The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1944-01-27, Page 4THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 27, 1944 stock taking sale The writer scoured the markets last week and did not return empty handed. Listed below are items especially purchased to run in with our regular stock for this event. ANOTHER 12 DOZ. SHEER AND SERVICE WRIGHT FULL FASHIONED HOSE These are slight rejects from a nationally known mill runs—32-ineh lengths Don’t miss these this time, 59c a pair NEW ARRIVALS---Young Ladies' Low and Cuban Heel Oxfords, landers. Casuals, Espectrilles. AA to D Fittings, Sizes 3 to 9 Men’s Laced Lwnbevmnns MEN’S BOOTS $1.99 $2,25 with insoles with insoles 150 pairs We have a surplus of WOMEN’S SHOES Kiddies* Laced Rubber Shoes Small sizes Sizes 5, 0, 7 up to 1OJ Some large sizes In AA and A widths, tied up on tables in the South Store, Stock-taking nearanve AXany old stock in this lot. Just the tiring to guard against colds this sloppy weather. $1.00 pr.98c pr. only 'THAMES ROAD AC2. Allison Morgan, of Alauxdng Pool, Toronto, spent the week-end. at his home before leaving for his new station at Kingston. LAC. Bob McCurdy, of Toronto, spent the week-end with ids parents. Word, has been received by his parents that AC2. Edwin Miller, of Manning Pool, was admitted, to Christie Street Hospital last Thurs­ day where he underwent a tonsil operation. His friends wish him a speedy ypeovery, Several of the men folk from this< community and Exeter enjoyed a rabbit hunt last Wednesday after­ noon, Some 140 jacks were bagged. Miss Thelma Parker, of London, spent the week-end at her home. Mr. and Airs. Norman, Wilmer Sunday with Air. ques, Cromarty. Air. and Airs, daughter, Carol, visited with Air, land on Sunday. Jack Borland, Aiac Hodgert, Bob Simpson and Allen Coward, of Kitchener, spent the week-end with their parents, The Farm Forums were held at the following places Alonday night: the homes of Mr. and Airs. Lewis Johns, Air. and Mrs, Thos. Ballan- tyne, Air. and Airs. N. Passmore and Lumley School House. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ford spent Alonday with Mr, and Mrs. Frank­ lin Skinner at Elimville. Air. and Mrs. Richard of Cromarty, and Air. J* of Alberta, visited with Mrs, B. Williams on Tuesday of this week. The first meeting of th© church board was held at the Manse Tues­ day night when the officers for the year were elected. Thos. Allen, chairman; William Lamport, secre­ tary; Ahn er Stewart, treasurer. The i’ chief item of business was planning for the repairing of the church ceil­ ing. Several important news items have been crowded out this week. Meeting congregational meeting of the held with the and Harold Reports Classified Directory THERE’S NO DEAD HEADS HERE—EVERY WANT AD WORKS HARD Wm. Ferguson, and Ray spent and Mrs, 0. Jac* Willis Gill of and and Grand Bena, Mrs. C, Bor* Hodgert, Reg. Work Pants $1.98 Braces ............................ 39c and Drawers 98c each Plum Spring-Ncediv $1.08 LADIES We have a narrow and A perfect complete stock of wide arch-fitting ties. fit guaranteed. Men’s Work Shirts Heavy Combs Wool Work Sox .. 30e, 09c. 75c "Work Shoes, all prices Women's Velvet and Jersey MOTOR BOOTS to clear $2.88 as assistant. Mr. Win. Sweltm and Mrs, Major Baker continue as the Parsonage Trustee Board. The at* tendance was more than gratifying being in excess of previous years. 8.8* Annual Following the meeting the annual Sunday School was minister as chairman Finkbeiner as secretary, tendered revealed a year of fruitful service both in the realm of religi­ ous training and financial endeavour Instruction in. temperance and mis­ sions had been faithfully discharged and the work of Supt. and teachers had been of a high order, Following the reception of reports officers were elected as follows: Supt., Ern­ est Keys; asst, Sept., John Lamport; treasurer, Mrs. Milton Ratz; secre­ tary, Harold Finkbeiner; librarians, Jack Rate, Stuart Sweitzer and Paul .Webb; pianist, Mrs. Milton Ratz with Betty Love and Paul Webb as assistants; Missionary instruction, Mrs. Verne Sharpe and. Audrey Fink- beiner, All teachers re-elected. Adult Bible Class, Matthew Sweitzer; Young Ladies Class. Mrs. Wm. Sweitzer; Young Men’s Class, Mr. William Sweitzer; Jr. Mixed class. Pearl Keys; Beginner's Class, Mrs. Ernest Keys; temperance, instruc­ tion, Mr. Matthew Sweitzer. WARTIME COMMITTEE FOR SALE WANTED FOR RENT Kinsman, Kinsradn, Mr. and FOR SALE—A quantity of cleaned cull feed' beans, ic per lb. in cus­ tomer’s sacks, G, Broderick, R. 1, Exeter. Phone Hensalj, §3r25. 27* WANTED—A guitar in good con­ dition. Apply Box 195, Exeter, * FOR SALE—Cutter in good condi­ tion, seats four, green upholster­ ing. AIsp a one-horse bob-sleigh in fine condition, Apply Box 2 8 OR Times-Advocate, 27c WANTED*—Three room flat house for couple for first March. Furnished preferred, ply to Times-Advocate. or of Ap- 28* FOR RENT— 6 miles east of Exeter, nice brick cottage, hard water on tap. W. O, Pearce, Exeter, or vine Qowan, Woodham, R. R. 1 27ptfe FOR SALE—Boy's brown overcoat in good condition for boy about 16 years. Apply at Times-Advo- cate. 27* WANTED—One or two-plate elec­ tric stove, for use in the Red Cross roms. Apply to Mips Jeckell or Mrs, Vernon Heywood, 27c LOST AND FOUND FiOR SALE—Carter seed oats, also No.21 0. A.C. Barley. Apply to Frank Lostell. Phone Zurich 92r- 1. ’ 21* WANTED—Comfortable room well heated, or 2 room apartment, Not necessarily furnished. Times-Advocate. LOST—or mislaid in Exeter, a Hud­ son seal muff, may have been left in some store, Please phone 249 Exeter or leave at Times-Ad­ vocate, 27* Apply at 20,27c MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE—Young gander. Apply to R, E. Pooley’s store, Winchel- sea, 28* FOR SALE—A four mouths old col­ lie pup. Apply 44r6 Kirkton. 27c WANTED—Will buy an unlimited number of aged horses, heavy or light. F. Taylor, Exeter. tfm NOTICES White’s Bakery will be closed from January 24th to February 7th inclusive. 20:27:c The Thames Road Farmer’s 'Club are taking orders for fish, salmon, whitefish, herring and cod fillets. P. Passmore, Secy. SUITS------MADE-TO-MEASURE SUITS Saturday night finishes up our Annual Sale of Made-to-Measures. If you know* values you will not miss this opportunity. New Patterns and Cloths are now here in Tweeds, Worsteds and Serges. Select your Easter Suit now for Early Deliveiy. Remember we cannot offer these prices after Saturday, $19.75 to $27. 75 A saving of $5 and all new selections. GEORGE WRIGHT CLOTHING AND SHOES es SH1PKA regular Ladies Aid meeting afternoon, Mrs. Announcements Deatli anil Marriage . are Inserted free of Curd of Thanks 5Oe. In Meuioriam Notices 5<)c for single verse, 23e extra for each addi­ tional verse. ISng-asem ents 50c Birth. Notices 'chnrjsre. The will be held Thursday February 3. at the home of Mrs. Ross Love. Miss Verna. Baumgarten, »Lila Fiukbeiner from London i the week-end at their homes POMEROY—At Victoria Hospital.! Mr. and Mrs, Ross Love and family London, on Tuesday, January 25, i visited Sunday at the home of Mr. 1944, James Pomeroy in his SSthjand Mrs. Thomas Love, at Grand year. HEYWOOD—In Exeter on Saturday, January 22, 1944. the infant son! of Mr, and Mrs. Dalton Heywood.’ Miss spent here. The annual meeting of the Thames Road Farmers’ Club will be held at the home of Mr. Henry Rohde, Thursday, January 27th at S p.m. Orders are being booked for fertilizer and a few more orders are required for Western oats. A good supply of chick starter and laying mash on hand. 20,27»e FOR SALE—Apple butter by the gal­ lon. Apply S. J. V. Cann, Main St. Phone 130. tfc NOTICE TO BEAN GROWERS “We feel it our duty to point that Seed Beans may be very ficult to obtain, and all people tending to grow beans should cure their seed forthwith.” W. E. REID, DASHWOOD 28,3c out dif- in- se- (continued from page 1) also Sub-Committee chairmen Enlisted Afen, W. G- Medd British Visitors, R. G- Seldon Salvage, J. A. Traquair War Savings, F. A. Al ay Financial Statement foi 1943 Balance from 19 4 2 Exeter Eng. Fund ...$252.02 Russian Fund __ _ 34.17 Regular Funds 594,53 $ 880.72 Receipts Exeter Eng, Fund ..............$ 196.73 Russian Fund ...................1,139.65 Ghinese Fund ...................4S5.S4 Greek Fund .......................S13.5* Navy League .......................106.60 From Salvage.....................190.62 General Fund ...................927.87 $4,741.5\ Disbursements Exeter, Eng. £100 ...........$ 44S.75 Russian Fund —...... ........ 1,168.82 Chinese Fund ---------------4S5.S2 1 Greek Fund _____........... ....S13.54 1 Navy League —...... ......... 10'6.60 * Salvage Expenses* ---------21.5S Red Cross for yarn —...........37.67 Printing and postage —...13.06 Flowers-----------------------5.03 For boys overseas Smokes ...$215.00 Parcels ...»......... 531.51 Postage on same 13S.S7 SS5.38 $3,986.25 Balance on hand for gen- era! work _ _755.32 §4,741.57 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE—Comfortable cottage in Exeter. Finished like new. Several other houses. O. V. Pick­ ard. Us- In- the FOR SALE—100 acres. Comfort­ able house and good barn. Land in best of condition. 22 acres of fall wheat, 30 and red clover. and two small Pickard, phone acres of alfalfa Also other farms acreages. C. V. 165 Exeter, APPLICATIONS for the position of Road Superintendent of the Town­ ship of Hay. Duties to commence as soon as appointed. Applications to be in writing and in the hands of the clerk by February 1st, 1944. H. W. BROKENSIIIRE, Zurich 20,27c Clerk-Treas. of Hay FOR SALE—100 acres with bank barn, brick house 2 miles S. E. 100 acres, basement barn, frame house, some bush 4 miles N.W.; 100 acres, frame house, bank barn, implement shed, henhouse, bush 9 miles N. W. W. C. Pearce, Exeter. 27* ANNUAL MEETING The (Annual Meeting of the borne and Hibbert Mutual Fire surance Co. will be held in Public Hall Farquhar on Monday, February 7th, 1944 at 2 p.m., for the purpose of receiving the reports of the Directors and Auditors for the past year, and for the election of two Directors for a three year term, and for any other business that may be in the interests of the Company. The Directors whose term of of­ fice for and Wood—Stephen Township The Council of the Township of Stephen have ordered four car-loads Of white birch through the wood fuel controller, to relieve the fuel situation in the Township, meantime the • limit to one is three cords—price $10.00 delivered, paid in advance, will be shipped to Centralia in the near future. Anyone desirin; this wood may apply to George Hicks, of Centralia oi* H. K. Eilber, Township Clerk, Crediton. 27c expires, but who are eligible re-election are John Hackney Angus Sinclair. B. W. F. BEAVERS, Sec. Treas. 26,3cIn the person a cord Wood station PERSONAL SUFFERING from backaches, Rheumatic Pain, Sciatica, Lumbago is not necessary. Use RUMACAPS at once foi* quick relief. Robertson’s ' Drug Store. FOR SALE—Brick cottage, furnace, electricity, hard and soft water, barn, henhouse, 2 house, electricity, water, barn, 4J Pearce, Exeter. Frameacres. hard and soft acres.W. G. (27** Bend. | Mr. j cident | felling Irvine Rats met with an ac- while working in the bush a tree. The tree struck his and;; leg and badly bruised the muscles, the 3 Miss Mildred Lamport from Strat- on|neighbors, relatives and friends who*ford visited last week-end with her to | so kindly remembered Doreen with. parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Lamport. a| treats, flowers and cards while a] The Y.P.S. Society are meeting patient in St, Joseph's Hospital, and’this week at the home of Mr. and •since her return home. *3Mrs. Ed. Lamport. A special speaker I I will be. | Mr. and Mrs. L. Davey wish to I Miss , Laird I express their sincere thanks to the-present Robert!many friends for the cards and the|Hicks. ikind expressions of sympathy since, Mrs. -----— ........— Toron-1 to, on January 23rd, 1944, to Mr. P’te. and Mrs. A. J. Pearce (nee Thelma: Neeb) a son (stillborn). > SMITH—To Sgt. and Mrs, Frankj Smith (overseas), (nee Betty | Harness) a son Terrence .Franklin, at Victoria Hospital, on January 1 18th, 1944. CARDS OF THANKS BIRTHS Edmonton. Alberta. January 1st, 1944. Mrs. Earl E. Allen, (Sandra Jeanette) -At Victoria Hospital, Lou­ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Triebner Miss .Doreen wish to thank ALLEN—In Saturday, LAC. and daughter, MICKLE- don, on Wednesday, January 19, | 1944, to Mr. and Mrs. E, Mickle, Hensail, a son, ‘ Ernest, PEARCE—In Grace Hospital, FOR SALE—Frame house and lot in village of Crediton, lot No 164 con. 5. House in good shape, new roof on south side, hard and soft water inside, no reasonable, offer refused. For further information apply to J. Al. Neil, 753 Dundas St. London. 27,3,10.c STRAYED STRAYED—Onto farm of Frank Down, con. 2, of Usborne, on. Sat­ urday, January 22nd, a small sow. Owner may claim same by proving property and paying ex­ penses. 27c Give growing children Page-Grif­ fith’s BETAMIN (B-Complex) tab­ lets once a day. ROBERTSON’S DRUG -STORE PILES present. Ruth Cunnington is at at the home of Mrs. Byron __ _ R. C. Dluney, of Exeter, en- |the death of the laiter's brother, | pertained a number of “Scouts" oi • Pte. Aimer Hunkin. * | which she is in charge at the home ; of Mr. and Mrs. Gaisef on Saturday i evening last. Frank | KUHN—In loving memory of a dear I Annual Meeting of United Church husband and father, Harry Kuhn.; Thursday evening, January 20, who passed away January 1943. “We who loved you sadly miss WILLERT—At Mrs. Flunter’s Nurs-1 As it dawns another year; ing Home on January 23, 1944 J In our lonely hours of thinking to Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Willert, of Thoughts of you are ever near.” Stephen, (nee Edith King), daughter, Dianne Edith. A PUBLIC DANCE IN MEMORIAM will be held, in DEATHS t al -Ever remembered by wife family. Sufferers of bleeding and p r o t r u d ing piles should know Bunkers Herbal Pills treat the cause at its source. Money back if the first bottle does not satisfy. Buy from your druggist. were in attendance. Next Sunday the School will meet at 2.45 and service will be at 4 o’clock in the afternoon. This change of service is just for the winter months, I 1 - + ’|the congregation of Shipka United | Church met, rhe occasion being the! I annual congregational meeting. The| | minister. Rev. L. H. Turner, was! !chairman with Mr, Matt Sweitzer as* |secretary. Reports, secretarial and! : financial were submitted by the I * | Women’s Association, Sunday School, | -Young People’s Union, the Mission-| jjjy ary and Alaintenance Committee, —jjq !Board of Trustees and the Sympathy} | and Good Cheer Committee, all re-| } vealing a year’s work of steadfast-1 jness and loyalty. Particularly grati-| (tying was the fact that this Churchy| | response to the claims of Alissionsj ’exceeds past achievements and this! |congregation has always been noted) 'for its practical interest in the work) {of the church beyond its own bound-] Iaries. j It was revealed that all financial I obligations have been met with a| respectable balance with which to | meet 1944. s The report of the Session was pre­ sented by the Minister portraying pastoral work done both in the realm of visitation and the dispens­ ing of the Sacrament quarterly at church and within the homes of the sick and the shut-ins. The Church membership shows no change. Much to the astonishment of AlisS _________}Pearl Keys, pianist of the church J the Red Cross, Commercial Hotel, Dashwood, WEDNESDAY, FEB. 2 Modern and Old-Time Dancing on yon.Good music. REFRESHMENTS SERVED Admission 35 c Fred Dufton, Mr. Dufton, Mrs. Mc- Harold Guist, of Saturday evening Win* BRINSLEY Mrs, Elizabeth Rowe has returned home from hospital and is still in. very poor health. Mrs. Scott Trevethick is spending a few days with her daughter Mrs. Murray Hamilton. Mrs. Mary Carter and Miss Mary Lee spent Tuesday last in London. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fenton . and Billie spent Friday evening last with Mr. and Mrs. Lin Craven. Miss Audrey Jones and Miss Jean Webb, of London,' spent the week­ end at the home of Mr. J. L. Amos- Mr. J. L. Amos and family spent a very pleasant evening jFriday last at the home of Mr, John Schofield, Parkhill, in honor of Many happy returns John. Mrs. Wesley Dixon home from Ailsa Craig where she- has been Availing on her grandson. Mrs. Cecil Ellwood got a call to Lindsay to the bed-side of her sis­ ter* Who is quite ill. Mr, William Morley is confined to his bed. His many friends hope- to see him around soon. ZION Mr. and Airs. Tom. Dickinson and family visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brock. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hern visit­ ed on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kerslake. Mrs. Warren Brock, Mrs. Melville Hern and Mr. Wellington Brock at­ tended the W.M.S. Convention and Mr. Wellington Brock attended Presbytery at Stratford on Friday Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Arthur Guffin and Mrs. Brynston, spent with Mr. and Mrs, George Brock. Mr. Arthur Brethour, of Manito­ ba, visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Ross Hern. Mrs. Sam Bowers returned to liei home after spending the past month with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Jaques. Farm Forum was held in the School on Monday night. An enjoy­ able time was spent by all. Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Brock and family visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs, Ken Brown, Of Exe­ ter. Mr. ed on Earl, Mr. in loving memory of Kuhn. • 2L 1943. KUHN- dear father, Henry J. passed away January i Nothing can ever take band of Rebecca Hodgins, in hist The love a heart holds 79 th year. ■ SHERRITT—At his late residence. Concession 21, Stephen Twp.. on’ Saturday, January 22, 1944,, Thornton Sherritt. I 1 CARTER—In McGillivray Township con. 1. on Saturday. January 22. 1944, Eli Carter, beloved hus-away, dear, ’Fond memories linger every day. ' Remembrance keeps him near. -Always remembered by his daugh­ ter and family, Mrs. Blake Heath, Windsor. * INSULATE SAVE FUEL AND HELP THE WAR EFFORT $JUST ARRIVED ANOTHER CAR OF ROCK WOOL INSULATION PAPER PACKED BATTS EASY TO HANDLE, EASY TO LAY GET YOUR ORDERS IN WHILE IT LASTS HURON LUMBER CO. Exeter, Ontario she was called forth by Mr. Matt Sweitzer, the Secretary and Air. Mil- i ton Ratz presented her with a beau* J tiful Bulova wrist watch for her valuable service to the ehtirch over a period of years. Miss Keys replied very appropriately. The election of officers resulted as follows: Major Baker and Verne Sharpe re-elected to the Board of Stewards, the latter to continue as treasurer. Miss Pearl Keys was re­ elected as treasurer of the M. and M. committee with Airs. Verne Sharp as associate. Alias Pearl Keys continues as organist with Mrs. Milton Ratz A Hard-Working Man Mrs. Thos Crew, whom the peo­ ple in Kirkton consider a hard­ working man, when interviewed, stated that he started work March 23 of the past year, and worked every work-day until December 10, helping the farmers tile their farms. In that length of time he put in thousands of thousands of tile. He is also a grave-digger for the Kirk­ ton Cemetery, digging 21 graves in the year. Mr. Crew is a veteran o' the South African war and lived and worked in India for a time. Now that he is taking a holiday at his home, he has completed knitting his 6 th pair of socks for the Red Cross Mr, Crew learned to knit in India and, is still using the same needles ha got in. that country* We might add too, that his wife is also a verv fine knitter, and has done a lot for ROBERTSON’S CONDITION POWDER 3 lbs. — $1.00 9 lbs. — $2.45 Guaranteed no Filler Results considered, you wilt find this powder unequalled ns a tonic for all farm stock Your Drugs at ROBERTSON'S Phone 50 Exeter and Mrs, Norman Brock visit* Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. of Exeter, and Mrs Howard Kerslake and Dorothy visited on Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Everard Miller. Miss Anna Brock spent Saturday with Miss Marion Kemp, Mrs. Frank Hardy and Airs. Ernie Lewis’ group of the Women’s Insti­ tute held a bingo and dance in the Public School last Friday night J which was well patronized and ; splendid music supplied by Mr. Joseph Benn’s orchestra of Lucan, j The net proceeds amounted to near- | ly $50.00 which will be used for j boxes for all the boys in service for I Easter. * 1 The congregational meeting of the | United Church held their "pot-luck supper” in the basement of the church last Tuesday night with all Splendid reports of fill organizations. I'Miss resume ton. Mrs. spending s, friends. I Pearl Whiteford has left td her airforce duties at Tren- i his of has EVa.Bradley and Joyce arc week in London with birthday, the day returned President, Mrs. R. Humphreys, Mrs. Cecil Dobson presided over W.A. and Ladies Guild. After Devotional period roll call was KIRKTON Rev. and Mrs. W. D. Goodger, spent the past week with her broth­ er, Mrs. Graham, of Toronto Mr. and Mrs. Fred Johnson have closed their home in the village and are spending the winter months with their daughter, Mrs. E. Selves. Mr, and Mrs. John Cluff spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Cluff, of Kitchener. Mr, and Mrs. H. L. Ward and family, of Strathroy, visited with Rev. and Mrs, W. D. Goodger, Master Billie Gilfillan, of chelsea, spent the week-end with his friend, Alvin Boyd. LAC, Gordon Burgin, of Aylmer, visited with his brother, G. H. Bur* gin, this week. I, IN. Marshall has just completed Installing a Hecla S. C. Unit furnace in the Mt. Pleasant Church. The air in this church is changed every nine minutes, Mrs. M. Routly is nursing Mrs Thos. Washburn and commenced hex duties Monday. Mr. Maxwell Gray has returned from Toronto where he spent the past month with his son, Harvey. The January meeting of the. joint societies of St. Paul’s Anglican church was held Thursday at Mrs. Roy Brock’s with a large attendance The and the the answered by members singing the verse of a Christmas carol. Doris Blackler favored with a reading, Canon James .gave an impressive talk on conditions in India and China, Plans were made for a box social to be held shortly. Quite a large number of ladies met at the home of Mrs, Goodger Thursday# Mrs, R# Hazlewood con­ ducting the W.M.S and Mrs. Alex Crago in charge of the W.A, The roll call was answered by members paying their fees, Mrs. Goodger gave the story from the study book, A solo by Mrs. Wm. Urquhart and Mrs. Fred Switzer played a very fine medley of hymns. The Church Sunday School of the Kirkton Sunday Church Farmers... We have a good Stock of Cedar Fence Posts all peeled * ANY SIZE YOU NEED ALSO BARB WIRE AND STEEL FENCE POSTS United Church was held morning following the service at which time 112 A. 1 CLATWORTHY We Deliver Phone 12 Granton