HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1943-10-14, Page 5J"~. ....... -.■'"'== Coming to Hensall C. R. Wilkinson, R.O. I THE EXETER T1MES-ADV0CATE, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 14th, 1943 Ophthalmic Optician Wingham will be nt W. 0. GOODWIN’S Store, every 1st and 3rd Tuesday ip the month, for the purpose of testing eyes and fitting glasses. Difficult cases and those that have not been properly fitted, specially recommended to con­ sult me, Hours 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Phone 16 Hensall for apppiptipept tWMfWMiawinwimMuni Frolic Night, to be hel4 os Mato Streets Jlensalh under the auspices of Hensail-Zurich Wai’ Service Com­ mittee. Many attractions wil 1 be featured including; u Home-Baking Booth which will be operated by the members of the Zurich and Hensall Women's Institute, AU proceeds will be equally divided between the two Societies and used for the overseas boxes. Come out and help the ladies. Anyone having donations of home­ baking such as bread, buns, pies, cake, tarts, etc.,, also vegetables, poultry, eggs, or any saleable ar­ ticles, please advise Mrs. W. Sang- as will be held to Oil Wednesday, Oct. 27 The Bennington U.F, M,P,U. preseal; a play entitled “Mary Make Some Marmalade’1 will HENSALL last the and Mrs. Jack Farquhar visited week with relatives in Exeter, Mrs, Carter, of London, spent week-end with her parents, Mr. Mrs. Wm, G, Bell. Mr, Jas, Morris, of Goderich, spent Thanksgiving at his home here with Mrs. Morris and family. ' Rev, Wm. Weir, Mrs. Weir and Freddie, of Hespeler, spent Thanks­ giving with friends here. Dr, Wm. T. Joynt, of London, visited over the week-end with his mother, Mrs. Alice Joynt; Mr. and Mrs. Scott Welsh returned from a motor trip to Hamilton, Niagara Falls and Belleville. Mr. Eric Kennedy, of Hamilton, spent a *few days recently visiting with Mrs. Kennedy, Ross a’nd June. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver .Rowcliffe, visited over the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Ross MacLean, in Detroit. Mr. Robert Sangster, formerly of Elora, ha? joined the R.C.A.F. and reports foi' duty in London this week. Donna Rigby, of Blenheim, is visiting at the home of her grand­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Mc­ Queen. Mr. Roy McLaren, of St. Catha­ rines, spent the week-end at his home here with Mrs. MacLaren and Donald. Miss Barbara Shepherd, of Clin­ ton, spent the holiday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Shepherd. Mr. and Mrs. T, C. Glenn, and son Jack, of the R.C.A.F, Toronto, spent the week-end with relatives in and around town. Mrs. Hannah Workman and Mrs. Norman Stanlake spent tog with Mr. and Mrs. ton, at Dublin. Miss Joyce Scruton, spent the week-end with Mrs. A. Scruton and sister Mrs Peter McNaughton. Miss Florence Welsh returned home from a pleasant vacation with relatives and friends in Toronto and Bobcaygeon. Miss Helen McNaughton, of Tor­ onto, was a holiday visitor at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs Lome McNaughton. Miss Jean McQueen Thanksgiv- Herb Brlt- of Toronto, her mother spent the holiday at the home of her sister, and Mrs.and brother-in-law, Mr. Don Rigby, in Blenheim. Miss Norma Cook, of Western University, London, spent the week­ end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Geo, T. Mickle, of Ridgetown, spent a few days this week visiting at the home of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, E. L. Mickle. Mr, and Mrs. Allen Davidson, of London, spent the holiday at their parental homes here with Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Davidson and Mr. and Mrs. Orville Twitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Lome Elder, Hamilton, spent the week-end their parental homes here with and Mrs. John Passmore and and Mrs. John Elder. Mrs. Wm. 'Ingram returned her home in Pleasantville, York, this week, having spent the past three weeks with her mother, Mrs. Catherine Devlin. Mr. atld Mrs. John Passmore and Mr. and Mrs. Lome Elder, of Hamil­ ton, spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Passmore and Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Passmore, at Delhi. Miss Dorothy Brazier, nurse-in­ training at St, of at Mr. Mr. to New nurse-in- Joseph’s Hospital London, visited over the week-end with Dr. and Mrs. D. G. Steer and Patsy. Mr. N, E. Cook returned on Friday from St. Joseph’s pital, London, where he has been receiving treatment for the few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. T. Mickle, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mickle, of Ridge­ town, and Mr. and Mrs. George Mickle, of London, spent Thanks­ giving with Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Mickle and family. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Cross motor­ ed to Toronto and spent the week­ end visiting with their daughter, Miss Goldie Cross, nurse-in-training at St. Michael’s Hospital, and other relatives, Rev. McConnell, of Lucknow, conducted services in Carmel Pres­ byterian church on Sunday. Arrange­ ments have been made foi’ Rev. McConnell to conduct the services here until the Rev. Joseph Taylor, of Cranbrook, is Inducted, Mr, and -Mrs. Fete Buchanan, of St. Thomas, spent Thanksgiving at at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bell and family. They were accom­ panied home by Mrs, Buchanan’s father, Mr, John Zueflc Who has spent the past several weeks here with Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Bell and Mr. and Mrs. John Kai sen, Remember the date Friday even­ ing, Octeber 15th, HohsalPs Grand home Hos- past step, phone 68 Hensall as soon possible. PurceJs for Overseas The time is at hand to ship Christmas parcels to the Hensall i district boys who are serving over­ seas, More funds and other gifts are needed to aid ject undertaken Women’s Institute Committee. Rural are asked to leave their contribu­ tions at any of the local stores not later than Wednesday, October 20,'visited with Misses Helen and Ber­ ov remit same direct to Miss Gladys nice Haist, on Monday. Luker. Institute members would I Miss Myrtle Haist, of Kitchener, greatly appreciate your donation of; spent the week-end at her home 1 cup (or more) white sugar for the provision of home-made candy for these boxes. Pot Luck Supper and Program The W.M.S. of the United successful pot school-room of evening. The room and tables were beautifully arranged with autumn flowers and a large attendance en-[ joyed the delicious supper, after | which Mrs. W. B, Cross presided over the following program which commenced my singing a hymn. Mrs. Wm. Smale read the Scripture and Mrs. Byron Kyle led in prayer, The Devotional paper was very ably | taken by Mrs. Jack Corbett, Misses. Mary Goodwin and Ruth Hess favor ed with a duet entitled “God Love.’ iUJOO V Clllltx i’ClSUDUU, Ml. I , T~ -I • xChiselhurst, favored with readings; Bev. Pletch chose as his subject which were much enjoyed. Miss. Gladys Luker contributed a piano solo. Miss Violet McClymont gave 40 and I this worthy pro- by rhe Hensail and War Service and local citizens Music between acts by Johnston’s Orchestra of Whalen. Adults 25e; Children 15c CRED1TON Miss Doreen Callfas, of Sarnia, here. Rev. and Mrs. M, E. Reuber spent the holiday week-end at Kitchener, the occasion being the Berlett fam­ ily reunion at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Russell Petch. Anniversary Services Zion Evangelical church at Credi- ton was most attractively decorated with late autumn flowers for the anniversary services celebrated on Sunday, Splendid congregations were present in the morning and evening to listen to the inspiring messages given by Rev. E. E. Pletch, of Stratford. His topic in the morn­ ing was “Praise” and the choir sang “Praise Ye the Father” and “O For a Thousand Tongues.” Ella Mor- j lock and Lawrence W'ein sang a duet is entitled “Nothing Satisfies But Miss Velma Ferguson, of, Jesus.” ‘the evening message,_i __j __....1 Bev. Plfttch e.hose as his subject “Zeal in Worship.” The choir sang “Lift Up Your Heads” and “Jubilato Deo.” Charles Hoffman gave a “The Lord’s and. Mission Church held luck supper the church on Circle a very in the Friday a reading and Miss Greta Lammie, spjendid rendition of AT.G.M., played a violin selection.. •Praye1’' A skit entitled “Adventure in! Friendship” was presented by Mrs. j Peter McNaughton, Mrs. Kennedy, I Mrs, Byron Kyle, Mrs. Jack Corbett, j Mrs. Howard Hyde and Miss Gladys1 Luker, i A WOODHAM lovely autumn dav greeted me under the direction of Miss cr°tyd tnat turned out last Sunday Mattie Ellis. The program con- Gctouer 10, io Woodham anniver- , _ , , k \ onMtn/ifio whan W air I I Krvon-eluded by singing a hymn and diction. p_ sary services, when Rev, J. J- Stran- " | chan, B.A.B.D., of St. Marys, oc­ cupied the pulpit for the morning i service, giving a ........... i sage, while Rev, W. ■B.A., of Kirkton, Char-' firing Thanksgiving address. The - decorations of fall flowers, fruits week and we extend best wishes :ancl vegetables were artisticly and a welcome to his bride, the an<i a<ided oeauty to former Miss Della Madeline Ell-,......"" ard of Chatham.Mr. Mansell and Miss Maud Plod-I male _ gins spent the week-end in Toron-; contributed some very suitable inspiring numbers which □fysZArt il™- r----„ .. • and congregation. Many attended from neighboring HARPLEY Congratulations are due Mr. les Stone who was married last delightful mes- D. Goodger gave a very in- ar- the church. The choir was assisted by quartette of Granton the who and to, I inspiring numbers which were Mrs. Win. Love visited iii Lon- greatly appreciated by the minister don during the week. ; Miss Donna Hayter has returned j from visiting with friends in De-< communities, and former adherents 1 of the church. Some of the visitors Carruthers and Mrs. i were Mr. and Mrs. Louth Edison Pollock attended the wed-' Natalie Satur- troit. Miss Wiila ding of their cousin Miss Hutchinson, in Barkhill on day. KIRKTON •Mrs. Chester Hazlewood, and son, Mrs. W. Arnold Mr. and Wendell i of Toronto, with Mr. Switzer; Mr. and F' ' - , ' ~ . Mrs. A. Rundle; Camm, of London, ! Camm; Miss Dorothy Camm, of Tor­ i'onto, at Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Camms; I Mr. «,aud Mrs. Joey Dayman and their daughter Mrs. K. Coleman 'and children, of Goderich; Mr. and [Mrs. H, Anderson and Shirley, of ■Washington; Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Stone and Donna, of Kirkton and 'Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Squire, of [Whalen, at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Squire; Mr. and Mrs. Ed- Igar Baker and little son, of Zion, °f[With Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thompson ■ on the eighth line; W. Williams, and j Ira Shier and chll spent | and Mrs. F. Fern Rodd, of and Mrs. Edgar Rodd; Mr. and Mrs. Tufts, of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Tufts, of Kirkton, ‘with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kirk; Miss Maciel Squire, of London, with Mrs. Morley; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Docking and little daughter, from Munroe, and Miss Marjorie Parkinson, of London; Mr. and Mrs. Harry White and child­ ren, of Kirkton, with Mr. and Mrs. T../J__; Mir. and Mrs. Percy Passmore, of Thames Road, with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Scott; Mr. Russell Laing, of Guelph, with Rev. and Mrs. Laing; Miss Shirley Brock, of Kirkton, with L Jacques; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. kinson and babe, of Granton, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mills; Mrs. diner, of Kirkton, with Mr. Mrs. Wilbur Wynn. •Mrs. Chester Hazlewood, of trolt, spent the past week with Walter Hazlewood. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tufts family, of Toronto, spent the holi­ day week-end Truman Tufts. Mr. and Mrs. daughters were Mr. and Mrs. Paris, Ont. Mr. and Mrs, son Norman, of Woodstock, the week-end with Mr. and John Williams. Miss Joan Parker, of London * spent the holiday with her mother Mrs. Geo, Hall. Mr, and Mrs. W, Gallopp and daughters, of Stratford, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Reg Paul this week. The Class That Counts A very enjoyable evening ’ spent recently at the home of Air. and Mrs. Clarence Switzer when the members of the Class entertained their husbands. A short program was conducted. The meeting open­ ed by singing the first verse of “0 Canada” followed by the Lord's Prayer, A committee was named for the next 2 meetings with Doris O’­ Callaghan, Victoria Ross and Hilda Smith iii charge. Mr. Goodyer took the opportunity to thank the Class for the .garden planted and enjoyed by them. Community singing was followed by a very amusing reading by Mrs. Batten “Hans Letter to His Cousin” followed by a short reading on "Friendship”. Beatrice Switzer favored with a piano solo. Goodyer sang Beatrice Switzer at the piano. O'Callaghan asked for donors for the blood clinic either in Exeter of St, Marys, Victoria Ross gave a good reading on “Financial Career." God Save the King brought this part of the meeting to a close. Tables Of crokinole Were indulged in, with MrS. Fi’Cd Switzer and Ed. Boyd bafry- iiig off the high prizes, Russel Morrison and Victoria Ross compet­ ed for the consolation. A camp fire and weiner roast Was the cliihax for a very worth while evening. Evelyn Hammond thanked Dorothy and Clarence for all their efforts and Emerson Paton on behalf of the meh voiced their appreciation. Mrs. Jas. Kemp, of London, sjpont th© past Week with her daughter, Mrs. Roy Switzer. De­ Mr. with Mr. and Mrs. Eric Humphreys and Sunday guests with Elgin Copeland, Hrs. and Mrs. Birtch, 7of St. Marys, with Mr. with Mr. John ; Mr. and Mrs. children with Mr. McNaughton; Miss Stratford, with Mr. A UBj Ui XX. 1 i IX VV-Ilj VV Yas Frank Parkinson; roreen Par­ ty! th Gar- and The Kirkton Red Cross will hold a Mrs.af this time with Doris BINGO in the Aberdeen Hall, Kirkton FRIDAY, Oct. 15 Under the atispices of the St, Marys branch Canadian Legion 15 Garries for 25c; Good Prizes Extra Gaines for Special Prizes DOOR PRIZE Evel’body come and help Rfed Cross. the DASHWOOD ( Mr. and Mrs. C?ar Stetobagen, of Port Dalhousie, spent Thanksgiving with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas- Steinhagen. Mis$ Grace Guenther of Kitchener, spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. E. R. Guenther. —Miss Emma Anderson, of Clinton, Wesley Willis United Church, Clin- spent the holiday at her home here, itoh- Special music will he provided Mr. and Mrs. Norman Walper, of by the choir. Mrs. Brown will as- London, were week-end visitors with fiist the choir with her marimba, his parents, Mr. and Mrs, E. Walpar Services at 10,3.0 o. and 7.30 p.m. Mr, and Mrs. Harold Kellerman I Visitors in the village for Thanks- spent the week-end in Fergus, (giving were Miss Laura Knight, of Mr, and Mrs. Graham Arthur, of Dondon, with her parents, Mr, and Exeter, were Sunday visitors with Mrs, E. Knight; Mr. and Mrs. J- Mr. and Mrs. T. Hopcroft, ;Talbot, of Grand Valley, with Mr. Gnr. Lloyd Guenther, of Camp and Mrs. Harris West; Misses Ru- Borden, spent a few days with his'beua Merriam, of Delhi, Eva Mae parents. I and Pearl, of London, with their Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cook, of Parents, Rev. and Mrs. Merriam; Windsor, were Sunday visitors with Miss Beatrice Essery R.N., and girl Mr. and Mrs. D, Tieman, t friend, of London with her parents, Miss Ruth Guenther spent the Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Essery.; Miss week-end with friends in Exeter. [Dorothy Hicks, of London, with her Mr. and Mrs. T. Harry Hoffman mother, Mrs. B. Hicks; Mr. Melvin and Miss Anna Hess, of Zurich, I Harlton with Mr, and Mrs Albert spent Thanksgiving with friends in -Harlton; jCorporal and Mrs. C. Bayn- Tavistock, . - — Mr. and Mrs. Windsor, were CENTRALIA Tito annual Tlxank Offering ser­vices will be held to the Centralia church on Sunday, October 17, The guest speaker for the morntog ser­ vice will be Rev. W. T. Cleave, B.A. of Grand Bend and for the evening service Rev. A. Lane, B.A, B,D« of of Zurich, {Harlton with Mr, Harllon: iGornora.l SPEED the VlttQKY rVICTORYLCJAN. [ham, of Toronto, with. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Zimmer, of .George Baynham; Miss Grace An- week-end visitors drew with Mr. and Mrs. G. R. An- with his parents Mr. and Mrs, Alex'drew, Zimmer. * Mr, and Mrs, Bob Hatten and Mr. and Mrs, Archie Bender, of family, of Clinton, were Sunday Toronto, were holiday visitors with visitors with Air. and Mrs. J, Pol- his parents, Mr. and Mrs, E. Bender, itord. Mrs. O. Pederson is visiting with! Mr, and Mrs. John Talbot and friends in. Ottawa. [Joanne, of Grand Valley, were week- Afr. Fred Preeter, of Stratford, eud guests of Mr. and Airs. H. West, spent a few days visiting friends! ^Ir* ag-d’Mrs, Frank Conlin spent here, |a days last week with relatives Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Graybiel, of (’n ^St, Marys. Toronto, were Sunday visitors with his sister Beatrice. Miss Catharine Finkbeiner returned after a visit with her sister in Sarnia. Misses Sarah and Annie Siebert, of Detroit, spent a few days with sery-, their sister, Mrs. Wjtzel. I , Miss Helen Mr. and .Mrs. Oliver Bald, Virginia iJ?ne^ Essery and Robert, Miss Ella Luft and Mr. nc __ Albert Riedell, all of Kitchener,11-— --- - ----- -— ---- -- ----were Sunday visitors with Mr. and day of this week to commence their Mrs. Elgin Merner. .duties. ,Mr. and Mrs. Adam Bald, Mrs. I Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Baynham visi- Philip Luft and Miss Dora Luft, of ted V^h Mr. and Mrs. E. Carruth- Kitchener, were holiday visitors with ers* in Londr?”: ^Ioaclay’ , Rev and Mrs G Luft 1 Mrs. T, Willis, Mrs. W. Bowden,Miss Dorothy Dougall, of Hensall, ' Mr. and Mrs T. Boyes attended the spent Eunice Gnr. jauA xiutiwau, ui xuruuiu, is •”" ; . spending a l'ew days with friends Ron’ here, i Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Restemeyer1 and Miss Onieda Restemeyer R.N., of London, spent the week-end their parents Mr. and Airs. Restemeyer. Flt. Sgt. and Mrs. B, and Clair spent the past week has * friends in Detroit. i Miss Beatrice Essery, R.N., i London, spent the week-end 'her parents, Gosselin With of withspent the Mr. and Mrs. W. Es- Essery and Miss Mar- have accepted posi­ tions'with the Bell Telephone Com­ pany in London. They left on Tues- duties. Mrs, T, Willis, Mrs. W. Bowden, the week-end with Oestricher. Jack Hoffman, of Toronto, is Miss funeral of the late Mr. C. Hawk- shaw in Lucan on Sunday. Mrs. Andrew, of As chairman of Huron County War finance Commit­ tee I send out cordial greetings to every citizen, The raising of this 5th Victory Loan is the biggest task to which the people of Huron ever set their hands. It will be one factor in our final success if we begin with a full realisation of the vast and difficult responsibility to which we are committed and match this challenge with the earnestness and deter­ mination that is the very stuff of Victory, There is good news that our armed forces are moving forward and that news should lift our spirits to a high level of eagerness and enthusiasm. But there is no news that the war is just about over and that we may relax our efforts, The prospect is not of a war tapering off to a quick and easy finish, but of a war rising to an increasing crescendo of stubborn fighting. Something tugs at our hearts as we think of our boys caught in this fury of battle. What can we do for them? The best thing we can do for them is to give them the weapons, an abundance of weapons—or rather the best thing we can do for them is to buy Victory Bonds—for with our Victory Bonds the weapons will be provided. For the sake of all our Huron County boys over there- To speed the Victory— Out of Huron County’s great prosperity- As your answer to the call of duty— As an act of Thanksgiving— Yours faithfully^ W. A. BEECROFT, Chairman. Huron County War Finance Committee. BUY VICTORY BONDS! AND CONCERT Avon, is visiting and Mrs, G. R. Andrew. Mr. B. end with Mr. spent the week­ in St. Thomas, Lawson were . and Mrs, Lome i Hicks on Thanksgiving Day. < Mr. and Mrs, Reg Hodgson were Sunday guests with their parents, I Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hodgson. ! Corporal and Mrs. Frank Short rushed ’are' enjoying a two week’s furlough with D. Cook relatives and Mrs. S. guests with Mr. i T-T i n J.- Fl a vi c? ELIMVILLE Mrs. Harry Sparling was to Victoria Hospital, London, on Saturday where she underwent an operation for appendicitis. Her con­ dition at present is satisfactory. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Price (nee Mildred Bell) spenfra few days last here on Friday, October 15. Every week at the home'' of the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bell. Mr. Bill Brock who has been hel-j’n uniform. Admission 35c, a good ping with the harvest on the Broek orchestra. farm returned to his former occu- j Miss Madeline Glavin, of Colgen, pation at Crumlin last week. spent the holiday at her home here. ' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bradshaw and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sharp and David, of Seaforth, were visitors at j Miss Reta Regan, of London, spent Mr. J. Herdman’s during the week­ end. They also visited Mr. and Mrs. Hillson Whiteford, in Ingersoll, on Sunday. Mr. Whiteford underwent ■ an operation for ruptured appendix in Ingersoll hospital last Wednes­ day but is making satisfactory pro­ gress toward recovery. Mr. and Mrs. James Herdman and sons also visited Mr. and Mrs. Whiteford on Monday. .Mrs. W. H. Dickey and Mary Lucille are spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. Newman Baker, near Wellburn. Mr. Will. Johns, Dorothy, Ethe- leen and Eileen Johns spent Thanks­ giving Day with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Long and family near Atwood. Service here will be withdrawn, next Sunday in favor of Thames Road anniversary, Sunday school will be held at 2 p.m. Mr. John (Smithy) Johns, of Leamington, renewed acquaintan­ ces here during the past week. Miss Joy Whitlock, of St.Thonias, spent the week-end and holiday with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stephen visi­ ted with Mr. and Mrs. W. Hawkins, in Seaforth, Sunday evening. Mrs. Hawkins has been quite ill. Mr. Howard Hunter, of Kitchen­ er, spent a week-end recently at the home of his parents, Mrs. Wesley Heywood, of Exeter, is spending this week at her home here. Mr. Johnny Ridley has moved from the Clemens’ home to Mrs. Heywood’s house. MOUNT CARMEL There will be a dance in the hall one welcomed. A special invitation ■ is extended to the men anVwomen I in unifnrni Artmiccinn 52^/"' a Q’nnr? i the week-end at their homes here. Miss Margart Ryan spent the holi­ day here. Mr. John Patton, of spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. Mac McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. Charles and Mr. and Mrs. Dennis attended the Dietrich-Gilineas wed­ ding in Drysdale last Monday. Mrs. John Morrissey returned to her home from St. Joseph’s Hospi­ tal. Her many friends wish her a Hamilton, Mr. and Dietrich, O’Rourke, speedy recovery. Miss Marion McCarthy, R.N., of London, and girl friend spent the week-end at the home of her par- nts, Mi', and Mrs. Joe McCarthy. Mr. Leo McCarthy spent the holi­ day in London. Miss Lorraine Glavin, R.N. from the staff at the General Hospital, Galt, is spending a month's holi­ days with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Jas, Glavin. Many race fans spent Monday at Strathroy attending the races. About fifty relatives and friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Glavin, in honour of their thirtieth wedding anniversary A sociable evening was enjoyed and lunch was served from a table cen­ tred with a huge wedding cake. KHIVA and Mrs, Albert Steffler, of West Monte Rose, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Haid, Mr. Gerald Priester, of Waterloo, Mrs. Clara Dietrich and son Murray, of Kitchener, were last week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Pius Dietrich, Mrs. S. Campbell and Miss Bella Campbell, of Seaforth, visited on Mr. FRIDAY, Oct 15 Supper from 5 to 8 Concert at 9 in the United Church Shed GRAND BEND Adults 65c Children 35c Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Matthew ■Clark, Pte. Henry Ziler, of London, spent a few days last week with his- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ziler. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Dietrich, -of Mt. Carmel, spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Pius Dietrich. CREDITON EAST Miss Helen Bullock who has been off duty at the Telephone Office with an attack of the Quinsy re­ turned to work on Monday. Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Heatherley, of London, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. .Motz and also at Dash­ wood with Mr. and Mrs. J. Messner. Mr, Alvin Flynn, of London, spent the week-end at his home here. Pte. Alvin Sims and Miss Barbara McHenry, of London, Spent the week­ end at the former’s home here. Mr, and Mrs, Murray Neil and daughter moved to London on Fri­ day where Mr. Neil has been em­ ployed for some time, Mr. M. Ryckmah, of Flint, Mich., spent the week-end at the home or Mrs. H. Kuhn. He was accompanied home by his wife and son who have been Kuhn for a few weeks visit, Mr. Benson Fowler, of Clinton, spent Thanksgiving Dey at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Saift Sims. holidaying here, also Mrs, 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. ONTARIO An Important Message to GROWERS of OATS and Which Demands Your Immediate Attention More food than ever before in our history is needed for our armed forces, our allies and those at home. Therefore, due to partial crop failure this year, it is imperative that Ontario Farmers plan NOW for their 1944 SEED REQUIREMENTS. The Ontario Department of Agriculture requests your immediate co-operation and offers the following suggestions: Secure wherever possible good seed of suitable varieties for your 1944 requirements. Any grain—oats or barley—either of the 1942 or 1943 crops suitable for seed Over and above your own requirements Should in the National interests be cleaned and offered for sale as seed. If you have surplus seed, give your neighbors the first chance. If hot sold by November 15th, advise your Agricultural Representative. Do not feed grain of seed quality. If necessary, replace it with Western Feed Grain. The Director's and members of County Crop Improvement Associations are urged to become actively interested in the movement arid supply Of seed grain. If you ate unable to obtain suitable seed—advise your Agricultural Representative Of your seed requirements NOT Later than November isth. Yout Agricultural Representative for Huron is J. C. SHEARER — CLINTON «. ONTARIO DEPARTMENT of AGRICULTURE HON. THOMAS L. KENNEDY, Minister W. R. REEK, Deputy Minister