HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1944-01-20, Page 5THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 20, 1944
Miss Helen Swan iB improving
following her repent illness.
Miss Mary Hamilton,, of London,
visited recently with ml and Mrs*
A. L. Caso*
Mrs. Enoch Parker, pf Chisel
hurst. visited recently with Mr, and
Mrs, Wm, Foster.
Mrs, Carter, of London, spent
the week-end with her parents, Mr,
and Mrs. Wm. G. Bell.
Th® annual meeting of the United
church congregation will be held op
Monday evening, January 31st.
The many friends of Mrs, Robt.
Bonthron will be pleased to hear
she is improving from,
Mrs. Wm. Chapman
week-end at the home
and daughter-in-law,
Lorne Chapman,
Mr. Earl parlmer,
spent a few days here
serious illness of his
Bella Parlmer,
Mr, Roy Parlmer,
spent a few days with his mother,
Mrs. Bella Parlmer, who is serious
ly ill with pneumonia.
Mrs. Hannah Workman and Mrs.
Norman Stanlake were recent visi
tors with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
Britton and family at Dublin,
Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore have
received a cablegram from their
son, Kenneth, overseas, stating his
promotion to Flying Officer. Con
gratulations, Ken,
The Red Cross are making a drive
for the Russion Relief Fund and
anyone having used clothing to do
nate are asked to leave same at the
Town Hall by January 21st.
Miss Margaret Schwalm in serv
ice with the Wrens of Montreal, is
enjoying a furlough with her moth
er, Mrs, Peter Schwalm, and sisters,
Florence, and Mrs. Robert McKen
There will be a iRed Cross meet
ing held in the Town Hall, Hensall,
on Tuesday, January 25, at 8 p.m,
The executive will meet at 7.30 p.m.
A good attendance is requested at
this meeting,
Rev. Jas. Anthony, of Exeter, will
conduct the service in Carmel Pres
byterian church on Sunday at 11
a.m.. while the Rev. Joseph Taylor
is conducting Sacrament Services at
Caven Presbyterian church, Exeter.
Mrs. Bella Parlmer nas been
seriously ill at Mrs. Saundercock’s
Nursing Home suffering with an at
tack of influenza from which she
developed pneumonia. Her many
friends hope for a speedy recovery.
Mr. Donald McKaig, recently re
turned from ^overseas, returned to
the military hospital last week for
further treatment. Donald is mak
ing a wonderful recovery and spent
several weeks with his mother, Mrs.
Mary McKaig and other relatives.
Rev. R. A. Brook conducted serv
ices in the United Church on Sunday
and is presenting inspiring message^
on a series of sermons on “Half-
Truths That Deceive Men.” The
choir sang two anthems “Thou Art
My God,” and “Saviour, Like a
Sheplier Lead Us.”
,Rev. Joseph Taylor conducted
the services in Carmel Presbyterian
church on Sunday. At the morning
service tile Communion Table, which
was presented by a faithful mem
ber, was dedicated
ment of the Lord’s
The choir sang an
“When I Survey
Cross.” At the evening service Rev.
Taylor gave a splendid discourse on
the subject,
The ladies
. tute wish to
the War Service Committee will be
packing between 45 and 50 boxes
for the Heiisall boys who are serv
ing overseas, possibly the first week
in. February. At present they have
on hand $105.71, this amount being
left over after the Christmas par
cels were shipped. Those wishing
to add to this amount may leave
their contributions with Miss Gladys
Luker before January 31st. Dona
tions of white sugar for the provi
sion of home-made candy will also
be gratefully accepted. (The ladies
have some sugar on hand.) Anyone
having magazines, or empty pound
boxes (suitable for candy and cook
ies) are asked to leave them at the
Town Hall as soon as possible, Sea
forth and Exeter papers are quite
W.M.S. Present Life Membership
The January meeting of the
W.M.S, of Carmel Presbyterian
church Was held in the schoolroom
on Friday afternoon with the Presi
dent, Mrs. C, Hudson, presiding,
and opened by singing, “Give
Thanks To God.” The Scripture,
Psalm 65, was read by Mrs. Han
nah Workman, after which Mrs,
Hudson led in prayer. An interest
ing t>ap0r Oh “Thankfulness” was
read by Mrs. O* Hudson. The roll
cull was answered with “Prayer” as
the text word. A report of the an
nual meeting of Huron Presbyterial,
which was held in Clinton on Tues-
day» was ably given by Mrs, A. D.
McEWen and Mrs. Joseph Taylor,
and was most interesting and bene
ficial, Mrs. Jas* (Patterson read 'a
poem entitled, “HIS Way is DeSt.” wasting paper.
her recent;
spent the
of her son
Mr and Mrs.
of Toronto,
owing to the
mother, Mrs.
of Windsor,
and the Sacra-
supper followed,
anthem entitled,
the Wondrous
“What We Think of
of the Hensail Insti-
anounce that they? and
An interesting feature of the "ineet-
ing was the presentation of a life
membership certificate to Mrs.
(Rev.) Joseph Taylor, the presenta
made a fitting reply expressing her
appreciation. A season of prayer
followed when Mrs, Taylor Jed in
prayer on behalf of “Missions and
Missionaries”, Mrs. Logan led in
prayer on ^behalf of “Home Young
People’s and Mission Bands,” and
Mrs. Sangster led in prayer for “Our
King and country.” The topic was
most ably taken by Mrs. Hudson and
taken from the “Introduction to
the Study Book on British Guiana.
The meeting closed by, singing,
“Standing at the Portal,” and the
Lord’s Prayer in unison.
Belated Christmas Concert
The annual concert of S.S. No. 10
Hay which was postponed owing to
the epidemic of influenza, was held
on Friday evening, January 14, un
der the direction of the teacher,
Miss Esthej* Maclllwaine, with a
good attendance, The chairman for
the evening was Mr. Geo. Armstrong
and the pianists were Mrs. A. W.
Shirray and Aileen Munn. The pro
gram consisted of the chairman’s
address, two choruses by the school,
a welcome by the Junior’s, recitu
tions by four pupils, drills, milk
maids, Flour and Rose Drill, and
Maypole, dialogues—The Father’s
Convention, The Night Before
Christmas and The Truth-Telling
Machine. Three duets, “Tattle-tales,
Coming in on a Wing and a Prayer,
Home on the Range.” Two threv
part songs by five senior girls.
“While Shepherds Watched Their
Flocks,” and “Christmas Hymns.”
A motion songw by Junior Girls,
“Christmas Lullaby,” a monologue,
“Several Complaints,” piano solu
“Chatauqua Waltz.” The final num
ber was a pageant, “Star of Bethle
hem,” which depicted the Christmas
Story and was presented by the en
tire school. The program concluded
with the National Anthem.
Institute Hears Interesting Address
The January meeting of the Hen
sall Senior Institute was held at the
home of Mrs. Claude Blowes on.
Wednesday, January 12, with Mrs.
Orr, co-hostess. The President, Miss
Gladys Luker, presided over* the
program which opened by singing
the Ode and “O, Canada,” follow
ed by prayer. Mr. Claude Blowes
and Claudette sang a duett entitled,
“O Master Let Me Walk With Thee”
accompanied by Mrs. Blowes at the
piano. The President gave a read
ing entitled, “Theme-Song for Liv
ing in 19 44.” Minutes of previous
meeting were read, the offering
taken and the work sheet passed.
The roll call was answered by “A
Notable Event of Last Year.” The
motto, “Don’t walk this year in last
year’s rut,” was very capably taken
by Mrs. Eric Kennedy. The Demon
stration was a Competition by school
children and was a display of art
and craft. The representing teach
ers were Miss Audrey Dinnin and
Mr. Blowes. The judges were Mrs.
R. Y. MacLaren, Mrs. A. R. Camp
bell and Mrs. Russel Broderick. The
prize winners were 1st for aft.
Serve,” Marion Sangster 2nd,
Fruit,” Norma Sangster 1st
craft, “Truck,”
being made Mrs. W. R. David-
and the accompanying address
by Mrs. Workman. Mrs. Tay-
aithough taken by surprise.
Jack Lavinder, 2nd,
“Cushion Top,’’ Bernice Jinks. War
Savings stamps were awarded.
Ruth Hess gave a splendid reading
entitled “Reverie in Church.” The
business followed. A letter was read
from War Memorial Children’s Hos
pital for the shipment of toys for
warded by the Hensall Institute.
The overseas boxes will be packed
by the first of February. Volunteers
were received for making cookies
for the boxes and the Packing Com
mittee are as follows: Miss Gladys
Luker, Miss Beryl Pfaff, Mrs.
Blowes, Mrs. Horton, Mrs. C. Cook,
Norinington, Mrs. Smale, Mrs.
•Mrs. Stanlake, Mrs. Orr. Let-
were read from the following
overseas re Christmas boxes:
Campbell, Alvin Bell, Morris
Tudor and Ray Foster. The topic
on “Training the Pre-School Age
Child,” prepared by Mrs. Steer, was
read by Mrs. R. Simpson, and was
most interesting. Miss Eunice Haist
for '
; a solo, “When I Take My Vaca-
iil Heaven”, accompanied by
! Florence Welsh at the piano.
Recipe sent by Mrs. Patterson
“White Cookies,” was read by
Miss Gladys Luker. The February
meeting will be held at the home of
Miss Gladys Luker, February 9 th.
The President moved a vote of
thanks to Mrs. Blowes, Mrs. Orr,
visitors, teachers and pupils, and all
those contributing towards the suc
cessful meeting. After singing
National Anthem a social hour
“What Was in that fat envelope
you got from,Washington this morn
ing?” asked the wife, errand boy
and proof-reader of the Weekly
Bugle. “Oli,” sighed the editor,
owner, printer, salesman and print
shop foreman of the same paper,
“it was another article from the
Head Office telling us to avoid »r
Red Cross
will be held in
Wm, Gossman’s Hall
Wednesday Night, Jan, 26 th
Admissioik 35c
Neat Lord's Pay> Sunday, Jan. 23,
the Minister, Rev. Lawrence H. Tur
ner, BA.* will conduct services of
worship at Shipka, 10.30 a.m., Brin
sley, 2.45 p.m., and Crediton, 7.30
p.m. The sermon theme for the day
being, the Eighth Commandment-—
“Thou Shalt not Steal”. Preceding
the services at Brinsley, the Sabbath
School will meet to which al) par
ents with children are asked to re
spond. Following the service of wor
ship at Shipka. the Sunday School
will convene to which session all are
The Sacrament of the Lord’s Sup
per was dispensed Sunday, January
16, to which fairly representative
congregations responded.
After ten consecutive years ot
teaching the adult Bible Class at
Crediton United Church Sunday
School, Mr, James Mawhinney ten
dered his resignation which was re
gretfully accepted. As a token of the
esteem in which he is held he be
came the recipient of a choice pen
and pencil set presented by the
Class. Mr, Mawhinney's successor is
Mr. Herb, Mitchell with Mr. Frank
Down as assistant.
Mrs. Rodney Bowman and Miss
Nola Faist visited with the former’s
husband in Woodstock.
J, W. Haberer and George Dei-
chert, of Zurich, audited the books
of the Hay Township Farmer’s Fire
Insurance last week. The
and annual reports have
to the policy holders.
Art Haist, who is with
dian Fusiliers of London
is home on leave. He
Mr. Alton Isaac spent the week
end in Toronto,
Master Benny Harleton was tak
en to Victoria Hospital, London on
Thursday of last week for X-ray and
Mr. and Mrs, Eldon ■ steeper, of
Parkhin, visited with Mr, and Mve.
J, Pollard on Thursday of last week.
Mr* and Mrs. ,Rex Mills, of Wy
oming, and Mr. and Mrs. Truman
Mills and David, of Sarna, visited
with their mother, Mi’s* H. Mills on
Friday of last week and all atten
ded th® funeral of the late Mr, Mills
at Woodham.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Pollard visited
with Mr, and Mrs. Harold McFalls
in Lucan on Sunday,
Mrs. George Godbolt visited on
Friday with Mrs. Charles Godbolt
in Exeter,
Mr. Wm. Willert is visiting
his sister, Mr, and Mrs. Tom
at Greenway.
Master Marvyn Bowden, of
don visited with his grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bowden.
Weekend visitors with Rev. and
Mrs. R. J. Merriam were Corporal
and Mrs. Rupert Merriam of St.-
Thomas and Misses Eva and Mae
Merriam of London.
The W.A. will serve a suppei* in
the school room of the church Tues
day, January 21st from 6 to 8
p.m, followed by the congregational
meeting, Everybody welcome.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Bowden
family were Sunday evening visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Taylor
in Usborne.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas Glavin anti
Mary attended the Larkin-Nagle
wedding in London on Saturday.
One of the highlights of the week
was the dance in Cooks hall on
Wednesday evening, put on by Mr.
Stan Hicks and Mr, Thos. Glavin.
been sent
a humorous reading by
and several pat-
Harry Hoffman,
Cross work was
Taylor and Mrs.
of officers
H. Taylor
conducted by Dr. R.
resulted as follows:
A. V. Tieman, 1st
E. Merner, 2nd vice-pres. Mr.
the Cana-
has been
stationed on Kiska in the Aleution
Islands. After his leave he will re
port to B.C., where he will be stat
Mr. and Mrs. Lou Hoard visited
with the latter’s parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Herb Fahner,
We are glad to hear that all the
sick including Mrs. Freeman Mor-
lock, Hugo Schenk. Godfrey Wein,
John Morlock are all able to be
around again. We hope that they
will soon be outside.
The Builder’s Class, of the Zion.
Evangelical Church Sunday School
had a social evening in the Sunday
School rooms last Monday evening
with a very good attendance. A de
votional period was conducted by
the president, Mr. Lawrence Wein.
After the business session, the re
mainder was spent in playing cro-
kinole. The evening came to a close
with refreshments.
Mr, and Mrs,
Exeter, Ontario
and Mrs. Murray Gibson,
Mrs, Lou. Gibson, of Denfield, visit
ed on Friday with Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Fletcher,
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Pym, of
Elimville, visited on Saturday eve
ning with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Davis.
Mr. and Mrs, Clayton Horton and
family, of Lumley, spent Thursday
with Mr. and Mrs, Colin Gilfillan.
George Bailey
visited on Sunday at the home of
Mr. Chas, Delbridge.
Order your
was a big crowd and the
proved to he a great success.
W.M.S. held their January
A Red Cross dance will be held
in the hotel on Wednesday evening,
January 26th. Come out and help
to support the Red Cross.
Mrs, Matilda Kraft is visiting with
her daughter in London.
Gnr. Jack Huffman, of Quebec,
spent a few days with friends here.
Mr. Sproule Currie spent the
week-end with his parents in Clarks
Pte. Lloyd Guenther, of Listowel,
is spending a two week furlough at
his home here.
Pte. Albert Miller, of Stratford,
spent a few days at his home here.
Red. Cross Annual Meeting
The annual meeting of the Red
Cross was held in the Public School
on Monday evening with the presi
dent Mr. A. V. Tieman in the chair.
The meeting opened with the sing
ing of “O, Canada” and prayer. The
program consisted of a chorus, piano
solo by Mary Snell, and Elfrieda
Mrs. Elgin Merner,
riotic selections by
An article on Red
read by Mrs. R. H.
G. Wildfong read several letters of
appreciation written by people who
have been helped by the Red Cross.
The minutes of the last meeting
were read and a report of the years
work was given by the secretary.
The treasurer reported $835.25 rais
ed during the year. A letter of thanks
from Miss Jeckell president of the
Exeter branch was read at this time.
The offering for the evening amoun
ted to $5.60. The election
V. L. Becker, treasurer, Mr. Harold
Kellerman, secretary, Mrs. J. M.
Tieman, salvage committee, V. L.
Becker, Mr. J. Manson, Russel Tie
man, Jimmie Taylor. The meeting
closed with the National Anthem.
The following is the report of the
years work by the ladies.
KNITTING—'8 pr. service socks,
15 pr. 18 inch socks, 3 pr. sea boots,
14 turtle-neck sweaters, 6' V-neck
sweaters, 24 pr. mitts, 12 pr. gloves,
14 aero cap,s 9 turtle-neck tuck-
ins, 11 washcloths, 6 boy’s pullovers,
5 girl’s pullovers, 4 round neck
sweaters, 3 helmets.
SEWING—4 ladies nightgowns, 12
ladies slips. 12 men’s shirts, 17
ladies knickers, 29 pads, 9 boy’s
blouses, 4 boy’s pants, 1 mattress
cover, 7 pr. men’s pyjamas, 4 child
rens dresses, 6 girl’s panties,
DONATIONS—1 ladies knitted
sweater, 85 large quilts, 17 crib
guilts, 1 pr. booties, 8 decks cards,
2 children’s knitted dresses, 1 child’s
knitted pan ties, 3 bath towels, 3
girl’s dresses with jackets, 151 bars
soap, 1 ladies dress, 4 girl’s dresses,
2 pr. children’s pyjamas, 1 child’s
Reel Cross shipment for January
1 pr. socks, 1 pr. 18 inch socks,
1 V-neck sweater, I pr. mitts, 3
men’s shirts, 4 jumper suits, 2 large
quilts, 1 crib quilt.
Mission Circle
meeting on Mon-
meeting at the home of Mrs. R. 3.
Merriam on Friday evening. The
Worship service was followed as
printed in the Missionary Monthly.
Rev. Merriam conducted the instal
lation of officers. The president,
Mrs. G. Hepburn occupied the chair
for the business. The annual reports
were given. Miss Agnes Anderson
invited the Society to her home for
their February meeting, To add to
the interest of the meeting each
one was asked to bring a visitoi*
with them. A solo by Miss Arlene
Skinner was greatly enjoyed by all.
At the close of the meeting a dainty
lunch was served by Mrs. F.
Mi’, and Mrs. Stephen Glanville
and sons spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Lome Hayden at Birr,
Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Heatherley and
Mrs. Frank Soheiding, of London,
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Motz.
Mrs. Harry Lewis spent a few
days the past week with her daugh
ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Alec Hamilton at Grand Bend.
Mr. Harry Lewis and Mrs. Leon
ard Wein and Marvin spent Sun
day at Grand Bend with Mr. and
Mrs. Alec Hamilton.
Pte. Alvin Sims, of
the week-end at the
parents Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. Sam Rawlings
to her home in Ailsa
weeks visit with her sister-in-law
Mrs. Job Sims.
Bray Chick Hatchery
Exeter ; Phone 246
Alvin Kerslake, Hensall
TTOOrrrrii*- ■ .w*
London spent
home of his
S. Sims.
has returned
Craig after a
Miss Ester Neeb visited a
days last week with her sister
and Mrs. Charles Allison of
Thames Road.
Miss Ruth Willert, of London,
spent the week-end with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Willert.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lippert and
Marlene spent Tuesday with tela?
tives in Melbourne.
Miss Alice McCann visited last
week with her sister Mr. and Mrs.
John Glavin of Centralia.
Little Miss Shirley Ann Wurni
spent the week-end with her grand
parents Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wil
lard in Exeter.
Mrs. John Glavin and babe, of
Mt, ’Garniel, is Visiting with her
parents Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ziler.
iuiiTiiiwiiMitwawTJili'rnirr'i^-i i1._ni,h' ni.i jii'i 'irrnirii iwuriWij'iiiiuVririrr
Old Yon Ever Biiy a Truss that
Didn’t Fit? That Can’t
» Happen Here
are Properly Fitted by anYon
Experienced Fitter in our Private
Triiss boom and Protected by a
Signed, Mondy-Baclr Guarantee
Your drugs at
I’houc BO Exdtor
The Evangelical
held their January
day evening, January 3rd at the
home of Mrs. H. K. Eilber. The
meeting was opened by singing the
circle ■ song. Our president Mrs.
Lawrence Wein then gave a paper
on Stewardship, followed by the
hymn “I Gave My Life For Thee.”
A self-denial poem was read by
Mrs. Lawrence Wein. The Study
Book was given by Mrs. Lorne Mor
lock and Mrs. Alvin Finkbeiner. Re
port of the secretary, treasurer,
sewing •convenor, knitting and good
cheer committees was given. Busi
ness was then discussed. This was
followed by election of officers for
the year 19 44, by the pastoi- Rev.
M. E. Reuber. President, Mrs. Law
rence Wein, vice-pres., Mrs.
Finkbeiner, recording sec.,
Gordon Ratz, assistant rec.
tary* Mrs. M. E. Reuber, treasurer,
Mrs. Lorne Morlock, corresponding
secretary, Mrs. Ross Krueger, pian-
ast, Mrs. Edward Finkbeiner, assis
tant pianist, Miss Ella Morlock,
prayer league, Mrs. Earl Haist. The
meeting closed with prayer by the
pastor, Rev. M. E. Reuber. Lunch
Fred Sims, of Stratford,
the week-end with relatives
then served.
Pot Luck Supper
The adult Bible Class held Pota
Luck Supper in the church basement
on Thursday night of last week with
an attendance of about fifty. After
wards the election of officers was
held with the following result:
President, Mrs. Alvin Pym; 1st Vice-
Pres„ Ruth Skinner; Secretary, Mrs.
Alvin Copper; Ass’t Sec., Mrs, Geo.
Davis; Treasurer. Mrs. Horace Del-
bridge; Ass’t Treas., Allen Johns;
Teachers, Delmar Skinner, Mrs. Wm.
Johns, Allen Johns, Wm. Routly,
Horace Delbridge, R. E. Pooley,
Harold Bell, Kenneth Johns, Mrs.
A. Pym, Mrs. D. Skinner, Verda
Kellett, Mrs. Pooley, Alvin Copper,
Howard Johns; Social Committee,
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Johns, Mr.
and Mrs. Franklin Skinner, Mr. and
Mrs. John Coward; Sick and Visit
ing Committee, Mr. and Mrs, Xlvin
Pym, Mi*, and Mrs. Kenneth Johns,
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Delbridge.
Miss Ada Andrew and Miss Ruby
Miners, of Exeter, spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Skinner
and family.
The Form Forum met at Mr. K,
Johns on Monday night Witll 21 in
attendance. The “How, What and
Why of Credit Unions.*’ was discus
sed well, Progressive Lost Heir filled
in the remainder of the evening
and lunch was served at the close.
Next, week the meeting will be at
the homo of Mr. Lewis Johns.
Mr. and Mrs. George Lackie spent
the week-end with relatives
W.M.S. and W.A.
The January meeting
W.M.S. and W.A. was held
Frank Gunning’s home on
day afternoon last. Thirteen mem
bers were present. Mrs. Edgar
Squire presided over the W. M. S.
The meeting opened with singing
and Mrs. Merriam offered prayer.
Scripture reading was led by Mrs.
Hazelwood. Mrs. Geo. Squire gave
a reading. In the business part of
the meeting a letter of appreciation
was read from the orphanage home
in London for donations of fruit
and eggs. Plans were made for
quilting. Mrs. Earl Johnson and
Mrs. Frank Squire favoured with a
duet. Mrs. Squire closed the meet
Mrs. Wm. Morley had charge of
the W.A. After singing the Lord’s
prayer was repeated in unison. Plans
were made for a Valentine party
and also a bazaar in the near fu
ture. Readings were given by Mrs.
Ogden, Mrs. Frank Gunning and
Mrs. Wm. Morley. At this time Mrs.
Milne Pullen favoured with an in
strumental. Mrs. Morley closed the
meeting. Refreshments were served
by the hostess and her assistants.
Gordon and Joan Johnson, of
Waterloo, spent the week-end under
the parental roof.
A01 Clare Hazelwood returned to
Halifax on Monday after spending
his furlough with his parents and
also with Mr. Harold Hazelwood and
Wm. Duffield of London.
and Mrs. Oestreicher and Miss
of Dashwood, visited On
Saturday evening at the home ot
Mr. Robert Murrays.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred McLinchey,
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Murray and
Shirley, Mrs. Edison Pollock and Mr,
and Mrs. Joseph Garrothers spent
Wednesday evening with Mr. and
Mrs. Maurice Murray at Corbett.
Mr. Hector Murray is at present
hl Victoria Hospital, London. We
hope to see him homo again soon.
Mr. aiid Mrs. Hoss Love and fam
ily, of Shipka, spent Sunday eve
ning at the home of Mr, Mansell
Hod gins.
Mr; ahd Mrs. Willis tietson and
family, of Grand Bend visited on
Sunday afternoon at Mr* Joseph
Mrs. Walker, of Peterhoro,
has been visiting her brother
Henry Ivison who has been very ill
has returned to her home. Mr.
Ivison’s many friends will be pleas
ed to know he is improving.
Mrs. Arnold Gackstetter left on
Saturday to spend a couple of
months with her brother and sister
in-law, Mr. and Mrs. L. Ferguson
in St.Thomas.
Miss Ina Ropp has returned to
Kitchener after spending a
weeks with her parents Mr.
Mrs. S. Ropp.
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Blanchard
family visited one evening last week
with Mr. and Mrs. W. Horney.
The Farm Forum met January
10 th at the home of Albert Gaiser
when the subject for discussioq,
was “Adequate Farm Credit can be
Supplied.” On Monday, January 17,
the Farm Forum met at the home
ofWray Sweitzer with 20 members
present. The subject “Credit Union
and the place of Credit Union in the
Farm Credit structure” was discus
sed. The next meeting will be held
January 24 at the home of Roy
Dietrich. Come and discuss your
farm problem, and enjoy a social eve
Plan to attend the meetings of^
the Federation of Agriculture at
Grand Bend, Crediton and Dash
wood next week when W. J.
Nicholson will be in
educational program
Sweitzer* ’
Mr. Harry Gregory, of Toronto,
spent the past week with Mr, and
Mrs. Milton Gregory.
Mr. Stewart Crew, an old Kirk
ton boy and his friend, Mr. J. Brown,
of Stratford, spent the week-end
with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Crew.
Mr. Wilfred Doupe, of Exeter,
called on friends in the village on
Mrs. Thurlow Williams, who has
been nursing her mother-in-law,
Mrs. John Williams, returned to her
home in London this past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Marshall and
Billie, of Thamesford, spent the
week-end with their grandmother,
Mrs. D. .Foster.
The Hon. J. G- Gardiner, of Ot
tawa, spent the week-end with his;
mother, Mrs. Jas. Gardiner.
Don’t forget the Carnival Friday
night at the Kirkton Community
Rink under the auspices of the'
Kirkton Public Library. A record
number of 200 were on the ice on,
ters and
has been
years and is still quite alive.
Don’t forget the play, “Safety
First,” put on by the Thorndale
Young People January 26 in the
Aberdeen Hall, Kirkton, under the
auspices of the W.A. of the K.N. ’
Mrs. Wells, of St. Marys, visited
with her brother, Mr, Milton Greg
ory, this
death of
preacher at Kirkton for a number
of years.
night, some came in cut
cars, some in trucks and
This little community rink
operated for the past 15
has been received of the
an old beloved pastor, Rev.
Bell, who was a former
when W.
charge of an
including pic-
Mr. and
Mr, and
Bassow, Sr.,
Bassow, and
of Zurich, were visitors on
with Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Miss Laurene Hern returned to
London on Monday aftei’ spending
a week’s vacation at her home here
Miss Erlma Jacques
with Mrs. A. Gunning in
Miss Barbara, Hunter
week-end with
We are glad
Wm. Brock is
Farm Forum
school Monday
good time.
The Young People held a Skating
party at Kirkton Saturday night.
They returned to Mr. and Mrs, Wei*-
lingtoji Brock's for lunch.
Mr. and Mrs. Eph, Hern Visited
on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.„ Orville
is visiting
Exeter this
spent the
‘Anna Brock,
to report that Mrs.
was held in. the
night with a good
Everybody reported a
No Happiness in the Home
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The tired, worn out mother cannot make a happy
home if she is sick and worried by the never ending
household duties,
She gets run down and becomes nervous ahd
Lriv*.'-'**,, downhearted and discouraged, can’t rest at
night, and gets up in the morning feeling as tired as when she went to lied.
Women suffering in this way may find in Milbum’s Health and Nerve
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