HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1943-08-19, Page 8Page 8 ............ V’s Beauty Shoppe Canadian Women Help—-- “PASS THE AMMUNITION” A 25c Stamp Buys 12 BUY A STAMP HERE VEBA <?. DECKER, Phone 112 Bullets TODAY Prop, Exeter Wheat. S140- dreamery Butter,, 38c Eggs, A Large, 40c Eggs, A Medium, 3Sc Eggs, B, 27 c Dressed Hogs, $16.30 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 19th, 1943 Marion Pooley BEAUTY SHOPPE All Work; Guaranteed Exeter Phone 245 ■nnmnwiiwnmiinmin............................................................&....mum. Leavitt’s Theatre Exeter Ont. Phone 135 LOCALS Snell’s THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY AUGUST 19, 20, 21 “Commandos Strike at Dawn” VACATION NOTICE Dr. Roulston desires to announce that after Friday, August 20th, his Dental Office will be closed whilst he is on vacation. Date of re-opening will be announced later. Taxi Service Phone 100 Mostly Filmed on Vancouver Island starring PAUL MUNI, ANNA LEE and all-star cast Pearl Haist, R.N., of Detroit, with Mrs. L. Sweitzer last Miss visited week. Mrs, spent Saturday with her aunt, Miss Elliott. Lloyd McBride, of Windsor, MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY AUGUST 23, 21, 25 “Bataan” starring ROBERT TAYLOR, THOMAS MITCHELL and GEORGE MURPHY A Metro-Gold wyn-May er Picture at the home D. J, Mac- Mrs. Vernon COMING—August 26, 27, 28 ‘Random Harvest’ has her W. and George'Hunter was confined bed for a few but is again days through able to be of Sarnia, is holi- Mrs. were Marion Hicks, of Usborne, been visiting for a week with grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Lawson. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johns daughter, Lois, returned to Toronto Sunday after holidaying for a week in Exeter. Mrs. T. Moffatt, Tommy, Ann and Catherine, of Listowel, are visiting with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Medd. Mrs. Roy Taylor, of Richmond, Que., and Miss Pearl Jamieson, of Montreal, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Taylor. The Times-Advocate took a day last week while Mr. and J. M. Southcott and Florence in Toronto attending the “W’arven- tion” of the Canadian Weekly News­ papers Association. Mrs. Oran Moir and Kathleen; AC2 and Mrs. Ray Frayne, of Toronto; Pte. Earl Frayne, of Oakville; Jack Frayne, of Sarnia and L/Cpl. Stanley Frayne, of Stratford, were visitors over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Frayne. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Williams, of Usborne, and Miss Joy Whitlock, of St. Thomas, left recently for a three weeks’ trip to the West. They will visit with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hern at Bengough, Sask., and with other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Howard and daughter Evelyn, of Toronto, who spent the week-end with her par­ ents, were in Goderich on Satur­ day attending the marriage at North Street United Church of the for­ mer’s niece, Miss Mary L. Howard to Mr. Joseph Murphy, Instructor at Sky Harbour Airport. Mrs. Jane Ravelie, of Grand Btfed returned with them and remained foi' a few days. I Insulation is the best investment we know of for economy and comfort. WE ARE NOW BOOKING ORDERS FOR FALL and WINTER INSTALATION. Would be pleased to estimate your job. every ■►■Thursday Ni ht Steeper’s Orchestra JITNEY DANCING Round the Clock Service STEWART’S TAXI Phone 155w Exeter Hairdressing, • Tomlinson’s Phone 146 Just the thing! For Summer Vacations or Overseas Packages COLGATES KIT BAGS Khaki or Navy Blue 98c Leader church Reubei* Rector, Rev. M. A, Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir Leader. Mr. Middlemiss REDUCED PRICES ON LADIES’ SUMMER DRESSES each $1.98 5c Southcott Bros Phone 16 DCKT CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN * CHURCH Rev. John Galloway * hlrs. J. G. Cochrane, organist JO a»m.’—Sunday School During the- remainder of August services will be held at 11 a.m. I Services in Carmel Presbyterian Church Hensail will be held Sun­ day evening at 7 p.m. UNION SERVICES Main Street and James Street United Churches SUNPAY, AUGUST 22, 1943 MAIN STREET UNITED 'CHURCH 10 a.m.—Sunday School and Classes, 11 a.m.—Public Worship Rev. N. J. Woods 7 p.m.—Public Worship Rev. N. J. Woods Strangers and visitors welcome the services. Bible I 10 11 TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH i a.m.—Sunday School , a.m.—Morning prayer and sei mon, “Transfiguration”. Phone 50 Your Drugs at ROBERTSON’S FORD COACH 1938 with radio and heater; a real nice one and newly overhauled. FORD COACH 1035 MODEL A FORD. COACH 1930 $175.00 PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE Sunday School—10.30 a.m. Service—11,30 a.m. Evening Service—S p.m. Wednesday Prayer Meeting—8 All are welcome. Pastor—E. Clemens ZION EVANGELICAL CHURCH Crediton |M. E. Reuber, B.A., B.D., Minister I I i Mrs. F. W. Morloclc, Organist Lawrence A. Wein, Choir Winer return-. Hamilton last the McLagan- visiting with St. S. on the L. E. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Pollen and Billy are on a holiday trip in the Bruce Peninsula. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Slater, of Port Huron, visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Creech. Miss Eileen Pederson, of London, is spending the week of Miss Helen Leslie. Brigadier and Mrs, Donald visited with Heywood last Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Crocker,, of Toronto, called on friends and rela­ tives in Exeter on Wednesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Towers, of Moose Jaw, Sask., were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A. Ryck- man, Mrs. to her illness around. Miss Ferrol Fisher, holidaying for two weeks at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clark Fisher, Mrs. Dave Lippert has returned to her home in Melbourne after spending a week with her mother, Mrs. L. Sweitzer. Mr. and Mrs. Len Haist, Donald and June, of Mt. Clemens, Mich., are holidaying in Zurich and cal­ led on friends in Exeter. Mrs. E. Lindenfield, Mrs. N. Floody, Mrs. M. Cudmore, Bruce and Nancy are spending two weeks at their cottage at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Paisley, Jean­ ette and David returned to Toronto Sunday after holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. George Dunn, of Usborne. Rev. Harry and Mrs. Jennings, of Morpeth, visited in Exeter on Tuesday with th© former’s mother. The latter returned with them on a visit. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Archer, of Warwick, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Luxtoii, attending the McLagari-Winer nup­ tials on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Oren ed to their home in week after attending Winer wedding and friends in town. No. 1 Mobile Recruiting Unit were in Exeter on Monday looking for recruits. They are now enlisting men in category C to replace men ready for active service. Shirley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Kernick, of Usborne, re­ turned on Monday following her recent operation in ,St. Joseph’s Hospital, London. Mrs. W. W. Edmunds and son Barry, of Flint, Mich., have return­ ed to their home after visiting with Mrs. Edmund’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Rowcliffe, of town. Mrs. L. Sweitzer, Mrs. N. Clair, Messrs. A. Smith and N. J. Sweitzer were in Toronto Monday, August 9th, attending funeral of the late Wilbert Smith. Cpl. Fred Luxton, of the R.C.O.C. Pacific Command, Prince George, B.C., returned home Saturday. Fred is taking the Army University course at Western University,* London, Mr. and Mrs. George Castle and Mr. and Mrs. Reg, Castle, of Lon­ don; Mr. and Mrs. Eli Brown and Miss Dorothy Hooper, of Crediton, visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Jos. Kernick. Mrs. Katherine HeddOn, of Lucah, and daughter, Mrs. Clifford Bridel, and Son Morris, of Clearwater, Man., after a two weeks’ visit with Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Fraser, returned to Lucan on Tuesday prior to Mrs. Bridel re­ turning to Manitoba. Mrs, Victor J. Bayne and daughter* Virginia, of Toronto, have been visit­ ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Simon P. Grob. They are now" vacationing in a cottage at Grand Bend, Mr; and Mrs, Earl Smith, of Sarnia, were week-end visitors also. Mrs. 0. IL Sanders, Borden and Brittain, after a two weeks’ holiday at Grand Bend, returned home on Monday, Mrs, F. J. Sanders and Miss Ruby Treble, of Toronto* were guests of Mrs, Sanders for several days. About 35 summer dresses, values to $5.95. We place them on sale this week to clear our racks for new fall merchan % dise. Buy two at this low price. English Merricord for summer dresses This is a lovely English material and makes up well for cool and smart house dresses and sport dresses. * A real buy at per yard 55c Bright, Cheery House Dresses 10 Dozen Print House Dresses made in very smart styles. Prints being impossible to procure, these are outstanding values. $1.39 to $2.95 Congoleum Rugs in all sizes We offer a good range of patterns in Con­ goleum Rugs also in two yard wide widths. They are so easy to keep clean and they make a lovely bright room. Sizes 6 ft. x 9 ft. to 9 ft. x 15 ft. Lovely Bone China Cups and Saucers Bring in your visitors and let them see our range of lovely new cups and saucers. 75c to $2.50 Grocery Specials for Thurs., Friday and Saturday QUAKER PUFFED WHEAT large package ........................... 19c STOKELY’S Finest TOMATO SOUP 3 cans for ................................................ 25c KILL THE FLY!! Tanglefoot, Fly Swats, Fly Poison Fly Coils LONG FORD TRUCK newly over­ hauled and real good tires. FORD FERGUSON TRACTOR, plow and cultivator, This tractor is equipped with starter and lights and is on rubber tires. Sandy Elliot Exeter Phone 64 UNION SERVICES 10 a.m.—In the Evangelical “The Old Story”. Rev. preaching. 11 a.m.—Church School. 7.3 0 p.m.—In the United church. Mr. Bright, Western Branch Bible Society, special speaker. Welcome Miss May Jones visited for a few days last week in Toronto. Don Grant, of St- Thomas, is holi- . daying with his grandparents, Mr and Mrs. Bert Clark, Miss Gertrude Brunt, of OttawaJ Mr. Barry Wenger and his mother, has been the guest of F/O and Mrs. of. Mildmay, visited in Exeter and Arthur Southam. j Lucan over the week-end. Mrs. Carl Maier and Mrs. E. I Miss Carrie Kuhn, R.N., of Det- Coombes spen Sunday at Dashwood roit Hospital, called on her aunt, and Grand Bend. (Mrs. L. Sweitzer this week. Mr. and Mrs. H. Sturgis and! Miss Marguerite, Vincent, of Lon- family have returned home after don, visited for a week with Mrs. holidaying for a week at Sauble C. A. Southcott at Grand Bend. Beac11* J Miss Marie Stanley, of Lucan. Sgt. Eugene and Mrs. Beavers visited for a week with her uncle and visited last week with Miss Gertrude aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Hector Taylor. Beavers in Detroit and called on Mr., and Mrs. Eric Campbell, of Windsor,' Mrs. George Jacques has return­ ed home after visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Francis, of Tavistock. Lit­ tle Jane Francis visited with grandparents for a month and Francis ting in visited wood. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Sanders, Mrs. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Del- Ernest Edwards, Miss Harriet Knipe, bridge. R.N. -of Detroit, sisters of Mrs. San- Miss Linda Walper,, of St. Peters- ders, Misses Joan Knipe, of Kenora, burg, Fla., is visiting with her Ont., Dorothy Green, Mrs. C.-H. Me- mother in town. Miss...Walper was Avoy, of Wingham, Mrs. A. McAvoy accompanied home-' by Mrs. Rotzel and Miss Anne L, Sanders left Sun- and Mrs. Howland of Pontiac, Mich, day for a week’s vacation at Grand She visited on Tuesday with Miss Bend. L. E. Elliott, Carling Street. recently spent a week Exeter. Mrs. Jacques with her sister in her Mrs. visi- also Rock- Capt. W. E. Weekes, of the Mili­ tary Hospital. Woodstock, is spend­ ing two weeks’ leave at his home here. Mrs. Catherine Creech spent a few days in London last week visi­ ting with her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Rollins. 1 Bruce and Fred Delbridge, of j Winchelsea, are visiting their grand- NEVER OFFERED BEFORE’!! ■' ■Never before so much for so little ------No increase in rate at any time ------Guaranteed renewable to age of 65 < Your protection cannot be cancelled nor changed in any way as long as you pay premiums when due. • WHY NOT ENQUIRE TO-DAY! W. Herman Hodgson Agent EXETER “If it’s insurance, we have it?’ ONTARIO Telephones; Office 24; Residence 162j • The only company in Canada offering lifetime indemnity. * LEE’S MUFFIN FLOUR for pancakes, muffins, cakes or puddings ........................... per pkg. 17c REX COFFEE Fresh roasted, fresh ground per lb. 45c CHOX, that chocolate drink per package . DECK MOPS with twine attached to handle, each 35c POLIUM Beter than steel wool, per pkg. JAVEX LIQUID SUNSHINE per bottle ...................... PARD DOG FOOD Dehydrated .................... PREPARED MUSTARD Club House.................... MACARONI In bulk ........................... per pkg. 6 oz. jar 15c 15c 15c Mr. and Mrs. ’Charles Salter, of Wingham, spent Monday in Exeter. Miss Florence Southcott returned to London Sunday after holidaying for two weeks in Exeter, Grand Bend and Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Davis and son Bruce, of Kenmore, New York, have been visiting at the home of Dr. E. S. Steiner. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Edward 'Coombes whe celebrated their third wedding anniversary Tuesday, August 17th. Messrs. Howard Holtzman, Donald Brintnell, Arthur Pfaff and Harry Parsons spent last week on a fishing trip to Manitoulin Island., Pte. Fred Darling, of Town un­ derwent an operation recently and is now convalescing in Trafalgar Military Hospital, London. Mrs. E. D. Howey and -daughter Jocelyn, spent the latter part of the week visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Gardiner, of Kit­ chener. Mrs. Ida Brown, Mrs. Eunice Ful­ ler and Miss Vera, of Sarnia, visi­ ted with their cousins, Mrs. Albert Geddes and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers over the week-eiid. Pte. Frayne Parsons, of the R.C.A.M.C., who ig stationed at the military hospital at Edmonton, Alta., is spending a two weeks’ at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Norwich, visited with the mother for a few days last week. They _.a.lso visited at Southampton hnd Pt. Lambton while on vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hicks and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jeffery and Donald, of Usborne, visited with Mr. and Mrs, Seth Brown at Cromarty. Ross Jeffery, who has been visiting with his grandparents, returned home with them. Miss Christine Edmeston teacher of Spanish at Greensboro College North Carolina, Visited, with Mr. and Mrs, G. S. Howard on Tuesday. Miss Edmeston was on the staff of the Dashwood Public school when Mr. Howard Was Principal -thOfe.,. Prior to the last year and a half' spent at a college in the United States she taught several years at a girls’ school in Buenos Aires, |Af* gehtino Republic, S,A. fur Jo ugh Hern, of former’s i I Clothes may not make the man— but a good suit certainly does Create a favourable impression. You don’t have to diet to wear our clothes—they’re as comfortabe as they are good looking. Whet your appetite for this fine weather by ordering a suit t,oday. Takes twice as long to make them these days. W. W. laman Mr, and Mrs. Norman Hunter are holidaying for two weeks in Windsor and Detroit. Mrs. A. A. Ericson, N. Y., is Visiting With Wm. May. Miss Ellen Balman, Visited last week with her sister, Mrs. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Wilson, of London,’ spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Hicks. Mrs. McKaig, of ceiyed word that has been wounded Mrs. Bedford, of Ing with her daughters, Mrs. Valeria Armstrong and Mrs, Gordon Hey­ wood, of Rochester, Mr, and Mrs. of Windsor, j Hensail, hag re­ li er son Donald in action. London, is Visit- W>.M.S. Afternoon Auxiliary The Avgust meeting of the after- hoon Auxiliary of the James Street , was held last Thursday, ^seiftenit Die the absence of J. M. SouthCbtt, conducted the W.M.S. . ' ^ugUst 12th, in The church* * Owing t.o the president, Mrs. the vice-president opening exercises. The opening liymn “Jesus Shall Reign Where’er the Sun Does His Successive Journey’s Run” Was heartily sung. Our daily prayer was repeated in unison. Min­ utes • of the last meeting were read by the secretary, Mrs. Buswell. Roll call followed, responded to by a goodly number. The treasurer, Mrs. Stone, then gave her report. The convenor Of the supply committee, Mrs. Kyle, read a letter from the recipients of a bale sent from the society containing some very accept­ able wool knitted clothing for which they expressed many thanks. The collection was taken and Mrs. F. Del- bridge was called to the chair, her group having charge of the program. After singing & hymn and Scripture reading by Mrs. E, Shapton, a ques- tionaife was conducted by Mrs; G. Christie on “Tho Stewardship of Time”. Very instructive questions were asked and were answered by* the following'-’members: Mrs. W» Johns, Mrs. H< Delbridge, Mrs, J* Stewart, Mrs, Joiners and Mrs, Chris­ tie. The meeting was closed with the singing of a hymn and benedic­ tion. n ! f