HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1943-10-28, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 28th, 1943 Coming to Hensall C. R, Wilkinson, R-0. Ophthalmic Optician Wingham will be at Ws Ch GOODWIN’S Store, evefy 1st and 3rd Tuesday in the month, for the purpose of testing eyes and fitting glasses, Difficult cases and those that have not been properly fitted, specially recommended to con­ sult me. Hours 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Phone 16 Hensall for appointment HENSALL Mrs. Ray Broderick spent the week-end in London. Pte. Wesley Jones, of London, spent the week-end here with Mrs. Jones and Patsy. Mrs, David Kyle and infant son returned home from, the Hospital in Exeter on Friday. Mr, E. L. Mickle returned home from a business trip to Ottawa during the past week. Mr. Jas Morris, of Goderich, spent the week-end at his home here with Mrs. Morris and family, Dr. Wm, T. Joynt, of London, was a week-end visitor with his mother, Mrs. Alice Joynt. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bell visited during the week with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hunkin, Thames Road. Mrs. Churchill, of Clinton, visited recently with her daughter and son- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Shaddick. Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Hodgert, of Stratford, spent the week-end with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Schilbe. Miss Emma Johnston rturned home from a pleasant vacation with relatives and friends in Delhi and Toronto. Mi*. Edward Little, of the Central Aircraft, London, spent the week­ end at his home here Wth hs mother, Mrs. Mary Little. Mrs. Hannah Workman and Mrs. Norman Stanlake visited on Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Stan­ lake at Exeter. Miss Norma Cook, of. Western University, London, spent the week­ end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Cook. Miss Margaret Tudor and Miss Patterson, of Dundas, spent the week-end at the home of the for­ mer’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stan. Tudor. Mr. Geo. Walker spent the week­ end visiting with relatives in Toron­ to. He was accompanied home by Mrs. Walker who spent the past week there. Cpl. Wilfred stock, and Mrs. Klopp, of London, are spending home of the and Mrs. Jas. Mr. Henry Horton, Mr. H. Hor­ ton, Mrs. Harpole, Mrs. Mitchell and Mrs. Elber visited at the home of the former’s son Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis Horton on Sunday and at­ tended the anniversary service in Brucefield United church. Mrs. D. H. Peacock visited last week with her mother. Mrs. Grace Harpole, prior to leaving on Mon­ day with her husband, Flight Lieut. D. EL Peacock for Prince Edward Island where he will be stationed for two months. About three hundred neighbors and friends gathered at the Town Hall, Hensall, on Friday evening, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Orland Rieckert, who were recently mar­ ried. During the evening they were presented with a handsome Chester ’ field. Dancing was enjoyed to music furnished by the “Valley Five” of Zurich. Bride Honored at Shower A very enjoyable evening was spent on Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Parkins when a(—. number of friends gathered in honor j tained of theii* daughter, Edith. C and contests were directed by Miss Edila Saundercock after which the bride was presented with a number of miscellaneous gifts in a beauti­ fully decorated basket. In approp­ riate words the bride expressed sin­ cere thanks. All joined in singing “For She’s a Jolly Good Fellow.” Refreshments were served. Wolielo Class Meets The October meeting of the Wo- helo Class was held In the school room of the United church on Friday evening with Mrs. Jack Corbett pre­ siding. The program opened by sing­ ing a hymn followed by the Lord’s prayer in unison. The Scripture was read by Mrs. Corbett. Mrs. Lome Chapman gave the topic on ’jRebecca” which was very interest­ ing. Following the business, Misses Klopp, Of Wood- few days at thea latter's parents, Mr. Parkins. Mary Goodwin and Ruth Hess favor­ ed with a duot They were accom­ panied by Miss Violet McClywntt at the piano. The meeting closed by singing a hymn, A spelling match was enjoyed and refreshments served. UXeM art vie—Todd A quiet wedding was solemnized at .St. Andrew’s United church manse Kippen on Wednesday, Oc­ tober 20, when Rev. A, M. Grant united in marriage Mrs. Jane Bur­ ton Todd, of Hensall and John Me- Mur trie, of Kippen. Mr,, and Hugh McMurtrie of Kippen the attendants. Following a ding trip to Toronto Mr. and .vlcMurtrie will reside in Hensall. WiHai’d—dPavJttns First Presbyterian Church, Sea­ forth, was the scene of a wedding when Rev. Hugh officiated at the Agnes, James Harold eldest and the Hensall, lies were present including ternal grandmother of the groom, Mrs. Willard, of Exeter. The attrac­ tive bride wore a graceful floor­ length gown of white triple sheer, with accessories in white. Her finger-tip veil of silk was caught with a coronet of soft white feathers, and her bridal bouquet was of pink roses. Mrs. Wilfred Klopp, of Loir- don, twin sister of the bride, as bridesmaid, wore a graceful gown of rose taffeta with shoulder-length veil caught with baby mums. Her flowers were yellow chrysanthe­ mums. Corporal Wilfred Klopp, of Woodstock, brother-in-law of the bride, was best man. Following the ceremony the bridal party 'motored to the home of the bride’s parents in Hensall, where the wedding dinner was served. For the wedding trip to Ottawa, St. Catharines, Toronto, and points a brown pin with brown Mrs. Willard Mrs. were wed- Mrs. Jack, of Seaforth, marriage of Edith of Mr, and Mrs, of Hensall, and , of Hensall, Ezra Willard Willard, daughter Parkins, Lyle Willard, son of Mr. late Mrs. Willard, of ■Only the immediate fami- the pa- East, the bride wore striped tailored suit, accessories. Mr. and will reside in Hensall. 40 Parcels for Overseas Local and rural citizens are to be commended for their hearty sup­ port given to the appeal foi’ dona­ tions of money and other gifts for Christmas boxes for the Hensall and district boys who are serving overseas. These parcels (40 in number) were packed by the Wo­ men’s Institute and the War Ser­ vice Committee and friends on Mon­ day night October 25f The fact that a great many Hensall and district folks gladly gave of theii’ sugar rations, made possible The provi­ sions of delicious home-made candy consisting of chocolate and divinity fudge, this splendid work being acomplislied by Mesdames Sherritt, Welsh, Sangster Beer; while other kind friends con­ tributed cookies shortbread etc. In addition to these home-made treats each parcel consists of the following items, a nice 'assortment of bars, cigarettes, Xmas cake milk, razor soup, face combs, talc goods were by the Hensall Red 'Cross Society. Previously acknowledged with gratitude were the gifts of money received from the Ladies’ 500 clnb. Proceeds from mat raffle S.S. No. 10 Hay. Proceeds from the euchre and dance sponsored by the Institute, all those from the booth operated by the Institute at the frolic. These various sources along with the in­ dividual contributions received from Hensall and rural friends readily covered the entire expenses of the contents of these boxes, leav­ ing on hand a nice balance to be used at the next date of shipment, all the shipping expenses were borne by the Wai’ Service Commit­ tee. Included in the- 4 0 boxes was one for Cpl. Helen Bell, wife of P.O. Alvin Bell, both of whom are in the services overseas. It con- nonori cake, cookies, shortbread, Games fudge and other articles appropriate •n. ■Pzs • <-i 1 A Zl { "XT" m n rt O ifil Pfaff, and papers, cheese, pencils, hones, knitted tobaccos and (1 lb. pkgs.) blades, styptic cloths, razor etc. Lovely 'enclosed in each box for a ladies’ Xmas parcel. Mr. J. Zuifle, of St. Thomas Miss B. Cudmore, of Toronto, warded donations of cash to this cause. A unique maple emblem was enclosed in each the handiwork of dale. Complete list as Passmore, Don Bell, Max and Laird Hudson, Harold Hedden Gerald Glenn, Ray Foster, Stuart and Ben Dick, Cecil Kipfer, Dave and George Sangster, E. Nor­ minton, A. .Schalm, Stuart Pepper, Jack Taylor Clare Zuefle, Campbell, Alex and Jack Royce Welsh, Howard Smale, Elton Fairburn, Doug. Sangster Brook, Ron. Peck, L. Raynham. Bill Snow, Bill Nicol, Lloyd Noakes. G. Johnston, Don. McKaig, P. Lem- and tor- aid leaf box, Mrs. G. M. Drys- follows: Kenneth Hoggarth, Alvin Jim Boa, Ken ncuBrrUttn KMBBfWatMMSWa The Canadian Canners Ltd., WILL BE IN THE MARKET FOR TRIMMED TURNIPS FIELD RUN FROM 3%” UP. MARKET PRICE PAID DURING THE TURNIP SEASON. Further information given by mail or, phone 77, Exeter. Severne Winer, Mgr. nwn, Roy and Lloyd Brock., cpl. Helen Bell, J, IL Inglis, Jack Bell, M. Tudor. .i The ladles desire to extend a word of appreciation to Mr. Bon- thron, postmaster and his assistant Miss Margaret Johnston, not only fox* their splendid efficiency lix sen­ ding these parcels promptly, but al- so for the task of addressing each of the 40 parcels, they attending to this mattei* each time of ship­ ment. Also a hearty “thanks’1 to Dr. 'Campbell, Mr, W. 0, Goodwin and Mr. Thos. Kyle for their help­ ful services rendered each time, 1 I DASHWOOD Mrs. Kleinstivex* is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Scott in Bowman- Ville this week. Mrs. Snyder, of St. spent a few days with Mrs. Hayter, Gnr. Albert Miller, spent a few days with his mother on th© 14tli concession last week. Mr, and Mrs. J. Francis. Mr, and Mrs. I-Iarry Zimmerman and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Zimmerman, all of Tavistock, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, T. Harry Hoffman. Mr. and Mrs. Dan McGregor and Donald McGregoi* and Marys, were Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Otto with Catharines,i her mojther, Mr. and Mrs. Ruby, of St, visitors with Restemeyer. The Ladies’ church at Dashwood staged their annual fowl supper in the basement of the church last Wednesday even­ ing, October 20. The ladies of the Aid with their husbands or other guests, numbering about 65 persons, sat down to a nicely prepared goose supper. While the waitresses filled and set the plates the time was spent in community singing, led by the pastor, the Rev. T. L. Luft. The rest of the evening was spent in progressive airplane bunco. First prize winners were Mrs. Ph. Fassold and Mrs. Ed. Willert; consolation prizes were won by MiSs Gloria Kraft and Mr. Ph. Fassold. Credit for the success of the affair goes to the Social and Entertainment committee of the Aid, Messrs, Harold Weber, Arthur Willert, Millford Merner, Elgin Merner, Martin Laub and E. G. Kraft. Aid of Zion Lutheran KIPPEN Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Ulch, of Wind­ sor, visited recently with the latter’s father, Mr. Norman Lang. Mr. and Mrs. J. McMurtrie, newly­ weds, have returned from tlieir honeymoon. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Horney, Shir­ ley, Joanne and Bobby, of Ridge­ way, visited over the week-end the former’s brother, Mr. and W, Horney. Pte. Alvin Reichert, R.C.A., gara-on-the-Lake, is spending with Mrs. Nia- two weeks’ furlough with relatives in the community. Shower A very pleasant evening was spent on Wednesday last at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Orland Reichert when neighbors and friends gathered to honor them on their recent marriage. The bride and groom opened the many lovely .gifts which were drawn in on a prettily decorated wagon by Marlene McLachlan and Marlene Richardson, and the address read by Mr. Will. McLachlan, land then thanked everyone for lovely things they had received all joined in singing “For They Jolly Good Fellows.” Lunch served followed by old-time dancing. Reception A very enjoyable evening was spent in Hensall Town Hall, on Fri­ day evening last. Old Time danc­ ing was enjoyed, music being sup­ plied by the Bayfield Valley Foux* Orchestra. At midnight Mr. and Reichert were called to the plat­ form and Mr. Clarence Reichert read an address and presented them with a chesterfield, for the lovely in singing M Fellows”, all enjoyed dancing small was Or- the and are was 1 Orland thanked all gift and all joined “For They are Jolly Good Lunch was served till the hours of the morning. and wee CENTRALIA Miss Beatrice Essery, R.N., London, visited a few days last week With her parents, Mr. and Essery. Sunday visitors with Mr John Pollard were; Mr. Harold McFalls, aiid Mr. and Mrs. Harold, of Lucan, Misses Merriam, Merriam, end with and Mrs. Mr, and Mrs. W. Baker and Dorene of Grand Bend, were Sunday visi­ tors with Mi*, and Mrs. W. Bowden. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Penwarden visited with relatives in London on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Albert Mitchell were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Hodgson. Rev. R. J. Merriam was in charge of the church servic.es at Kirktop on Sunday; there being no services in this church on account of Whalen Anniversary. Pilot Officer Jack Andrew and Mrs. Andrew visited for a couple of days last week with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Andrew and Mr, and Mrs. George Hicks. 'I'lie Home and School Club will hold their opening meeting in the school Priday evening of this week, Everybody is welcome. Mrs. Chas, Isaac is visiting in London with her daughter; Mr, and Mrs. Archie Robinson. Mrs. Grosvenor, of Strathroy, spent last week with her aunts, the Misses J, and R. Wilson, Mrs. and and of Wm. Mrs. Mrs. Larry and Garry, Thos. Brooks and Fair and Rubena and Miss Eva Gladys of Delhi of London, spent the week- the latter’s parents, Rev. R. J. Merriam. ® The invasion that you’ve waited for is underway thundering on far off battle fields. Our boys are in ill Every advance they make brings closer the day when the “fortress of Europe” will be blasted wide open . . . and backing them up are your tanks, your guns, your ships, your planes. Today ... thousands of Canadians are In action on the battle fronts of the world. Their lives are at stake. They depend on you to provide all the equipment they need to successfully wage war. To see that everyone of our boys has a fighting chance to come home safe and sound is your responsibility . , . your privilege. You can do it with dollars .. . Victory Bond Dollars. Back the boys to the limit by investing in Bonds to the limit and you'll help Speed the Victoryf CREDITON We welcome AC2 and Mrs. C, Lilly and their little hoy Wayne to nur town. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Stelch from. Zurich visited with Mr. and Mrs. L. Hey last week-end. Rev. Samuel Finkbeiner, of Osna­ brock, S. Dakota, is visiting his sis­ ter, Mrs. Levi Stahl. Mrs. Lena Cook, of Camlachie, is with her sister, Mrs. Mary Roesz- lex* for a few days. Emmery Fisher, of the R.C.O.C., from Stratford, visited with his grandfather, Jack English. P/Q Lewis B. Faist from Trenton, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Faist. Laura Woodall, from London, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Woodall for Mr. and and family, Sunday with Shirley Fahner and Sgt, Lou Hoax* of London, visited the former’s par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Fahner last week-end. Pte. and Mrs. L. England and Ruth were in Hamilton on Sunday visiting Jack who is in No. Hospital. LAC. and Mrs. R. Port Dover, spent a ing the latter’s parents, Mr, and Mrs, S, Wuerth, Mr. and Mrs. William Jeffrey and family, of Hurondale, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fahner and family. Doris Weurth, Edward Schenk, Wilmar Wein and Calvin Fahner, from London, spent the week-end with theii- parents. Mr, and Mrs. Henry Kruegex- and grandson, Larry, of Waterloo, spent a couple of days visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ross Krueger, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fahner and Bernice. A W.M.S, rally of the Evangelical church was held at Dashwood, Tues­ day night of this week. Bishop Epp was the guest Speaker. Many of our Crediton ladies attended this rally. Pte. Harold Wolfe spent Monday and Tuesday at his home here en­ route from Debert, N.S., to Niagara- on-the-Lake where he has been transferred.- Mr. and Mrs. J. Finkbeiner, Miss Maletta Schenk and Dolores, of Cred­ iton, and Mrs. Dalton Finkbeiner, of Exeter, spent the week-end in Water­ loo with Mrs. James Tate. Mrs. B. Leeney and her baby son, of Halifax, who have spent the last six weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Down, have returned to their home. A group of young people from the Senior 7 church " Reuber where People’s A.B. Bob Wolfe, of the V.R., who has seen action m me Mediterranean and Atlantic on the Corvette Kitchener for the past fif­ teen months returned to his ship after spending ten days leave at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Faist, Nola and Pauline spent Sunday with Rev. and Mrs. F. M. Haist, of Milverton, where they attended the Jubilee Ser­ vice of the Evangelical church. Barbara Faist returned home with them and will spend a few days here, i You.” i Last Thursday evening a number! <Iuiz tor each of the groups of men from the Evangelical church ;were started with Group C. The attended the Allbright Brethren’s; master of ceremonies for this was rally at the Zion Evangelical church, Carman Whitmore of the Crediton Kitchener. They enjoyed the prog- Public School. The three judges ram which had as its highlights,; were Miss Ella Morlock, Rev. M. E. numbers by the Orpheus Male chorus; Heuber and Rev. L. H. Turner. Jean- and an address by Bishop Epp. After I ette Schenk from Crediton and La­ the program in the auditorium of the belle Hill were the contestants in A Two rounds were neces- i sary here as in the first set of ques- i tions from the Booklet were answered byjioth very well. In the second set of surprise questions Jeanette Schenk came through with the highest number of being the winner. Group B followed Haist from Crediton Preszcator being the Helen Preszcator from Stephen was the winner. The last group, Group A, was con­ tested by Howard Perkins, S.S. No. 3 Stephen, Joyce Chambers from No. 2, Dorothy Finkbeiner from Crediton and Eileen McCann from. S.S. No. 6 6 Stephen. Dorothy Finkbeiner sur­ vived the three sets of rounds, the first of which were questions taken from the booklet while the other two sets were surprise questions. Dorothy will novi) go to Clinton where she will compete at the County Finals Wednesday rfight. A division competition will be held at Kitchener and the Provincial Quiz will be held in the Arcadian Cotirt of the Robt, Simpson Co. groups will War Savings After the entertained Bomb By Night,” under the direc­ tion of Mr. James Lumsden, Victory Loan Organizer in Huron. George Jefferson .gave a very striking speech to encourage Victory Loan invest­ ment. Di*. Campbell also gave a shoi't address. The meeting came to an end with the singing of “God Save The King.” I am sure after such a striking evening, Stephen will go over the top in the Victory Loan. the week-end. Mrs. Clayton Lowrie of Camlachie, spent Mrs. Mary Roeszler. 2 Convalescant J. Blackwell, of few days visit­ League of the Evangelical accompanied Rev. M. E. to Tavistock last Saturday they attended > Rally. a Young R.C.N. in the I, A J VICTORY BOND sang a solo, “Just A-Wearying For church, refreshments were enjoyed' Group C. in the The United at the Thursday last, able leadership “The Bible for ages of Scripture and prayer were given by members of the group. Mrs. T. Trevethick gave a on Christian Stewardship. King a reading on “The Way of Life for Today.” King a poem “My Bible ports of the convention held at Centralia on were given. Mrs. Kestle society to hold the meeting at her home. basement, regular Church home of meeting of the W.M.S. was held Mrs. Sam. King on Mrs. R. Hill gave the theme being all of Life” Pass- points thus reading Mrs. S. Bible— Mrs. A. and I” Re- whicli was Wednesday invited the November Contest held theii* Victory Loan Quiz Stephen East district Victory Loan Concert in the Crediton Town Hall on Monday night, October 25. A quiz contest was held with S.S. 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 taking part. The questions for the quiz were taken from the Quiz Booklet pre­ pared by the department of Educa­ tion. Additional surprise questions were also prepared by Miss Russell, Mrs. Morlock, Miss Powe and Mr. Whitmore. There were three divi­ sors in this contest, sisted of Grades 7, B, Grades 4, 5 and Grades 1, 2 and 3. Mr, H. K. Eilbei* man for this meeting, address he gave a fitthi; tlon for what followed, were given by the schools. Senior Room of the Crediton Public school presented theii* school song, a Victory Loan song, “Come Along You Stephanites,“ and a duet by Arliss Wein and Grace G'aiser, “Down By the Old Mill Stream.” Donald Finkbeiner, of the Junior Room, Crediton School, .gave a recitation and solo with the theme “Buy a Bond.” A solo, “We’ve Done It Be­ fore and Wo Will Do It Again,” was given by Joyce Chambers from S.S. No. 2. Luscinda Dinney held up S.S. No. 6 presenting a solo “Coming In On a Wing and a Prayer?* S.S. No. 4. Stephen entertained us with a solo, “There are Many Plags in Many Lands” by Doris Swarts. Helen Shflpton from S.S. No, 3 'Stephen, 8 6 Group A Gotl­ and and 9; Group Group C, acted In CT•tJ- as chair- liis brief introduc- Nuinbers The with Doris and Helen competitors. S.S. No. 3 Each winne: receive stamps. Quiz the by the in the one dollar in audience was films, “They I certainly appreciate the news that lias been handed to me and if I have missed any I wish to apologize for it, In the future if you will kindly hand it to me or phone me at Lawrence Wein’s home, Crediton, I shall try my best to servo you. Carman Whitmore. Wurm and daughter Shirley Ann were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Willert in Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lippert and Marlene spent the week-end with, relatives in Melbourne. Mr. Gordon Eagleson spent Tues­ day in London. the Way to Buy NBW, USE® OB BETBEABED TIBES Under Wartime Regulations FARMERS... Tires tin form tractors, com- bines and trucks are eligible for replacement provided they cannot be repaired or re­ treaded. Furthermore, any former not owning a truck may replace the tires on his pas­ senger car and trailer, For further information see the nearest Firestone Dealer. To save time, first go to your nearest Firestone Dealer who has complete official tire information. He will ad­ vise you if you are eligible and what class you are in. Then he will help you fill out the Application for a Ration , Permit, furnish the dealer’s Inspection Report, and do everything he can to assist you. While new and used tires and re­ treaded tires are restricted to essential buyers, no permit Is necessary for tire repairs Or retreading. If you know Of a minor bruise or cut, have ft repaired immediately. If your tires are smooth, make arrangements now to have them retreaded. Better still, have the Firestone Dealer give you^ tires a complete expert inspection, and put their care in hie hands. KHIVA Mrs, L. Dietrich visited last week with, relatives in London. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Kraft and family, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Willert and Billie and Mr, and. Mrs. Rd, Graham Arthur