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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1943-07-15, Page 5
■ THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE, THURSDAY MORNING, is*, 1S43 Coming to Hensail C, R, Wilkinson, R.O, Ophthalmic Optician Wingham will be at W. O. GOODWIN’S Store, every 1st and 3rd Tuesday in the month, for the purpose of testing eyes and fitting glasses. Difficult cases and those that have not been properly fitted, specially recommended to con sult me. Hours 10 a.m. to 6 Phone 16 Hensall for appointment p.m. Hensail; three daughters (Ruby) Mrs. Archie Hoggarth, of Kippen, (May) Mrs. O’Day, of Detroit, and (Stella) Mrs. Harry pawclen, of St. John’s New Brunswick, three sisters, Mrs. Robt Eacrett, of Lon don; Mrs. Beer, of Calgary, Pou gall, of Whitewater,, one brother George, of Oregon. Public Public Tuesday conducted by Rev, R, A, Brook, terment in Hensail Union Cemetery. funeral service funeral service from the home HENSALL Mr, and Mrs. Bob McKenzie and family spent the week-end with rela tives in London. Mr, and Mrs, E, L. Mickle and family and Miss Irina Kipfer left this week for their summer cottage at Rondeau Park. Mr .and Mrs. A, L. 'Case visited oi) Sunday with Mr, ser, at Denfield, Miss Dora O’Lair, visiting with Miss and Mr. John Craig. Mrs. Ross McLean of visiting with her mother son and brother Robert. Mr. and Mrs. N. E. family left this week vacation at Wasago Beach. Misses Lois MacLaren and Saundercock spent the week-end with relatives in Kitchener. Mrs. Gertrude Brazier, of Lon don visited this week at the home of Dr. and Mrs. D. G. Steer, and Mi’s. Ros- of London, is Hannah Craig Detroit is Mrs. Jack Cook for and their June Mrs. Manitoba, Portland, was was at 2 held held pan, In- Edgar Smith, of week-end Mr, and and Mrs. Mrs. KIPPEN Mr. and, Mrs. H, Cameron, of Clinton, and Mr, and Mrs, G, Lock hart, of Goderich, visited on Sun day with My. and Mrs. John Coch rane. Mrs, Stacey, who has been visiting with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, William Horney, has returned to her home in Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Guelph, visited over the with the latter’s parents, Mrs. John Jarrott, Sunday visitors with Mr. William Horney were, Mr. and R, K. Horney and Miss Mary Horney, of London, Mrs. (Rev.) R. A. Thomp son and three children, of Columbia, South Carolina, and Mr, and Mrs. A. H. Gackstetter, of Guelph. Dr. J. Jarrott, of New York, is visiting with his mother, Mrs. I, Jar rott. Mrs. Joseph Linden and Verna, of Denfield, spent a day last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Parsons.k >------------- High Quality Started Chicks and Pullets From a Breeding Farm of 4,000 Layers Egg prices are moving up. Keep your laying hens going to full capacity. DASHWOOD Mr, and Mrs. Genttner spent the week-end with their daughter, in Blyth, Mr, and Mrs. Theodore Keller and sons, of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Itothermeal, of Merrlton, and Mr. Conrad Keller, of Zurich, and son, of Preston, were visitors last Tues day with Mr. Charles Keller and family. Mrs. Allemang and daughter, Gertrud©, of Kitchener, visited with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Restemeyer, last week. The latter took them back toSussex x Leghorn and Kock x Leg horn just the right kind for this' Kitchener on Sunday. time of year,, ..Pullets mature faster. Mr< gam Witzel, of Toronto, spent than Pure Breds and will weighj a few days witll mother, Mrs. from 0 to 8 lbs. .They will mature to this weight quicker than heavy breeds. I Leghorn pullets Q weeks old , 3 weeks, 30c, ■ I UK .... - . ....... ....... Rreds and will weigh, a fe^v days with his mother, llltt nPllAM* will tmiilltQA X'TTi pure Rock born Rock horn Witz eh Mrs. Ira Tieman and children, of Toronto, are visiting with Mrs. Mary Tieman. Mr, A. O. Becker, of Kitchener, who has joined th© R.C.A.F., spent x Leghorn and Sussex x Leg-. the week-end with his parents and pullets 2 weeks, 23c, 3 weeks. 28c.' I x "Leghorn and Sussex x Log- mixed 2 weeks, 1.7c, 3 weeks, 22c. SPECIAL CLEAN-UP PRICES on July 14th hatch. Rock x pullets. Sussex x Leghorn and bom chicks and © Maintenance of Hydro transmission lines presents a tremendous challenge to the men whose job it is to keep Ontario’s power flowing. For, in war or peace, the factory, the farm, and the home, depend upon an unfailing supply of electricity. ® During the winter, when deep snow blankets the province, line patrol and maintenance is particularly tough. In the north . . . when, at many times of the year, roads are impassable . . . line patrols of men and dogs, fight their way through the drifts . . . battling blizzard, ice and frost. In summer too, the patrol must continue. Where economically possible this is done by car or truck, but in many remote places it must be carried out on foot or by canoe, in fair weather or foul, the year around, Ontario looks to Hydro for power,.. and Hydro men see that they get it. ® From one end of the province to the other. . . from the great lakes to the wilderness of the far North... Hydro patrol men and crews of skilled linemen are on the alert, day and night, ready to meet the onslaughts of nature in the raw.. . ready to combat the havoc wrought by any storm. And ... when disaster strikes . . , they stay on the job until the power is flowing again, so that Ontario's war-geared industries can keep running full-tilt, producing on round-the-clock schedules. left Monday for training at Toronto. Mr. and Mrs, Ervin Brandt and sop Harold, of Kitchener, are spend- ! ing a week’s holidays at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hy, Becker, Sr. Mrs. Joe Bruce, who has been with her mother, Mrs. Hayter, for a few weeks, has returned to her home in Windsor. Mr. Detroit, friends family cation turned Mrs, are' spending a few weeks in Sarnia, The Evangelical Sunday School I picnic will be held next Wednesday, im- Leg- l or any 10c, 1 old, 12c, 2 weeks old, 15c. Pullets, day-old, 18c, 1 week old, 2 weeks old, 23c. Mixed chicks, day-old week of July 14, time week Cox,day-old 1.0c, 2 weeks 20c, 1 I iac,i and Mrs. J. Raschke, of spent the week-end with here. Mrs. Raschke will spend a few weeks’ here while Mr. Raschke to Detroit on Sunday. Harold Weber and children The LINE PATROL keeps Ontario’s Power Flowing July 21st, at Grand Bend. Lloyd Guenther left last week for London where he has been called to , join the army. ] Miss Clara "Kraft visited with friends in London last week. , Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Willert, of Exeter, Ont. London, were week-end visitors with ' relatives here.- I Mr. and Mrs. Melton Walper, of ! Ingersoll, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Fas- sold. Mrs. David Sutherland, of Cleve land, is spending her vacation with relatives here. i Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Nadiger attended ' the furyeral of his brother-in-law, I the late Mr. W. Henderson, of Galt, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. William Schultz, of t Mt. Clemens, spent a few days with ' a)so ^tending the SHIPKA A, G. Webb has sold Mrs. Orville Twitchell and Mei?- / nie are spending a couple c~ with relatives in London and sor, ’Pte, Wilmer Dalrymple of Ipperwash is spending a leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. (------- Dalrymple, Mr. Kenneth Howard Love, St, Thomas, spent the week-end at their homes here. Donald and Jimmie Orr underwent Mrs. an operation last week removal of their tonsils at of Dr, D. G. Steer. •Mr. Ray Patterson and Toronto visited over the with the former’s parents, Mr. Mrs. 1L J. Patterson. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Horton, of t.i oit, spent the week-end with former’s motner, Mrs. norton members of the family. Mr, and Mrs. Bert Horton little daughter left last week their home , in Texas after a pleas ant visit with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Passmore and I ford) js holidaying with her parents, Albert jyrr< and ^rs Truman Tufts. Mrs. Russell Brock and sons Don and Bill, of Burgessville, are holi- Switzer. and daughter, are md Mer- , •of weeks Wind- ■Camp 150 his general store to Mr. Love, of Blue- ' v,ale, who gets possession August 1. ! jMr. and Mrs. Crosby and family ' of Detroit, and Mrs. Lome Fink- * Wein Bros, and family on Saturday I . George Kenneth and Nancy, visited Mr. Hicks and Mr. b ein er Of the R.'C.A.F. of Mst. | Mr. 'spent and Mrs. Crakle, of Chatham, the week-end with Mr. and Carl Guenther. Miss Francis Taylor, of Exeter, Mr. for the the office holidaying at the home of and Mrs. Ross Love. Mr. and Mrs. William Latta family, moved this week to village. Services xon Sunday next will be held at 10.30 and Sunday school after, charge. friend of ( week-end and Miss Ready-to-lay mediate pullets for delivery. Lakeview Poultry Farm ELIMVILLE The free-will offering from the about very and the Rev. L. Turner will be in KIRKTON Marian Tufts, R.N., of Strat- family and Mr. and Mrs. Passmore, of Delhi, left this week for a vacation at Pike’s Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. G. Bell re cently received a cablegram from their son Pilot Officer Alvin D. G. Bell of his safe arrival overseas. Miss Helen McNaughton, Toronto, and Mrs. Lome McNaugh ton and members of the family j £ .Marshall, are spending a week at Grand i Mrs. Lome Marshall, of London, attended the funeral of her aunt, theMr, and Mrs. Harold Hanson and ja^.e Miss Jennie Robinson, held at family of Stratford are holidaying j Kirkton. I i daying with Mrs. R. Mrs. Harold Tufts i Marilyn, of Toronto, . j with Mrs. S. Tufts.of| Mrs. W. C. Cluff and and Raul, spent the past holidaying sons Don week with anniversary amounted to $100. for the Sunday School, gratifying amount. Misses Helen Leslie and Bierling of Exeter, visited a June few Mrs. a days last week with Mr. and Kenneth Johns. / Mr. Lew Woods,'of London, spent a few days last week at the home of his brother, Mr. Jackson Woods. ( The W. A. met at the home of relatives here, Mrs. W. Dickey for their July meet-. fnneral of Mr. Henderson, of Galt. Norman Jaques took! Miss Ann Taylor spent the weeit- the meeting which eRd in Windsor..,- the hymn, “In Christ, with Mrs. Hanson’s mother, ,Mw. Peter Schwalm., and Mrs. Robert McKenzie. 1 Miss Geraldine MacLean 'and Mrs. Lome Elder, of Hamilton, are spen ding a two week’s vacation with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore. Miss Hattie McQueen R.N., of Albany, New York, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. George Follick and brother, Mr. Ed. McQueen and un cle Mr. Al Ryckman. ’ Mr. and Mrs. Robert Higgins, of Exeter, and daughter and Mrs. Bert North and Audrey, of Woodstock, visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Ed McQueen and friends .here. Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore re ceived a cablegram this week from their son Pilot, Officer Kenneth Passmore stating that he had ar rived safely overseas. They also re ceived a message from their son Gerald at Patricia Bay that he 'had bean promoted to Warrant Officer. Reception for Newlyweds A large number of relatives and friends gathered at the town .hall Hensail'oil Friday evening of Mr. and Mrs. Harold (nee Gladys McKenzie), was enjoyed to the music ed by Allen’s Orchestra, quhar, with Mr. Alfred Hunkin as floor manager. During the evening the bride and groom were present ed with a purse of money. The groom expressed sincere thanks. Mr. Alexander Ingram Ries Mr. Alexander Ingram passed away in Scott Memorial Hospital Sunday morning in his 85th year following a week’s illness. The de ceased was a well-known farmer spending, most of on his farm south of the on which his son Jack now Of later years Mr. Ingram sided at the home of his daughter Archie Hoggarth, of Kipped. Jackson, of years sons At tack, of her grandfather, Gray, of Toronto, summer vacation Miss Edith Fletcher, of Ilderton, is holidaying with Mr. H. Fletcher. Mr, and Mrs. H. are spending their at their summer home in the village. Mr. and Mrs. W. iBlatchford and family, of Detroit, are holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. R. Dobson. ■Congratulations to Mrs, R. Ridley, teacher of S. S. No. 3, Usborne, and also her three pupils for passing their entrance examinations with honors on their year’s work. The pupils names are Ina Harris, Audrey Scott and Marian Copeland. in honor Cudmore Dancing furnish- of Far district his life village, resides, has re Mrs. His wife formerly Mary predeceased him a number ago. Surviving are three va/ ot Detroit, George and CREDITON Services will- be conducted Shipka, Brinsley and Grediton the hours 10.30 a.m., 2.30 p.m., and 7.30 pan. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Haist and Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence Wein spent Sun day in St. Marys. Miss Bernice Fahrner, of London, has returned home l’or the summer months Mr. Wes. Bates and friend,, and Miss Netia Curson, of Detroit, went a few days at the home of the for mer’s uncle and . S. Lamport. * The Creditor are in receipt of munication from sation of the British Red Cross Society and Order of St. John pf Jerusalem. •Gilletts Convalescent Home Henley-on-Thames Crediton Women’s Institute Dear Madam: I should like to convoy to our most grateful thanks for very generous gift of honey. The patients will indeed enjoy your kind gift. Honey is rather dif ficult to get here. at at ing. Mrs. charge of opened with There is No East Nor West,” after went a serious operation in London which Mrs. Jaques led in prayer. Hospital, has returned home and is Mrs. Allen Johns read Psalm 125 ' improving nicely. for the scripture lesson. A reading ‘‘Saboteur in the given by Mrs. Chas. Stephen. The ' here, hymn, ‘‘Alas, and Did My Saviour {Windsor on Sunday. Bleed,” was sung. Mrs. Freeman Horne favored with a piano instru mental. Mrs. Norman Jaques read an interesting Elgin Skinner, answered by your “Favorite Bible Minutes of the last meeting read and adopted. f was dealt with. The meeting was closed with the hymn “Take Time to be Holy” and the Mizpah bene diction. * Mr. and Mrs. Sam Pym and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin. Pym and daughters,'Zimmer visited with Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn j “Buster Pym at Thedford on Sunday. Master Jimmie Sinclair, of Wood- Zimmer. About ham, is holidaying Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Woods. Mr. and Mrs. Ken. Hogg and son, of Thorndale, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Routly. Mrs. Alec McFalls, of spent the past week with ter, Mrs. Wes_ Horne. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bell and Mrs. Chas. Stephen and Don nie visited with relatives and friends in Seaforth on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. P. Murch and Mar ion and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cooper and children visited relatives in London last Sunday. Mr. Vernon Schatz, who under Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Mclsaac, who Kitchen” was ’ spent the past week on holidays returned to their home in The following is the Red Cross shipment: 2 pair 2 T neck sweaters; 1 pair men’s pyjamas; 2 pairs ladies knickers; 1 quilt. Miss Thelma Weber returned : a week with She also took IS inch socks; 1 man's shirt; letter from LA'C; ; The roll call was : seven members on j Character.” Sunday after spending __ „ were ' her sister in Sarnia. L__ __ ___ Some business I a boat trip to Windsor with Ruth Wejjei.} Mrs< g Carr and son, ' David, A Letter to the People of Rashwood Here is some better , now a I ted States army. news from Urban known to you as soldier in the Uni- My father is Wm. nine months ago into the army at California, then THE HYDRO-ELECTRIC POWER/jCQMMISSION of ontario WHALEN W.A. and W.M.S. Meet Mrs. George Lackie was hostess for the July meeting on Thursday afternoon last. Fifteen members and five visitors were present. Mrs. Frank Squire was in charge of the W.A. which opened with singing followed by the Lord's prayer. Mrs. . Merriam read the Scripture and Mrs. William Morley offered prayer. Readings wtie given by Mrs. Earl Johnson and Mrs. William Hodg son. Several business items were discussed and a card of apprecia tion was received from Mr. Wes ley Morley for being remembered while a patient in the hospital.. A hymn was sung and Mrs. Merriam closed the meeting. Mrs. George Squire presided over* the W.M.S. A hymn was sung. Mrs. Hazelwood offered prayer. Mrs. Milne Pullen read tie Scripture, Readings were given by Mrs. Hilton Ogden and Mrs. George Squire, a hymn, Mrs. the meeting, served by the Use Shur-Gain Chick Starter FOR GOOD RESULTS Flush your flock once a week with FLUSHING MASH for ! coccidiosis. We also have a supply of BEET PULP, an excellent feed for milking cows. We have a supply of Western oats, wheat and barley in stock Shell Oil in 5 gallon cans. Oil Cake Now On Hand at the home of 11 was inducted | San Francisco, (sent to Reception Centre at Mon- jterey. After a stay of five days, I [was moved along to Sheppard Field, i Texas, where I received my basic training for a period of two months. From there I was sent to Camp Luna, Las Vegas, New re-classification. Then I ferred to Gulfport Field, where I went to the Technical Training School for Btirgesville, are holidaying with Mr, Aviation mechanics. During the five and Mrs. William Morley. Exeter, her sis add Mr. i WINCHELSEA Miss Jjorothy Pooley is holidaying in London with Miss Donna Murcli. Mr. and Mrs, Wesley Burns, London, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Batten, Mrs. Burns remained for a few days. Mrs. Del Johnson, of Detroit, spent the past week with Mr, and Mrs, George Davis. Miss V. Fisher, of Hamilton, visit ed over the week-end at of Mrs. Chas, Delbridge. Mr. and Mrs. Squire and Helen, of Elimville, Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Horace Delbridge. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Kirkland and Malcom, of Thame's Road, visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Free man Home, .Mrs, Harry Murch and family have ’^turned home after spending the past week with Mr, and Mrs. George Davis, Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Hern, Mrs. Yours faithfully 1 Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. George Phylis C. Ferris \Davis visited on Sunday with triends Commandant In |eaforth. aunt, Mr.and,(Mrs. * * Women’s the following'! pd, the War Organ!- British institute• a- you your Mexico, for was trans Mississippi) sistants. Aii’ Corps Mr. Russell After singing George Squire closed Refreshments were hostess and her as- i Brock and family, of months of schooling I obtained very satisfactory grades and grad uated on June 19 th with my Dip loma and a certificate of proficien cy. My insignia and Silver Wings indicate that I am an Aerial En gineer as well as an Aerial Meehan- of lie. I Now I am stationed at Buffalo, New York, with the rating of cor poral learning craft. We’ll (Signed) other types of air the home Herdman visited cm li'’ep Cpl. them flying! ,, Urban. C. Zimmer THAMES ROAD Church services Sunday will be at 11.15 and Sunday 10.15 a.m. Miss Lillie Miller Is few days with relatives and Mrs. Marchant, of Weston Ont. School at spending a in Napaneo Mr. and Mrs. Marchant, Shirley and Helen, of Weston Ont, ar* spending this week with Mrs. Mar, chant’s sister at the manse. R.C.A.F. Wtn. Buchanan, of S Thomas, spent the week-end w’ Mr. and Mrs. 'Chris Miller. Mr. and Mrs. C. Miller attendee, tfie funeral of Mr, Will Dougall am. Mr. Alex Ingram on different day In Hensall this past week, G. A. CANN & SONS Deliveries made Wednesday and Saturday. Other deliveries charge. Mill will be closed Wednesday Afternoons during July and August. yfBKa ■Oliver, of week-end visitors Avonbank, With Mr. LAC. David Hodgson, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Hodgson, who has been stationed at Regina, Sask.., was posted to Trenton Air School recently. Mr. and Mrs. George Squire at- ^Squire. tended the 12th of July celebration held at Wingham, Mr. Neil Lackie, of Waterloo and Miss Betty were and Mrs. George Lackie. MA7 George Mardlin, Township, was a recent visitor with Mr. and Mrs. George Millson. Mr. and Mrs. N, Ogden, of Exeter, spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs, F. -» s h of London AC2. Norman Brooks, who has been home on a two week’s sick leave, returned to Manning Pool on Wednesday. Mr. Clare Hazelwood, who has Signed up with the R.C.A.F. left on Wednesday for Manning Pool. During the school year now closing the pupils of the Exeter Pub lic school have invested $1,037.38 in War Savings stamps.b ___ ___i )________________ , wrwww.MOHt.^rtiiwmm.wwin 1111i iwmwjy wq! i|