HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1943-06-24, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVpCATE, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 24th, 1943 HENSALL re- Mr. and Pic- R. EVERY NIGHT the staff is enjoy- London, with his Smith, of with Mr, few and Mr, and of (Fred Heer, of London, week-end at his home daughter, Miss Emma Johnston visited cently with relatives in Delhi. I’te. Leonard Noakes, pf London, week-end at his home A. Ford; Miss I Mrs. Thomas with Mr. and Mt, and Mrs. EL1MVILLE and Mrs. Edwin Chesney, THAMES ROAD Sunday School Anniversary The S^iday School Anniversary \ Rev, Mrs. - Alex ' with ! ST.. of Winchelsea, with Mr. F. Skinner and family, spent the here. L.Cplv spent the here, Mrs. Nichols, of parkhill, spent the week-end with her Mrs. Ken Hicks, Mr. and Mrs. Harry ‘ London, visited recently and Mrs, Fred Beer. . Mrs. Catherine Hedden returned hone after spending a week with friends at Dashwood. Mr. Harold Bell and mother, Mrs. Bell, of London, visited on Sunday With Mrs. Victor Fee. Miss Alice Dougall, of Toronto, is visiting with lier parents, Mrs, Wm. Dougall, Sr. Pte Elgin Johnston, of visited over the week-end another, Mrs. Johnston. Miss Margaret Glenn, of of the Bank of Montreal, ing a two week’s vacation. Miss Elizabeth Slavin spent a days last week visiting with Mi', Mrs. Ed. Stewart, in London, Mrs. Mac Rosser, of Blenheim' visited on Friday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Russell. Miss .Patsy Steer visited during the week at the home of her grand­ mother, Mrs. Brazier, in London, I Mr. R. MacLaren, of St. Cathar-, ines, spent the week-end at his' ■home here with Mrs, MacLaren and 11 Donald, Mr, Kenneth Hicks, of the R.C. A.F., has been enjoying a leave at his home here with Mrs. Hicks and | family. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Shepherd, of Toronto, visited recently with Mrs. Shepherd’s parents, Mr. ani' Mrs. Jas. Smillie. 1 Dr. Wm. T. Joynt, Dr. Harry Joynt, and .Mrs, Joynt and daugh­ ter spent the week-end with their mother, Mrs. Alice Joynt. , Pte. Glenn Love, of Toronto, visi­ ted this week with his sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, John McEwen and Mrs. Mina Love. Miss Margart Hobkirk under­ went a serious operation in Clin­ ton Hospital on Monday. Her many friends hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pfaff and daughter, Shela, of Niagara-on-the- spent the week-jend at the of the former’s mother, Mrs, and “Largo by Handel” Amaryh Jis.” “Adagia hy Pathetique” was played during the offering by Miss Greta Lainmie on the violin*. Mr* Carey Joynt, of Western University London, sang a solo entitled “The Holy Hour.” The choir sang two anthems entitled, “God Who Toucheth Earth witn Beauty,” and “The Gates of Praise.” At the eve­ ning service Miss Lammie and Miss Sells played two instrumentals “In a Monastery Garden," and “Pomp and Circumstances” and during the offering Miss Lammie played the violin. The selection being manre’ and “Fans Paroles.” W. 0. Goodwin and Mr. W, A, Laren sang a duet entitled “I Lift Up Mine Eyes,” sang an anthem ’ Place.” Both services were largely attended, “Ro- Mr. | Mac Will ’ and the choir “Thy Dwelling CREDITON Don’t forget the Community nic of the Crediton Public School on June 30 on the school grounds. We ask the ladies to bring a picnic basket and their own sugar. Mr, and Mrs. Martin Morlock, of Kitchener, are spending their holi­ days with relatives. Mrs. Garnet Baker, of Toronto, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Everett Fahrner. Mrs. Walter Hoard, of Toronto, is spending a few days with friends. Mr. Calvin Fahrner, of London, was home for the week-end. Sgt. Lloyd England, of Chatham, is home on two week’s leave, ! Mr. Roy Fiifkbeiner is making a fine recovery following an operation on his eye. Members of Stephen Council made a survey of the township roads on Tuesday to determine the amount roadwork that will be necessary, Mrs. Johnston, of London, slightly improved at the home her sister, Mrs. T. Trevethick. Miss Laura Woodall, of London, spent the week-end with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Woodall. Mrs. John Haist, while ascending the cellar steps on Saturday, suffer­ ed a dizzy spell and fell backwards. She is confined to her.home in con- Her many friends will around Mrs. Milton Lavery and St. Catharines, spent a this week visiting with Sunday School Anniversary t zjon ........ ' TJto Sunday School picnic wasELIM VILLE UNITED CHURCH the school grounds on Tues-f SUNDAY* JUNE 27th day evening with a very large at-. Sunday was well attended, tendance. A ball game was held;a. Sinclair, Blyth, was guest $prvibe at 11 conducted by ' and tha sperts were as follows: j speaker for the day and bis services Rev. W. T, Cleave, Grand Bend racei under 6, Jane Dyke-(were much appreciated. The child- j *. rz oa j *. j l ,hian, Elaine Hem; children 6 to Siren’s choir in the morning and the and at 7,3Q p,m* ^Qnducted by years, Marilyn Hern and ’Marjorie (regular choir at the evening service Rev. A* B. Irwin, Exeter • Dykeman; boy’s race 9 and under,‘under the leadership of Mrs, A. . Bob Hem, r.......... ' “ '— Special Music by the Choir Dykeman; -------- -- . i - ■ ■■■....-. i t paaIpv and Kathleen Johns; Keith Hern and Paul Morgan, rendered music which was girls to 14, Dorothy enjoyed by .all, Miss Hogarth, of . -r boy’s Exeter, was soloist jn "the children’s ’ 9 to 14, Jack Hem and Ray Jacques; > choir in the morning and Mr. Carey young ladies, Hasel Hern and Ruth! joynt, of Hensail, at the evening I Torn; young men, Gerald Heim and service. , Ken Hern; married women and men, I Sunday visitors in the community Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Hern, Mrs; R. E. jwer.e as follows: Miss Winifred Mc- Pooley and Ward Hern; men kicking | phail, of Roys and Mr. and Mrs. J. I the slipper, Ken Hern and Gerald Coward, Hern; three legged race, Gerald and Mrs, Robert Duncan* Hern and Hazel Hern, Ken Hern add Mrs. — — - - Marjorie Johns; clothespin race, Ken: Elimville, Mr, and Mrs, Rundle and Hern and Anna Brock; jelly bean'family and Mrs, Harding, of Exeter, race, Gerald Hern and Hazel Hern; eating Teni McCurdy the soda biscuits, James Earl and Mrs. Ward Hern; tug of war, Ward Hern’s side, After the sports Arthur Hern and Margaret Jacques were presented with identification brace-’Mr, lets from the community. Wellington Exeter* Brock read the addresses, In the‘Allison; absence of Margaret, < Norman took her place. is in the Navy and has signed for 1 Passmore, of Exeter, overseas duty. Arthur leaves on'Mrs, A. Passmore; Friday for Quebec, Later lunch was I and served. There will be no church services held in Zion church on Sunday as it is Elimville anniversary, Miss Hazel Hern spent the week­ end with Miss Ada Gaiser, of Shipka. Mr, and Mrs. James Earl spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, O. Cann. Mrs, L. Kyle spent last Wednesday with friends in the community. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Jacques, Elma and Ray, Marjorie Earl, and Anna and Irene Brock spent Sunday with spending nine day’s leave at his Mr. and Mrs. P. Passmore, home, Sunday School Anniversary ser­ vices will be held here next Sunday, j with their aunt, Mrs. James G’owett,' and The annual Johns reunion was held ' and the former’s brother, Mr. and at the home of Mr. Gilbert Johns on Mrs. John^Hern. j Saturday, June 19th, with about' j sixty present. Races and a ball game, Harry spent Sunday with Mr. were enjoyed. A sumptuous supper ; Mrs. Charles Jacques, of St. Marys, was served on the lawn. Mr. Delmar. Skinner was elected president for! the coming year and IMiss Doreen' Coultis, secretary, will be Philip Etheleen and picnic will be Mr. H. Ford. of is of Lord’s by the sequence. hope that she will soon be again. The Sacrament of the Supper will be administered minister at Shipka, Brinsley and Crediton next Lord's day. The teacher and pupils of Room 2 of the Public School staged a salvage drive for papers and fats and in that, way have contributed to the war effort. During a recent electrical storm a bolt of lightning entered the home Lake, home Pfaff. Mr, family, of few days Mr. ad Mrs. Carl Passmore and Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Harris. Miss Edith Parkins, Mrs. Wil- of Mr. John Gaiser and destroyed fred Klopp and Mr. and Mrs. Cline seme electric fixtures and the radio. Flynn, of London, and Mr. and Mrs. The walls of the room Robert Flynn, of Exeter, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James Parkins. J Bride and Groom Honored j About two hundred neighbors and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Ed­ ward Schroeder gathered in the town hall Hensail, on Friday eve­ ning and presented them with a chesterfield suite. The address was read by Mr. Clarence Reichert. The groom made a fitting reply of; thanks. Dancing was enjoyed to | music furnished by Murdock's Or-, chestra, and refreshments were ser-1 ved. i Women’s Institute Meet • The Senior Women’s Institute' held their annual picnic at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Bell on High-' Mrs. Wm. Smith; sports committee, way No. 4. Owing to the rain, the Lawrence Wein. Ross Krueger, Ray amusements were held in the spa- Morlock, Carman Whitmore, cious rooms of the home. Chinese checkers were enjoyec showed some he had taken to the iments were dis­ colored coming very close to the curtains. Had they taken fire there might have been a serious blaze as no one was at home at the time. On Wednesday evening of last week Mr. and Mrs, Lawrence Wein were host and hostess to the mem­ bers of the Evangelical church choir, together with their wives and hus­ bands. The first part of the evening was spent in playing crokinole. During the business session officers were elected as follows: president, Freeman Morlock; vice-president, Fraser Brown; secretary-treasurer, Alma Smith; library committee, Mrs. Ross Krueger, Mrs. Lorne Morlock; social committee, Mrs. Lawrence Wein, Mrs. M. Faist, Mrs. Emmery Fahrner, Mrs. Freeman Morlock, The Stratford District Christian and Dr. Bell1 Education Rally was held in the interesting pictures Evangelical church Tuesday and during his travels (Wednesday with a splendid attend- different countries. Refresh- -- were served. Arnold Circle Meet June meeting of the Arnold of the Carmel Presbyterian 1 was held on Monday evening home of Miss Jean McQueen, the president, Mrs. Melvin presiding. The meeting singing “Dear Lord and Mankind,” after which Hoggarth led in prayer. Psalm 33, 12:22 25:33 was read by M ' ance. Mr. W. H. Edighoffer, of ' Zurich,, presided for the opening I exercises Tuesday afternoon. Age group conferences were conducted by Mrs. M. Tiernan, Dashwood; Rev. C. B. Heckendorn, Zurich,' and Rev. E. E. Pletch, of Stratford. In the ' evening Crediton Young People | presented a drama “Somber Shad- ■ ows”. Rev. W. F. Krotz, of Tavi­ stock, gave an address, his theme being “White Fields”. Morning, | afternoon and evening sessions ,g< j held Wednesday. The Circle church at the with Moir, ed by er of Trene Scripture Matt. 6, Farquhar. Hymn “Blest Be the Tie, That Binds” was sung followed by | the minutes, business, offering and ( roll call. The topic on “The Ukra-| Ilians” was very ably taken by Miss ( Sally Manson. The meeting conclu­ ded by singing “Lead on 0 King Eternal” and the Lord's prayer in unison. Refreshments were served. Anniversary .Services Well Attended Rev J. R. Mutchmor M.A.D.D., of Toronto, a graduate of Toronto University, who took his Master De­ gree at Columbia College, New York, and took up theological work at the Union Theological College in^ New York conducted »the services an* delivenod most inspirlne mes- “,week-™,<’ v,s.,tor witl’ M,s’ sages at both services, la his most Wm. Moi Iey;.. ................. . eloquent manner, He holds the posi­ tion of Secretary of the General Board of Evangelism and Social Service in the Viiited church. At the hioriiiiig service, Miss Greta Lam­ mie A.T.C.M,, presided at the or­ gan and Miss Katherine Sells, Of London, played the piano, playing Wednesday. ■were WHALEN Irene Heller, of Waterloo, Roy Barker, Miss and Mr. Roy Barker, of London, were week-end visitors with Grafton Squire. (Mrs. John Morley, of Woodham, is visiting for a few days with Ml'S. E. Squire. L.A.C. George Cummings,, of Ala­ ska, and Mrs. Cummings, of Toronto, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Leckie. Miss Shirley Squire, of London, is holidaying this Week at her home. Miss Jean Morley, of Lucan, was Mr. and Mrs. Eari Johnson and family assisted with the music at an entertainment at Prospect Hill on Friday evening, Mr. and Mrs. GeO, Squire and Harry attended Thames Road Anni­ versary1 on Sunday and spent the day with Mr, and Mrs. N, Squire, Bang! off we go! DASHWOOD Miss Zefa Nadiger, R.N., of How­ ell, Mich., spent a few days with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Nadiger j Mr. and Mrs. Otto Restemeyer visited with friends in London on Sunday, ! Mr. ,and Mrs, Harold Kellerman spent the week-end in Fergus, j Miss Jean Cole, of Exeter, spent I the week-end with friends here. i A.C.2 Lorne Kleinstiver, of Toron­ to, spent a few days at his home here last week. Ward Kraft and friend, of Lon-’ don, spent the week-end with his | mother, Mrs. Kraft. j Mr. and Mrs. George Thompson, of Detroit, are spending their vacat-l ion with her parents, Mr. and Baker. Mr. Egmondville, were guests of Mr, and, Mrs. John Brock, on Sunday. j Mrs. Ed Johns and Hazel are visit- ( ing the former’s sister, Mrs. Alice. Reihm, of Toronto, this week. j Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ford and ■ family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Newman Baker, near Wellburn, on Sunday last. j Sgt. Clarence Ford, of Jarvis, is. Phil Hern and Ruth Torn, j with Mr. and Mrs. and McCurdy, of Exeter, Gib, Duncan; Rohde and family, of Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rohde; and Mrs. William Allison, of with Mr, and Mrs. John _T. ' ........ Miss Margaret Dougall her brother,' and Harry, of Exeter, with Mr. and Margaret Mrs. C, Miller; Mr, and Mrs. W. with Mr, and A. Passmore; Mrs, J. Craig granddaughters Margaret and .Joyce Craig, of Blyth, with Mr, and I Mrs. A. Gardiner; Mrs. Fletcher ! and Marie, of Exeter, with Mr. and Mrs. S. Coward; Mrs. F, Willis and Miss 'Florence Davey, of Centralia, and Mrs. Wm. Hodgert, of Exeter, with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Coward | Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rodd, Mr, and Mrs. Albert Scott and Audrey, of Woodham, Irene Brock and Marjorie ’•Earl, of Zion, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Jacques and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Quinn, of Exeter, and Mr, and Mrs. Mrs. George Jacques and Mrs. L. Mr. . Kyle, of Exeter, visited on Sunday, anci Mrs, James Earl, of Zion, Mr ... Taa Bert Venner, of Exeter, with and Mrs. Percy Passmore; Mr. STARTING SATURDAY June 26 "Musical Patterns by Patton” Sports committee Johns, Ronald Elford, Eileen Johns. held at the home Mrs. Joe Dayman, of Kippen. and Mrs. Newton ‘Clarke, of Winchelsea, with Mr. and Mrs. Or- about?~ Mr."and Mrs. Norman Jacques and j vilIe Cann; Miss Lila Pym with Mr. anj and Mrs. E. Pym; Mr. and Mrs. Alex ‘ MacBeth, of Brucefield, and Miss B. j Clarke, of Winchelsea, with Mr. and j Mrs. A. Hunkin; Mr. and Mrs. John Hodgert and Winifred, of Exeter, with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Cann; Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hamilton, of Exeter, with Mr. and IMrS. Robt. Kydd ,Mr. and Mrs. C. Miller, Staffa i The' of KHIVA Shower foi’ Bride-Elect attractive miscellaneous show-1 AND HIS DIRECT FROM A ORCHESTRA SUCCESSFUL SEASON IN TORONTO and BRANT INN, HAMILTON Admission 50c SUNDAYAn er was held at the home of Mr. and "(th*mT*‘and"Mrs? J, Hodgert? Mr. Mrs. Dan. Weber * ' • ing when about ! friends i Aldene school \eek- , chair decorated in pink and white, i rounded with vases of pink and white peonies. The address was read by . The gifts were j brought into the living room on a . gaily decorated wagon drawn by i WOODHAM and Sunday withdrawn here last ■ to the anniversaryi at Kirkton United i goodly number from here gathered Eagleson, She was under anThe church services were Sunday owing services held church. A awu-ij xiCAnuv.. attended and many of them spent ■ the rest of the*day with friends. I ---: ----. \ The Sunday school picnic which I - , on Thursday even- 35 neighbors and in honor of Miss bride-elect, of this asked to take her arch beautifully sur- ■ and Mrs. 0. Jaques and family, of Cromarty, Mr. and Mrs. C. Watson, I and family, of Science Hill, with Mrs. Thedford Brass Band was to have been held at Stratford ] httle J°an Baker and Donna Eagle- Park last Saturday was for a week and will be Saturday June 26. Mr. Graydon Caiam, Bay, visited at his home a few days and left Tuesday of this wee'k to join the navy. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Shier and child-| ren, of London, were week-end visi-' Marlene visited in tors at the home of Mr. and Mrs.! Sunday. Frank McNaughton. ! Miss Evelyn Camm, nurse-in-1 training at Stratford Hospital, a Sunday guest at the home of father, Mr. John Camm. Mr. and Mrs. gether with Mr. Anderson and Shirley day visitors at the home Mrs. Laverne Stone, Friends of Mrs. James be pleased to know that ting along as well as can be expec­ ted, having been taken to Victoria Hospital, London, last Thursday for an operation for appendicitis. Mr. and Mrs. James- Squire at­ tended a party held at the home of Mr. and pen, on seventy sembled Arthur Hern, who the week before j received his wings -s a navigator 1 at Crumlin airport. A very pleasant evening was spent. Arthur was pre-! seated with a lovely suitcase and aj sum of money. Mrs. McLean took I the chair and very ably conducted a program consisting of solos, in-; strumentals, readings and a grand address by Mrs. McLean on “Fede­ ration.” postponed ■ son which held many pretty and held next! aseful Sifts. After the gifts hadJ been opened and admired the bride of North ! expressed her thanks and appreciat- here for 'ion- A.11 joined in singing “For She’s | a Jolly 'Good Fellow”. Later a i dainty lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs Lloyd Lippert and Melbourne on 30 MUSICIANS JULY 1 st HOLIDAY is J. BALL GAME 7 o’clock r James Squire and Mrs. Howard i were Sun- • of Mr. and j I Miller will I she is get-) Miss Mary Hoffman, of Zurich, - — ' has returned home after spending yas j a couple of weeks with Mrs. Leo "er Dietrich. I Pte. Henry Ziles, of Petawawa, °'.i spent the week-end with his parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ziles. Mrs. Claude Gelinas and family, of London, are visiting the former’s mother, Mrs. L. Dietrich. Mrs, Glen McLean, of Kip- Friday evening last when of the Earl connection as- to do honor to Pilot Officer i and Mrs. and Mr and and Charles Glanville and Mrs. Stephen family spent Sunday Mrs. Lorne Hayden, William Hetlierley of Lon- and Mrs. Win Horney, pent Sunday with Mr. With Mr Mr. Ken- spent the here, daughter, and Bend . Hamilton Neil and of London, their homes :y Neil and d home after visiting and London. CREDITON EAST Mr and son, Glanville with Mr. at Birr, Mr. and M and Mrs. Frank Scheiding, don, and M of Kippen, and Mrs. William Motz. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lewis and son and Mrs. L. Wein and son spent Sunday at G: and Mrs. Aid Mr. Murray neth Kuhn, week-end at Mrs. Murn have returns in Brantford „ , , . Mrs. H. Kuhn has returned homeTkfkFQ CflEI fimCI after a, month’s visit in Windsor lllwlv Id will it lllllwain with her daughter, Mrs. B. I-Ieathe, __ __ _—- {the latter and her son and datigh- ter are visiting here for a time. We still have some chickens and Pte. and Mrs. Howard Truemner pullets for delivery June 20th to and son, of London, spent, the week- July 23rd. i end with Mr. D. Truemner. 1 A few Leghorn pullets, immediate ' ----“““---- delivery. O.A.C. and Purirta Feeds on hand at all titties. j SHIPKA i In loving memory of their ; Mr. John Ratz, Mr. and Mi’s. Mat. i Sweitzer and family, Mr. and Mrs. I Milton Ratz and family, and Mr. Simon Ratz, bedecked the communion j table at Shipka United church on Sunday morning with a beautiful The Home of the Business Hen* display of peonies. Lakeview Poultry Farm phone 78 father, ■Mr. and Mrs.. W. Ferguson; Harry Coates, of Eketer, with Mrs. George Jeffery; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Squires and Harry, of Whalen, Mr. and Mrs. O. Brown and Bernice, of Centralia, Rev. Sinclair, of Blyth, with Mr. and Mrs. N. Squires. Miss Ella Robinson and Leslie spent Thursday with Mr. T. Wheel­ er, at Brucefield. Mrs. John Fleming, of Melbourne, visiting with her daughter; Mrs. Simpson. Mr. Russell Passmore, who has been home on leave, returned to Halifax this week. Miss Margaret Allison and Miss Anne Morgan, of Loncon, spent the week-end at their homes here. The Y.P.U. presented their play, “Willowdale” in Granton Anglican church Wednesday night-and-pre­ sent it in Fullarton town hall, on Friday night, Mr. and Mrs. C. Miller visited their daughter-in-law, Mrs. J. Mil­ ler, on Sunday, who underwent an operation for appendicitis in St.- Joseph’s Hospital last week. We wish Mrs. Miller a speedy recovery. There will be no church service or Sunday school this Sunday, ow­ ing to Elimville anniversary. We are glad to report that Mrs. Thomas Allen and infant daughter, who have been ill with the measles, are well on the \Vay to recovery., Mrs. A. Gunning, of Exeter, is spending ter, Mrs. Percy Those taking recently United district Harris, gan, Mair. Mr. and Mrs, Roland Williams and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dixon, of Centralia, left Saturday morning by motor for Lake the week-end at turning Monday Bob McCurdy, pot, spent the home. A reception in Mrs. Gordon Stone, newly weds, was held in the Kirkton Hall last Thursday night. A large number, attended and a very enjoyable time spent. The young- couple were presented with a purse of money. The regular meeting of the Thames Road Mission Circle met at the home of Miss Alice Passmore, oh Friday evening, with a good attendance. The president, June Coward, was in charge of the meet­ ing and opened with hymn 15, fol­ lowed with pw^r by the president. Scriptui-e;,;lessqn was read by Alice PassmoYe,. The girls are planning bn making ftn autograph quilt, the I proceeds to gD to* the Red Cross. ■Gunning, a week with her Passmore, part in the in James Exeter from Mary L. Scott, Grant given church, were: J Audrey Scott, Shirley Thompson and recital Street this Ina Mor- Betty Simcoe and spent Alcona Beach night. of Manning -week-end at I honor of Mr. re- De- his an d Guelph vs. Exeter Lakeviews Lakeviews, winners of district series—Guelph were victors of the last game. COME OUT AND SUPPORT YOUR HOME TEAM - SUNDAY, JULY 4th Tavistock Brass Band I Tavistock Bugle FRED FUNK’S FLOOR SHOW (Details later) Hymn 48S was sung and the pro­ gram followed, Doris Duncan gave a reading, Mary Borland gave the Herald. The topic was taken by June Coward and Marion Hodgert favored with an instrumental. Hymn 5 62 was sung and the meet­ ing closed with the Mizpah benedic­ tion. A ten cent tea was served and a social time spent during the lunch hour. BRINSLEY The Brinsley United Church Sun­ day School will hold their annual picnic on the church grounds, Satur­ day, June 26th, beginning at two o’clock. Middle-Age — When a man ceases to grow vertically and starts to grow horizontally—at the middle. njwnt NOTICE A change will be made in Passenger Train Schedules on SUNDAY, JUNE 27th, 1943 AND OTHER SPECIFIC DATES Pursuant to instructions of the Transit Controller, certain sei*vices which it was proposed would operate during the summer months will be withdrawn. For particulars apply to ticket agent CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS