HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1943-07-29, Page 6THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE, THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 29th, 1943 ROBERT McIJNCHEY DIES o5 Once again, motorists cast a “landslide” vote in favour of GOODYEAR Nation-wide, independent poll* shows preference for Goodyear tires greater than that of all other makes combined. Hundreds of motorists, in every province of Canada were asked this question: "’If you had a tire permit, what tire would you buy today?” By a huge majority Goodyear was again elected Canada's first choice tire! •TO?A Weddings HENSALL WAXa>$R~-STANLAKE father, was very in powder blue accessories and pink rose buds. CORVETTES TO BE NAMED PARKHILL AND STRATHHOY Two corvettes of the Royal Cana­ dian Navy to be launched soon will be named after the Towns of hill and Strathroy. The two corvettes are now process of construction, and no definite plans for providing com- Park- in the while CUT COARSE FOR THE PIPE t I 1 CUT FINE FOR CIGARETTES :: LX This simply proves that motorists, forced to keep their old tires running, have learned that Goodyear’s ’’extra mileage” is pot merely a claim or a catch-phrase, but a definite reality. Never before, since motoring began, have tires come through such a testing-time as during the past eighteen months. Never before have motorists been compelled to extract the very last mile from tires. Therefore when Canada’s first choice tire, Goodyear, comes through that period and remains, by all odds, the first choice tire, there is abundant proof that motorists have found, by practical experience, that Goodyears do give a bonus in miles and service”. When peace time comes—"Go Goodyear11 and get EXTRA MILES THE GREATEST NAME IN RUBBED MORE PEOPLE RIDE ON GOODYEAR TIRES THAN ON ANY OTHER KIND forts for them have as yet been formulated by residents of the towns after which they have been named, it is probable committees will be formed to do so soon. ROY SERIOUSLY INJURED IN MOTOR MISHAP Milne Gregory, 5, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carmen Gregory, of R- R. No. 3, London, is in Victoria Hospital with possible skull injuries following an accident Saturday afternoon when the child was struck by a car driven by James Ivory, of 9 6 Inkerman St. Ivory was going north on Ridout street, approaching Dundas street, when the little boy, police said, ran into the path of the Ivory car. Robert McLinchey, of near Zurich, died Wednesday, July 21, year, after an illness of months. Mr. McLinchey was Stanley Township and his entire life. In 19 01, Minnie Errat. They < farm on the Goshen : nine years ago, when Linchey died. Surviving sons. Township, and four in his 74 th about font- > born in lived there he married operated a Line, until Mi’s. Me- are two Bruce and Frank, of Stanley grandchildren. His oldest son, William, died ten years ago. A public funeral service was held at the home on Friday afternoon. Interment was at the Bayfield Ceme­ tery. HAY COUNCIL A special meeting of the Council of the Township of Hay was held at the office of the township clerk on Sat­ urday evening, July 17th. The con­ tract for the construction of the new bridge on the Bronson line was aw­ arded to George Becker of near Dash­ wood and construction will com­ mence at once. The general tax rate for the township for the year 1943 was struck at 12.i25 mills’. This made up as follows: county rates 6.55; township rate .5 mills; town­ ship road rate 1.5 mills; general school rate 3.7 mills; this is a reduc­ tion of .31 mills of the 195 2 general rate. The law costs in connection with the action, Alexander et al and the Township of Hay were also or­ dered to be paid by the treasurer. 'By Ti-t/os No. 10 1?a I / GOT A TIP TO PAY ' THAT THEME'S GO/NG TO SEA SNOPTAGEy /VW TM/G ] 1 TH£Y7.L ZAT/OA/ J IA//LL < w-■ EE! WSPEEAP/NG THOSE 7 HUMOU/SS Iff 'ACTUALLY TREASON£ . ..,, .. iW/Z/ WEEE you, l'p/^i fGETA SUPPLY... I' 'A''v. ii' 'y -• •i........ iwjhwSw!' ■st 7 THAT'S just THE WAV/ 70 CAUSE SHORTAGES & THAT NEEP NEVEE t HAVE EXISTS# s I ■ FrW, y _ 1,^ SA&0TBU8S $ £ *>Illi / EVEN IN PEACETIME, /E A MILLION WOMEN SUPDENLY BOUGHT TWICE AS 1 MUCH AS USUAL, THEBEt> SEA SHOPT- > AGE ANO YOU CAUSE THAT W WAETIMS / sffeb A .0 fc-:'-'- i. RUMOURS CAUSE SHORTAGES We all know the people Who pretend to be “in the know” and warn us that this or that will be rationed next. Those people ate dangerous! By frightening others into panic buying they cause shortage^ that need never have existed* Decent people buy only what , they need, confident that if ra­ tioningdoes become necessary^ they will receive a fair skate* JOHN LABATT LIMITED London Canada St. Mark's ’Anglican church, in London, was the setting for a quiet but pretty wedding on Wednesday, July ?lst» 1943, when Miss Emma Luelia, only daughter of Mr. James Stanlake and the jate Mrs. Caroline Stanlake of the 2nd Con. of Stephen, was united in marriage to Mr. Jack Walper, of Thedford, son of Mrs, C. Walpeib of Exeter, The ceremony was performed by Rev. Walter Jones, a former rector of Trivitt Memorial church, The bride, who was given in marriage by her becomingly gowned Sheer, with white wore a corsage of She was attended by her sister-in-law1 Mrs. William Stanlake, •who was at­ tired in a navy blue costume with white accessories and wore a corsage of red rose buds. The groom was supported by the bride’s brother, Mr. William Stanlake, of Stephen, At the conclusion of the ceremony the bridal party motored to the home of the groom’s daughter, Mrs, Wm, Gallimore, of London, where a very, sumptuous turkey dinner was par­ taken of by the immediate relatives. The table was prettily decorated with pink and white streamers and white candles in the midst of which stood the bride’s wedding cake. The bridal couple left*' later for their home in Thedford where Mr, Walper operates a barber shop. Their many friends join in best wishes for a long, happy and prosperous mar­ ried life. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cook and babe, of Windsor, visited this week with the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Cornilius Cook, Mrs. Leslie Adams, of London, and Mrs. Albert Morenz, of Dashwood, visited on Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Corbett. Mr. and Mrs, Robert Varley and family, of St. Catharines, are spend­ ing their vacation with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs- Chas. Wolffo. Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Hedden and family, pf st Catharines, are spend­ ing this week at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kennings and Mrs, Catharine Hedden. Miss Edna Gill has been enjoying a week’s holidays. Mr, and Mrs, Garnet Mpusseau, of St, Catharines, visited at the home of the former’s parents, Mr, and Mrs. Alex Mousseau, this week. Mrs. Joseph Case is the Mrs, Ben Elder this week. Mr. Wm, Finch, of the Toronto, is spending his with Mrs. Finch and babe Mr. and Mrs, Robert THIS WEEK GEORGE > will speak ever all Radio -Stations THURSDAY, JULY 8.30 PM SATURDAY, JULY 9.00 P.M. SATURDAY, JULY 11.30 P.M. 29, 31, 31, McIntyre—ballantyne son of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. by Rev. assisted by Rev. the of Brantford, Mair, Montietli, uncle I of entered the church on her father and looked a floor-length gown of with sweetheart neck- R.C.A.F., furlough here. McKenzie and family visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. 'Mervyn Schwalm and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hansoii in Strat­ ford. Post-Nuptial Shower Mrs, John Passmore and Mrs. Lorne Eldei’ were hostess at the former’s home for a miscellaneous shower Thursday evening in honor of Mrs. Harold Cudmore (nee Gladys McKenzie). A sing song was led by Miss Greta Lammie and Miss Gladys Luker directed the contests A mock wedding was an interesting part of the program, those taking part being Mrs. Harpole, Mrs, Ken­ nedy and Mrs. Hess. During the evening the bride was presented with numerous beautiful gifts for which she made a fitting reply of thanks. A dahnty luncheon was served. CHILD AT STRATFORD HAS SKULL FRACTURED Patricia Irwin, three-year-old daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Glen Ir- i win, of Stratford, received a frac- ; tured skull when struck by a car driven by Flight Lieut. A. E. Lunn, R.'C.A.F., stationed at Centralia, 'lhe accident occurred early Sun­ day evening. The driver of the car informed i the police that he had not seen the ■ child until she whs about three feet from the car. She was skip­ ping along the side of Ontario; street at the time and seemed to * A very pretty wedding was solem­ nized at Thames Road United church on Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock when Anna Elizabeth, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Ballantyne, of Thames Road, was united in marriage to Edward Houl- ding, McIntyre, William William bride. The bride the arm of charming in white faille line and sleeves pointed over the wrist. Her long veil of illusion fell from a halo headdress and she car­ ried an arm bouquet of gardenias, Sweetheart roses and baby’s breath. Miss Wylla Monteith, of Hamilton, cousin of the bride, was gowned in crystal blue matching poque bonnet Sweetheart roses, blue ers and baby's breath. ^1^,0 ... ,dred Ballantyne, niece of the bride, ! into P\e home of Aiderman was ring hearer, wearing pink or-1 Lawrence Feick, near by, and was gandy and Dutch hat to match. Mr. I er rehi°ved to the Stratford Clarence Fairbairn, of Exeter, acted General HogPltal treatment, as groomsman, I During the signing of the regis-, ter, Mr. Clarence Jones, of Brant­ ford, sang “I Love You”. Mrs. Wil­ liam Cann assisted at the piano. The ushers were Mr. house, of Brantford and liam Cann After the ceremony a dinner was served at the the bride to about thirty guests. The brides table was centered with a four-tier wedding cake and the room was decorated with pink and white streamers. The waitresses were Misses Bernice Houlding, of Brantford, don, and with Mrs. Kirkland and Mrs. Alvin Passmore assisting in the kitchen. For travelling the bride donned a smart navy blue dress trimmed with navy and white checked taf­ feta, matching hat and white acces­ sories. After a trip to Manitoulin Island, Mr. and Mrs. McIntyre will reside in London. bridesmaid, I sheer with i . . . x „ 41 TTand carried jump 111 front oi the car- Her head corn flow-1 Little Mil-’ struck and smashed the left head­ light of the car. The child was car­ MRS. R. ELLIOTT OF SEAFORTH DIES Harry Bell- Mr. Wil- wedding home of Eunice Curts, of Lon- Vera Pollen, of Exeter, The death occurred suddenly Seaforth, Thursday of last week Annie ' McGavin, widow of Ralph Elliott. Mrs. Elliott had been ill since last November with a heart condition, but had been going about as usual for the past few months. She was born in Stanley township 78 years ago and later moved with her' parents to McKillop township, where she attended school. She was married in Trinity Anglican church, Bayfield, to Ralph Elliott over 6 0 years ago, who predeceased her in 19 26. in of Vote for a Strong Ontario Wed., Aug. 4 Mark Your Ballot for the PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATE Raised Fine Sum at Grand Bend For Boys Overseas The Exeter District War Time Conimittee, on behalf of all the boys overseas, wishes to acknowledge with many thanks the receipt of the magnificent sum of $216.39 from Mr. Eric McIlroy of Grand Bend Casino, the proceeds of an orchestra concert on Sunday evening last. The money is to be used, for cigarettes and comforts for the boys of this district who are fighting in the Cana­ dian forces overseas. The concert by Stan Patton and his orchestra, was an especially fine one and drew a large and generous audience. This is a yearly patriotic effort on the part of Mr. McIlroy, and he has the special thanks of the Committee. R, N. Creech, sec- CONSIDERATION URGED FOR RURAL MAILMEN A plea on behalf of rural mail car­ riers was made recently in the House of Commons at lOttawa, by Gordon Graydon, Progressive Conservative House leader, during consideration of non-war estimates of the Post Office Department. He asked for added costs of in maintaining war time on the low income they receive under contracts with the post office. He said the problem was a and lie said he the Government ing to solve it. justification for Mulock to ask Parliament to set up a special committee on the rural mail carrier problem. consideration of the rural mail carriers their routes during rural mail carrier- long-standing’ one, would “condemn” for not even seek- There was every Postmaster-General o M WANTED ftir SHOWER FOR BRIDE-ELECT Complimenting Miss Norma Hey, bride-elect of this month, an attract­ ive miscellaneous shower was given recently at the lovely farm home of Mrs. Newell Geiger. Mrs. Arthur Finlayson was co-hostess. The guest of honor was seated in a large chair, decorated in pink and white on the spacious lawn in front of the rose neighbors around a enjoygd. Mrs. Arthur Finlayson conducted a humorous nursery Ryme Quiz. Grace Erb then 'favoured with two solos and Patsy Stelck sang “The Same Old Shilalee?’ Mrs. A, Fin­ layson then read the address to Norma, and little Robert Manson and Grace Erb came forth with a gayly decorated wagon load presents followed by Marilyn with a basketful. The bride-elect thanked all in pleasing manner for the .many beau­ tiful gifts received, and all joined fh singing, “For She’s a Jolly Good Fellow?’ The Misses Laureen and Vera Oesch and Kathleen and Nor­ ma Hey favoured with several duets and little Grace Erb sang another solo. Following this a delicious lunch was served by the hostess, «—Zurich Herald. bushes and some eighty and friends were seated delightful program Men and Women MAKE APPLICATION TO during the Tomato Season beginning about August 25th of Erb her N' Applications from those engaged in war work will riOt be considered. FOOD FIGHTS TOO