HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1943-10-14, Page 2< T. 2 Cxeter Times established 1873; Advocate established, XSSI amalgamated November 1924 PTTRT.TSHim EACH THURSDAY MORNING AT EXETER, ONTARIO Newspaper devoted to the of Exeter and Surroundins An Independent of the Village All Advertising Later Member of the Canadian Newspapers' Association; Weekly _____ Member Of the Ontario-Quebec Division, of the CWNA THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 14th, 1943 interests District Copy Must be in Our Hands Not Than Noon on Tuesdays SUBSCRIPTION RATE $2.00 a year, in advance; six months, $1.00 three months 60c J, M, SOUTHCOTT PUBLISHER THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14th, 1943 The New Trio Universities within the British Empire pro­ ceeded on the notion that if one was to become a world citizen he should be able to speak Eng­ lish, French and German. No one could be strong’ and not speak English, no one could be. scientific and not speak German, we are taught. France has almost destroyed herself by her fac­ tionalism. Germany has lost her soul through her brutality. Meanwhile two new nations have emerged and we are now taught that the kej to world citizenship is by way of English. Rus­ sian and Chinese. All along the Anglo-Saxon tongue and- the ^knglo-Saxon gramarians have balked at Russian. It has, indeed been a for­ eign language to us. Chinese has not been akin to us. It looked to us to be something of a jig-saw puzzle. Still, our leaders are not with- ’ ’ at a language not contented of our ’S out hope, for they are working that is basic. The pundits are with squeezing out the myriad kinks English tongue, but they are getting a system of wording that will enable the English and the Russians to understand one another. This is all to the good. When folk and nations can converse, they are on a fair way to understand­ ing each other. Western University is doing fine work along these lines. It requires a good deal of effort to acquire the use of one thousand new words but the game is worth a good deal more than the candle.* Sheer Wickedness Germany’s way of waging war is sheer wickedness. Her effort to exterminate the Jewish race is an example. If Germany can have her way there will not be a Jew left. Just now she is doing her utmost to destroy the art treasures and the shrines of Rome. Her one desire is to shed blood and to destroy. Neither innocence nor age nor sex is spared by her She destroys in unmixed wantonness. She has but one desire and that is that her race shall be the strongest in all the world, though she has no pattern regarding the use her strength it to be put to. She has no conception of getting on with other peoples. Her aim is to be only people left on the face of the earth, naturally follows that should she strongest within her borders shall finally, Germany will OVLVLl^j—, - weaker till, self. triumph turn on destroy the it the the hei’- sjs # * sis Nibbling Ralston, Canada’s Minister of that Colonel Militia, is reported as saying the other day the allies are only nibbling at the war project. It may be that he had in mind the allies other than Russia, foi* Russia is biting into her Ger­ man enemies with a vengeance. If we are but nibbling at the war job. it is high time that we adopted some other method for the war is mighty costly in blood, sweat and treasure. If we are nibbling when we should knocking the enemy to pieces, we should ask ourselves why we are playing tremendous, fateful undertaking. be mousy with a ,, Is it because we are downright lazy and complacent? Have we never learned to work hard and effectually? Is there something radically wrong with our mental attitude to our task or is there some­ thing the matter with our technique? Or have we resolved that we’ll wage war in a nice, com­ fortable way that will not bring a sweat to our own noble brows or discomfort to our enemies ? Colonel Ralston should know what he is talking about. We should know what we are doing. * * * * What Will Be Her Next Step Where, the Russian government lias been able to put her ideas into action., she has en­ couraged her citizens to believe that she can guide them ’in practically all their activities. In­ deed, some well informed people tell us that three million of her people say to the one hun­ dred and eighty million of the rest of her citi­ zens, “Do as we direct or else.” So far the plan of the Russian government lias wrought results that have astonished the world. Her achievements in agriculture, in manufacturing!* in medicine exceed all the dreams of the poet in his wildest frenzy. Where the Russian plan is working, the workers are well clad, well fed and adequately sheltered. The working hours are reasonable and fruitful of results in product and in the condition of the toilers. The limita­ tion of all this is that the toilers are robbed of the blessed privilege of thinking for themselves* The prophet's voice is not heard, very much like a cog in but wonder if Stalin has serve for the people, who so many" triumphs in so . A worker is a wheel •*■ We cannot not something in re* have followed him to many departments of life, Does he look upon the present way of doing things as a temporary aspect of his work ? Is he leading his people through the wildernus-* to the promised land where his people will be prepared to think right and for that reason be allowed to think and to net on their own initia­ tive? Has he seen the folly of France’s vagaries, in her endless and fruitless experimentation that has led her like the ox to the slaughter? Is he doing all he can to have his people see that there are false prophets as well as prophets who lead to better days? We wait and wonder what will be jStalin’s next stop.«- ............... “I Made It” * &* little three year old, withHe was a fine his real boys cap resting on his shock of dis­ orderly hair. There he was on the street as­ tride his tricycle skimming along with all sorts of warnings to all and sundry to danger as he sped along. “Hello! What a fine bike!” we vociferated. a trike,” was the shouts reply, this ?” we inquired with renewed courage. And what a fine trailer it is!” keep out of What’s this ? “Not a bike, “And what’s “Why, it’s a trailer. And what a fine trailer it is!” “Yep, made it myself.” and we surveyed a mechanical contraption neatly made after true boyish fashion from some sort of little box, filled with only such an assortment as can be found in a real boy’s pocket. Well done, young citizen to be. You have helped yourself on the way ’<> happiness and self-respect by the only rile known to man. And you have already enriched your nature by the way of the joy of adventure and of achievement. You’ll be in school one of these fine days where you’ll take more steps, we hope, along the road you already have en­ tered upon. “Made it myself!’’ What a thing to be able to say, whether the achievement be the making of a tiny, well tracking trailer, the construction of a merchantman, the building of a farm or the construction of a business. We congratulate you. citizen, and hope you will live to bless the parents who have shown yon the w.Ay to manliness, independence and happi­ ness. The Coming Method With characteristic enterprise and energy, the local canning factory is erecting and equip ping a dehydrating outfit; in which potatoes and carrots and cabbages and such perishable farm products shall be put into condition in which they may be readily transported or kept in my lady’s pantry. This is all to the good. Just now they are likely to be working for our imperial forces. Ultimately, their product will find its way to every kitchen in the commonwealth. Only folk blessed with real foresight are in a position to undstand what this move means. Said one merchant. “Think of a chef’s taking a can open­ er and being able to feed five hundred men from one can !” Think of men in mining camps and of explorers and surveyors and sailors being able to take a months supply of the best of food in a small package. What is of paramount interest to this region is the fact that we have the very soil required for fruit and vegetable, production. Better still, we have experienced growers of the very things required for the feed ing of the world. Already contracts have been made for supplying the local factory with all its needs for a successful start in the new in­ dustry that promises so much for the good of the community and the world. Farmers may well congratulate themselves on this new open­ ing for profit.* * * * A Good Fall This region has enjoyed a period of excep­ tionally fine weather that has afforded oppor­ tunity for cleaning up fall work. Last fall it was impossible to harvest beans and other field products, owing to the showery conditions pre­ vailing. This autumn that condition does not exist. Some farmers find the soil dry to the point where plowing is difficult, though the heavy tractor plow is doing a splendid job. Prospects for getting seeding done early next spring are encouraging. Farmers find that there is no substitute for good fall plowing. When the plowing is done twice, the fields show the results in greater freedom in better crops. 7^ ’X* Russia Again We are told that Russia campaign against Germany freezes. Russia must feel herself her advisers. Perhaps Russia may be safely left to profit by her own mistakes and successes. At any rate, she has a fashion of doing that very thing. If she takes time for that sort of thing," she must be amused as well meaning people give time and attenton to her affairs, meanwhile letting the weeds grow in their own garden. Russia is not panicky. She is greatly concerned with her present opportunities. * * * « from weeds and' has till stopped her the ground indebted to Note and Comment The fuel every day, Well, at apples. crisis seems to be growing worse * * any rate we have a good crop of As we look out over this good county, we see no end of material, that should be made into fuel. # sfs & Does this smoky haze tell us that many of. us ai*e buiming up some of the constituents our gardens sorely need? # vf “Nope” we heatd a good housekeeper say the othei? day as she trudged about a neighboring mntketjj “Um buying no Thanksgiving chickens hefe. See those flies lighting on them* It is hard to say where those flies have been lighting before they lit on those chickens.” CarEGe i uiled i hureh, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Trevithick, of Clandeboye, be* the bride of Murray Sheridan in Ann, Scott came Hamilton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hen­ ry Hamilton of Alisa Craig at a ceremony conducted by Rev. James ■ IF, Blair, pastor of the Carlisle and Ailsa Craig United Church, On the altar, tall standards were filled with colorfull gladioli and palms and baskets of pastel gladioli were artistically arranged. The bride was given In marriage 15 YEARS AGO C°rW'R 10 NEAR A1LSA CRAIG Mr. Mun ay Sarage, of the Cana-, dian Bank of Commerce staff, is re-’ lieving for a few weeks at the Crediton branch. Miss Gertrude Francis and Miss Reta Rowe gave two splendid reports of the recent laymen’s convention held in Toronto at the James Street Sunday School on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Johnson, re­ turned from their wedding trip to Detroit and have since taken up resi­ dence on the groom’s farm near Granton. >Mr. and Mrs. George Anderson I and son Edward motored to Sarnia-by her father. Wedding music was over the week-end. played by Mrs, Harvey Turner of Armistice Day falls on Sunday J Parkhill, The bride was lovely in November lltli. The war veterans!her wedding gown of white mous- are planning a parade to the Trivitt seline de soie over satin, buttoned Memorial church, [from neckline to waist with tiny Mr. and Mrs. George Geddes have covered buttons, The dress returned to their home in London ‘ made with shirred bodice and full after spending three their son William, at months with' skirt. Her finger-tip veil of Sexsmith, AGO Wilson effects they will em- . broidered tulle illusion was arrang- ) ed from a sweetheart headdress, [and she carried a cascade bouquet (of Killarney roses and bouvardia. have) The bride’s attendants were Mrs. above R°bert Brunswick, of Parkhill, and mai-e'little Miss Shirley Hodgins of ; Granton as flower girl. Mrs. Bruns- I wick wore a Dresden pink triple [sheer crepe gown. Her small veil tof pink net was held in place with a narrow circlet of pink roses. She colonial bouquet of pink stepanotis. The flower* a floor-length frock of blue triple sheer crepe. (Her headdress was a bandeau of [tiny pink roses, and she carried an I old-fashioned nosegay of pink ofies‘ I Lee Trevithick, only brother 'the bride, was the groomsman and Exeter ^le ushers were Earl Hamilton, articles’1 cous^n groom and Harold , cousin of the bride, Prior to the marriage ceremony and during g of the register, Miss Margaret Hughes sang “Because’’ and “O Perfect Love.” ! A reception was given at the' (home of the bride’s parents. For i traveling the bride donned a two- ' piece autumn brown dress trimm­ ed with touches of green, a beige „TOO polo-cloth coat with cinnamon but ^rown accessories and corsage bou- anvTCluet of roses- i honeymoon, Mr. tne ...will reside on , ___Mrs. Hamilton .. .London Normal livery [ „ _ - ( 25 YEARS Mr. and Mrs. Lee moved their household the store, where their future home, Mrs. Thomas Brock received! word from the General Hospital at Guelph that her son, Gunner Fred H. Brock, is getting along nicely from his recent illness. Mr. L. Day was appointed fuel j controller for the village of Exeter. Mr. Day gave the coal dealers a.. tliority to deliver only such quan­ tities of coal as he may direct. The Exeter Band is being organized under the leadership Mr. Harry Gidlev. The following is a list of shipping Rie bride, was the from the Exeter centre: Women's Institute. 361 chhvicp, Zion Red Cross. 610; Elimville and!^ee’ Sunshine, 770: Centralia’, 814; 1 Soldier’s Aid, Exeter, 2,272; Credi- ^_ie si8'uin. ton, S62; Thames Road, 856; Little Canucks, Exeter, 74; Patriotic Lea­ gue, Exeter, 3,142: Hurondale 1,106. carried a roses and ver. gh>1 W01’e ’ | symphony 50 YEARS AGO The widespread storm which raged on Friday night and Saturday very severe in some localities, so far can learn no damage consequence has been done vicinity. Mr. Wm. Snell, who has of the horses in Christie’s stables, met with an accident on[ Thursday last which resulted in the; breaking of the middle finger of his, left hand. While ' unloading com-; mercial trunks at the depot, his hand ! two children of St C " was unfortunately caught between spent Thanksgiving with The^for two of the heavy trunks with ” above result. of in Mr. was I Graham Arthur FOR 25 YEARS FIRESTONE DEALERS HAVE BEEN TRAINED TO MEET THIS SITUATION Firestone Dealers have always been mileage merchants. For 25 years Firestone has devoted much time and ynoney teach­ ing dealers how to help car owners get the mdst mileage from their tires with the greatest safety and at the lowest cost. So put the care of your tires— no matter what make-rin the hands of your nearby Firestone Dealer today. There is no priority or restrictions on the service and repairs he can give you, and now as always, he is pledged to serve you better and save you money. IF YOU ARE ELIGIBLE FOR NEW, USED OR RETREADED TIRES... be sure to see your nearby Firestone Dealer first.' He is in constant touch with official sources of information, has the forms necessary to secure a tire ration permit, and will do everything he can to assist you. Following a brief and Mrs. Hamilton the groom’s farm, is a graduate School. of BRINSLEY and Mrs. Gordon Lewis children, of St. Catharines and Fred Parsons and with Hali- fur- and An­ il eld a.m. St. be 11 speaker of Clin- Margaret Jeau daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Broadfoot. Mr. and Mrs. W. Horney visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wal­ ter Madge of Hensail. the mer’s mother, Mrs. Alice Lewis, at (the home of his sister, Mrs. Earl j Morley. I Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hamilton, [and little son. Brian, of Toronto, ■ visited with Mrs. Hamilton’s vil-;ents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Lewis, lage Council was held in the Coun- < The regular cil chamber at S p.m. Monday eve- Ladies Aid and the Women’s Mis- ning, with all members being pre- si(mary Society ..... ------- sent except councillor A. Kerslake. < Minutes of the previous meeting were read. J. Parkins and F. Smalle­ combe that the minutes be .adop­ ted as read. Carried. Dr. Steer M.O.H. appeared and asked about the inoculation of the school children asking 25 cents for each inoculation. E. /Fink and we authorize inoculate the pay him 25 cents for each inocula­ tion. 'Carried, Thos. Kyle asked about getting the windows caulked in the Hall, also about getting the band stand painted, instructed to have same done as soon as possible, correspondence read as follows: County Crown Attorney re Jurors, County Treasurer, Gutta Percha Rubber Ltd., same considered and filed. Bills and acounts. G. M. Case, teaming streets, $1.20; Thos. Kyle salary, §72.40; F. G. Bonthron pos­ tage, $5.00; J. (A. Patterson, ex­ press and telephone, Lovell Co., supplies, $5.83; Hydro Commission, hydro hall, $9.52; W. R. Davidson, coal hall, $85.55; Middleton Drugs, supplies, $7.20; Total $187.28. F. W. Smallecombe and E. Fink that bills and accounts as read be. paid.. Carried. J. W. Par­ kins and F. Smallecombe, That we now adjourn. Carried. J. A. Patterson, Clerk Hensail Council meeting of D. G. par- the of the United • Earl Morley. The -meeting was in (charge of Mrs. Bert Sholdice who is the convener of the eleventh concession group. Guests at the home of Miss Mary B. Amos were, Dr. and Mrs. Elmer [Ainos, Mr. and Mrs. Ken -Amos. F. Smallecombe; that Dr. Steer M.O.H. to school children and Patterson, , ,58c; R. J. Smiles . . . . A pilot who had baled out in North Africa was coming down when he was amazed to see another man with his parachute going up. “Hi, there!” he shouted. “What’s happening to you?” “It’s all right, old man,” came the reply. Mine's a tent. It’s windy down below.’**s * * “At any rate,” said the auctioneer, “mine is a business that a woman can’t take up.” “Nonsense,” put in the stronger- minded lady, “A Woman would make quite aS good an auctioneer as any man.” “Would she?” retorted the other; “Well, you try and imagine an un­ married lady standing up before a crowd and saying; ‘Now, gentlemen, all I want Is an offer*.” . Gackstetter spent with friends in Gordon Westlake, A MODERN . . . Monthly Batea ---------- TORONTO J> Hotel Waverley SMScma Avx. at Column St. RATES SINGLE . $1-50 to 53LOO DOUBLE . $X50 to 96.00 Special Weekly KIPPEN Mr. and Mrs, Walter, of London, visited relatives here on Sunday. Gnr. A. H. Gackstetter, of fax, is spending two weeks lough with Mrs. Gackstetter other relatives. The 7 6th anniversary of draw’s United Church will on Sunday, October 17, at and 7.3 0 p.m. The guest will be Rev. Mr. Burton, ton. The choir ar.e preparing special music and will be assisted by Mrs. Keys, of Varna, and Mrs. Parsons, of London. Gnr. and Mrs. the week-end Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. of Bayfield, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones. Baptismal service was held in the church, here on Sunday last when six children were baptised. James Robert, and Ilene Jessie, children of Mr. and Mrs. James Upshall, Donald Linden, son of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Parsons, Al­ bert Keith, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson, David John, son of and Mrs. Jack ‘Cooper GMSST . . . WELL CONDUCTED . . . CONVENIENTLY LOCATED HOTEL . . . Close to Parliament Building*. University of Toronto,.Maple Leaf Gardens, _ Fashionable Shopping District, Wholesale Hooses, Theatres, Churches of Every Denomination. A. M. Powell, President of Canada keep abreast of the Dominion’s expanding n Six times since 18 70 the Bank Act under which the Chartered Banks operate has been revised by parliament—six times in that period the activities of the banks have been carefully scrutinized by the people’s representatives. Every ten years the Bank Act has been thus revised. Each one of the six decennial revisions has contributed much to the evolution of the banking system to meet the expanding needs of a developing Dominion* In 1934 the sixth revision of the Bank Act was made* Fifty mem­ bers of the House of Commons made up the committee, which examined witnesses-*-among them bank officers, government officials and reformers — and studied exhibits filed by various individuals and organizations. Findings were submitted to the House, and later that year the Bank Act was revised in many important particulars. Through democratic enquiry arid decision, the Canadian banking system has ^roWri arid been adjusted to meet the needs of the people, providing a deposit tafy for savings and a sound basis for Canada's free economic development TH E CH ARTER E B A N K 5 OPCAN AD A —L-................• .......... ’