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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1943-10-14, Page 8
1 Page 8 NOTICE IVe wish to hiforni the public that after Wednesday, October 13, We will re-open for business in .pur new home corner of Main and Huron streets, V’s Beauty Shoppe «a na> llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll CITIZENS HURON COUNTY Listen to the Fifth Victory Loan BROADCASTS Butter, 38c Large 45c Medium 43c Pullet 3 ScA $16.25 LOCALS AU Work Guaranteed Phone 245 Exeter Markets Wheat. ?X.1O LTeamvry Eggs, A Eggs, A Eggs. Eggs, B Dressed over Radio Station CKNX WINGHAM i aimi 11 I aw* 11 11 Iim ■» Blood Donors Clinic October 28 Blood Donor Clinic to be held Thursday, October 28. It is expec ted that this dink will last well into the afternoon. There will be women donors as well as men at this clinic. The women who are dona ting are requested to see their local doctor before October 28 and ob tain their medical sheets. These are necessary before donating and applies only to women donors. Canvassers are urged to send in their list of donors as soon as pos sible. THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 14th, 1943 Marion Pooley BEAUTY SHOPPE Official opening by REVEREND W. A. BEECROFT Chairman »— Huron County at 8 a^m. MONDAY, OCTOBER 18th War Savings Stamps 6c per lb. 70c Southcott Bros Phone 16 Exeter FISH, SELECT HADDIE extra choice, special ....... Buy as many and as often as you can. Each 25c will provide a bullet to help defeat the Axis. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev,. John Galloway airs. J, G. Oocluwe, Organist ANNIVERSARY and 7 p.m. B. Irwin, ILA., of James a.m. B.D. ’ p.m.1 F/O. Services at 11 a.m. Her. A. St. Church will preach at 11 Rev. Robert Moynan, B.A., Padre at No 9 S.F.T.S. at 7 The choir will be assisted by IV, J, Robertson and Mrs. Richard Chenoweth. A special thank-offering will be i receive^. Phone 146 | Phone* 100 j Mid-week service in Main Street church, Wednesday, October 21, Speaker, Rev. Mr. Hunt. Hairdressing a ♦ a* Tomlinson’s MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. N. J- Woods, M,A.t Minister Mrs, A, Y, Willard, Organist 11 a.m,—Public Worship and Church School. “The Buttle on the Home Front.” The Minister. 7 p.m.—Service withdrawn in favour of Caven Anniversary. j Sunday, October 31—Anniversary service. Rev. G. G, Burton, of Clinton. A Hallowe’en supper will be held in Trivitt Parish Hall, Friday, Oc- jtober 29. There will be a five minute program on Saturday, October 16th, and each day of the cam paign at 12.40 p.m. The first of these programs will be an address by WARDEN B. W. TUCKEY and SPEED THE VICTORY BIRTHS DEATHS © Leavitt’s Theatre ad will be found on page 4. merly of Exeter, to Mr. James Lovett, also of Clinton, by Rev. E. J, Lane. MARRIAGES LOVETT—-MCDONALD—At Goder ich on Tuesday, October 12. Miss: BUY BONDS SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16th. Followed by a prominent speaker daily October 18th to November 6th Congoleum Rugs in All Sizes also good patterns in two yard widths& Odd Blouses We offer a splendid range of Misses’ and Ledies’ odd skirts in excellent weaves and smart styles. These are very popular $2.95 3.75 4.50 Just received a shipment of new Blouses. These are very good numbers and come in a range of colors. t Circular New Dinnerware Dinnerware is very scarce. We were fortunate in securing several very dainty patterns that are real value. Make an early selection if you are in need of one. Not being able to secure underwear and sleepers for children, we offer this splen did material for you to make up yourself. A limited quantity to each customer. | JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev, A. B. Irwin, B.A. W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir Leader 11 a.m.—Morning Worship. Rev. John Galloway of Caven Church, p.m,—-Sunday School and Bible Class. p.m.—-Evening Worship, —- Rev. Gordon Pickell, Wilton Grove. Installation of Y.P.U. Officers, 8.15 p.m.—Fireside Hour. HOLIDAY VISITORS Visitors in town for the holiday were: Mr. Silas Reed, of Sarnia, with his aunt, Miss Alice Haudford. Dr. and Mrs. McLagan, of Lon don, were at Mrs, William Wein ers. Miss Mary Margaret Willard spent Thanksgiving Day with her cousin, Miss Dorothy Pinkham. Mr. Fred Brown and sister Mrs. Mummeston, of London, with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Geddes, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Revell, of London, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Floyd. Miss Gertrude Stewart, of Ajax, spent Thanksgiving with her moth er. Mrs. R. Stewart. ACS Neil Jones, of Hamilton, spent the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Wilson, of London, spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Lawson. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Tambling, of Dunuville, spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Cann. Miss Evelyn Howard, of Toronto, j spent the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs, G. S. Howard. Mr. and Mrs. J. A, Doupe, of Tor onto, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson Gunning. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Gourlay, of St. Marys, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hodgson. Mr. and Mrs. Toronto, were at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Patricia, of Belmont, with Mr, and Mrs. A. Mr. Bob Kydd and and Irene spent the week-end with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Kydd. Sergt. L. L. Wells who has been in the Westminster Hospital, Lon don, spent the week-end with his family here. Dr. C. J. and Mrs. Wood, of Sud bury, spent the holiday week-end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wood. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Messer and Betty Ann and her. girl friend Mari lyn Thompson, of Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Hillary Horton, Mr. .and Mrs. J. A. Christie and daughter Jean and Miss Rappie. of Toronto, with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Christie. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. McClellan, Shirley and Stanley, of and Rev, and Mrs. W. E. and son Ian, of St. Marys with Mr, and Mrs. C. E. Aidworth. Holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHimiiiiiiiiiif iiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiimiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiniiiiiiiii 3 WUERTH’S 4 foot- for men and boys. We a large stock and the price is right. received a See our fall and winter wear have shipment of prices rang- to 75c. all kinds. TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCHJust men’s work socks, ing from 24c Shoe polishes of Heel grips and hose savers, kinds of shoe and rubber repairing. Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir Leader. Mr. Middlemiss Grocery Specials for Thurs., Friday and Saturday AU A. E. Wuetrtli, Exeter BENDER—At Mrs. Godbolt’s Hospi tal, on Tuesday, October 12, 19 43, to Mr. and Mrs. William Bender, of Crediton, a son (Gary William). FRANCIS—At Mrs. Godbolt’s Hos pital on Thursday, October 7, 1943 to Mr. and Mrs. Ross Francis, of Kirkton, a son (Gerald Ronald). HODGINS—Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hodgins, of Centralia, wish to announce the arrival of a baby sister for Eleanor and Keith, at Dr. Fletcher’s Hospital, Exeter, • on October- 11, 1943. HUXTABLE—At Dr. Fletcher's Hospital, on October 1, 1943, to Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Huxtable, a daughter, Margaret Elizabeth. McNAUGHTON—A.t Victoria Hos* pital, on October 9. 1943, to Mr. and Mrs. R. J. McNaughton (nee Janie Hogarth) a daughter, Lin da Jane. Both doing well. ROGERS—-At Dr. Fletcher's Hospi tal, Exeter, on October 8, 19 43, to Sergt. and Mrs. Roy F. Rogers, tof Exeter, a son. W. A. Patrick, of week-end Mrs. Wm. visitors J. C. Snell. Crawford and spent Sunday J. Penhale. sisters, Ethel Harry Waghorn, formerly of Ex eter, who was invalided home from England and discharged from the Air Force a year ago, has again en listed. Harry reported to Hamilton on Tuesday for aircrew.. Word has been received from Mrs. Wm. Lawson, who with her son 1 Jimmie went from Toronto to New foundland by air to join Capt. Wm. Lawson, that they had arrived safely and that Jimmie had enjoyed every minute of the trip. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Flynn and Mrs. George Hunter were in London Wednesday attending the funeral of the late Robert Smith. He is sur vived by his widow and three daugh ters, Mrs. Smith being a former resident of Elimville. Miss Olive Wood who is now taking a course in public health at Toronto University, was at home with her parents. Mr. and W. H. Wood, of Usborne. Mr. Mrs. Harold Wood and Billy the former’s parents, Mr, and W. H. Wood. While Street in front of Southcott Saturday afternoon of last Mrs. Jos. May was run into boy riding his bicycle on the walk. She was knocked to the ment and was bruised and shaken up but not seriously injured. The lad sped away on his bicycle to avoid detection. Seventeenth Sunday After Trinity CHILDREN’S DAY 10 a.m.—Morning Prayer and Ser mon, "Whose Responsibility” 11 a.m.—Sunday School. Evening service withdrawn in favor of Caven anniversary. The autumn conference of the Dean ery of Huron will be held in St. Thomas church, Seaforth, Friday, October 15tli, The Remembrance Day Service will be held in Trivitt Memorial church Sunday, November 7th at H a.m. PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE Sunday School—10.3 0 a.m. Service-—11.30 a.m. Evening Service—8 p.m. Wednesday Prayer Meetin All are welcome. Pastor—E. Clemens walking along the Annie McDonald, of Clinton/for-;Jonathaa were: Mr- aad HAWKSHAW-—In Lucan, on Friday, Oct. 8, 1943, Cambridge W. Hawkshaw, beloved husband of Ida McFalls, in his 71st year. ’ KERR—-At Benmiller on Wednes day, October 13, 1943, Mrs. Mary T. Kerr, of Exeter, LAVERTY—In St. Joseph’s Hospital London, on Wednesday, October 6, Margaret Prior, beloved wife of William Laverty, in her 55 th year. MORGAN—At his residence in Lon don on Monday, October 11, Wel lington Morgan, formerly of Lucan, in his 77th. year. Inter ment In St. James cemetery, Clan deboye. SKELTON—In St, Joseph’s Hospital, London, on Wednesday, Oct. 13, 1948, Olive M. Bryant, beloved Wife of the late Charles H. Skel ton in her 81st year. Resting at E. R. Hopper’s Funeral Chapel from where a private funeral ‘will take place Friday afternoon at three interment in Exeter cemetery, ENGAGEMENTS The engagement is announced of Shirley Grace, daughter of Mr. Wil liam Breszcator and the late Mrs, Freszcator, of Eketer, to Frederick George Wright, son Of Mr. and Mrs. William Wright of Crediton, The marriage to take place late in Oc tober, Mrs. and with Mrs. Main Bros, week by a side- pave- ZION EVANGELICAL CHURCH Crediton M. E. Reuber, B.A„ B.D., Minister Mrs. F. W. Morlock, Organist Lawrence A. Wein, Choir Leader 10 a.m.—“Conquerors” 11 a.m.—Church School 7.30 p.m.—“The blew Birth”. «■ :r. Thursday, 8 p.m.—Mid-week service Friday, 7.15 p.m.—Junior League. Friday, 7,45 p.m.-—Senior League. Welcome A-3 NEWPORT FLUFFS large pack with premium ................... 39c GOLD MEDAL CUSTARD POWDER deiicous when served with fruit, large can ................................................. 25c READY-CUT MACARONI per lb................................................. HABITANT VEGETABLE SOUP a real good soup ................... per tin 10c CROWN BRAND TEA a super quality COARSE SALT in 3 lb. package for your pickles. CROSSE & BLACKWELL THICK SAUCE for steaks, chops, soups and gravies per bottle ............................................... 25c CAKES, JELLY ROLLS, BUNS, BREAD fresh daily NOW IN STOCK, CHRISTMAS CAKE for overseas per tin 32c 5 Win. E. Kydd and daughter Sylvia, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Totty. of Toron to, Mrs. Bloomfield and Roy Austin, of London. Mr. and Mrs. William Gallimore, Brenda and Shirley, of London, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Walper, Lloyd McBride, on Sunday with Carling Street. Visitors over home of Mrs, L. Sweitzer were Mrs. W. H. Smith, of Toronto; Mr. Gor don Gaiser, of Detroit and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hewlett, of St. Johns, N.B., who have been transferred to the Adventist church at London, Ontario. and Mrs. of Windsor, visited Miss L. E. Elliott, the holiday at the Mr, and Mrs. L. Robertson the week-end in Sarnia, Mr, and Mrs. J. P. Bowey Thanksgiving in BrUcefield. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Layton been spending a few days visiting in the Meaford district, Miss Margaret Ritchie, of Lon don, spent Thangsgiving with Miss Alice Handford. Mrs. Wm. 'Vale visited with her daughter, Mrs. Wm. McDowell, of Benfield, over Thanksgiving. Four followers of Isaac Walton from Exeter were at Goderich Tues day and succeeded in landing a fine string of perch. Miss Jeckell and Mrs. Wm .Siltery were in Clinton Tuesday attending a meeting of the executive of Huron Brsbyterial. LAC. Stewart Fuke, who has been With the H.C.A.F. at Cap de Made leine, Que., is on furlough Visiting at his home here, . Rev. N. J. Woods conducted the services at the Clandeboye United church on Sunday evening. Mrs. Goodison returned to Sar nia Tuesday after visiting with Mr, and Mrs. W. W. Taman. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Coates and Mrs. N. Ogden spent, the week-end with friends in Woodstock and Hamilton. Dr. H. C. and Mrs. MwAlistgr and daughter Miss Joyce, of Fort Wayne, Ind., are visiting with Dr. D. A. and Mrs. Anderson. At i Church Dianne, Roylance rite Ta Buy GOOD CLOTHES It’s how many times you wear a suit— how many times you can wear it and LIKE to wear it that determines its i-eal value. The more expensive clothes in the world are those too cheap in construction —or too cheap in taste.—to permit long- continued use. The most economical are those that are made to last—-and to look well as long as they hold together. Long wear is built into clothes tailored at our store. the James Street United Sunday morning Carol , daughtei* of Mr. and Mrs. Westcott received of baptism. Round the Clock Service ANNIVERSARY STEWART’S TAXI Sunday, Oct. 17th Phone 155w Exeter W. W. TAMANi A spent spent RE» cross Bingo & Dancehave and the Mizpah benediction. at ' ™rs' ’I°^son son Hymn 180 was sung. A pray- Of JorontOi Mr* &nd MrS* a* rrnd hv tvfiEden School GOOD PUTZES INCLUDING FOWL COME & HELF THE RED CROSS aeroplane crash. SJtratford Aidworth DRAW FOR QUILT Hot Dogs and Coffee As- the by ’sfflglhg hymti 181, and repeat- 'ing the Mizpah benediction. The i next meeting will be held at the .hthne of Mw. Dr. Cowart, as guests •of the Evbhiiig Auxiliary. Y. P. U. of James Street meeting in the Sunday eveningFriday, Oct. 22 SPONSORED BY UNIT 17 10 rounds for 2J5c; extra games Be cordial invitation is given to all who may be able to attend. William Mair, Minister Arthur Gardiner, Session Clerk Albert Foxton and tiirefe children and Mr. and Mrs, E. S. Copeland, '«W‘ork damn” and of Wingham, visited on jrhanksgiv-, ef.n ontavlo” T “camp at the Betty Coates, 1.1 a.m, and 7.30 p.m. GUEST SPEAKER: Rev. Norman McKay of Knox Presbyterian Church, Mitchell SPECIAL MUSIC BY CHOIR the Misses Isobel and Helen Anthony, of Hamilton, spent the holiday week-end with their parents,\ Rev. and Mrs. Anthony, Mrs. Garfield Sheere and son Morley, of Brantford, and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Johns, of London, visited with Mrs. Wm. Mitchell, Dr. and Mrs. A. E. Johns, of Hamilton; Lieut. Edward Johns, of Camp Borden; Miss Helen Madge, of Hamilton, visited on Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wes ley Johns. Mrs. V, L. Roulston and daughter Gail, of Simcoe, spent a few days lhst week with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A, E. Howald and re turned home Monday with Mi. Roulston who spent the week-end } here, Mr. "■ Teddy, of Toronto; mr. T. A. Currie and Mary Francis, Mrs. James St. W.A., The James Street Women’s sociation met on October 7 in church parlors. Mrs, ; MacGregor took charge of the devotional period after which the president conducted the business meeting. Mrs. Motz, treasurer reported that the Harvest Home offering amounted to over $140.00. Donations were made by the members for the filling of ditty bags. Mrs. Kyle explained the work of the Navy League. The program was planned by Mrs. Fletchers group, Mrs, Arthur Rundle gave a very interesting and timely talk on the part Canadian women can take jin the new world order. Miss Doris (Westcott sang "My Task”, accom- Ipanied by Mrs. Goulding. The meet- (ing closed with the Mizpah benedic- I tion. Janies Street Mission Circle The Mission Circle met at the t .home of Miss Mary Johns. With x J’I Ardys McFalls in the chair. The I meeting opened by singing hymn The minutes wore read and j adopted and roll called. Helen West- j cott then took charge Of the study Main St. Y.P.U. The Young People of Main St. held their regular meeting in the church basement Monday evening at 7.30. The meeting opened With a hymn followed by prayer by Mr. Woods and the Scripture lesson by Wanda Tuckey. The minutes of the last meeting were discussed. Bill Tuckey took Up the collection, A hymn was sung followed by the topic by Wanda Tuckey. The imeet- ing closed with the National An them er poem was read by Iva Fisher, The following stories were read, “* by Ardys McFalls, ...J “Work In Morth- by Mary Johns, and r Crooked River” by Mrs. Jack Hodgert a solo. Hymn 127 ing Day with Mr, and Mrs. E. R. Hopper, | fjcLby vuiiLco, Oil Friday, Mrs, Robert GillOry, • favoured with Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Slllery, Mrs, N. .was sung and scripture taken -by J, Horney and Miss Maud Etorton Irene Sweet. Prayer was given by attended the funeral at Staffa of \®L°®Ad William Drake, wireless air-gunner and Warrant Officer, who was kil led at Sydney, Nova SCotia, in an James Street The young people held their regular church parlours on at 8,15. The meeting opened with a hymn after which Ardys McFalls led in prayer. A psalm selection was read in unison. The Scripture Was given, followed with a reading by Dorothy Roeder. Helen Snell fav oured with an accordiaii selection. The study book Was given by Vera Decker, The meeting closed with a sing song and the Mizpah benedic tion. Main Street Evening Auxiliary Th© October meeting was held at the home of Mrs. A. j. Sweitzer, with a splendid attendance. Miss Violet Watkins conducted the meet ing which opbhed with the use of hymn 358, “Jesus Calls Us O’er the Tumult”. Mrs. B. Tuckey, president, took charge of the business. Plans were made for the bazaar which is to be held on November 13th. Leaf lets were then followed. Ralph Sweitzer favoured with a piatto in strumental. A reading entitled “HOW Do You Tackle Yoilr Work” was given by Mrs. Harold Murray. A vocal duet Was rendered by Mrs. Rbbt, Turnbull and Mrs, T» Walker. Miss Margaret Henry then gave a very fine reading, A piano iiistru- mental by Miss Lois Sweitzer was much enjoyed, The topic on ’‘Stewardship” Was very ably taken by Mrs. (Rev,) Irwin. After sing ing hymn 362, ”A Charge To Keep I Have”, the Mizpah benediction Was repeated, and lUncli was served, by Mrs, Sweitzer and her grmtm TRY A WANT AD—•THEY PAY!