HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1943-11-18, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 18th, 1943 Pag® 5 HENSALL Ml and Mrs. Jas. Patterson spent a few days last week, in Toronto. Mrs. Lee, of London, visited re­ cently with Mrs. Alv.a Simmons. Ml and Mrs. A. L, Case visited; on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, E.’’ Rosser in Denfield, Miss Eleanor Fisher, of Graven- hurst, visited on Tuesday with Ml and Mrs, John E. McEwen, Mrs. T. Simpson and Pte. Thos. Simpson, of Windsor, were recent visitors with friends in the village. The many friends of Mrs. p. Walks are pleased to hear she is improving following her recent op­ eration. Mrs. D. *G. Steer and Patsy visit­ ed on Sunday with Mrs. Gertrude Brazier and Miss Dorothy Brazier in London. Miss Margaret Johnston, assistant at the local Post Office, has been confined to her home owing to ill­ ness the past week. Mrs, Wesley Venner visited re­ cently at the home of her daughter, ’ and son-in-law, Ml and Mrs. Gil­ bert Johns, Elimville. The Red Cross branch of S. S. No. 10 Hay are holding a euchre and dance in the school on Friday evening. Everyone welcome, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lammie, of Centralia, visited on Bunday with the former’s mother, Mrs. Lammie and Miss Greta Lammie. Mrs. Lou Simpson returned home this week after spending the past several weeks in Detroit with her daughter, Mrs. Voth and son Mr. William Simpson. Miss Jun© Murdock has accepted the position of organist and choir leader in Brucefield United Church and commences her services there next Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Kipfer recent­ ly purchased the property on No. 4 Highway for Mr. Walter Fairburn in which Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Morris have been residing. Shipping Day at the Red Cross rooms will be December 1st and the convenors would like all sewing and knitting finished and handed in by Monday, November 29th. A very enjoyable evening was spent on Friday when the Wohelo class entertained at a Crokinole party. Refreshments were served at the conclusion of the games. Mr. W. Kerslake, of St. Marys, and LAC. Kenneth Kerslake, of the R.C.A.F., New Brunswick, visited on Saturday with the former’s son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Kerslake. Induction service will be held in Carmel Presbyterian Church on Friday night when Rev. Joseph Taylor, of Cranbrook, will be in­ ducted as minister of the congrega­ tion. The Red Cross Branch of S.S. 10, Hay, held their regular meeting at the home of Mrs. Fred Corbett on Thursday afternoon with a good attendance. During the afternoon the ladies quilted two quilts. Services in the United church on Sunday were conducted by Bev. R. A. Brook. The choir sang two an­ thems, “Prepare Ye The Way” and “Dedication” with Miss Greta Lam­ mie A.T.C.M., at the console. Rev. McConnell, Of Lucknow, con­ ducted services in Carmel Presby­ terian church on Sunday. Miss June Murdock contributed a vocal solo “Breathe'On Me Breath of God” and also presided at the organ dur­ ing the evening service. The Exeter-Hensall Branch of the Canadian Legion held a very suc­ cessful Bingo and Dance in the Town Hall on Thursday evening. The prizes were fowl and the door prize, a turkey, was won by Miss Gwen­ dolyn Cooperj of Kippen. Murdock’s Orchestra furnished the music for the dance and the floor manager was Mr. M. Crich, of Clinton. The ladies of the “Five Hundred Club” sold refreshments during the even­ ing. Mission Band Meets The Sunbeam Mission Band of Carmel Presbyterian church met in the schoolroom of the church on Sunday at 2.3 0 p.m. for their regu­ lar meeting. The president, Lila Moir, presided and opened the meet­ ing by singing “Onward Christian Soldiers,” with Mrs. L. Baynham at the piano. Sentence prayers fol­ lowed by Ronald McKinnon, Anne Hildebrandt and Betty E. Moir, after which the Scripture passages were read by same. The motto and text were repeated in unison. The At Present We Are Short on most Every Line’of Stock. YOUR INQUIRIES WILL STILL BE APPRECIATED A. J. CLATWORTHY We Deliver Phone 12 Granton offering was received and dedicated by Mrs, R. A. Orr. The Roll Call was answered by fourteen members, after which the Secretary, Douglas Moir, read the minutes. Mrs. Qrr then conducted the business and a hearty vote of thanks is extended to all those suporting the Band in the sale of Christmas cards. The topic from the New Study Book, “Up and Down South America,” was taken by Mrs, Roy MacLaren. The meeting closed hy singing “We've A Story To Tell To The Nations” and the Lord’s Brayer. Ladies’ Aid greeting The November meeting of th© Ladies' Aid of Carmel Presbyterian church met Tuesday evening with Mrs, Basil Edwards presiding, The meeting opened by singing “When He Cometh”, after which Mrs, Ed” wards led in prayer. Miss Violet Hyde was appointed secretary to fill the vacancy made by Mrs, W. A. McLaren. Following the business a program was presented by Mrs, Earl Campbell and Mrs. Edward Munn's group. A piano instrument­ al entitled “Edelweiss Glide” was played by Mrs. E. Munn, Misses Audrey Campbell and Aileen Munn sang a very pleasing duet “Home On The Range” accompanied by Aileen Munn on the guitar. Miss Evelyn Taylor contributed a piano instrumental, The meeting closed by singing a hymn and the Lord's prayer repeated in unison. Lunch was served. Council Sleeting Statutory meeting of the Village Council was held on Monday at 8 p.m. in the Council Chamber with all members being present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read. E, Fink and F. Smalle- combe; That the minutes be adopt­ ed as read. Carried. R. J. Patterson Tax Collector, reported tax collec­ tions to date as 'being '3,125.9 2. J. A. Patterson, Treasurer, presented his annual financial report for tne year ending November 15, 1943. A. Kerslake and ®. Fink: That (.life Treasurer’s report be adopted as read. Carried. Correspondence read as follows: F, W. Gladman re prop­ erty, Dept, of Municipal Affairs re Bonds, The Scale Shop re stock scales, Judge T. M. Costello re Voter’s Lists, same considered and filed. Bills and accounts: School Board, current expenses 1,000.00; J. Parkins and A. Kerslake: that the account of the School Board be paid. Carried. F. Smallecombe and E. Fink: That we now adjourn to meet again December 6th at 8 p.m. Jas. A. Patterson, Clerk. Institute Meets The November ’meeting #of the Senior Women’s Institute was held at the home of Miss Florence Welsh on Wednesday evening with Mirs. Fred Beer co-hostess, The president, Miss Gladys Luker, presided and opened the meeting by singing the “Ode” and “O Canada.” Miss Florence Welsh accompanied at the piano. The Roll Call was answered with “My Favorite Proverb.” The president introduced the guest speaker, Rev. R. A. Brook, who gave an interesting address entitled, “Armistice No. 2,” to which a hearty vote of thanks was extended. The business followed. A report of the overseas boxes which were packed, was given by the president, also letters read ‘from P/O Kenneth Passmore somewhere in England, and from Mr. and Mrs. Wlm. G. Bell. Mrs, Orr reported eight house­ wives finished for the Navy and dis­ played one. A very interesting re­ port was presented by Mrs. Beer I who attended the Women’s Institute Convention held in Hotel London November 2, 3, and 4. A most in­ teresting motto entitled “Nothing Great Was Ever Achieved Without Enthusiasm,” was given by Mrs. E. Chipcase. The demonstration was a display of “Something New from Something ’Old,” by the members. The recipe by Mrs. Mickle was given by Mrs. Drysdale and the cur­ rent events prepared by Miss .Sally Manson was presented by Miss Es­ ther Maclllwaine. The December meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. <R. Cameron with Miss Greta Lammie co-hostess. A piano instru­ mental by Miss Lammie concluded the program after which the Nation­ al Anthem was sung and refresh­ ments served. CENTRALIA Miss Mary Qlavin accompanied by Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Carey, spent the week-end in Detroit. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. Pollard were Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Moiitox’ and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wenzel Molitor, of Thedford, Visitoi's with Mrs, Thos. Willis on Wednesday last were Mrs, Birde, of Strathroy, Mrs. W. Hodgert and 'Mrs. J. Willis, of Exeter. Mrs. Wes, Hodgins, who has beep visiting with Mrs. Thos, Willis for the past couple of weeks, returned to her home in London on Thursday, Mrs, Wilfred Shapton, of Exeter, visited with Mrs. J. Pollard on Thursday of last week. Mr. and Mrs, George Godbolt have recently moved to the village. Mrs. Lawrence Swartz, of Credi­ ton, and Mrs. W. Baker and Doreen, of Grand Bend, visited on Friday with Mr, and Mrs. Harold Lightfoot. Mr, and Mrs, Rex Mills, of Wyom­ ing, visited Mrs. H, Mills on Monday of this week, Visitors with Mr, and Mrs. P. Sim­ pson last week were: Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fraser, of Exeter, and Mrs. Gordon Bloomfield, of Leamington; Mr. and Mrs, Ken Simpson, of Ailsa Craig, Mr. and" Mrs. Sid Henry and family, of Harriston, visited over the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Hicks. ' Mr, and Mrs. Harris West are visiting relatives in Grand Valley this week. The annual Thank Offering Ser­ vice of the Women’s Missionary Society will be held in the church oil Sunday evening, November 21. Mrs. Childs, of London, Conference president of the W.M.S. will be the guest speaker. Special music will be provided by the choir assisted by visiting talent. Service at 7.30 p.m. Choir practice will be held in the church on Friday evening of this ' week. | The Women's Missionary Society I held their annual meeting in the 1 schoolroom of the church on Friday 1 afternoon of last week with Mrs. i Merriam leading the worship service, i Hymn 184 was sung; passages of 1 Scripture were read by Mrs. B. Hicks I and Mrs. Blair. Prayers were offer- I ed by Rev. Merriam and Mrs. Mer­ riam. Hymn 521 was sung. Mrs. A. McFalls offered a prayer of thanksgiving for the safety of Miss Mabel Claysie. Miss Claysie recent­ ly arrived, home from Japanese internment camp on a repatriation ship. An interesting article on the work of Dr. McClure was read by Mrs. W. Skinner. Rev. Merriam then took charge of the election of officers which resulted as follows: Hon. Pres. Mrs. J. Essery; Pres. Mrs. Geo. Hepburn; Vice-Presidents, Mrs. A. McFalls, Mrs. F. Bowden and Mrs. W. Skinner; Recording Secretary Mrs. Merriam, asst. Mrs. G. Hicks; Treasurer Mrs. Blair, asst. Mrs. Andrew; Mission Band Super­ intendents, Mrs. Powe and Mrs. An­ drew; Community Friendship Sec­ retaries, Mrs. A. Mitchell, Mrs. W. Isaac, Mrs. W. Bowden; Secretary Christian Stewardship and Superin­ tendent of Baby Band, Mrs. A. Mc­ Falls; Pianist, Mrs. G. F. Pen­ warden; Missionary Monthly Sec­ retary, Mrs. B. Hicks; Supply Sec­ retary, Mrs. M. Elliott; Associate Helpers Secretaries, Mrs. N. Mitchell and Mrs. W. Bowden; Temperance Secretary, Mrs. F. Bowden. (Intended for last week) Mr. Stanley Hicks and Miss Doro­ thy Hicks, of London, attended the Hicks-Forbes wedding in Ottawa and visited with Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Moody. * GRAND BEND Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Wells, of London, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Owen Atkinson. Mrs. Broderick arrived home from hospital in London after undergoing a serious operation. Her friends are wishing her a speedy recovery. Mr. Bud Broderick arrived home from Nova ScOtia for a few weeks. Mrs, Chas. Achesofi, of Forest, and Mrs. Bruce Bossenberry visited Mr, add Mrs. A. H. Clinger last week, There Was a dance at the West McGillivray hall on Friday night. The Bayfield Valley Five were in attendance. Everyone reported a good time. GREENWAY The Harmony Class of the United church are holding their meeting on Friday evening at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Cleave at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Pollock and Jack, of Kerrwood, visited on Sunday with Mrs. R. English, Mrs. R. L. Sheppard and Mr. Seibourne English. Mr. and Mrs. Lisle Woodburn, and iMargaret; Visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Love and family in London. Mrs. T. Gunning, of Granton, is caring foi’ her mother, Mrs. S. W. Webb, who is still quite ill at the home of Mrs. Wm. iSherritt. Mrs. Raymond Eagleson and son, of Hamilton, spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Eagleson. The Red Cross Society are having a Progressive Euchre Party in the Parish Hall on Tuesday evening, November ’23rd. Mrs. Jas. Wellman and Robert, of Port Huron, spent the week-end with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Carman Woodburn and Marion visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Pollock and family, of London. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shottier left last Friday to spend the winter at their home in Buffalo, Mrs. Whi. Oliphant, of Burling­ ton, is Visiting with Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Stewardson hnd other relatives. Say you saw it in the Times- AdvdcatO. . CREDITON There will he a Bed Cross con­ cert in the Crediton town hall, spon­ sored by the Crediton Unit of the lied Cross on Wednesday evening December 1st, A play entitled “Two Country Kids” will he presented with additional musical talent. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Haist visited Mrs. Uaist’s home in st. Marys la^t Sunday. Miss Gladys Schenk has accepted: a position at Traquair’s Hardware in Exeter. Miss Bernice Fahner spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Jeffries and family. Cpl. and Mrs. White and daugh­ ter Helen visited relatives in Toron­ to and Shelbourne last week-end.? Messrs. Nelson Schenk, Gerald Schenk, Bill Pfaff and Delton Fink­ beiner have gone north deer-hun­ ting. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Fritz and Mary Lou were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H, K. Eilber, The Rev. and Mrs. L. H. Turner and Grace Marie were Sabbath din­ ner guests of Mrs, Lome Finkbein­ er and family of Shipka. Mr, and Mrs. H. L, Sturgis and sons, Beverly and Jimmie were the evening guests of the Rev. Law­ rence H. and Mrs. Turner-. Christmas is only about five weeks away. Preparations are being made for the Christmas concert on Friday evening, December 17, Messrs. Paul Schenk, Gordon Finkbeiner, Emery Pfaff, Bob Pfaff have gone to London to work in the Imperial Brass Works, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Fahner, of Kitchener, spent 'the past week-end visiting with his father Chris. Fah­ ner and his brothers and sisters. • Private Wallace Fahner who is stationed with the R.C.A.S.C. at Medicine Hat arrived home in Credi­ ton last Monday night for a fur­ lough. Mr. Melvin L: Brown and Mrs. Brown accompanied by hei- mother spent the past week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Frazer Brown and family of this town. Eugene Finkbeiner who has re­ cently joined the R.C.N.V.R., left for Toronto last Monday to take a Radio Artificer’s Course. We wish him the best of success in his work. Do not be alarmed if you hear the village school bell ringing a half an hour later after next Mon­ day morning. Because of the dark mornings the opening hour has been changed from 9.00 to 9.30 and the pupils will now get out at 4.30. The recent snow storm left the . town with a white blanket of snowj covering the black ground. Every­ one is pulling themselves together with the thoughts of a long winter Making snow men and snow forts seems to be the order of the day. Many would like to find that weath­ er prophet who said that we would have an open winter. Buried at Crediton j The death took place in Detroit] on Saturday, November 13, of a, former resident of Crediton in the person of Mrs. John MacDonald, whose maiden name was Clara Wen­ zel. Mrs. MacDonald passed away in the Florence Crittenton Hospital in her 59th year. The remains were brought to Crediton and the funeral Wednesday afternoon was held from the home of her mother, Mfrs. ..Mary Wettzel, conducted by Rev. Mr. Reuber, with interment in the Crediton cemetery. Besides her husband and mother the deceased is survived by one son Frederick with the U.S. Army in Oklahoma and two sisters, Mrs. C. Bug, of Detroit and Mrs. Herb Fahrner, of Crediton. Stephen Teachers Elect Officers The Stephen teachers held their inaugural meeting of . the school year last Tuesday night in Grand Bend school. Miss Amos, teacher of the junior room in Grand Bend took charge of the meeting. The officers for the coming year were elected with A. Garman Whitmore, principal of the Crediton school as president, and Miss K. Rusell, of the same school as secretary. Mr. R. O. Staples, public school inspec­ ter gave the teachers an excellent talk on the job of the rural school teacher, A discussion was then led by the new president concerning current events and other topics that came up. Miss Amos gave us a talk urging the joining of the teachers’ federation. Lunch was served. A vote of thanks was then given to the Grand Bend teachers and the meeting closed by singing “God Save the King.” Exeter Principal Preaches At United Church Principal H. L, Sturgis B.A., of Exeter High School occupied the Pulpit of' 'Crediton United Church Sunday evening November 14, The service being conducted by the minister of the church, The theme revolved around the early life of jesns, his boyhood days. Mr. Stur­ gis reminded the cohgregation that the subsequent genius expressed in the life of Jesus was in ho small part due to the simplicity and godly Influences of his devoted parents and later the influence of the Syna­ gogue training. The speaker plead­ ed for a simplifying *of the teaching of the dogmas of the church poin­ ting out that there was in general a serious gap between the initial religious nature in the home and the primary and junior classes of Sabbath school and that phase of life which ushers one into the arena of manhood and womanhood, Be­ tween these two phases of growth and religious nurture much was left undone. The life of Jesus in all its evolving phases was subject to this nurture and training subse­ quently culminating in His being the greatest teacher* of religion the world has ever known or likely to know. He asked the question “Is it sufficient to say that so-and-so is good? Goodness could be little more than negative since it might alone imply the absence of "bad-* ness”. The challange at this point was "So-and-so” is good, you say but good for what?” Here is the true test of religious nature and academic achievement: “What is an architect, asked the speaker, the answer “Building touched with emotion.” Mrs, H, L. Sturgis added im- measureably to the worshipful at­ mosphere of the service by the ren­ dering of a solo. Services of Public Worship, Sun­ day November 21, will be conducted at Shipka, 10.30; Brinsley, 2.45 p.m, and Crediton 7.30 p.m. by the Minister the Rev. Lawrence H. Tur­ ner B.A. Sermon topics for the day are as follows: Shipka “Christian Parenthood and Honor”; Brinsley “This Day of Rest”; Crediton “Reverencing the Deity”. DASHWOOD Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bender, of Toronto/ spent the week-end with friends here. Mr, and Mrs. Ervin Guenther and family spent the week-end here. His mother, Mrs. C. Guenther, who has been visiting in Windsor, returned home with them. Miss Lavada Hartleib, who has been in St. Joseph’s Hospital, Lon­ don, for some time returned home in T. H. Hoffman’s ambulance last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schroeder and family, of Detroit, were week-end visitors with her mother, Mrs. Hama­ cher. Rev. C. Becker attended a con­ vention in St. Marys on Friday. Pte. Lloyd Guenther, of Camp Borden, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Guenther. Miss Christine McCrae spent a few days with her parents in Mea- ford. Mr. Garnet Wildfong, of Wind­ sor, spent the week-end at his home here. The Ladies Aid of the Evangelical church are having a quilting in the basement of the church on Thurs­ day afternoon. Harold Kraft has moved into Mr. F. Schlunt’s house at the west of town. Mr. Sproule Currie is moving into E. G. Kraft’s house this week. The following is the Red Cross shipment for November: 9 large quilts, 3 crib quilts, 1 pail’ men’s pyjamas, 1 pair ladies knickers, 1- year-old child’s dress and 2 panties, 1 4-year-old child’s dress and 2 panties, turtle neck sweater, 2 round neck sweaters, 2 boy’s swea­ ters, S year, 3 pair mitts. Dies Suddenly W’ord was received here on Satur­ day morning November 13th, of the sudden death of David K. Geiger, of Minneapolis, Minn., in his 62nd year. He was born on the 14th concession, Hay township, and was well known in this community. In his early life he left for Detroit where lie was employed with the Northern Electric Power Commission of Highland Park Division. Twenty six years ago he was transferred to Minneapolis, Minn., and held this same position until his retirement only a few months ago. He leaves to mourn his loss his sorrowing wife (the former Adeline Schroeder) two daughters Lorraine and Donna both at home, three sisters, Mrs. Leah Haugh of the 14th concession, Hay township, Mrs. Amos Schroeder of Osnabrook, N. Dakota, Mrs. Wm. Elsie, of Grand Bend, also one brother, Edward, of Bachoo, N* Dakota, and many other relatives and friends. CROMARTY This community was visited with a heavy snowstorm on Saturday night last leaving the roads in a bad condition, Just outside the village three or four cars were stuck in the snow and had to be assisted out. On Tuesday eve last a successful chicken supper Was held in the church. There was a good crowd present and all enjoyed the lectures given by Rev, Mr. McKay, of Mit­ chell, who was a Fadre in < the War for .some time. Mr. Frank Scott, of Camp Borden was home over the week-end. He Was accompanied by his bride. T/WSCi/lidNb'M-M -L-IMU-.!,' !!-gy .^R'!8!BCT!?!CTg^ THAMES ROAD Ml and Mrs. D. Parker and Thel­ ma, of London, spent the week-end with relatives in Chatham, Leam­ ington and Wheatley. Ml'h. Drum­mond returned with them to visit . relatives. Mr. and Mrs. C. Borland and Jack Mr, and Mrs. G. puncan and Ken, Mr, and Mrs. Alex Duncan and Leon, AC2 Freeman McGill, of St. Thomas and Mrs. George Clarke and Bud, of London, attended the wings parade at Hagersville last week when Pilot Officer G. A. Borland received his wings, Bert is now home on leave and will leave for overseas soon. Qur best wishes go with him, Mr, John Duncan, Mrs. Annie Monteith, Mr, and Mrs. John Alli­ son, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Moodie, Mr, and Mrs, Robert Kydd were enter­ tained to dinner at the home of Miss Kathleen Robb in Stratford last week Rev. and Mrs. Mair received a cablegram from their gon Stuart that he had arrived safely overseas This is Stuart’s fifth crossing. Mrs. C, Smith, Benita and Doug- la, of Clinton, formerly of Gharlt.on, N. Ontario spent the week-end with Rev. and Mrs. Mair. Several from this community at­ tended anniversary services at James St. church Sunday evening. The Johnson family of Whalen assisted with the music in the choir Sunday morning and their music was much enjoyed by all. Mr, and Mrs. D. Parker entertain­ ed their relatives and friends last Tuesday evening. Mrs. Robert Marshall and baby spent a few days in St. Marys last week with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson and family, of Whalen, and. Miss Lillie Miller spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. Gardiner, The Farm Forums met Monday evening at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. John Hodgert, Exeter and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Johns. The Federation of Agricluture held their annual banquet in Tham­ es Road Church Tuesday evening Further particulars given next week. Mrs. Jas. McCullough has been spending a few days with her daugh­ ter, Mrs. Robert Cann. Mrs. William Cann spent a few days last week with Mrs. E. Mc­ Intyre and other friends in London. Miss Alice Passmore is visiting with friends in Owen Sound. Miss Ann Morgan, of the London teaching staff, returned to her duties to-day (Wednesday) after re­ covering from the flu. Mrs. E. McIntyre spent the week­ end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Ballantyne. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kydd visit­ ed with Mr. and Mrs. John Allison on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs, William Ferguson and Roy spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. C. Watson, of Anderson. Golden Wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kydd With every member of their fam­ ily present Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kydd, fittingly celebrated their golden wedding anniversary on November 7th. The reception room was beauti­ fully decorated with maple boughs in all the beauty of autumn tints, roses, chrysanthemums, and snap­ dragons which were sent by friends in Regina, Ottawa. Hamilton, Tor­ onto and Meaford. The bride and groom wore yellow roses sent by Wilfred Harris and his sisters Jean, Dorothy and Margaret. The tables were beautifully arranged with yellow streamers and chrysanthe­ mums and at 1 o’clock the follow­ ing were present for dinner. Mr. and Mrs. John Allison, Mr. and Mrs. Wm Moodie who celebrated their golden wedding anniversary since Rev. Mair has been their pas­ tor. Mrs. George Monteith, Mr. John Duncan, (each in their '8 6th year) their daughter, Mrs. W. B. and Mr. Rydall and grandson, John Alli­ son Rydall and Mrs. Rydall, Rev. and Mrs. Mair, Mr. and Mrs. Hor­ ton, St Thomas, Mrs. John Mcll- raith, Owen Sound, Mrs. A. Robert­ son, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Camp­ bell, Miss Helen Monteith and Mr. Chas. Monteith, the majority of these having been at the wedding 50 years ago. The bride’s cake which was made by her daughter Mrs. Rydall deserved special men­ tion, The waitresses Were the niec­ es, Mrs. A. Morgan, Mrs. Stan Coward, Mrs, A Sillery, Mrs. Wise­ man and Mrs T. Ballantyne. Rev. Mair proposed the toast to the bride and it was fittingly responded to by both Mr and Mrs. Kydd. In the evening over a hundred friends called to offer their felici­ tations. Mrs. Wm. Carin and Mrs. Jack Rydall poured tea and the nephews wives, Mrs, Chas. Allison, Mrs. A. Hamilton, Mrs. W, Allison served all who called to a dainty lunch, Mrs. W. B. Rydall was hos­ tess and Mrs. Roy (Fletcher receiv­ ed at the door, Mr. and Mrs, Kydd were the re­ cipients of many beautiful gifts, from nearest relatives a golden colored all wool blanket and large lace tablecloth) from the neigh­ bors on concession 3 and 4 who Western Grain ALWAYS ON HAND Wo are expecting Car of Beet Pulp this week. DELIVERY OW THE CAR SAVES HANDLING CHARGES. $34.00 A TON- 3 Grades of Cod Liver Oil $1.85 -- $2.20 $3,85 Shur-Gain Feed Service Cann & Sons called in the evening and presented them with a beautiful walnut cof­ fee table, silver bon-bon dish and. a box of chocolates; from cousins a silver cake plate; Kathleen Rohm colored tablecloth; Mrs. Kilpatrick, Brantford, flowers; Mr, and Mrs. Horton, silver relish dish and spoon; Mrs. Gardiner, sister and family, a maple wood alarm clock; Mrs, Jas. Gardiner, Royal Winton plate and other' gifts from friends;from, nieces an all wool mauve sweater for Mrs, Kydd and an all wool sweater for Mr. Kydd; also many beautiful cards and letters which, will be read with loving interest in the future years. Bobbye Dale and James Walter Rydall added great pleasure to their great-grand­ parents happiness on this day. Those who called in the evening were Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Harris, Exeter; Mrs. James Gardiner and Mrs. George Allan, Kirkton; Mrs. Roy Fletcher, Mrs. Will. Allison, Mr, and Mrs, Wm, Passmore, Mr. and Mrs Archie Morgan, Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Hamilton and Janice, Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Parsons, Mr, and Miss Keddy, Mrs, Lawson, Mr. and Mrs. Moodie, Mr, and Mrs. E, Sil­ lery and family, Mr. and Mrs. Luth­ er Rowcliffe, Mr, and* Mrs. Harold Jeffrey, Donald and Ross, Mr, and Mrs, Alfred Hicks, Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Hicks and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Perkins and Ray, Mr. and Mrs. A. Dayman, Mr. J. Gregus, Mr. and Mrs. Koricina, Ambros and Joe, Mr Wm. Warren, Miss Beat­ rice Warren, Mr. and Mrs. Roylance Westcott and baby, Mr. Wm. Rout- ley, Mr. Thomas Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ballantyne, Mr. Edgar Monteith, Mrs. Norman Wiseman, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Allison and Barbara, Mr and Mrs. C. Miller, Rev. Wm. Mair, Mr. and Mrs. P. Passmore, Mr. and Mrs. T. Bal­ lantyne, Mrs. Alvin rassmore, Mr. and Mr. 'C. Borland, Mrs. Stanley Coward. Mr. John Duncan, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Duncan, Mr. and Mrs.. Roy Ballantyne, Miss Kathleen.' Robb, of Stratford; Mrs. Kilpatrick,, of Brantford; Mr. and Mrs. Nelson* Hunkin and. Betty Hunkin, of Bel-- more; Mrs. A. Robertson, Mr. John; Robertson, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hamilton, Mrs. John Hamilton, Mr. Robert Hamilton, Mrs. Elliot and two children, of Cromarty; Miss Mil­ dred Ballantyne, Lome and Dennis, Mrs. John Mcllraith, of Owen Sound Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cann, Mr. and Mrs. John Allison Rydall, Bobbye and Jim, of Meaford; Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Rydall, of Shallow Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sillery. ELIMVILLE Mrs. Will Spry, of London, and Miss Joy Whitlock, of St. Thomas, spent the week-end at Mr. Ben. Williams. Mrs. Howard Johns returned home from Victoria Hospital, Lon­ don, on Sunday after a recent appendicitis -operation. Sacrament was administered last Sunday at the morning service. The Farm Forum met. at Mr. Richard Johns’ on Monday evening of this week, a good discussion on “Prices and Planning” was the feature of the evening. "Tall tales” made very amusing entertainment after the program. There were nineteen present. Lunch was served. Next Monday night the meeting will be at Mr. Chas. Millers, W.A. Meet The W.A. met for their Novem­ ber meeting ta .the home of Mrs. Lloyd Johns on Thursday afternoon of last week, Mrs. Gilbert Johns had charge of the meeting which opened with a hymn and silent prayer. Mrs. Mair gave an interes­ ting talk on "Simple Things of Life.” Mrs, Allan Johns gave a reading on “Friendship.” The meet­ ing closed with a hymn and Miz­ pah benediction. Election of of­ ficers for next year was held, re­ sults w»re as follows: President, Mrs. Chas. Stephen, vice-pres., Mrs. W. H. Dickey, secretary, Mrs. Gar­ net Johns, treasurer, Miss Ruth Skinner, Organist, Mrs. Franklin Skinner, Mrs. Kenneth Johns. “Tho community clearing house —Tiines-Advocato Want Ads.” R