HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1943-09-02, Page 2THE EXETSR TIMES-ADVOCATE, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER gad, 1943 Cxeter Hames= Times established 1873; amalgamated Advocate established 18SI November 1921 published each THURSDAY MORNING AT EXETER, ONTARIO Am Independent Newspaper devoted to the of the Village of Exeter and Surrounding interests, district job. Foor Willies they slimed along all through doing nothing “bad” and certainly standing for nothing virile. The army drill sergeant has a way of correcting all that, ’’riohliering” seems to have passed from the army and navy and the air force where getting things done on a split second has a way of saving one’s life. Did we hut know it, the army punctuality and fitness would save the day in business, •iv w- vv -X' Member of the Canadian Newspapers’ Association; Weekly Member of the Ontiirio-Quebee Division of rhe CWNA AU Advei’tising Copy Must be in Our Hands Nftt lmter Than Noon on Tuesdays RATE six months, $1.00 60c SUBSCRIPTION $2.00 a year, in advance; three months J, M. SOUTHCOTT PUBLISHER THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2nd, 1943 is u time fuel A Pretty Good Job Russia has done a good job with the Ger­ man hordes. Let us forget for one moment that this talk of her being likely to prove difficult at the peace table is propaganda by her and our enemies. All that Russia sincerely desires is the blessed privilege of working out her own des­ tiny according to her needs. She covets no nation’s territory. She asks fox* the shifing of no nation’s boundaries, She has a tremendous task within hex* owix boundaries that she desires with all her heart to do with all her might. She has learned the awful lesson she cannot put much trust in princes. She realizes that other nations have a way of breaking treaties at her expense. Fox* that reason she is building up hex* Strength to tlxe degree that all nations will un­ derstand that she will not be meddled with im­ punity. Further, she has no wish to be put in the position of being obliged to go^to war when­ ever any spiteful inferior may demand hex* tak­ ing up the cudgels. She is willing to build up hex* national life ixx every featux*e, not for pur­ poses of aggression but of trade and science and enlightenment of the spirit, Russia’s critics may do well to consider her in the light of hex* being a teachex* and a guide and friend in many important particulars. To treat her this nxonxent with suspicion is fox* the rest of the world, to run its head into the sand. These are the days to cultivate her friendship by winning her respect through fair dealing and generous consideration of her accomplishments. 5)e ijt sp # Time for Action Winter is coming. Admittedly, there fuel shortage. Admittedly, too, it is high for someone to do something about tlxe shortage. Admittedly, too, the town council is the body to give that lead. What has the coun­ cil to say about tlxe trees in the town that can well be spared for fuel? Why not get at the job of cutting them in order that some little time may be afforded for seasoning the wood for winter burning?. What of neighbouring woodlots that have fallen timber* and timber that under experiened hands could be xxxade in­ to fuel? Then wlxat about giving a lead in the way of fuel saving in oux* public buildings? What have the various boards to say on this topic? Best of all, what is being done to have cai* loads of wood imported? 'Why should not Exeter unite with othex- municipalities in tlxe determined effort to secure coal or other fuel? We have no desire to have the coaxing winter known as nineteen hundred and freeze-to-death. * * * « What of September? We are hoping for a fine, warm September. Such a month would mean the ripening of odds and ends of fruit and garden stuff that would rob the approaching winter of many of its .inconveniences. It would permit the getting of gardens- and fields into really good condition for next year's crops. Bad weather conditions have made it difficult to get soil into tile shape where it does its best. Further, the stirring of the soil destroys many a pest that has snugly put itself away for maturing fox* next summer’s unpleasantness. Warm weather for the aututxxn would add to the furnace’s much needed con­ tinued vacation. Bc.st of all, sunshiny days would add greatly to the reserve of health and general well being so sorely needed in these nerve-wrecking times, So, here’s hoping for good weather. * * * # v This Good News Good word comes to us of the way in which our young txxen are benefited by their basic military training. Young fellows who when they entered upon this period of their lives who could not walk five miles without suffering from a multitude of charley-horses find that in a few months they can walk twenty miles carrying full military equipment and not bat an eyelash, Young fellow’s who could not jump a four-foot ditch with ti’axning are able lo dear a three-foot ditch in full military out­ fit. Others who could not catwy home a pair of suspenders, under training find, themselves* car­ rying a positively heavy load and chircking as they do so* They learn to walk and to run and to dig. In fact, they are quite made men. Wh’at is done for them physically is nothing compared to what is done for them mentally. We like to hear about this. In <jivic life we have known a number who were "poor Willie” from cradle to the grave. They drank in pity with their baby’s milk. They loitex*ed through school without one getting a thorough waking-up from a Dr. Tussle or Dr. Merchant. They mar­ ried into u home where they were sissied till they were, buried. Poor Willies they were born,. Poor Willies they pitied themselves at their * Those New Clothes Mere men have some attention their clothes these stirring times, For a system nf clothing has been devised paid to instance ............... whereby the wearer is kept warm in cold weather and cool in hot weather. Moreover, this suiting is of a nature that when put on over xvatersoxxked garments the wearer soon becomes comfortable and none the worse watei* conditions. This, dis e o v e r y. F u r t h e r, that will provide the cold and dump from vvarxxi and remarkably is over, we wonder if adopt such clothing to civic life. Grim necessity has been teaching a number of lessons. Hex' heavy whip has led men to getting down to the severely practical but highly efficient ways and means of carry­ ing on. for his plunge into icy surely is a welcome clothing has been found best protection against snow and yet which is flexible, When the war folk will have sense to the various conditions of The Exclusive Mr. Churchill Mr. Churchill has a unique way of disap­ pearing from pubUe view'. When lxe completes a job., he simply gets out of the way. When he i.b needed for public service he is on haxxd to the split second. We are not in tlxe great man’s confidence but knowing him as we do, we are pretty sure that when he vanishes from our view that he delves carefully and deeply into some problem close to the Empire’s welfare. Then those speeches of his are xxot of tlxe sort in which some speakers open tlxeii* mouths set their tongues and vocal chords swagging aixd leave tlxe rest to the wild winds. On the other hand, if Mr. Churchill sought rest and quiet we know of no xnan who has better earned a time of refreshment. Whether working or res­ ting Mr. Churchill has tlxe warmest and best place in the hearts of hundreds of millions of folk who seek the light and who are contending for freedom. Greatheart desires nothing better. The Russian Puzzlement For centuries Russia was the mystery of the world. What she was doing nobody seemed to care. For over a century we knew that her mists and storms and snows and silent forests covered an oppression that cut to the bone." Then we learned of her revolution and of hex; efforts to get onto a good financial, standing. Still, we believed that she was living to her­ self, like a mighty giant bent on her own af­ fairs. Within the last few years we have seen her meet in battle the mightiest wax* machine darkness ever covered. We have seen hex* worst that implement of cruelty and oppression. Our question is what is she bent on this moment? What would not the chancellories of the world give to have, a definite answer to that simple question? Why is she urging her allies to do more when those allies believe they are doing the right and adequate thing ixx the right way? Does she believe that she can conquer Germany and having done this bold the rest of continental Europe in fee? Is she convinced that her allies either will not ox* cannot open a land front on the continent of Europe and is she bent on compelling hex* allies to make clear statement regarding these matters? Or is Russia making pleas under the awful drive of her own neces­ sity? It is to this view we give oux* allegiance. We are not diplomatists. We are not on a posi­ tion to balance one view or consideration against another. What we do see very clearly is that Russia this moment is bleeding at every vein. Her people are undergoing hardships that we never experienced, Her men are falling by the thousand and their falling means our freedom. Should Russia turn her back to the foe., the clouds would darken on our every horizon. Hoy and -when it is best to send her aid beyond what we are now affording her, is not our province to say. On this we must say, we must be up and doing as wisely and as promptly as ever we can. Not a day is to be lost. Before our readers .see this, the bell of destiny may have struck.Who knows but that this hour Chur­ chill and Roosevelt may be resting and praying before the ‘awful struggle takes on its final form, Note and Comment Why not Friday ? those * have * fine days were appreciated ❖* Tuesdays come on * *♦ If ever a man deserved the best sort of holiday, that man is Mr, Churchill. s{s « «s When it comes* to performance, tour Ontario boys hold up their heads with the best of them, sjs sfc «£ Sj( Strawberries and raspberries and peaches and early apples and corn and cucumbers! And .T cs\ when Boney and blueberries and the potatoes are in the procession. devoutly wish that the town council had given us the action on the fuel doing some serious thinking on this problem. Lots and lots of householders have empty coal bins while the fuel people are reporting that there is little or no coal in sight. soon the McIntosh reds? What a country pe ci ally best of We reasons for their postponing situation. Tlie taxpayers are 15 YEARS AGO > Donald I >mx of Mr. and . Mrs, Andrew Hicks, of Centralia, j had the misfortune to fail from an, apple tree Sunday afternoon with! the result that his right wrist was! broken, set by present School. Miss The Injured member Dr. Weekes. Donald attending Exetei* at her Lon- home Nonaand week-end at Madeline Dearing, of don, spent the holidays here. Misses Betty Grand Chambers spent the Bayfield. Messrs. W. J. Beer, E, Bussell, F. Creech and J. M, Southcott motor­ ed to Toronto the latter part of last week and took in the Exhibi­ tion, ' Mr, and Mrs. R. G. Seldon and Wallace, have returned home aftex* visiting in Kingston and were ac­ companied home by tlxeii* son, fHar­ ry and Miss Saundereook, who are visiting fox' a time. Two horses belonging to Frank Taylor took first prize ixx the races at Loxxdon on Labor Day. Jimmy D. headed his class iix two straight heats and Forest Ridge Bill woix the free-for-all also in two straight heats. 25 YEARS AGO Messrs, E. Fowell, R. H. Levett, and Mr, W, Tamaxi and Ted on Wednesday The xneix will play G, Seldon, and Mrs. motored to to / Extmishm of Compulsory Employment Transfers* 7a and QwtfdcMfeeA: THE 6tli Compulsory Employment Transfer Order, issued under anthnrity of Rational Selective Service Civilian Regulations, requires compliance not later than September 8th, 1943. After that date no employer may continue to employ any man covered by this Order, unless under special permit. The first five Compulsory Transfer Orders listed occu­ pations, and required compliance by all male employees in those occupations if (a) in an age and marital class designated under the Military Call-up, or if (h) 16, 17 or 18 years of age. The Sixth Order repeats all occupations given in the five earlier Orders, and requires all other men from 16 to 40 years of age (both ages inclusive) to become available for transfer to higher priority jobs, by registering at the nearest Employment and Selective Service Office. I attend in the was a people and Mrs. Thos. Dinney at- Toronto Fair during the Hubert Jones lias returned and a trip accompanied McCreath of attended the to Toronto. She to Toronto by Lucknow millinery where opeix- Andrew Campbell, of purchased the the Township of Us- by Mr. Janxes Mon­ Thames Road,' wlxiclx town fifty- ’ | I Details of the Sixth Order were advertised in daily newspapers at the end of August. Copies of the Order may be secured from any Employment and Selective Service Office. If in doubt as to the coverage of this Order, or the pro­ cedure under it, ask your nearest Employment and Selective Service Office. All men, married or single, employed in designated occupations, aged 16 to 4.0, are now covered by the Orders. To avoid penalties, those who have not yet registered must do so by September 8lh, 1943. ...... . ■*- - ■ - - ■ :.................... —■ - - ■ , A. MacNAMARA, director, National Selective Service D-6B iilllll IIIIIIHIIilllllHlilii llHUIMimil IHH IHlIllIiHininilliiiililllllilliilillllilHillHIIIt IV w Toronto the Fair Globe Scotch Doubles. Laboi’ Day on Monday last very quiet one in town. Many were away for the day. Mr. S, Jory lost a valuable horse last week when it and another raxx away while being worked on the farm. In the run the beast struck a tree and died almost immediately. Mr, tended week. Pte. to Toronto after visiting his home over the week-end. Miss May Armstrong has return­ ed from a visit with, her uncle at Paris was Mrs. they ings. Mr. on Tuesday acre farm in borne owned tie tlx on the was by auction. The price paid ffiHJuniiiminiiiiiiijiiumijjmHjtjuiIliniHininillllinimillimillHnillllllllllllini? was $5050. i „ .! A correspondent, who does not tern was begun. Tlxe late T. H. Mc- l wish his name mentioned, gives us Callum was reeve then, The council (the following history of tlxe inaugura-! at; ^at time asked tlxe Women s ar? undergoingi tion of the first Horticultural Society Institute to_ .. . . ...and make Mrs. j! W. Harvey are members of now living planted at j Donald McInnis was active iu this j work,' also tlxe late Sandy purdon. ’ Many citizens gave donations for trees, » When tlxe late David Rowcliffe was president of the Horticultural Society a movement was set oxx foot to make this property more attrac­ tive and for several afternoons in tile summer groups of men gathered there and gave of tlxeir time to trim the trees and build a retaining wall oxx the south bank of tlxe river. Trees <9 ••BEAUTIFUL EXETER 50 YEARS AGO Our sidewalks _ much needed repairs this week, and Iin Exeter, and the far-reaching ef- while the workmen are at it we Teets it has had in making Exeter hope they will not neglect those!the beautiful place it is in which projecting nails, which are proving (to live, such a nuisance, A rap with the1 hammer once oi* twice will do. it. | Dr. Wm. Sweet, of Shelbyville, | Ill., formerly of Exeter, who was' bitten by a mad horse several days ( ago, is we are creditably informed i considered out of al] danger, and ’ leaves 'Chicago where he has beexx j under treatment, today Thursday J for his home. His many friends here will be pleased to hear so favorable a report. j The farmers are busy sowing fall i wheat. The soil in this locality is! iix excellent condition, but in many | places surrounding us they are ly in need of rain. * #* homes—the one the other where | Everone has two J where he lives and i he was born. Both are dear to us in imagination and the shift of changing years. Since the rationing the nightmare for summer has subsided and we stroll the streets of our beautiful admiring our pretty homes CHARGED IN THEFT bad- of $25 Charged with the theft wrist watch, valued at over from the locker at Grand Bexid air-1 port, LAC. Harold Kushman was,' on Thursday, remanded to Goderich jail by Magistrate Makins foi* ap­ pearance at Exeter on Friday, Sep­ tember 3. He was ixot asked to plead or elect. FORMER RESIDENT OF LUCAN PASSES j of gas, ' resorts 1 around village, i and our thoughts go backward, re­ membering those who have gone i before having forethought for the j coming generations. ! Rambling through Riverview Park ; we recall the days of the organiza- I tion of the Horticultural Society. I The late Jos. S. Harvey, being an ! enthusiastic gardener and an admir­ er of flowers, particularly roses, • urged oix the reeve of 1918, B. W. F. ’jBeavers, the advantages of forming ;a branch of the Horticultural Society. Mr. Wm. Harty, of Seaforth, was in­ vited over to assist ixx its formation. , The late Jos. S. Harvey was chosen as the first president and Mr. J. G. . Stanbury, now judge, of St. Cathar­ ines, as its first secretary-treasurer, j . Every encouragement was given i to householders to clean up tlxeii’ lots * and plant a few flowers. Five years ’ made a wonderful difference. Lawns (were trimmed, flowers and shrubsWilliam McLoud, who conducted a carriage business in Lucan for,Planted and vegetable gardens given many years, died Friday, ‘ ' ..... ..... ...... 27th, in St, Joseph’s Hospital, was in his 94tlx yeax*. August much more care. He ih the beautifying j ings. j Besides those People took pride of their surround- Smiles'. . . Mo: male and female?” hot. Why?” Mo: --the Keptin’s peel two sex of * Henry: “My believe you call to obey,” darling, you were ried.” A MODERN . . . omwr... Monthly &Ate« take charge of the land it into a beauty spot. Powell and Mrs. Thos. the only living charter the Women’s Institute in town. Trees were that time. The late WaveHoy Skumma Avk. at Couxaa Sr. RATES SXNGW . to $34X5 DOUBLE - to tSJ&Q Special Weaklr WEU CONDUCTED . . . CONVENIENTLY LOCATED HOTEL . . . Close to Parliament Buildings, University o£ Toronto, Maple Leaf Gardens, _ Fashionable Shopping District, Wholesale House*, Theatres, Churches of Every Denomination, A M. Powell, President ‘S»> for the convenience of tourists. It is impossible to mention tlx© names- of all who helped to make -- ____ -----„„„„ „„„-----------------Exeter beautiful and gave generous- were secured from the government I ly of their time, but in closing we -______ - -------—*---------------- , say “Thank you” to all oux* kindand some thousand of evergreen trees, were planted mostly oxx the north1 and worthy citizens who have helped bank of the river. The late W. Id.Ito make Exeter a beautiful place •Johnston and the late S. J. Hogarth were the leaders ill many of these trees the height of 20 feet These things were to live in. The bell now rings and we must away to work. When a -man reaches .60 he be­ gins to wonders if “the destiny that shapes our ends” shouldn’t also do something about our middles. this. To-day have attained ox* more. done by those who took a pride in our village and wished to leave behind them some­ thing that the following generation might enjoy and be proud to carry on the work begun in a small humble way. Have we to-day citizens who will carry on the good work started by the Horticultural Society? The stoxxe pillars at the entrance to this park were designed by Mr. S. M. Sanders, another park enthu­ siast. These and the two pillars at the south entrance to the town were built in 193 5, the year of the Old Boys Reunion. Mrs. Roxie Eacrett Beavers gathered the funds for the one erected in memory of the Willis family, the first settlers in Exeter. The other one, built in memory of the first civic council, was built by private subscription. The late Mrs, Goo. Etlierillgton, president of the Women’s institute in 1935, was active in having a stone fireplace built in Riverview Hark. I At Present We Are Short on most Every Line of Stock. YOUR INQUIRIES WILL STILL BE APPRECIATED above nxentioneJ many other leaders took part. Tlxe parks were gxveix attemjiOxx by such men as tlxe late Wm. H. Johnston, the late S. J. tlogai’tlx, the late Thos, .; Harvey, the late D. Rowclil’fe, W1. G. “Of course Medel, S. M, Sanders, <G, S. Howard and others. Wm. Ward, Dr. Roulston, J. M. Southcott, Jos. Senior gave guidance and help with the general I work. Dr. Roulstoix was awarded ;the prize for the best kept grounds. Victoria Bark was trimmed up and a band stand erected, also a house in which to store tables, a ' stove and necessities for tourists l wishing to stay overnight or on a visit, The late Wm, Fletcher was ( the prime mover ixx this. The land I where the park stands was owned I I “Iss potatoes in two kinds, Joe; * “It’s werry fonnv telling me I should potatoes,” Si * dear, I really don’t evex* teach that dog Mrs. Peck: “Nonsense, Remember how obstinate when we were first mar* A. J. CLATWORTHY Phone 12 Graft ton We Deliver * * "Why did the foreman fire you?”. “Well^ you know the foreman is!by the government and an old drill the man who stands around and| shed once stood there. The trees watches the others work/* “Yes, t were planted when the late A. anyone knows that, But why did! Bolder was reeve. he fire you ” "He got jealous of / The land whore Riverview park . me. A lot of the fellows thought I Is situated was acquired by the town ’ was the foreman.” in 1909 when the waterworks sys« A Help to Those Who Are Past Middle Age When men and women get past middle age their energy and activity, in many instances, begin to de­ cline, hud their general vitality is on the Wane. Little ailments and sicknesses seem harder to shake off than formerly, and, herd and there, evidences of a breakdown begin to appear. . New is the time those Wishing io help maintain their health and vigour should take a course of Milburn’s Health and Nerve Pills. ( They help tone up and invigorate the patient by their tonic action on the System, . Price 60c a box, 65 pills, at all drug counters. Lbok for our trade mark a “Red Heart” oii the package. *rho T. Milburn Co,, Tdrofifft 'Ont. i t .. .j