HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1943-09-16, Page 6Page 6 By ANNE AHAN Timely... into rest ing... helpful! Let this origi­ nal new booklet bring bolter health to your family. MAIL YOUR COUPON TODAY I YOORS stirring made in to three or twelve Tempting-, , Convenient. Nutritionally Right! XT’S easy to serve healthful meals, if yotx follow -*■ the timely menus in “ Eat-to-Work-to- Win”*. Sound, practical, interesting—this clever new booklet docs all the difficult, time­ taking planning for you. And it’s yours ERSE. Never was it more important that you pro­ vide proper food for your family* For good nutrition is vital to Victory now—to health and happiness after the war. Yet recent Govern­ ment statistics show that only 40 percent of Canadians regularly eat the right foods, even though seemingly well fed. Learn the"can’t-go-wrong” way to tempting meals that fill every food need of your family! Send for your FREE copy of "Eat-to-Work-to- Win”, Mail the coupon today! i i i i i i i q Sponsored by } THE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) I in the interests of nutrition and health ■ as an aid to Victory. MIXING BOWL Hydro Home Economist Time’s Ripe Grapes. Hello Homemakers! Ontario’s last perishable fruit of the season is ripening, and the time is truly ripe to fill every jar you have left with •with grape juice to he I suggest, as a or jelly for This delicious fruit Is and the period is Fortunately, too, ‘do down/ choose compact firm grapes fox' The deep, rich,! grapes—with grape served hot or cold; sauce to top desserts, breakfast. quite inexpensive, required for cooking or canning unusually short. 1 grapes are easy to 1 Be sure to < bunches of large, quality and flavour, blue Concord grape is the favourite; with many homemakers. Grape Jelly the jwrm times-advocate, Thursday morning, September m, 1943 *The Nutritional statements in "Eat- to-Work-to-Wln" are acceptable to Nutrition Services, Department otPen- sions and National Health, Ottawa, lor the Canadian Nutrition Programme. "NUTRITION FOR VICTORY", BOX 600, TORONTO, CANADA. Please send me my FREE copy of "Eat-to-Work-to-Win Name. Address the natural pectin the grapes their perfect jellying property, so it’s wise to use a kettle with a wide base — the juice boils up faster. Jelly is best when small quantities — one quarts of juice in a ten quart kettle. The time required depends upon i the ripeness of the grapes and I the rapidity of boiling. 1_____ ___ Use the “sheet” method to test'work in public health.until dissolved. Boil rapidly for about five minutes or until it sheets from the side of a. spoon. Pour into sterilized glasses. When cool, pour on melted paraffin and keep in a cool, dry place. Grape Jam grapes, 21 cups corn syrup. and stem grapes; pulp from skins, gently until soft. Wash grapes and remove Place in kettle. Mash until juice j flows freely. Cook slowly until | grapes lose their shape. Remove’ from fire and drain over night: through double thickness of cheese! cloth. Measure juice; bring to boil-1 ing point and boil five minutes. Add I an equal measure of heated sugar, I _________ ................... ! 4 lbs. blue sugar, 21 cups Method; Wash weigh; separate and cook pulp Press through sieve. Combine pulp and skins; cook on electric element turned “Low” for 5 mins. Add I sugar and corn syrup. Simmer ; gently until thick (about 15 mins.) I Pour into hot sterile glasses and ' while still warm, seal with hot paraffin. Yield: 9 eight-ounce jars, stems. | Check discharges From the Bowels Bowel troubles, although happen­ ing at any time of the year, are more prevalent during the hot sum­ mer and early fall months.. Summer Flu is one of the worst troubles, but diarrhoea, dysentery, colic, cramps and pains in the in­ testines, or any looseness of the bowels should have immediate at­ tention. The action of Dr. Fowler’s Extract of Wild Strawberry is pleasant, rapid, reliable and effectual in help­ ing to check the unnatural dis­ charges. It has been on the market for the past 94 years, so why experiment with new and untried remedies? Get “Dr. Fowler’s” and feel safe. The T. Milburn Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ont. Grape Juice — without sugar After picking grapes, leave for ! two oi’ three days to mellow. Pick ;over and wash. Add U cup water I to each cup fruit. Sinxnxei’ until i tender —DO NOT BOIL, Press {through cheesecloth. Clarify by | straining again through another ■ cloth. Reheat juice to simmering I point only, stirring constantly. Pour into sterilized bottles. Cap and im­ merse in hot water bath, kept at simmering point, for Grape Ketchup 4 tbs. grapes, 15 minutes. (requested) 1 lb. tart apples, 2 lbs. granulated sugar. IS cups vinegar, £ tsp. salt, 2 lbs. cinnamon. 2 tsps, allspice. 2 tsps, cloves. Wash grapes, remove from stems. Place in pan and steam until soft without adding water, until sieve, spices, trie element turned to “Low.” in clean, hot jars. Cook apples tender and press through Add sugar, vinegar, salt and Simmer 20 minutes on elec- Seal TAKE A TIP: When making grape jelly: Long cooking is apt to destroy GRAND bend Mrs. Harold Noonan and son, Ronnie, who have been spending the past two months at the home of her mother, Mrs. Harmon Gill, Lakeview House, have returned to their home in Windsor. Mrs. Thomas Dinney, of Exeter, entertained her son, Rowe, of Toron­ to, and Mrs, Dean and daughter, Marion, of London, at Mrs. Milo Snell's cottage last week, and part of this week, Mrs, Ella Patterson, who spent a few days in Exeter last week with Mrs. McAvoy and Miss Anne Sander^ and who has been spending the summer months with her mother, Mrs. Harmon Gill, leaves shortly for her home in Windsor. t The holiday season is almost ended, here. The scholars have al] return­ ed to their studies, the business man to his place of employment and tak­ ing everything into consideration Grand Bend has enjoyed her share of tourists this year. The hotels and cottages were filled to capacity every week, and now the housewives ar? turning their thoughts to the fall housecleaning. GRAND REND NURSE WINS AWARD Miss Beulah Holt has been award­ ed the scholarship presented by Victoria'Hospital Women’s Auxiliary, it was ing of Stuart, announced at a recent meet- tlie Board by Miss Hilda superintendent of nurses. Miss Holt, who is a daughter of Mrs. Holt, of 'Grand Bend, had the. highest general average in theory and practice throughout her entire course. Through the help of this scholarship she will do post-graduate The gift is the jelly. Let a small amount of''part of the work of the educational mixture drop from the. side of nJ committee of the Women’s Auxiliary, wooden spoon —when the dropsjconvened by Mrs. James MeNxven. flow together and drip off, jelly1 is done. Be sure to stir mixture; frequently as it jells quickly. Grape jelly tends to crystallize — especially if the gi real ripe. To prevent chopped tart apples to ture and cook together, quart of grape juice, medium-size apple, cut in pieces, removing core only. The apple will improve the flavour too. Remexxxber to skin the grapes ixx making serves and bringing to only; It was also announced that !present was the are’tsch°ol. add | mm TV FEIN—MURRAY one ’ one 1 Probationary Class of largest in the history of the 51 tile grape jam or pre­ cook the skin*. by a sinxxxxering boiling toughens the point skin. WRITTEN SPECIALLY FOR THE , WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS OF CANADA Iru JIM GREENBLAT. Editor of the SUN ' SWIFT CURRENT SASKATCHEWAN [^COUNTRY EDITOR With the tag end of summer vacations, the prime Minister on the move between Qxxebec, Wash­ ington and Ottawa, these have been dog days for news ixx Ottawa, al­ though it’s business as usual with government and departmental and bureaux activities continue apace. There was even a little flurry of excitement over the Prices Board decisioxx to cut out the hot dog “roll”; it was even press-rumoured that public indignation was causing the Board to reconsider its decision, but that was promptly denied by the Board—one of the few times it has come out publicly to bother denying vague rumours, ♦ lit * Among the vast, sprawling tem­ porary buildings which the war has brought to Ottawa, one finds that Munitions & Supply occupies a con­ siderable part with thousands busily engaged in this important activity. M & S as it is known here sounds hum-druxn, xxnixnporant, but it has a tremendous job. Take just the purchase of food for the armed forces alone—one item. I am told that for the first five months, of 1943 this department negotiated the purchase of 22,000 tons of meat; 41,000 tons vegetables; 16,000 tons bread; 3200 tons butter; 7,250,000 dozexi eggs; SOO tons coffee and tea; 4000 tons evaporated milk. See how it’s growing, compare the 22,000 tons of meat for 5 months as against the total of 32,500 for all of the year 1941. of Canada only as much wheat feed and alco- was estimated million bushel greater than the previ­ ous record carry-over up to July 31, 1941. You know an unusual fea­ ture this past crop year was the fact that almost .a third was carried over on the farms, An outstanding development was the use of wheat fox- animal feed and by distilleries for industrial alcohol. It is inter­ esting to know that in the past crop year, too, the people consumed about half as went into animal hoi production, It that nearly eight million bushels of wheat were used for alcohol pro­ duction, making 14 million gallons. * * Russell Smart, real property ad­ ministrator here, has warned that if the pressure continues on areas where there is a shortage of housing it may be necessary to consider regulations restricting movement of families to these areas. Of course you all know “deficiency housing areas” exist in such places as Hali­ fax, Ottawa, Toronto, Vancouver, Victoria. This is an appeal which could be well heeded all over Can­ ada, much as it is families have to be to war exigencies, instance, the housing Professional Cards GLADMAN & STANBURY G1 adman) SOLICITOR. (F. W, BARRISTER, Money to Loan, Investments Made Insurance Safe-deposit Vaults for use of pur Clients without charge EXETER and HENSALL J, W. MORLEY SOLICITOR Office, Alain Street, EXETER, ONT. Dr. G. F. Roulston, L.D.S., D.D.S, DENTIST Offices, Morley Block EXETER, ONT. Closed Wednesday Afternoon Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON Office Next to the Hydro Shop Main Street, Exeter Office 3 6w Telephones Res, 3Gj Closed Wednesday Alteimoons ’ ': ... ""—— C. E. ZURBRIGG Optometrist at Exeter Open every week day except Wednesday regretted that separated due Ixx Ottawa for g registry has 1850 applications for units and only 25 vacancies. Of the new applica­ tions it was shown that 309 are from heads of families in the armed forces and 227 ixx civilian occupa­ tions. The tales one hears of “house chasing” in Ottawa (as well as in other centres) are really tragic. I have seen ads. where reward getting stay at ARTHUR WEBER LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY PRICES REASONABLE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Phone 57-13 Dashwood R.R. No. 1, DASHWOOD are really tragic, in the local papers they offer as high as $100 for information leading to accomodation. The moral: home if you possibly can. It may not be soup .and fish news but Jack Johnson, the great colored pugilist of former days and once chanxpioxi of the world, visiting in Ottawa has been addressing service clubs c^iite neatly and making per­ sonal appearances helping War Bonds, as the wax’ effort, everyone can do r- FRANK TAYLORPicked up here and there: Cana­ dian soldiers at Kiska wore the bucket-type United States army hel­ mets . . . The new National Coal Conservation Committee has repre­ senting the small consumer, a wo­ man, Mrs. W. E. West, Director of Women’s Voluntary Services, whose job it will be to pass on to Canadian women findings of the committee on such things as how best to pre­ pare the home for cold weather, furnace firing to get best results, etc. ... In war industry women are now performing tions guns, those ories, aircraft workers . . . 15,000 tons of wheat go out to Greece every month as a gift of the Canadian people. LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed EXETER P.O. or RING 138 The marriage of Mary Mildred Murray, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. S. Murray, of Dublin, to Charles Elmer Tuffin, son of Mrs. Tuffin and the late George Tuffin, formerly of Staffa, took place in St. Marys United Church, Rev. W. E. Aidworth officiating. The bride, . Pte. Wilfred i length wool who was given away by Murray, wore a street­ crepe dress of Queen Mrs. T. C. asks: Is it possible to'-^hn blue, with matching accessories use corn syrup tins for canning and a corsage bouquet of pink roses, tomatoes? Answer: Yes. proceed in exactly the usual except do not add salt or sugar. Before the tins are put in the oven, press the lids down very lightly. When the oven baking is done, tap the lids on with a hammer and seal with parawax. Mrs. S. W. asks: tuting flour for sauce or custard, use? Answer: 1 egg custards at least one egg must' used per cup of milk; flour may substituted for the other eggs. * * * Anne Allan invites you to write to hex’ % The Exeter Times-Advocate.: Send in your questions on home-: making column THE QUESTION BOX I Mrs. R. Murray, of Stratford, was Scald the tins and matron of honor in a dusky rose crepe dress with navy blue acces­ sories and corsage bouquet of white roses. The bride’s brother, Robert Murray, of Stratford, was best man. After ford, short in a return they will reside at Dublin. When substl- egg to thicken a how much do you a wedding breakfast at Strat- Mr. and Mrs. Tuffin left on a honeymoon, the bride traveling navy blue outfit. On their In be be I equals 2 tbs. flour. • i TUNE IN Old Fashioned problems and -watch for replies. there was the man who hens with parrots to hunting for eggs. cros- save Now, the 1 Then sed his time in hens come up to him and say: just laid an egg—go get it. PILGRIMS’ HOUR 2-3 p.m. E.D.S.T. Mutual Network SUNDAYS Local Station CKLW WINDSOR FULLER Revival Hour 9-10 p.m., E.D.S.T. CHARLES E. P.O. Box 12.3 — Los Angeles California S' Ti-<Jos No*15 .g 70% of the opera­ in manufacture of machine comprise more than 80% of employed in instrument fact- are over 27% of the 86,000 Mr. Churchill’s reference to Rus­ sia in talk prompts me to .gathex* a few items of interest. Of the billion dollar gift to Britaiix last year, sup­ plies to the value of 61 million dol­ lars were transferred to Russia. Ca u- ada has also sent Russia more than 1400 Canadian tanks, 2000 Universal Carriers, naval guns, Bren guns, anti-tank weapons, machine tools, clothing, tremendous lion dollar flour, and millions to Russian Relief Aid to Russia ship for Soviet Russia has been translated into deeds. jk r. 4- Fall Fairs will have a new kind of exhibit this year, a wartime fea­ ture as educative as colorful, they tell me at the Wartime Prices & show * to sell lxis contribution to Just goes to something. * Statistics seem to grow on in Ottawa, but they usually some extensive phase of spread economy. Here’s interests rural people. 22 projects, or phases of . under study on the 161 Illustration his recent Canadian radio ] Stations and 45 District Experimen- trees show wide-our something There are farm work WM. H. SMITH LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex Special training assures you of your property’s true value on sale day. Graduate of American Auction College Terms Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed Crediton P.O. or Phone 43-2 USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL. FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY figure; also credit for the the Bren guu-s, small arms, etc., to a a ten mil­ wheat and contributedpeople Red Cross fund for and the Canadian Fund. Our friend- tai Stations throughout the Dominion in 194 2, and during that year 148 field days were held when nearby farmers visited the stations with a total attendance of about 20,000 persons or an average of 131 meeting. Neighbouring farmers of course, welcome to visit the tions -at any time and observe the projects suitable to their districts are progressing. Up at my home Station in Swift Current, Sask., it is nothing unusual to have 2000 people at the annual field day. per are, sta- how own National Selective MacNamara says later an order will to Director of Service Arthur that sooner or be issued requiring employers satisfy themselves that all male em­ ployees in age and marital classes designated under Mobilization regxi- ' lations have papers to show that Trade Board information office he^e.'they have been rejected or discharged Arranged by the Consumers branch, ■ from the Forces, ox’ otherwise that the display will be dominated by a j they have complied with the regu- color chart showing comparative | " ’ prices in this war and World War I. An enlarged Gulliver poster portrays the part women are playing in price control. Rationing and con­ servation will be described pictori­ ally ixx a table display. Wherever a Prices Board booth there will he an officei’ of the Consumer branch from that community answei’ questions. -• * ♦ House members on penditures Committee ixx Ottawa to start work Oxx The spade work is done committees and in the past two years hag already turned in some searching reports on many phases of the war effort. I talked with the Chairman recently, Cleaver (Liberal, Halton) feels the committee has a dously important function, likes the way members of all politi­ cal affiliations get together around the committee table ahd dig into a job. He. is a devotee of canoeing, lots of sunshine and his tanned, brick red face shows he’s Stored up lots of energy for the work ahead. There are 24 Members of Parliament oix the prepared to * the will War Ex­ li e back Sept. 13. by sub- Hughes and he tremen- and he lations. Which seems to put it up to employers.♦ * An experimental those interested . apples can be secured at .low conversioxx of the fruit into ensilage I is an economical method of supply­ ing succulent foods for the produc­ tion of milk aixd .beef, sent time with an shortage many farmers find it diffi­ cult to grow either roots or corn, the two chief sources of succulence fox' winter use. To prevent leakage of juices they should have an absor­ bent such as alfalfa ox’ grass hay. * ’*■ V Tlie Army has just got off the presses a new booklet entitled “For your information, please”, third re­ vised edition of a “Rookie’s Bible” with much pert information such as “Don’t wear your socks if they need darning” to the proper procedure at funerals. * farm tip . where for cull cost At the pre­ acute labor ST. MARYS WOMAN DIES Committee, « ' * Bureau of Statistics here Canada closed its 1942-43 year with' a carry-over of. 121 i years ago, states crop 601,500,000 bushels of wheat— Mbs, Mafgaret Mills, a lifelong resident of St. Marys, died Monday in her 89th year at the home of her Sister, Mrs. Joseph Stephens, of Kirkton, Born in Montreal, the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McNeil, she xvas the widow of Alexander Mills, who died 33 Head Office, Exeter. Ont. Pres......... THOS. G. BALLANTYNE R.R. 1, Woodham Vice-Pres......... WM. A. HAMILTON R.R. 1, Cromarty DIRECTORS W H. COATES .................... Exeter JOHN HACKNEY .... Kirkton, R. 1 ANGUS SINCLAIR .... Mitchell R. 1 JOHN McGRATH ..... Dubiln, Ont. AGENTS JOHN ESSERY .... ALVIN L. HARRIS THOS. SCOTT ...... Centralia Mitchell Cromarty SECRETARY-TREASURER B. W. F. BEAVERS ............ Exeter GLADMAN & STAND URY Solicitors, Exeter At Present We Are Short on most Every Line of Stock. YOUR INQUIRIES WILL STILL BE APPRECIATED- A. J. CLATWORTHY Phone 12 Grantors We Deliver many attend funeral OF MITCHELL RESIDENT Mitchell—-A large crowd of sor­ rowing relatives and friends attended the funeral service fos Mrs. William, Hodge at her late^home in Mitchell on Thursday of last week, Rev. A. H. "Johnston, of Main Street United church brought a comforting mes­ sage and during the service Miss Gertrude Woodger sang, accompan­ ied by Mrs. William Gollnitz at the piano. The floral tributes were beautiful and numerous, expressing the high esteem In which Mrs, Hodge was held.