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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1944-01-20, Page 4
Page 4 THE EXETER ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 20, 1944 j EB k Bond’s Famous once-a-year Sale IT SEEMS IMPOSSIBLE BUT IT’S TRUE; HERE IT IS Announcements BOND'S SALE of tailoredfto^nieasurp clothes STARTS TO-MORROW Individually staled suits for men (1 pant only), and women at prices that. defy comparison-—quality 'that invites variety that simplifies selection. please order only one suit so that the available shared by as many as possible. FAMOUS ROND TAILOREDrTO-ItlEASURE Low JPrice $10.95; certified values to $37.75 In keeping with this Annua) Event, reductions prevail throughout our stores. Birth, p^uth and Marriage Notices are inserted free of charge. Card of Thanks 50e. In Memoriani Notices 5Oe for shiffie verse, -5c extra for eugh tional verse. En>;a;£eni ents* 50c enthusiasm? stock may be SUITS CLEARING ALL RUBBER FOOTWEAR Kiddies* Laced Lmnberinan’s, sizes 5 to 105, reg. $1 Men’s Men’s Men's All Leather 14-incli top Overshoes „...................... Overshoes ....... «.....— SHOES •— New arrivals on sale, Oxfords, Black and Brown, sale only ........... Misses* and Children’s Oxfords, 11-3, sale only Gijrls*$‘2.00 $1.88 GEORGE WRIGHT Exclusive Agent for Bonds THAMES ROAD Pilot Officer Bert Borland who has been on leave left Saturday for Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Miller and son Rae, of Woodham, Mr, and Mrs. Everett Miller, Freddie and Earl, of] Zion, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Miller on Sunday. F/S, E. M, Golley, Mrs. Golley and daughter, Darlene, of Exeter, visited with Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Passmore on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. Borland and family spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Duncan. Mr. and Mrs. C. Fisher and family, of Exeter, visited with Mr. and Mrs. B. Williams on Sunday, The Farm Forums met at the following places Monday night. Lumley school house, Mr. and Mrs. J. Stewarts home and Mr. and Mrs. R. Johns home with a good atten dance at each. Miss Alice Passmore spent last week with her grandmother, Mrs. Gunning in Exeter. LAC. Bob McCurdy, of Toronto spent the week-end at his home. Miss Anne Morgan, of the London teaching staff spent the week-ena at her home. Mr. and Mrs. C. Allison and Mr. and Mrs. B. Lamport spent Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. ant. Mrs. Nelson Lamport, Crediton. Mr. James Simpson returned home onSaturday aftei’ spending a week in Toronto where he attended the Agricultural Convention. Mrs. O. Beavers who has been convalescing at the home of Mr^ and Mrs. J. Caldwell, Exeter re turned to her own home on Tues day. > Y.P.U. Meets The second meeting of the Y.P.U. for 194-1 met at the home of Mr., and Mrs. Robert Duncan on Friday eve ning with a good attendance. Meet ing opened with hymn, followed with prayer by Mr. Mair. June Cow ard read the Scripture. Mr. Mair took the topic “The Winding Roads of Life”. In the absence of the sec retary, minutes and roll call were omitted. Hymn 376 was sung and meeting closed with Mizpah bene diction. Next meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hod- gerts Friday evening January 28th. The hostess Mrs. Duncan served a very dainty lunch and a social time was spent. Mission Circle Meets The regular monthly meeting of the Thames Road Mission Circle was held at the home of Miss Elsie Bray on Saturday afternoon with a good attendance. June Coward, the presi dent presiding. The meeting opened with hymn 517 followed with pray er by June Coward. Scripture les son was read and adopted. Roll call was answered by paying of fees, 17 r,'sponding. Treasurers report which was very gratifying was giv en by Jean Cann. Business was then discussed and offering taken. Hymn 681 was sung. Marion Hodgert gave a Herald, Mrs. Mair took the topic, “Child Welfare in China”. Hymn 376 was sung and meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction. The remainder of the afternoon was spent making out the programs for 1944. If was also decided to hold the monthly Mission Band meeting Sunday morning at the manse dur ing church service hour for the win ter months as the church basement is Used for church services. The leaders of the Mission Band for this year ate Mrs, Lee Webber and Miss June Coward. The meeting will be held at the manse this Sunday January 23. Don’t forget the Pot Luck Supper and annual church meeting this Thursday night, January 20th at 7.30 p.m. ih the church basement, ■Sunday services will be at the usual hour on Sunday. Sunday school at 10.IS a.m. and church service at 11,16 a.m. CLINTON NO MATCH FOR EXETER FLYERS (Continued from page 1) scored before Macey got his second goal. Hawkes scored the first one in the second on a solo effort. Fisher took Dagley’s pass-out to make it 10-4 and Dagley outguessed the de fence to add another for 'the losers. Macey whipped in his, third when Bradley’s shot bounced off the boards out in front. Hawkes got his number four on a slick play with Shaw. Shaw skated around the corner of the rink and sent out a timely pass to Hawkes just as he reached the net. Bradley and Weic- zorek both scored and Mockler add ed another for Clinton to end the period 14-6. Carter started off "the final per iod with his third goal. Forsythe carried the puck down the right boards and Wright broke with him. Jim sent Wright clear of the de fence with a rink-wide pass and the Serg. let drive with a short shot that beat Hodgkinson. Doc Webb got his first goal of the season on a smart three way play with Hawkes and Uhl. ft was one of the nicest goals of the night. Elwins got a goal near the end of the game when his shot was de flected into the net by a Clinton player and Shaw ended the field day on a solo effort. The Line-up EXETER—Goal, Young; defence, Webb and Wright; centre, Bradley; wings, Forsythe and Macey; alter natives, Elwin, Shaw, Weiczorek, Uhl, and Hawkes. CLINTON — Goal, Hodgkinson; defence, Whitelaw and Mertz; cen tre, Hardy; wings, Dagley and Car ter; alternatives, Fisher, Mockler, Craig, Turgeon and Delottinville. Referee, Gordon Muir, Seaforth. Summary First Period Exeter, Bradley; Exeter, Hawkes (Weiczorek); Clinton, Carter; Exe ter, Elwin (Bradley); Exeter, Shaw; Exeter, Shaw (Hawkes); Clinton, Carter; Exeter, Macey (.Forsythe, Bradley); Exeter, Haw kes; Clinton, Fisher; Exeter, For sythe; Exeter, Macey; Exeter, Shaw. Penalties: Whitelaw and Bradley. Second Period Exeter, Hawkes; Clinton, Fisher (Dagley); Clinton, Dagley; Exeter, Macey (Bradley; Exeter, Hawkes (Shaw); Exeter, Bradley; Exeter, Weiczorek; Clinton, Mockler. Penalties: Delottinville. Third Peiuod * Clinton, Carter; Exeter, Wright (Forsythe); Exeter, Webb (Hawkes Uhl); Exeter, Elwin; Exeter, Shaw. Penalties: Turgeon, Whitelaw (3) Weiczorek (2), and Macey. Intermediate “A” Standing Exeter ... W L ...................... 4 q 0 n 101 Pts 8 Seaforth ..................-.... 3 1 0 6 Clinton ........................ 1 3 0 2 Goderich ..................... 0 4 O'’ 0 Two young women were walking down Fifth Avenue. Suddenly one gave a piercing scream, “Look!” she cried in alarm, pointing to a midget. “Well, what’s so terrible about that?” asked her friend. “That’s only a midget.” “Thank heaven!” said the first girl, great ly relieved. “I thought they might be rationing meh." ................................................ mil...■lii.iwi«inni!i«iiinii,ii miuiiiuhumuhiimbuo BIRTHS BROOKE—At Dr, Fletcher’s Hos pital op Munday, January 17, 1944, to Corporal and Mrs. George Brooke, of Centralia, a- son. GLADMAN—In London, Eng,, on Friday, January 14, 1944, to Captain and Mrs. Charles B. Glad man, a son (Frederick Brien). HEYWOOD—At Mrs, Hunter’s Nurs ing Home on Wednesday, Jan. 19, 1944, to Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Heywood, a son, McBRIDE—In Scott Memorial Hos pital, Seaforth, on Monday, Jan. 17, to Mr. and Mrs. Ed. McBride, of Kippen, a daughter. NELSON—At Mrs. Godbolt’s Hos pital, on Friday, January 14th, 1944, to Flying Officer and Mrs. A. W. Nelson, of Exeter, a son (Robert James), TRITES—At Dr. Fletcher’s Hospital on Sunday, January 16, 1944, to Sgt. and Mrs, Arthur Trites, of Exeter, a daughter. ZIMMER—-In Dr. Taylor’s hospital, Dashwood, on Thursday, January 13, 1944, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Zimmer, a daughter. DEATHS CARRICK—At Black River on Fri day, January 7, 19 44, Mrs. Mary Ida Carrick, in her 74th year. ENGAGEMENTS Mrs. Byron E. Hicks, Centralia, announces the engagement of her daughter, Mildred Jones Hicks, to Corporal Joseph Bruce Creech, R.C.A.F., son of Mrs. Catherine Creech and the late Thomas G. Creech, Exeter. The marriage will take place in February. c CARDS OF THANKS Misses Alice and Laurene Beavers wish to thank their friends and neighbors for the ’ kind expressions of sympathy and assistance extend- ded during the illness and death of Martin Luther Beavers. Also to Mrs. P. Murdoch and Rev, Mr. Irwin. * The family of the late George Etherington wish to express their sincere thanks to their friends, the pallbearers, Rev.- Mair and Rex Irwin, to Mrs. A. Morgan and the members of the Thames Road choir who assisted with the music, also for the kind expressions of sym pathy and floral tributes extended during their recent bereavement. * Mr. Louis Day, Sr., wishes to ex press his sincere thanks to the mem bers of the Vestry and congregation of Trivitt Memorial church for their kindly expressions and the presen tations made to him at the annual Vestry meeting Tuesday evening. Mr. Day tendered his resignation after 25 years as Vestry Clerk, c Mr. and Mrs. Eli Coultis wish to express their sincere thanks to their many friends and neighbors who as-* sisted them by acts of kindness dur ing their recent illness, especially to Mrs. Christie, Mr. C. Hodgson, and Mr. N. Ogden. * Don Case wishes to express his thanks and appreciation to his many friends and neighbors that remem bered him so kindly and visited him while convalescing from his accident and special thanks to Group Cant. E. G. Fullerton and Hospital staff of No. 9, SJF.T.S. who were so good to him when he needed care and attention. * Mrs. Chris Dinney wishes to thank her many friends and neighbors for the cards, gifts and kindnesses shown during her recent illness, also for the many inquiries. c Mr. and Mrs. John Hunkin wish to thank the many friends for their kind expressions of sympathy and enquiry and for the cards received since receiving word -of the death of Pte Aimer Leroy Hunkin in North Africa. d STEPHEN .OTJNQIL (continued from page 1) Carried. G. E. reported the past j, Amy> he was authorized to continue the levy and collection of the unpaid taxes in the money and with the power provided by law and that the time for the return of his roll to the Treasurer be extended te the 1st of next March, Carried, JJove—-Powe: That By-law No, 59 0 to provide for the total 1944 expenditure on roads in the Town ship, having been read three times be passed and signed by the Reeve and Clerk and the Seal of the Cor poration attached thereto. Carried. Delegations from S, S, No. 1 and S, S. Np. 12 interviewed the Council with regard to the loss in their as sessment which had been brought about through the establishment of the Centralia and Grand Bend Air ports and it was felt some action should be taken whereby these Sec tions should have some considera tion from the Dominion Government, As there are other School Sec tions in the County similarly affec ted, the matter was left with the Reeve and Deputy-Reeve to contact the Reeves of the Municipalities where such Airports are located and then lay the matter before tlie Coun ty Council for their consideration. The Clerk stated that he had re ceived the Report and Plan prepared by Geo. A. McCubbin, O.L.S., for the repair of the Ryan Drain- and no tices had been sent out to all those affected that the Report would be read by the Council at their next meeting to be held on the 7th of February next. On motion of Nelson Schenk, sec onded by Arthur J. Amy, the fol lowing officials were appointed: Caretaker of Hall: E. Guettinger $25.00 per annum and $1.00 extra for each public meeting or concert when an admission is charged. Salary of George Eilber, as (Road Superintendent, 45c per hour. Board of Health: Alonzo McCann and Thomas Love, $8.00 pei’ annum. Secretary of Board of Health: H. K. Eilber, $15.’0'0 and $8.00 extra for attending meetings. Sanitary Health Inspectors: Lawson, Clayton Pfile and W. Oliver at 25c per hour. School Attendance Officers: Lawson 5 and Clayton and 11 U.S.S.S. Schools 8, 17 and 18. At 25c per hour. Members of the Field Committee: Alonzo McCann and Thomas Love. No salary. Milk Inspector: E. Guettinger at 4 0c per hour. Each of the above officials to pay for their own transportation. Poundkeepers: B. D. Cook, Earl Shapton, Royal Gaiser, Michael Ry-1 an, William Love, Ezra Webb, Alvin Baker, Ross Love, ' Arthur Baker, , Solomon Pollock, Henry Devine, Hilton Ford, William Stade, W. J. Hodgins, Lloyd Brophey, James Ma. wliinney.. Fence-viewers: Murray Elliott, Henry C. Beaver, Leslie Richard, Jacob Rat^, Ed. G. Kraft, J. T. Hirt- zel, W. Isaac. Road Wilson; White; Fahner; fred Mack; 8, John Wein vey Gelinas; 10, 11, Henry Clarke; 12, Stewart Webb; 13, Elmer Pickering; 14, Thomas Lamport; 15, W. J. Hod- Faist, Collector of Taxes,’ $2,360.29 taxes unpaid for yea? amd on motion of A, seconded by Herman Powe, Eli B. Eli for Schools No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 14 and Unions 9 and 13; Pfile for Schools No. 6, 7 and Unions 15 and 16 and No. No. 10 .and 12 and Unions 6; W. B. Oliver for J. Brown, John Gill, Thos. Foreman: No\ 1, Gordon Classified Directory ------THERE’S NO DEAD HEADS HERE—EVERY WANT AD WORKS HARD- FOR SALE WANTED LOST AND FOUND FOR SALE—-Young Durham cow freshened 1 week, also some weaner pigs. Phone 22r9, Kirkton. 20* WANTED—50 little pigs. Apply to Harvey Qodbolt. Phone Exeter 175113, 20c FOR SALE—A pair of boy’s shoes and skates. Apply at Times-Ad vocate. 13,20* WANTED—Comfortable room well heated, op 2 room apartment. Not necessarily furnished. Times-Adyocate. LOST—-Identification bracelet mark ed Linda Orrarod. Finder please return to Harvey’s store. Reward offered, 20c Apply at 20,27c FOR SALE-—2 year-old Durham bull. Apply to Reg. Hodgson, Centralia. Phone Crediton 18r3 20c FOR SALE- grinder and 10 1 pair canyone on old plate along. Wm. Ward, -I have a few Fleury plates on hand 9 % inches inches, flat and bevel and breaker centre plates. It needs plates get plates or bring number an old Exeter. 13,20* FOR SALE—Four burner electric range with oven, in good condi tion. Apply IF. W. Gladman, Exe ter. 20c FOR SALE—• Jersey cow, due to freshen immediately. Apply John ■Caldwell, phone 13rll, Exeter.20* REAL ESTATE FOR SALE—Comfortable cottage in Exeter. Finished like new. Several other houses. C. V. Pick ard. FOR SALE—100 acres. Comfort able house and good barn. Land in best of condition. 22 acres of acres ’ of alfalfa Also other farms acreages. C. V. 165 Exeter. fall wheat, 30 and red clover, and two small Pickard, phone FOR SALE—10 0 acres with bank barn, brick house 2 miles S. E. 100 acres, basement barn, frame house, some bush 4 miles N.W.; 100 acres, frame house, bank barn, implement shed, henhouse, bush 9 miles N, W. W. C. Pearce, Exeter. llllllllllllllllilllllllllllilliillllllllillllllllll The Times-Advocate requires a few papers of the issue of Sept. 23, Dec. 16, and also of last week, Jan. 6 th. 5 c per copy will be paid for them.' ilillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll! Mrs. Mary Ida Carrick Dies The funeral of the late Mrs. Maiy Ida Carrick, who died at her home " at Black Rivei' on Friday, January | 7th, was held from the home on j Monday, January 10 conducted by the Rev. Arthur Laycock, of Severn Bridge assisted by Rev. W. E. Aid worth, of St.Marys. The deceased, who was in her 74th year, leaveq to mourn the loss of a loving moth er, four daughters, (Margaret) Mrs. Harry Morrison, of Longford Mills; (Ruth) Mrs. Roy Paul, of Washago; (Marjorie) Mrs. Stafford McDon-2 Wm. Stanlake, 3, Joseph nell> of OriUia; (pearl ) Qf TorontQ 4, Lawrence Hill, 5, Harold and one son jeffrey) a veteran of 6, eniy Fahner, 7, Wil-1 Grea^. war, at home. Another , ar" son Ernest lost his life in the last William Becker, | ,Great war. During the service Mr. Frank Wildfong sang “O Safe to the Rock That is Higher than I” which was one of the deceased’s,16’ A-uSustus Latta; 17, Hugh favorite hymns. Interment was made Hodgins; 18-SB, Hugh Hodgins; 19, John G. Lovie; 20, Orville Farrell; 21, Centralia P.V., Gordon Wilson; 22, Crediton P.V., Geo. Eilber; Dashwood P.V., R. A. GOetz; ESR., Henry Fahner; and that following shall be the scale in St. James cemetery, Washago. Honorary bearers were E. J. Weir, Nicol Campbell, A. B. McDonald, A. '». McMillan, D. A. McDonald and W. The bearers were Orville Clayton Carrick, Sidney Gordon McDonald, George 23 2®» Davey. th*3: Morrison, — — -----_ OU Davey, Guiuun ivjlujuuh<*xu, vreurge wages to be paid during the year. McDonald and Wilfred Davey. At- 19 44: General Work Man and s tending from a distance were Sgt. team, 60c per hour; Man alone, 35c, ROy Paul, R.C.E., of Petawawa; Mr. per hour; Foreman, 35c per hour; |Alfred Jones, of Toronto; Mr. and Man and Team cutting weeds with Mrs. G, McDonald and Mr. A. B. Mc- mower, 70c per hour; Snow Roads—- Donald, of Hawkstone; Rev. W. E| Man and Team, 50c per hour; Man | Aidworth, of .St. Marys and Mr. F. alone, 25c per hour; Foreman, 25c Wildfong and Mr. C. E. Aidworth, per hour. Carried. ,ove—Schenk: That Pay-Sheet of Exeter. APPLICATIONS for the position of Road Superintendent of the Town- Ship of Hay. Duties to commence as soon as appointed. Applications to be in writing and in the hands of the clerk by February 1st, 1944. H. W. BROKENSHIRE, Zurich 20,27c Clerk-Treas. of Hay FOUND—A $10 bill in Exeter place of business about one week ago,. Owner may claim by proving ownership and paying cost of this advertisement, Apply at Times-Advocate. 20e MISCELLANEOUS HATCHING EGGS WANTED — We require additional breeding flocks all breeds to supply us with hatch ing eggs for. 1944 hatching season. Flocks culled and bloodtested free of charge. Guaranteed prem ium paid. Also turkey flocks need ed. Cockerels wanted; Barred Rocks, White Leghorns, White Rocks and Black Australorps suit able for breeding. Write for full details immediately. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. 6:13c The annual meeting of the Thames Road Farmers’ Club will he held at the home of Mr. Henry Rohde, Thursday, January 27th at 8 p.m. Orders are being hooked for fertilizer and. a few more orders are required for Western oats. A good supply of chick starter ana laying mash on hand, 20,2-7,0 CASH FOR FOX HORSES—Dead animals removed. Two-hour ser vice day oi* night. Phone Credi ton 47rl5, collect. Jack Wil liams. PERSONAL WANTED—Will buy an unlimited ■number of aged horses, heavy or light. F. Taylor, Exeter. tfm WHY SUFFER, the agony of Rheu matic Pain Sciatica, Lumbago, when Rumacaps will give you quick wel come relief. Robertson’s Drug Store. NOTICES White’s Bakery will be closed from January 24th to February 7th inclusive. 20:27:c Re: Wood The Village expects a shipment of Birch body wood during the n ?.xt two weeks. This will be cord wood and will be sold at the cars at $10.00 per cord. Payment to be made in Smoother complexion! Greater Vita lity! Increased vigor! Take Page- ■ Griffiths BETAMIN (B-Complex) tablets once a day. ROBERTSON’S DRUG STORE advance. There is still over a car-. serious accident, load of this wood available. Please' leave your order at the Clerk’s of fice. Also arrange for the delivery of your wood from the station. C. V. PICKARD, Clerk Mr. Dalton Lewis was awakened by gas fumes in his home from a coal stove recently and had con siderable trouble in gaining his way to the door. This may have been a WOODHAM Our deepest sympathy goes out to Mrs. Jas. Mills and family, in the passing of Mr. Mills, to the Great Beyond on Tuesday evening of last week and also our sincere sympathy is extended to the friends of Miss Mary Jane Brethour who’s funeral took place from this church, Tuesday afternoon last and proceed ed to Kirkton cemetery. Mr. Francis, of Saskatchewan, was a recent visitor of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Wynn. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Grearson. of London, and Mr. and Mrs. Will. Brine, of St. Marys, attended the funeral of their aunt Miss* Brethour, on Tuesday afternoon last. Mr. Wendell Camm, t of London, was a week-end guest at his father’s home, Mr. John Camm. Mrs. Clarence Gunning, of Gran ton, spent the week-end at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Jas. Millar. Miss Fern Rodd, of visited over the week-end home here. and Mrs. Carman Mr. and Mrs. Dean White and Mr. Jim Morley spent Thursday eve ning last with Mr. and Mrs. Luther Morley. We are glad to report that Phyl lis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Hodgins is doing as well as can be expected. Mrs. Bertha Lightfoot is ent in St.Joseph’s ‘Hospital, for treatment. Her many hope for a speedy recovery. The.many friends of Mrs. John Hamilton, of Victoria Hospi tal, London, will be glad to know she is reevering from her recent sickness. at pres- London friends William Mr. London, at- her Switzer spent Thursday last in London. ,Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Squire Thursday last in London and ed with friend-s there. ' The Red Cross are busy month making quilts for the sian relief, and any help will be need is spent visit- this Rus- gladly accepted, for the great. The Young People from hold a skating party on evening of this week. here will Thursday BRINSLEY •Cipl. Cook and Cpl. Copper, Strange but True Sounds far fetched, but isn’t. It is estimated that the annual gross value of dairy products in recent years has been placed at over 301 million dollars, almost 100 million dollars hgher than the estimated annual value of gold production in Canada, The sale of milk brings cheques to about 420,000 farmers, and to this number might be added around 40,000 employees in distri buting and manufacturing plants, Some authorities estimate at least one-fifth of Canada’s population is dependent Upon the dairy industry for a living. Old Bossy is quite ah important figure in our eOdnomy, isn’t she? I. No. 1 for $193.53; Pay-Sheet No. 2 for $3.60 and Pay-Sheet No. 3 for $51.97 and the following accounts be paid: Bank of Montreal, Tax Col lections, $75.35; Bank of Commerce,1 Tax Collections, 15.70; G. E. Faist, j Tax Collections, 20.60; Municipal < World, Supplies, 19.17; Exeter■«America Times-Advocate, printing, 9'0i.56; R, I J. Lovell Co. Ltd., assessment anaiand collector rolls, 19,94; Treas. County1 wag of Huron, hospitaliiiation—Baird, I can 13,10; T. H. Hoffman, ambulance-—’ and Steely 8.00; Vernon Schatz, grocer I membership certificates were pre- ies Tyler, 12.00; JD. Tiernan, ooal ,sented to Lila Moir arid Betty Moir, Vansteenkist, 15.00; D. Tiernan, coai'Algo a blll6 seat to Betty Ei © Hensall Mission Band The Sunbeam Mission Band Carmel Presbyterian church met Sunday at 2.30 p.m. for their first meeting of the year. The meeting 1 * opened by singing two verses of 1 “a**10*4^, the Beautiful” followed ~ ‘ >, text prayer. The Scripture lesson taken by Lila Moir and the roll was answered by 13 members 1 visitor. Red seals and lite iung, ju.Do, by the Mission Band motto: assessment and nravpr The. sm'ini-m’n of on —-Tyler, V.80; Geo, A. Love, grocor-1 and a certificate and pin to Ann ieS“-->Vansteenkist, 12.00; War Mdrn-_ Mildebraht. A Bible was presented orial Hospital, Grant, 15.0J. Carried, to Betty E. Moir for her interest The Council adjourned to meet shown during the past year. The again in the Town Hail, Ofeditoim! topic was taken by Mrs. Of*f follow- on Monday, the 7th day of February, ed by prayer by DoUglas Moir. The 1944, at 1 p.m,............ J meeting closed by singing a hymn Herbert K, Ellbeij Twin Clbrk, and repeating the Lord’s prayer, of the Centralia training school spent a few days at the home of Mrs. Beatrice Dixon. ■Sorry to report that Mrs. Albert Morgan is confined to her bed. Her many friends wish her a speedy re? covery. Mr. John Trevethick Sr,, left on Saturday for St.Thomas to spend the winter months with his son Garnet. Mrs, Emerson Glenn has receiv ed 'word that her nephew Harvey (Bud) Gilbert has been wounded in Italy, We are sorry to report Mr, Alex Greenlee is in poor health and hope to see him around soon. , Mr. Fred J, Neil is Confined to his home through illness and trust he will soon be around again. The Stewards of Brinsley United Church held a financial meeting on Wednesday eve last at the home of Mr. Fred J» Noil. The ladies of the community are quilting a number of quilts for Red Cross with Mrs. James Trevethick ds convenor, Mr. Norman Amos, of Guelph, spent tho week-end at his home. CLANDEBOYE Arnold Lewis has received his call from the navy and reports to Vancouver B.C. the latter part of the month. Mrs. Elva Dobbs visited recently with her sister Mrs. Clara McDonald, Hamilton. Miss Pearl Whiteford has been granted another two weeks leave from her airforce duties to assist her mother, Mrs. J. Whiteford who has been ill. Mrs. B. Hayter, Evelyn and Edi son left on funeral of _ ______ __ _____ Mrs. Homer Jeffery of Detroit. The surrounding their sympathy in their sad bereave- ?nent. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Whiteford spent Friday in London. Word has been received here of the death in Courtenay, B.C. of Joseph Hodgins in his 79th year. He was a son of the late John Hodgins a pioneer settler in this district. Born in Biddulph township, Mr. Hodgins went west in liis early years and married and lived in Brit ish Columbia. He is survived by six sons and two daughters also a sis ter Mrs. and three concession Edmonton Interment B.C. ■\V»A. and. La di os’ Guild The annual meeting of the W.A. and Ladies' Guild of St. James Church was held at the home of Mrs, H. George, Mrs. L. C. Harrison presi ded and officers for 1944 were elec.- president, 1st vice-president, sec.-treas., Mrs. Guild officers are, James Paton, 1st Mrs. Cecil Carter, Andy Carter, con- service, Mrs. Eslie- Saturday to attend the the former’s daughter, community extends Eli Carter,v Clandeboye- brothers, Walter, 2nd of Biddulph, Thomas, of and Adam in the U.S.A, took place in Courtenay, W.'A. officers are H. George, Cecil Carter, O’Neil. Mrs. ted. Mrs. Mrs. Karl president, vice-president, Sec.-treas., Mrs. venor of social Hodgson. The annual ve.stry James church was afternoon at 3 p.m. with Splendid reports from all of-, ganizatlons. meeting of St. held Monday in the church First Communist—-“Nice weather- We’re having.” Second (grudgingly)—-“Yes, but. the rich are having it, too?'