HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1943-06-24, Page 88 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 24th, 1943 V’s Beauty Shoppe Canadian Women Help—-, TW AMMUNITION’’ A Stamp Buys 12 BUY A STAMP HERE VERA HECKER, Rhone 112 Bullets TODAY Flop. Exeter Markets, Wheat,, $1.0 8. C*e^mory Butter* 39e. Eggs, A Large, 310 Eggs, B, £7.(j Eggs, M&dium, 29c pressed Hogs, '$16.25, Marion Pooley 1JEAUTY SHOPPE CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Leavitt’s Theatre ISxeter Ont. Phone 135 WEDNESDAY NIGHT — TONIGHT ONLY 2 double features, horror bill ‘Journey into Fear’ starring JOSEPH COTTEN and ORSEN WELLS Phone 245 AU Work Guaranteed LOCALS NOTICE Frank Coates wishes to an­ nounce that his grocery store will be closed from June 29, to July 13 while on holidays. 24c i Snelrs Taxi Service Phone 100 ‘I Walked with a Zombi , starring JAMES ELLISON and an all star cast. Hairdressing * » • Tomlinson’s I THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY two features starring— ABBOTT AND COSTELLO and “Ellery Queen with WILLIAM GARGAN 99 MONDAY" AND TUESDAY two features ‘Journey for Margaret’ starring ROBERT YOUNG and an all star cast. 99 a of Phone 146 “Blondie for Victory’ SPONSORED BY THE CAVEN RED CROSS UNIT ® Matinees will be discontinued until further notice. wsa 4th and 5th Con. of Usborne Hold Annual Picnic Mrs. Thomas L. Wilson have their son' Pilot The annual picnic of the fourth and. fifth concessions of Usborne was held, as usual at Grand Bend with a good attendance. About fifty .sat down to dinner after which the sports were held with Mrs. Arthur Ford and Charles Jeffery, the ap­ pointed committee in charge. Girls and boys under three Marilyn Hicks Marie Johns and Douglas Sillery; girls and boys under 10, Kath­ leen Johns and Dorcas Sillery girls and boys under 12, Ann Luth­ er and Ross Jeffery; young ladies’ race, Lois Ford and Nola Perkins; married ladies’ race, Mrs. Ford, Mrs. Ed Sillery and Mrs. Harold Jeffery, tie; men’s race, Ray Perkins and Charles Jeffery; carrying beans on spoon handle with toothpicks, Mrs. Lawson and Gerald; throwing ball into pail, Gordon Johns; guessing jelly beans in jar, Mrs. Lawson and Norman Johns; driving nails in block, Harvey Perkins. About five o’clock supper was served and 1 committee appointed for next year as follows: president, Charles Jef- -fery; secretary, Mrs. H. Perkins; . sports. Lloyd Stewart and Mrs. H. .Jeffery; table committee, Mrs. Char­ les Jeffery and Mrs. Lloyd Stewart. every and Friday Night Steeper’s Orchestra Monday was the longest day of the year. L.A.C. Murray Moore, of Crumlin, spent the week-end at his home. Mrs. Fred Newton has taken position on the staff of the Bank Montreal. Mr. James Dearing, of Dorches­ ter, is this week moving to London to reside. Capt. William Weeks, of Wood- stock, spent the latter part of the week at his home here. L.A.C. Gerald Lawson, of Aylmer, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Lawson. AC2. Norman Hannigan, of La- chine, Quebec, spent the week-end with his mother in town . Mrs. E C, Appleton and nephew, Spr, Art Pyle, visited in London on Saturday with Mrs. Percy Noels. Miss Doris Webber, of Strathroy, spent the week-end with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Webber. Neil Jones, who is taking a radio course with the R.C.A.F. at Hamil-" ton, spent Sunday at his home here. ‘Mrs. Richard Welsh has returned home after being several days in Victoria Hospital, London, for treat­ ment. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jennison, of Tisdale, Sask., were week-end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Taylor. L.A.C. Robert Dinney, of Hagers- ville, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr, and Dinney. Mr. and Mrs. C. received word that Officer William Wilson had arrived safely overseas. Spr. Art Pyle, of Vancouver, B.C.. now stationed at Stratford, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. C- Appletom Tpr. Edward C. Triebner, of Dun- durn Sask., is spending his furlough at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Triebner. Mr. Frank Taylor, who has been in Victoria Hospital, London, for several weeks with stomach trouble, is improving nicely. Miss Audrey Powe, of Centralia, who has been a student at the Lon­ don Normal school, has successfully passed her examinations. Mrs. Jean McTavish, formerly of Exeter, who has been in Toronto for some time, is now looking after Cook's Grocery store in Hensall. Mr. and Mrs. W. IF. Abbott at­ tended the graduation of their niece Miss Amy Merle Abbott, R.N., at a .Stratford General Hospital on June “ 9. L.A.C. Edgar McKinnon, of Mont­ real, Que., visited with his brother, Cpl. John McKinnon, of No. 9 S.F.T.S., Centralia, over the week­ end. LAC. Thos. Walter, who has been stationed with the R.C.A.F. at Letli- , bridge is visiting his father, Mr. ' H. S. Walter, on a two week’s fur­ lough. Mr. Murray Holtzman and Mrs. Charles Lurgiss, of Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Haist spent the week-end with Mr, and Triebner. LAC. Ed Ward, who motor transport section A.F. Mrs. Frank JITNEY DANCING Round the Clock Service is with the of the R.C. at Summerside, P.E.I., called on friends in Exeter Tuesday while on a 14-day leave. The many friends Cook, who last week operation in Victoria don, will be pleased he is getting along nicely. Pollen, Mitchell, Stratford, at- the late Mrs. of Mr. Will, underwent an Hospital, to know Lon- that STEWART’S TAXI Phone 155w Exeter Mrs. and TUNE IN Old Fashioned Revival Hour CHARLES E. P.O. Box 123 — L 9-10 p.m., E.D.S.T, PILGRIMS’ HOUR 2-3 p.m. E.D.S.T. Mutual Network ■SUNDAYS Local Station CKLW WINDSOR FULLER Los Angeles California Mr. and Mrs. Ed. William Fawcett, of Mrs, 0, W. Kestle, of tended the funeral of Frank Oliver, in Sarnia, on Friday. . and Mrs. Arthur McQueen, Margaret McQueen, Mrs. Bara- Thomson and Mr. Alex Thom- of Brncefield, visited on Sun- with Mr. and Mrs, Jas P. Mr. Miss 1 bell son, day Bowey, Mr. and Mrs. 0. F. Hooper, Lon­ don, are visiting with Mr, and Mrs E. Fanson and other relatives this week, They attended the funeral of the late William Kernick Wednes­ day afternoon, Baby Roxine Beavers, of Sarhia, is visiting her grandpatents, Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers, While her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Reg, Beavers, are on vacation at Morrisburg and Ottawa to Visit Mr, Geo. Beavers. Reg and his wife spent Sunday hero, Mr. Middlemiss Welcome Rev, John Galloway Mrs, J. G. Cochrane, Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday school 11 a.m—Publie Worship 7 p.m.--Evening Worship MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. N. J, Woods, M.A., Minister I Mrs. A; Y, Willard* Organist 11 a.m.-—Public Worship and Church School Communion 7 pan.—’Public Worship. Members of Masonic Order will attend. Monday 8 p,m.—-Quarterly meetin of the Official Board church. JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH 10Mrs. Percy Noels, of London, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Appleton. Mrs. Lyle Roberts ana daughter Judith Arlene spent the past week visiting with relatives in Sarnia. Visiting at the home of Mrs. L. Sweitzer ovei’ the week-end were Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Sweitzer, of Timmins, > Ont., and Miss Ida Sweitzer and girl chum of Windsor, Ont. Cpl. Fred Luxton, of the R.C.O.C. Pacific Command, after a pleasant j two weeks furlough with his parents j and brothers, has returned to his unit at Prince George, B.C, LAC, Robert Dinney, and Misses Barbara Dinney, Helen Morgan and Hazel Hern, spent the week-end 1 with Miss Ada Gaiser at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Al­ bert Gaiser at Shipka. The occa- j sion was Miss Gaiser’s 21st birth­ day. The girls are all members of the Bank of Montreal staff. | Mr. Barry Wenger, formerly of; the Times-Advocate staff, who re-1 . , _ , _ „cently took over the Mildmay Ga-1 PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE Rev. A, B, Irwin, B,A. W. R. Goulding, A.T,C,M. Organist and Choir Leader a.m.—Sunday School and Bible Class. 11 a.m,—- Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. (Session meet in the ves­ try—10.30 a.m.) p.m.—Rev. Wm. Mair, Thames Road Church. Summer Union Services com­ mence Sunday, July 4, in James Street church. 7 TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH CONGOLEUM RUGS in new patterns We offer a good assortment of patterns in Congoleum Rugs. These rugs are easy to keep clean and make lovely bright room, We are fortunate in having such wide range of patterns. a a 6 ft. x 9 ft. $5.00 9 ft. x lO1/^ ft. $9.00 7y2 ft- x 9 ft. $6.50 9 ft. x 12 ft. $10.50 zette, was in Exeter Thursday of last week and moved his household effects to that place. He and his mother will have the best wishes of many friends in their new ven­ ture. BASEBALL Saturday Night at 6.15 Exeter Diamond A London Team vs No. 9 S.F.T.S SOFTBALL THURSDAY, JUNE 24th, 7 No. 9 S.F.T.S. Centralia vs. Lakeview Poultry. Faiimi AT EXETER BALL DIAMOND pan. l New Dinnerware and Breakfast Sets We have been waiting months for this din­ nerware. The patterns are good and we are happy to have these to show our cust­ omers. ALSO A FEW DOZEN ODD CUPS AND SAUCERS, AT PER DOZEN $3.50 Summer Footwear for the hot weather In a big range of new patterns and mat­ erials. Splendid for the beach, street or around the home, Popular prices. Support the Greek Relief Fund, WE SELL WAR SAVINGS STAMPS Buy as Many as You Possibly Can Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Clioir Leader, First Sunday 1 a.m.—Sunday . a.m.- mon After Trinity School -Morning prayer and ser- muu “Sacrifice”, (Friday at 7 p.m. Laymen’s Ban­ quet will be held in St. Paul’s Parish Hall, Clinton. All Laymen of this church are invited. 19 11 1 Sunday School—10.30 a.m. Service—11.30 a.m, Evening Service—8 p.m. Wednesday Prayer Meeting—8 p.m. All are welcome. Pastor—E. Clemens ZION EVANGELICAL CHURCH Crediton M. E. Reuber, B.A., B.D., Minister Mrs. F. W. Mcsylpck, Organist Lawrence A. Wein, Clioir Leader 10 a.m.—Missionary Sermon 11 a.m.—Church School 7.30 p.m.—Children’s Day Program Grocery Specials for Thurs., Friday and Saturday McCORMICK’S BROKEN SODAS strictly fresh ............... per lb. 10c MACARONI, in bulk, ............. per lb. .06c PARD DOG FOOD “For man’s best friend”, dehydrated, per box ............................................ 15c POLIUM POT CLEANER better than steel wool, per pkg. HABITANT VEGETABLE SOUP It’s really good, ....................... per tin 10c 15c EGG PRESERVER will pack 8 to 10 doz. eggs,... per tin 13c CERTO CRYSTALS ................... 2 for CERTO, 8 oz. bottles, ............................. RED RIVER CEREAL per package ...........................v.............. DEHYDRATED APPLES makes lovely apple sauce .... per tin 10c WHITE BEANS for cooking saves the potatoes 25c 25c 25e per lb. 5c Southcott Bros. Phone 16 Exeter LOCAL NEWS Mrs. Ed. Kestle visited with her daughter, Mrs. Charles Snell, of Dashwood, last week. . Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Tomlinson and / Mrs. Charles Snell spent the week­ end in London. Mrs. E. Jory is visiting with her daughter, Mi's. J. Yellow, this week. LAC. Jack Pryde, of Fingal, spent the week-end at his home here. Mrs. Charles Snell has accepted i Iamily are spending two weeks vacat- a position with the local Bell Tele- ] *on Turnbull’s Grove, hone Co. Mrs. Wm. Hunter, who has been J Mahlon Ryckman, of Camp Borden, visiting in Toronto, returned home! spent the week-end at their homes on Sunday. Mrs. Wm. Chambers spent the week-end with Mr. ail’d Mrs. Elwood Thomas, in Loudon. Cpl. Wesley Ryckman and. Tpr.Step out K» here. The Kumjoinus Ciass of the Main St. United Church are holding their picnic at iMr. J. A. Sweitzer’s cottage in Beach o’ Pines on Wednesday afternoon. in a New Felt Hat .. Latest Styles at Popular Prices NOTICE —mi 1 him ■ iiir-'irrr-nii- wi •■■•■BgpttmjfipgM ONLY 3 DAYS LEFT TO COMPLETE MY SALE OF JEWELLERY Ends Saturday Night at 11 We have a small quantity of: WRIST WATCHES going at........... SOME WEDDING RINGS going at SOME BROOCHES going at.......... SOME CHINA going at ..................... $16.00 plus tax $4.00 to $10.00 HALF PRICE HALF PRICE This sale has been a huge success and I wish to thank my many customers who have stood by me these many years* Thanking everybody. • Note: I WILL BE CARRYING ON SOME REPAIRING J. J. LAWSON JEWELLER EXETER N-Joy-U-All Picnic The annual N-Joy-U-All picnic of the second and third concession of Stephen was held on Saturday, June 19, at Grand Bend, with a good attendance. The weather was ideal and everyone entered heartily in­ to the Spirit of the occasion. The various sports were keenly contes­ ted and enjoyed by' all. This was followed by a sumptuous supper served in the pavilion. Officers for the coming year were elected as follows': president, Leslie Richards, secretary-treasurer, Melvin King. A collection was the Greek fund. Results of sports are as follows; Gerald Dearing, Bobby Preszcator; boys 11-15, Bruce Shaptbn, Donald Davey, Don­ ald Jory; giris race, 8-11 Leona Davey, Helen Preszcator; girls, 12- 15, Mabel Fairburn, Helen Shapton, Phyllis Preszcator, young mien’s race, Winston Shapton, Calvin Pres­ zcator, Cliff Jory; hoop race, Mrs. George Walker, Mrs. Wes Dearing, captains, toothpick Winston dropping Walker’s with water with saucer. Penh ale’s side won; < race, neck tie race, Donald Dearing, Mrs. Wes. Dearing; throwing qmolts, ladies, Mrs. Arthur Frayne; throw­ ing quoits, men, Wilfred Shapton; guessing beans in bottle, Earl Shap­ ton; mysterious lady, Leila Moilard. After supper the men enjoyed a game of soft ball. New Shirts, Ties, Socks and All Accessories. W. W. TAMAN Pentecostal" W.M.S. Melvin taken in aid of Boys race, 8-11, Clifford Penhale, boys Mrs. Dearing’s side won. race, Lome Preszcator Shapton, Donald Dearing; beans in bottle, Mrs. Ceo,;4 side won. filling bottle Mrs, Asa clothes pin Ray Jory, Helen Preszcator; LOCAL NEWS Mr. A. Sheere and Mrs. Amos Parker and daughter Maxine, of Lansing, Mich., are visiting with Mr. F, Sheere. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford White were in Arkona on Sunday attending the funeral of Mr. White’s mother, whose death occurred on Friday following a lengthy illness, Visitors at the home or Mr, and Mrs. R. Tinney on Sunday were, Mr, and Mrs. "William Sceli, of Lucan, and Mr. and Mrs. R. Fitzgerald and daughter Peggy, of London. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sliroeder, Who have been Visiting in Muskoka for two weeks with their daughter and sOn-in-laW, Mr. and Mrs. Qari Seriven, have returned home. Mr. and Mrs. T. A;. Inglis, Lome and Lois Anne, of Sebringville, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Amos Darling. Lome, who has been Visiting for a week returned home with them, The June meeting of the Pentecost­ al W.M.S. was held on Thursday, June 10, With a very good attendance. The meeting opened by singing two hymns, after which Miss Peart led in prayer. Roll call was answered by, “How the Lord Has Blessed Us and Answered Prayer”. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted, and the offering received. Mrs. Eldon (Miller and Mrs. Allan Miller sang a duet entitled, “There's a Land That is Fairdr Than Day”. Mrs. .Eldon Miller accompanied on the piano accordian. Mrs. Clemens gave a very inspiring and instructive talk on “Adorning Our Soul and Body With the Spirit of Jesus ‘Christ”! taking for her Scripture, Titus 2. The remainder of the meeting was spent in prayer for various mission-* aries. Hymn “Hidden in Thee” was sung and Mrs, Edgar Oudmore closed the meeting with prayer. Follow the Classifieds-—they save you money. The ball team of No 9 S.F.T.S. Centralia,, visit the Lakeview Poul­ try Farm team- at the local diamond 'on Thursday evening, at 7 p.m,