HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1943-09-16, Page 4THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 16th, 1943 LAKEVIEW CASINO ■■ GRAND BEND Very Successful!! Week-end Dancing ... again SATURDAY, SEPT. 18th Tony Cryan’s Orchestra MMiWfii■■ mwwiiMiriniwnwmH»wigmnin»mnBinnimmiiiMBMw CENTRALIA TIES DRESDEN IN SR. “B” SERIES ■Centralia R.C.A.F. squared their Western Counties Baseball Associa­ tion Senior “B” series with Dres- t den with a 5-4 victory at the Cen­ tralia Airport Tuesday afternoon. It was a smart contest from the start to finish, neither team making an error. Date and site for the deciding test of has not may be London. Centralia, i the win, had ning Dresden to come out out, Pitcher, ■tripled to deep est hit of the afternoon and scored when Elgie flied to deep left field. The next batter was an infield out. Pat Sheenhan, an American, who at one time was on the Brooklyn Dodger reserve list, pitched steady ball for the Flyers, allowing seven hits while his mates off Patterson. . Centralia won the fifth inning when Spring doubled with McCall on base to ■ runs and break a 3-s aeaaiocs. Lucier walked and McCall singled; before Spring came through. Score by innings: Dresden ....... 00.3 000 001—4 Centralia ..... 2 01 020 OOx—5 The line-ups: Dresden—Elgie 2b, Fox rf, Brew­ er e, Wells ss. Bateman, : pion cf, Hutson If, Henson terson p. ■Centralia—Lucier ss. rf, ‘McCall lb, Spring c, P, Petty 3b. Umpires-—Sullivan, Herbertson. WESTERN FEED WE NOW HAVE ALL KINDS OF FEED IN STOCK WESTERN See us before you buy. the best-in-three play-off been decided. The game played at Labatt Park, though full value for I to stem a ninth in­ comeback in order on top. With one Elmer Patterson centre for the long- | Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Boyle and two children, of London, spent Sun­ day at the home Mr. and Mrs. Mary and Pearl, ting and Miss Guelph, visited with Mr. and Mr | S. J. V. Cann and Mr. C. F. Blanchard. I i ii of Mr. F. Sheere. George Roekola, Mrs. -Calvin Cut- Pearl secured nine game in the Catcher Joe 1 Lucier and j drive in tWO * 7 9 0 0 J LAMPORT REUNION I The Lamport Descendants held .their lltli re-union at Spruce -Grove, ’ Centralia, on Labor Day, ninety members registering. I After a short program the election of officers for the 1944 re-union to fee held at Spruce Grove was as follows: president, Donald McLellan, Denfield; vice-president, Gordon I McNair. Benfield; treasurer, Mrs. 'Jos. Woodall, Crediton; secretary, • Mrs. M. McDonald, Ailsa Craig; prog. 1 convenor, Mrs. E. Noyes, Denfield; sports convenor, Ted Lamport; table I committee. Messrs. Tom Yearley, Clayton Sims, Jas. Mawhinney, Sam ■ King. The sport committee ran off their races as follows: 5 years and under, Wilma McNair Mary Ann .'Lamport; 6-8 years, Elaine. McNair, Melba King; 9-12 years, Joanne McCurdy, Velma Hill; young ladles, Betty Ma- 1 whinney, Evelyn Hill; married ladies, | Mrs. Elsie McCurdy, Mrs, Ted Lam- ' port; married men, Bill Lamport, 1 Ted Lamport; three-legged race, Vel- TRUMPER—CRAWFORD— On Fri- ma and Evelyn Hill, Edith Willert day, Sept. 3, 1943, Verna Roberta and Bill Lamport; match race, Tom Crawford, daughter of the late Yearley’s Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Crawford, - Yearley’s side; London, to Lance Corporal Richard A. Trumper, son of the Reverend and Mrs. A. A, Trumper, London, formerly of Trivitt Memorial church, Exeter, by the Reverend E, Slater, at St. Matthew’s Angli­ can Church, Terrace, B.C. Announcements Birth, Death and Marriage Roticeit) are Inserted free of eharjre. Card of 'I'lisiukH 50e. In Aleinorisun .Xoticch for siaule verse, 25e extra for eaeh addi­ tional ■vers.e., fiWfi BIRTHS RROCK’—At Dr. Fletcher’s Hospi­ tal on Saturady, September 11, 1943, to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brock, of Zion, a daughter. GARDINER—At Victoria Hospital, London, on Monday, September 13, 1943, to Mr. and Mrs. James W. Gardiner, of Farquhar, a son, (David Gratton), POST—On Tuesday, Sept. 7, 19 43, in Metropolitan Hospital, Windsor, to Mr, and Mrs. Wm. G. Post (nee Marion Powell) a daughter. MARRIAGES DEATHS of herBALMAN—At the residence son, Thomas Balman, 430 River­ side Drive, Tecumseh, Ont., Mary Ann Shute, widow of the late William Balman, aged 85 years. side; ” pillow race, Tom smallest waistline, Mrs. Nelson Lamport; largest waist-i line, Mrs. Ed, Noyes; oldest member present, Albert King; youngest mem­ ber present. Flora McKenzie: Mrs. Hattie Smith, of Gilbert Plains, Man. came the longest distance. i It was decided to send smokes to soldiers of Lamport descent serving overseas. Anyone having relatives there please send their addresses to Mrs. R.R. M. 3. McDonald, Ailsa Craig, ELIMVILLE is Cann, of I and Mrs. J CARDS OF THANKS Mr, and Mrs. Edwin Coward and family wish to express their sincere thanks to their neighbors 1 and friends during their recent he- ■ reavement and to those who gave PARKHILL — David Bateson, ■ f]Owers and loaned cars. Also to small son of Dr. and Mrs. Bateson,' Mrs. Tilomas B. Allen and Rev. Mr. of Parkhill, suffered a badly cut Mair aud Rev. Mr. Anthony, lip while trying to climb up on a j window sill. He lost his balance1 Mr. and Mrs. James A. Paterson, and went through the window. He of Hensail wish to express their a London hospital, sincere thanks and appreciation to able to return home that all those who remembered Classified Directory THERE’S NO DEAD HEADS HERE—-EVERY WANT AD WORKS HARD CLASSIFIED RATES wprds or less........ ...25c (additional words ll&c) Succeeding insertions lc pci* word (minimum charge 25c) — PLEASE NOTE — If not paid within 10 days insertion an extra charge of 10 cents will be added to coyer bookeeping. When advertisements ask for reply to a box an additional charge of 10 cents is made. ai’tei' .<& Classifieds will be accepted up till Wednesday noon FOR SALE FOR' SALE—White fox terrier dog, house broken. Apply to C. W. Christie, Ann Street. 16* FOR SALE—McClary annex stove. Apply to Mrs. M. W. Pfaff. 16* FOR SALE—A girl’s winter and hat, 3-year-old size, summer coat , 3-year-old Apply at Times-Advocate. coat also size. 16c FOR SALE—1 Birkel meat slicer, almost new; 1 Toledo computing scales, 3 0 lbs.; 1 oval counter show case, 3 foot. Apply C. M. Green, Crediton, phone 11, 16* WANTED AUCTION SALES WANTED—A quantity of wood, dry preferred, Apply at Times-Adyo- eate. 16:23* WANTED—Two quiet ^ladies want one or two bedrooms, part-time board -and use of kitchen, with lady working out part-time. Write box 280G. Auction Sale; — Lambert Sala Yards, Strathroy, Saturday, Septemj her 18th. 150 Head mixed stock cattle, including choice Hereford heifers. Trucks to deliver. Sales every Saturday. Private sales during the week. A. G, McAlpine., Auc­ tioneer, WANTED- young ience. hydro Exeter > —Position on farm by married^ man, life exper- Separate quarters with preferred. Apply Box A Times-Advocate. 16c AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE STRAYED STRAYED—To lot 17 N.B. Bid- dulph, an aged cow. Apply co . Will. Hodgson, phone 29-12, R.R. 1, Granton. ' 9; 16c The undersigned has recievei instructions to sell by public 'au,c» tion at the home of Mrs, Charles Perkins, HURON STREET, EAST, EXETER SATURDAY, SEPT at 1.30 o’clock sharp Six piece parlour haircloth upholstery; buffet, walnut hall rack suites, springs and matresses, chest of drawers, 4 rocking chairs, 6 kitchen chairs, kitchen cabinet, fallen-leaf table, walnut; couch,. . 25, 1943 the following: suite, walnut, parlour table, 2 bedroom FOR SALE—Litter of 11 York pigs five weeks old. Apply to Wm. J. Boa, R.R.l Hensail 16* Mr. and the FOR SALE-—-Man’s winter overcoat size 3 6, good as new, worn only a short time, cheap. Apply to Box 280B Times-Advocate. IGe was taken to but was ■ evening. I lb, Cam- l 3b, Pat­ Forsythe Sheehan Myers cf, Barder If, Macey 2b, and Joanne and of Detroit spent and Mrs. Albert FAIRS Kincardine ..... Lansdowne .... Lindsay ......... Lions Head.... MeKellar ....... New Hamburg Orangeville.... Palmerston .... Strathroy ....... Wiarton ......... Collingwood... Galt ............... Glencoe ......... r _____ _ Mrs, • Paterson with calls, flowers, cards, _____—__ Tetters and treats while she was a , _______ * .patient in St, Joseph’s Hospital and AND .EXHIBITIONS, 1943 ? especially to the choir of the Car- for their *September 16, 17 mel Presbyterian church September 13-15 remembrances. September 15-18 s Shier desires September 14. 15 sjncere thanks to the September 14-16 fiends for September 17, 18' sympathy extended duri-ng September 14, l«o>cel3t September 17, ls[Rev. to express neighbors the kindness and his re­ bereavement, especially to Mr. Good ger, Mrs. Urquhart,I , UUUugClj Alls. UJ.l|UuaiL) September 13-15 Mrs. crago and Mrs, Tuft, also for September 16, 17 . many I and the loan of cars. .. September 23-25 . September 23-25 September 23, 24 floral and tributes which were exceedingly beautiful, ENGAGEMENTS STRAYED—From lot 5, con, Hay Township, three or weeks ago, a two-year-old heifer, white on forehead, little white over back. Will pay expenses, Apply to Wes. Dearing, R.R. 1, Exeter, or phone Crediton 17rl4. 16* FOR RENT ROOMS FOR RENT — Furnished. 'Apply at Times-Advocate. ' Jc • 7, four red ritoht side 1 extension cupboard, two-bur­ ner coaloil stove, range, Good' Cheer range, heater, lamps, 97- piece dinner set, a quantity of other dishes, cooking utensils, lawn mow­ er and garden tools. TERMS — CASH FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer FRANK COATES, Clerk MRS. CHARLES PERKINS, Prop. MISCELLANEOUS Mr. and Mrs. Henry Martene an­ nounce the engagement of their daughter Edna Lucinda, to Trooper Robert Allan Swain, of Camp Bor­ den, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Swain, of Simcoe, take place the latter part of tember. and Mrs. the wedding to Sep- FOR SALE—192 S Chev coach, 1927 Pontiac sedan. Your choice for $5 0.00. These cars have good tires and are in good mechanical condition, bodies are in poor shape. Sandy Elliot, Exeter. CUSTOM BEAN PULLING—ApplySandy Elliot, phone 64. 16c I PRIVATE HOME for several aged: people. Apply by letter to Box 2S0C Times-Advocate. 16:23" FOR SALE—-.2 pair -wine floral drapes and tie backs, 23x84 and 46xS4; also a boy’s tweed coat and beret, size 2 to 3 years; girl’s wine tweed coat, size 12 years. All in good condition. Ap­ ply at Times-Advocate. 16* ARE YOUR farm buildings ade­ quately protected by Wind In­ surance? If not we will be pleas­ ed to quote you the lowest rates possible, W. H. Hodgson, Exeter. Licensed Government buyers for Red Clover, Alsike, Timothy and Sweet Clover, Modern cleaning plants at Chatham, and Dash­ wood. W. E. Reid. 16,23,30,7c and the Lord’s unison. Miss Skinner read the Scripture Isaiah 55th chapter. Mrs. Johns read an article “On Simply”. The hymn “Come i Sing of a Wonderful Love” Delmar Skinner GREENWAY Schools in this district opened last Tuesday with Miss Dorothy Emery as teacher in Corbett School Miss Helen Walper, north of Green­ way and Mrs. Elmer Desjardine, west of Greenway. Mrs. Joe Hodge Mr. Claude Detloft, last week with Mr. Pollock. Mrs. W. T. Ulens is visiting with relatives in London. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Woodburn and Leona visited on Sunday with i Mr. and Mrs. E. Harris, of Brinsley. Mrs. Wm. Sherritt is visiting with her sister, Mrs. S. W. Webb. We are sorry to report that Mr. Webb was taken to the hospital on Monday. We hope to see him able to be home again soon and enjoy­ ing better health.Fit. Sgt. Harold Honsberger, of’ of Vineland, spent a few days with | his wife and son at the Mr. Wm. Hicks. Mr. and Mrs. Russel] returned to Detroit on having spent a couple of weeks » vacation with relatives here. j home of 1 I McIntosh i Sunday i Sales Books are the best Counter Check Books made in Canada. They cost no more than ordinary books and always give satisfaction. We are agents and will be pleased to quote you on any style or quantity required. See Your Home Printer First THE TIMES-ADVOCATE Get Your Fall & Winter Suit NOW NO CANCELLATIONS YET BUT? Over 100 Suitings of Tweeds, Worsteds and Serges - - Blues, Browns and Grays (MADE EXPRESSLY FOR YOU BY BONDS $35.00 SEE THESE VALUES ------ YOU’LL BUY R.C.A.F. READY MADE OFFICERS’ UNIFORMS Sizes in stock 36, 38, 40, 42 $50.00 We’ll soon have our other store open for your inspection. Always Good Quality Work Clothes and Shoes JUST RECEIVED A NEW SHIPMENT OF LADIES’ FINE FULL FASHIONED HOSE. GEORGE WRIGHT 1 i (AUCTION SALE OF FARM I STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS W. E. Nairn, auctioneer, has re­ ceived instructions from the under­ signed proprietor to sell by public auction on the premises Lot 13, Con. 10, Tp. Hibbert i mile east of Cromarty on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 20th, 1943 at 2 p.m. sharp, the following: LIVESTOCK—4 cows; 18 calves, yearlings; 23 pigs; 245 yearling hens, the best out of 525 culled three times. IMPLEMENTS — Goodison 3 6-50 threshing machine; 3 furrow tractor plow; 2 furrow gang plow; 1 furrow Quebec riding plow, good as new; 1 Ah.p. Acme gasoline engine; root pulper; Viking cream separator, used very little; syrup pan and heater; 1 gal. lift bowser; gasoline pump; 500 gal. gas tank, good as new; 2- wheeled horse cart; cutter; buggy; set FOR SALE—40 New Hampshire ■ pullets, ready to lay. Apply to George Godbolt. 175rl4 16 c CASH FOR FOX HORSES—Dead animals removed. Two-hour ser­ vice day or night. Phone Credi­ ton 47rl5. collect. Jack Wil­ liams. Mrs. E. Clinton, of London, spent the week-end with her friends Mrs. Jean Jackson and Mrs. Philip March. Mr. Lewis Woods and Mr. Robert Coates, of London, visited on Sun­ day with the former’s brother, Jackson Woods. Mi. and Mrs. ’Fred Long children, of Atwood, visited at home of Mr. Wm. Johns on Sunday. Miss Florence Bell, R.N., has re­ turned to Toronto where she will take her new position of Supervisor in East General Hospital, after spending her vacation at the home of her parents hero and visiting in Detroit. The W.A. met at the home of Mrs. Chas. Stephen for their Sept­ ember meeting. Miss Dora Delbridge had charge of the meeting which was opened with the hymn “Soldiers of Christ Arise”, Prayer repeated in Ruth ! lesson, Garnet Living Let Us was sung. Mrs. read an interesting article “In Win­ ston’s Reflecting Glory”, and the hymn “Lord of the Lands”, wa-? sung. Another reading was given by Mrs. John Brock. Miss Florence Bell, R.N., gave a very interesting address on “Her Experiences as Public Health Nurse”. The roll call was answered by eleven members on “Ideas on saving meat”. Minutes of the last meeting were read ano! adopted. The meeting was closed with the hymn, “Saviour Again in Thy Dear Name We Raise” and Mizpah benediction. FOR SALE—A two-wheel trailer, tires in good condition,. Apply to Sunoco Service. 16c FOR SALE—A general electric hot- point stove, 4 burners and side oven, $6 5.00. Apply at Times- Advocate. 16* REAL ESTATE FOR SALE— 75-acre farm and 10 0- j acre farm. Apply to Frank King, Crediton. ' 16:23:30:7* 2000 lb. .scales; 2 battery radios. TERMS — CASH CARL WALKER, Proprietor W. E. NAIRN, Auctioneer LOST Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dunsford to announce the engagement of only daughter, Florence Marie, to Ralph Karl, son o.f Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Genttner, of Dashwood, Ontario.; The marriage will take place on Saurday, September 25th. ii Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Whiting' announce the engagement of their. eldest daughter, Agatha Blanche, to 1 Mr. Donald Angus Murray, son of M(r. and Mrs. Garnet Murray, of Phase of all the whole conference Usborne, the marriage to take place _were the_ by S/L _ Gregory the latter part of September. wish their the News From .... NUMBER 9 S. F.T.S, (Continued from page 1) Probably the most important IN MEMORIAM i a LOST—A 1,2-foot gasoline hose be­ tween Grand Bend and West Mc­ Gillivray. Reward. British-Ameri­ can Oil Co. W. C. AHison, Exeter. 9c PERSONAL BABY’S SKIN AILMENTS, ECZEMA, CUTS, etc., respond quickly to KLEER®X •— “A Quick Healing Salve.” Also heals Psoriasis, Im­ petigo, Chaps, Erythema, etc. 50c: $1.00: $2.00. (Medium and Strong). Sold by Robertson's Drug Store. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION — For ' Sale, comfortable brick house, well located and with all con­ veniences. C. V. Pickari. ---------------------------------------------- ------------------------| FOR SALE— 2 properties. Comfor- , table houses with barns and, * small acreages. Close to Exeter. | Also several farms. IC. V. Pickard ( LAING—In loving memory dear friend, Jordan Lain: gave his life two years ago, Sept. 20, 1941. Though his smiles have gone for­ ever, . And his hand we cannot touch, We shall never lose sweet memories, Of the one we loved so much, —Sadly missed by his pals,$ LOCAL NEWS of & Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Morley, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, are spending few days in Exeter. Mr. Morley was called home owing to the illness of his mother, Mrs. John Morley, who ■is ill in Victoria Hospital, London. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ford and I daughter, Sheila, of Pt. Dalliousie, ; and Mr, Douglas Brinthell, of St. Catharines, visited for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. A. Brintnell. Cpl. W. M. Ballantyne, who has been stationed at the R.C.A.F. sta­ tion at Gander, NfltL, is home on ■vacation following which he . be posted to Manning Depot7, onto. Week-end visitors With Mr, Mrs. Jonathan Kydd were Mr. Mrs. M> G. Kydd, Mr, and Mrs, Wm. I Kydd and daughter, Sylvia, and Mr, jand Mrs. Win. Kydd, Jr., and son, ‘ Billy, [Vlastos of the Wartime Information Board who spoke on “The nature ' of Democratic Morale” and “Our contribution to Morale.” This, of course, was pertaining to enlisted men and women. He explained how important it is to maintain the in­ dividuality of the people on active service. This is only natural for there is no one who wishes to feel that he or she is just a number It is my job here to assist in effort. From all reports I hear people of Exeter will and have en their support. If suggestions or know , wishes any of the air village to share ity call the “Y be greatly appreciated; comments will be received NOTICES The Thames Road Farmers Club are booking orders for Dictator’s coal. Orders should be placed as soon as possible. We still have a quantity of twine for sale.—P, Pass- more, Sec’y. 9:16c FOR SALE—100 acres clay loam, Clandeboye, brick house, bank ■ barn, implement shed, henhouse,, electricity. Close to school. Stock, and implements if desired., 19 acres deep rich garden soil,' Grand Bend, new bungalow! frame house, electricity. I Highway 10 acres, Goderich, brick ; 'house attached • garage, bank- barn, implement shed, henhouse, colony house, fruits. W. C. Pearce. 16c A “Lost” ad is the only insurance policy you can take out AFTER the loss. You have a “comeback” if you call the Exeter Times-Advocate. & Will Tor- and and this the giv- any who this Harry Carey. you have of anyone people of their hospital­ office. This will and your A this deep our Gallant. May he rest in peace. this week were excep- i attended. On Monday to Morocco” was the : starring, Bing Crosby, and Dorothy Lamour. shown on Friday night list, of stars, namely, Bennett, Broderick station out in Wife of cloud hangs over the week. Our hearts go felt sympathy to the late comrade, Flight Sergeant * All shows tionally well night “Road main feature 13ob Hope “Sin Town’ had a long Constance Crawford, Anne Gwynne, Andy lie­ vine, and Leo Carillo. On Wednes­ day we had a very excellent picture which was enjoyed immensely by all attending. This was “Air Force” with John Garfield,"Gig Young, and forgiven her because she has lov- , * * * „ , , ' ed much,” Fl./Lt. Jordan spoke onThe monthly station dance which the gubject ofj (<The Mercy o{ God y le d, in dV1U ia 11 Toward Sinners”. He illustrated skifted last week to th4 recreation this with tlw parable ,of the ,odi. hall. Tins was for two reasons. The gal son ,and the forglv.n.6ss of tlle orchestra, members could not, un-1 Magdalen, fortunately, all play and the drill attended.' hall floors ar ’ “ ’ " " ‘ Since this will another week, take place in September the The masses were well ■e being varnished. I not be. complete for | dancing will not' the large hall until1 twenty-eighth. * # church a very Brown At the regular Sunday there was out. While AW2 acted as the accompanist, a special' musical number was provided by a recording. Protestant Padre Moy* han’s sermon was on “Prayer in everyday life”. His text was taken from Luke 18: I; “Men ought al­ ways to pray.” This was illustrated by Eddie Richenbaclier’s' experience in the Pacific, who firmly believes that it was prayer which brought him back to civilization alive his notorious twenty-one days raft. AUCTION SALE OF FARM IMPLEMENTS & HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS LOT 20, CON. 1, McGIDLlVRAYr WED. SEPT. 22, 1943 at 1 p.m. sharp, the following: 19 41 Model B Allis-Ch aimers tractor, with scufflei’ attachment; two-furrow International adjustable pick-up plow, on rubber; rubber tired wagon with 1-man rack; ■ manure spreader, hay loader, cul­ tivator, with tractor hitch; seed, drill, I harrows, mower, long plow, I separator, set of whiffletrees neckyoke, small power-driven ery with 3-stones; hay rope j fork, steel-tired wagon, new mower, set Toledo scales, root pul- Jper, half-barrel of molasses, 20 cord , of hardwood, cut one foot lengths; j 18 yearling white Leghorn hens, .25 Rock pullets and 25 Cockrels, 3 bedroom suites, davenport, living i room chairs, dining-room chairs j and extension table, quantity of j dishes and cooking utensils, cook, j stove, base burner, Quebec heater, Westinghouse electric range—in. good condition, and many other ar­ ticles. No reserve as farm .has been ren­ ted. with tractor hitch; steel roller, dump rake, set cream and Em­ an d lawn. TERMS — CASH MRS. E. HODGSON, Prop. FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer. Ms Our station pipe band, alias the (Flying Scotsmen, were in Windsor oh the 7th, 8th and 9th. of this month assisting in Air Force week, which wag held on those particular days. This we are sure was quite a treat for Windsor, for' what Mili- * DEATH.... after on a & Sjf 'SR. (Using the text, “Much has baen parade on large turn-{ tary celebration is successful with­ out a good band present, I On Tuesday they played at the ■firemen’s ball at Jackson .Park j Windsor, and on, Wednesday they j paraded a group of new recruits ■ to the 0, N, IL station and saw them off to Manning Depot, Perhaps the most interesting part of the. week was the inspection of [this fine band by Air Vicd-Marshall Billy Bishop in front of tile Prince Edward Hotel, Windsor. Until nekt week, Gordon, The “Y” Man. When spraying his cows one morning last week, a local farmer- noticed that the flies actually stayed dead . . . He was using a new insecticide- found in ROBERTSON’S FLY SPRAY We hava a special spray for household use too. .u....... . • Yonr Drugs at ROBERTSON’S Phone 50 Exeter tMM Say you saw if, in the Times- Advocate*