HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1943-12-02, Page 1»s. Single Copy, 5 cents Sixty-Ninth Year DONORS CLINIC and ete i held W. the Mr, OFFICERS INSTALLED BY EASTERN STAR EXETER HAS FIFTH BLOOD held its fifth blood donor Wednesday, November 24. very successful clinic with ig out of 141 5 2 were ’ATTRACTIVE NUPTIALS ilN CAVEN CHURCH i Bxeter Decorations of flags, ferns Established 1873 wwBaanwMiimMiHwga Subscription, $2.00 per year EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 2nd, 1943 Christmas Merchandise Our stock of merchandise for the Christmas season is about complete. While many lines are very scarce we have a good selection of useful gifts for early buyers. We cannot repeat on any lines when sold out. A Few Suggestions: FOR MEN AND BOYS—Neckties boxed, sets of ties with handkerchiefs to. match, braces, garters, neck scarves, gloves, initialed and fancy handkerchiefs, pyjamas and night gowns, shirts, suits and overcoats, shoes, slippers, hats, etc. FOR LADIES AND GIRLS—Silk underwear, hosiery, slips, night gowns, fancy tablecloths, neck scarves, collars, etc. Ladies’, Misses’ and Girls’ make excellent Christmas gifts. We still have a large range to choose from at very reasonable prices. LADIES’ and MISSES’ CHENILLE HOUSE COATS at $4.50 each These house coats or bath robes of good quality chenille make ideal Christmas gifts, white and colors, small, medium and large* at $4.50 each. Ladies’ & Misses’ Fall & Winter Skirts New styles, new materials, all popular colors, sizes 12 to 20, pleated and plain styles at from $2.95 to $4.00. Special Values for Thursday, Friday & Saturday WHITE BEANS IL New crop, hand picked, ..........pci WHITE WAX BEANS 4 |hc A quick cooking-, fine larger bean “ IBS. uuy COMB HONEY, nice quality _ar>L 1 “D” coupon per square ..............COLla ttvL Home Rendered Lard Fresh made .........................2 lbs. 33c Phone 32 GRAPE NUTS FLAKES Large 12 oz. pkgs................ 45c each 13c CLARK’S GOVERNOR SAUCE a„L 90„ A truly fine sauce, 8 oz. bottles,.... “util TOY BROOMS A delight to the little folks, ...vttVll Exeter clinic op It was a 106 donors reportin; called. Of these 52 were new women donors, 41 new men donors, and 13 men were repeaters. One man received his silver button, two men thete bronze buttons, Miss Mary Ainslie was the nurse in charge and Drs. Dunlop were clinic room, The donors Cutting 6, J. M. Southcott 2, Ken Hockey 3, Margaret Melville, Ardys McFalls, Mrs. I, Jensen, Mrs, L. Learn, Florence MacDonald, Mrs. A, J. Woodcock, Rod Ellis, Mrs. V. Lindenfield, Mrs. N. Hockey, Mrs. Wuerth, Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Coombes, Mrs. man, Pauline Josie Kerslake, Helen Westcott, Mrs. W. E. WJeekes, Fred Newton, Mrs. N. Wells, Wm. Pearce, J. Mc­ Gregor, Mrs. E. Kettle, Mrs. E, Hewitt, Mrs, E, Beaver, Mrs. C. Ryckman, Mrs. G .Skinner, Mrs. A. Swain, Rus. Heaman, Mrs. T. Col­ lingwood. Centralia: E. Kerslake, R. Blair, Wm, Essery, L. Wieberg, Harold Ligilitfoot, K. Hodgins, K. Thean- der, Jim Cook, Mr. and Mrs. F. Harrison, R. I-Iosking, Roy Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. F. Dobbs (3rd foi' F. Dobbs), B. D. Field, Wm. Thomp­ son, H. Kerslake 2, Kirkton: Wilfred C. Allen, R. Miller. ’ R. R. Exeter; F. Kernick, Harold Taylor, Lightfoot, V. Pincombe, Mrs. C. Fisher, H. Hunter, E. Gunning, E. Pym, Mrs. A. Penhale, M. Thomp­ son. Woodham: Mrs. G. Murray, How­ ard Johns. Cromarty: Mrs. Albert Hay. Ailsa Craig: Stan Maguire. Crediton: Nelson Lamport, Alwin Baker, R. Krueger, Rev. M. Reuber, W. H. :,^mith, Mrs. Jackson, Hugo Schenk 2, Mr. and Mrs. W. Etherington. Hensail: Mrs. W. Smith, James Kirkland, Harry Strang 3, S. W. Dougal 2. Dashwood: Ernest Koehler, Chris­ tine McCrea. Grand Bend: Emery Desjardine. Zurich: LeRoy O’Brien 2, Mrs. LeRoy O’Brien, E. M. Dagg 2, Mrs. E. M. Dagg, Kathleen Hay, Geo. Ducharme, Mrs. E. Gascho, Mrs. G. Lenehan, Betty Dietz, Mrs. Eckel, Mrs. T. H. Meyers, Rev. Heckendom 2, Milton Oesch 2. Fletcher and the doctors in the were: Les. R. M. L. Exeter, Robertson S. B. Taylor Margaret Tape, Marion Pooley, j. 2 3, G. Lamport, Mrs. R. Snell, Mrs. A. Genttner, Mrs, F. Maffey, Mrs. M. Jory, Mrs. N, Hea- Godbolt, Mary Johns, Kerslake, Mrs. B, Field. Hunkin, Mrs. Skinner, W. J. Howard Mrs. On Wednesday evening chapter of the order of the Eastern tall white tapers in bronze candei- Star Mrs. into with Patron. Associate quair; Associate Patron, Mr, E. M, Dignan; secretary, Mrs. W. J, Smith; treasurer, Miss M, Horton; conduct­ ress, Mrs. J, Ferguson; associate; conductress, Mrs. R. Kestle; chap­ lain, Mr, M, W. Telfer; marshall, Mrs. R. Motz; organist, Mrs. Thos. Coates; Ada, Mrs, E. J. Green; Ruth, Mrs, G. Lawson; Esther, Mrs. M. Quance; Smith; Warder, Mr. W. Mrs. was the installing officer and she was assisted by Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers, Mrs, E. J.. Green, Mrs. M. W. Telfer, Mr. Ed. Dignan, Mr, B. W. F. Beavers and Mr, W. D. San­ ders. Mrs. W .J. Smith acted as the installing marshall. Immediately following stallation as Worthy Matron, Mrs. Sanders was presented with a cor­ sage of roses, a compliment of her sister, Miss H. Knlpe, of Detroit. At this time Mrs. T, Coates sang an appropriate solo. An attractive floral ceremony was carried out by Mrs. E. J. Green. The retiring Worthy Matron, Mrs. M. Telfer, wag presented writh her jewel by Mrs. E. J. Green and Mr. W. D. Sanders, the retiring worthy patron, was presented his jewel by Mrs. R. Kestle. The evening was climaxed by re­ freshments and a social half its installation ceremony. ■ abras formed a lovely setting in D. Sanders was installed; the Caven Presbyterian Church on office of Worthy Matron Saturday, November 27, at 3 o’- E. J. Green as Worthy Other officers included: Matron, Mrs. J. A. Tra- Martha, Miss Helen Electa, Mrs. M. Horney; Mrs. I. Jensen; Sentinel, D. Sanders. Ruth Arthur P.D.D.G.M., RECEIVES HIS WINGS E. W. w. Mr. her in­ hour. were pilots on Among the graduates who presented with their wings as at No. 5, S.F.T.S., Brantford, Thursday of last week was Sgt. R. C. M. Gillies, of Midland, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Gillies and grandson of Mrs. Gillies and Mrs. S. Martin, of Exeter. FINKBEINER—MOLLARD • The Crediton Evangelical Church was the scene of a quiet but pretty wedding on. Saturday, November 27, when Leila Grandlene, only daugh­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Mollard, of Exeter was united in marriage to Edward William, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Finkbeiner, Crediton. Rev. M. E. Reuber ficiated at the ceremony The bride was charming in of of- Jones & May Your Superior Store DIED IN CALIFORNIA IN HIS 94th YEAR mu Canadian Degion B.E.S.L., Exeter- Hensail Branch 167. iiisniii ki iiiini inn mi limning niiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiii n iimiiniii iniiiiiiiiiii£ It’s the Talk of the Town! . It’s the Event of the Season! E Drive, Santa McKnight’s Hall, Exeter 10 GEESE GOOSE FOR DOOR PRIZE Bingo starts at 8.30 sharp. Admission 35c Saturday Night DANCE — with — No. 9 S.F.T.S. presents Hockey Frolic DANCING AT THE Drill Hall (No. 9 S.F.T.S.) on Word has been received in Ex­ eter of the death of a former resi­ dent in the person of Mr. William H. Wood, who died Friday, Novem­ ber 19, at the home of his son Cecil Wood, 1109 Cliff Barbara, Calafornia. • Deceased had been a resident of that place for the past 25 years. His age was 93 years and 7 months. Mr. Wood was born in this community in IS50 his father being one of the His wife, Mrs. predeceased him raised a family four of whom SGT. SMITH and his orchestra from No. 9 ADMISSION 50c A Our Christinas dance will i’..«• ...............6". ....... jh Tuesday, Dec. 7th at 9.00 p.iu. Music by No. 9 S.F.T.S. layers ADMISSION 25c PRIZE DANCES NOVELTIES EVERYBODY WELCOME Entire Proceeds in Aid of No. 9 S.F.T.S. Hockey Team Tickets on sale at Times-Advocate, Traquair’s Hardware, S. B, = Taylor’s, C. V. Pickard’s office and E. R. Hopper’s. = niiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiniHiiiiiniiniimiHiiiianiiiHiiniiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiifT Immunization Clinic be lield Friday evening, December 24th. A limited number of tickets at 75c are offered in advance sale at the Box Office Thursday and Saturday nights. Mr. Alex Stewart has returned from a visit with his nephew in Stratford. Exeter Public School Friday j Dec. 3, 1943 at 9 a.m. All school and pre-school children who have not had second scarlet fever serum. Board of Health Sgt. Frank Casson, of Seaforth, graduated as Wireless ate gunner at the No. 4 Bombing and School at JFingal Monday......... . .. LAC, Bill Reynolds, who pleted his course with the at Ft. William, is visiting parents, Mr, ahd Mrs, Luther Rey­ nolds. He is being posted to York- ton, Sask., for further training. Gunnery lias cohl- R.C.A.F. with his Mr§, A. J. Traquair is ill id Vic­ toria Hospital-, London. Her ’many friends will be pleased to know that her condition is improving. November 27, for the marriage of Vera only daughter of Mr. and Ed. Pollen, who became the of LAC. Donald Graham of Camp Borden, son of Mrs. Mansel Mason, of Wm. Mair per- eeremony, Mrs. J. G. played the wedding the accompaniment for Miss Helen Nadiger, of who sang "Because” the signing of the regis- ”1 Love You Truly”, elock Mae, Mrs. bride Mason, < Mr. and Grand Bend. Rev, formed the Sochrane music and i the soloist I Dashwood ■ and during ter sang The bride, given in marriage by her father was lovely in a floor­ length gown of white slipper satin, on princess lines, sweetheart neck­ line and long fitted sleeves coming to a point over the hand. Her heart- shaped halo held her long veil of white illusion and she carried an arm bouquet of Better Time roses and white chrysanthemums, The bride’s only ornament was a string of pearls, gift of the groom. Mrs, Eugene Beaver, friend of the bride, as matron of honour, blue mat- bou- roses TAG PAY RECEIPTS $42.91 FOR EXETER, ENG., FUND Tag Day for the Exeter, Eng.» Good-Will fund wag held on Satur­ day last and the net returns amount­ ed to $42.91. The taggers were pupils from the Exeter public school, The weather was none top pleasant for being out. Further contribu­ tions have been received as fol­ lows: W. G. Medd $2.00; Mrs. H. Kyle $5.00; Misses Carling $10.00; C. V. Rickard $2.00, bringing the total contributors of this fund to $376.43. The money is to be forwarded at Chistmas and it is hoped that be­ fore that time the total will be in­ creased to at least $500.00. Exeter, England, has suffered severely by bombing raids during th war and in recognition of the debt of gratitude we owe to the pioneers of sterling worth who came from Devonshire to settle in Exeter, Canada, this Good-Will token has been under­ taken. Let the contribution be a worthy one. The Sunday School of James Street United chuch will hold White Gift Sunday on December 12 and the cash proceeds will be for the Exeter fund, a floor-length gown of with sequin beanie and shoulder veil. Her arm was of Johanna Hill wore sheer ching quet and pink chrysanthemums. Little Marilyn Penhale, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Penhale was flower girl wearing a pink taffeta floor-length gown with tiny pink shoulder veil held in place with rosebuds and carried a nose­ gay of mums and roses. Able Seaman, Douglas Sage, London, friend of the groom, best man and Junior Mason, groom, and Ross Tuckey, cousin of the bride. Following the ceremony a recep; tion was held in the basement of the church. The bride’s mother re­ ceiving in a navy ensemble with a corsage of red roses. Mrs. Mason, mother of the groom wore ensemble with a corsage roses.. The Maida Mason, assisted by Mrs. Wes Simmons, Mrs. Wm. Passmore, Mrs. Harry Pen­ hale.' After the reception LAC. and Mrs. Mason left on a short honey­ moon. For travelling .the bride wore a beige Hams Tweed over a black silk jersey dress black accessories. , of was the ushers were brother of the a black of red Misses Annie waitresses were Wein, Doris Hay, and Mrs. Ted MacIntyre, coat with pioneer settlers. Eliza Ann Wood, five years. They of eight children, survive. They are Vincent E. Wood, automobile dealer of Santa Bar­ bara; Cecil and Albert Wood, of Oxnard and Mrs. Florence Doupe, of Van Nuys. Mr. Wood is also survived by one brother, Mr. Frank Wood, of Exeter, also eight grand­ children and six great grandchild­ ren. The deceased was a constant reader of the Times-Advocate. The funeral service was November 22 with Dr ting, Santa in the Charles R. followed by Barbara cemetery. held Monday, Haider Chapel Drake officia- interment in CHILD BURIED AT HENSALL Funeral services were held Thurs­ day afternoon of last week for James Eldrid Traquair, four-year- old son of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Traquair, of Toronto, who passed away at the home of his grand­ parents Mr. and Mrs. John McNichol of Hibbert. A little daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Traquair at Dr. Fletcher’s Hospital, Exeter, the preceding Saturday. Mrs. Traquair had earlier come to visit With her parents accompanied by her child­ ren. Eldrid took ill With pneumonia. The funeral was held from the grandparents* home Ih Hibbert, with burial in Hensail Union, Cemetery, TRY A WANT AD—THEY PAY! KUMJOINUS BANQUET Rev. Clayton Becker, of Dash­ wood Evangelical Church was the guest speaker at the annual meet­ ing of the Kumjoinus Sunday School Class of Main Street Church which was held in the form of a banquet on Tuesday evening. Reli­ gion in the home” was the theme of Rev. Beckei^s address. There was a splendid attendance and Mr. Ear! Russell president of the class,, presided over an interesting pro­ gram. Mr. Harry Hoffman render­ ed two solos and Miss Margaret Henry delighted the her readings. Mrs. led the group in a the monthly bulletin several members of the election of officers was Miss Eva Pearce being president, A J. Sweitzer, dent, Clifford Quance. Benson Tuckey, ass’t (.and' Mr. W.. G. Medd, teacher. audience with Earl Russell sing-song and. was read by class. An held with elected as vice-presi- sec-treas., sec.-treas. EATS BOX OF LAXATIVE THIEVES LOOT WOODHAM GARAGE Eating a box of laxative which he had managed to take out of his mother's purse might have proved fatal for little Douglas Shantz, two- year-old gon of Mr. and Mrs. Elunx Shantz, of Hensail. His mother no­ ticed the empty box in his hands, so she rushed him to the office of Dr. D. G. Steer, of Hensail, and had his stomach pumped. He is little the worse for his experience. WINS COVETED AWARD Calvin V. Smith, of Atwood, has been awarded the grand champion­ ship of the cheese show at the British Empire Dairy Show which opened at Belleville on Monday. Smith’s prize cheese in the field of more than 240 entries, scored perfect in and finish a possible Smith is a W. G. Medd, of town. a floor-length gown of white triple sheer over taffeta, and wore a floral headdress of white roses. Her only ornament was a sweetheart neck­ lace, a gift of the groom and she I Black market thieves smashed carried an arm bouquet of Arneri-1 the lock off the dooi* of David can beauty roses. As matron of Shamblaw’s garage <at Woodham honour, Mrs, Lorne Morlock wore!about three o’clock Monday morn- a floor-length gown of white sheer | ing and stole five new tires, nine with floral headress and bouquet i tubes, a double barreled shotgun, of pink carnations. Mr. Lorne a new car heater and $20 in cash. Morlock attended the groom. The They also smashed a gasoline pump reception was held at the home of and stole an undetermined quan­ tise bride’s parents. Later the bridal itity of gasoline.couple left on a short honeymoon, 1 The robbery was discovered the bride travelling in a black 1 about 7 o’clock Monday morning, boucle coat, a two piece dress of! A woman residing near the garage airforce blue and black accessories., informed Provincial Constable John j M. Douglas that she had (been j awakened about three o’clock I when the bright lights of a cai’ ivxx. muixu v. vxut, ux vuvyu, will! sh 011 e into her ibedroom. Some have the sympathy of many friends thne later she was awakened when in the death of his wife on Wednes-'^ie Ughts shone into .her room day of last week in her 55th year. jand a car roared away. However,! gtaule Township nearly eighty The remains were taken to London JJUrai! years ag0 and went to B>C- when a Friday and the service was held in y k i young man. He is.survived by his I widow, who was formerly Miss £ i Katherine Cameron, of Stanley, also e I one son and three daughters. Janet ■ aud Barbara Forrest, of Hensail, are I sisters, and John and Robert, of the Parr Line and William, of Tucker* smith, are brothers. DEATH OF MRS. VIDT Mr. John C. Vidt, of town, the Harrison and Skinner funeral kours later. home at 3.30 o'clock. Charles Innes,- 31(1 P°'*ce received .word of a< ot the Plymouth Brethren, Toronto,:«0,0.n ,tr°m Woodstock; officiated at the service and inter- I 3u“tia’ and 11 >s believed that the I meat was in Mount Pleasant come- same . PBrs,ons “a* haTe . been re" I tery. Surviving besides her husband ^pons.ble tor the two crimes. is one daughter, Mrs. Arthur Rivard, ‘ ~~ “ f BAYFIELD FLIERS MISSINGjamin Hanle, of Elizabeth, N.J., and, otie brother, Mr. Norman Roder, of! Arkona. JUDGE RESERVES DECISION texture, closeness, colour and scored 43.3 out of 45 points in flavor. Mr. nephew of Mr. and Mrs, GEORGE FORREST DIES IN B.C. Word has been received in Hen­ sail of the death of George Forrest, Albernie, B.C. Mr. Forrest was born. Mr. and Mrs. A. Armstrong, Bron-1 CANADIAN LEGION ; son Line, Bayfield, received word; DONATES $50.00 ’ Monday that their eldest son, Sgt John Armstrong, was missing t ter air operations overseas. . , ...j Word was received by Mr. and!’^1?g iMrs. William Scotchmer, Bronson """ .............. a^_ 1 The local branch of the Cana- jdian Legion, that body of men who I' F.atirr'hF Tftetfr fl vein F TXT# ' who are doing such a fine work * in opening their rooms to the moti was missing on,a,KJ '™me“ 111 unltorm In this mt, r hard way—by working for them. * in overtime—has donated $50.00 to 'the Exeter District War Time , Committee’s work of sending par- •cels to the boys overseas; and the committee gratefully acknowledges this donation. The committee also- I returns thanks for $3.00 from I Owen Atkinson of Grand Bend fop LAG. Norman Hannigan is spend- the parcel fund; and $42.91 front “ a couple of weeks with his • M. ^outhcott for the Fxeter» •the proceeds of a He is be-(Tag Day in Exeter on Saturday Hast. IN $25,000 CIVIL ACTION Stating that the case was an Im-’Dine, Bayfield, that their only son, • ------ -- *uum«a qcuwxxxucx’, uixnaixiK uui ... » . ,, » « +. quoted j November 22 after a raid over Ber-1aa^, >sef^e ___. He enlisted in the R.C.A.F. ;as a mechanic in October 1940. In iJanuary, 1943, he re-mustered to ; air crew as an air gunner and re- . celved Ms wings at Mont Jol.1, Que.p ! in April, going overseas in May. He; was flying in Lancaster bombers. « —-•*—r --------- ------ , unity JLl^JLUr bUM portent one and that he wished to Thomas Scotchmer, review the evidence and authority, Justice Barlow in Sub- •’ jin, reme Court at Goderich “* ' ! reserved judgement in the damage action of Mrs. Irene Whyte, mother of seven, against the Coun­ ty of Huron. Mrs. Whyte’s husband, Kerwood, former turnkey of Huron County Jail, died of complications from a fractured skull, caused by a hammer blow by a prisoner dur­ ing an attempted escape on D6- cember 14, 1941. An account of the trial will be found on another page. Tuesday $25,000 M.ing a mother having completed his course | England Fund* at the I.T.S., Belleville. ing posted to the E.T.S., Oshnwa,