HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1943-09-02, Page 8Page 8 THE EXETER TIMES,ADVOCATE, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 2nd, 1943 V’s Beauty Shoppe Canadian Women Help-—* “ILLSS THE AAIAIUNITION” A 85c Stamp Buys 12 Bullets BUY A STAMP HERE TODAY VERA C. DECKER, Prop. Phone 112 Exeter Markets Wheat, $1.1 (1 Vteumvry Butter, 3 Sc Eggs, A Large 44c Eggs, A Medium 42e Eggn, A Pullet 32c Eggs. B. 29# Dressed Hugs $15.25 Leavitt’s Theatre Exeter Ont. Phone 135 WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY 2 Features — 2 Kights Only “Palm Beach Story” starring CLAUDETTE COLBERT and JOEL McCREA 0Pierre of the Plains” starring JOHN CARROLL and RUTH HUSSEY Dr. Roulstou wishes to announce that his Dental Office is closed un­ til further notice while on vacation. / 1 i 1 |_OGALS 1 11*r- FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 2 Features — 2 Nights Only “To-night We Raid Calais” starring ANNABELLE and an all star cast “Gals Inc.” starring LEON ERROLL MONDAY AND TUESDAY 2 Features — 2 Nights Only Show commences at 7.30 sharp “Jitterbugs” with LAUREL and HARDY “Ox Bow Incident” starring HENRY FONDA .Mrs. N. A. Ashton and daughter, of Grimsby, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Taman. Mr. and Mrs. Adelbert Morley, of Granton, spent Sunday visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Morley. MLs Isabelle Turnbull, of Hamil­ ton, is holidaying at the home of Mr, and Mrs. B. W F. Beavers. Miss Labelle Sims, nurse-in­ training at Kitchener, spent a day last week visiting friends in town. Mrs. Mary Follick, who has been living with her daughter, Mrs. Hearts, of Toronto, is spending a short time with her son Joseph, of town. Mr. and Mrs, Harold Prance and family, Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Pym and family, of Thedford, Mr. and Mrs. Cliffe Moore and children, of Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Yule and Billy, of Science Hill and Cpl. Clarence Prance and Mrs. Prance and Norman, of Exeter, spent last Sunday with thei.r parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Prance. Woodham. L/Bdr. Eric Carscadden, of Sus­ sex, N. B., has been on leave for a week visiting with Mrs. Carscadden at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Gar­ net Miners. Mr, and Mrs. Carscad­ den are leaving today for a visit with relatives near Ottawa before returning to Sussex where Mrs. Carscadden will remain with her husband. Insulation is the best investment we know of for economy and comfort. WE ARE NOW BOOKING ORDERS FOR FALL and WINTER INSTALATION* Would be pleased to estimate your job. W. J. MELVILLE phone 61 Dancing-Spruce Grove Mrs. Dorothy Cornish visited in London over the week-end. Alfes Kate Dalrymple, of London, is visiting with her aunt, Mrs. S. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Medd spent a few days last week in Listowel and Toronto. Fusilier Ray Broderick, of Niagara- on-the-Lake, is on leave visiting with relatives. , < Mrs. Al. Heywood has returned home after spending the past month at Wasaga Beach. Miss Betty Love, of Shipka. spent a few days visiting witfli Frances Taylor last week. Mrs. Briefly visited with her sister, Mrs. Ross McLean, of Detroit, over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. G. Layton left Wed­ nesday to spend a couple of week’s holidays at Port Ryerse. Mr. Harry Snell, of London, Is spending his vacation at the home of his mother, Mrs. J. C, Snell. Mrs. Lloyd Raynham, of Stratford, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Harness Thursday of last week. Maxine Reeder underwent an operation for the removal of her tonsils at Dr. Fletcher’s hospital on Monday. Mrs. Winterburn, of Norwich, has returned to her home after visiting for a week with her daughter, Mrs Stone. Mrs. Chas. Snell and Mrs. Eugene Beaver visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. Inglis, of Sebringville, over the week-end. Mrs. «Ellen Wilkinson, of Bel­ grave, spent a few days in town last week with friends before leaving for Escanaba. Mich. Mrs. D. C. HUI and daughters, Margaret Dorothy^and Elizabeth, of Toronto, spent their holidays with Mrs. Rose Russell and Pat Mrs. Norma Robinson and Miss] Adeen Chambers, of St. Catharines, returned to their home Tuesday after visiting with Mrs. Alice Mit­ chell. Sgt. Warren May, of Ottawa, was home on furlough and spent a few days holidaying at Grand Bend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, F. A. May. Capt. W. E. Weeks returned to his duties at Woodstock Military Hos­ pital, Monday after holidaying for two weeks at his home here. Mr. Gurdon Appleton, Jr. of Tuckey Transport, and Mrs. Apple­ ton are on holidays this week, visi­ ting with relatives in Stephen and spending a few days at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Flintoff and Anne. Mr. and Airs. Runciman, of Stratford, were week-end visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Etherington and called on friends in town on Sunday. Miss Betty Moore, Miss Romayne Gieger, and Misses Gladys and Eve- lyne Walper, former students of Clinton School of Commerce, spent the week-end camping at Grand Bend. Mr. William Davis, of Ottawa, formerly of the Times-Advocate staff, called on friends in Exeter Thursday of last week while on vaca­ tion. He is visiting in London and Goderich. , LAC. Stewart Fuke, who recent­ ly completed his course at the I.T.S. at Victoriaville, Que,, and who has been on leave at his home here, left Monday for the E.F.T.S. at Cap de la Madelene, Que. Misses Dorothy Green and Marion Elliot left this week for London where they will enter St. Joseph’s Hospital as nurses-in-training. Miss Jean Snell is entering Victoria Hospital as a nurse-in-training. Phone 146 Marion Pooley beauty shoppe CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. John Galloway Mrs* <L G, Cochrane, Organist AU Work Guaranteed Phone Snell’s Taxi Service Phone 100 Hairdressing * * * Tomlinson’s 10 a.m.--Sunday School 11 a.m.—Morning Service Rev, Air. Galloway in charge. Evening services withdrawn favor of Trivitt Memorial Church ’ Anniversary. * ■ i MAIN ST* UNITED CHURCH • • Going Back to School.. in Rev. n. J. Woods, ALA., Minister .~ Sirs. A. Y. Willard, Organist ( = 11 a.m.—Public Worship and Church, School—-A service of Thanksgiv-1 .Ex ing and Intercession.—The Minis- p.m.—Service withdrawn in favor of Trivitt Memorial Anniversary. « Wed., September 1, 8 p.nm—Even- gs? ing Auxiliary at Mrs. Earl Rus- ’ sei’s, W. A, withdrawn Thurs- •==• day afternoon. sz £6WiJAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH Mr. and Airs. Jack Green visited; in Simcoe during the past week, j Air, and Mrs. Herb Hutton, of I Brantford, visited at the home of Mr, and Airs. T. O. Southcott on Sunday. Meeting of the James St. W. will be held Thursday evening 7.30 p.m. instead of 3 p.m. as an­ nounced. A.. I at | I i1 AA sale of household effects will' be held at the home of W. J. Mel-, ville, Exeter, on Saturday, Septem-1 her 11. advt. page four. j i I iFLYOCIDE* » ♦ Kills flies Will not taint delicate instantly, food or stain fabrics II1 8 oz. 25c; 16 oz. 45c; refill, 20c refill, 40c Your drugs at ROBERTSON’S Phone 50 Exeter WUERTH’S See our Men’s and Boys’ SHOES and OXFORDS black and tan 82.89 SOCKS ...24C pail' Repairing neatly and promptly attended to. Shoe Polishes of all Kinds. A. E. WUERTH Your Chances Are....? every •^►Thursday Night Steeper’s Orchestra JITNEY DANCING Round the Clock Service STEWART’S TAXT Phone I55w Exeter Cpl, Clarence E. Prance, of the Kent Regiment, who has been spend­ ing his furlough in Exeter and at the home of his parents, Mr, and Mrs. John Prance, Woodham, left last Thursday for Wainwright, Alta. Mr. Gordon Appleton, Sr*; who for the past seven months has been bar caterer at the C.O’s mess at No. 9, S.F.T.S., Centralia, has com­ pleted his duties, the work having been taken over by the Service Per­ sonnel. Mr, H, O» and Miss Stella South- eott visited with Rev, r; 13. and Mrs, Southcott at Rodney Sunday and Monday, They were accom* panted to Rodney* by Master Jack Southcott who has been holidaying at Grand Bend, It pays to buy good shoes for children for school. We carry several good makes that we can recom mend. Bring in the boys and girls and have them properly fitted. Boys’ and Girls’ Sweaters and Sweater Coats New Dinnerware THAT IS VERY SMART Rev. A. B. Irwin, B.A. I as? \V. R. Goulding, A.T-C.M. S Organist and Choir Leader i a.m.—The Church School. ~~ . a.m.—-Morning Worship conduc- ted by the Minister. — Service of Intercession xx p.m,—The evening service will be withdrawn in favor of Trivitt ~ Memorial Church Anniversary Service. ==: meeting of the James St W, A. S will be held Thursday evening at1 = 7.30 instead of 3 p.m. as announ- ced. ~= We offer an excellent range of sweaters and sweater coats for the cooler Jays. We are fortunate in having a good range to choose from. 2 only new sets of dinnerware and we are sure you will like the pattern. They are just a little different than we have been having 65 piece set $27.50 96 piece set $37.50 1 for fall In the color and shape that is most be­ coming to you. These come in wools and fur-felt. Priced at $2.00, $2.50, $3.50 to $6.00 Odd Cups and Saucers Very scarce goods. Get your supply before they all go. Glass Cups and Saucers 15c Cream and green $3.50 doz. r ..... ........ . .... ........ Grocery Specials for Thurs., Friday and Saturday TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir Leader. Mr. Middleniiss National Day of Prayer Intercession — Thanksgiving Anniversary a.m.—Holy Communion,8 11 a.m.—Morning Prayer and mon. Preacher—Fit. Lieut. R. Moynan, Padre of No. 9 S.F.T.S. “Can God Help.” Soloist. Pilot Officer. C. L. D. Bul­ len, of No. 9, SjF.T.S. “The Lord is Aly Light and Aly Salvation.” -Even song and sermon. Harding of St. Ser- ( SPICES ARE NOW IN DEMAND Our stock strictly fresh. VINEGAR, xxx quality, ............. 45c HABITANT VEGETABLE SOUP Very popular ..................... per tin MUSTARD, a pure mustard, Ya lb. container ................................ LIBBY’S EVAPORATED MILK per tin ................................................ gal. 10c 35 c 9c p.m.-7 Preacher—Dean Paul’s Cathedral. Evening, Duett. Mrs. T. Coates and W. R- Goulding “Rock of Ages.’’ The public is invited. citxan PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE Sunday School—10.30 a.in. Service—11.30 a.m. Evening Service—8 p.m. Wednesday Prayer Meeting—8 All are welcome. Pastor—E. Clemens p.m. ZION EVANGELICAL CHURCH ■ [ Crediton | M. E. Reuber, B.A., B.D., Minister Mrs. F. W. Morlock, Organist Lawrence A. Wein. Choir Leader I ---------- In one year (5500 Canadians were am_Labor accidently killed. , u a.m_ciiurcll 7.30 p.m.—TreeFor every one person killed at least 1OO were injured. Day Message. School. Christians. Tliurs.. 8.15, Quarterly Conference. WelcomeHave you thought what an ac-i cident or a prolonged sickness may cost you, if not better call in to-day f and talk it over, | Mr. and Airs. John A. Orchard ■ and son, Albert, of Shedden, visi- J ted at. the home of Mr. W. C. Pearce Sunday. 'I | Mrs. Vipond and two daughters, {June and Marie Scanlon, who have {been residents of Exeter for nearly EXETER, - ONTARIO* two rearS’ left Tuesday for Tillsott- . burg, Mr. Vipond is with the air- Telephones Office 24: Res. J02J force in Nova Scotia. W. Herman Hodgson AGENT If it’s insurance we' have it rfranas GRAPENUT FLAKES Makes a healthy breakfast ... COFFEE, Try our Rex Coffee strictly fresh, freshly ground . per lb. 45c CATSUP SPICE ................. per pack 10c 2 for 19c CATSUP FLAVOURING per bottle 35c SWAN’S FLOUR makes choice cakes per pack 32c WE HAVE A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF CAKES FOR THE WEEK-END. LEAVE US YOUR ORDER. PEACHES—Fruits are a short crop. If you leave us your order we will try to fill with choicest quality and best prices. Southcott Bros Phone 16 Exeter Fit. Sgt. and Mrs. Moffey are {r holidaying at Stoney Creek. | Air. and Mrs. Emerson Schroeder and family, of Detroit, with Mr. and Mrs. Haist. LAC. Robert Dinney, ville, are visiting ’ Wellington the Mrs. visi- i arents, Mr. and an, teller at the left Wednesday i I =1 COMMUNITY SERVICES Intersession Anniversary Thanksgiving Trivitt Memorial Church, Exeter Sunday, Sept. Sth 11 a.m. & 7 p.m. Services of Intersession and Thanksgiving will be held in Trivitt Memorial Church, Sunday, September 5th at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m, The Legion, Army Airforce, Red Cross, Reeve and Council School Board, Scouts, Cubs and C.G.I.T* plan to attend at 11 n.hl* l’HE PIPE BAND OF NO* 9 S.F.T.S. WILL BE IN ATTENDANCE At 7 pan* the churches will unite in this great service. 11 7 THE SPECIAL SPEAKERS a.m.*—Fit. Lt* R* May non, Padre No. 9 S.F.T*S* p.m.—“Leah Harding Of St* Foul’s Cathedral4 PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED TO THESE SERVICES I I I Order Your Suit and Topcoatof Hagers- spent the week-end at home of his parents, Mr. and Thos. Dinney. Mrs, Simpson, who has been ting with her sister, Mrs. Norman Hockey returned on Sunday to her home in Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Vichers and Mr. and Mrs. E. Norman, of Brant­ ford, spent the week-end with LAC. and Airs. Norman. iFus. Jack Coward, of Nlagara-on- the-Lake is spending a two week’s furlough at the li^ne of his sister, Airs. Sam Lawson, LAC. Reynold Wuerth, of Aylmer, is spending two week’s furlough at the home of his J Mrs. A.. E. Wuerth. Miss HeleA Morg Bank of Montreal, to spend her vacation visiting with relatives in New York,. Capt. Wm. Lawson, who has been spending his furlough With Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Lawson returned to his Eastern posting this week. Miss Anna Ellerington, after a week’s visit at the home of het* brother, Mr. Fred Ellerington, re­ turned to Toronto on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. John Herdman, of Elimville and Mr. and Mrs. Hillson Whiteford, of Ingersol visited with Mrs. R. Westlake on Sunday. Sgt, and Mrs, Howard Elliot who spent three week’s furlough at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Elliot, have gone to Barriefield to live. Miss Harriet Knipe, R.N., after a two weeks’ visit at the home of her sister, Mrs. W. D. Sanders and Mr. Sanders, returned to Detroit Sunday. Mrs. Ed Pollen, who has been a patient in Victoria Hospital, don, returned to her home on urday and is getting along as as can Mrs. Sandra, Diincan visitors Mrs* Benson Tuckey last Week, Lott* Sat- well be expected. Hugh Dolphin, Gary of strathroy, and Mt's* and Gary, of London, at the home of Warden and and Jack wore The Store for Men W. W. Taman Exeter Ontario and in- yon ex­ —NOW FOR FALL Every detail of fit, fabric pattern is suited to your own dividual requirement. After choose the material from our • elusive assortment your suit and topcoat will be tailored to measure by master craftsmen. We guarantee complete satisfaction. Come in to­ day and inspect the new British Woollens, of Burford, is visi- Mrs. .Tory for Phyllis Kerw- and Lpis Mc- Mrs. Elmer Harness and Barbara are visiting in Stratford. Mrs. Amy, ting with her mother, a tew days. Misses Hazel and lake, Melba Whiting Quire spent the week-end Bend. AC1 Clarence Knight, been in training at Manning Pool, Toronto, is holidaying with his par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Knight. He has been posted to No. 3 I.T.S. at Victoriaville. Mus. C. H. Sanders, Borden and Britain, Mrs, M. McAvoy and Miss Annie Sanders visited in Otterville Sunday at the home of Mrs, Fred Church, Mr. Arnold Marchand, the former’s father,, celebrated his 80 th birthday With all Ills family being present. His many friends here wish him many happy returns of the day, * who has Miss Ola Morley has registered at the School of Commerce, Clinton. Syr. Sam Lawson, of Hamilton, spent the week-end at his home. Miss Kay Dalrymple, of London, vsited with Mrs. Sydney Davis over the week-end. Mr. Edward J. Harrison, of Goder­ ich, visited his sister, Mrs. Box, over the week-end- Miss Ola Morley is visiting at the home of Mr. and 'Mrs. Percy Pass- more, Thames Road, Sorgt, and Mrs, swartx have re­ turned to Exeter, Sergt. Swartz hav­ ing been on Centralia. LAC. and returned to a fourteen day furlough jaw, Sask, Mr, and Mrs. R. G. Midland, spent the past ting with the latter’s mother, Mrs- s. Martin. furlough from No* 9, Mrs* Schroeder have Exeter after spendihg at Mooso- Gillies, of week visi-