HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1943-08-05, Page 8J! ‘J Bags 8 V’s Beauty Shoppe Canadian Women Help-— “PAHS. 4 25c stamp Buys BUY A STAMP HERE VERA C. DECKER, Phone 112 THE AMMUNITION” Bullets TODAY Prop, Exeter Markets Wheat, Creamery Butter, 39c. Eggs, A Large, 37e Eggs, Medium, 35e Eggs, B, 26 Dresses Hogs, §16.25. THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE, THURSDAY MOBITOQ, AUGUST 5th, 1943 Marion Pooley BEAUTY SHOPPE AU Work Guaranteed Exeter Phone 245 Leavitt’s Theatre Exeter Ont. Phone 135 THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY August 5, 6, 7 "AIR FORCE” Warner’s Wonder Entertainment starring JOHN GARFIELD, GEORGE TOBIAS and an all star cast MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY August 9, 10, 11 two features “Background to starring GEORGE RAFT, SID­ NEY GREENSTREET, PETER LORRE, BRENDA MARSHALL “Follow the Band” Musical Comedy Feature starring FRANCIS LANGFORD and ALVINO KEY Once in a Lifetime LOCALS bnm.m I UNION SERVICES Main Street and James Street United Churches CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. John Galloway Mrs. j, g. Cadunne, Organist 10 a,m.—Sunday School During the remainder of August services will be held at 11 a.m. Services in Carmel Presbyterian Church Hensail will be held Sun­ day evening at 7 pan. I I We have just received 2 new patterns in three yard wide Congoleums. This sani­ tary floor covering makes bright, cheery rooms and you will like the new patterns at per yard $2.15 SUNDAY AUGUST 8, 1943 MAIN STREET UNITED 'CHURCH of Hagers- wek-end. spent the in Toronto, and Helen at Grand Hairdressing * .* « Tomlinson’s Phone* 146 . aSUSXiSQXOCSEI&SO Just the thing! 10 a.m.—Sunday School and Bible Classes. 11 a.m.—Public Worship Rev. N. J. Woods 7 p.m.—Public Worship Rev. N. J. Woods Strangers and visitors welcome to the services. Outstanding For Summer Vacations rRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Values or and Mrs. Aubrey Farquhar, the week-end at Earl Sweitzer, of on Mrs.L. Sweit- I of the Stratford, guetet of Overseas Packages COLGATES KIT BAGS Khaki or Navy Blue 98c 10 11 Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Ohoir Leader. Mr. Middl emiss i a.m.—Sunday School . a.m.—Morning prayer and ser­ mon, “Transfiguration”, in Boys’ Clothing Congoleum Rugs in all sizes We have in stock a fine range of Congol- eum rugs in all sizes. They are hard to beat for wear. You will like the new patterns. ft..... 9 ft. ft..... 6 x 772 9 9 9 x X X 9 x 9 101/2 ft..... 12 ft. ...... . $5.00 . $5.00 . $7.75 . $9.00 $10.50 English China Cups and Saucers Exeter bowlers on the local greens Friday evening witnessed one of those sensational finishes that you hear about but seldom see. Exeter's two veteran bowlers, R. G. Seldon and R. N. Creeeh^who can lay claim to the win- as many trophies as any in Western Ontario, were two rinks. At the last end possibly ning of bowlers skipping Mr. Creech's rink were three shots down. Both rinks laid down a beautiful end and when the skips came to bowl the farthest bowl was not more than five feet* from the jack. Mr. Seldon’s rink was lying short an inch or so off the jack with opposing shots almost as close surrounding the jack. With the first shot Mr. 'Creech moved a bowl that was guarding the end. With his second after studying the end and calling his shot he laid up against the winning howl squeezed the jack within a feet from bowls to The rinks were: Mrs. Hopper, R. N. Creech; Mrs. Motz, George Anderson. George Layton and R. G. Seldon. Your Drugs at ROBERTSON’S Phone 50 Exeter Mrs. with Frayne, relatives the and the WUERTH’S See Our FOOTWEAR FOR HARVEST Shoes—$2.25 $2.79 $2.89 Socks 24c a pair Odd lines of Men’s Oxfords clear at reduced prices. © Several pairs of used shoes that have been repaired and not called for at bargain prices. Shoe Polishes of all Kinds. A. E. WUERTH to about nine inches and radius of less than two the jack counted out six win the game three up. Walter Penrose, Dr. Roulston and Mrs. Motz, The young lieutenant had been thirty seconds late on parade and was incurring the wrath of the C.O. later in the orderly room and he said apologetically: “I’m sorry, sir, but I woke so late there were only ten minutes to dress.” “Ten minutes!” barked the colonel, “why, boy, I can dress comfortably in ten minutes.” “Yes, sir,” said the lieu­ tenant, “but I washed, too, sir.” is the best investment we know of for economy and comfort. WE ARE NOW BOOKING ORDERS FOR FALL and WINTER INSTALATION. Would be pleased to estimate your job. I phone 61 every ■^Thursday Night Steeper’s Orchestra JITNEY DANCING Round the Clock Service STEWART’S TAXI Phone 155w Exeter 1 I I Mr. Frank Sheere is holidaying this week in Toronto. Mr, J. W. Powell, of St, Thomas, spent the holiday in Exeter. Mrs. J. W. Powell is visiting with her daughter in Windsor, Dr, and Mrs, Fletchex* and Mary are holidaying at Wasaga Beach. LAC. Robert Dinney, ville, was home for the Miss Helen Penhale latter part of last week Misses Jean Elliot Rowe are holidaying Bend. Miss Ruby Wood, of spent the week-end visiting in Ex­ eter. Miss Verla Jones has taken a position on the Bank of Montreal staff. Mr. of Kippen, spent Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Kitchener, called zer this week. Miss Ella Jones, spent the week-end Miss Reta Rowe. AC 2 Ray and of Toronto, visited over the week-end. Miss Florence Southcott, of Lon­ don, is spending two weeks’ holi­ days at her home here. Mrs. Wm. Vale visited her daugh­ ter, Mrs. Win. McDowell, of Den- field over the week-end. Mrs. C. A. Southcott and Miss Stella and Miss Irene Johns are holidaying at Grand Bend. Misses Mary Caldwell and Mar­ garet Gallagher, of London, are holidaying at Grand Bend. AC2 Neil Jones, of the R.C.A.F. Radio School, Hamilton, spent week-end at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Patrick Jack Baker, of Toronto, spent week-end with Mrs. J. C. Snell. Mr. Hammer, of the Bank of Montreal staff, is on holidays and left Wednesday for Tavistock. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Morris, of Toronto, visited at the home of Miss Alice Hackney last week-end. L. Cpl. Stanley Frayne, of Strat­ ford, visited over the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Frayne. Mrs. S. Pollen returned to her home in Flint, Mich., on Saturday after visiting with her mother, Mrs. S. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Smith have returned to Toronto after spending two weeks with her mother, Mrs. L, Sweitzer. Mr. S, J. Sweitzer, of Blue Sunoco Service, has returned home holidaying at Pt. Elgin and Sound. , Sergt. Eugene Beaver, of wawa, is lough visiting in Exeter Crediton. Miss Pearl Cann, of Guelph, is visiting with friends and relatives in Exeter and with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. J. V. Cann, of Bayfield. LAC. Andrew Blair, of Jarvis, and Cpl. Donald Blair, of Simcoe, spent the week-end at the home of their mother, Mrs. L. Blair, of Usborne. Mr. beiner, returned home from their moon spent in Meaford, Sound, Barrie and Toronto. Week-end of Mr. and Mrs. George da Miller, brother Mr. nipeg. Week-end Mrs, August Mrs, Vendel Chatham; Mr. Montreal, and Windsor. Mr. Mervin. ed to Toronto after spending his holidays here and in Seaforth. Mrs. Cudmore and two sons are remain­ ing with her parents, Mr. 13, Lindenfield on a visit. AC2 Les. Coates, who is R.C.A.F, at Montreal, is a 9-day furlough at his Llstowel. He and Mrs. Coates spent Friday and Saturday visiting with Mrs. Coates’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ellerihgton. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Vaughn, Cijeech, Creech, of St, Thonvas T.T.S., and Mr, and Mrs, Ray Creech," of Forest, were visitors bn Sunday at the home of Mrs, T. G. Creech. after Owen Peta­ enjoying an 18-day fur- and at and Mrs. Dalton A, Fink- Cnee Norma Parsons) have honey- Owen home were visitors at the Mrs. J, Caldwell Shore and Miss Matil- of Woodbridge, Lewis Miller, and of Win- visitors with Gregus were: Hodtilik and Dominic Simuncik, of Mr, Wm. Radio, of Mr. and Mr. and Anna, of Cudmore lias return- and Mrs. with the spending home in and Mrs, Walter Dearing, Mrs, Wm. Rollins and of London; of Detroit,* Mrs. Young Opl. Jos. B. (PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE Sunday School—10.30 a.m. Service—11.30 a.m. Evening Service—8 p.m. (Wednesday Prayer Meeting—8 i ' All are welcome. Pastor—E. Clemens p.m. / ZION EVANGELICAL CHURCH Cred it on IM. E. Reuber, B.A., B.D., Minister Mrs. E. W. Morlock, Organist Lawrence A. Wein, Choir Leader UNION SERVICES 10 a.m.—Morning Worship at Evan­ gelical church. 11 a.m.—-Church School 7’3 0 p.m.—Evening worship at the United church. M, E. Reuber in charge at both ser­ vices. Grateful for Cigarettes—Writer Knew Exeter Flier The following letter has been re­ ceived by the Wives of No. 9 S.F.T.S. Red Cross Unit, % Mrs. Fullerton: June 9, 1943 Fullerton and Ladies: short letter to try and Monday, 8..3'0 p.m.—Y.P.M.C. at the home of Mrs. Gordon Ratz, Welcome Large Crowds at Grand Bend Grand Bend this year is experienc­ ing the largest week-end crowds to be seen at this popular summer re­ sort. In addition to the week-end crowds cottages and cabins are filled and at a premium. Dear Mrs. Just a express my gratitude for the cigar­ ettes I received from you. I can assure you they are a most welcome gift. Organizations at home, such as yours, are doing a grand job for us fellows over here and believe me everyone of us appreciates it. We are all proud of our countrymen and our country and are just living for | tournament featured the day and the day we will be back home again. &ome of the bowiers had difficulty I would like to thank Ruth Cater- securing an evening meal as at for the letter she wrote me. If I; least one restaurant was sold out. had not received it, the cigarettes Quite a number spent the day at would have been quite a mystery to Qranq Bend. me- | ______________ I have a very good friend whose. ,home is in Exeter. You probably’ Mrs- William Chambers spent the know him, Lome Howey. When he week-end in M ingham with Mi. and Chas. Salter. Mr. Joseph Senior returned home last week from St. Joseph’s Hos­ pital, London, underwent an able to be out Monday. Eats Were Short all We were fortunate in securing a fine as­ sortment “ cups and ment of of lovely English Bone China saucers. We have a fine assort- patterns and colorings. Bring your visitors in to see them. “priced $1.00 to $2.50 / Grocery Specials for Thurs., Friday and Saturday . QUAKER PUFFED WHEAT large package ................. 19c STOKELY’S Finest TOMATO SOUP 3 cans for ............. 25c LEE’S MUFFIN FLOUR for pancakes, muffins, cakes or puddings ........................... per pkg. 17c REX COFFEE Fresh roasted, fresh ground per lb. 45c CHOX, that chocolate drink per’package DECK MOPS with twine attached to handle, each 35c g—tr—— r1 ■ I . — ...... * 5c KILL THE FLY!! Tanglefoot, Fly Swats, Fly Poison Fly Coils POLIUM Beter than steel wool, per pkg. JAVEX LIQUID SUNSHINE per bottle ...................... PARD DOG FOOD x Dehydrated ................... PREPARED MUSTARD Club House>................. 6 oz. jar per pkg. MACARONI In bulk . . 15e 15c 15c 10c per lb. 6e Southcott Bros Phone 16 DtasaiKCKKa Don. Winer Writes from India % Mr. Johnston is visiting his sister, Mrs. p. Frayne.Evening Auxiliary Meet The August meeting of the James The following is taken from a letter written to Mrs. Valeria Arm­ strong and family by Donald Winer. »j Don, serving with the R.C.A.F. in J j India, gives a few of the highlights j ol his life there. Dear Friends: inCivic Holiday was observed Exeter Monday and the town was , locked up tight. The local bowling from you the really pleasant it on the 16th was over here he ana I were in tlie,Mrs- same aircraft. He is a grand feMlow' 1- and I imagine you are all-very proud of him, I know all of us here are. Well I am afraid I must close now as I have some more letters to write home. Thank you again for the very generous gift. Good luck to you all. Yours sincerely, ■ A “Lost” ad (signed) S. Hopkins, ■ policy you can R103590-—407 Squadron, loss. You have Overseas. you call the Exeter Tlmes-Advocate. where he recently operation. He was for an auto ride on is the only insurance take out AFTER the a “comeback” if ■ ’s NEVER OFFERED BEFORE!!! ■Never before so much for so little . Receiving a letter other day gave me a surprise. I received of May about four months after you wrote it, which wasn’t bad at all for a sea mail letter. I am still receiv­ ing letters written last December. Life here in India isn’t so very pleasant. The heat and humidity is the worst feature. The sweat continually pours off us, even while we’re lying absolutely still in bed. It’s nearly eight p.m. now but as I write this the sweat is running down my back, my arms aud my chest, I and 'off the point of my nose. | The thousand and one kinds of t bugs make life miserable. Mosqui­ toes, flying aunts, beetles of all des­ criptions, darning needles and every­ thing else come Snakes, lizzards, grasshoppers are is not safe to go out a light because snakes. I killed one the 'Other night. Instead of trying to be well-dressed cut here we must try to minimum of clothing and serve our modesty. As for is practically everything, meals are more or Fresh fruit is plentiful, coconuts, tangerines, mangoes, pine­ apple, etc., grow in our own back yard. So we halve no need of anything here. Cigarettes are the only thing because the Indian brands, though cheap, are hot very good. Well, since’ I started writing this letter it has stared to rain, which has cooled it off a bit. toes are thick UOW, thing it is another. When It rains life able as flying ■will Washed out and therefor Work will be also, And it is only the work that keeps us on an even keel. Well, I must dose HOW. Regards to everyone. * in forcd at night, toads, all out bugs and numerous. It at night with- of poisonous under my bed wear the still pro­ eats there but camp less terrible. Bananas, Miss ISdna Martens is 'holidaying ,, ° . . “ OI Jan’”“her l,nm» s 811 eel Evening Auxiliary was Held ft —-—No increase in rate at any time . . . . ------Guaranteed renewable to age of 65 . . * . Your protection cannot be tanCelled nor change4 in any way aS long as you pay premiums when due. • WHY NOT ENQUIRE TO-DAY! W. Herman Hodgson Agent EXETER <( If it’s insurance, we have it.” ONTARIO Telephones: Office 24; Residence 162j But If the mosqul- it isn’t ono is be practically Very miser- Doit. at her home in Stephen. Miss Tenie McCurdy, of the Jones & May staff, is on vacation, Misses Alioe and Frances Taylor have returned home after spending a week at Grand Bend Tom Love. with Mrs- Brock, of Mrs. John Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hamilton, and Mr. and McElroy, of St. Thomas, visited over the holiday with relatives. Spr. Gordon McTavisli, of London, spent the week-end visiting With his mother, Mi’s. j, Mcfavish. He has been posted to ipperwash camp, Mrs. Darrel and gon Bobby, of Toronto, visited for a few days with the former’s mother, Mrs. J, McTav- ish. They left Wednesday for a few days in Shakespeare. Robert Street, of Benetanguishehe, visited with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Percy McFalis, on Wednes­ day. He is assisting Mr, William Warren on the farm for a time. at the home of Miss May Jones. The j president, Miss Helen Penhale took charge of the meeting which opened with the national anthem followed by a hymn. The roll call and min­ utes of the lust meeting were read and adopted followed by the Red Cross report by Miss Alice Hand­ ford. Mrs. Wm, Kernick conducted the worship service assisted by Mrs. A. 0. Elliot, Mrs. J. H. Jones, Mrs. Wm, Thompson and Miss Verna Coates, The musical numbers were a piano duet by Misses Gwennetli Jones and Loreen Zurbrigg and a solo by Miss Jean Sheere. Mrs. I. G. Ford led in prayer, a hymn follow­ ed by the. Mizpah benediction clos­ ed the by the meeting. Lunch was served group in charge. A0 2 patient Toronto, for several weeks and who hag been home on sick leave, re­ turned to No. 6, I.T.S., ’Toronto, on Sunday, Bill Reynolds, who was d at Christie Street hospital, o