HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1943-10-21, Page 8Page 8 THE EXETER TIMES-A-DVOCATE, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 21st, 1943 NOTICE We wish to inform the public that after Wednesday, October IB, We will re-open for business in onr pew home cornet.' of Main and Huron streets. Exeter Markets I Marion Pooley $1.10 y Hutter, 3Sc Large 45c , Medium 43c Pullet 38« 35c V’s Beauty Shoppe Wheat, l i VtUiVicTJ ■Eggs. A Eggs. A Eggs. A Eggs*. B Dressed Hogs $16.25 BEATTY SHOPPE CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ■•W' All Work Gunrawteed Exeter Phone 245 Leavitt’s Theatre Exeter Ont. Phone 135 WEDNESDAY NIGHT TONIGHT ONLY ‘A Night to Remember’ starring LORETTA YOUNG and BRIAN AHERNE THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY October 21, 22, 23 2 features ‘Air Raid Warden’ with LAUREL and HARDY ! I |1 LOCALS I I I Blood Donors Clinic October 28 Blood Donor Clinic to be held Thursday, October 28. It is expec­ ted that this clinic will last well into the afternoon. There will be women donors as well as men at this clinic. The women who are dona­ ting are requested to see their local doctor before October 28 and ob­ tain their medical sheets. These are necessary before donating and applies only to women donors. Canvassers are urged to send in their list of donors as soon as pos­ sible. LOCALS r •i Snell’s Taxi Service Phone 100 Hairdressing .♦ • • Tomlinson’s Phone 146 ‘Eyes in the Night’ starring EDWARD ARNOLD and ANN HARDING MONDAY AND TUESDAY October 25th and 26th 2 Features — 2 Nights Only Special Feature . ‘The More the Merrier’ J starring JEAN ARTHUR, JOEL McCREA, CHARLES COBURN “Sailors on Leave” musical comedy starring SHIRLEY ROSS and an all star cast. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 27th 1 night only - 2 features ‘Edge of Darkness’ with ERROL FLYNN and ANN SHERIDAN “Joan of Ozarks with JUDY CANOVA 99 Coming October 28, 29, 30 “CRASH DIVE” in technicolor starring Tyrone Power After several weeks or most de­ lightful weather rain visited this section over end. The rain was badly needed as the ground had become with ploughing and snow the week- very hard almost impossible. The fine weather, however permit­ ted the farmers to harvest their bean crop in fine condition. With the fine weather came a glorious array of colors that turned the landscape into a panorama of color­ ing that was a marvel to behold and which has lasted for many days. There have been no heavy frosts to strike the gardens of Exeter and roses and other fall flowers are still blooming. red cross Bingo & Dance at Eden School 1.0 rounds for 25c; extra games 5c GOOD PRIZES INCLUDING FOWL DRAW FOR QUILT Hot Dogs and Coffee COME & HELP THE RED CROSS Round the Clock Service STEWART’S TAXI Phone 155 w Exeter Victory Bonds W. B Hodgson of all kinds.” Bey. Jolm Galloway Mrs. J* G, Cochrane, Organist lu a.m.—Sunday School. 11 a.m.—Morning Worship. 7 p.m.—Evening Service Joint, meeting of the Young People in Main St. church Monday evening at 7.30. I W.M.S. meeting Thursday* Octob­ er 31 at 8 p.m, at the home of Mrs, W. Simmons. Union prayef service, in Main St. 'church Wednesday at 8 o’clock, Mr. • Hunt in charge. I I MAIN ST, UNITED CHURCH i Woods, SI.A., Minister , A. Y. Willard, Organist I II a.m.—Public Worship and Church ' School. The Minister. | 7 p.m.—Public Worship. The Minis­ ter. I Wed. Oct, 20, 8 p.m.—Union prayer J service in Main Street Church. Rev. Hunt, 1 Sun., Oct, 31—Anniversary services. Rev, G, G. Burton of Clinton. j JAMES ST, UNITED CHURCH i ® ® • This Store Appeals to All Buy Bonds. Rev. N* J. Mrs, A Hallowe’en supper* will be held in Trivitt Parish Hall, Friday, Oc­ tober 29. Mrs. Christina Northcott, of Strat­ ford, is visiting with friends. Mr. Thomas Tapp, of visiting with his sister, Tapp. Spr. Sam Lawson, of spent the week-end at here. Mrs, Harry Spurgeon, is visiting a few days with Miss Eva Pearce. Mrs. Delight Gordon, of Toronto, * is visiting her sister, Mr. and Mrs. I T. O. Southcott. Miss Dorothy Forrester spent the week-end at the home of Mrs. C. H. Sanders in London. Mrs. Bess Taylor, Nelson street, has as her house guest, Miss Tillie ' Taylor, of Toronto. Mr. Allan Hobbs, of Galt, visited on Friday last with Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Southcott. Mrs. Harry Whitworth, of Tor­ onto is visiting at the home of her sister. Mrs. J. Prout Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Farquhar, . of Kip pen, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Snell. Gnr. Reg. McDonald, of Wain­ wright, Alta, is spending two weeks’ furlough at his home here. Mrs. Eric Armstrong, of Hamil­ ton, is visiting for a few days with Mr. and Mrs Harold Whyte. Miss Helen Buswell, of Toronto, is visiting at the home of her par­ ents Mr. and Mrs, A, E. Buswell. Mrs. John Stewart has returned home after a pleasant visit with friends in Montreal and Hamilton. Mrs. Charles Snell, of London, spent the week-end at the home of • her parents. Mr. and Mrs, Amos Darling. Miss Ferrol Higgins, of Clinton, spent the forepart of the week visiting with Mr. and Mrs, George Hunter. The Huron Presbytery, south sec- ition, are today Wednesday holding' meetings in the Centralia United Church. Mr. M. L. Beavers, of town, is in Victoria Hospital, London for treat­ ment and his many friends will hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rutledge and children, Barry and Douglas, of Ingersoll, spent the week-end ;with Mr. and Mrs. Philip Fassold. I Mr. and Mrs. Tom Love, of Grand Bend, and LAC. Mervyn Love, of No. 9 S.F.T.S. Centralia, spent Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Taylor. Fit. Sgt. Watt and Mrs. Watt, of Aylmer and Mrs. Samson McFalls and Gerald visited over the week­ end with friends in Aurora and To­ ronto. Mrs. Leonard Harvey and sons Bob and_ Jack are spending a few days in Harvey at No. Mrs. visiting Mr. Jos. Senior. Mr. Senior and Mrs. Appleford are returning with Mrs. Graves to Detroit on a visit. Misses Alma Richard, Jean Jack- son and Edna Nicols of London, and Gwenneth Cann, of town spent the week-end at the horn ? of Mr. and Mrs, Leslie Richard, of Exeter, Pte. Ted Goddard, of Ipperwash, Mrs. Goddard and little son, of Ilder- ton, visited on Sunday with Mrs. Goddard's father and aunt, Mr, Charles and Miss Helen Monteith. Mr, and Mrs. A. E. Buswell have received a cable from their son. Ted, saying he had arrived in Gib­ raltar for his first operational duties. Before leaving England he day in Exeter. A number of the boys Company Exeter Branch, Middlesex and Huron Regiment at­ tended their dance held in Seaforth on Tuesday evenift and all Rev. ning of In the lie will Ing in Parish Falls, South Dakota, Mr, W. Wi Taman has received word from his daughter, Mrs, Graves, Of Grimsby, stating that her husband, Lieut. It.C.N.v.R., has been made manding officer of a sub-chaser based in the North Atlantic. Detroit, is Miss Mary Petawawa, his home Oakville, 1 Snell Bros. & Co. Rev, A. B. Irwin, B.A, R. Goulding, A.T.O.M. Organist and Choir Leader 11 a.m.—W.M.S. Thank Offering A, B. Irwin. Call for Christian I I I 1 WUERTH’S See wear have a large stock and the price is right. Just received a men’s work socks, ing from 24c Shoe polishes of Heel grips and hose savers. All kinds of shoe and rubber repairing. our fall and winter foot- for men and boys, We shipment of prices rang- to 75c. all kinds. A. E. Wuerth, Exeter One Cent Sale October 28, 29, 30 Coles’ Drug Store] Euchre and Dance to be held S.S. No. 2 Hay School on Friday Nite, Oct. 29 th DRAW FOR BLANKET Admission 25c; Booth lunch 10c PROCEEDS FOR RED CROSS ARE YOU RUPTURED? Did You Ever Buy a Truss that Didn’t Fit? That Can’t Happen Here are Properly Fitted by an Experienced Fitter in our Private Truss Room and Protected by a Signed, Money-Back Guarantee Yon Toronto with AC2. Leonard who is at present stationed 1 Manning Depot. Carol Graves, of Detroit is at the home of her father, Your drugs at ROBERTSON’S Exeter spent a Of “D” of the g of this week reported an excellent time. Mr. Grigg left Friday morn­ last week on a month’s trip United States. While there attend, and speak at a meet- the interest of the World’s Association, held at Sioux K. S, Graves, com- THE LONGER THE WAR LASTS THE GREATER NEED THERE IS FOR EVERYONE TO BUY VICTORY BONDS. -W.M.S. Service. Rev, “The World’s Service.” Guest soloist Grand Bend. p.m.-—Sunday Class. p.m.—Evening Worship. “The Abundant Life”. 8.15 p.m.—Y.P.U. Christian Fellow-i ship. | _______ t i Cpl. Henderson of School and Bible 7 TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacF’aui Choir Leader. Mr. Middlemiss 18th Sunday after Trinity a.m.—Sunday School, 7 p.m.—Even Song and Sermon. “The Road to Victory”. Union prayer service in Caven Presbyterian ‘Church on Wednes­ day October 27th, at 8 p.m. Speak­ er Rev. N. J. Woods. The W.A. will hold a Hallow’een supper in the Parish Hall on Friday October 29th, from 5 to 8 p.m. Rememberance Day Service will be held in Trivitt Memorial church on Sunday, November 7, at 11 a.m. XI ----------------------------------------------------------I PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE1 Sunday School—10.3 0 a.m. Service—11,3(1 a.m. Evening Service—8 p.m. Wednesday Prayer Meeting—8 All are welcome. Pastor—-E. Clemens ZION EVANGELICAL CHURCH' Crediton M. E. Reuber, B.A., Mrs. F. W. Morlock, Organist Lawrence A. Wein, Choir Leader 10 a.m.—Morning Worship. Minister. 11 a.m.—Church School 7.30 p.m.—Evening Worship, s Jas, Anthony of Exeter. W 53 » « AND THE WAR IS A LONG WAY FROM NEARING THE END. WE HAVE ONLY STARTED TO WIN, AND THE JOB MUST BE FINISHED. A RETURNED SOLDIER AFTER FOUR YEARS IN ENGLAND SAYS—“ON RETURNING TO CANADA THE GREATEST DANGER I SEE IS THAT THE PEOPLE ARE BECOMING COMPLACENT, OVER-CONFIDENT— THEY THINK IT IS ALL OVER BUT THE SHOUTING. THAT IDEA IS ENTIRELY FALSE. WE HAVE ONLY GONE ONE STEP OF THE MILE WE HAVE TO TRAVEL TO VICTORY.” OUR LAST DOLLAR IS NEEDED—AND NEEDED TO A GREATER DEGREE THAN EVER BEFORE. .... Buy Bonds and Speed the Victory and bring our boys back home again .... This space donated by Southcott Bros Janies Street Y.P.U. The young people of James St. held their regular meeting Monday (evening with Vera Decker presld- B.D., Minister' kig’. The meeting opened with a j hymn. Margaret Henry led in pray- jer. The minutes of the last meeting I were read and adopted and business was discussed. The meeting was 'taken over by Mary Johns. A hymn was sung after which Gwenneth Jones read the Scripture lesson. Bernice Finkbeiner led in prayer. Miss Margaret Henry gave the topic "Stars” which was very interesting. The meeting closed with a hymn I and the Mizpah benediction. Lend to hasten The Rev. Tuesday, W.M.S. Rally at Dash­ wood. Bishop Epp Napierville Ill., special speaker Friday, 7.15 p.m.—Junior League, Friday, 8.00 p.m.—Senior League. Welcome Barbara Brintnell, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Cliff Brintnell, -had the misfortune to break her right arm at the wrist while playing in the basement of the school at recess Wednesday afternoon. The Exeter Lions Club, in place of their regular supper meeting Fri­ day evening last, motored with their wives to Grand Bend and attended the fowl supper’ in the United Church shed put on in the interests of the Red Cross. The ladies put on a real supper with all the trimmings ima- ■. ginable. the day of Victory With Victory in the making, this is no time to haggle oi’ hold back. The enemy is cracking on every front. The heat of the United Nations’ all-out offensive is on him. Hot up the fire and keep it hot by buying Fifth Victory Loan Bonds. Furnish the tools that our men may finish the job without working overtime. They’re doing* their part by fighting. Let’s do ours by lending. That’s all we’re asked to do—lend to speed Victory. Money talks—and fights—when you invest it in Fifth Victory Loan Bonds. Phone 50 NOW Would you give a pint of blood to save a life? Sure you would. It might be for your own boy, or the neighbor’s boy, Red or Bob or Tom, the kids that played a few years ago in your yard with your lad. Some casualties require 2 or 3 transfusions of blood plasma, right in the heat of battle. It requires 4 donations of a pint each to make one transfusion on the battle field. Some lad may die if we don’t get enough Over—and fast. Every man and woman from 18 to 60 can have a part ill this Work. Register to-day and wait for your call. The Exeter blood bank cart handle 125 donors every S weeks— Whether you live in Exeter Or the country—you are needed NOW. The above space donated by Robertson’s Nyal Drug Store ONCE A TRIAL, ALWAYS NYAL James St. Afternoon Auxiliary The afternoon auxiliary of the W.M.S. met in the basement of the church on Thursday, October 14th with the president, Mrs. J. M. Southcott presiding, Aftei* the sing­ ing of a hymn and the daily pray­ er the minutes of the September meeting were read by the secretary, Mrs. Buswell and the calling of the roll showed a good attendance. The hymn "Breathe on me breath of God” followed and the reports of the con­ venors of committees were then given. Mrs. McGregor’s group then took charge with Mrs, McGregor in the chair. The title of the Study book for this year is “For all the Life” and the theme for the Octob­ er meeting is “The Bible for all of; Life.” After the opening words by the leader, Miss H. Monteith read several passages of Scripture. Then with bowed heads in prayer each member was asked to ask herself these questions “Have I been faith­ ful in my study of the Bible; there any message from God’s Word which I have refused to obey; What hew resolve can I make in order to pursue my Lible study more earnestly”, Mrs. KOch from the Eve­ ning Auxiliary Very efficiently gave the chapter from the Study book on the theme showing the steps of ad­ vancement from the' heathen, to the Christian “While the years roll on” was a beautiful solo given by Mrs. Gunning. The meeting closed with the benediction. s Is TRY A WANT A.'D-——THEY PAY J W. W. TAMAN Returning to Exeter Miss Margaret Ellen Brown R.N. a former resident of Exeter, who recently resigned her position on the staff of the Toronto General Hospital, has returned to Exeter and will make her home with L M Jeclc ell, Miss GaVen, Main St. Y.P.U. The Caven and Main St. Young People held their regular meeting in the Sunday School room of Main St, Church Monday evening at 7.30 o’clock with James Whyte presid­ ing. The meeting was opened with hymn 487 followed by the treasur­ ers report. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved, An interesting item of business dis­ cussed was, that Latent Slides will be shown in Main St. Church on EveryoneNovember 1, at 8 o’clock, is cordially invited, The devotional period by Jack Whyte of the committee who read the lesson. was led Literary Scripture . Rev, Woods led In prayer, Aft interesting debate is planned for the next literary meeting. The meeting was closed with the Nation­ al Anthem followed by the Mizpah ■benediction. Main Street W.M.S. The Main Street W.M.S. met at the home of Mrs. J. K. Sims Thurs­ day of last week, the president, Mrs. Jacques presiding. The meeting was opened with the National Anthem and prayer from the prayer card. Psalm 46 was sung and prayer by Mrs. G. Johns. Hymn 577 was then sung. Delegates were appointed for the convention at ’Centralia on Oc­ tober 20th. Mrs. Wickwire gave a top for a quilt. A number ordered M.M. Mrs. Sims sang “Life’s Rail­ way.” Mrs, Martin gave the study book which Was very interesting. The same nominating committee was appointed. The worship service was taken by Mrs, Howard. Hymn 187 was sung and Mrs. prayed for Rutherford, benediction, __ __________ Sunday was October 16, Mr, Woods spake in the morning and Mr, Scott, of Korea, in the evening. Penrose ■our missionary, Miss and closed with the The Thankoffering Betty; “Did you hear about the fellow who stayed tip all night fig­ uring out where the suit went when it went down?1’ Oliver; “No, what happened?” Betty; “it finally dawned on him.” J I $