HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1943-09-02, Page 4■I * 4 LAKEVIEW CASINO (4RAND BEND STAN PATTON EVERY NIGHT Last Dance, Monday, Sept, C»th Stan Patton and his Orchestra Midnight Dance Sept, 6th 12.05 a.in. Friday Sept, 3rd Our Special Guests I PRECISION SQUAD, W.D., NO. 9 S.F.T.S., CENTRALIA bi Special Exhibition OF |GRADUATE FROM NO. 9 MAYBE A PRISONER I IN GERMANY | Last month we reported that news had been received that Jonah > Bruce Reeves, a Flying Officer who rceived his wings at No. 9, S.F.T.S,,I Centralia, and who was well known <in Exeter was missing in action/ Flying Officer Reeves was from. Oneida, N.Y., and was 2v years of. age when he went overseas last (September, A letter received by his mother, Mrs. George W. Holden, of Oneida, from Lieut* W. Tanner, a I cousin of the missing airman gives ; a thread -of hope that he may be a ' prisoner in Germany. Lieut Tan- i nex* visited several air basis in 1 search of information and. learned .’that F.O. Reeves had been on an ’ operational • ritory and was flight over enemy the bomber was after it's run on announcement by ter­ last the Ger- Sunday Sept. 5th, 9 p.m. Last Appearance of Fred Funk’s Variety Show, 20 Artists and Band, heard from _______ ________ target. An -.< man radio stated that members of ; the crew had. been captured. As no mention was made of F/O Reeves . the information was. very indefinate and it .may take three or four months before the facts are known, F.O. Reeves took part in flights over the Ruhr three times in one month and had been over six dif­ ferent countries. The countries were France, Italy, Denmark, Holland, Germany and. Sweden, He had been awarded an air medal. F.O. Reeves was a friend -of the Simmons family I in Chalmers Clan Reunion On the afternoon of Friday* Aug. 27th, the clan of Chalmers gathered in the Lion’s Park, Seaforth, for their eighteenth reunion. An hour or so was spent in pleasant chat and then a pleasant program of sports arranged under the convener­ ship of Mrs. Alvin Worden was in­ troduced and much enjoyed. The young folk had their usual soft ball game and. the children enjoyed th& swings, etc. At six o'clock about seventy persons sat down to a boun­ tiful supper prepared under the supervision of Mrs. Stanley Coward.; After supper greetings were read from absent clan members: Mr. and Mrs. Herb WTood, Calgary: Mr. and Mrs. A, W. Musser, Regina: Mrs. May Penman on behalf of the Gardi­ ners, Clearwater, Manitoba; Mr. and; Mrs. Wm. McKay and Mrs, Mary’ Chalmers, Banff, Alta.; Mr and Mrs, Harry Whetton and family, Hamilton and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Allison and Jean, Regina. This last greeting asked that about seven o’clock each in a good friendly way clasp the hand of the one next and regard it as their clasp and they would, be standing by. This was done. Mrs. Jas. Gardiner read a poem, "My Old House”. As evening drew to a close farewells were said and another happy reunion passed. The under Janey sons; boys 9-12 George Hazel Hamilton; son Morgan; walk, Lloyd Wm. Lloyd drew (bidden prizes, Mrs. Jane Allison, Mrs, Janet Hamil­ ton; jelly bean toss, Robt, Hamilton, Mrs. Gertrude Hamilton. sport winners were; children 5, Janice Hamilton; girls 6-8, Morgan; boys 6-8, Jack Par­ girls 9-12, Maxine Parsons; , Grant Morgan; boysl3-15, Montieth; young ladies, young men, Alli- married ladies’ fast Kathleen Cann; married men, Parsons; Cinderella race, Sillery, Marie Fletcher and Parsons; untieing knot,. An- Hamilton, Anna Hamilton; Mr. John Duncan, BOY SCOUTS JAMBOREE Exeter, LOCAL NEWS THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 2nd, 1943 Announcements .Blrt.ft*. Deaith «•*•! Marrin^re Notices are free of charge, Curd 50c. Ip. Alenturhim ft<>lives 5tw lor $li>£le verse. 25c PfflCM add­ itional verse. Kii|£UKeineu1i« 50c I McLEOD—At Mrs. Godbolt’s Hos-j pital, Exeter, on August 30, to Flying Officer and Mrs. Norman McLeod, a son James Norman. RATE—At Mrs. iGodbolt’s Hospital, Exeter, on August 29th, to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ratz, a son. THIEL—At Zurich, on Tuesday, August 24, 1943, to Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Thiel, a .daughter. TUDOR—At Mrs. R. J, Patterson’s* nursing home, Hensall, on Friday, August 27th, to Mr, Morris Tudor, ©f the R.C.N.V.R., Halifax, N.S., and Mrs, Tudor, a son. BIRTHS CARDS OF THANKS Mi*, and Mrs. Ed. Pollen and A'era wish to express their sincere thanks iand appreciation to all - those who 1 remembered Mrs. Pollen with flow­ ers, cards, letters and treats while *a patient in Victoria Hospital. Place an Ad Here and Watch Results They are read by more than 7,200 Times-Advocate readers every week Phone 31 j for an ad taker ! FOR SALE LOST AUCTION SALES -Brand new Ford Far- tires FOR SALE’ guson tractor on rubber one only, complete with plow $975.00. Sandy Elliot, Exeter, LOST—-In Exeter a $20.00 bill. Finder rewarded. Please return to Wm, Reid, Exeter or Times- Adyocate. 2* FOR SALE—Immediately, a black caricuyl coat, size 14, one year old, ip. excellent condition. Phone 174r3, Fern Welsh. .2* FOR SALE—Cheap, 4 door sedan, suitable for buck rig, See Germain at Mrs. Broderick’s, Elizabeth St. Exeter, 2* FOR SALE—Six pigs, eight weeks old, Geo. Dunn, R. R. 1, Hensall, Phone Exeter 177r41. 2c FOR SALE—Quebec heater oven, nearly new, with new voir, 6-inch stove pipe. Times-Advocate. with reser- Apply o* NOTICES As there is every indication of a fuel shortage this winter, citizens of Exeter are advised that wherever possible to secure as much wood as they can and thus be in a position to do with less coal. The Municipal Council Auction Sale. Lambert Sale Yards, Strathroy Saturday, September' 4th, 175 head of mixed stock cattle in­ cluding a choice run of yearlings, Also calves and pigs. Trucks to de­ liver. Sales every Saturday also private sales during the week, A. G. McAlpine, Auctioneer*. AUCTION SALE CANCELLED Mr. Isaiah Tetreau desires to express his sincere thanks to the! neighbors and friends for the kind-i ness and sympathy extended during his recent bereavement, especially* to Rev, Mr. Cleave, Mr, Harry Hoff-! ’man, Mrs. M. Mason, Mrs. N. Turn-’ ; bull and for the floral tributes and his to those who loaned cars, pp FOR SALE—9 weaner pigs for sale.—‘Apply to Lloyd Parsons.2* NOTICE—-Owing to the shortage of materials and the big demand for our products all Saturday phone orders must be called for or paid for before ten o’clock as we are handling perishable .goods. Middleton’s Bakery. 26,2tp The auction sale of the household effects advertised for sale by T, S. Woods at Grand Bend for Saturday next has been called off, Mr, Woods having disposed of the effects pri­ vately. AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE and other articles too numerous to mention, REAL ESTATE—149 acres of land more or less, right on High-* way, 3 acres of bush, plenty of fruit trees, well drained, good state of cultivation, driving shed, garage, large barn, 48x72; frame house all newly remodelled, hydro in barn and house, bathroom, motor and chopper in barn, and also motor to pump water; new chicken pen, 2 range shelters. TERMS OF CHATTELS — CASH Terms of Real Estate—16 per cent on day of sale and balance in. 30 days. Sold subject to reserve bid, W. W. Yates and Mrs. Harry Kraft, Executors of the late Harry Kraft Estate. ARTHUR WEBER, Auctioneer R, STADE, Clerk. FOR SALE—Litter of young pigs; two-furrow disc plow wanted. Apply at Times-Advocate, 2* REAL ESTATE The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction at the home of W, J, Melville, MAIN STREET, SOUTH, EXETER Sgt. Martin has returned to 1 duties at the airport after spending j his furlough at Ottawa. Mrs. Mar-! Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Kirk and tin and Richard, who accompanied s Donald, wish to thank the many him, are remaining in Ottawa. ; friends who so kindly remembered < * v, x j, J Donald with cards, letters and flow-! £.lhs Pearce, R.C.A.F. student; erg dur;ng t;ie s;x wee]£S was a ( has finished a course at Toronto, pat;eut St< Joseph’s hospital. Manning Depot, and is home for a, j few days before leaving for "A toriaville, Quebec for further stud, ies. FOR SALE—One Shorthorn bull, roan, 9 months old. Apply to Lome Luker, R. R. 2, Hensall. 2* FOR SALE— 2 properties. Comfor­ table houses with barns and small acreages. Close to Exeter. Also several farms. C. .V. Pickard CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, IMPLE­ MENTS, FEED & FURNITURE W. E> Nairn, auctioneer, will sell Public Auction onby LOT 20, 'CON. 8, HIBBERT m Miles West of Staffa MISCELLANEOUS Vic-! Mr. J. Linwood Amos and family . wish to express their sincere thanks ’ ! to the neighbors and friends for Ford ^ie kindness and sympathy exten-■ ded to them during their bereave- j meat and also for the many kind; t remembrances during Mrs. Amos’! illness. Special thanks to Rev. Mr. ! Turner and 'son also to Week-end visitors at the home of and loaned Mr. and Mrs. Evelyn Broderick were:! Mr. Neil McDonald, of Atlanta,I Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Norman C. and daughter, Dianne, visited several days last week with the latter’s mother, Mrs. Chas. Box, also Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor and other, relatives. i CASH FOR FOX HORSES—Dead animals removed. Two-hour ser­ vice day or night. Phone Credi- ton 47rl.5, collect. Jack Wil­ liams. FOR SALE—100 acres gravel loam 5 acres bush, complete set of buildings, Hensall area. 100 acres clay loam some bush, electricity in buildings, Mooresville area. W. C. Pearce. 19c STRAYED CUSTOM PLOWING and disc. Also for sale 10-20 national governors, new. Triebner, R.R. 1 Exeter. 36rl6 Dashwood. Mr. T. Stevenson and ANNOUNCEMENT those who sent flowers cars. Mrs. Jos. Kernick and Georgia;"Mrs?V. Welch and Shirley Shirley wish to thank the friends Ann. of Bothwell; Mr. and Mrs, G. aud neighbors for the kind remem- Willert of Petrolia; Mr. and Mrs. hrances of cards, flowers, etc. sent Ray Broderick of ‘ Niagara-omthe- to her wliile a patient in St. Joseph’s i Hospital, London. •, * !lake.( | The Centi'alia War Service Unit and the‘Finance Committee, wish to. | thank the Exeter-Hensall branch of Single copies of the Times-Ad-! the Canadian Legion, the Pipe Band vo'?ato^are on ^saie each week at. other talent from No. 9, S.F.T.S.,! J members of the Exeter Lions club • 1 and all who assisted to make the ! dance and fi'olic at Spruce Grovo j such a grand success. j J On Sale Each Week the following places: Browning’s Drugstore Cole’s Drugstore Robertson’s Drugstore Times-Advocate Office. i ENGAGEMENTS one-way Inter­ Leon Phone 26,3* We are anxious to serve our many customers in this district but find that our gasoline ration is run­ ning low and must be conserved. We are asking the co-operation of our many customers and our drivers will advise you how you may help. —Middleton’s Bakery. 26 2tp STRAYED—Onto farm -of Bert Bis­ set, Lot 17, Con. Township, a black heifer, and hereford heifer. Own­ er may have same by proving property and paying expenses. 3, Usborne steer, black NOTICE TO CREDITORS of Elizabeth Ann of the village of County of Huron, AT GRAND BEND The Exeter Boy Scouts enjoyed a week-end jamboree at Grand BendI and attended the district rally at , the Grand Bend United church Sun-1 day evening. The boys were in’ charge of Whyte and praises of the grand outing afforded They left Exeter shortly after Saurday and pitched their on the south bank of the an ideal spot for camping, were largely prepared on the The boys were in Scoutmaster Harold _ were’ loud in their* i 'Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Hern wish' to announce the engagement of their, youngest daughter, Hazel Irene, to Allan Edward of Mrs. George Mr. Westcott, take place in Saturday, September eighteenth. WANTED—Copies of the Times- Advocate dated August 19 th. 5c per copy will be paid. WANTED WANTED—Experienced -girl for general housework. Apply Tom­ linson’s Hairdressing. 2c WANTED—A house in Exeter, ap­ proximately $1200. Apply at Times-Advocate. 35* WANTED—A wire basket for ladies’ bicycle. Apply to Mrs. N. Yarwood, Centralia. 2* In the estate Baskerville, late Centralia in the widow*, deceased. Creditors and others having claims against the above estate are required to send full particulars of such claims, duly verified, to H. K. Eilber, Crediton, Ont., on or before the 4th day of September 1943 after which i date the estate’s assets will be dis- i tributed having regard only to claims that have been received. Dated this 20th day of August, 1943, Mrs. Sarah Ann Brooks, Executrix, Centralia, Ontario. 25 2tc Westcott, only son Wescott and the late The marriage will Zion United Church, Place an advertisement here and watch the results. i them. noon tents river, Meals spot and as one of the boys re­ marked "I'll say they were good". Bacon and eggs for breakfast; rice pudding as dessert for dinner and hot coffee for supper, were just some of the eats. “I had two big helpings of rice pudding" said one of the boys. They were loathe to break camp Sunday evening. The Grand Bend troop camped with the Exeter troop and equally enjoyed the experience. Scoutmaster O. S. Atkinson assisted Mr, Whyte, Sales Books are the best Counter Check Books made in Canada. They cost no more than ordinary books and always give satisfaction. We are agents and will be pleased to quote you on any style or quantity required. See Your Home Printer First News From .... NUMBERS S. F.T.S. THE TIMES-ADVOCATE we urge you to Select Your Fall Suit Now while samples are complete. Cancellations may start any time. You have oiily to ask any one of our many satisfied customers about the quality, style, and low price of our Made-to-Measure Suits 1 We carry ‘Bonds’—-the line known from coast to coast, We have over 40 selections Priced at $25.00; others at $27.50, $30.00 & $35.00 Let us measure you today and have your suit come in when you want it. SCHOOL OPENING:------Boys’ oxford's, pants, underwear, sox* windbreakers, sweaters. WORK CLOTHES—■—Walker’s smocks and overalls, water­ proof arid rubber soled work boots. GEORGE WRIGHT CLOTHING and SHOES fContinued from page 1) starring Brian Donlevy, William Holden and Ellen Drew. "Action North Atlantic" starring Humphrey Bogart, Raymond Hale. Massey and Alan »<* for the softball championship Officers defeated Maintenance and Flights succeeded in ousting G.I.S. This week should decide the issue with Flights meer- ing the Senior N.C.O.’s. The win­ ner of this game will meet the hard­ hitting, hard-pitching Officer’s team. Padre Moynan chose for his topic "What mean ye by this Service" at Communion services on Sunday. In his sermon he pointed out that Com­ munion was essentially a remem­ brance of Christ's death, a confes­ sion of our Christ and lives in his acknowledge the generous donations of flowers which the citizens of Exeter have made. Their generosity has added a touch, of beauty to our church services here, In the playoffs of Shipka, her aunt. Love Wm. and Love Wednes- Wm. Dr. last of had her Taylor’s week, is John Niblock, Wednesday afternoon J. Hodgins, Ed. Gill, of Grand Parkhill, with Bend, home faith, fellowship with reconsecration of our service. We wish to somewhat belatedly HARPLEY Miss Dorothy Harlton, 1 spent a few days writh ( Mrs. Joseph Hickey. ! 'Mr. and Mrs. Colin family and Mr. and Mrs. and family attended the Love Re­ union picnic at Bayfield on day. Miss Helen Love who ? tonsils removed at Hospital in Dashwood recovering nicely. Mr. spent Mr. B. Mrs. spent Sunday evening at the of Mrs. Wm. Love, Mr. and Mrs. Newton Hayter are visiting with relatives in Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Ji Carruthers, Mrs. Edison Pollard, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Murray and Shirley, spent Sunday at Ipparwash Beach. Miss Willa Carruthers visited last week with her sister, Mrs. Willis Hotson at Grand Bend. FARMERS SUPPORT PLAN parade for Course on Thursday after- 2nd at two-thirty. Wings will be pre­ The "Wings" 81 will be held noon, September On this occasion sented by Wing Commander Guy Gibson. V.C.. D.S.O. and Bar, D.F.C and Bar. Wing Commander Gibson has earned for himself the title of "Dam-buster" as a result of his famous raid on Germany, in which the Moline and Eder darns were wracked, in accordance with the usual custom the genera) public are cordially invited to attend his func­ tion* Farmers in the various counties of Ontario have been interested in the support received for the Federa- • tion of Agriculture through the plan of levy on assessment. The follow­ ing item from the Mildmay Gazette is an indication of the splendid co­ operation given to support the in that section, "A thorough canvass of farmers of the municipality of rick has just been completed, it has been disclosed, that 313 mers of the' township have agreed to pay one-fifth of a mil) on theft assessment to stippott the Federa­ tion of Agriculture organized here some time ago, The average farmer will pay about 78c to $1 and these Until next week, . various amounts will be placed on Harris Weber, collector’s roll by the wunJcipal Y.M.O.A. hhd collected like other taxes.’*' plan the Car- and far- SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1943 at one o'clock sharp the following: Quarter-cut oak dining-room suite 5 chairs, 1 arm chair; dining-room ■ THuRSDAy SEPTEMBER 9, 1943 suite, 4 chairs, buffet, table, floor | *lamp; bedroom suite, bed, mattress, I ,at 12 0 c,ock shiu’» springs, 2 walnut rockers, small following. bedroom chair, quarter-cut oak sec-1 HORSES—-Span of good horses, retary and book case, Rogers radio,1 kitchen table and 4 chairs, ivory; ! tub, boiler, wringer, washboard, garden tools, forks, axes, shovels, hoe, 2 ladders, horse clippers, sprinkling can, cast iron range fit­ ted with oil burners, 2 coil springs, 2 oil drums wih taps, lantern, crocks, sealers, mops. TERMS — CASH MRS. W. J. MELVILLE, Proprietress FRANK COATES, Clerk FRANK TAYLOR. Auctioneer WOODHAM There were no church services held here last Sunday owing to our pastor being on vacation, but Sun­ day School was held as usual, Mrs. Talbot, of Bayfield, returned home Sunday evening having spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. John Routly. Mr. and Mrs. Talbot, Marion and Billy, of Bay- field, were Sunday visitors also with Mrs. Routly. Miss Noreen Walters, of Fullarton, is a .guest of Mrs. Ray Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Squire spent Sunday last with friends at Seaforth.. Rev. A. Laing and daughter, Mar­ jory, spent last week-end with Russell at Niagara Falls, who is working in a Chemical War Plant at that place. Rev. Laing, who has been spending a week at Brantford Conference, motored to and met Marjory there, thence they journeyed on Falls. Mr. Toronto, spent Sunday last with and Mrs. Arnold Hern. Week-end visitors with Mr. Mrs, Wm. Mills were: Mrs, Thomas Camm, her son and his wife and two Children, of Michigan, and Mrs. Lewis, also of Michigan, and Mrs, Grant Hamilton and from to Niagara Hern of Mr and WESTERN FEED WE NOW HAVE IN STOCK ALL KINDS OF WESTERN FEED* See us before you buy. R. G. Seldon & Son AUCTION SALE OF FARM, FARM STOCK AND IMPLE­ MENTS & HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned has received instructions to sell by public auc­ tion on Lot 20 and Half of 21, half mile cast of Dashwood in Stephen Town­ ship on FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, at 12.3 0 o’clock sharp, the ing: % HORSES—Grey horse 12 . old; grey mare 12 years old; bay* general purpose horse, CATTLE—1 months; 1 black heifer, 2 years old 3 black and white heifers to be in calf; roan cow roan cow in calf; 5 red cows, all supposed to be 4 steers rising two years; calves. HOGS—Pure bred hogs; sows in pig. IMPLEMENTS — McCormick- Deering tractor, Farmall F. 14, nevei* done any custom work; 2- furrow tra&tor plow, new; McCor- mick-Deering combine, new in 1942, never done any custom work, 4 footer; Deering mower 5 ft.; spring­ tooth cultivator; 5-section har­ rows, 3-drum steel roller, manure spreader, low-down, all newly over­ hauled; hay-loader, Oliver bean scuffler with puller combined; walk­ ing plow, one-horse scuffler, in­ throw disc, waggon, flat hay rack, 2-wheel trailer Massey gravel sleighs, 32-foot box, buzz saw, set sling ropes, single set harness, 2 heavy sets harness, electric fencer, storage battery, water trough, harrow cart, belting, 240 gal. gasoline drums with taps; Viking cream separator nearly new, with power drive; logging forks, shovels, wheel-harrow, boat, grass seeder, triangle egg crates, barley fork, hay small cistern pump, 100-gal. tank, ice box, quantity of linoleum. HAY—20 tons mixed hay. GRAIN—200 bus. oats; 600 •mixed grain, 100 bus. barley, bus. wheat, all 19 42 crop. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS — chen cabinet, 3 rugs, large rack with large mirror, chesterfield suite, parlor rocking chair, parloi4 arm chair, 8-day clock, electric clock, quantity of dishes, book-case, 8 electric lamps, Singer drop-head sewing machine, heater, library table, dining-room table, size china cabinet, table, 4 chairs, vacuum Jrbning machine, sealers, wardrobe, 2 beds with springs and mattresses, 3 dressers, large bed with springs and mattresses new; 1943 follow- years 3 years. j white bull, 101 supposed in calf; Durham in calf; 4 spring 3 brood ! CATTLE—3 Shorthorn cows due in ■October; 3 Shorthorn cows due in December; 6 Shorthorn cows due in January; 4 Shorthorn heifers due in January; 2 steers two years old; 5 steers and heifers yearlings; 9 calves. HOGS—10 hogs 175 lbs. each; 11 pigs 7 weeks; Brood sow with litter of 13; Brood sow, just bred. FOWL--300 pure bred Barred rock pullets, (Scott, strain) 6 months old and laying; 3 chicken shelters. HAY and GRAIN—3 5 tons of Mixed hay; 16 bus, timothy seed; 1200 bus. oats; 250 bus, barley; 150 bus. wheat; 6B acres corn; 1 acre of mangolds and turnips. IMPLEMENTS—Deering binder, 6 ft. cut; Deering mower, 6 ft. cut; Case hay loader, new; Frost, and. Wood side rake tedder; steel hay rake; Massey-Harris fertilizer drill, (new); Cockshutt spreader (new); Allis Chalmer tractor; Goodison separator 36x56; feet long; pipes; furrow r« tor tivator, roller, binder, of steel trucks, rubber, tired wagon, hay rack and one-man rack, set of sleighs, wagon 1 set power Morse ning tractor; ; 7 inch, belt 12 0 Papec corn blower and one way disc (new); 3 tractor plow; stiff-tooth cultivator; spring-tooth cul- corn cultivator, steel land set of iron harrows, corn scuffler, walking plows, set ■cutter, buggy, road cart, box, 1 set scales 2000 lbs., 1200 lbs., 1 set 240 lbs., log saw, 3J h.p. Fairbanks engine, set of rollers, fan­ mill, root pulper, cutting box, grain grinder 10 inch plate, stone boat, wheel barrow, steel drums, gasoline , pumps, 2 sets of team harness, robe, 80 sap pails, 400 ft. of snow fence, wire stretchers, grain bags, % horse motor, vice,, tools, forks, hoes, shovels and a host of small articles. FURNITURE—Walnut rard Heintzman piano, chairs, couch, congoleum churn, carpet sweeper, seelers, dishes, toilet set, lively no reserve the farm is sold. TERMS — CASH ALBERT W. NORRIS, Proprietor. W. E. NAIRN, Auctioneer. bed, Ger- 2 leather rug 9x12, 2 clocks,, ets. Posi- side delivery rake, Harris; 10-foot steel rake, box, wagon, box, cutter, set fanning mill, cider mill, extension ladder, cutting chain, stone­ table, knife, ■frater 40 gal. vinegar and barrel, Chairs, cleaner board, boiler, tea set bus, 250 Kit­ hall 3-piece coal-oil fern stand, 4 chairs, small large kitchen drop-leaf table, with attachments, electric washing tub, quantity of of four, glasses, MORTGAGE SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of ers of sale contained in mortgage which will be at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by Public Auction on the premises on Wednesday, September 8th, 1943, at 2:00 p.m. the following real estate. Part of lot number 23 in the north boundary of the Township of Stephen, in the county of Huron, now in the village of Dashwood, more particularly described in regis­ tered instrument No. 15992 for the- Township of Stephen. On the property are situated a two-storey solid brick house and a frame barn, In good repair, The property is Well supplied With fruits of all kinds. TERMS: The property will be put up subject to reserve bid, 10% of the purchase money shall be paid on the ‘day of sale and the balance in 30 days thereafter, Further terms and conditions made known on the day of sale, For further par­ ticulars apply to Arthur Weber, Auctioneer, Dash­ wood, Ontario. W. Morley, Solicitor for Mort* gagees, Exeter, Ontario. the poW- a certain produced <r Jf,