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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1943-11-04, Page 8
Pag^ 8 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 4ft, 1943 NOTICE We wish to inform the |Hiblic tbut after Wednesday, October 13, We will re-open for business in ow new home corner of Main and Huron .streets. Exeter Markets Wheat, 81.10 »*vui;»v; Eggs, A Eggs, A Eggs, A Eggs. C. 30c Dressed Hogs $16.25 f Butter, 3Se large 46c medium 44c pullet 39c 39c Marion Pooley BEAUTY SHOITE V’s Beauty Shoppe WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY 2 Features --- 2 Nights Only Immortal Sergeant starring HENRY FONDA and MAUREEN O’HARA Phone 245 Leavitt’s Theatre Exeter Ont Phone 135 AH Work Guaranteed >MSW Snell’s LOCALS “Prairie Stranger A western CHARLES picture with STARRETT FRIDAY AND SATURDAY November 5th and Oth Special Feature J? “Star Spangled Rhythm” All star cast with BING CROSBY, BOB HOPE, DOROTHY LAMOUR, PAULETTE GODDARD and VERONICA LAKE .MONDAY AND TUESDAY November 8th and Oth Special Feature “The Hard Way starring DENNIS MORGAN, JOAN LESLIE and IDA LUPINO ©Saturday matinees will be dis continued until further notice. EKVSN Round the Clock Service STEWART’S TAXI Phone 155w Exeter Former Resident Dies The death occured at his farm at.Hamiota, Man., on Friday, Oc tober 29, 1943, of George Del- bridge, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Richard Delbridge, of Exeter, Ont. j He was one of the pioneer farmers ' of Hamiota district to which he went fifty years ago. He was born in 1867 in Usborne township on the farm where his nephew, Horace Delbridge, now resides. Deceased was a member of the Chumah Uni ted church and was also a member of the ’Canadian Order of Chosen Friends. His wife, the former Ella Maud Caspell, of St. Marys, deceased him seventeen years. One daughter (Doris) Mrs. Wm. J. Pol lock, with whom he lived, survives .“also one sister, Mrs. Anna Bray, of "Virden, Man., ry, of Exeter. Mrs. Samuel .son Roy died funeral was held Sunday, 31, with interment in Cemetery, pre- Street farewell - FROM - |^O g SERVICE FLYING TRAINING SCHOOL CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev, John Calloway airs. J, G, Cochrane. Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School. 11 a.m.—Public Worship. 7 pan.—Evening Worship. Mid-week service at James Church on Wednesday, November 3rd, at 8 pan., Rev. Jas. Anthony in charge. Mid-week service at Trivitt Memori al Church on Wednesday, Nov 10th, at 8 pan.. Rev, Mr. Gallo way in charge. Remembrance Day service on Sun day, November X4th„ at 11 a.m. Unveiling of the honor roll, a special invitation is extended to the veterans. Phone 100airs. Sam Kin rhomas, spent a few days in town. Miss Doris Cutting, of London, is spending a week with friends. Pte. Earl Frayne, of Toronto, spent the week-end at his home here. Pte. Allan Gould, of London, spent the week-end at his home? Sgt. Andy Easton, of London, spent the week-end at his home here. Miss Agnes Cutting who spent a week in London, has returned home, LAC. Gordon Cudmore, of Fin gal, spent the week-end at his home here. Mr. Czar Harness, of Pt, Edward, visited on Sunday with relatives here. Mr. Rufus Cutting, wh0 spent two weeks up north, returned to Exeter last Friday. Mrs. C. E. Zurbrigg is visiting with her father, airs. Chas. Libke, of Hamilton. aim and Mrs. E. Sims and son, Billy, of Crediton, spent Sunday with Everett Sims. AC2. Ray Frayne, of Mountain View, and Mrs. Frayne spent a few days in town recently. Mrs. W. H. Dearing reports the picking of some ripe raspberries m her garden this week. Mrs. Thos. Kestle, is seriously ill with pneumonia at the home Of her brother, Mr. H, T. Rowe. Mrs. E. Passmore has returned to her home here after visiting her daughter, Mrs. Hackney. Messrs Don Preszcatoi’ and Harvey Cooper, of London, spent the week end at their homes here. Dr. and Mrs. McLagan, of London, visited the latter’s parents, Mm and Mrs. W. Winer, on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. L. Learn and son are spending tw'o weeks' vacation in the West with the former’s par ents. Fit. AC2, spent here. Cpl. J. B. Creech, of the St.- Thomas Technical Training School spent the week-end at his home here Mr. and Mrs. Harold McDonald and daughter spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Baynham at Crediton. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hunter, of j London, and Miss Lois Hunter, of1st. Catharines, spent Sunday with Mr. Everett Sims. A salvage collection for old paper will be held in Exeter in the near future. Save the scrap, it is urgently needed. Mm and Mrs. J. B. Mountain and Mrs. Jos. Mountain, of Avonbank, were guests on Friday last of and Mrs. Anthony. O/S. Frank Strange, R.C.N.V.R., Toronto, is leave at the home of his Mr. and Mrs, J. Strange. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Edworthy and Elaine, of Tillsonburg, spent Sun parents, Lieut. Thos. Pryde, and son Douglas PiYde, of Toronto, the week-end at their home Rev. (the sick of on parents, TO MATCH THE HEROISM OF THE BOYS WHO FIGHT IN ITALY, OR ON THE SHIPS OR IN THE AIR, BUT Hairdressing * « » Tomlinson’s Phone 146 WUERTH’S Just a few days left to Bond If you haven’t already bought, be sure to buy and help SPEED UP VICTORY WUERTH’S CASH SHOE STORE Repairing of leather and lubber goods done as quickly as possible 'MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. N. J. Woods, M.A., Minister Sirs. A. Y- Willard. Organist ill a.m.—Youth Service conducted j by Huron Presbytery Young ’ People’s Union. 17 p.m.—Public Worship. The Mini- j stem .Wed. Nov. 3, 8 p.m.—Union prayer I service in James St. church. Rev Anthony, 'Wed. Nov. 3, 8 p.m.—Evening Auxi- I liary at the parsonage. j Thurs. Nov. 4, 2.30 p.m.—Women's I Association at airs. Geo. Layton’s. :Mon. November S, 7.30 p.m.—Caven, I Main Y.P.U. in Caven church. I I 1 JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH & (your 11 Personal Snap-Shot ON A Christmas Folder colored or black and white SEND YOUR FRIEND A SNAP SHOT — THAT IS WHAT THEY WANT. Samples on display at Robertson's Mr. G. W. Layton, treasurer for the Red Cross, acknowledges the following contributions, Thames Road Unit $30.90; Exeter Chapter O.E.S.$5.05, and Mrs. Don Oates and are visiting in Toronto. Carfrey Cann, of Crumlin, in Exeter over the week-end. R. Ricker, of Hensall, is at the home of Mr. and Mrs. TO DO EVERYTHING WE CAN TO BACK THEM UP, TO SUPPLY THEM WITH EVERYTHING THEY NEED IS WORTHY OF OUR BEST EFFORTS, AND THEY ARE LOOKING TO SEE US DO THE FINANCING THAT IS NECESSARY TO SUPPORT THEM. WE CAN ONLY DO SO BY Buying Bonds and one brother Hen- One daughter (Jean) Hazelwood and one some years ago. The October Hamiota ! London, Aylmer, Rev. A. B. Irwin, B.A. W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir Leader a.m.—Morning Worship. Minister. pan.—Sunday School and Bible Class. pan.-—Evening Worship conducted by members of Huron Presbytery Y.P.U. Executive. Speaker, Miss Vera Wasnidge. President Lon don Conference Y.P.U. Special music by members of the group. Everyone is Welcome Mon. 8 p.m.-—Y.P.U. at Miss Vera Decker’s home. rpqHfiMiOpvjtsi* 3 7 10 11 TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A- Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir Leader. Mr. Middlemiss 20th Sunady After Trinity Rememberance Day ) a.m.—Sunday School. a.m. “Remembrance” Preacher Fit. Lieut R. Moynan Padre of No. 9, S. F. T. S. Soloist Pilot Officer C. L. D. Bullen. PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE IN THE FIFTH VICTORY LOAN. WE HAVE STILL A LOT TO DO, AND TO FINISH THE JOB, AND THE VERY BEST EFFORTS OF EVERY POSSIBLE BUYER IS NEEDED. Speed the Victory * This space donated bv Southcott Bros Classified Advertising Results obtained from Classified Advts. in the Times-Advocate last week demonstrate that there never was a better time to dispose of ar ticle for which you have no fur ther use. The Oldsmobile which was advertised for sale was soon dis posed of while the kitchen range advertised by C. W. Christie was sold Friday night, i chaser became a new the Times-Advocate. mentioning any names the stove told us that looking for a stove weeks. His mother-in-law read the advertisement in __ Times-Advocate and called him up and the purchase was made. Prev ious to that he had spent two days in trying to locate the stove he wanted and had travelled from Farkhill to Brussels. Me was out two day’s work and travelling ex penses. Incidentally, the outdoor toilet was sold. It pays to use classi fieds. Pays day with Mrs. Edworthy's Mr. and Mrs. H. Horton. Mr. R. A. Wuerth, of and LAC. II. L. Wuerth, of spent the wek-end with their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wuerth. Mr. Earl Witmer, who has been employed with the Swift Canadian Co., has and left 1 Christie and the pur- r subscriber to While not the buyer of he had been for several had the I Sunday School Convention The Religious Education Council Convention, representing sixteen Sunday schools in the district will be held in the Brinsley United church on Friday of this week with sessions beginning at 2,00 p.m, and 7.30 p.m, The O.R.E.C., represen tatives will be Rev. E. E, Hallman of Hanover, who is secretary and conference director of the Evange lical church in Canada enlisted with the R.C.A.F. Tuesday for Lachine, Que. and Mrs, E. Clemens have a call from the Ridgetown Pastor accepted Pentecostal Assembly, and will fare well at Exeter, Sunday, November 7 th. Mr{ and Mrs. Percy Passmore and Miss Alice, of Thames Road and Mr. and Mrs. James Earl, of Zion, visi ted with Mrs. A. Gunning on Tues day. Mr, and Mrs, J, H. Messer and Betty Ann and Mr, Messer's broth er, Mr, Charlie Messer, of Toronto, spent Sunday with Mrs. Messer's parents, Mr, and Mrs. H. Horton, Mr, and Mrs, C. F, Chambers and sons Billy and David, of London township, visited with their parents, Mr, and Mrs, John Chambers ana Mr, and Mrs. W. Winer on Sunday. L/Cpl. Douglas Triebner, who hag been stationed in Nova Scotia, is on furlough with his family in Lon* don and with Mrs. the week-end with Corbett, AC 2 Neil pleted his mechanic at his parents, Jones over the week-end, He left for Lacliine, Que, to continue his studies. Triebiier, Mr, and who has as spent Mrs, com- a wireless Jones, course Hamilton, visited With Mr. and Mrs. J, H, Cpl. family Cpl. visited Mrs, visiting W. H. Dearing for several days. Mr, and Mrs. A. E. Lampman and Miss Yvonne, of Burgessville, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. K, J. Lampman. Mr. W. C. Allison, who recently underwent an operation for appen dicitis in Victoria Hospital, London, is expected home this week. Mrs. John Morley, who has been ill in Victoria Hospital, London, has returned to Exeter and is be ing eared for at the home oi Mrs. Myers. ' Mrs, Daniel Davis had the mis fortune to fall at the 1 daughter, Mrs. Otto Cromarty, resulting in of her collarbone. Visitors at the home . __ Mrs. A. 0. Elliot over the week end were Fit./Lt. and Mrs. Snider, of Arnprior, Sgt. and Mrs. H. Ellio’ of Barriefield and Miss Marion El liot of London. A successful Hallowe’en supper was held in the Trivitt Parish Hall Friday evening of sored by the ladies hall was gaily mums, pumpkins colors. Mr, John Hunter has brought into the office a cabbage plant that has been doing its best for mass production. There are nine heads the size of an fruit. It is on window. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Penhale, don and Miss Margaret Burges, of Forest, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith, of Petrolia and Miss Marian Smith, ;of London, visited at the homes of A, J, and L. J, Penhale on Sunday, Sunday School—10.3 0 a.m. Service—11.30 a.m. Evening Service—8 p.m. Pastor E. Clemens will Sunday, November 7th. Wednesday Prayer Meeting—8 p.m. All are welcome. Pastor—E. Clemens ZION EVANGELICAL CHURCH Crediton M. E. Reuber, B.A., B.D., Minister Mrs. F. W. Morlock, Organist Lawrence A. Wein, Choir Leader home of her Walker, of the fracture of Mi\ an., last week spon- •of the W.A. The decorated with and Hallowe’en orange and grape exhibition in the W. D. Smith, Mrs, Mr, George Clay- ♦South Huron Ministerial Assoc. The home of Canon and Mrs, James in Kirkton was the meeting place of the South Huron Minister ial on Monday afternoon of this week. Rev. A, B. Irwin presided. There was no paper read as it had been decided to continue the discussion arising out of Rev, Laing’s paper on Russia given at the October meeting, All the men present entered into the discussion and the mutual sharing of views was found to be most helpful. Ar rangements for the next meeting were left with the executive, 10 11 7.30 a.m.—“Where a.m.—Church p.m.—“The Thurs. Friday, Friday, Is God”. School. Living God”. sjt 5ft 8 p.m.—Mid-week service. 7.15 p.m.—Junior League. 8.00 p.m.—Senior League. Welcome ..Frozen Foods.. We can now offer you the following frozen foods: FISH Cod Fillets Haddock Fillets Kipper-Herring Salmon Steaks Whitefish (drawn) Atlantic Sole Smoked Haddie Ciscoes VEGETABLES Asparagus, Peas FRUITS Cherries, Sweet Windsor’s Blueberries * Strawberries JUMBO ICE CREAM BRICKS No Lunch Hour Sales Service Exeter Frozen Food Lockers Phone 70 Speed the Victory—-Buy Bonds! ................. Sgt. Lloyd Bell, of Lachine, cal led on friends in town on Sunday, Wh’gs Parade for Course 85 To the members of'Course 85 an No. 9, S.F.T.S., Friday, October 29, 19 43, will always' be remembered. On that day the graduates wrote “finis” to the long and exacting training program which had its cul mination in the presentation of pilot’s “Wings”. Led by the colorful R.O.A.F. Pipe Band, the parade marched to No. 2 hangar, where the friends and rela tives of the graduates from all over Canada were assembled to witness the ceremony. The personnel of the station form ed up in three wings in a hollow square, and the graduating class was placed in the position of honor in front of the reviewing stand. As the name of each was called out, he marched forward smartly, and re ceived his wings from Squadron Leader Houston, LAC. E. A. Boyse from England, was.presented with the Commanding Officer’s silver cup, emblematic of the highest standing in the gradu ating class. After the conferring of the wings, the Pipe Band gave an exhibition of marching as they played a number of Scottish tiro parade ing Base in ron Leader ute. At the conclusion of the ceremony, the graduating elags and their friends met in the Recreation Hall for refreshments, London Life Variety Show The first stage show of the fall and winter season to be put on at Number Nino was brought to the station on Thursday night by the London Life Insurance Company. Here one saw a display of talent which was far from being amateur ish. The show was made up of several variety numbers in which about forty lovely girls danced, sang and acted along with a quartet of mon to the delight of all Who at tended. Applause was great and When S/L Williams, who jhnnked the troupe for their kindness In coming to Centralia called for three cheers, all joined in heartily in ap preciation. selections. Then the en- marched past the salut- colttmn of route, Squad- Houston taking the sal- Lend to hasten the day of Victory Back our boys with Bonds. Every bond bought now is a step forward and brings the return of our loved ones that much closer. SP£ED the VICTORY W. W. TAMAN A lunch was supplied by S/O Ru’stead, Messing Officer, and her assistants for the actors and actress es following which there was a short dance which was enjoyed im mensely by all attending and every one declared it to be an excellent evening at our station. Thank You, Eastern Star Lodge Number Nine takes this opportu nity of thanking sincerely the East ern Star Lodge, Exeter, for very kindly inviting some of our person nel to a party last Wednesday. The airmen and fourteen air- who attended had a grand twelve women time. Movies <4 At the Recreation Hall this com-, ing week, we will be showing oh Friday a variety picture called “Star Spahgled Rytlim” with Bing Crosby,: Bob Hope, Dorothy Lamour,, and our all-star cast. On Saturday we expect to have “Roberta” starring Irone Dunn and Fred Astaire. The main feature on Monday, November 8th, will be a comedy' with Jack Benny and Priscilla Lane, named “Meanest Man in the World/” A western picture, “The Kansas,” with Richard Dix and Jane Wyatt, will be shown ^Wednesday evening. Address and Presentation Neighbors and friends number ing about 45 gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Mawhinney, of Stephen township, Tuesday eve ning of last week to honor them be fore leaving. the farm, in the course of a pleasant evening Mr, and Mrs. Mawhinney were presented with a gift. Mr. Mawhinney expressed their appreciation. The address was as follows: Dear Mr, and Mrs, Mawhinney': We have gathered here tonight to bid you farewell. We feel that we could not say good-bye without having for you something that will be a link between us when you are in your new home, We ask you, Mr. and Mrs, .Mawhinney, to accept this gift of appreciation so that in the years to come you may have pleasant memories of your Goshen line neighbors and friends. Miss Margaret Guenther, who has been employed with Traquair’s Hardware, was in London last week and enlisted with the Women’s Division of the R.0.A.M