HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1943-07-29, Page 5V
Coming to Hensail
C, R. Wilkinson, R.O.
Ophthalmic Optician
will be at W. O. GOODWIN’S
Stwre, every 1st and 3rd Tuesday
in the month, for the purpose of
testing eyes and fitting glasses.
Difficult cases and those that
have not been properly fitted,
specially recommended to cpn*
suit me. Hours 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Phone 16 Hensail
for appointment
Mr, Herb Hedden, of St. Cathar
ines, is holidaying with his mother,
Mrs, Catharine Hedden,
Mr. Clarke Kennedy, of the
R.C.N.V.R., Halifax, visited with
ftriends here this week,
Donna Rigby, of Blenheim, is
holidaying with her grandparents,
Mr, and Mrs. Stewart McQueen.
Mr. Robert gangster, of Elora,
spent the week-end at the home of
his mother, Mrs, Minpie Sangster.
P,te, Dick Parke and Lieut. Alda
Bolton were week-end visitors with
Mrs. Gordon Bolton and Mrs, Dick
The members of St. Paul’s Angli
can church held their annual picnic
a( Lion’s Park, Seaforth, last Thurs
day afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. iGeorge Varley and
family, of St. Catharines, are holi
daying with relatives and friends in
and around the village.
Mrs. Ray Broderick wishes to an
nounce that her beauty shop will
be closed for one month, commencing
August 6th, while she is on vacation.
Mr. Kenneth Brook, of the
R.C.A.F., Ottawa, and Mrs. Brook
visited this week with the former's
parents, Rev. R. A. and Mrs. Brook.
Misses Lenore Norminton, Ruth
Hess, Marion Sangster and Donna
McEwen returned home Sunday fol
lowing a week at Summer School
at Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hedden, Betty
and Marie, of Hamilton, and son,
George, of the R.C.N.V.R., spent the
week-end with the former’s mother,
Mrs. Catherine Hedden.
LAC. Donald McKinnon, of Clars-
holm, Alta., arrived home on a
furlough on Monday and is enjoying
a visit with Mrs, McKinnon, Donald,
Ronald and Billy.
In a recent letter received by Mrs.
Minnie Sangster from her son, Sgt.
Douglas Sangster, who has arrived
safely in England, he reported hav
ing, met Pilot Officer Alvin Bell,
who recently went overseas.
The members of the “Five Hund
red Club” are sponsoring a “Penny
Block” on Saturday, July 31st. You
are asked to save your pennies for
this occasion. The Club sends cigar
ettes regularly to the boys overseas.
Kindly co-operate to make this pro
ject a success.
Additional Hensail news .will be
found on page six.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Guenther, of
Windsor, are spending their vacation
with friends here.
•Miss Ida Stacey, of Toronto, spent
the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. T.
Harry Hoffman.
Mrs. Currie and family* who spent
the past month with her parents in
Meaford, have returned, accompanied
by her sister.
The Evangelical Radies Aid are
having a 'sale of home-made ice*
cream, cake and pie on the hotel
lawn on Saturday night,
Herbert Ness, of Toronto, is spend
ing a few days with his mother* Mrs.
Mr, and ’Mrs, A. White and daugh
ter, Nancy, of Detroit, spent the
week-end with her mother, Mrs, Wlt-
Mr, and Mrs, Norman Evans and
family, who spent the past week with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Henry
Hoffman, have returned to their
home in Aurora.
Mr, T. Harry Hoffman attended
Embalming School in Toronto a few
days last week.
Mr, and Mrs, Harold Kraft, Misses
Helen Walper, Bertha, Gladys and
Mr. Wallace Becker spent last week
end in Toronto and Niagara Falls.
Mr. and .Mrs. Melvin Guenther, of
Gary, Ind,, are visiting with relatives
Mrs. Wm. Henderson and daughter
Dorothy, of Galt, and Mr. Ken.
Hager, of Guelph, were Sunday visi
tors with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Nadiger.
Mrs. D. Normyle, of Kalamazo,
Mich., is visiting with her brother,
Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Nadiger.
Miss Gertrude Allemang, of Kit
chener, spent the week-end with Mr.
and Mrs. Edgar Restemeyer. *
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Stumpf, of
Kitchener, and Mr. Earl Stumpf, of
Elmira, spent the week-end with
friends in this vicinity,
Mr. and Mrs. ‘G. E. Faist and Miss
Nola visited with Rev. S. M. and Mrs,
Faist at Milverton on Sunday.
■ Gnr. Rodney Bowman, who visited
in Crediton on two week’s furlough,
has reamed to Sydney, N.S., accom
panied by Mrs. Bowman.
Rev, L. H. Turner will conduct
all services on the Crediton field
next Sabbath. Shipka 10.30, Brins
ley 2.30 and Crediton 7.30.
Mrs. Albert Morlock is ill in St.
Joseph’s Hospital, London. Her many
friends will hope for her speedy re
Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Eilber are
holidaying at Grand Bend.
Seven young people of Crediton.
Evangelical Church spent last week
at Camp Thayandonegea, Paris,
Ontario, they were, Wilmer Wein,
Elsie Gaiser, Ruth Ratz, Elaine
Fahrner, Norma Fahrner, Margaret
Ratz and Eva Brown. Reports in
dicated a full Evangelical Camp
under the capable leadership of
Professor E. B. Domm, professor
of Bible at the Evangelical College
at Nanerville, Illinois.
The W.M.S. will hold their regu
lar monthly meeting at the home
of Mrs. Wes. Wein, on Thursday at
8. p.m.
Country Editor Shows How Socialism (C.C.F.)
Leads to Dictatorship
Two-Minute Talks on Socialism (C.C.F) by George James, Editor Canadian Statesman, Bowmanviile
How Socialism Affects
The Farmer
Sunday .School picnic
The annual picnic of the Chisel- j
hurst Sunday .school and W.M.S.
was held at the Lions Park Seaforth I
Thursday, July 22, bathing and)
races were as follows—Girls 5 and ■
under, Marilyn Eyre, Jean Cook; j
boys 5 and under, Laverne Hamil- j
ton, Douglas Brintnell;
■ 12, Velma Ferguson, Donna Norris;
boys 8 to "■ "
Brintnell, ----------
ladies race, Mrs. Thomas Brintnell,
Mrs. Wilson Broadtoot; married
men’s race, Clayton Horton, Tom
Brintnell; ladies nail driving, Mrs.
William Brintnell; ladies kicking
slipper, Verna McLean, Jean
Wright; men’s kicking .slipper, Rus
sel Ferguson, Roger Venner; ladies
calling husbands to dinner,
Harold “..........................
young ladies race,
Margaret Treffry; young men’s race
Bruce Glenn, Russell Ferguson;
girls and boys three-legged race,
Russell Ferguson, Margaret Glenn;
Supper was then served for 125. A
tug of war took place between
Chiselhurst and Roy’s Church with
Chiselhurst winning. It also being
Roy’s Church picnic. A very excit
ing ball game was then played by
the two churches which ended in
£US.OJ1, X/QIlHdi
12, Keith Brintnell, Bob
boys 12 to 15, Keith
Jack Brintnell; married
soap in
Mrs. Griff, of St. Catharines, is
visiting this week with Miss Ella
Mr. and Mrs. William 'Ferguson,
accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Ferguson and ’Velma, spqnt ..Sun
day with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fer-
gusbn, of London township,
Mr, Roy Ferguson spent Sunday
with Lloyd Ferguson, of Chisel
Mr. and Mrs. R. Kellar and fam
girls 8 to ' ily, of Exeter, visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Glenn;
eyes, Jack Glenn,
men (blind) pail
Russell Ferguson;
Jean Wright,
the two churches which ended
a tie.
Mrs. H. Rohde on Sunday.
Bob McCurdy, of R.C.A.F., Ot
tawa, spent the week-end with his
LAC. Bert Borland, of Hagers-
ville, was home over the week-end.
Misses Onali and Hazel Williams,
Alice Passmore and Marion Cope
land are spending a few days holi
daying at Grand Bend.
Miss Mary Gardiner entertained
her Sunday school class on Monday
afternoon at Grand Bend and all
enjoyed a nice picnic together.
Mr. and Mrs. Stahley McFalls
and Maxine, of London, spent Sun
day with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Coward.
Miss Loreen Venner is holiday
ing with Miss Alice Passmore.
Mrs. N. Hunkin and Betty
Audrey, of Belmore, attended
McIntyre—Ballantyne wedding
Saturday at the United Church
visite'd afterwards with Mr.
Mrs. Robert Duncan.
Mr, and Mrs. Everett Miller
family and Mr. and Mrs. Jim
ley and son, Ray, visited with
Who Will Control
The Controllers?
In our last talk we asked. "Who will control
the controllers ?”
One of the great strengths of democracy
has been that it sought to leave each man to
lead his own life as free as i^ossible from out
side interference,, Government or otherwise.
The one limitation on the individual has al
ways been that , the exercise of his freedom
must not interfere with the freedom of others.
As life has grown more complicated; the danger
of one man’s freedom interfering with that of
another has increased; and. we have found it
necessary for the State, which represents all the
people, to exercise more and more control, even
in peacetime, Supporters of the individualist
system recognize this,
To ensure that the exercise of power by any
individual shall not be excessive, the State, rep-
o resenting all classes, maintains itself in the posi
tion of judge, controller, regulator, arbitrator,
and, in the main, it confines itself to these roles.
It does, of course, supply numerous public ser
vices such as non-competitive natural monopo
lies, notably water and light, but it has expanded
its economic activities gradually and has been
content to act in. the main as the regulator and
not the mainspring.
What will happen if it steps out in a big way
to operate virtually everything itself? If the
regulator becomes the mainspring, then who
regulates ? The answer can be got quite clearly
by looking at Germany and Italy. In these
countries, once the political power’ began to
operate the economic machine it at once became
clear that complete regimentation was necessary,
with the necessary force behind to make sure
that the decrees of the dictatorial power’ were
carried out. The question of controlling the
controllers here, of course, never even arose-—
who could regulate or control the supreme power
in the State? Once the regulator becomes the
mainspring then the mainspring has nothing to
regulate it. ,
This seems so clear that one wonders why
the Socialists do not see it. They do, in fact,
see_that there is a problem and try to answer
it, but being unversed, in the practical working
of Government their answer is entirely unprac
tical and unrealistic. They fall bdek on such
statements as "The principle of Cabinet res
ponsibility or ultimate democratic control must
be retained in the running of State industry.”
But any one who will reflect on the way Govern
ment is carried on will realize that "ultimate
democratic control” must be entirely confined
to principles and policies and cannot possibly
have to do with the details of day-to-day busi
ness. In other words, a few men comprising
a committee of Parliament (the Cabinet) must
make all the day-to-day decisions.
Take as an illustration the budget. We all
know that in practice (and it is the only practical
way) the Minister of Finance and his expert
assistants prepare the budget, that it is approved
by the Cabinet, and then goes .before the Parlia
ment, where the Government majority puts it
through. Under the socialist plan, instead of
the Government confining itself in the main to
regulate measures to direct and control other
people, it will be carrying on the great bulk of
the nation’s business itself, and to suggest that
there will be "ultimate democratic control” is
merely playing with words. Frankly, the situa
tion is that feuv men, without any one to control
them, will run the whole show. There will be
no one to control the controllers, and remember
that the proposed controllers almost certainly
will be men without any practical experience
in affairs. And yet they are ready to assume
responsibilities from which competent men with
a lifetime of training and experience would
In this talk we shall deal with socialism as
it would affect farmers. After stating that the
major proposal of socialism is the public owner
ship and operation of such things as banking,
railways, flour mills, pulp and paper, heavy
chemicals, the Research Conlmittee of the Lea
gue for Social Reconstruction, in its book/
"Democracy Needs Socialism,” says; "Agricul
ture, retail trade industries which are really
competitive, and small businesses will probably
continue for some time to be privately owned,
although their output and its distribution will
be related, to the national plan.”
It will be cold, comfort to the farmer who
wishes to have some control over his own affairs
to be told that "probably”—mot certainly—-be
will be left in control of his own land. It will
b,e still colder comfort to have the words "for
some time” added. There is, however, one cer
tainty—-that is, "output and. its distribution will
be related to the national plan.”
What is meant by the phrase "related to the
national plan” ? It means, of course, that it
will be part of a controlled system. It could
not be otherwise* because the final objective
of socialism is the control of production and
distribution. In other words, the farmer may
continue to produce but the Government will
look after the business end by taking over and
controlling the distribution of his products, All
this is to be done whether the individual farmer
likes it or not. It is obvious that this totally dis
regards what* becomes of the farmer’s independ
ence and personality as a factor in the life of
the country,
There is another point in this type of control
which-should not be overlooked. If the bureauc
racy is to know what a farmer is doing with
his products, and is to make sure he places all
his production at the disposal of the Govern
ment agencies, as indicated by “Democracy
Needs Socialism”, it will be necessary to check
every farmer’s production and prevent him cir
cumventing the Government’s arrangements for
disposing of it. ♦The "Gestapo” methods which
will necesarily have to be used, can be left to
the imagination.
The Socialists, of course, would question this.
Mr. T. C. Douglas, Deputy Leader of the C.C.F.,
for example, would put it differently. He would
say that the Socialist plan means giving workers,
farmers, trade unionists, consumers, a real voice
in managing' their own affairs. The C.C.F., he
says, will establish a planned economy, but an
economy planned and controlled by the people
for the people. Commenting on this, Mr. Bruce
Hutchison, the well-known and widely travelled
student of public affairs and a close observer
of politics, writing in the Vancouver Sun, says:
"Whether a C.C.F. bureaucracy would be effici
ent, would represent only the people and. remain
above reproach, or whether any bureaucracy
will soon become a force uncontrollable by the
people and determined to control the people,
is a matter’ of opinion. But it is only childish
to say that Government'can control an economy
without a bureaucracy or operate without tools.”
Mr, Hutchison might have gone further and said
that in the last few years in Germany and elsewhere
we have had convincing evidence of what happens
when Governments undertake to control economic
life. No one who understands that Governments
must govern can he deluded by any vague suggestion
that there can be direct control from the bottom
except on broad, long-range matters of principle and
policy. The day-to-day decisions must be arrived at
by the few and carried out by them through the
steadily increasing power of a huge and growing
We have already in wartime a foretaste of what
that will mean, and we endure it as of necessity in
wartime, however much we dislike it. But we should
remember that what we have now is a foretaste only
of the regimentation and control which we shall have
to endure in peacetime if the Socialists have their
How Socialism Affects
The Trade Unionist
There should be no doubt in the mind of any
trade unionist what will happen to trade unions
in the fully planned economy contemplated by
the Socialists, in which* as pointed out in our
first talk, they propose to take over and operate
practically the whole means of production and
distribution. What will happen is not a matter
of conjecture, We have clear and striking evi
dence from Germany, Italy, and labor elsewhere.
What happens is that under the fully planned
economy the supreme authority, which is also
the supreme employer, cannot tolerate any op
position among its employees, and, therefore,
it cannot tolerate any independent employees’
That is why in Germany it was inevitable
that the. Nazis should stamp out trade unions,
which they did promptly, completely and ruth
lessly—within six months of coming into power.
In Italy it took longer. The outlawing of the
trade unions was not complete until 1925, three
years after the Fascists came into power. There
are, indeed, still tame trade unions in Italy—-
how tame may be indicated by the fact that
under the law no trade union official can be
elected to office in the union without the con
sent of high Fascist officials. This makes si
cleai’ that the trade union continues to exist in
name only. Indeed under the Fascist state the
trade union becomes merely a propagandist and
administrative organization under the direction
and dictation of the Government.
How could it be otherwise? Trade unions'
exist to assert and maintain the rights of em
ployees in any negotiation with employers. When
there arises an irreconcilable differan.ee it be
comes necessary to . have recourse to a higher
authority, namely the will of all the people as
expressed through Government. This superior
will can harmonize and adjust differences when
they arise between employer and employee. But
what happens when the higher power takes over
the property of the employers and itself becomes
the virtually universal employer? It is perfectly
evident to anyone who will ponder the facts
that when this happens trade unionism is doom
ed. Its final disappearanre may perhaps be
somewhat delayed, but it is nevertheless inevit
Let us look at the plain, facts. Under socialism
the trade union no longer deals with the indivi
dual employer who is subject to the higher
authority of the State, but it deals with the
State itself, the supreme authority. In these
circumstances any negotiation between the trade
union and the new employer would be like the
negotiation between the fly and the spider.
With the experience of Germany and Italy
before us, it ought not to be necessary to labor
this point further. Surely it is clear that when
socialism steps in at the front door trade union
ism goes out by the back. The union may con
tinue to drag out a shadowy and useless existence
as a tool subservient to the Government, like the
case of trade unionism in Italy already mention
ed, but that is all.
It would be well for trade unionists to ponder
these things, and to stop, look and listen before
they court the fate of the trade unions in Ger
many and Italy. While no one suggests thatk
in this country they would be put down in the
ruthless and brutal fashion employed in Europe,
nevertheless under socialism the trade union as
understood in this or any other democracy could
not continue to exist. Its disapperance would
be the logical outcome of the fully planned
economy, and experience in other countries has
shown that it w’ould be folly to expect anything
Miss Joy Whitlock, of St. Thomas
spent the week-end. with relatives
Mrs. Gilbert Dafoe -and children,
Of London, visited with her cousin,
Mrs. Ed, Johns, tor a few 'days re
The Y.P.U. enjoyed a picnic, at
.Springbank on Tuesday of last
Mr, and itylrs, 'Fred Long and.
children, of near Atwood, spent
two days last week at the-home of
Mr. and Mrs, Gilbert j'ohns.
Mr, and Mrs, Leon O’Reilly, Miss
Thelma and Mr. Irwin O’Reilly, of
Sarnia, attended the funeral of the
late Mr. John Break on Monday,
Mr, and Mrs. Wellington Bell, of
Detroit, called on .relatives here
one day last Week and are Spending
a week, at Port Stanley. Their two
daughters are Visiting at the
of MN and Mrs. Chas, Stoph-
and Mrs. Chas. Miller on Sunday.
Rosemary Passmore is holidaying
with Mr. C. Mair, of Hengall,
June Borland is spending a few
days with her sister, Mrs. Gill at
Grand Bend.
Mr. and Mrs. James Hodgert visi
ted with Mr. and Mrs. Tlios. Hod-
gert at Seaforth on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Anderson and
Children visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Glen MacLean on Sunday,
remained for a few days.
Miss Velina Meekly, of Toronto,
is visiting with relatives in this
Rev. and Mrs, Monteith, Wylla
and George, of Fort Hill, spent the
week-end With Mrs. Montietli.
The regular monthly meeting of
the Thames Road Mission Circle
met at the .home of Mrs. Lee Web
ber on Tuesday afternoon with the
president, June Coward, in charge.
The meeting opened with hymn. 577
followed with prayer by the presi
dent. Roll call was taken and the
Seripture was read by Mrs, Web*
her. Hymn 502 was sung. It was
decided to make an. autograph, duilt
The Drew 22-Point Programme Ensures Social Advancement of all Classes Along Sane Lines
Published by Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario
A special collection to be taken at
the next meeting to buy the mate
rial. 'Colours to be red, white and
blue. Roberta Dun can read a Her
ald and Marion Hodgert gave the
topic. , Meeting closed with hymn
390 followed with the Mizpah beni-
diction. Next meeting in August
will be lield at the -home of Miss
Annie Simpson,
Rte. J, A. Lunnen, aged 19, of
Baysville in the Muskoka district,
a soldier stationed nt Camp Ipper-
wash, was electrocuted in Forest
on Wednesday of last week, when,
he came in contact with a fallen
hydro line, The line had apparent
ly been blown 'down during a storm
iii the afternoon which passed over
the district.
Miss Lillian Ulens, of Windsor,
and Miss Ula Ulens, of London, spent
two week’s vacation with Mrs, W. T.
Clarence Brophey, of Bagotville,
Quebec, and Berten 'Brophey pnd
Rayburn Ulens, all of the R.C.A.F..
spent their leave last week with
relatives here.
Miss Marion Wellman, of Bort
Huron, returned to her home on
Monday after holidaying With Miss
Jean McPherson,
Master Bruce Wilson, of Arkona,
is spending his holidays with Mr.
and Mrs. Russell Brown.
Miss Margery Bollock, of London,
is visiting with Mrs, A. Pollock and.
Miss Ruby Pollock. ......
Mr, and Mrs. Munford Belling and
Don* of Detroit, spent last week with
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Belting and
other friends.
We are sorry to report that Mr.
Dean Brown and Miss Dorothy
Brophey are patients in St. Joseph's
Hospital, London. We wish them
both a speedy recovery.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Detloft and
Richard, of Detroit, spent the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pol
Miss Isabell Morgan, of Toronto,
visited last week with Mr, ahd Mrs.
Ross Brown.
Master Steve Choma, of Toronto,
returned to his home on Monday
after spending three week’s vacation
with Mr. and Mrs. Carman Wood
Say you saw it in the Times-
Cromarty Church Picnic
Cromarty Presbyterian Church
congregational picnic was held
Monday afternoon. Misses Hazel,
Hamilton, Lila McCullough and
Mary Hamilton had charge of the
sports as follows: boys and girls
under 6, Helen McCullough, .Frank
Houghton; girls 10 and under,
Mary McCullough, Barbara Mc
Naughton; boys 10 and under,
Keith McDonald, Douglas McKel-’
lar: girls 1-1 and under. 'Jeanette
McCullough, Blanche MacLaren;
boys 14 and tinder, Keith McDon
ald; young ladies, May McNaugh-
ton, Mary Hamilton; whistle race,
Dorothy Miller; married ladies' race, Mrs. Leonard Houghton, Mrs.
William, Harper; Cinderella race,
May McNaughton, Phyllis MacLar
en en, Ross McDonald; women's
jumping race, Mary Hamilton;
men’s walking race, Alec McKellar.
There was a large crowd present,
a delicious picnic lunch was en
joyed. and later on a ball .game.
He’d waited patiently at the post
office counter tor many minutes
while the two assistants conversed,
“•Her evening cloak was a wonder;
it was lamb, edged with fox fur, and
wide sleeves of printed Oriental sat
Then the worm turned. Rapping
on the counter, the customer said;
"I wonder If you could provide mo
with a stamp In royal blue and a per
forated border all round the ’tout en
semble, delicately treated on the re
verse With musilage? Something
afidut two cents, please!”