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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1943-09-16, Page 1
•s. *4 $ !“ iv I / Established 1873 Subscription, $2.00 per year '==9 EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 16th, 1943 FLOOR COVERING FOR FALL Their is only a limited amount of floor covering avail able for the fall season, so we would advise early buying of your requirements.> 4 yd. wide Armstrong’s Quaker Floor Covering 2 fine patterns in 4 yard wide Armstrong’s Quaker Floor covering suitable for kitchens, dining rooms, etc., a good wearing material at $4.00 running yard. 3 patterns 3 yard wide congoleum, also feltols and rexoleums 2 yards wide. Congoleum Rugs We have a large range of patterns in congoleum rugs in popular sizes at reasonable prices. Ladies’ Fall Gloves We have the finest range of fabric and kid gloves for fall and winter that we have had for some time. Popular colors are white, black, brown and natural. These gloves are exceptionally well made and very reasonable in price. We would strongly advise early buying in all lines of underwear—sweaters, hosi ery, work clothing, foot wear, wearing apparel, etc. Most lines will be very scarce later. LADIES’ HANDKERCHIEFS — for fall and Christmas selling, now in stock for early buyers. now in stock again, 13c pkg\ 2 for 25c.KLEENEX WE SELL WAR SAVINGS STAMPS Buy as Many as You Possibly Can Special Values for Thursday, Friday & Saturday Quick Quaker Oats Large pkgs................... Kellogg’s All-Bran Large pkgs................... Aylmer Dehydrated Beans tine 1 Qr With tomato sauce .................“ Wv each 19c each 19c Ivory Soap Medium size bars 3 for 19c Single Copy? 5 cents Sixty-rNintH Year Phone 32 Moved to Exeter (Presto-Pack Waxed Paper A good buy ........................... Classic Cleanser Real value ......... pkg. 9c ..2 tins 9c Manyflowers Soap A cold cream soap Libby’s Prepared Mustard gftc}) 09c .2 bars 9c Jones & May Your Superior Store IfBaOK Mr. Jas. Grassick, of Hay Town ship, courier ovei’ R.R. No. 1, Exeter, with Mrs. Grassick has moved to a home in Exeter North. We welcome them to our midst. Right Arm Fractured Grant Triebner had the misfor tune to fracture his right arm on Saturday last when a car he was cranking at the hbme of his grand mother Mrs. F, Triebner, of town, b’ackfired. The fracture was reduced by Dr. Dunlop. Ill in Hospital Mrs. John Oke, who recently un derwent an operation in Victoria Hospital, London, is improving slowly. Mr. Peter Coleman, who has been ill for several weeks, has been re moved to Victoria Hospital, Lon don, for treatment. Mi's. John Morley is quite ill in Victoria Hospital, London. She un derwent an operation Wednesday of last week and is slowly improv ing. Her many friends will’ hope for her speedy recovery. Religious Instruction At a joint meeting of the public school staff and the ministers or the village on Monday afternoon, arrangements were made for the teaching of Religious Knowledge in all the grades at the school this year. Rooms 1 and 11 will go to gether with Rev. Hunt as instructor. Room 111 will, have Rev. Irwin. Room IV Rev. Woods and Room V Rev. Galloway. The first classes be held on Tuesday, September will 28. BRITISH EMPIRE MEDALS Ceil- tralia about when earth flying mild- mass man little CENTRALIA PILOT INSTANTLY KILLED WHEN PLANES COLLIDE A student pilot from the Airport was instantly killed two o'clock Sunday afternoon his plane plummetted to following a collision with another plane in mid-aix* over the farm, of Lawrence Hill, lot 16, con cession 4, Stephen township, With the underpart of the other plane badly damaged the pilot was able to return to Centralia and although the controls were damaged was able to make a successful landing. The unfortunate victim of the accident was 'Fit. Sgt. John Gallant, of Brantford, formerly of Manitoba, Fit. Sgt. Gallant had spent some time with a ground crew but had remustered to aircrew and had been at Centralia only a few weeks. To say that the plane he was was demolished is putting it ly. It was an unrecognizable of twisted metal. The two planes had been oeuvering in the vicinity a over two miles from the airport and they came together in the form of a V. One wing of the Gallant plane caught the underpart of the fuselage of the second plane dam aging both the fuselage and the wings also the controls. Both planes seemed to shoot upward into the air acording to Miss Doris Hill, who was an eye-witness to the accident. Mr. Hill immediately called the air port and an ambulance and also a guard were soon on the scene and the area roped off to prevent the many spectators from going too close. Both pilots were flying an Arvo-Anson plane. Officials from No. 9 are investigating the accident. The remains were brought to the undertaking parlors of Mr. R. N. Rowe and the funeral is being held from the Airport to Centralia this Wednesday afternoon with full military honors, the.body being for warded to Brantford for burial. Fit. Sgt. and Mrs. Gallant, dur ing theix- short stay in Exeter, have resided at the Central Hotel and on Sunday morning Mrs. Gallant left for a visit to Brantford where she was informed of her husband’s death. TONGUE BADLY BITTEN Operation for Appendicitis Mr. Edward Knight, of Centralia, was rushed to Victoria Hospital, London, Wednesday of last week where he underwent an operation for appendicitis. Mr. Knight i« well up in years and his many friends will be pleased to know that he is im proving as well as can be expected. Mrs. 0. M. Skelton, who has been under care has been removed to the Mas onville Nursing Home in London. Mrs. Skelton is well known in Ex eter and the best wishes of many friends will be extended for welfare. of Exeter, the doctor’s Golf Tournament her plan- Arrived Overseas Word has been received that Jack Johns, a member of Pte. the Queen’s Own, Toronto, lias arrived overseas, Jack is the youngest son of Mrs. John Johns, of Lucan, for merly of Blimvilla, , The Exeter Golf Club are king their annual tournament at the Oakwood Go'lf Club Wednesday afternoon of next Week. Intending players should leave their names with R, N. 'Creech or at the Times- Advocate. Wives are invited to at tend and entertainment will be pro vided. Visitors from Manitoba Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hedden, Crystal City, Manitoba, and two daughters, Miss Muriel Hedden, of Ottawa and Mrs, Gearge McLean and two children, Muriel and Billy, of Belmont. Manitoba, visited with friends and relatives in Exeter and vicinity this week. The former will spend a few weeks in Brantford with their son, Mervin and Mrs- Hedden and in London.and Lucan before returning West. Mrs. Mc Lean and children will spent next week in Ottawa with Miss Muriel Hedden, It is 41 years ago that Mr, and Mrs. Hedden left Exeter for Manitoba, of Miss Marie Heywood has accep ted a position as saleslady with Wallace and Co., London. • ••• FOUR SONS IN R.C.A.F. Four Schroeder boys, sons of Mr. AWARDED CENTRALIA MEN ana Mrs. Wm. Selu-oeaer.ot Stephen WHO RESCUED PILOT Township, are now with the R.C.A.F. ‘.........” Orville, the youngest of th© four, left Toronto, Flyxixg' Officer Leroy Schroeder, who has been an instruc tor at No. 9 S.F.T.S,, Centralia, has been transferred to the General Re- connaisance School at Summerside where his brother Pilot Officer W. G, Schroeder is Schroeder is E.F.T.S., at is a record might well be proud. RED CROSS NEWS Watch for the notice of upon, meeting when Major Watson will be our special speaker. The Red Cross appeals for men tp volunteer to help tie the parcels on packing day. The appeal for articles for per sonal Property bags fox* Service men in Hospital in Newfoundland is being made. The articles are to be new and the following is a list of sug gested articles: pen knives, pencils, paper and envelopes, crifobage boards, checker hoards, playing cards, games or puzzles, hard candy or chocolate bars, lifesavers, gum, Reader’s digest, books (paper covered), cigarettes, gay Christmas cards, cross-word puz zle books. Donations must be in before Sept. 24 to unit secretary or member of executive. Articles Shipped The following is .the list of articles shipped Friday, Sept. 10th: Navy A despatch hrom Ottawa on Sat- Tuesday for Manning Pool, urday announced that an award of • the British Empire Medal had been awarded to two civilians, Murphy Emerson Dixon and John Lee Hot- ■ son, who reside about two miles i from Centralia. The announcement came from R.C.A.F. headquarters. Th© two men risked their lives to rescue a pilot from a burning air craft, The eleven September 30th, first fatality at port. The two men were recommen ded fox' recognition by Group Cap tain E. G. Fullerton, commanding officer for No, 9. The student pilot who lost his life in the accident was LAC. John Jacob Birky, of Vai-1 | paraiso, Indiana. | | R.C.A.F. headquarters said the j knitting, 26 18 inch sock®; 10 T.N. ] King had approved the awards ■ - - - -. (with the following citation: ‘While on night flying exercises Anson aircraft crashed on a m neai’ the residence of Mrs. M, Dixon, Mr. Dixon, together with brother-in-law stationed. AQ2, E. J, now posted at No. 23, Davidson, Sask* This of which any family LIEUT. “TED” TAMAN HONORED BY OFFICERS AT LISTOWEL F. the th© Lieutenant Edward "Ted” Taman, of Listowel, a member’ of 100th (R) Battery, R.C.A., fOr past year, on Monday reported to Military District No. 1 headquarters at London, from where he expects to be sent to Brockville for a’training course before being posted for duty with the Army Pay Corps, Lieut. Taman enlisted with the Active Forces at London several weeks ago. He was notified of his acceptance last week. On Friday evening the popular young officei’ was the guest of hon- oi’ at a party staged in the officers’ mess at Listowel which was attended by officers and their wives and the wives of officers now on active ser vice, The evening was spent in an informal manner, and after a buffet supper Taman a gold jor E. manding, of Lieut. Taman’s excellence as an officer and on behalf of those pres ent extended best wishes for his continued success. Lieut. A. L. Lardner made the presentation. Moving to Listowel four years ago, Lieutenant Taman has been employed by the 'Roe Farms Mill ing Company. of« Atwood, where he was office manager. His wife and young daughter, Toni, will remain in Listowel, Lieutenant Taman is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Taman of Exeter. had been served Lieutenant was made the recipient of identification bracelet. Ma- M. Creighton, officer com- suoke in glowing termN Mr. ‘Carl Stire met with an fortunate accident Wednesday last week. He was operating a scraper on the farm of Mr. Bruce Turkey, on the highway north of Exeter, when the scraper struck a stone and the handles flew up striking Carl under the jaw causing him to bite his tongue. Part of the tongue was almost severed and it was several days before he could partake of any food. un- of USBORNE LAD DIED MONDAY IN VICTORIA HOSPITAL Funeral services will be held in Lucan on Thursday, at 2 p.m., for Edward (Ted) Johns, 22-year-old son of Bay Johns, of Windsor, who died Monday in Victoria Hospital at London, following an operation. Services will be conducted in the Murdy funeral home, and burial will be in St. James Cemetery, Clandeboye. He was survived by his father and grandmother, Mrs. John Johns, Lucan, formerly of Elimville, and a number of aunts and uncles. Mrs. Fred Cole, of Exeter, is an aunt. Union Prayer Services will again be held this winter, the first with Rev. in James. beginning on Wednesday in October John Galloway speaking Street Church, accident o'clock took place about Wednesday night, 1942, and was the the 'Centralia Air- Mr. J. L. Hotson, at the time, on hurriedly dressed scene where they MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER FOR BRIDE-TO-BE About forty-five friends met at the home of Dr. and Mrs. M. G. Fletcher on Monday evening to honor Miss Edna Martene, bride-elect, with a miscellaneous shower on her ap proaching marriage. Edna was met qt the blindfolded, then led to a ch ail' arch filled white edge of it and fastened to with numerous beautiful miscellane ous gifts. After the gifts had been opened the guest of honor thanked everyone in her most fitting manner. Throughout the evening, Mrs. Wm, Murdock Margaret reading, rendered Thompson humorous reading, were enjoyed. A set in an archway, extended a white with confetti with streamers flowing door and decorated From the umbrella pink and from the the floor favored with a solo. Miss Henry gave a humorous Mrs. Margaret a solo and Mrs. favored with Several very Fletcher William another contests delicious lunch was served at the close of very pleasant evening. EXETER AND DISTRICT OBJECTIVE $500.00 IN HOME FRONT APPEAL The second blood donors clinic to be held in Exeter is being held today (Wednesday) at the James St. United Church. It is expected there will be upwards to 150 donors. | ___ —-—------- | year Members of the Exeter Lions Club with their wives, numbering 13, motored to Wroxeter Tuesday evening to attend the charter meet ing the newly foimied Howick Town ship club, The banquet was presi ded over by Past District Governor Earl Nichols, of London, President S, B, Taylor for the Exeter club, presented to the hew club a secre tary’s pin. This district’s Salvation Army Front campaign tember 20 th is of the district porkinity of very worthwhile Army are doing lian population, 1,366,421 objective, in i an far E. his who were in bed hearing the crash and rushed to the found the wreckage a blazing in ferno. With great presence of mind, they immersed themselves in an adjacent stream and with complete disregard to their persona] safety entered the burning plane and with great difficulty extricated the pilot. Unfortunately despite their heroic actions, the pilot subsequently suc cumbed to his burns. Both these civilians suffered burns due to the explosion of the gasoline tanks. Their presence of mind and courage was outstanding throughout.” sweatei*s; 11 mitts; 19 alt, caps; 8 T. N. tuck-ins. Army knitting, 19 Service socks; 19 V, N. sweaters; 2 R. N. sweaters; 7 gloves. Civilian knitting, 12 boys' sweaters; 9 Civilian sewing, (dress and 2 pants) slips; 23 women’s knickers shirts; 11 men’s pyjamas; tary pads; 6 6 towels handkerchiefs; 13 pillow cases. Non-quota sewing, 40 quilts; 1 crib quilt; 9 refugee articles; 33 Russian Relief. 37 washcloths; girls’ sweaters. 24 girls units 29 womens’ 3 men’s 19 sani- 25 Khaki grand job on Labor. Day Navy League. We under- they turned in $13 4.40 most worthy cause. There HENSALL BOY ORDAINED Rev. Robert A. G. Passmore, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore, of Hensall, was- ordained into the Huron Presbytery at ordination ceremonies in First St. Andrews United church London, Friday evening of last week. The ordination sermon was preach ed by Rev. Duncan McTavish. Attending from Hensall were Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore. Mr, and Mrs. Carl Passmore, Mr. and Mrs. George Dunn, Hurondale; Rev. R. A. Brook and Mrs. Brook, Hensall; Lloyd and Albert Passmore, Delhi; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lammie, Centralia; Miss Amy Lammie, Miss Grace Brock. Miss Irene Douglas, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hudson, all of London. WINDSOR LADY LAID TO REST IN EXETER CEMETERY a i the Red Shield Home which opens Sep- $500. The people will have the Op contributing to the work the Salvation amongst the civi- During the past Canadians have benefit ted ®n the Home Front be cause of those who "basked the attack” during the Home Front ap peal last year. Voluntary contribu tion will be received at of Montreal, at C. E. ox’ the Times-Advocate. The funeral of the late Mary Ann Balman, aged 85 years, who died Thursday, Sept. 9 th, at the home of her son, Thomas, 430 Riverside Drive, Tecumseh, was held Saturday afternoon from the James Street United church with interment in the Exeter cemetery. Mrs. Balman had been ill for three weeks previous to which she had been quite active. Her maiden name was Mary Ann Shute. She wag a, native of Usborne and was united in marriage to Wil liam Balman who predeceased her 25 years. She resided in London l’or ten years before moving to Windsox’ 25 years ago, where hei’ only son is manager of Dowler’s Limited. Sha was a member of Westminster United church. Besides hei’ son three grandchildren survive, Mrs. Ken (Betty) Brown, of Exeter: William F. and Ellen Balman, at home, funeral evening at the Morris Funeral Home, Wyandotte street, Windsor and the remains were brought to Exeter Sat urday. The funeral service in James Street church was conducted by Rev. A. B. Irwin with W. R. Goulding at the console. The bearers were Messrs. Ha*’old Stewart, Chas, Tuffin. Wellington Brock, Jos. Bailey, Brook Ditty Bags For Navy League Congratulations are in order for the people of Grand Bend who did. such a for the stand to this is an increased need for Ditty Bags this year and Ontario is being asked for 70,500. an increase of 50 per cent over last year. The large num ber of 15 0,000 bags from Canada are needed so that each sailor of the Canadian Navy, merchant navies and Allied Navies who reach Cana dian shores will receive a gift ditty bag at Christmas. Last year the Red Cross filled 30,00 Ditty Bags but this year thu entire task has to be underaken by the Navy League. The work of the Red Cross and the Navy League do not overlap. We can’t over estimate the contribution of the sailors and marines in overcoming the submarine menace. Let us show our gratitude to these heroes by supporting the endeavours of the Navy League at every opportunity. The Ditty Bags are our Christmas present to the marines and sailors. The contents of these bags consist of knitted articles, a housewife (see our display for explanation), and treats. The packing of the Ditty Bags must , be completed for shipment on Oc>-. 15. There will be a display soon of articles either knitted, sewn or do- i nated which go into a typical Ditty 1 Bag. We hope this may inspire those who can to help in this en deavour. The Exeter Branch have shipped another lot felt and fur and leathei- purses may Kyle. of magazines and also articles. Felt hats, furs articles such as cast-off be turned in to Mrs. A service was held Friday and V. PinConibe. Jas. the Bank; Jiurhrigg’s 1 theMr. N, Ogden loft for on Saturday and* will spend time at Fillmore, Sask. West some At Brother’s Funeral E. S. and Mrs. Steiner were to Morton, NA*., last week to the death of Mrs. Steiner’s Mr. Mrs. Dr. called owing brother, Mr, James Wallace. Dr. and Mrs. Steiner are expected home this (Wednesday) evening, ii -FROM jqo Q SERVICE FLYING TRAINING SCHOOL reporter Gordon No. 9 S.F.T.S, the past eight posted to No. 1 Sorry, this week our column Will not be large, Your new and Y.M.C.A. Supervisor, Pass, formerly of the Town of Pres ton, has been away. Mr, Harris Weber, editor of news column for months has been I.T.S. Toronto. I have just returned fr®m instructive conference at Park, ors met problems ves fox’ P^ark is outside of Orillia on Lake 'Couchi- ching, It is a beautiful place but at this time of the year, awfully cold, (Continued on Page 4) lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllill a very Genevaconference Here, all V.M.C.A. Supervis- to discuss their various and to prepare themsel* the coming year. Geneva situated about nine miles