HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1943-10-14, Page 1GIRLS’ COATS, GOOD STYLES, 3 to 14 YEARS
Phone 32
Single Copy, 5 cents Sixty-Ninth Year
will be held in
McKnight’s Hall
Robertson and Mrs
Bingo starts at 8.30 sharp.
enjoyed good health for the
three or four years and had
in hospital about five weeks,
deceased had been a resident
12 washcloths,
7 boys sweaters,
pr. pillow eases,
J. Elliott.
She is
years on
Josie spent the holi-
at Tobermory.
Willard is visiting
in. Tavistock and at-
the Teeswater fail’
and spent the
with Mr. and Mrs.
They also visited
Mrs. E. Lome Howey
east coast en route to
where they will reside
a shower bouquet of
Two sisters were her
Miss Hazel Orr,
was in ice blue taffeta
R, N. sweaters,
Mrs, F. J. Delbridge and ?
Mrs. Sandy Elliott left
morning for Ottawa to
Surprise Party
surprise party was held at
Established 1873 Subscription, $2,00 per year EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 14th, 1943
Ladies9/ Misses9 and Girls
We have a very fine range of ladies’, misses’ winter coats in plain tweeds, also
boucles, etc., with fur collars of persian lamb, oppossum, squirrel, etc., in small,
regular, extra large and half sizes. As we cannot repeat on any of these lines we
would strongly advise early buying.
Ladies’ and Misses’ Fall and Winter Skirts
Ladies’ and misses’ fall and winter skirts, good heavy cloth in pleated and flared
styles, popular colors including black, sizes 12 to 20, exceptionally good values at
$2.95 and $3.95 each
Ladies’ and Misses’ Tailored Blouses at $1.00
15 dozen ladies’ and misses’ tailored blouses, in plain colours and stripes, short
sleeves, sizes 14 to 20, a real value at $1.00 each,
Grey Woollen Blankets at $3.75 each
This is a good serviceable blanket in grey only, good part wool, heavy weight, while
they last at $3.75 each.
36 inch grey sheeting flannelette heavy weight at 35c yard.
Ladies’ Fall and Winter Gloves
We have the largest stock of ladies’ and misses’ fall and winter gloves we have
had in years, in suede, fabrics, capeskin, and pigskins, at very reasonable prices.
The sixth annual two-ntght frolic
sponsored by. the Exeter Lions Club
and held in, the fixeter Arena Thurs
day and Friday evenings of last
week went over the top. The atten
dance was up over last year and
both th gross and net receipts will
be in advance of previous years. The
total amount received will *be in
excess of $4000. The gate receipts
were a little over $400. The sale of
tickets for the draw amounted to
$450'.00. The refreshment booth
both nights was well patronized the
gross receipts being over $400. The
receipts from the dance were around
On Thursday evening the Kiltie
Band from No. 9 S.F.T.S., Centralia,
members of the Middlesex-Huron
regiment, the Boy Scouts and the
Exeter Band paraded through town
to the Arena. Mr. S. B. Taylor,
president of the Lions Club, spoke
a few words of welcome. Entertain
ment was provided by the Johnston
family. On Friday evening Myers,
the Magician, and Conway, a comed
ian, from London, entertained the
Prize winners were; $15 0, Miss J.
Burlock, No, 9 S.F.T.S., ticket No.
2955; $50.00, Graham Arthur, Exe
ter, ticket 826; $25.00, H. E. For-
shee, London, ticket 185; $5.00
prizes to the following: Percy Willis,
R, R. 1, Exeter; Jack Cutting, Exe
ter; Ross Love, Hensall; Miss H. B.
Cosman, No. 9, S.F.T.S., G. A. Haw
kins, Exeter; Freeman Hodgins, R.
R. 8, Parkhill; D. A. Stone, No. 9,
S. F.T.S.; Mrs. W. Webber, R. R. 3,
Exeter; Mrs. E. Delve, Exeter; Roy
Todd, Hensall; Ralph Batten, Wood
ham; A. H. Erskine, Goderich; Jack
Delbridge, Exeter; R. E. Gardiner,
Toronto; Dalton Skinner, R. R. 3,
Winners of the door prizes Thurs
day night were Helen Preszcator,
Jean Elliot. Mrs. Chas. Elston, How
ard Stewart, Mrs. A. J. Sweitzer,
Mrs. Mil ton Gower, Mrs. R. Goul-
ding, Miss Marion Kemp, Mrs. R.
Holmes, Mrs. Ulric Snell, Amos Wil
lard, Mrs. Wm. Passmore, Mrs. Tay
lor, Mrs, Norman Norry, Miss Ida
Bingo put on by the Exeter-Hen-
sall branch of the Canadian Legion
was well patronized.
Miss Ada Mitchell R.N. has re
cently been appointed administra
tor of the new general hospital be
ing built at Midland, Michigan and
has moved there to assume her new
Miss Mitchell is a daughter
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mitchell,
Centralia, and a former student
the Exeter High School.
1929 graduate of Victoria
London and spent several
the staff of the Queen
Sanatorium at Byron, She went to
the University Hospital of Ann Ar
bor, Michigan in 1937 and later
accepted a position as assistant
night supervisor at the Cottage Hos
pital of Gross Pointe for three
years, after which she went to West
Branch as assistant superintendent
of the general hospital there.
The Midland Hospital will have
a capacity of 80 beds with complete
Laboratory, X-Ray and Operating
Room facilities and already has
post war programme to expand
120 beds. Midland is the home
the Dow Chemical Company.
Let us all support the new Victory Loan to the best of our ability—to help Speed
the Victory.
Special Values for Thursday, Friday & Saturday
Hillcrest Pure Lard
1 lb. pkgs, .........................
Superior Baking Powder
1 lb. tin, and one 2 oz. bottle vanilla
The chocolate drink, 1 lb. tins . each 39c
Paula Sugar Substitute
In convenient liquid form, 4 oz. bottles,
each 17c
for 25c
each 59c
Kraft Velveeta Cheese J/ |L 91 p
Plain, a real favorite, /2 phg. LIL
Cowan’s Perfection Cocoa
Largo 1 lb. tins,
Roman Meal
For health, .
each 24c
...per pkg. 29c
^?dQ^ns .A.ppl.e.s....6 lbs. for 25c
Jones & May Your
Canadian Legion B.E.S.L., Exeter-
Hensall Branch 167.
Services at 1.1 aan. and 7.00 pan.
Rev. A. B. Irwin, B.A., of James Street United Church, will
preach at 11 a.m.
Rev. Robt. Moynan, B.A., B.D., Padre at No. 9 S.F.T.S., will
preach at 7 p.m.
The choir will be assisted by F/O W. J.
Richard Chenoweth.
With Old and New Time Dancing
Sgt. Smith and his orchestra 1’rOm
No. 9 S.F.T.S., Centralia, will be in
attendance on Saturday evening,
October 16th
Dancing from 9 until 12
General admission 35c
The Exeter District War Time
Committee acknowledges on behalf
of the parcels fund for boys overseas,
the following donations; Misses
Carling $10.0*0’; F/L Thos, Pryde
$5.00; Andrew Campbell $1.00.
Parcels are being sent this month
to about 110 from Exeter and dis
trict. Donations are thankfully re
ceived for this work.
For the Greek Fund
Quilting gang of con. 4, Usborne,
Exeter Lady Dies While
Visiting at Home of Her Son
Mrs. Mary T. Kerr, of Exeter,
while visiting at the home of her
son, Courtland, at Benmiller, died
suddenly early Wednesday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Al joe Sanders had
motored with her to Benmiller on
Sunday where she had expected to
spend the week, Mrs. Kerr, whose
maiden name was Mary Dickson, is
survived by two children, Courtland
and Mrs. Sanders, Her husband pre
deceased her In 1934, The funeral
will take place from the residence
of her son Friday afternoon
interment Will take place in
Exeter cemetery,
Bone in Foot Broken
Wins Buffet Set
The crocheted buffet set donated
to the Main St. Evening Auxiliary
Red Cross Unit by Mrs. Russell
Balkwill on which tickets were Sold
was drawn for Saturday evening at
Mr, E. R, Russell’s store, the win
ner being Mr. Jack Cutting, The
ticket drawn by J. M. Southcott,
The proceeds from the sale of
tickets were $34,10.
Mr, wm. Allison, of town, while
assisting in cutting some wood in
Usborne township Friday of last
week had the misfortune to frac
ture a bone in his foot when a log
rolled on it.
Monday being .a, holiday
Times-Advocate is a" day late
Miss Effie Treble had the
fortune to fall while descending the
verandah steps at her home Wed
nesday evening fracturing a bone
in her left wrist
Sgt. Robert Burns, who recent
ly deceived his Whigs as a Wireless
Air Gunner at Jarvis, and who has
been visiting with ha grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sanders, is
at present visiting with Ms mother
In Detroit,
Fifty-five head of western
were rounded up in cowboy style
shipped to market Saturday
from a farm near Staffs. Moun-
on horses Messrs. Ulric Snell
Frank Taylor went among the
cattle and drove them into a corral
from where they were loaded into
trucks. The cattle were fearful of a
man on foot but would allow the
men on horseback to go amongst
them freely. The cattle were the
property of the late Milo Snell and
were pastured on the farm of Heber
Mrs. Olive Skelton, a well-known
resident of Exeter, died Wednesday
in. St. Joseph’s Hospital, London,
in her 81st year. Mrs. Skelton had
of Exeter for about thirty years,
coming here with her husband, the
late Charles H. Skelton from St.
Paul, Minn. Mr. Skelton, predeceas
ed her in 19 27. Mrs. Skelton’s maid
en name was Olive M. Bryant. She
was a talented woman and has writ
ten a number of poems, some of
them having appeared from time to
time in the Times-Advocate. She
is survived by an only daughter,
Mrs. Heaman, wife of -Mayor W. J.
Heaman, of London, three grand
children. Clyde S. Heaman, of Lon
don; William Fred Heaman, of Tor
onto and May Kathleen. Wright, of
Exeter, and two great grandchild
ren, Billy and Peter Wright, of
town, One brother and two sisters
also survive Dr. Henry L. Bryant
and Mrs. John Howard Wheeler, of
St. Paul Minn., and Mrs. Clyde
Weatherwax, of Los Angeles, Cal.
A private funeral will be held from
the E. R. I-Iopper Funeral Chapel
Friday afternoon at three o’
with interment In the Exeter
D.D.G.M. Bro. W. H. Dougall and
his installation team from Hensall
visited Exeter Lodge No. 67, I.O.O.F.
Tuesday evening and installed the
newly elected officers for the coming
year. The team comprised D.D.G.W.
Bro. N. Jones; D.D.G.R.S., Bro. Geo.
Fee; D.D.G.F.S., Bro. John Glenn;
D.D.G. Treas.; Bro. S. Love; D.D.G.
Marshall, Bro. P. Campbell. The of
ficers installed were as follows. I.P.G
W. E. Etherington; Noble Grano.
William Cann; Vice GrandL John
Hodgert; Rec. Secy., A. E. Howald;
Fin. Secy., C. W. Snell; Treas., E.
M. Dignan; Mar., W. C. Allison;
Con., A. E. Keys; O.G., Wm. H. Ker-
nick; I.G.. A. J. Hamilton; R.S.N.G..
A. G. HicksCL.S.N.G., A. L. Penhaie;
R.S.V.G., W. H. Hodgson; L.S.V.G ,
H. E. Beaver; R.S.S., E. L. Gibson;
L.S.S., R. S. Hunter; Chap., T. M.
Gardiner; trustees, A. G. Hicks, C.
W. Snell, G. C. Fisher; medical
examiner, Dr. Dunlop. A short ad
dress was given by Bro. Dougall.
Lunch was served at the close.
home of Mr. and Mrs. Luther Rey
nolds, on Tuesday evening of last
week, when the immediate relatives
gathered to honor Sgt. and Mrs.
Lloyd Reynolds. An address was
read by Preston Dearing and Mrs.
Wes. Witmer, on behalf of those
present, presented them with several
very lovely gifts.
The canvassers have all
chosen for the Fifth Victory
and the three-week drive commen
ces next Monday. In Exeter, B. M.
Francis, Jas Bowey and G. S.
Howard will be on the job constant
ly during those three weeks and all
the residents will be called on.
Much time will be saved if the
people are ready when first seen.
Exeter’s allotment is higher than
ever, but we have never failed yet
to reach the top, and this time again
we must not fait
Remember the boys overseas risk
their lives every day In battle. We
are only asked to loan our money.
We surely will loan every dollar
we can,
Mr. Peter Coleman, who has been
Hl in Victoria Hospital, London, has
returned home and Is again able
to be out.
Returned Missionary at Main St.
Rev. Win. Scott D.D., of Korea
United Church, a missionary in
that land for upward of twenty-
years, occupied the pulpit in Main
Street on Sunday evening and gave
an account of his life and work
among the natives of that country.
Mr. Scott speaks the Korean lan
guage fluently and was the leading
educationalist before the outbreak
of the war. For some time before
his return he was kept under close
guard by the Japs in his own home
but was well treated and trusted.
Three shifts of soldiers kept him
under their watchful eye twenty-
four hours of the days and nights
previous to tile repatriation. The
many calls of the natives to his
home to bid him farewell shows
how missionaries win the hearts of
their hearers, many of whom are
carrying on the work during his
absence. Such first-hand news front
the battle front was interesting and
the address Whs one to be remem
Geo. Hunter was taken with
spell Wednesday evening and
a sick .
for a time his condition was serious.
Pte is considerably improved but
will be confined to his bed for a
tithe, *
In a charming Thanksgiving Day
ceremony at Empress Avenue Uni
ted Church, London, Agnes Grace,
eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs,
George M. Orr, Thornton avenue
London, became the bride of FO.
E. Lome Howey, D.F.C., R.C.A.F.,
son of Mrs. Howey and the late
W, S. Howey, Exeter.
Rev. J, A, Agnew officiated, and
the wedding music was played by
Miss Hazel Taylor, with Miss Eve
lyn Doerr as soloist singing ’‘Be
cause." Decorations were of ligh
ted capers in tall candelabra.
Escorted and given in marriage
by her father, the bride chose a
graceful gown of white brocaded
faille, in floor length. Her becom
ing headdress was of little white
feathers in halo mode, holding a
finger-tip veil of white illusion, and
she carried
red roses,
in floor length, with little match
ing skull cap adorned with a tiny
veil, and an arm bouquet of pink
roses. As junior bridesmaid, Miss
Patricia Orr wore rose taffeta in
floor length, with a taffeta cap in
Dutch design holding a veil. Her
arm bouquet was also roses.
The bridegroom was attended by
his brother, LAC. Marvin Howey,
R.C.A.F., Crumlin, as best man.
The ushers were Eugene Howey,
of Exeter, brother of the groom,
and Sqdn. Ldr. A. Wren of Nova
The Highland Club was the set
ting for the reception. The bride’s
mother wore blue, in street length,
with a smart black hat and black
accessories and corsage of roses. Mrs.
Howey’s black gown was worn with
black accecssories and a corsage of
red roses.
FO. and
left for the
Truro, N.S.,
The bride traveled in a blue tweed
suit with navy top coat and navy
The annual Boy Scout Apple Day
will be held Saturday next.
Boy Scouts will be calling on
citizens with some of the finest
apples that can be secured. You
can assist them with their splendid
work by purchasing an apple. The
Boy Scouts have always been wil
ling to assist in any worthy enter
prise and now we can show our
The death took place in St.
Josenh’s Hospital, London, Wednes
day of last week of Mrs. William
Laverty, of town, in her 5 5 th. year.
Mrs. Laverty recently underwent an
operation and it was thought that
she was getting along nicely when
she passed away suddenly. Born
near Oil Springs, her maiden name
was Margaret Prior. She had been
a resident of Exeter for many years
and had many friends here. Besides
her husband she is survived by one
daughter. Mrs. George KoStulias, of
Long Island, N.Y.. who with her
son, Peter, of the Woodward Army
Airfield. Woodward. Oklahoma, at
tended the funeral on Saturday and
remained in Exeter until Wednesday
of this week; also two sons, Howard
Laverty, recently reported wounded
in Italy and Stanley, in England.
The funeral was held Saturday after
noon from E. R. Hopper5^ funeral
chanel conducted by Rev. N. J.
Woods. The bearerg were Messrs.
John Strange, P. Webber. E. J. Shap-
ton. E. Cornish. John Prout and
Simon Sweitzer.
So successful has been the cam
paign and so fine the weather that
the collection of milkweed in Huron
County, to be used in the manufac
ture of rubber, has been extended to
October 15. So far many tons of
the leaves have been stored at Clin
ton and many more tone are stored
at the 170 rural schools throughout
the county.
J. H. Kinkead, public school In
spector for North Huron, speaks
enthusiastically of the manner' in
which nearly 3,000 school childreh
have undertaken this patriotic work.
He and Inspector BL O< Staples, of
South Huron, and
county agricultural
have charge of the
far Wingham has
urban school to contribute,
Not until the Whole is collected
at Wingham and prepared for ship
ment by rail will full results he
J. C, Shearer,
been the only
Mrs. E. M. Steiher, of Rochester,
New York, is visitirig at the homo
of Iter son. Dr. fi. s. Steiner.
The executive will meet on Moit-
day, October l-Sth in the Jlbr.ai$r
basement at 3 p.m.
The Exeter branch hag shipped
720 lbs. of jam and clover honey
. for Britain.
Unit 17 School Section 4 and 5
donated $10,00, and Zion Red Cross
$6.00, Elimville Red Cross $16.30,
and fruits, honey and funds were
donated locally toward this project,
Shipping day October 8, 1943.
Quota Knitting
Navy; 10 pairs socks (16 in and.
18 in,), 10 T. N. sweaters, 19 pairs
mitts, 4 aero caps, 6 T, N. tuek-ins.
Army: 21 pr, service socks, 18
V. N, sweaters, 6
4 pr. gloves,
British Civilian:
11 girl’s sweaters,
Quota Sewing: 6
54 towels, 50 khaki handkerchiefs,
3 pr. men’s pyjamas, 2 men’s shirts,
2 pr. women’s knickers, 22 'women’s
slips, 11 girl’s units (dress and 2
pants) plus 5 panties extra.
Non Quota sewing and knitting:
17 quilts, 2 crib quilts, refugee ar
ticles, 1 layette. <
Pte. Earl Frayne, of Toronto,
spent the week-end with his parents
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Frayne while
on a 48-hour leave.
Thanksgiving Day passed very
quietly. There was a goodly number
of visitors in town for the week
end. The weather was ideal,
Mrs. A. McAvoy and Miss ‘Anne
L. Sanders left Siinday for a few
days visit with Mrs. Harmon Gill,
Lakeview House, Grand Bend.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kerslake
and Dorothy, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Kerslake and
day week-end
Mrs. Mary
with relatives
tended the wedding of her great
neice, Miss Katherine Weicker.
Rfrn. Verne Smith, -of Sussex, New
Brunswick, is spending two weeks
with his wife and baby at the home
of Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Gould, and
daughter, Mary, -of London, spent .
several days with Mr. and Mrs.
William Gould and other relatives.
Dr. Roy Hodgson and daughter
Barbara Ann, of Saskatoon, Sask.,
are visiting this week with his sister
Mrs. R. Skinner and brother Mr. C.
Mr. and
Mr. and
spend a few days with members of
their families.
Miss Vera Deckei* has this week
moved her Beauty -parlor into the
residence she recently purchased
from Mrs. Ida Sanders, corner of
Main and Huron streets.
Miss Saphrona White, or Detroit,
is spending a few days with
mother, Mrs. Margaret White,
Stephen, before leaving for
Mr. and
family. Mr.
and family
spent Thanksgiving at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Archer, War
Mr. and Mrs. George Gregory and
Mrs. Jas. Wells, of St. Marys and
Mr. and Mrs. Bernice Gregory, -of
Lakeside, visited on Wednesday of
last week with Mr. and Mrs. W. G.
Mr. A. Z. Hicks, of Okotoks, Alta.,
is spending a few days visiting with
his sisters, Mrs. Leary and Mr, J.
Leary at Munro and with Mrs. Pet
ers and Mr. Harold Peters at At
Mr. and Mrs. Clark Fisher and son
Wallace attended
Wednesday last
week-end visiting
G. Davis at. Tara,
in Owen Sound.
The tricycle advertised for sale
last week Was sold a. half an hour
after the paper was published- It
could have been sold many times
over as there were numerous in
Mr. and Mrs.
London, Mrs.
Gerald, of Exeter, Mr. and
Thos. Quinton, Peterboro,
Hubert Quinton who has just retur
ned from overseas, Pte, Carroll
Quinton, Stratford, Pte. Wm. Quin
ton, Camp Borden and Mrs. Quinton
and Beryl McFalls of London, spent
Sunday with Mr. 'and Mrs. Arthur
McFalls of Biddulph. .
before leaving
Florida, to live.
Mrs. Elgin Luxton and
and Mrs. John Luxton
and Miss Betty Coates
Wes. Hodgins, of
Sam McFalls and
93rd Birthday
and friends *met at ths
and Mrs. Basil Edwards
to celebrate the 93 rd
the former’s mother,
home^of Mr.
of Hensail
birthday of
Mrs, fidwards. A family dinner mar*
ked the event, after which cards
were enjoyed. Mrs. Edwards, who is
the eldest lady in Hay Township,
is remarkably smart for her advan
ced years, ahd enjoys life. She was
presented with many lovely gifts,
Including a hdiiOOt of roses.