HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1943-11-04, Page 3THE EXETER T1MES-ADVOCATE, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 4tl>, 1943 Pm 9 Men/30,40,50! Want Normal Pep, Vim, Vigor? .Try Ostrcx Tonic TaUlcia. Contains tonics, stimu­ lants, Iron, vitamin M i, calcium, phosphoriw; uitis to normal pep, vim, vlgur, vitality niter 30, 40, or CO. Introductory size onlu 35c. II not delighted with results 0t llrst package, maker refundr. loie price. At all druggists, start taking Patrex Tablets today. H, S. Field Meet The following are the the athletic events held times during the past weeks by the students of High School. results ot at various couple ot the Exeter WOQDHAM The international Sunday School Convention will he held at St. Marys United church, Friday afternoon. November 12th. An invitation extended to this congregation and a good attendance is expected. There will be a pot luck supper given by those who attend, and speaking will continue fort the evening, The church service here next Sunday, November 7th will be with­ drawn, owing to anniversary ser­ vices being held at Kirkton United church, but Sunday -School service will be held at 10 a.m. The W.M.S. will meet Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Wesley Shier. Mrs. Fred MUI, con­ venor of group 3, will be in charge of the program. The Y.P.U. met Sunday evening | last in the basement of the church. meetingThis was the season, A splendid Mission Band first attended ! BLOOD DONORSSCHOFIELD—AMOS The home of Mr, John Linwood AT EXETER CLINIC Ainos and family of Brinsley, was the scene of nuptials on Saturday, October ,^pth at 3.30 p.m., when} 't is this crowd entertainment attire.Best comic the and Hallowe’en amusements last Friday evening. Piano solos, recitations and singing were given by the child­ ren of the Band, A parade took place for all those who were dressed in Hallowe’en dressed couple, Mrs. Duer and Mrs, Arthur Rundle; best dressed couple, Helen Webber and Norma Hern; best dressed single, Donna Mills; comic dressed single, Ross Gunning. After this many visited the bazaar, which contained many different articles; cookies, vegetables, fruit and sewing material made up. A nice su-m was realized from this. As there was some expense, they, could not give the exact amount yet. Great credit is due the leaders of the Band. TUNE IN Old Fashioned Revival Hour 7-8 p.m., E.D.S.T. PILGRIMS’ HOUR 2-3 p.m. E.D.S.T. Mutual N etwork SUNDAYS Local Station CKLW WINDSOR CHARLES E. FULLER P.O. Box 133 — Los Angeles Zone 53, California JR. BOYS—100 yd. dash, Fisher, Hannigan, Armstrong. 220 yd. dash Fisher, Floyd, jump, Davis, ; Floyd Musser, strong, Ellis, in,) EUis, Davis. Jr. champion Wm. points, runner-up, Hugh points, INTERMEDIATE BOYS—100 dash, Tuckey, Whyte, Morgan, 220 yd, dash, Tuckey, Whyte, Muir. J mile, Muir, Henessey, Fletcher, broad jump, Whyte, (16 ft. 5 in.) Morgan, Tuckey, hop, step and jump, Green (30ft. 7 in.) Muir, Henessey. pole vault, Henessey, Whyte Tuckey. high jump, Janes (4ft.4Mn), Whyte, Tuckey and Fletcher tie. shot put, Fletcher (23ft. Bin,), Muir, Henessey, Intermediate champion, Whyte, 17 points, runner-up. Tuckey, 13 points, SR. BOYS—10 0 yd. dash, Traquair, Goulding, 220 yd. dash, Davis, Taylor, Goulding. £ mile Davis, Campbell, Goulding. broad jump, Davis (15ft.), Goulding, Traquair. hop, step and jump, Davis <32ft,), Goulding, Traquair high jump, Goulding (4ft. 6a in), Davis, J. Taylor, pole vault Davis, shot put, Traquair (27ft. lin.), Davis, Sr. points, points. JR. GIRLS—75 Hunkin, Eileen ...Hi Hogarth, Lillian Hunter-Duvar. high spent Sunday in Exeter jump, Margie Hogarth. Joyce Sim-' former’s brother, Mr. Everett Sims, moils, Bernice Tripp. Baseball j Pte. Howard and Mrs. Truemner throw, M. Hogarth, Norma iFahr- and Ronald, of London, spent the ner, Geneva Elliott. INTERMEDIATE GIRLS—7 5 yd. dash, Laurene Zurbrigg, Elsie Gais­ er, Marie Melville, high jump, Barb Harness, M. Melville and Marjory Welsh tied, stand broad jump, L. Zurbrigg, M. Melville, run. broad, M. Welsh, Marion Cowan, L. Zur­ brigg. hop, . step and jump, M. Cowan, M. Welsh, basketball throw, M. Welsh, L. Zurbrigg. baseball throw, M. Welsh, Dorothy McDoug­ all, E. Gaiser. SR. GIRLS'—Standing broad jump Marian Francis, Isabel Taylor, Marie Fletcher. 75 yd. dash, Sybil Grant, L. Zurbrigg, M. Welsh. Jr. champion, M. Hogarth. Inter­ mediate, M. Welsh, runner-up L. Zurbrigg. The Blacks were the winners ovei' the Reds. FJoyd, Hannigan. % mile, H. Davis Hannigan. Hannigan (14 ft. Floyd. (30 ft., i in.), , high Jump, Floyd. shot put, Floyd broad in) hop step and jump, Hannigan, Davis pole vault, (33ft. Stewart, champion, runner-up, JAMES STREET Y.P.U. The young people of James St. church held their regular meeting in the parsonage on Monday eve­ ning at S.00 p.m. with Dawson Goulding presiding. The meeting opened with a hymn after which Rev. Irwin led in prayer. The roll call was then given and the minutes of the last meeting were read, by Marjorie Richards. Business was discussed and the meeting was then taken over by Helen Rowe opening with a hymn followed by a prayer by Dorothy Reeder. Dawson Goul­ ding then read the scripture lesson The topic "Am I my brother’s keeper” was given by Helen Rowe The meeting closed with a hymn and the Mizpah benediction. Lingard—Mad docks At the Anglican church, Acton, on ’October 29, the marriage took place of Ethel Maddocks and Fran­ cis J. Lingard both of Acton by Rev. A. E. Brooks. The bride wore a becoming gown of turquoise crepe, adorned with a shoulder corsage of.red roses, and navy ac­ cessories. The attendents were Miss Caroline Banter and William Ros- zel, of Acton. Miss Banter wearing navy blue and accessories to match. Immediately after the ceremony the bridal couple left for a short honeymoon trip to Stratford and St. Marys. On their return Mr. and Lingard will reside in Acton. Monthly Rates Waverley OMkimA Avk. at Collxob St. RATES SINGES . to DOUBLK $2-60 to $6.00 Special Weekly A MODERN! . . « QUIET * . . WEU CONDUCTED * . . CONVENIENTLY LOCATED HOTEL « *■ • Close to. Parliament Buildings, University of Tor Oh t o, _ M aple Leaf Gardens,. Fashionable Shopping District, Wholesale House*, Theatres, Churches of Every Denomination. A. M> PoWttU President Arm- Da vis, 101 Floyd, Davis, 20 17 ya. Jim Ross Davis, Bob Davis, 36 D. Goulding, 14 yd. dash, Eleanor Hodgins, No. 9, B.F.T.S.—Cpl, Patterson, w.... ....... _ JX, LAC. Bonenfant, J. E. L., LAC. Mabel, eldest daughter, became the j Beam, Dpi. Cook, E. M.,, AU2. Bar­ bride of John Nicholas Schofield ■ nett, D., Sgt. Fetch, H. E., Cpl. Fer- of Parkhill. Master Gerald Rock’guson, H. J.» LAC Louks, L. E-, Sgt. and sister Joan carried out with j Hunter-Duvar,. E« G., LAC Crighton, dignity the duties of ring-bearer and > G< F., LAC. peter, If. C.» A'CI St.- flower-girl respectively. To thesAmond, F. T., F./S, Fancy, L. A., strains of the Wedding March rend-!DAC. Helstrom, W. S„ LAC. ered by Miss Schofield, sister of the'Seward, E. W. J., LAC. Bolduc, R,, groom. The bride entered the draw-|DAC. Fenneman, C. A., LAW, Brib­ ing room on the arm of her father, ■ tain, I, M., LAC. Love, E., Cpl, Hartr ................. - - - ~ _ .........j, LAC. Whittingham, F, B., LAC. Mc­ Donald, L.A., AC2 Thomas, M. P-, LAC, Cameron, L. G., LAC. Paisley, i E. G., Cpl, Buscli, E. S., Sgt. Hart, — - ~ - — - - PriJ Sgt, | •It Tenie Dorothy Mrs. A. Mildred Mrs. A beautiful arch gaily bedecked with IW. J. E., LAC. Williamson, J foliage and flowers provided an ad­ mirable background for the cere­ mony, the celebrant being the Rev, Lawrence H. Turner B.A., minister, of the family. The bride was be-! comingly garbed in a two-piece en- ’ I |W, J„ Cpl. King, S. A., Sgt. _ 'chard, N. W„ Sgt. Ling, G., semble of claret velvet with acces-- Belanger, F. S, sories to match. Following thej EXETER__Mrs. Rod Ellis, ceremony the immediate members of I Steiner, Mrs. A. 0. Elliot the respective families sat down to ■ r, Crawford, Eileen Snell, a wedding dinner. An unavoidable;- - ’ absentee was John, brother of the! bride, whose good wishes were con-' veyed via telegram, The happy couple were tendered by wishes by all assembled. Following a brief honeymoon Mr. and Mrs. John Scho­ field will reside in the vicinity Parkhill. of Mrs, Mrs. Mrs. E. Russell, George Wright, R. A. Craw­ ford, Benson Tuckey, Russell Col­ lingwood, Harold Holtzman, Doro- jthy Kydd, Mrs. B. Preszcator, An- < ita Brintnell, Mrs. G. Hunter, Mrs. .V. Smith, Mrs. C, Cornish, Mrs. O. 'iFinlay, A. Cutting, Doris O’Callag- I han, Dorothy Williams, Rose Hart, Betty Coates, Mary Gardiner, Mrs. Alice Bowen, Iva Fisher, Mrs. H. Jennings, Mrs. I, Ford, LUUe Mil­ ler, Helen Dignan, Alice Pfaff, Mrs. J. stire, Catherine Armstrong Mrs. Audrey West, Mrs. Amos Darling, Pearl Murdock, Helen Buswell, Vera Decker, Mrs. *C. Heywood, McCurdy, Helen Rowe, Johns, Mrs, Alf Andrus, Hamilton, Mrs, L. Kirk. GRAND BEND — Mrs. MacLaren, Mrs. Mae Holt,I Florence Moody, Mrs. Clara Hamil­ ton, well, Gill, Mrs. ner, Marjorie Des Jardin, ner. Ira Stebbins, Mrs. Ada Webb. PARKHILL—Mrs. Willis Gill, Mrs. Wellwood Gill, Willis Gill, Mrs. Elmer Webb, Mrs, Mabel Gill. ST, MARYS — Mrs. Emerson Paton. DASHWOOD—Harold Finkbeiner Mrs. Joseph Mahoney, Marjory Minielly, Myrtle Gaiser, Mrs. J. M. Teiman, Mrs. M. Merner, Milton Sweitzer, E. Merner, Joseph Mc­ Cann, Mrs, Selma Klumpp, Mrs. Stewart Wolfe, Mrs. K. McCrea. CENTRALIA — Harvey Godbolt, Gertrude Amos, Marion Cai- Mrs. Manford Luther, Mrs. M. W. F. MacLaren, Lloyd Fahner, Della Gratton, W. T. Cleave, Shirley Bren- May Skinner, Ohlen Truem- Roy Hunter, Allan Westcott, Maur­ ice Coates, Joseph CougMan, Dorse Hicks, Mrs, R, Lightfoot, Arthur Lightfoot. CREDITQN—Harold Fahper, Mrs, Harold Fahner, James Pedden, Ger­ ald Zwicker, Carmon Whitmore, Mrs. Lawrence Wein, Mrs. Amy. GRANTON—Mrs. Harold Mrs. Melville Hern, Mrs. W, WOODHAM—N. Clarke, Gilfillan, Reg. Delbridge, Sherwood Brock. ZURICH—B. Klopp. KIRKTON—Aimer Stewart, John Stewart. R. R, Mrs. B. Doreen Tom Campbell, Wm. Hooper, Ken­ neth Johns, Ruth Skinner, Harry Beaver, 'Charles Stephens Mr. and Mrs. P. Campbell, R. Kestle, Ted Prouty, John Tinney, L» Campbell, Earl Campbell, Homer Russell, W. Ellerington E. Miller, Gordon Camp­ bell. R. Wm. Arthur Hern, Brock. Collin EXETER—Lawrence Hill, Tuckey, Mrs. H. Perkins, Campbell, Muriel Rowe, R. HENSALL—iFred Lamport, "John, I hope I don’t smiling at that girl.” "I hope you didn’t, my 1* Many women have to do their own housework, and the constant bend­ ing over, lifting, making beds, sweeping, ironing, sewing, sq neces­ sary to perforin their household duties puts a heavy strain cm the back and kidneys, and if there were no kidney weakness the back would be strong and well. Doan's Kidney Pills help to give relief to weak, backache, kidney suf­ fering women. Doan’s Kidney Pills are put up in an oblong grey box with pur trade mark a “Maple Leaf” on. the wrapper. Don’t accept a substitute, Ke sure and get “Doan’s.” The T. Milburn Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ont, Dawson, see you dear.” PRESENTATION PARKHILL—Friends and neigh­ bors gathered in the Nairn Town Hall and presented AO2. Delmar 0. Barnes and AC2. J. Fraser Harris with gifts while they were home on leave, dresses Archie to the Jack Graham read the ad- and Irene Malcolm and Kennedy presented the gifts hoys. babe were and SHIPKA John Lamport and Miss Mr. and Mrs. were married of Grand Maud Hodgins Harry Lewis and HARPLEY CREDITON EAST Mr. and sons spent forth with Mr. ville. Mr. and Mrs, Mrs. Leonard Wein and son spent Sunday at Grand Bend with Mr. and Mrs. Alec Hamilton. Mrs. Annie Flynn is quite ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. Jesney. We wish her a speedy re- ! covery, Margie j Mr. and Mrs. Eli Sims and Billy • with the and Mrs. Stephen Glanville Sunday near Sea- and Mrs. J. Gian- Victory Alone will Bring the Boys Back Home 'liililllllllliHIlIIlltlHllHIIllllIliniHlinillllltlllllitllliillllliMItnilHHIllHHtHIMIlllIIHIIHIIIlUllllIllllIllIlllIllllllllllUK' Hundreds of Reasons *> I ___ ____-u, ci MU11UUU, LHU I week-end here with Mr. Dan Truem- ■ner and Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Wein, j Mr. and Mrs. J. Sims and daugh- I ter Clara and granddaughter Made­ line Romph, of Thedford, spent the week-end with relatives here. Pte. Fred Sims in training at Niagara spent a few days leave here with relatives. Mr, and Mrs. Isaac Sims and (family, of London, and Pte. Mervin Sims in training at the coast spent Sunday with Mrs. Job Sims and other relatives.I why we should invest in the Sth Victory Loan Mr. Audrey Finkbeiner were appointed as delegates to attend the S. S. con­ vention which is to be held in Brinsley United church, on Friday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ratz and and Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Ratz last Sunday visitors with Mr. Mrs. Ed. Westcott, of Exeter. Misses Verna Baumgarten, of Wes­ tern University, and Lila Finkbein­ er, of Wells Academy, London, spent the week-end at their homes here. Miss Mildred Lamport, of Strat­ ford, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Lam­ port. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Lamport visi­ ted last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sheppard, of Ailsa Craig. Miss Nola Sweitzer, R.N., return­ ed to London on Wednesday last after home zer. the Supreme Sacrifice PTE. LAVERNE HARNESS FLYING OFFICER DONALD DUNCAN GRAHAM Those who Have Made PILOT OFFICER HENRY GORDON ANDERSON RADIO OFFICER ALEXANDER DOUGALL STRANG FLYING OFFICER RALPH BALKWILL DELBRIDGE SGT. AIR OBSERVER FRANKLIN CHARLES ZURBRIGG WARRANT OFFICER HAROLD ALEXANDER ELLIOT Now with our Fighting Forces Overseas their C. 0’- she is were Sunday Mrs. Kenneth of Camp Bor- o£ No. 9, S.F. CENTRALIA Miss Stella Cook, of London, spent the week-end with Miss Mar­ garet Cook. Mrs. W. Spencer, Mrs. Lome Motte and daughter, of St. Thomas, visited with Mrs. H. Mills on Wed­ nesday of last week. Miss Margaret Cook left Sunday for Stratford where she has obtain­ ed work. Mrs. D. Semco, of Toronto, spent the week-end with her husband at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Adamac. Mr. and Mrs, A. Me Falls and family were guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Adamac on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Conlin spent the week-end at St.' Marys and at­ tended the wedding of nephew, James Reilly. The many friends of Mrs. Brien will be glad to know recovering nicely at St. Joseph’s Hospital, London. Mrs. O’Brien had the misfortune to fall and fracture her shoulder a short time ago. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hodgins and family, of Harpley, visitors with Mr. and Hodgins. Tpr, John Larson, den and Mrs. Larson, T.S. were week-end guests with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce iFiekl. Mrs. H. Ricker, of Zurich, is isiting with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bowden. Miss Helen Essery, of London, spent the week-end with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Essery. Cpl. ahd Mrs. Rupert Merriam, of St. Thomas, Misses Eva and Merriam, of London, spent week-end with their parents, and Mrs. Merriam. The Home and School Club their opening meeting in the school on ' Friday evening of last week. Numbers on the program included a duet by Doris Skinner.and Isohel Blair, a tap dancing number by Joanne McCurdy, a song by the Ischool children, duets by Mr. Cecil , Skinner and Mr, Fred Howe, a reci- 'tatioh by Arlene Skinner, Contests and the greatly evening, on the v: Mae the Rev. held game of zip and zap added to the enjoyment of the The next meeting will ho last Friday of November. “It makes madam look ten years younger.” "Good gracious, fancy putting on toil yours every time I take my hat off!” spending a few days at the. of Mr, and Mrs. Matt. Sweit- Miss in St. spent the week-end at her home here. Miss Marion Hotson. Bend, called on Miss on Monday. Congratulations to Wm. Eagleson who at Grand Bend United church on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hodgins and Mi’s. Joe Hodgins and Irene and Joyce, of Corbett, Mr, and Mrs. W. Eagleson spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Eagleson. Mrs. Arthur I-Iodgins and Mrs. Elgin Hodgins, of Sarnia, visited at the home of Mr. Mansell Hodgins on Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Parizeau have moved to their new home at Grand Bend. Mr, and Mrs. Will Hodgins, Corbett, spent Monday evening Mr, Joseph Carruther’s. Sunday visitors at the home Mr, wm. Love: Mr. and Mrs. Elli­ son Whiting and babe, of Centenary, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Love and family, of Exeter, and LAO. Mervin Love, of Centralia. Colin Love’s visitors on Sunday and Mrs. Clifford Moyer, of Hensail, and Mrs. Mary* is at present nursing a Helen Love, nurse-in-training Joseph’s Hospital, London, Lieut. Grant Taylor Pte. A. Hunkin Tpr. E. C. Triebner Sgmn. R. Taylor Pte. L. Lindenfield Tpr. C. E. Snell 'Capt. D. C. Hill Pte. L. Brimacomb Pte. E. J. Wethey Sgmn. C. C. Cornish L./C. J. Brintnell Pte. V. C. Smith Pte. L. G. Hunter Rifleman W. Pfaff AC2 R. LAC. J. Spr. D. LAG. S. L./Gnr. Pte. B. Pte. W. Cpt. L. Nursing Nursing 2nd Lieut. Bessie Bell Tpr. H. F. Loree Sgt. M. Moore P./O. A. E. Pte. Dvr. Dvr. Tpr. P./O. W. H. Wilson P./O. E. E. Buswell Tpr. R. C. Guenther M. Ryckman W. Ryckman Ray Snell O. P. Lawson F. A. H. McDonald Fraser Sturgeon Turnbull Pritch’hrd Gill O. Des Jardin Green Sharrow Tieman G. B. W. E. G. A. E. S. Sistei’ O. Hackney Sistei’ Pat Collins Tpr. Cpl. Tpr. Sgt. Tpr. Pte. L./iF. W. Chambers Capt. C. B. Gladman Tpr. S. Stire Tpr. E. E. Pollen •Sgmn.- W. K. Higgins Tpr. A. J. Bierling Sgmn, C. F. Heywood H. Q. M. S. V. Heywood Tpr, Pte. Gnr. Pte. Sgt. Cpt. Pte. Pte. .Sgt. Tpr. Pte. Pte. LAC. II. J. Frayne Tpr. L. Jory Pte. G. L. Campbell .. F. Penhale W. Gossman H. Luft ’C. Eveland L. Maier Webber W, J. R. J. Ba A. H. E.. E. R. G. P. •C. Cutting. Cutting Cutting Sweet P. Learn B. Medd Sanders M. J. W. F. Harness Wells T. Kirk Skinner Gregus Lindenfield ,S. Frayne J. Jennings E. C. Jennings W. Penhale P./O. A. Pte. G. ‘ AC2, T. Gnr. Pte. A Cl K. L. H. were Mr. and boys, Gill who sore leg. S.S, No. 10 gave a k Hallowe’en party on Friday afternoon which was much enjoyed by the mothers’ of the pupils. AC1 W. W. Ness LAC. C. M. Wolfe Dvr. G. A. Masse Sgmn. J. W. Webber Dvr. C. E. Maier Sgmn. J. W. Maier Lt./Col. E. E. Tieman O. /Tel. R. C. Field Sgt. Tel. Tpr. Tpr. Pte. P. /O. D. Hicks AC2. G. G. Bajlnham Gnr. Cpl. D. J. Blair John Duncan A.B.S.D. O./.S. Ross Oke Pte. Sgmn. R. F. Gollings Spr. G. Squires .Sgt. L. L. Allen Pte. Lee E. Webber F./O. J, F« Anderson Fit./Sgt. Pte. Gnr. Cpl. Pte. Pte. Gnr. Tpr. Tpr. Hastewell Mitchell J. White L. Thomas Lightfoot R.J. Desrosiers W. Ballantyne . J. W. England C. Pfaff WeinJ. ■C. Wright Dietrich J. Regier Geromette L. Regier H. L. S. A. J. N. C. J. W. Jesney A. E. Fahrner H. Clark Bowers. A. C. Murray C. J. A. Carty R. A. 'Cornish E. L. Cornish W. E. Coward Tpr. Pte. Tpr. Pte. Pte. Dvr. LAC. E. A. .Skinner Tpr. W. B. Abram ■Cpl. J. D. Winer Spr. W. Davis P./O. Bar tie Motz O. /Tel. Stewart Mair Navigator Arthur Hern P. /O. Cliff Hicks Capt, Wm. Lawson Those who have returned Canada as instructors or for further training— F./O. Lome Howey, LAC. R. A. Quinton Cpl. Pte. W. H. Dickev sgt. - - Sgt. Douglas Gould D.F.C. F. C. Triebner Andy Easton Capt. Donald Gladman And those nearly two training in service. Those lads ____ every dime we can put in Victory Bonds. other boys numbering hundred who are in Canada for overseas in uniform are worth Sponsored by the Municipality of the Village of Exeter, Reeve and Council