SALE—Jersey heifer about d| years old. bred. G. Barkner J WANTED—A. York hog around six Exeter P.O. 10c ‘ ‘II I i WANTED—A model T 1927 Ford, in good condition, Apply at Tiines-Advocate, 10 * FOR RENTCarnegie was and gave the While for; for RENT—»J miles east of Exeter, nice brick cottage, hard water on tap. W. C. Pearce, Exeter, or Ir vine Gowan. Woodham, R. R. 1 27ptfe ops. Not on.-1 ulf the goals* "d all night. | ■-.riar. was ! i I II ! i I STRAYED—A goose with white’ breast and a heavy cord tied tq one leg strayed from a farm on the fifth concession of Usborne. Finder please phone 44r8 Kirk-s ton. 10c | ply Times-Advoeate.10c STRAYED months old. Apply to Ernest Thompson, Parkhill, R.R. No. 8. Phone 605-13. l‘O* TO LET TO LET—A well bred York sow’ to let on shares, select type. Apply to Tiines-Advocate. HP REAL ESTATE FOR SALE—Frame house, electric ity, hard and soft water, barn 4J acres. W. C. Pearce, Exeter. 10c FOR SALE—Comfortable cottage in Exeter. Finished like new. Several other houses. C, V. Pick ard. scythes; barb wire; robe;, hand saw; axes; buck saw, planes; 2 picks;, logging square; tools of all kinds; CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, * FEED AND FURNITURE ! twice. | Fliers j ? RHEUMATIC PAIN, Sciatica, Lum- ] ibago quickly relieved by using RUM-3 jACAPS. Recommended by thousands ) ’ who have gained better health.! , Robertson’s Drug Store. ; I" ; “ ~ | FOR SALE—Frame house and lot in village of Crediton, lot No 164 eon. 5. House in good shape, new roof on south side, hard and soft water inside, no reasonable offer refused. For further information apply to J. M. Neil, 753 Dundas St. London. 27,3,10.c PERSONAL FOR SALE—100 acres. Comfort able house and good barn. Land in best of condition. 22 acres uf fall wheat, 30 and red clover. and two small Pickard, phone acres of alfalfa Also other farms acreages. C. V. 165 Exeter.ELIMVILLE W. H. Dickey and Mary Lucille J Mecey getting th. the week-end in St. Thomas. 3 Forsythe made it ■■ertain when he ~ ' scored from a long shot off the - left boards. Seaforth—Goal, T-r-herty; defence. Hildebrand, Nichol? "a; centre. R. . MeFaddin; wings. Wriit. Carnegie:; alternates. A. Me” :c:n.* Beltz. , Eveter-—Goal. T"->unz: defence. Webb. Wright: -n*re. Bradley; ■wings, Forsythe, Matey: alternates. . Elwin, Shaw. Hawkes. Brown. Bag- spent Mr. and Mrs. Newman Baker were visitors at Mr. H. Fords last Friday. Mr. Benson Williams is confined to his bed suffering from a heart endiiion hu: is- improving. fhe Farm Forum met at Mr. Elfords on Monday evening rwemy-sne in attendance. The for discussion was “The €b Hural Comm' was played followed by lunch. Next week they will meet at Mr. Howard Johns’. Mrs. Alec MeFalls. of Exeter, is visiting her sister Mrs. Wes. Horne this week. Mr. Billy Brock, of Crumlin. visi ted friends and relatives in i lage on Saturday last, his : Mrs. John Brock has been : -■.me N-w Tears. A number of friends of Wren, Margaret Jaques who Halifax on leave were at Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jaques Monday night of this week. Better digestion means greater pep | Take Page-Griffiths BETAMIN; IB-Complex] tablets once a day, j ROBERTSON’S DRUG STORE •’ I Will with suh- was “'The Church titles’*. Lost heir PILES i Sufferers of bleeding and pro tr u d ing piles should know Bunkers Herbal Pills treat the cause at its source. Money back if the first bottle does not satisfy. Buy from your druggist. TENDERS WANTED cattle, 950 lbs, each; Polled Angus Bull, 2 Holstein Heifers rising 4 young Polled Angus hogs weighing 170 8 weeks old; 3 brood W. E. Nairn, auctioneer, will sell by public auction on Lot 20, Con. 12, Hibbert, 2i miles south and west of Cromarty THURSDAY, FEB. 24th, 1944 commencing at 1 o'clock sharp the following: HORSES—Black Pereheron mare, rising 5 years old, Black Pereheron gelding, rising 5 years old. CATTLE.__3 Holstein cows, fresh; 5 Holstein cows, due in March and April; 2 Holstein Heifers, due in April; 2 fat 1 pure bre’d years old; 5 1 year old; calves. HOGS—25 lbs; 12 pigs, sows due in February, FOWL—70 New Hampshire cross pullets; colony house 11x12 feet; 3 shelters. HAY AND GRAIN—Quantity of clover hay; quantity of mixed grain. IMPLEMENTS—Ford tractor on rubber, plow and cultivator, Massey- Harris binder, 6 foot cut, sheaf car rier and truck; Massey-Harris mow er, 6 foot cut; steel hay rake; Mas sey-Harris seed drill, fertilizer at tachment; double disc; set of iron harrows; walking plow; corn cul tivator; manure spreader; grain grinder, 11-inch mill type with jack; set of sleighs; % wagon; set of trucks; flat rack; cutter; buggy; cart; DeLaval cream separator; milk pails; set of scales; car, rope, slings, pulleys; set of team harness; honey extractor, 3 colonies bees and bee hives: sap pan, buckets and spiles; grain bag, sacks; forks, hoes,, shovels and a host of small articles; also a quantity of furniture. Posi tively no reserve; the farm is sold. I Referee—Star. Smith. Stratford.: Summary First Period 1— Exeter. Bagnall IHawkes) 2— Seaforth. Carnegie Parables: Macey. Second Period 3— Exeter. Matey. I Forsythe! 4— -Exeter. Hawkes 5— -Exeter. Macey iWrighii 6— Seaforth. R. McFaddin < Carnegie * 7— Seaforth. R. McFaddin S—Exeter. Shaw Penalties: Shaw, Wright. A. Faddin. Third Period 9— Seaforth. Carnegie 10— Seaforth. Carnegie 11— Exeter. Macey (Forsythe> 2 2—Exeter. Forsythe Penalties: Hildebrand. S* - ■?? . a; THIS N‘ THAT—It was a ’ lot of hockey players that skated was flying as per usual. His first Kerslake. - off the ice f-ame the fr ‘ ‘ — .. . . MISCELLANEOUS TOWNSHIP OF McGILLIVRAY the vii-’ mother, j in Galli :s home from entertained i 03 : i The Thames Road Farmer’s Club • are taking orders for fish, salmon. ■ whitefish- herring and cod fillets. I P. Passmore, Secy. ;! The Thames Road Farmers’ Club J are booking orders for a car of Western wheat, a car of Western | barley and Co-op. feed. * Mc- There’s no dead heads here— every Want Ad works hard. Tenders, plainly marked tenders, will be received by the undersigned not later than twelve o’clock noon, March 4, 1944, for the hauling of 5.500 yards of pit run gravel more or less, on a flat rate per yard. Grav el to be hauled in June, September or October on roads designated by the Road Superintendent. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accep ted. The contractor securing con tract must deposit a marked cheque for $250.00 with the Township treasurer. Fred J. Neil, Road Supt., Ailsa Craig, R. R. 3, Ont. 10:17c INSURANCE COMPANY HOLDS ANNUAL MEETING ZION Mr. and Mrs. Milne Pullen. Danald. of with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kerslake othy spent several days < Shaw Whips in Five 1 Shaw was the big gun. whipping An five nice markers to top off a ;j fine evening’s performance. The ! old rubber certainly gets around > once -George gets his stick on it. tired j Macey garnered three. The Hub and 1 Whalen, spent Sunday' Mrs. Norman Brock. I and Dor-. with 'Sir. J (Continued from page 1) president, being elected by the Board w this position one year ago. I am pleased to occupy this position j ; because my Grandfather the lateT . Inal whistle, j goal with Forsythe was the best.«Robert Gardiner, was the first presi- juan uux. . jjrs. Howard Kerslake and; The Seaforth gang especially show- ! of ;he evening as the two of them i^ent. ail{j 0Ee of the men who heln- L Dorothy, of Exeter, visited with Mr J ed a lot of stamina as they were j J---- -- jSedond line for the visitors might j have meant a lot. The soft ice made'; it hard to control the old rubber ■ and golf was in evidence at times. I Macey was really on the beam. Not i only did he whip in three goals to ij do the hat trick but Hub was doing i a lot of low flying alright. He cer- tainly poured on the coal when he 'outskated Alhie McFadden on his I first goal. iX sp ^*e heard several fans comment day*with\S-Tand Mrs.^Tom"Hern.?oa shaw’« stick-handling, even on the soft ice he was able to carry the f disc ■(his | the ? gets 5: River Mr. and Mrs. Charles ■and Mrs, Ross Hern on Wednesday.; carrying but two • The Congregational meeting was ij ‘held on Wednesday evening with, aj | large attendance. ; Farm Forum met in the school ■on Monday night with a good at- ;tendance. After the -discussion, pro- ’ gressive crokinole was enjoyed by alL __ __ WREN. Margaret Jaques is spend- ; nice’'to Mr. Harry SUnlake?son of ’ a daT£ leave with Mr. and \ Mr. and Mrs. Silas Stanlake, Exeter,; Mr.?. Norman Jaques. the marriage to take place the lat- i Mrs. Elgin Hern, and. ter part of this month * fttmily, of London, visited on Sun- Mr. and. Mrs. Roy Stauffer, Bright. ■ announce the engagement -of their i eldest daughter, Martha Bfelle Ber-j INSULATE A Red Cross meeting was held. J on Thursday when the following ;1 officers were elected for the year; j President. Mrs. Harold Hern; Viee- | President. Mrs. Wes. Jaques ! Trees.. Mrs. Angus Earl; Knitting, ■■Committee, Mrs. Wellington BrockJ | Mrs, Wes. Jaques; Sewing Commit-1 Sec.- around as If it were glued to stick. It takes a lot to Stop Flyers centre player when he a hold of the puck. * % #' * new face on the Fliers’ line-up that of Bagnall. The ne.w-wing- a good game despite TERMS—CASH "WM, DINNIN, Proprietor Cromarty. W. E. Nairn, Auctioneer, SAVE FUEL AND HELP THE WAR EFFORT JUST ARRIVED ANOTHER CAR OF ROCK WOOL INSULATION PAPER PACKED BATTS EASY TO HANDLE, EASY TO LAY GET YOUR ORDERS IN WHILE IT LASTS. HURON LUMBER CO. Exeter, Ontario I A was er turned in „ ____ ___|tee, Mrs. Warren Brock. Mrs. Jamesrthe fact that this was the first time j Earl; Quilt Committee, Mrs. Mel. j | Hern. Mrs. Milton Brock, Mrs. | mates. I Lloyd Hern. Miss Mary Herbert; scored ■Committee for packing boxes, Mrs.! j Harold Hern, ’Mrs; Allan Jaques,« ’U*# L* Hern. Mr?, .-a-n Bowen.1 Exeter to acquaint'd with his team- Hawke? and Shaw. Bagnall the airman’s first goal. game to be played in next next will be with Goderich I The following articles were sent; Tuesday, | out for the Red Cross during‘1943: ; f 12 men’s shirts; 2 pairs boys i I knickers; 3 boys’ sweaters; 1 pair! J bpy'■>£jn*si 4 girl’s sweaters; 4- ; boy’s blouses 2 boy’s units; 6 ladies straight Tuesday night by trimm- ,i nightgowns; 11 pair ladies knickers; ing the Clinton Radio School 15-9 13 pair ladies bloomers: 7 slips; 4Jia Clinton. It was a fast wide-open (-■gas masks; 2 mattress covers; 3’affair. For two periods Dagley. pair men’s pyjamas; 4 girl’s dress-j Spraga. Hardy and company gave es; 9 turtle-neck sweaters; 2' round-1 our defence plenty of trouble with neck sweaters; V-iieck sweaters; ■ their passing plays and Young was ,2 pair gloves; ■& pair mitts; 7 aero| called upon several times to make leaps; .2 alt. caps; 3 helmets; 4 T.jsome fine saves especially in the peck tssek-ias; 9 quilts, kirst. ■I j Fliers Win at Clinton The Flyers won their sixth streaked down to split the defence; jay foundations of this now and beat McKenzie. Brown r ” ’ Huile each scored twice, while Brad-5 ly, Elwin and Forsythe, * ’ ’ singles. Hawkes and Macey Lead In the six games played to date Macey and Hawkes lead the scoring parade. Both have fourteen goals to their credit. Shaw’s five boosted his count to thirteen. Even Cliff Young is figuring in on the scoring getting an assist on Shaw’s second goal. ■For Clinton Dagley hit the twine for three. Carter whipped in two and Ferguson. Moffat. Mockler and Hardy each got one. While he got hut one counter Hardy was prob ably Clinton’s best. The Flyers widened their lead in leach period. Clinton scored the first goal, hut came the end of the stanza the Flyers had gone a one goal lead 4-3. Clinton got the equal izer early in the second but the Flyers whipped in four to their opponents two, making it 8-5. tn the third the Flyers got seven while, Clinton potted four, A scrap in the third excitement. Nearly all ers got in on it and Snraga ivere banished over. There were eleven handed out altogether. Exeter—Goal, Young; Wright and Webb; centre, wings, Forsythe and Macey; nates, nal and Brown. Clinton—Goal, MacKehzie; de fence, Moffat and Ferguson; centre, Hardy; Wings, Sprage and Ldgley; alternates, Craig, Turgeon, Arm strong, Carter, Fry and. Mockler. Referee— Gordon Muir, Seaforth, j ROBERTSON’S CONDITION POWDERand j large and prosperous Company. i The year 1943 has been a favor- each got j able one for the Company, and we ! are particularly glad to report that pur losses have been light, amount- j ting to $8177.30. W’e are grateful ’ to the policy holders for the care ’ they have taken in preventing fires. ■ We have had only one barn burned and one bouse. The most of our losses have been due to lightning. One fire, that being the barn burn ed is listed as cause unknown. This might have been placed as an in cendiary fire. You have noticed the amount of insurance has increased by $761,S20 This is due mostly to the extra amount of insurance placed household contents, produce, live stock. The agents materially increased the insurance on buildings, there have been some creases here. W*e have tried during the year to settle all claims fairly and. according to our rules and by-laws. The high est amount paid for any horse was $150. and for any cow $140. Because of the light losses we have been able to add to our sur plus $13,283 besides paying the agents the. full fees for renewing the expiring policies. tVe are justly proud of our officers and agents for their careful work during the past, and of our policy holders for preventing fires. We trust the year 1944 will be as successful and that each policy holder will take still greater pre cautions aftd further reduce bur fire losses. Repair faulty chimneys, pip- j es and heating equipment 7 .1 ______ ___ over the outbuildings, replace de- get things tmt Sf my" husbaud?’ 3 lbs. — $1.00 9 lbs. — $2.45 Guaranteed no Filler Results considered, you will find this powder unequalled as a tonic for all farm stock Your Drugs at ROBERTSON’S Phone 50 Exeter on and have not amount of although slight in- fective wiring, operate gas engines, trucks and tractors with great care. Let each individual become a Fire- Warden around his own property, and may each member be loyal to his own Company. We have invested this year from our surplus $9,000 in Victory Loans- and have made gifts of $200 to the Navy League of Canada and $300. for British Relief. Result 15-3. added to the of the play- Bagnall and when it was penalties defence, Bradley; alter- Elwin. Shaw, Hawkes, Bag- Woodham’s Oldest Rreaidont Mrs, John Morley celebrated, her 85th birthday on Thursday, January 27. She had as her guests for the day Mr, and Mrs. Pym of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Squire line, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson of Exeter, Mr, and Mrs. Morley of Granton. still quite smart and we wish many more happy birthdays, Mrs. Duff: “i always feel lots ter after a good cry," Mrs. Lawrence: "So do I, It Exeter,, of Sth Morley, Delbert Mrs, Morley is. - ... —1 her bot- . .. sort of gets things out of my system.'1 Mrs. Duff; “No, it doesn’t get Look I things out of my system, but it docs-