HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1944-01-20, Page 8V’s Beauty Shoppe For Permanents of Lasting Beauty Spiral, Croqulnole, Combination Machineless VERA C. DECKER pjwne 112 Leavitt’s Theatre Exeter Ont. Phone 135 THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY January 20, 21 and 22 "Salute to the Marines’ A Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Technicolor feature starring WALLACE BEERY and FAY BAINTER Added Special: Assorted British news. Heart-stirring picture of the arrival at Leith, Scotland, of the Repatriated Prisoners of War, also the arrival at Liverpool showing many Western Ontario men, including a relative of a local citizen. MONDAY AND TUESDAY January 24 and 25 2 features “Lucky Jordan with ALLAN LADD J? and CHARLES STARRETT IN A WESTERN Main Street W.M.S. was read. Bible saved the friend sent him it in his pocket Bible and went The Main St. W.M.S. met at the home of Mrs. Jas. Green, Thursday January 13th. The president, Mrs. Jacques presiding. The meeting opened by singing hymn 446 and prayer by the president and Lord’s prayer in unison. The 91st Psalm The president told a story about how a life of a soldier. A a Bible and he had A bullet struck the part way through it. There were 13 members present. Mrs. Johns gave the secretaries re­ port, Mrs. A. Campbell gave a good report of the finances. The society went over their allocation. Mr. Woods installed the officers for the coming year. Mrs. Layton had charge of the Study Book and gave an excellent talk on Missionary work in the different countries. Mrs. Hind had charge of the Worship ser­ vice. Hymn 170 was sung and Mrs. C. Johns closed the meeting with prayer, tasty social Mrs. 'Green served and bountiful lunch time was spent. following are among Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir Leader. Mr. Middlemiss CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Mrs, J. G. Cochrane. Organjst a.m.—-Sunday School. a.m.—-Rey, Jos. Taylor, Hensail, the Lord’s Supper a.m.- Limit 10 yds. to a customer. Phone 16 X come in the best shades and we advise you to secure your needs the assortment of shades are so good. Two qualities TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 2Q, 1944 Exeter Markets (GeorgianBeauty Shoppe Fhoaf. SI.10 *.......’ ............ ........* .......... rrWheat, $1.10 Creamery Butter 39c Eggs, A Large 31c Eggs, A Medium 29 c Eggs A Pullet 23c Eggs, B 26c Eggs, C 23c Dressed Hogs $16.60 jjfci m I) miM* II I .■ill I ww Trivitt Memorial Red Cross Unit will hold a ===== EUCHRE IN THE PARISH HALL LOCALS FRIDAY EVENING, JAN. 28 at 8.30 pan. Adm. 25c; refreshments; prizes (Successor to Marion Pooley) Sati-Sfaetioju, Guiu*autee<l M. Christine McCrae, Prop. Phone 245 Snelrs MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH Just Arrived PEA COKE IQ 11 Sacrament of will be dispensed. Evening service is withdrawn. Preparatory service on Friday eve­ ning at 8 p.m, Session meets at 7.45, Rev. N. J. Woods, M-A.» Minister airs, A, Y. Willard, Organist a few days with friends in Harold Hern, of few days recently Usborne, with Mr, Mrs. C. Cornish visited on Sunday with Mr- and Mrs, Emerson Cornish. Britain Sanders, of London, visi­ ted for Exeter. Mrs. spent a and Mrs. -Geo. Earl. Mrs. Ida Sanders of spent a few days last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs, C, J. Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Edgai* Rundle and family, of London, visited ovei’ the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. Cald­ well. Pte. Earl Frayne, of Camp Bor­ den, spent the week-end with his parents, Frayne.. Irvine Fahrner, the former’s end. Mr. C. E. Mid-Winter in Toronto on 19th. Mr. Mervin Sask., visited London, ! Mr.and Mrs. Clayton Phone 100 *■ ... ...UX ■-—---------......... . DOMESTIC COKE POCAHONTAS Phone 33 Jas. P. Bowey Round the Clock Service STEWART’S TAXI Phone 155w Exeter 11 a.m. —- Public Worship Church School. The Minister, p.m.—-Union Service in James Church, Wed., Jan. 19, 8 pan.—Mid-week prayer services in James Street Church. Thursday, Jan. 27, 6.3 0 p.m. I nual congregational supper and 1 meeting, (JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH i I I i 11 - >3 7 1 Rev. A. B. Irwin, B.A. W, R. Goulding, A.T.O.M. Organist and Choir Leader . a.m.-—Morning Worship. “Faith Facing Facts”. p.m.—-The Church School. p.m.—United -Service in James St. Church, Rev. N. J .Woods preach­ ing. Come and sing some of your old favourite hymns. 8.15 p.m.—Y.P.U. Missions. Wed., Jan. 19, 8 p.m.—Mid-week 1 service, James Street Church, j Rev. N. J. Woods. Beautiful All Wool These are scarce goods. We have 6 only throws and 4 pair of woolen blankets. These will not last long. Throws at Blankets at per SELL WAR SAVINGS STAMPS Buy as Many as You Possibly Can 50 pairs of extra large size Flannellette Blankets 50 pairs of all white Kingcot Flannellette Blankets, size 70x90. This is a lovely quality Blanket and will be all we will have for six months. One pair to a cus­ tomer. Flannellettes We have saved these for January Selling. They are good quality and you should get your supply early. per yard 20c, 25c, 35cArmstrong London, mother over the week- of and Calvin visited with WUERTH’S Zurbrigg Optometrical Wednesday, attended the Congress January Lawson, JUST RECEIVED NEW WINTER FOOTWEAR BroadclothsIf it’s sox you need, see ours. All prices, all weights, all colors. Hockey laces, any color.for men’s pyjamasCalwell, of with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J. Caldwell, Exe­ ter North. -Pte. Gerald Cornish, of Camp Ipperwash, visited over the week­ end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Cornish. Mr. Geo. Wright was in Hamilton last week attending a convention oi Bond dealers. He was also on a business trip to Toronto. A January thaw is just around the corner, a January 1 old timers Mr. Jos. Sask., who at Ilderton, Mrs. George week. Excellent during the past week. There is little snow and highways and concessions are open to traffic. The winter is passing away nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Noels anct Mrs. Percy Noels on Saturday at­ tended the funeral in Aylmer Binis Pressey, grandfather of an<l Percy Noels. Mr. and Mrs. C. Aidworth ded the funeral of the late McClellan, of Stratford on Saturday last. Master. Stahley McClellan re­ turned with them for the week-end. Mrs. Harry Cole is visiting in Ottawa and Montreal with Mr. Cole who is with the R.C.N.V.R. Mr. Cole who has been taking a course at Ottawa is -being posted to Halifax. Mrs. Norman Knight, of Seaforth, is visiting at the home of her moth­ er, Mrs. Wm. Andrew. Mrs. Andrew was taken to Victoria Hospital, Lou­ don, on Tuesday afternoon for treat­ ment. The Free Press on Monday con­ tains a picture of W. H. LeVett, formerly of Exeter, being congratu­ lated by Justice J. Keillet Mackay, of the Supreme Court of Canada, at a Scottish Rite banquet, Mr. Levett being the oldest living London mem- mer. Mr. J. H. Jones, of Exeter and Mr. Gerald Zwicker, of Crediton, were in Toronto one day last week at­ tending a meeting of seed dealers at which Mr. Nelson Young, seed administrator of Canada, was the guest speaker. The meeting was held at the King Edward Hotel, Mr. Zwicker went on to Montreal, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Abbott have returned home weeks in the Christmas and their daughter, Delve and family at Taber, and also visited in Crossfield, Cal­ vary and Lethbridge, Alta., and Brandon, Souris and Winnipeg Man., and in Toronto. Mr. Wm. H, Moise, of Blenheim, who attended a funeral of a relative nt Lucknow, while returning to his home Monday dropped in to the Times-Advecate to say “Helio” while the transportation bus stopped for passengers at the bus station. His sou Jack, who has been with the Canadian Army in the Aleutians 14 expected home shortly on leave. a very and a the re- that is if there is to be thaw, and say there McTavish, is visiting some of the always is. of Marsden, at his home visited with Lawson, one weather has Mr. and day last prevailed 11 Hockey tongues to protect your feet. 7 p.m.- Skates sharpened while you wait. Shoe and rubber repairing promptly and neatly done. Have your soles sewn with our new stitcher. Tliird Sunday After Epiphany —Sunday School . __ Evensong and Sermon. “The! Approach of the Human Soul”. Union Prayer Service, Wednesday, I January 26th. Speaker, Rev. Jas. Anthony. EZSUSK i WUERTH’S CASH SHOE STORE ZION EVANGELICAL CHURCH Crediton M. E. Reubei< B.A., B.D., Minister ! Your life Insurance you less for Mrs. F. W. Morlock, Organist Lawrence A. Wein, Choir Leader 10' a.m.—Morning Worship. 11 a.m.—Church School. 7.30 p.m.—Evening Worship. These would while Ten pieces of good patterns and splendid for Children’s and Men’s Pyjamas, in two qualities. per yard 30c ano 35c The cruits enlisting in the army at No. 1 District Depot, London, during the first two weeks in January: W. J. Darling, Parkhill; B. A. Kyle, Hen- sall; J. A. Shepherd, Forest; G. H. Wilcox, Thedford; E. E. Walton, Clinton; E. C. Bowers, Goderich; E. W. Reece, Ilderton; J. H. Whit­ more, Clandeboys. Mike was lying on his sick bed -and his wife asked: “Poor boy, is there anythin’ ye wud have that wud make ye comfortable?” “Please, Bridget,” he said weakly, “I think ‘I’d like a wee taste of the ham I smell boilin’ in the kitchen.” “Arrah, go on,” answered Bridget. “Divil a bit of the ham ye’ll get. ’Tis for the wake.” A new serial story ’ begins this week. in the Times-Advocate. FRESH FISH WHITE FISH (drawn) Jumbo Size, 3 to 4 lb. LAKE SUPERIOR HERRING FRESH & SMOKED FILLETS JUMBO ICE CREAM EXETER FROZEN EOODS I represent the METROPOLITAN theIf you are a, policyholder of Metropolitan, or a man or a woman with, a question about Life Insur­ ance, call, i>honc or write, and service will be given gladly. GORDON LAMPORT Phone 149 Representing Metropolitan Life insurance Co. of Mr. Harry atten- H. B. after spending four West. They New Years Mr, and Mrs, spent with R. A. Alta., will provide food, shelter and ,clo tiling — when it may be needed most. Have enough? Remember — $1,000 is than an average income one year. What will happen when that is gone? Let us help you to make sure of enough for three or four years, or to arrange a small monthly income which ■ will at least pay the rent for ‘ life! Herman Hodgson Representative The Canada Life Assurance Company Exeter Wed. 2.3 0- Mrs. Thurs., Friday, Friday, -W.M.S. at the home of H. K. Eilber. 8 p.m.—Mid-week Service. 7.15—Junior League. 8 p.m.—Senior League. Welcome PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE Nelson and William Streets The only Revival Church in Exeter Come and hear Evangelist Hendrick Ex-clown, entertainer and soldiei’ Services Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 8.30 p.m.. Sunday, 2 p.m.—Sunday .School;3 p.m.—Life Story; '8 p.m.— “Power” Everybody Welcome Come and See God in Action James Street Afternoon Auxiliary The treasurer’s The Associate a good contri- amount. Group amount expect MEDICATED SKIN CREAM A SaoUUf Appilatioa Your answer to dish pan hands. Wk Your drugs at ROBERTSON’S Phone 50 Exeter IT PAYS TO (ADVERTISE “The adv. you put in your valu- | able paper brought me a tenant the day after your paper was prin­ ted. So you see it pays to put in an advt," writes Mrs. Jane Brintnell. Use our Classifieds for your wants. Among’ your resolutions Resolve to look your prettiest during 1944 Tomlinson’s Hairdressing Phono 116 Phone 146 Visit your Men’s Store For Seasonable James Street Y.P.U.,/ The young people of James Street held their regulai' meeting on Mon­ day evening at the home of Dawson' Goulding at 8.15. The meeting- opened with a hymn after which 1 Vera Decker led in -prayer. The min­ utes of the last meeting were read and adopted. Business was discussed and it was decided the young people have a skating party Monday ning, January 24th. members may take a also decided to give Lester Bury fund. eve- the wau the Each of friend. It $50.00 to The meeting then was taken over by Mary Johns opening with a hymn. The Scrip­ ture was read by Laurene Zurbrigg. Gwenneth Jones led in prayer fol­ lowed by a hymn. Dawson Gould- ing favored with a very delightful instrumental. Rev. N. J. Woods gave an inspiring talk on one of Lloyd' Douglas’ novels, “What Be­ came of Jesus’ Robe.” The then closed with a hymn Mispah Benediction. meeting and the that theOur informant last week first car-load of eggs to be shipped from Exeter had been forwarded to ’Toronto was evidentally all wrong. In the old days Wm. H, Levett shij)- ped many a car-load of eggs from Exeter and later Mr. Harry Kowe shipped eggs by the car-load quite frequently. Freshman (writing an essay): “What do they call those tablets the Gau Is used to ‘write on?** Room­ mate: “Gaul stones?’’ The Afternoon Auxiliary of the W.M.S. met in the basement of the church on Thursday afternoon, January 13th. The president, Mrs. Southcott was in the chair. Tlii meeting was opened by the singing of a hymn and reading a psalm res­ ponsively. The secretary then read the minutes of the last meeting and called the roll to which thirty mem bers responded. report gave $454. raised during the year, $443. being sent to the Pres- byterial treasurer. members gave quite bution toward .this leaders reported the ed of them was reached and sur­ passed. The secretary then read the minutes of the executive meet- | ing held January 6th. Mrs. South- l cott and Mrs. Buswell were appoint­ ed to meet other ladies from the other, churches to arrange the pro- j gram for the World’s Day of Prayer on February 25th. Collection was , then taken. Dr. Tucker was chosen as missionary for prayer. Mrs. Hor- ; ney’s group was in charge of the = program, Mrs. Horney in the chair. I The theme for study was “The Bible I for all ’Canada’s Children.” Mrs. Anderson gave an introductory talk to introduce the first prayer, a pray­ er that parents by teaching and ex­ ample give their children a know­ ledge and a love for God’s Word. Mrs. S. Davis gave a prayer for the children of Canada who are grow­ ing up without any knowledge of the Bible Mrs, B. Beavers read an Interesting article On citizenship—- social security for all Canadians. MisS Elliott theh favored us With a solo, “My Task.” Miss Horton gave a chapter of, the study book in a very interesting address. The meet­ ing closed with a hymn, and a pray­ er by Mrs, Miners. Fairfield Farm Forum met Mon­ day evening at the home of - Leslie llichafd. Nineteen members were present. The subject “Credit Union”, Was discussed after which games were played and lunoh served. The next meeting will be held on Mon­ day, January 24, at Mk William Schroeder’s. TRY A WANT AD----—THEY PAY! Gent’s Furnishings W. W. TAMAN Special Services at Pentecostal Tabernacle A series of special .evangelist^ services started on Wednesday of last week, and are continuing in­ definitely with Evang. Harold Ken­ drick, of Guelph, as special speaker. Mr. Kendrick is an outstanding gos­ pel, preacher. Before his conversion he spent some years as a clown and entertainer with BarnUm & Bailey Circus in New York and is also a veteran of World War I. Large crowds are attending these services and God is manifesting his power in a mighty way, a message on prayer. The remainder of the meeting was then spent in a real old fashioned prayer meeting in behalf of our Missionaries. The meeting was then closed in prayer by Mrs. Steele. Caven-Main Street Y.P.U. Pentecostal Women’s Missionary Circle minutes of the last meeting read was then The January meeting of W.M.C, was held on Thursday, January 13, in the church. The meeting opened by singing, “Feasting with my Lord' and “Break ’Thou the Bread Of Life” after which Evangelist H. Kendrick led ih prayer, lltoll call was an­ swered by testimony. Minutes of the last meeting were read by Sec­ retary. Mrs; Eldon Miller favored with ail accordian solo. Evangelist Kendrick of (Guelph, then brought and approved and busi- discussed." 'We meeting turned over to Jack the Literary Committee We The regular meeting of the Caven- Main Street Y.P.U. was held ill a classroom, of Caven Presbyterian church, Ross Tuckey presiding. The meeting opened With hymn 526. The were ness Was Whyte of who read the scripture lesson, were most fortunate in having as a guest, Miss H^nry, who gave an in­ spiring reading entitled, “The Word.” The meeting closed the Mispah Benediction and Save the King.” “What Mary?” then a small voice: to tuck myself in, Daddy/’ LOSt with “God are you doing out of bed, father called. Pause— “I just got out 9 I X