The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1943-10-14, Page 4Page 4 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 14th., 1943 LEAVITT’S THEATRE i IIIII ||^||■I!IIIHIIiiii»iwygw»»«B»ynllwn«iwwliii|iiniw|i'»»!!U|'|'lij|ij|i''|i.i'iu;|iiHl|!:ljlji IUI» THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SATURDAY MATINEE AT 2.30 p.m. Sensg/I'm iiiKniiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiimmtumiiimmiiHitmimiimimiiiiiiiiiiiiL- FOR SALE FOR RENT LOST AND FOUND PERSONAL PILES WANTED fixtures carried. on at 2.30 FOR SALE-—Boy's overcoat, size 12 just like new. Apply to Times- Advocate. 14* 1.30 o’clock sharp. Registered brood old; 1 Stallion foal. 1 filly, 4 years old, 1 filly, 2FOR SALE—75 Rock pullets, 5 months old. Chester Dunn, Credi- ton. 14* FOUND—-A pair of men’s leather work gloves. Apply at Times-Ad­ vocate. 14c LOST—On Main Street, Saturday nighf, a silver wrist watch, Fasco, Finder please leave at Times- Advocate. 14* LOST—B Special gas ration book, No. 9k820, Apply to Times-Ad- voeate, 14* FOR SALE—-100 trees suitable for wood or logs. Apply D. E- Hicks, Kirkton, 32rl7. 14:21* ROOMS FOR RENT — Furnished. Apply at Times-Advocate. 30tfc Sufferers of bleeding and p r o t r u d ing piles should know Bunkers Herbal Pills treat the cause at its source. Money back if the first bottle does not satisfy. Buy from your druggist. LOST—-A. white greyhound, black ears and black ’spot on right side. Apply to Times-Advocate.* FOR SALE— Fordson tractor and plow, good shape. Apply Norman Stephenson, R.R. 1. Varna, Ont. Phone Hensall 22rS7. 14* FOR SALE—Hereford calf three days old, also nine Hereford yearlings. Harry Beaver, Exeter. 14, 21* FOR SALE—Lady’s navy blue win­ ter coat with fur collar, size 38. Apply to Times-Advocate. 14* WANTED—50 to 30 0 yearling hens or pullets. Phone 3 0, Exeter. W. F. Abbot. 14* FOR SALE—Spy apples. Will be home Saturday and Wednesday afternoons for persons wishing to call. Jas. Gardiner, phone 21rl0, Kirkton. 14c Place an Ad Here and Watch Results They are read by more than 7,200 Times-Advocate readers every week Phone 31j for an ad taker /V TSCHMCOfl STARRING MEN OF THE ARMED FORCES GEORGE MURPHY * JOAN LESLIE * Lt RONALD REAGAN GEORGE TOBIAS • ALAN HALE - CHARLES BUTTERWORTH KATE SMITH MICHAEL CURTIZ Produced h A generous portion of the proceeds from the commercial showings of the picture in Canada will go to the Canadian Army Recreation fund. Admission prices including 20% tax: Matinee, children 15c, adults 3 0c; Evening, children 25c, adults 40c SHOW COMMENCES AT 7.30 pan. EACH NIGHT MONDAY, TUESDAY, 2 nights only, 2 features “WHITE SAVAGE” Special technicolor feature with SABU, MARIA MONTEZ and JON HALL “SQUADRON LEADER X” with ERIC PORTMAN and DVORAK TiiiiimiiiiiiiininiiiiiiHiniiiiiniiiiiiniiiinniHiiiiiiiminiinin inm itiiiiim iifiimit: SHIPKA | Mr. and Mrs. Herb Sherritt, of | Parkhill, visited on Sunday last j with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Carlton. j Miss Lila Finkbeiner who has been attending Wells Academy, ini London, spent the week-end at her home her. The regular meeting of the Ladies’ Aid was held on Thursday evening last in the church. The president, Mrs. Arthur Finkbeiner, was in charge and the meeting op­ ened by singing a hymn. The Scrip­ ture lesson was read by Miss P. Keys. Letters were read by the secretary for those who received treats from the society. After re­ ports were given and discussed it was moved to give $10.00 to the Red Cross. A committee was ap-[ . pointed to remember the boys in< the next meeting instead of having a fowl supper. Mr. and Mrs. William Ratz, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ratz, Mr. and Mrs. Milt Ratz and Mrs. and Mrs. Matt. Sweitzer attended the funeral of their uncle, the late Mr. David Ratz, of New Hamburg, on Sunday last. Communion service will be held on Sunday-, October IS, at the close., of the regular service. Quite a number from here atten­ ded anniversary services at Green­ way on Sunday last to hear the Rev. D. W. ‘Williams, of Wallace­ burg, a former minister, GREENWAY A number of friends and relatives from here attended the funeral of late Mrs. Wilson Eagleson uniform at Christmas. A hymn was!which was held in Parkhill on Mon­ sung and the meeting closed by re- day afternoon. peaking the Lord’s Prayer. It wasj Miss Viola Curts, of London, decided 'to give a donation at the;spent the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Curts. Mrs, A. Hicks. Mrs. Ross Grif­ fith and Billie of Goderich spent fthe week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. Hicks.’ Mr. and Mrs. E. H. McPherson land family, of Toronto, spent the WE NOW HAVE IN STOCK i f”'ir S”“m” 1’0“e ; Telegrams were received here by i their parents that Cecil Pickering 'and Bob Hodgins had arrived safe- ly overseas. Mrs. A Pollock returned to ‘Tor­ onto and to Hamilton where she will spend the winter. Mr. Harold Pollock, of Detroit, and Mr. Russel] Pollock, Margery [and Peter, of London, visited on Sunday with relatives. WESTERN FEED ALL KINDS OF WESTERN FEED. See us before you buy. The Canadian Canners Ltd •7 EXETER WILL BE IN THE MARKET FOR TRIMMED TURNIPS FIELD RUN FROM 31/2” UP. MARKET PRICE PAID DURING THE TURNIP SEASON Further information given by mail or, phone 77, Exeter. Severne.Winer, Mgr. Auction Sale: Lambert Sale Yards Strathroy, Saturday, October 16th. 150 head mixed cattle, including 20 cows and heifers springing, Trucks to deliver, Sales every Saturday al­ so during the week. A. G. McAlpine. auction SALE of HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction EWR ON HURON ST-,. WEST, SATURDAY, OU’i’OBER 16, 1943 at one o’clock sharp the following: One davenport, beds, dressers and wash stands, springs and mat­ tresses, extension table, kitchen table and chairs, settee, small tables, radio, electric toaster and 2-burner rangette, wash child’s garden articles. extension and chairs, radio, electric rangette, wash tubs, high chair, baby stroller, tools and numerous other FOR SALE—50 white Leghorn pul­ lets, 16 Plymouth Rock pullets. Apply L, Learn, Exeter*_____14* FOR SALE—Shropshire shearling and ram lambs, R. D. Hunter, phone Kirkton 39r7 14* WANTED — Old horses, highest prices paid. Apply to Preston Morrison, Kirkton or phone 35r2 Kirkton. 9-23 to 11-11* WANTED—Cattle to feed for win­ ter. Apply W, J. Preszcator, Lot 17, Con. 4, Stephen. 14* WANTED—A woman as compan­ ion, can be given a good home on farm. Light housework. No outside work. Write Box A, Ex­ eter Times-Advocate. 14* REAL ESTATE FOR SALE—100 acres, well located. This place has been farmed by owner and is in good condition. 2*2 acres fall wheat, 15 acres each of alfalfa and red clover. Other farms. C. V. Pickard, Exeter. FOR SALE — Comfortable home. Exeter. All conveniences. Best of locations. Nice lot and garage. C. V. Pickard, Exeter. HOUSES WANTED—If you wish to sell a house in Exeter or surroun­ ding villages coms in and talk the matter over. We have buyers waiting. Our commission for sell­ ing is reasonable. C. V. Pickard. FOR SALE—In Hensall, 3 houses. Dashwood, frame and extra land. Crediton, could be made apartments. 3 brick houses. W. C. Pearce. MISCELLANEOUS brick ■house store Lucan The Dashwood Cider Mill is run­ ning every day except Saturday. Alex Zimmer, Prop. 14, 21* CASH FOR FOX HORSES—Dead animals removed. Two-hour ser­ vice day or night. Phone Credi­ ton 47rl5, collect. Jack Wil­ liams. You’ll get results with a want ad . . . buy, sell or swap anything. It pays to use the Times-Advocate classifieds. WHALEN Mr. and Mrs. Don Marshall, of London, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. George Parkinson. Mr. Ronald Squire was in Sarnia on Saturday attending the Bryan- Rainsbury wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Duffield spent Sunday with Mrs. Wynne, at Wood­ ham. Misses Merle and Shirley Squire also Miss Marjorie Parkinson, of London, spent the week-end at their homes. Miss Rachel Currie, of Galt, and Miss Jean Ogden, of London, holiday visitors of Mr, and Hilton Ogden. Mr. Robert Squire of Shoal Manitoba, is spending some with Mr. and Mrs. George Squire. Mr. and Mrs. George Lackie spent Sunday at Mt. Brydges, with Mrs, Orville Sutherland. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Craw­ ford and family, of Lobo, were Sun­ day visitors Of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Hodgson. Mr. and Mrs, E, Johnson and family, Mr. and Mrs. IF. Squire and family also Mrs. George Squire and Harry,, attended a social gathering on Monday evening at Prospect Hill in honour of Pte, Ralph Millson, of were Mrs. Lake, time “KLEEREX”—CLEARS THE SKIN. HEALS BOILS, Impetigo, Eczema, Psoriasis. Chaps, etc. Gives quick relief while you work, 5 0c; $1.00; $2.00. (Medium and Strong). Sold, by Robertson’s Drug Store. NOTICES No Parking in Driveways The Council of this municipality have spent considerable money lining off our streets for and marking the “No Parking” signs, the motoring public signs and avoid prosecution. Owners of cars parked in “No Parking” zones will be prosecuted. Please act accordingly. Signed on behalf Municipal Council, B. W. Tuckey, Reeve. parking of cars driveways with We are asking to observe these AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS The undersigned rceived instructions lie auction on LOT 15, CON. 4, 4 miles east of Kirkton TUESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1943 at 1 p.m. sharp the following: HORSES—Black team of Per­ cheron geldings, 5 years old, weigh­ ing 3200 lb.; Clyde mare, 2 years old. CATTLE—7 Durham cows due in December, 3 Durham cows due in March, 3 Durham cows due in Ap­ ril, 9, 2 year old steers 6 yearling steers. 16 5 to 11 months old. PIGS—6 brood sows vember and December; 100 lbs; 18 pigs 8 weeks old. FOWL—125 New Hampshire pul­ lets, pure-bred, May hatched; 40 Sussex and New Hampshire pullets, April hatched. HAY and GRAIN—15 tons of choice mixed hay; 1 mow 19 42 straw: 100 bus. barley; 50 bus. 19 42 banner oats. AJso a full line <if farm imple­ ments. Positively no reserve, everything be sold to the highest bidder. TERMS — CASH ROBERT ROSS, Proprietor. W. E. NAIRN, Auctioneer. .................................................. auctioneer, has to sell by pub- BLA.NSHARD the village of and heifers; calves from due in No­ lo shoats will Barriefield. Dr. Roy Hodgson, of the west, and Mrs. . ____ visited on Sunday with Mrs. John ‘ Miss Olive Elliott of spent the week-end with Mrs. Wm. Brooks. The W.A. and W.M.S. will meet at Mrs. Wm, Morleys home on Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. C. Millson, of Pros­ pect, and Pte. Ralph Millson, of Bar­ riefield, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George Millson. R. Skinner, of Exeter, and Hodgson. London, Mr. and ROBERTSON’S CONDITION POWDER 3 lbs,$1.00 9 lbs. — $2.45 Guaranteed no Filler Results considered, you will find this powder unequalled as a tonic foir all farm stock t ' Robertson’s Drug Store Cann’s Grist Mill Ray Francis, Kirkton E. Alien, Cromarty ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE OF DRUG BUSINESS AND VALU­ ABLE REAL ESTATE IN THE VILLAGE 014 EXETER The undersigned Administrator of the estate of the late Dr. J, W. Browning, will offer for sale, by public auction, at the residence property on the corner of Sanders and William Streets, Exeter, Thursday, October 28, 1943, p.m, the following: 1—T*lie stock-in-trade and of the retail drug business on by the late Dr. Browning on the west side of Main Street. Stock sheets may be seen on application to The Canada Trust Company, Lon­ don, and adjustments will be made for longs and shorts as at the date of closing on the basis of invoices of goods subsequently purchased. This is a well established retail -drug business with excellent prospects for the right man. —Real estate consisting of part of the south half of Lot 185 on the west side of Main Street, Exeter, Plan 20, having a frontage of 19 ft. ,2 in. more or less on Main Street by a depth of 165 feet more or less, together with a right-of-way over ‘a stairway 3 ft. 6 in. wide, upon which property is said to be erected the drug store above referred to with living quarters upstairs. 3—Part of the south half of Lot 1S5 on the west side of Main Street, Exeter, Plan 20, having a fron­ tage of 25 ft. 3 in. more or less on the west side of Main Street, by a depth of 165 feet more or less, sub­ ject to a right-of-way over the stair­ way 3 ft. 6 in. wide, upon which erected aproperty is said, to be store at present occupied by Mr. George Hawkins store, with apartment over. 4— Part of Lots 180, 181, 179, Plan 20, having a frontage of 189 feet on Sanders Street by a depth of 150 feet on William Street, more or less, Exeter, upon which is erec­ ted the residential property of the late Dr. Browning. 5— Property on the south-west cor­ ner of Huron and William Streets, Exeter, on which is erected a com­ fortable brick cottage occupied by one William -Cook. Following the sale of the above property there will be offered a limited quantity of household furni­ ture and effects in the large resi­ dence, some of it antique. The drug stock and fixtures, to­ gether with the building in which they are located, will be offered first in one parcel, and if not sold in one parcel, will be offered sepa­ rately. Conditions of Sale will be made known on day of sale. For further particulars apply to The Canada Trust Company, Ad­ ministrator, London, Ontario; J. W. Morley, Barrister, Exeter; Frank Taylor, Auctioneer, Exeter. as a hardware AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS Mr. Wm. H. Smith has received instructions to sell by public auc­ tion at LOT 14, ZCON. 11, STEPHEN 2J miles west and 1 mile north of Crediton, on 1943 MONDAY, OCTOBER 25 at 1:00 o’clock the following: work horses, 1 cow due Dec. cow due Apr. heifer due Dec. 31, fat heifer, HORSES—3 good horse, 2 mares. CATTLE—Durham 19, cow due Mar. 25, 22, 9 yearling heifers 6 yearling steers, 2 heifer calves, Durham cow due Nov. 10. PIGS—7 pigs 8 weeks HENS—35 pullets, roosters, 40 hens 1 yr. IMPLEMENTS—Steel 4-section harrows, sprin, Fleury walking bob sleigh, wagon, hay 2 furrow Frost & Wood plow, Renfrew cream sepa- scales, set of single set f one horse, 2 sling ropes, barrel, forks, whiffletrees, num rotis ar- old, 1 sow. 35 spring old. land rol- tooth plow, ler, cultivator, seed drill, racli fanning mill rator, new; harness, set of double harness of heavy harness for new; hay knife, sacks, : sugar kettle, scalding grain shovel, shovels, neckyokes and otliei' tlcleb. 20-35 tractor, can lahd work or run a small threshing machine. GRAIN—100 bus. mixed grain 1942 crop, 100 bus, mixed grain 1943 crop, 100 bus, oats 1943 crop, 15 tons clover hay, 4 tons hay. FURNITURE—Cupboard, ice cream freezer; table, hanging lamp. TERMS — CASH Positively no reserve as prietor has sold his farm. CHESTER MAWHINNEY, Prop. -GE1O, LAWSON, Clerk, Exeter WM. H, SMITH, Auctioneer timothy 1 gal. "couch, the pro' CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF REGISTERED CLYDSDALE HORSES and 42 REGISTERED SCOTCH SHORTHORN CATTLE W!. E. Nairn, auctioneer, will sell by public auction at Lot 12, Con. .13, hhillarton Twp., 11/, miles west of Motherwell and 3%. miles east of Mount Pleasant on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1943 commencing at .................... HORSES—1 mare, 10 years 5 months old; eligible for registration; years old, eligible for registration: 1 _ 2 7 gelding, 3 years old; 1 gelding, years old: 1 agricultural mare, years old. CATTLE—4 2 Registered Scotch Shorthorns consisting of 18 cows and heifers with calves by their side from 3 to 8 months old; 2 heifers, 2 years old, in calf; 3 year­ ling heifers, open; Herd sire, grand­ son of Colynie Victoi* Royal, 4 years old. The above herd are descendant's of the following well known fami­ lies: Augusta, Mayflower, Wimple, Helen and Buckingham. This herd has been fully accredited for 7 years and passed a clean blood test within the last month. This is a good breeder’s herd and will be sold with­ out reserve. TERMS — CASH CHAS. HACKNEY, Prop. W. E. NAIRN, Auctioneer LINCOLN WHITE, Sales Mg r. AUCTION SALE OF REGISTERED HEREFORDS There will be sold by public auc­ tion for STUTT BROS. at 9 sideroad, Bosanquet, 2 north-east of Forest, on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16th 33 lots—16 bulls, 9 to 14 mos.; 10 open heifers around one year; 2 bred heifers; 5 cows with calves. Herd fully accredited arid cattle blood-tested. Herd Sires: Carlos C.F. 120S24; Repeat C.F. 120S23; Ellis Domino Domino Domino miles sale 17th, 18 th, IS th, C.F 152208; bred by Crapo Farms, Swartz Creek, Mich., U.S.A. Sale at 1 p.m. sharp. Catalogue on request. M. LESTER & W. S. O’NEIL Auctioneers E. TERMS’— CASH GERALD C. FORD, Propreitor FRANK COATES, Clerk FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS The undersigned auctioneer hag re­ ceived instructions from MRS, ED. MASON to sell by public auction at Lot 6, Con. 24, McGillivray Twp. (1% miles south of Greenway) WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1943 HORSES—Bay Clyde mare, Bay Clyde mare, dark Percheron mare, 4 years. CATTLE—Roan cow, due at time of sale; Holstein cow, due at time of sale; Roan cow, due in February; Red cow, due in March; White cow, due in April; Red farrow cow; White heifer, vising 3 years, due in Febru­ ary; 4 steers, rising 2 years; 2 steers, rising 1 year; 5 spring- calves; Durham roan bull, eligible for regis­ tration, 2 heifers rising 2 years, PIGS—5 pigs, 5 weeks old. IMPLEMENTS—M.H. binder, G ft., new; McCormick Deering mower, nearly new; M.H. manure spreader, 1942 new; McCormick Deering hay loader, new; 10 ft. steel rake, M.H., new; stiff tooth cultivator, new; spring tooth cultivator, disc, Oliver bean scuffler, 3-section har­ rows in good shape, 2-drum steel roller, seed drill, pair of bobsleighs, farm wagon, steel tire, low down; steel farm wagon, trifle higher; flat rack, 1G ft.; cutting box, Clinton fanning mill with new sieves, 2000 lb. scales, wagon box, stock rack, grindstone, light wagon with stock rack, top buggy, Portland cutter, 2 gas lanterns, riding plow, 2 double plows, walking plow, DeLaval cream separator 600 lbs., set sling ropes, horse blankets, heavy set of harness, nearly new; heavy set of plow har­ ness, single set of harness, set of collar tops, horse collars, whiffle­ trees, neckyokes, eveners, logging chains, carpenter tools, sap buckets, sap pan and spiles, and other articles too numerous to mention. NO RESERVE. Everything goes highest bidder. TERMS — CASH Sale at 1 p.m. ARTHUR WEBER, Auctioneer JIM DALTON, Clerk. to at AUCTION SALE OF FARM, STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS The undersigned auctioneer has received instructions to sell by public auction at Lot 4, Con. 6, Stephen on FRIDAY, OCT. 22nd ,1943 1.00 o’clock tl~e following: HORSES—Sucking colt, yearling; colt, 2-year-old colt, 3-year-old mare, 4-year-old horse, 6-year-old horse, aged team. CATTLE—Fresh cow, 2 cows due in November, 3 cows due in March, farrow cow, 8 two-year-old steers, 4 two-year-old heifers, 16 yearlings, 7 spring calves, small calf, Polled Angus bull 15 months. HOGS—2 brood sows, York hog, 4 chunks. POULTRY— 50 New Hampshire hens 1 year od, 100 mixed pullets, 15 0 mixed roosters. IMPLEMENTS — 5-section har­ rows, 17-tooth cultivator with tractor hitch, M. H. hoe drill, 16-plate disc harrow, Bissel 10 ft. cultapacker, Cockshutt scuffler and lifter, M. H. scuffler and lifter, 1-horse scuffler,] Frost &Wood mower, M. H. dump j rake, International hay loader, Mc­ Cormick-Deering binder, nearly new; I brooder house 10x12, brooder stove, I International* disc plow, Cockshutt] Quebec sulky plow, Cockshutt walk­ ing plow, Fleury walking plow, National 2-furrow plow, Oliver trac­ tor plow, grass seeder, rubber tired buggy, cutter, road cart, set of sloop • sleighs, 2 truck wagons, 2 hay racks, root-pulper (nearly new), gas engine, cream separator, set of scales, set single harness, 4 sets double harness, 8 horse collars, 2 woolen horse blan­ kets, robe, grain bags, S sling ropes, quantity of lumber, chop boxes, pig troughs, forks, shovels, doubletrees, neckyokes and many other articles. 800 bus. mixed grain. REAL ESTATE—There Will be offered for sale, at the same time and place, subject to a reserve bid, if not sold privately, 100 acres more or less, lot 4, con. 6, Stephen Town­ ship. TERMS—Chattels, cash, Terms of Real Estate, made known on day of sale. frank Ring, Proprietor Frank Taylor and Wm, Smith, Alics, ! AUCTION SALE OF FARM, STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS The undersigned has ; instructions to sell by public at CREDITON, 1 block north Supertest Gas FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15th, at one o’clock sharp, the following: HORSES—Mare 5 years old; mare 9 years old; one aged mare. cattle—Roan at foot; grey cow sale; red Durham 8; 2 farrow cows; 3 heifers rising 2 year old; 2 steers rising 2 year old; 3 fall calves; 2 spring calves; 1 calf 4 weeks old. HOGS—20 hogs 3J months old. IMPLEMENTS — Massey-Harris binder; McCormick mower; horse rake; hay loader; iron land roller; Fleury riding plow; walking plow: 2-furrow harrows; tivator; (new); (new); wagon; buggy; tires); received . auction Station, 1943 heifer with calf due at time of cow, due April 4 butcher cattle; gang plow; three-section scuffler; spring-tooth ■ cul- 3-horse International disc 11 hoe fertilizer fanning mill; Dunlop low flat rack; light wagon; cutter; stock trailer (new bob-sleigh; hand sleigh; sugar kettle; colony house 11x12, double boarded and papered; quan­ tity tongue and grooved lumber; hay knife; wagon box; gravel, box; piano box; logging chain; 10 3-bus. grain bags; sacks; set double har­ ness; single harness; plow harness; | collars; grain guards fit any binder; I 6 sling ropes, mow of mixed hay. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS—Hand | washer; 'churn; 3 burner coal oil | stove with oven; iron bed; 2 springs; leurtain stretchers; lamps; forks; shovels and other articles, too* numerous to mention. There will be offered for sale at. I the same time and place, subject to j reserve bid, that choice property consisting of 80 acres more or less, 6 acres bush, *6 acres fall wheat, balance seeded; barn, pig house, hen .house; stationary * colony house, bricked, 1000 chick capacity, equip­ ped for oil or hydro; drive shed and garage; bungalow house, mod­ ern, sunroom and furnace, 2 water pressure systems, hard and soft, never failing spring well; 3 piece bath, hot and cold water; laundry tubs (stationary); hydro in house and all buildings. TERMS? Terms Terms of Real Estate cent, on suit anil OF CHATTELS — CASH of Chattels -— Cash - io per date of Sale — balance to- purchaser, JOSEPH WOODALL, Prop. frank Taylor, Auctioneer FRANK COATES, Clerk,