HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1943-11-11, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER Hth, 1943 Pag* ■>. I I / Coming to Hensall C, R. Wilkinson, R.O. Ophthalmic Optician Wingham will be at W, O. GOODWIN’S Store, every 1st and 3rd Tuesday in the month, for the purpose of testing eyes and fitting glasses. Difficult cases and those that have not been properly fitted, specially recommended to con­ sult me. Hours 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Phone 16 Hensall for appointment HENSALL Is Mr. Sat- few An epidemic of chicken-pox prevalent in the Public School, Mr, Stewart McQueen spent the earlier part or mis week in Toronto. Dr. Wm. Joynt, of London, spent the past week at the home of his mother, Mrs. Alice Joynt. Mrs. (Rev.) Hugh Jack and Mer­ ton Reid of Seaforth, visited on Thursday with Mrs. H. Arnold. Miss Mildered Jones, of Clinton, spent the week-end at the home of her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Nor­ man Jones. Mrs. Roderick McKenzie, of Bruce- field, has returned to spend the winter with her sister, Miss Mary McAsh. Mr. Allen Soldan of the R.C.A.F. Halifax, N.S., is spending a furlough at the home of his mother, Mrs. H. Soldan. Mrs. Bawden, of Exeter, visited during the past week with her daugh­ ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mirs. Jack Farquhar. Mrs. Wilfred Klopp returned to London on Sunday following a pleas­ ant visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Parkins. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Simpson are being visited by the latters’s sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Simpson from the west. The Red Cross Branch of S.S. No, 10 Hay will meet at the home of Mrs. Fred Corbett on Thursday afternoon, November 11th. Mr. Alex Mousseau and Frank Lostell returned home urday after spending the past months at Camp Borden at carpen­ ter wark. The induction service of Rev. Joseph Taylor, of Cranbrook, will be. held in Carmel Presbyterian church. Hensall, on Friday, Nov. 19, at 8 p.m. Mr. and Mirs. Mac Rosser, Peggy and Gale, formerly of Blenheim, are spending a few weeks with Mrs. Rosser’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mil­ ton Russell. Mr. Carrey Joynt returned to London on Saturday to resume his studies at Western University after convalescing at his home here for the past two weeks. Mrs. Don Rigby and Donna re­ turned to their home in Blenheim after a pleasant holiday with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McQueen. The Wohelo Class of the United Church are holding a crokinole and Chinese checker party on Friday evening, November 12th. Each *mem- ber is to bring a guest. Mrs. D. Walks, underwent an operation in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, on Friday in the interests of her health. Her many friends hope for a speedy recovery. The many friends of Bob Hess will be pleased to hear he is some­ what improved at date of writing. Bob has been seriously ill in Victoria Hospital, London, for the past few weeks, where he is receiving treat­ ment. The Exeter-Hensall Branch of the Canadian Legion are sponsoring a bingo-dance in the Town Hall Hensall on Thursday evening, No­ vember 11th. Good prizes for games and music for the dance by Mur­ doch’s orchestra. The Girl’s Dance Club are spon­ soring an Orchestra Dance in the Town Hall, Hensall, on Wednesday, November Orchestra freshmen t date open The news of the sudden death of William Hugh Glen at his home in Toronto, was received here re­ cently by his aunt Mrs. Nelson Blatchford. The deceased spent his boyhood days in Hensall. He was a veteran of the First Great War, having received injuries, of which his sudden death is attributed to. Surviving is his widow, the former Eleanor Davidson; two sons, David R.C.A.F., and Jim; one daughter Margaret; two sisters, Mrs. Lloyd. Hudson, St. Marys, (formerly of Hensall) and Ethel and one brother Bert of Toronto; The funeral Service of the late M1‘» Wm. W. Chap'man was held from the late residence on Wednes­ day at 2.30 pan. conducted by Rev*. R, A. Brook. The floral tributes Were Very beautiful Showing the esteem “with which the deceased was held. The pallbearers wore Messrs David Shirray, W. R. Dou- gallf Fred Cofbeit* Robert Basil Edwards and Thomas Members of the Oddfellow’s 17th. Music by the Station from No. 9 S.F.T.S. Re­ booth in Hall. Keep the for this event. Munn, Laing. Dodge conducted the service at .the grave­ side. Interment in Exeter Cemetery, A quiet wedding was solemnized on Thursday, November 4th in Hen­ sall, when Rev, R. A. Brook united in marriage Mrs. J, Allen and Mr, John Forrest. They will reside in Hensall, Mission Circle Meets The Mission Circle of the United Church held their regular meeting on Monday evening when Mrs. Mary Buchanan was hostess and Mrs. H. McLarnon> co-hostess. Mjss Edna Sauudercock presided ovei' the pro­ gram which opened with the Theme Song, “O Master Let Me Walk With Thee,” followed by the Lord’s pray­ er. Minutes and Roll Call answered by “the name of a United Church Mission,” Scripture, Matt: 10, was read by Miss Violet McClymont, aftei’ Which Mrs. Jas. Morris Jed in pray­ er. The hymn, “Rescue the Perish­ ing,” was sung followed by the of­ fering and business. A delightful piano solo was played by Miss Gladys Luker and the meeting closed by singing, “Abide With Me,” and the Benediction. Refreshments were served. W.M.S. Thankoffering The November Thankoffering of the W.M.S. of Carmel Presbyterian church was held in the school room of the church on Thursday after­ noon with the president Mrs. C. Hudson presiding. The meeting opened by singing “Take My Life and Let It Be”. Miss Minnie Reid read the Scripture Psalm 27 after which the hymn “Breathe On Me Breath of God” was sung. There was a very good attendance at this meeting. Following the business period Mrs. J. W. Bonthron con­ tributed a solo entitled “You Must Open the Door” accompanied by Mrs. Malcolm Dougall on the piano. The special speaker was Mrs. (Rev.) Hugh Jack of Seaforth who gave a splendid address on the work of the Women’s Missionary Society. Hymn “Jesus The Very Thought I Of Thee” was sung after which Mrs.' Hudson led in prayer. I Remembrance Day Services Held ■ The Remembrance Day Service I was held in St. Paul’s Anglican church on Sunday at 3 p.m. under the auspices of the Exeter-Hensall • Branch of the Canadian Legion. The veterans under the direction of) Comrades Sidney McArthur and Peter L. McNaughton marched to the church in a body. During the service a two-minqte silence was observed and the “Last Post” and “Reveille” were sounded by Bugler L/Cpl. Fred Beer, of London. The special mem­ orial address was given by Rev. M. A. Hunt, Rector. The banners were carried by Comrades William Stone, Alfred Clarke and W'ilbur Parker. The service was concluded at the cenotaph where the wreaths were placed Reeve Scotty cently service Band. Miss Florence Welsh pre­ sided at the piano during the gradu­ ation period. Joyce Broderick sang a solo entitled, “Coming In On a Wing and a Prayer?* The meeting concluded by singing a hymn and the Benediction, after which the W.M.S. members served refreshments Council Meeting The regular meeting of the vil­ lage Council was held on Monday, November 1, at 8 p.m. in the 'Coun­ cil Chamber with all members present except Councillor A, W.» Kerslake. The minutes of the pre­ vious meeting read. E. Fink and F, Smallecombe, That the minutes be adopted as read. Carried, R. J, Patterson reported re Collection as being $2402.47 paid receipts being $625.00 cash $1787.47, R, E. Shaddick reported re sidewalk in front of A. property needing repairs. T, Kyle instructed to attend to same also to secure two loads .of cement gravel from Cudmore. Correspondence read as follows: Gutta Percha and Rubber Ltd., re Firemen’s boots; Provincial Treas­ urer re subsidy; Municipal affairs, r§ Insurance; Dept, Public Welfare re fuel; considered and filed. Bills and Accounts read as fol­ lows; $4.48 SI.20 Hensall Hydro. B. Kyle, stand $27.24; lecting jurors $1.50; R. E. Shad­ dick, selecting jurors $1.50; R. J. Patterson, selecting jurors, $1.50. Total $127.49. J. ’Parkins and E. Fink, bills and acocunts as read Carried. F. W. Smallecombe and That nomination and election By- Law No. 4 be given first and second reading. F. W. •No. 4 ; readingIf. w. I That we now adjourn to meet again November 15th at 8 p.m. Carried. J. A. Patterson, Clerk. Tax pre- and the Spencer’s T, I i Huron Expositor advertising, G. M. Case, teaming streets, Thos. Kyle, salary $72.40; hall hydro $9.52; repairs hall $8.15, band J, A. Patterson, se- That the he paid. E. Fink. Carried. J. Parkins and Smallcombe. That By-Law he given third and final and finally passed. Carried. Smallecombe and E. Fink. KIPPEN H. Long, of Prince Rupert, is visiting with his brother, i Mr. 'B.C., I Mr. Norman Long. i Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Linden and i Verna, of Denfield and Mr. -and i Mrs. Joseph Carter and family, of ' Clundeboye, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Parsons. Miss Jean Long has accepted a position in London. Mr. and Mrs. A. Gackstetter with Mr. and Ailsa ’Craig. Mrs. Ross Finch is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Watson. Mr. and Mrs. StanLey Love are getting nicely settled in their new home formerly occupied by Mr. John McMurtrie. Quite a number from here ded the C.K.N.X. barn dance was broadcast from Hensall Hall last Saturday night. AVALS. Meet The W.M.S. held their annual birthday November meeting in the Sunday School room on Wednesday afternoon November 3 s with six­ teen members present. The meeting opened with prayer by Mrs. Grant , , ;and the 33rd Psalm was read inby prayer by Mi's. Roy MacLareti, | unjson_ Hymn 184 was then sung Ths> Scripture, John 14, 1-14, was (rp^jg wag fOnOwed by a responsive read by Miss Violet Hyde, followed ding The Scripture lesson was by the minutes, roll call and busi-, gjven Mrs. Henderson, Mrs. Hyde ness. “The Church’s One Founda-! - -- - •• — — tion,” was sung after which Miss Beryl Pfaff gave a short poem en-1 titled “Success.” The topic entitled I “Hymns We All Love,” was very ably taken by Mrs. Roy Bell, des­ cribing the writers of the following hymns: “From Greenland’s Icy Mountains,” “The Church’s One| Foundation,” “O Lord and Master' of Us All,” “Breathe On Me, Breath of God,” and in conclusion, The National Anthem, “God Save the King.” The meeting closed by sing­ ing “Breathe On Me, Breath of God” and the Lord’s Prayer in unison. Refreshments were served by the hostess. W.M.S. Entertains Baby Band The W.M.S. of Hensall% United Church had as their guests on Thursday at 3.30 p.m. the members of the Baby Band and their mothers. The church was beautifully decorated with pink and blue streamers and large bouquets of mums. Mrs. Brook presided over the program which opened by singing a hymn and the Lord’s Prayer in unison. The Scrip­ ture was read by Mrs. Brook after which Mrs. Lanimie led f in prayer. Mrs. Walter Spencer arranged the program. Audrey* Welsh contributed a vocal solo and Betty Mickle, Elean­ or Cook and Bernice Jinks sang a melody of hymns. Recitations by Patsy Steer, Teddy Norminton and Ruth Ann McLafnOn were followed by the address by son which was Claudette Biowes vocal solo and graduation exorcises followed, when Patsy Steer, Teddy Norminton end Ruth Ann MdLarnon graduated from the Baby Baud into the Missioii by Mrs. Minnie Sangster, R. E. Shaddick and Sgt. Easton, of Exeter ,who re­ returned from three years overseas. Arnold Circle Meets Arnold Circle of CarmeiThe Presbyterian church held their No­ vember ^meeting on Monday evening when Miss Helen Moir and Mrs. Baynham were hostesses. Miss Beryl Pfaff arranged the program which was presided over by the president, Mrs. Melvin Moir. “From Greenland’s Icy Mountains” was sung followed W. Horney and Mrs. visited on Sunday Mrs. Drummond of atten- which Town ’and Mrs. Forsyth. Hymn 5 21 was then sung. The topic was very ably taken by Mrs. Hugh McMurtrie in an interesting manner. The meet­ ing closed with jprayei’ by Grant. Lunch was served. I Mrs, Robt. Simp- most interesting, favored with a recitation. The Mrs. WHALEN Pte. Roy Hodgson, of Hamilton, is spending his furlough at his home here. Several from this community at­ tended the i the Kirkton day last. Mr. and spending a with friends. Mrs. Bob. Sherwell, was a week-end visitor with Mrs. Wm. Morley. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Morley and Ola, of Exeter, and Miss Helen Forbes, of Lucan, were Sunday visi- tirs with Mr. and Mrs. Melleville Gttnning. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Squire and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Squire attended the Hooper-Elgie wedding at St. Mh’’ys on Saturday. M(r. and Mrs, Geo. Arksey and Mr. and Mrs. Millne attended a re­ ception on Wednesday evening in honor of Pte. George Thomson and bride at Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thom­ son’s home ill Usborne. Mrs, F. Sduife is spending a few days with Mrs. N» Ogden, of Exeter. anniversary services at United Church on Sun- Mrs. Alex few days Baillie are in Toronto of London, Wife: not our baby, carriage.” Husband: “Quiet, has rubber tires?’ “Goodness, Geol’ge this is This is the wrong This caiTlage DASHWOOD Misses Ella, Rosa, Tillie attd An­ tionette Eimxtter, all of Detroit, and Mr. Hex'man Zimmei’, of Windsor, attended the funeral of their sister, Mrs, Art Webex* on Tuesday, Mrs. F. Willert left last week j Michigan where she will spend * w 1 n f w i f "h Ti a-w. rl n i i-trTi i or<3 QRED1TON The pupils of the Crediton Pub­ lic School were entertained by a talk from Mr. Bridgman, a mission­ ary from China last Monday morn­ ing. H® spoke of life in China and dwelt a great deal on his perilous voyage back to America. Miss Betty Bainard, of London,! winter with her daughters, was a week-end guest with Miss! Mrs. J, Schroeder has moved Doris Wuerth in Crediton. Both to Mrs. Weber’s house, girls are attending Wells Academy : Mr. Alvin Walper underwent in London. operation for an abscess in his faceOthers who were home from Lop-J in Dr. Taylor's hospital on Mon- don fox* Calvin Fahner, Wilmar Wein and Edward Schenk. Mr. and Mrs. of Kitchener, week-end, Mr. and Mrs. James Brock spent!leaving the farm. The evening was Sunday in Stratford visiting friends. ■ spent in playing bunco after which Mrs. on the speedy Miss ton Sims were visiting Mr, and Mrs. J moved to Exeter where they will G, H. Smith in Walkerton. reside. Frank and Mrs. Whitworth, of i The concert given in the Evange- Kitchener, were Tuesday visitors at i lical church on Sunday evening was the Evangelical manse. ' well attended, the proceeds which Mr. and Mrs. Russell Clark and amounted to $66. will go toward son Glenn, of Detroit and Mr. Vic-, the War Service Board, tor Kestle and daughter Janet, of Exeter, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Clark this past week-end. AC2. William McCrea th, of West­ dale Technical School in Hamilton, visited with Carman Whitmore over the week-end. The Stephen Council was enter­ tained by the McGillivray Council | ton Pfile attended a concert on at West McGillivray last Saturday | Tuesday evening given by the Lon- night to a goose supper. Business don male choir at Knox United with reference to the Town Line I church in London. j Mrs, Kleinstiver home after relatives in i onto, j Rev. and 1 the funeral in Kitchener on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Melton Walper, of for the I ! ii in- an the week-end were Mr. day. I About firty-five neighbors and j friends gathered at the Rome of Martin Morlock, = Mr. and Mrs, Leo. Schendel on the were home for the J 14th con. of Stephen one evening last week to honoi* them, before in Stratford visiting friends.! spent in playing bunco after which Harry Fahner is at present j Mr. and Mrs. Schendel were presen- sick list. We wish her a [ ted with a purse of money. Mr. recovery. | Schendel expressed their appreciat- Alma Smith and Mrs. Clay- ion. Mr. and Mrs. Schendel have I mnvftrl tn Itlxpitpr wlifirp fhav will Mrs. Sharp, of Exeter, spent Sun­ day with Dr. and Mrs. R. H, Tay- or, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Eckstein and Mrs. C. Hoffman and Miss Lily Hqffman, of London, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Henry Hoffman, Mr. Ed. G. Kraft and Mr. 'Clay- has returned a pleasant visit with Bowmanville and Tor- Mrs. T. Luft attended of Rev. Luft’s father go where you want me and the group singing a The lantern I portrayed i in China influence ' enterprise j Death of Mrs. Arthur Weber The death took place at her home on Saturday, November 6, 19 43, of Clara Zimmer, beloved wife of Arthur Weber The deceased a stroke about which she had ■ Tuesday suffered passing away on Saturday. Surviv­ ing are her sorrowing husband, two , daughters and three sons, Mrs. K. • Crocker ’ Harold, i service ' and her father,' Mr. Dashwood; ; Antionette i and Ida at I Alfred, of in her 5 3rd year, was stricken with 5 years ago from recovered and last another stroke (Jean), of Sarnia; overseas Dorothy of Woodstock; Jack, active and Kenneth home; alsoat Wm. Zimmer, of sisters, Ella, Rosa, Tillie, of Detroit, and three brothers, Her- Pte. Henry 55ile& of London, spent the week-end at his home and attended the Glavin-Zilex* wedding on Saturday , Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dietrich moved last week onto Mr, E. G. Kraft's farm which Mr. Dietrich purchased recently. Miss Eileen Willert, of London, spent last Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Willert, Mr. Joe McCann is visiting with his siter, Mr, and Mr. John Glavin near Centralia. A Bed Cross quilting will be held in the school house afternoon November ladies of the section invited to attend. on Thursday 11th. All are cordially KIRKTON Ray Morrison left this week. with Mr. and Hazelwood and Hazelwood, all week-end with Mr. to work on the Lammie Fur Farm, London. The South Huron Ministerial As­ sociation was held at the home of Canon and Mrs. James this past week with Rev. A. B. Irwin presid­ ing. Arrangements for the next meeting were left with the execu­ tive. Mr, and Mrs. W. Walters, who have been residing on the farm of Mrs. N. Goulding, have moved to their new home at Winchelsea. Mrs. W. S. Cluff, Don and Paul, and Mrs. Fred Peer, of Kitchener, spent the week-end Mrs. I. N. Marshall. Mr. and Mrs. Bell Bill Jr., Mr. Chester of Detroit, spent the Mrs. Walter Hazelwood. Rev. W. D. Goodger conducted anniversary services at the Kirkton United church Sunday. Despite the rain large 'congregations attended. Special music by the choir assisted by Mrs. Geo. Kemp, Ray Mills and Mr. R. Paul and Mrs. W. S. Cluff, of Kitchener. The church wag deco­ rated with various colored mums placed there by Mrs. Lewis Fletcher and Mrs. Fred Roger. An offering of $400 was asked fox' and $433 was realized. Mrs. Ed Fletcher (nee Lottie Doupe), of Conquest, Sask., is holi­ daying with friends in the village. Miss Marion Tufts, R.N., of Strat­ ford, is holidaying at hei’ home in the village. Hunters Have Again Gone North It was with saddened hearts that I. N. Marshall, Wm. Arthur and Herb Foster said farewell to old and faithful friend, Mr. Berry, when they left for annual hunting trip to the country this week. Hugh has ac­ companied the boys for some twenty years but owing to the scarcity of help on the farm, he thought, his duties were at home. However he says he will have a few days in Bruce County. We wish him success. their Hugh their north TUB of the HURON COUNTY FEDERATION OF AGRICUJ/CURJS Thursday, Nov. 18 at 1.30 pan. in CLINTON Election of Officeis. Financial Reports. Guest Speaker HON, Tt U Minister of everyone KENNEDY, Agriculture WELCOME W*. J. Whyte, Pres, Harry Sturdy, Vice-Pres. Wm. J, Dale, Secy-Treas. THAMES ROAD Mr. B. Williams, Hazel and Onah motored to Toronto turned Monday. We are pleased Miss Helen Morgan Montreal staff who the past week on is improving. McCurdy, of the R.C.A.F, of Toronto, spent the home. and Mrs. Rydall and Mr. ■t-. Sunday and re­ to report that of the Bank of has been home account of ill health Bob I.T.S., at his Mr. Shallow Lake, _ . _ Jack Rydall and children, of Mea- i’ord, returned to their homes Tues- week after spending Mrs. week-end (Sr.), of and Mrs. Allison, of week-end at who is a was among Sub- the day of last the week-end with Mr, and Robert Kydd. Miss Margaret don, spent the home. Jack Duncan, marine Detector crew on the Canadian Corvette “Morden” who rescued 102 from a torpedoed freighter last week. His parents have received word from him and he is well. This is the second time Jack has been among the rescueing crew since going in­ to service. The Farm Forums were held Monday night at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. W. Stone and Mr. and ’Williams. forget the banquet, which held in the Thames Road Tuesday evening, November was transacted. Mrs. Harry Wind, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Hannah, Mrs. R. Hopkins and Mrs J. Moir,' of Detroit, spent the week-end in the village, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Eilber. Miss 'Clara Gaiser who has been employed by Mr. Eric McIlroy of i Grand Bend this past season has, Ingersoll, are spending a few days returned to her home here. j with friends here. LAC. Gerald Whitmore, of No. 9 • Mr. and Mrs. T. Harry Hoffman S.F.T.S., Centralia, visited A Car- visited friends in Zurich in Sunday, man Whitmore on Monday. j Mr. and Mrs H. K. Eilber' were | in Zurich on Sunday where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Ward Fritz. The pulpit of Brinsley and Credi- toh United churches were occupied by the Rev. C. A. Bridgman B.A., formerly of West 'China on Sunday November 7 At the former church the choir loft was occupied by the Mission Circle girls who rendered an appropriate Mission Hymn, “Hills of the North Rejoice”. At Crediton the C.G.I.T. groups occupied the choir Elaine Mitchell and Edith Hill rendering a duet en­ titled “I’ll to go” Missionary Anthem, slides shown at Crediton phases of mission work and clearly revealed the of Christian missionary in China’s upward surge from serf­ dom to freedom. The thanks of both congregation’s were tendered to Mr. Bridgman in the name of the, Women’s Missionary Societies un- • der whose auspices Mr. Bridgman I was present. The Rev. and Mrs. j L. H. Turner and Grace Marie en-! tertained Mr. Bridgman at the par-; sonage. Education Week Throughout Canada “Education” Week will cover the period of time between November 7th and 14th, when the churches are solicited through the Clergy to proclaim thej relationship between Culture or Edu-; cation and religion. To this end Principal H. L. Sturgis, B.A., of Exeter High School will occupy the Pulpit of Crediton United Church, j Sunday evening. November 14th at) 7.3 0 p.m., assisted by the Minister! the Rev. Lawrence H. Turner B.A.; Mrs. Sturgis will be the soloist of1 the evening. You are heartily in­ vited to this service of praise. ) Services at Shipka and Brinsley’ will be conducted by the Minister when tile series in the Decalogue; Borden five and home Portland, Oregon; (man, of Windsor; and Urban over­ seas. The funeral took place on Tuesday morning with Requiem ! Mass at St. Boniface ’Church, I Zurich. Interment in the R.. iC. Cemetery with Rev. Father Lucier officiating. (Intended for last week) Mr. Arthur Koessel, James, Len- ore and Norma, and Mrs. Edmund Sipple, of Lansing, Mich., were week-end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Pfile. Mrs. Clayton Pfile returned home after spending four weeks Lansing, Mich. every in GREENWAY Miss Viola Curts, of London, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Curts. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Eagleson and son spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. Eagleson. We are sorry to report ^that Mrs. S. W .Webb, who has been visiting hex- sister, Mrs. Wm. Slierritt, suf­ fered a stroke on Saturday evening. We wish her a speedy recovery. Pte. Dawson Woodburn, of Camp ----------- ------- ~ — t r ' xsui ueii, spent the week-end with will be continued the subject being, ^js parents, jlr. and Mrs. Chid “Reverencing the Name of the Deity”; -Woodburn. I Mr, and Mrs. Verne Topping and ! family, of Key’s Corners, visited j on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Russell j Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Dean Brown. 1 Mrs. R. L. Sheppard visited a few Innes of' days last week with friends in Lon­ don. Fit. Sgt. Harold Honsberger, of Vineland, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hicks. Messrs. Seibourne English and Harold Pollock, of Detroit, spent the week-end at their homes here. ELIMVILLE The sympathy of the community goes out to Mrs. J. Dykeman in the death of her mother, Mrs. Bullock, of Galt. Mrs. Dykeman and child­ ren attended the funeral on Thurs­ day last week. Mrs. Bulloek had visited her daughter here and was quite well known. Mr. and Mrs. Hector Taylor, of Exeter, visited at Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Horne’s last Sunday. Mrs. Howard Johns was operated on last Thursday for appendicitis in Victoria Hospital. She is doing very nicely. Mr. and Mi's. E. Skinner visited their daughter, Mrs. Reg. McDonald in Exeter on Sunday. Pte. W. H. Dickey reported in London on Monday after a two weeks’ leave. Mr. and Mrs. Will Routly and daughters attended Kirkton anniver­ sary on Sunday and visited Mr. Frank Routly. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Johns family were visitors Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Smith Lucan. ' Mr. and Mrs. H. Mullins spent part of last week at the home of Mr. Cpl. family, end at Rev. missionary from China, preached a fine sermon here on Sunday morn­ ing. Next Sunday the service will be at 10 a.m. and sacrament will be administered, The Elimville North Farm Forum Group met at Mr. R. Williams on Monday night with eighteen present. The subject for discussion was, “Farmers Plan for Plenty?’ Games were enjoyed and lunch served. Next meeting will be held at Mi’. Richard John’s home. Officers for 1943-44 are pres. Kenneth Johns; 1st vice-pres. Lewis Johns; secretary Howard Johns; press sec. Ola Johns. opened with the president in hymn 101 sung, followed by Rev. Mir. reading the Scripture lesson Psalms 101 and prayer. Min- roll call and correspondence then- dealt with aftei* which with and with near H. Hodgins near Lucan. Harry and Mrs. Murch and of London, spent the week- the home of Mr. P. Murch. ■Charles Bridgeman, returned CROMARTY Anniversary services- were held in the church on Sunday last with a good attendance both morning and evening. Rev. Mr. Milverton being the guest speaker while Mr. McWilliams occupied the pulpit at Milverton. On Tuesday evening last a large crowd gathered at the home of {Frank Allan near the village, the occasion being a party in honor of Mrs. Quance who is about to leave the community to live with her daughter at Harrington. A very fine address was read by Miss Sarah McKellar, Mrs, Quance showed her . appreciation by a few well chosen < remarks, thanking all those . who , ....v so kindly remembered her. She wasj Congratulations to Mr. presented with a **■*■*M — * satchel which she will hold in r&-!lvere married on ^Saturday, membrane© of her days amongst us. Mrs. Davis who makes home with her daughter, Mrs, ker of the village had the misfor-! tune to fall and fracture her collar ed last week with relatives in Grand bone one day last week. Rapids Michigan, I ' ■ 9 KHIVA Inspector Stapes, of Peterborough, visited the school here on Wednes­ day last. Mrs. B. Don’t will be church, 16th for the Federation of Agricul­ ture. Rev. C. Bridgman was guest at the manse over the week-end. Thank-Offering Service The Thankoffering service for the W.M.S. was observed Sunday morning with Rev. C. Bridgman, of West China, as guest speaker. Mr. Bridgman, who has spent thirty years in China. spoke on the “Ad­ vancements in China, during the past years. The beautiful floral tributes were chrysanthemums and. roses brought by Mrs. Kydd. Annual Meeting of W. M. S’.. The W.M.S. held their’ annual meeting at the home of Mrs. Robt. Cann on Wednesday last. The meet­ ing the chair, and opening was Mair from utes, were Mr. Mail' took charge of election of officers for the coming year as fol­ lows; president, Mrs, Mair; 1st vice- president, Mrs. Ferguson; 2nd vice- president, Mrs. Gardiner; 3rd vice- president, Mrs. P. Stone; secretary, Mrs. Wiseman; treasurer, Mrs. Pass- more; pianists, Mrs. Morgan and Mrs. ,W. Stone; temperance sec., Mrs. Kirkland; baby band supt.> Mrs. Dawson; visiting committee,. Mrs. Gardiner, Mrs. Mair, Mrs. Gann;: program committee, Mrs. S. Coward,. Mrs. Hunkin, Mrs. T. Ballantyne;, press sec., Mrs. Stone, Mrs. Wise­ man; auditors, Mrs. Hunkin, Mrs.. Miller; lunch committee, Mrs. Pass- more, Mrs. Hackney. Mrs. Mair gave a temperance reading. Mrs. Stone read the topic and reports of Convention. Closing hymn 38S was sung followed by the National Anthem. Western Grain always on hand We are expecting Car of Beet Pulp this week* DELIVERY OFF THE OAR SAVES HANDLING CHARGES, $34.00 A TON. . and Mrs. handsome hand’John Glavin (nee Tresa Ziler) spent-' Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Lippert Mr. and Mrs, Edward Lippert who and left her, on Monday for Mahitoulin Island Wai- t>n a two weeks hunting trie. Mr, and Mrs. Pitts Dietrich visit- A young man ordered two dozen roses to be sent to his fiancee, and wrote on the card that was to go with them: “A rose for each year of your precious life?* “Throw in an extra dozen?* said the florist,“He’s a good customer?’ The assistant did as lie Was told. So far the marriage hasn’t taken place, 3 Grades of Cod Liver Oil $1.85 $2.20 — $3.85 Shur-Gain Feed Service ♦ *