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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1943-09-16, Page 5
»■ V i A o V 1 I c -J L K •* I I » i 4 f < t Coming to Hensall I®® 'Xj'- R. Wilkinson, R.O Ophthalmip Optician Wingham will be at W. O. GOODWIN’S Store, every 1st mid 3rd Tuesday was sung. The busi- . offering and payment of I birthday fees followed. The topic on 's •• “Hungarians" was ably taken by Miss Beryl PSaff. The meeting closed by singing "Just As I Am" and the Lord's Prayer in unison. W.M.S. The September meeting of the in the month, for the purpose of AV.M.S of Carmel Presbyterian church testing eyes and fitting glasses.: was held in the school room of the Difficult cases and those that1 church on Thursday afternoon with have not been properly fitted, -----t-ii- ---------con- p.m. rf / 1 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER J6tJ>, 1943 were read, F. Smallecombe and F* Fink: That minutes be adopted as read. Parried, T, Kyle reported asking about securing coal for the Halil Clerk instructed to sign the necessary paper© with W, David son. R. g. Shaddick reported a conversation with E. L, Miekle as regards us contributing to the cost of the Ration Board at Hxeter, E. L, Mickle appeared re same at the re-' quest of Council. A. lake and J. Parkins: That we pay to Exeter municipality, five dollars a month as our share of the local Ration Board salary, also back pay ments from January ]t 1943, Car ried, Correspondence read as fol lows: Unemployment Insurance Com mission, Brucefield Patriotic Society, visiting with his School Board, Imperial Oil Co. Ltd., Mrs, E. Koehler, Mrs. J. B, Reynolds, County Engin-1 Mr. eer, Gptta Percha Rubber Co., Sto. Mrs, Jack Simmons, Carl Schwalm, same were considered and filed, Kerslake and E. Fink: charge a rental of $8,00 per night tended by a yery large crowd last for the dance floor when side the village and sameI turned as received. Carried, Bills > mediate possession,. and accounts read: Village of Exeter, I Anniversary service will be held share'Ration Board, $40,00; City the Evangelical church on Sun- London, relief, 4.63; Hensall Hydro- (JaP> September 26 with Rev. Bee- Electric Commission, 9.24; T, Kyle,' M'°*Uj)f Wingham as guest speak salary, 72.40; Drysdale’s Hardware, - supplies hall, S.15; Provincial Trea surer, insulin re C. Mitchell, 1,74; ‘ M. Case, teaming streets, 1,20; J. Parkins and A. bills and accounts as Carried. F. Small?.- Fink: That we set follows: Library .75. School rate 31 mills less one making Carried. DASHWOOD Missionary services will be con ducted in the Lutheran church on Sunday with Rev. Wolfe of Delhi as guest speaker at both morning and evening service. Mrs, Herman Zimmer, sor, called on friends Saturday. Mrs. 'Chas. Guenther is Motion A, Kers- a few weeks with her son sor. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Restemeyer and Miss Onieda Restemeyer R.N., of London, visited with their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Restemeyer on Sunday, Mr. Koehler, of Wind- here on Spending in Wind-' and volume of credit are matters Parkins presiding and singing the 23rd Psalm, is. My Shepherd." after C. Hudson led in prayer. Mrs. Jas, opened by “The Lord which Mrs. Mrs. Parkins read a poem written by Miss Pauline Johnson, ap Indian writer. Mrs, Wm, Sangster read the 23rd Psalm and Mrs, Parkins read the Indian version of the same. The roll call was answered with “Shep herd" the text word. Mrs. Malcolm Dougal) and Mrs. Andrew Dougall sang a duet entitled "Face to Face". Miss Margaret Dougall accompanied at the piano. Mrs, Parkins in a very capable manner, gave the topic on “Indians In Canada". Miss Mar garet Dougall sang a solo entitled, "Nearer My God to Thee", in Indian language. Mrs. A. Dougall accom panied at the piano, with the topic, “The Nine” hymn was sung Mrs, A, D. McEwen read ter 15, and "Jesus, was sung. Airs, prayer, followed by er in unison. Senior Mission The Senior Alission Circle of the United Church commenced their fall meetings with a delicious "Pot-Luck Supper" at 6.30 p.m. on Monday evening when Mrs. Byron Kyle was > hostess and Airs. H. AIcLarnon co- hostess. Miss Margaret Shepherd presided, and the program opened with the theme song "We Have a * Joyful Sound”. The Scripture lesson Luke 10, 33-42, was read by All’s, began proba- H. AIcLarnon. Aliss Gladys Luker in the school of led in prayer and "I Hear Thy Wel- iil the Kitchener General come Voice," was sung. The devo- ] tional "Who is my Neighbor?" was MacLean, Gordon Camp- taken by Airs. Lome Chapman. The specially recommended to SU?t me. Hours 10 a.m. to 6 Phone IS Hensail for appointment I HENSALL enjoying a pleasant this week. Baynham underwent for the removal of trip an his date of the frolic Oct. Ellen Frenilin, of the Bank of Montreal two week’s vacation I meet 18 th. staff is enjoy- at her Ed Mernerand Mrs. Garnet Turner, of Bayfield, Sunday visitors with Mrs. Merner.Motion A. Susan , Mrs, Harry Kraft’s sale was at- of Kitchener, brother, Mr, Canada’s Chartered Banks exist to perform two main services? 1. They receive the savings and other funds of the public, who thus build up bank balances in the form of savings and current ^accounts, That we used out- week. The farm was purchased by to be re-Mr. Wallace Wein who takes im- 2. They advance money to communities, enterprises and persons to legitimate needs. serve their In keeping Ninety and after which Luke, chap- I Am Resting", Parkins led in the Lord’s Pray- Circle Meets Mrs. Eric Kennedy returned home following a pleasant visit in Hamil ton. Miss Margaret Grieve, of Blyth, spent the week-end with Miss Mat- tie Ellis, Messrs. T, C, Joynt and Thomas Welsh are to Quebec Bobbie operation tonsils at the office of Dr, Fletcher Exeter on Saturday. Mr. Harry Abray, of London, spent a few days t$.is week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Hudson. Note: The date of the School in Hensall Oct. 6th. The Miss of the ing a home in 'Clinton, Mrs, Allen Davidson, of London, spent a few days this week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Twitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Davidson am< Mr. and Mrs, Allen London, visited with Wingham on Sunday. Miss Lois MacLean tionary training nu rsing Hospital this week. Keith bell and Jack Shepherd left on Fri- minutes were read and offering re day for the west where they will ceived. assist with the harvest. Mrs. James A, Paterson, who recently underwent an operation in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, re turned to her home Tuesday. Mrs. Jack Connie, spent don with the ' Leslie Adams Rifleman Norman Stanlake, of Nanaimo, B.C., is spending a two weeks’ furlough here with Mrs. Stan-.bers lake and members of his family. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Cudmore,' of used cotton rags (all kinds also Marjorie and Alvin, visited recent-jrayons or woollen materials). Hymn ly with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Keyes J “What a Friend We Have in Jesus" and Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Keyes, at was sung followed by the Mizpah Mitchell. Benediction. A hearty vote of Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore and J thanks was extended to the hostess. Mr, and Mrs. Carl Passmore attend- The remainder of the evening was ed the ordination of the former’s son, spent playing a variety of games Rev. Robert Passmore in First St.! after which the enjoyable event Andrew's church, London, on Friday ended, evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Scruton family, of Port Dover, visited cently with Mrs. A. Scruton, and Mrs. R. E. Shaddick and Thos. Shaddick. Prior to leaving for Miss Lois MacLaren was the re-! cipient of a hankerchief shower by ] Luck Supper, Davidson, of relatives at Corbett, Ross the week-end in former’s sister, and Mrs. Corrie. Norman Stanlake, and Lon- Mrs. The topic, “Community ’ Neighborliness," was very ably taken by Miss Ellis, the following <*u to make bazaar to be Mrs. B. Kyle, effort to raise money tor the Circle Funds. (Fuller announcements lat er). It was decided to meet weekly at the home of Miss Ellis to complete plans pertaining to the bazaar. Mem- . L_._> are asked to take scissors, I needle and thimble and a collection Business discussed— committee was appoin- arrangements iur a held November 27th, Mrs, McLarnon, in an and ' Destitute Holds “Pot Luck” Supper re-' Mr.; Mr. ! er. There will also be special . soloists. The quilt committee of the Red Cross a're asking for donations of quilt hold near wish hand tops or linings. In order to a community quilting in the future we request those who to donate such would kindly them in to the committee. Along with these main functions the banks, through more than 3,000 branches and sub-agencies, render a large number of other important services related to local and national needs —services which have greatly increased as a result of the war. country at any the volume of 12.9, Village a taxable rate E. Fink and G. total, 137.56. Kerslake: That read be paid, combe and E. the tax rate as County 5.3, 12.05, Total mill subsidy of 3 0 mills. F. Smallecombe: That by-law No. 3 setting the tax rate and adopting the assessment roll be given first and second reading. Carried. A. Keis- lake and J. Parkins: That by-law No. 3 he given third and final read ing' and finally passed. Carried. F, Smallecombe and E. Fink: That the Clerk add the following charges to the Roll for cutting weeds: F. Brock, 1.5 0; Mrs. Lettitsa Sangster, .60c; R. J. Cameron, 1.20; McEwen Estate, and A. journ. 1.0 0. Carried, J. Parkins Kerslake: That we now ad- Carried. J. A. Patterson, Clerk. KIRKTON Margaret Mahaffey, of was Sunday guests with brother, of week-end in 'Good ger, of Ladies Aid and W.M.S. Meet But the quantity of money in ■ existence in the given time, and credit, are matters of high national monetary policy. The nation’s own central bank, the Bank of Canada, determines them. The Bank of Canada makes ex- " tensive use of the Chartered Banks’ facilities in giving effect to these policies. St.- Mr. Tor- the St.- Cluff accom- Mrs. Norman visited W. S. The initial fall meeting of theltha Lankin, of Granton, Hensall Senior Institute was held at the lovely home of Mrs. John 0. Bell and .daughter, Airs. E. Chip- Kitchener {chase, on Wednesday evening Sep- - tember 8, in the form of a Pot , as in former years, the members of the Carmel Presby-? with a splendid attendance of forty terian church choir, of which Lois members and guests. After the de- was a valued member. Ilicious supper, the president presid- It is reported that the Hensall | ed for a short business session, The Women’s Institute assisted by many I meeting opened with the Ode, fol kind friends have made 672 pounds' of raspberry, gooseberry and straw berry jam and plum marmalade, for the armed forces serving overseas. Miss Alice Beaver and friend, of Hamilton and Miss Pearl Gallman and friend, of Niagara Falls spent, were • lowed by the Lord’s Prayer. The | min utes The roll , riddle”. : and the 1 Christmas boxes ___.------' discussed, a pleasant week with friends andipac5red in October, relatives in Detroit and Saginaw I der 1 , Michigan also Hamilton and Mor-Hvor^1V cause in Miss Greta Lammie then gave report of the jam project to date. '.The special collection for War Sav- ], ings was taken. 'At this time the 'jpresident read a letter of resigna tion from Mrs. K. Hicks who has been a most capable and faithful ; secretary-treasurer for several years • Needless to say this loss is keenly were read and adopted, call was answered by “a Work sheet was passed, collection was taken. The for the soldier s These must be . Plans are un in Detroit and Saginaw I der way t0 raise 'money for the ’..............----- t]ie near future, aOnt. | Geo. Walker, Mrs. Annie1 Mrs. A. D. McEwen, Mrs.! Moir and Mrs. Roy Bell at-] the Presbyterial meeting held riston Mrs. Logan, Melvin tended in Blyth on Tuesday as representa tives of the W.M.S. and Arnold Circle of Carmel Presbyterian church. lu Lino xvc’pihj The Red Cross jam quota for the, fe]j. |.]ie society although Mrs. Hensall Branch has not yet been|Hicks i)ecauSe of home duties finds it impossible to continue in office. It is to be hoped Laren at present retary-treasurer vacancy. (Special Will be held at the home of Mrs. R. Cameron, October 13. Mrs. W. A. MacLaren, of thanks president, Mrs, Bell, filled. Any donations of iruit will be gladly received. These may be left with the following convenors: plums, Mrs. C. Cook; grapes, Mrs. A. Orr; pears, Miss Florence Welsh; apples, Mrs. Fred Beet. Harvest will be church and 7 special Harrison, of Ilderton. ing F/L R. Moynan, No. $ S.F.T.S. Centralia. Everybody welcome. Arnold Circle, Meets The September meeting of Arnold Circle of Carmel Presby terian church was held at the home of Miss Violet Hyde oil Friday eve ning with Mrs. A. Orr co-hostess and the president, Mrs. Melvin Moir presiding, The meeting opened by singing "Come Let Us Sing of the Wonderful* Love” followed by er by Mrs. Jack Farquhar. Scripture was read by Mrs. ■ Forrest a,nd "O Master Let Me Thanksgiving held in St, Paul’s September 19th at p.m. Services Anglican 11 a.m. In the morning the Speaker will be Rev, A, R. In the even- the pray- The Chas. Walk that Mrs. Roy Mc- the assistant sec will accept the October meeting Meeting) The ■Grandmother’s cO-hostess. A hearty vote was Miss Mrs. W. 0. * Goodwin Miss Beryl Pfaff affair such a decided success, singing ) of the National Anthem closed this part of the meeting; The remainder of the evening was spent playing Court Whist. The whine* Wete Miss Beryl Pfaff, Mrs, Sherritt and Mrs. Norman Jones, Hensall Tax Hate Sot at 3G Mills The regular meeting of the village council was held Monday, September 13 at 8 p.m. in Council Chamber, all members being present. The minutes of the previous meeting proposed by the Gladys Luker to 'Chipchase,, (co-hostess) for making Mrs. an d this The The Ladies Aid and W.M.S. held their regular monthly meeting Tues day evening. Mrs. M. Haugh’s group had charge of the music played by Mrs. M. Klumpp. Mrs. M. Haugh then read a short poem followed by a hymn and prayer by Mrs. Haugh. Mrs. R. H. Taylor read the Scrip ture. Mrs, Chas. Snell gave a read ing. Mrs. CL Becker offered prayer for the Missionaries this was fol lowed by a hymn. Rev. Becker then gave a short talk. The president, Mrs. G. Wildfong, then presided for the business. The October meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. J. M. Tieman. During the month there were 16 sick visits made, 6 bouquets our sick meeting Anthem. and 5 dainties sent to and shut-in friends. The closed with the National i1 IBS The Chartered Banks’ responsibility^ clearly established and regulated by the Bank Act, is in the realm of commercial banking—that is, to receive deposits and to serve the needs of trade and industry. WOODHAM many friends of Mr. will be pleased to know able to return home a week Sunday, having been ill in Sanitarium for twenty-two We hope he will speedily old time strength back Miss Marys, and .Mrs. Wes. Batten. Dr. 'Campbell’s onto, spent the village. Mr. and Mrs. Marys, spent Sunday with Rev. and Mrs. W. D. Goodger. Mr. and Mrs. John panied- by Mr. and Passmore, of Exeter, Cluff, of Kitchener Sunday. Miss Bernice Irvin, of St. Marys, -1 visited with her aunt, Mrs. Mary Allan this week. Mr. Fred Roger spent Tuesday in Toronto on a business trip. Mrs. Wm. Lankin and Miss ar® daying with Mr. and Mrs. I. N. shall. “The Class That Counts’* Mrs. Earl Watson, the president of ‘‘The Class That Counts", loaned her home for the September meeting held Thursday, Sept. 2 The theme used for the evening was “For Old Times Sake." The meeting opened with “God Save the King", Evelyn Hammond at the piano. The Scrip ture, found in 31 Psalm 1-10. was given by Anne Rogers. Mrs. Batten led in prayer followed by short pray er by Clara Watson. The roll ''all was answered by 13 members with 14 visitors which the class welcomed back who were members in the past and had left and were scattered here and there in other communities.1 Hilda Smith, a new-comer, was added week-end with Miss Shirley Brock, to the roll. It was decided to enter- of Kirkton. tain the husbands at the October Miss Gladys Shier spent the week- nieeting to be held at.Dorothy Swit-'end with Mr, and Mrs. Ray Step- zer’s. A $10.00 donation was given hens, of St. Marys. towards the new S. School piano. 1 Mrs. Plant is a visitor at the Greetings from Mrs. Rapsou were home of Mr. and Mrs. Brock, given by Mrs. Batten. The speaker. M])< and Howard Anderson for ^he evening was Mrs. M. Driver, ,and daughter Shirley spent Monday a former teacher of the class. She Jagt at °he home Mr. and Mrs. chose as her topic, "The Modern Jag gaUjre Woman”. Her paper was much en-, c ’ ‘joyed. Isabelle Sells favored With I Miss ° live T hack er, sc ho<*J ach' a solo aud Mildred Crogs a piano er ^eek-end solo. A reading was given by Mild-Iat ier 10me red Mills. Mrs. Crogo, Sr., another! teacher, spoke to the class, A sing-’ song was also enjoyed at this time. Games were conducted by Toria Ross and Evelyn Hammond. A dainty ( lunch was served by the hostess and committee. Touch of article proved very brought the sum of Batten moved a vote hostess and the evening thanked the visitors for Ber- holi- Mar- The Rundle he was ago last Byron months, get his again. A very enjoyable evening was spent at the home of Mrs. Wilbur Wynn last Friday when the Alis- do L. A by CENTRALIA Mr. and Mrs. Albert Harlton and Benny were Sunday visitors with Mr. C. Shouldice at Brinsley. Mrs. M. Kershaw has returned home after spending the summer months with relatives in the West. Mr. E. Knight underwent an operation for appendicitis in Vic toria Hospital, London last week. His many friends hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. S. Molnar and Steve returned home on Monday after hold the Sun- at f HURRY!HURRY!HURRY! I ORDER YOUR GRAIN REQUIREMENTS FOR NEXT = WINTER NOW. S Shipments ordered in September will not arrive until October. Later orders will be still farther behind. See us for complete details regarding subsidy W'e handle Fibreen Silo linings and Lundy’s Portable Silos,1 We will also have some woven wire fencing this fall. C. N. CANN & SONS SHUR-GAIN FEED SERVICE sion Circle girls gathered to honor to the recent bride, Mrs. Knight (nee Dorothy Webber), spend! d program was provided a committee in charge and a lovely granite shower was presented to , the bride. Dorothy thanked the 1 girls in a most gracious manner, after which a delicious lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Birtch, of St. Marys were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Scott. ‘On Sunday afternoon last, and Mrs, Jas. Squire while with Mrs. John mer’s sister who has in Victoria Hospital, is improving nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Stone and Donna accom panied them and called on Mrs. Gambriel and her daughter, Violet ' of that city. Miss Loreen Jacques spent the Bob that spending several weeks at Delhi. Miss Pearl Merriam left la^t week for London where she will enter Victoria Hospital as nurse in-training. The Alert Mission Band will their September meeting in schoolroom of the church on day morning September 19 th, 10.30 Choir practice will be held in church on Friday evening of ' week. Miss Agnes Anderson, Mr. Mrs. Murray Elliott spent a days last week at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Mills, of Wy oming, spent Sunday with Mrs. H. Mills. Mrs. L. Mills, of Woodham visited on Monday with Mrs. Mills. the this and few H. word last week that her Gnr. A. H. Gackstetter is pnuemonia hi the R.C.A.F. in Dartmouth Nova Scotia. husband ill with . hospital I CRED1TON Mr. visited for a Oke, the for- been very ill London, but THAMES ROAD Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gardiner, of London, visited with Miss Robinson one day last week, Sunday visitors with Mr. and R. Williams were LAC. Alex Leod and LAC. Elmer Delaney of and Mrs. Arthur and Bill, of St.- Mrs. Haist is remain-fry her mother. Mr. Isaac Bestard Sr., being in k Ella Mrs. Mc- Centralia; Mr. Jones, Mervin Thomas, and Mr. and Mrs. E. Kinds- man and family, Miss Dorothy the week-end in Miss Margaret don, spent home. Miss Shil Valleyfield daying at her Miss Anna Betty McMillan, of Sarnia, with can the •ley on of Chiselhurst. Hazelwood London. Allison, of Lon- week-end at her spent Duncan returned to Monday after holi- home. Jamieson, and Miss visited Dun-Misses Leon and Shirley- over the week-<end. KIPPEN and and take sale amusing and $5.30. Mrs.’ of thanks to helped make Mrs. Dow the i all who a success. class on behalf of entertaining them, SHIPKA j Miss Mildred Lamport, who has ■home this past month, < to Stratford. 1 Mrs. Harry Sheppard past week with Mrs, Mr, and Mrs, f been at her lias returned Mr. and visited this Sheppard's parents, Edward Lamport. D-A-N-C-E * * * Aberdeen Hall, KIRKTON Ruthig’s Orchestra Sft $ Admission 25c ..... ,...................... ................................;.......J Mr. and Mrs. Archie Parsons family visited on Sunday with Mrs. Parson’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Linden of Denfield. Mrs. A. H. Gackstetter returned home on Saturday after spending a week with Mrs. Harvey Munn and other friends in Guelph. Mrs. Wm. Alexander returned home on Thursday last from Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, where she underwent an operation. Mr, and Mrs. C. Cochrane visi ted on Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. G. Batars of Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Cann, of Thames Road, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Horney and Mrs. 'A1. Gackstetter. Rev, Grant and Mrs. Grant and family have returned home after spending their holidays at their cottage at Turnbull's summer re sort. Mrs. A. II. Gackstetter received HARPLEY Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love and family, of Shipka, spent Sunday evening at Mr. Mansell Hodgins. Miss Donna Hayter is holidaying . with friends in Detroit.| Mrs. Keho who has been visiting Mr. Clayton Lawrie and daughter, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arlene, Mrs. Lena Cook and Mrs.'Lawrence Stone has returned to Annie Haist spent Sunday with Mrs.; her home in Chatham accompanied M. Roeszler. ing for a few weeks. Mr. George Peck and friends, of poor health has moved in with his London, called on Mr. and Mrs. John son Mr. Isaac Bestard, Jr. Haist and Mrs. M. Roeszler on Sun-i Morley Love and C. McLinchey day. • have started the fall term at Park- Mr. and Mrs. Ford, of Wyoming, hill High School. called on friends in the community • Mr. and Mrs. Willis Hotson, Jack on Sunday. and Marlene, of Grand Bend visi- Mr. and Mrs. Herb Young and ted on Sunday at Mr. Joseph Car- Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Wenzel spent ruthers. Sunday with relatives in Tavistock.] Three Granddaughters Baptized Anniversaries are the order of the A very ullusuaj baptismal service day in the Crediton Circuit of the tooJ_ p]ace Grap.(i Bend United United Church of Canada. Brinsley cilurcb on Sunday, September 12th began the festivities by inviting and. when Bal.hava Ann> daughter of securing the Rev. R. A. Brook, of and Mrs. Lloyd Love, of Lon- Hensall, a former minister of tv church. Following the sister con gregation Shipka will hold its anni versary oh Sunday, September 26. Services at 2.30 p.m. and 7 p.m., with the Rev. T. W. Cleave, B.A. of Grand Bend as the guest preacher. The final Anniversary Festival of the year will be celebrated by the Credi-; ton United Church on Sunday, Oct.) 3rd, services at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m.; with tlie Rev. Reba Hern, B.A., of Varna, officiating. The Rev. Hern holds the unique distinction of be ing the second woman to be ordain- ' ed to the Ministry of the United I Church of Canada and is noted for her sane evangelical fervour. Aug mented choirs w’ill be in attendance at all these services. Former mem bers and friends are cordially invit ed. Rally Day Service in Sunday School will be held at Shipka Sun day, September 19, under the direc tion of Mrs, Miiton Raw. Brinsley Sunday School will' observe this day at the, same time, The minister will give the address at both churches. Crediton United Church Sunday School will observe Rally Day oh Sunday, September 26, with the Rev. Jas. Anthony, M.A., of Fxeter, as special speaker, Special vocal and instrumental numbers will be rendered, a former minister of tne don, Ai’lene Edna, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Love, of Exeter and Kathryn Irene, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love, of Shipka were baptized by the Rev. W. T. Cleave all three babies are the grand daughters of Mrs. Thos. Love of Grand Bend. CROMARTY At the time of writing John Mc Culloch who is in the Victoria Hos* pital, London, is improving, but slow ly. Mr. Frank Scott ahd bride are spending a few days at the home of the groom’s parents, Mr. John Scott. Mrs. MacDonald is spending a few days at the home of her parents in Brussels, Wedding bells were again ringing in the village the past week. A heavy frost fell on Saturday night but luckily no serious damage was done. Mrs, McIntosh has returned after spending a couple of weeks at Otta wa and Lanark with friends, Jim—My gosh, why is TMil wear ing that loud vest?" Tim—“Didn’t you hear? The doc tor told him to keep a check on his stomach."