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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1943-07-29, Page 1
EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 29th, 1943 Sixty-Nmth Y£MSingle Copy, 5 centsEstablished 1873 Subscription, $2.00 per year STUDENT PILOT THREE CANDIDATES WILL CONTEST HURON RED CROSS ITEMS I JAMES C. SHEARER WITHDRAWS RESIGNATION Proclamation! - FROM - |^O Q SERVICE FLYING TRAINING &HQOJ, KILLED IN CRASH An Australian, student pilot from No. 9, S-F.T-Sm, Centralia, lost his life about midnight Bunday when a twin-engined Anson bomber crashed in an orchard on the farm of Mr. Garfield Hill, one mile west of Crediton and about four miles from the airport, The student pilot, whose name will not^be released until the next of kin have been notified and confirmation received from Australia, was on a routine night training flight and was mak ing a circuit flight of the flying field when the accident happened. The pl^ne apparently nose-dived and struck the edge of what was one time a gravelpit, and then bounced almost .one hundred yards and was completely wrecked. Hun dreds of pieces were scattered ovei’ the orchard. The fusselage was a mass of twisted metal and wires, one engine was thrown into an oat field fifty feet ahead of the plane and it was near that spot that the body was found. Death was in stantaneous as the- body was badly, mutilated. There were no witnesses to the accident. The first intimation came with the crash and, Mr. and Mrs, Hill were awakened from their sleep and hurried to the scene only a short distance away from the house, Others who heard the crash were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Beaver and Mr. and Mrs, William Gaiser. The latter phoned the airport at Centralia and guided the officials and the ambulance to the scene of the accident. An investigation to ascertain the cause of the accident was made by R.'C.A.F. officials. It is reported that one person saw flames coming from the engine before it crashed. The plane did not catch fire after crashing, Parts of the plane were found hanging to the limbs of one of the trees. A military funeral is being held this (Wednesday) afternoon from the Trivitt Memorial church with interment in the Exeter cemetery. had withdrawn his the request of the Agricultural War are being held (Wednesday) provincial election and have been placed in DEATH FOLLOWS SEVERE BURNS The funeral of the late John Hunter Brock, of Elimville, met death in a tragic manner, from his hoMo Monday after- and was one of the largest in the community for a long Mr. Brock, who was in his year, died in the Seaforth who was I hereby proclaim as a public holiday in the village <of Exeter and ask all citizens to observe it as such. B. W. TUCKEY , Reeve P.T. Demonstration at Grand Bend Forty-six men who are receiving their bksic training at No. 9, S.F. T.S., Centralia, gave a demonstra tion in physical training at Grand Bend Thursday afternoon of last week, Under their physical train ing instructor, SetgL Wright, they gave a fine performance on the ball grounds behind the pavilion, Mas sed games were played concluding with The Exeter Branch of the Red Cross is in need of funds to pay for honey and for fruit in then? jam-making project. Elimville Unit has donated $16.30 and Exeter vil lage $30.00. The ladies of the Pentecostal Mission picked enough wild raspberries to make 24 pounds of jam. The branch is very appre ciative of these donations and wish es to thank everyone who contri buted honey, fruit or money for the project. Cooperation from rural units would be welcome. Mrs. Vernon Heywood and Mrs. Vyrne Smith were successful in passing with high honors the ex aminations in health, home nursing and emergency. Out of 3 85 ladies taking the course, Mrs. Heywood and Mrs. Smith were the only ones who availed themselves of the. op portunity to try these examinations. They deserve otir congratulations. The Exeter Agricultural Fair is giving prizes fox* Red Cross Unit Exhibits at the Fall Fair. Will units please note this and plan Mbits. August shipping Will be However, as the need plies is great, the unit to understand all the work it Possibly can. If material is required it caii be obtained from those res ponsible for Its distribution. Next tern her will be your ex- cancelled for sup* is urged shipping day will be Sep- 10. Hext Executive meetihg August 23. a softball game,World Traveller M, Southcott, Returning Of- for Huron, wishes td announce he has rented the store for* Ladies* J* Heer that marly occupied by Exetex’ Wear which is being used in con nection With the forthcoming elec tion/ W6ekGrand. Bend is guest this to a world traveller, Mr, Affleck, who as engineer Oft the plane ac companied Mr. Churchill flights to Africa and Mr. and Mrs. Affleck ixlg at the Dew Drop on his America, Mr. are holiday inn. entertainment : was the stage presented by band. For a been awaiting Without doubt the highlight of last week show and broadcast Mart Kenny and his long time we have this major event and now that it is part of the past, we have every reason to cherish the memory of this most enjoyable evening. Under the leadership of F/Lt. Jordan, the en tertainment committee laid its plans well, and all matters pertaining to accomodation were carried out with the minimum of distraction. Per haps the largest crowd the Drill Hall has ever seen, assembled for this occasion. Besides Station personnel and their guests, numbers were pre sent from the surrounding district. Of the show itself, the spontaneous applause bore high testimony to its calibre. Great merriment was oc casioned when two airmen and one airwomen were called to the stage to conduct the orchestra, Conducting honours went to the airwoman, who really led the band through its paces -—a distinct blow to that superiority, which men erroneously believe to be their especial prerogative. At the conclusion of the broadeast por tion of the program Group Captain E, G, Fullerton expressed on behalf of the Station, thanks for the fin© evening’s entertainment. Speaking of bands, Mart Kenny and his men Were introduced to a type of music somewhat removed from their field but of which Number Nino has a priority. We refer, of cdutsO, to our Pipe Band which piped guests and orchestra into the Drill Hall. (Continued on Page 4) held noon held time. 48th Memorial Hospital Saturday from burns received when the car in which he was travelling caught fire on the country road south of Staffs early Friday morning. Mr. Brock and Mr. Wilbur Batten were retur ning from Staffs when cai* trouble developed and the .report is that Mr. Brock was underneath the car when an explosion took place and before he could be rescued he was badly burned about the body. The car was badly wrecked. Mr, Brock was born and raised at Elimville and was a member of the Elimville United Church. He is survived by his widow, whose maiden name was Mabel Floreuce Oke, daughter of Mr. Wm. Oke. of Seaforth, two sons and one daughter, Clifton, on the farm; Billy, of London and Grace, of Galt. Deceased was a son of the late Mr. Brock, Brock, of Winchelsea, is an only brother. The funeral ted by. Rev. Mair, of Thames Road assisted by Rev. F. Ilderton. The bearers Jackson Woods. Charles Everett Skinn A Bell were ford, wood were in the Exeter cemetery, and Mrs. Samuel of Elimville, Sherwood was conduc- C’ydsdale, of were Messrs. Gordon Penhale, Stephen, Wm. nd John duet was sting by Mrs, and Kenneth Johns, present from Thorndale, Strat- London, Sett forth., Clinton, Al and Exeter. The floral tributes very beautiful. Interment was! Routly, Kellett. Harold Friends AWARDS AT CONVOCATION Donald L, Mr. Aaron twp, received 11 tor of medicine exercises of the the University of Western Ontario at London Friday of last week. He also won the Class of ‘17 Scholar ship and was admitted? into “Alpha Omega Alpha” international honor ■medical society. C, Borden Sanders, of Exeter, was awarded the W. H, McGuffin Scholarship in Radiology, and was also admitted into the “Alpha Omega Alpha” society as an under graduate, H. A. Colin, of Brucefield, was awarded the Khaki University and Y.M.C.A. Scholarship. Oestreinher Oestreiclier, p degree of doc- at the convocation Medical School of son of of Hay RNOCKED DOWN BY CAR The little daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Franklin Skinner, of Usborna, had a harrow escape Tuesday at noon when she was knocked down by a car In front of the Exeter postoffice. Mr. W, J. Passmore, Of town, was driving north when the child is reported to have., darted In front of the car. She was knocked down and relied over several times but got up apparently hone the worse. The car was proceeding slowly at the tffltld'. James C. Shearer, Huron County Agricultural representative, has with drawn his resignation and will con tinue his present duties, Mr, Shearer stated that he i esignation at Huron County Committee. Asked for the reason of his resig nation, Mr, Shearer said that it was “just personal” but added that there was absolutely no disagree ment between himself and the minis* ter of agriculture. He said that the suggestion of Dr, Taylor that an at tempt had been made to use his office for political campaign pur poses “had no foundation at all.” It was the first time he had heard of such accusations, he said. Nominations Hensail this notm for the three ,names nomination. Benson W, Tuekey, transport owner, of Exeter, will contest the riding in the interests of the Liber ral paj’ty. Dr, R. Hobbs Taylor, of Dashwood, is the choice of the Progressive Conservatives. A new man to enter the field*at the last moment is W. C, F, Stephen township running C.C.F, ticket, nominated at forth Monday Voting will out the riding next week, polls being 8 o'clock in the morning until 7 o’clock in the evening. Des tri ch er, of on the was a convention in Sea evening. take place through- on Wednesday of open from Mr. Qestricher FORMER EXETER LADY DIES SUDDENLY ELIMVILLE RED CROSS DISTRICT MADE FINE DRIVE HARRY KRAFT SUCCUMBS jIN STEPHEN TOWNSHIP in I Harry Kraft, a well-Xne wn Dash- after- (wood district farmer died at his home In Stephen Township, last Wednesday in his 62nd year* 'Mr. Kraft had been in. failing health for two years, but suffered a heart at tack last week from which he never rallied, Mr, Kraft was born on farm where he always resided* is survived by his widow, the mer sisters, Mrs. Jack Wein and Susan and Pearl wood; and two and Samuel, of wan. One brother’, Jacob died three years ago, Mr. Kraft was a member of the Evangelical Church, Dash wood and for several years served as trustee, A public funeral service took place on Saturday, at 2 p.m* from his residence. Interment was in Exeter Cemetery, the , He for- five Mrs, Pearl Yeates, of Sarnia, Emma Haugh, the Misses. Marie, Kraft, all of Bash brothers, Conrad Eston, Saskatche- the Sun- The death took place in Seaforth Memorial Hospital on day, July 25 th, of Caroline Eliza beth Davis, beloved wife of Lawrence Wasman, in her 38 th year. Mrs. Wasman was born and raised in Exeter living here until her mar riage, October 30, 19 40, when she moved to Seaforth to reside. .For a number of years she was clerk at the Exeter post office. She was a daughter of Mrs. A. Davis and the late Dan. Davis. Surviving are her husband and infant daughter, also her mother and six sisters, Mrs. Francis Statham, of Strathroy; Mrs. J. Cockwell, of Stephen; Mrs. F. Irwin, of Putnam; Mrs. Geo. Clip- sou, of Ingersoll; Mrs. Otto Walker, of Staff a; anduMrs. Alvin Cornish, of town. The funeral was held Wed nesday afternoon, service being at hei' late residence in Seaforth follow ed by a service in Trivitt Memorial church conducted by Rev. Hunt. Interment was in the cemetery. CELEBRATES 90th BIRTHDAY M. A. Exeter . About seventy children, grand children and great grandchildren were present Wednesday afternoon of last week at the home of Mrs. Jos. Yellow in Usborne to celebrate the ninetieth birthday of Mrs. E. Jory, of Exeter. A social time was enjoyed and supper was served on the lawn. Mrs. Jory was generous ly remembered with flowers and cards from many friends. To mark the occasion Mrs. Jory presented each of her six children with fine token of remembrance. Most of the family are residents of this community. Those from a distance were and Amy ford. name long a Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Amy; Mr Mrs. Arthur Douglas. Allan and Miss Edmonson, of Bur-* Mrs. Jory whose maiden was Emily Kestle, isf a lwe- resident of this community and is enjoying splendid health for her years. She will have the wishes of many friends for tinued health and happiness. The good people of the Elimville Unit of the Red Cross were not satis fied with doing a good job in their regular Red Cross work, go last week they made a special drive on behalf of the Greek Fund with the result that $76 was collected and turned ovex’ to the Exeter-District War Time Committee to be forwarded to the National Committee at Montreal. Previously other Red Cross Units had done a similar job to help the work of the War Time Committee in rais ing funds for the Greeks, the Chinese and the Russians, as well as for cotnforts for our boys overseas, all of, which have been published in pre vious issues of the Times-Advocate. Special thanks are due those Units for their extra efforts—because they have a real every day job in their regular Red Cross work. Donations to the Greek Fund pre viously acknowledged amount to $706.54. Additional contributions are—Mr. and Mrs. Roy Coward R.R. 1 Woodham ............... 2.00 ’ From persons and families in Elim ville District represented by the following names: Newton Clarke, $3.00; Sherwood Brock, 1.00; John Prance, 25c; F. V. Horne, 25c; Frank! Brock. 2.00; H. Bailey, 1.00; Harry! Sparling, 25c; Everett Skinner, LOO;! Ruth Skinner, 1.00; Clifton £rock, I 1.00; Philip Murch, 1.00;. Harold’ Thos. Bell, 1.00; Henry 25 c; Wm. Routly, 2.0u, Herdman. 1.00; Gordon Pen- 2.00; Wesley Horne, 1.00; Stephen, 1.00; John Brock, Sam Pym, 25c; Wm, Johns,! L00; financial LIBERAL RALLY best con- FINKBEINER—PARSONS A quiet but pretty wedding solemnized at James Street church parsonage at 11.30 Wednesday fore noon when Norma Ilene, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Parsons, was united in marriage to Dalton Arva Finkbeiner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Finkbeiner, of Crediton. by Rev. A. B. Irwin. The bride was very becomingly gowned in a street-length white crepe dress with silk trim and white accessories. She carried a bouquet of American Beauty roses. Miss Dorene Parsons, sister of the bride, was her only attendant, gowned in street-length rose crepe with navy accessories and carried a bouquet of sweetpeas. Mr. Eugene Finkbeiner, brother of the groom, was grooms man. Following the ceremony a wedding dinner was served at the home of the bride's parents to the immediate relatives. The happy couple left by motor for points north, ling the bride chose brown and accessories, and Mrs. F Exeter. was For travel- a two-tone with brown return Mr. beige dress On their 'inkbeiner will reside in Layton, secretary of theMr. G. W . Exeter Branch of the Red Gross, reports the following contributions: Elimville unit, $22.57, Main Street unit, $2,00. Af a Liberal rally in the Town Hall on Saturday night, Reeve, Benson W. Tuekey outlined his position on important points of the 1 Liberal program. He spoke strong- 1 ly in favoui’ of maintaining provin cial rights because decentralized control gave democracy its flexibil ity. In municipal councils and ' county councils the people of Can ada gain experience in governing themselves, they have responsibility in their own welfare, and a pride in theii’ progress. Referring to the healthy position of Ontario's finan ces. the speakei' insisted that the pay-as-you-go was the only wise policy. Farming could be materially assisted by extending hydro service and cheapei' l’ates. The problem of returning to peace-time economy is already occupying the attention of the Liberal government and the county councils. The Liberal candidate for Huron was raised in the county on a farm north of Exeter. He attended Exe ter High School and worked in London before establishing his transport firm. He has been a mem ber of the local council for six years, ; reeve for four, and is Warden of Huron County this year. Mr. didate ed to j words paid tribute to Mr. Tuekey. He thought the “time for a change” cry was adequately answered by the _ record of the LiberalBailey, 1.09: Horace Delbridge. 1.50; I government. The C. C. F. admits Garnet Johns, 1.50; W, F. Batten. | its connec.fion wfth the C.I.O. which 1.00, R. M. Batten, 1,00; Colin Gil-, a]one sufficient to warn farmers fillan, 1. 00; Geo. Bailey, 2.00; Rich.! Johns, 2.50; Kenneth Johns, 2.00;! Mrs, Rich. Johns, (North Elimville' quilting group), 3.00; Satai. Johns,! LOF; Howard Johns, 2.00; Ben.' Williams, 5.00; Harry Ford, 1.00; j Jas. Smith, 1.00; Lewis Johns, 3.00; Allen 2.00: Johns, Hazel LOO; Alvin Pym, 50c; Squire Herd-! man, 25c; Harry Cole, 2.00; Melville Skinner, 25c; Hubert Heywood, 50; Garnet Miners, 2.0 0; E. H. Carscad- clen. 100; mar Skinner, 2.00; Bell, 1.00; Mullins. J ohn hale, Ohas. 1 00: 2.00; C.C.F, Hugh Hill, the Liberal can- for Huron-Bruce, was invit- the platform and in a few against its program. • Honourable Eric Cross was in- | troduced by Frank Fingland, of J Clinton, The Attorney General en- i dorsed Turkey’s stand on decen- ; tralized government emphasizing - , _ - nn . (the useful experience one gets as. r™. Jr°, o' « ‘°™ “d wewiro ot a i co w ii/’ch ’ i kn county. He reviewed with special 100; Franklin Skxnnex^ 1.5 0q.ntere fhe relatiotlship of the On. Johns, 1.00; Jackson Woods.Jtario sovernment with the 1 cipalities. The Henry government ® left the province with an unbalanc ed budget $30. million in the red. *1 Thirty-eight municipalities were j bankrupt and in default for $108. ’.million. The Liberal administration has overcome this serious situation ! by setting up a supervising Board ! of Municipal Affail’s, by maintain ing a balanced budget, and. by re lieving municipalities of much ex- ! pense for social services. Municipal !debt, amounting in 1934 to $504, .million, has been reduced to $300. ’ million, a record unequalled on the ’ continent. There have been no bank- i ruptcies since and not one dollar |of capital has been defaulted. I Mr. Cross warned that Col. Drew's ; proposals could mean only one .thing—increased taxation, and such : a scheme defeats our main objec- ; five of making a maximum war ef- ■ fort. Taxes are now at a saturation . point and the Drew promises are only baiting the public. School tax- ;es have not been burdensome but jin offering to relieve real estate of J half of the $49. million the Conset- ivatives are simply inviting speculation about a new tax to raise th® i funds. Col. Drew has always been a fine theorist blit is helplessly ! silent when practical measures are I to be adopted, The people of On- ftarlo have a duty to themselves to (perform to keep in power an ad- | ministration which has proved Its ! common sense and integrity. Alvin Cooper. 50c; Del- 50c; Nelson Coultis, Bruce Cooper, 25c. NOMINATION heldTh a most enthusiastic nomination meeting at Cardno’s Hall, Seaforth, on W, farmer, Stephen C.C.F. c vincial election on August Other mination were Wm ton win Chesney, Gee, Seaforth and W, The meeting A.M. Nicholson Mackenzie. Prof, ton, of Western dressed the meeting, I Mrs. Lloyd Taylor, of Exeter, Was j appointed secretary-treasurer by the 1 executive. ' C.C.F. of South Huron enthusiastic Monday O. evening at which F. Oestricher, prominent and Shorthorn breeder, of township an di date to contest was chosen as the Pro- 4. for of Clin* Varna; Ed- Reg. Mc- Jackson, of Clinton, charge of (C.C.F.) for names presented Dale, Murray Grainger, Seaforth Harold Grazier, was in M.P. R. E. K. Peinber University, also ad- Goderich 110' A few weekes ago, The Times-Advocate pointed columns that owing to conditions which now prevailed in paper business at the present time it will be necessary confine the circulation of our paper strictly to those who have paid their subscriptohs in advance. Otir readers have apparently seen the reasonableness of our attitude and they have reacted in a prompt and generous way Which we greatly appreciate. So we take this means of expressing 6nr grateful appreciation, September the first, the date the new policy goes into effect, is not Very far away. May we suggest that you check the label on your paper this week. You don't want to miss any copies of your Family Journal, OUt in its the news ier us to 1 ILL IN HOSPITAL Mrs. J, E. Pollen was removed to Victoria Hospital, London, on Saturday last in an ambulance and on Monday underwent an opera tion. Her condition is quite serious at present. The best wishes of many friends will be extended for her speedy recovery,