HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1943-05-27, Page 5Ju. •F THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 27th, 1943 Pag* S Coming to Hensall C, R. Wilkinson, R,0, Ophthalmic Opfiisi^n « Wingham will be at W. O. GOQDWIN’S Stpre, every 1st and 3rd Tuesday in the month, for the. purpose of testing ey<es and fitting glasses. Difficult pasea and those^ dial have not been pro} specially recommem ...... suit me. Hours 10 a.m. to 6 p«tri. Phene 16 Hensall for apppintrnent operly fitted, fied to con- HENSALL Mr, Robert gangster, of Elora, spent the holiday with his mother, Mrs. Minnie gangster. „ Mr. Ralph Hawkins, of Toronto, spent the week-end here, attending the funeral of his uncle, the late George Hawkins. The Arnold Church Will hold ing at quhar The Y.P.U, Explain Monday audience. Miss Elizabeth sad news of the ther, Mr, Thomas Slavin, who ed away at his home on Thursday. The Ladies’ Aid of byterian Church held cessful home cooking tory tea in the schoolroom of the church on Saturday. Special services to commorate the 65th anniversary of the opening of St. Paul’s Anglican Church will be held on Sunday, June 13. The special speakers will be announced later. Visitors at the home of Mrs. Ezra Willard on Sunday were Carl F. Daters, of No, 1 Manning Depot, Toronto; Lloyd Donald Willard, of the Scots Fusiliers, Niagara-on-the- Lake; Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Coates and daughter Audrey. Mr. Donald - Willard received a money belt from the village of Hensail, also a money belt and a sum of money from the McKinnon plant where he w'as em­ ployed before going into the army. George Hawkins Passes One of Hensail’s most respected citizens passed away at his home here on Friday in the person of George Hawkins, in his 81st year, following a lengthy illness.. The de­ ceased moved to Hensail some four­ teen years ago from his farm on No. 4 Highway, south, and since then was prominent as a dealer in cattle. Surviving is one brother, Thos. Hawkins, who has spent the winter in Exeter. A private funeral service was held from the late re­ sidence on Monday afternoon con­ ducted by the rector of St. Paul’s Anglican Church. Rev. M. A. Hunt, of which the deceased was a mem­ ber. The floral tributes were very beautiful, showing the esteem in which the deceased was held. The pallbearers were William and Wil­ lard Buchanan, William Shepherd, Peter Moir, . Andrew Dougall and Chas. Blackwell. Interment was in Exeter cemetery. Anniversary Services Cannel Presbyterian Church had for their anniversary services on Sunday Rev. Hugh Jack, BA., of First Presbyterian Church, Seaforth, who delivered an inspiring message at both services. The choir, under the leadership of Mrs. John Mur­ doch, contributed special music. The anthem in the morning was en­ titled "Jesus Shall Reign", special parts being taken by Mrs. W. A. MacLaren, Miss Irene Hoggarth and Mrs. Andrew Dougall. Mrs. William Murdoch, (formerly Miss Pearl Wood), of Exeter, was guest soloist, singing two numbers, “Be­ side Still Waters" and “Forward". A. ladies' quartette entitled "Lead Me On", was sung at the evening service by Miss Irene Hoggarth, Mrs. Malcolm Dougall, Mrs. Norman Stanlake and Mi’s. W. A. MacLaren. The anthem by the choir was “A Song of Praise". Mrs. William Mur­ doch favored with two Solos entitl­ ed “The Wondrous Cross" and “I Go and In Secret Pray". Additional news on page three. Circle of Carmel theii’ regular meet- of Mrs. John Far- evening. of Chiselhurst ‘Til at Nile on very large the home on Friday members presented their play, Everything", evening to a Slavin death received the of her bro- pass- Westin the Pres- 5J CarmeJ a very suc- sale and vic- CENTRALIA Miss Ruben a Merriam, of. Delhi, spent the week-end with her * par­ ents, Rev. and Mrs. R. J. Merriam, week-end, visitors with Mr, and Mrs. George Bayhhain were L.A.C, Scotty Baynham, of Toronto, and Mrs, McDougall, of London. Mr. and Mrs, J, Talbot and Jo­ anne,, of Grana Valley, were week­ end guests with Mr, and Mrs, Har­ ris West. Sgt. D, c, Scott was transferred last week to St. Jeans, Quebec. Mrs. Scott accompanied him there, ■Sgt. O, Grosvenor is posted over­ seas. He will leave here on Thurs­ day. Mrs. Grosvenor will return to her home at Prospect Hill. Mrs. F. Reeder was a Sunday guest with Mrs. s, Brokenshire. Mrs, C. J. Mprdy, of Lucan, and Misses Gertrude and Lula Dempsey, of Toronto, were visitors with Mr, and Mrs, John Essery on Sunday evening of last week. Mrs. Robert Smith and Marlene returned to Wallaceburg on Sun­ day after spending the past couple of weeks at their home here. Mr. Steve Molnar, of Dundas, spent the week-end at his home here. Mr.and Mrs, Roy Spring and Gail spent the week-end at Corinth. Mr. Harold Tripp was taken to the hospital on Sunday and will un­ dergo an operation shortly. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. R, Davey*were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Smith and daughter, of Thames Road and Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Smith and family. Mrs. Fletchei’ and Marie visited with friends in the village on Sun­ day. M}rs, Fletcher assisted the choii* at the evening service. Miss Bertha Walden and her two brothers, of Kincardine, were Sun­ day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lome Hicks. Mrs. Thomas Smith is in Guelph this week taking a course at the Ontario Agricultural College. Mr. Ken Hodgins, of the creamery staff, was off duty last week owing to illness. Winnifred tune to run finger while on Monday, hospital at No. the hook was removed. Rev. R. J. Merriam was in Avon on Sunday taking charge of the church services there while Rev. A. J. Waterman conducted anniversary services here. Rev. Waterman was entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Andrew. Sunday vifeitors with Mfr. and Mrs. Otto Brown were Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Squires, son and daughter, of Thames Road. A presentation was held on Wed­ nesday evening last in Cook’s Hall for Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Godbolt. Bill Elliott read the address and C. McCurdy presented them with a purse of money, Miss Berniece Conlin, R.N., of London, spent the week-end^ with her parents, Mr. and Conlin. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Alisa Craig, visited on CREDITON Mr, Qerald Smith spent the week-end in Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. Xlussel Huxtable, of Hamilton, were week-end visitors with Mr, and Mrs. H. C, Beaver, Dr, C. Q, and Mrs. Morlock/ of Rochester, Minn., spent the past week at the home of Mrs, Ed Mor- lock. Miss Ella Morlock, of Thedford, spent the week-end at her home here, Bgt, Gerald England, ef No. io Ft. A, A. Beg’t., stationed at Debert, N< s,, has returned to duty after spending his furlough at his home here, Mr, and Mrs, E. C. Fahrner, of Kitchener, spent the’week-end with Mr, Chris Fahmei' and Mabel, Miss Cunningham has resiglned her position at the Creditor, school and Miss Gertrude Camm has been engaged in her place. Miss Camm formerly taught at S,S. No. 5, Us- borne. Trousseau Tea Mrs. vVesley Wein entertained a trousseau tea recently in honor her daughter Verna, bride-elect this month. Eighty some guests were present, Presiding at the tea table centred with a silver bowl of pink sweet peas flanked by pink tapers In silver candlesticks were Mrs, God­ frey Wein and Mrs. W. Roy Doubl­ ing Assistants in the tea room were Misses Myrtle Ford and Gladys Schenk, Mrs. Robin Blackwell, of Port Dover, displayed the trousseau and assisting here were Misses nice Haist, Doris Wuerth and leeta Wein. Cl’Oditon W.I. The meeting of the W.I. was at the home of Mrs. E. Fahrner business was disposed of as usual with the president, Mrs. M. Ewald occupying the chair. _ The meeting opened 'by singing the Ode and re­ peating the Lord’s Prayer in unison, The motto was, “Let Your Mother Know How Much You Love Her." Do this 'ere it is too late. The roll call was answered. Miss M. Wein had charge of the following pro­ gram. Mrs. A. Wein gave a read­ ing entitled “The Gremlins". Mrs. Arlis Wein favoured with a solo, "I Can Bring a Blossom".' Mrs. E. Fahrner read a poem entitled “The Mothers of the World." Mrs, very test the were Mrs. E. Fahrner, Mrs. A. Wein and Mrs. L. Wein. Mrs. C. Sims rendered a vote of thanks to all those who had a part in making the meeting a success, This was sec­ onded by Mrs. I. Finkbeiner. The meeting closed with the National Anthem, There will 'be a meeting' of the W.I. on Monday evening, May 31st, at 8 p.m. in the town hall. All members are requested to be present as there will be important business discussed. dashwood L.A.C. West Spicer is home on 14-day sick leave. Mr., and Mrs. Jack Raschke and at of of Ber- Ma- held The Field had the misfor- a fish hook into her fishing at the river She was taken to the 9 S.F.T.S. where A solo by E. Fahrner, “0 Canada” was much enjoyed. A flower con- followed, Mrs. W. Mack being prize winner. The hostesses Mrs. Frank Simpson, of Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. P. Simpson. The anniversary services the church on Sunday were tended both morning and The guest speaker for both ELIMVILLE -Among the visitors in the vicin­ ity over the week-end and the 24 th Laurie Stephen, of Sky Mr. Billy Brock, 'Grace Brock and were: Mr Harbour Airport; of Crumlin; Miss girl friend, of Galt; Miss Gerta Hun­ ter and Miss Ida Hall, of London! Miss Joy Whitlock and Mrs. Jean * m “• ’ “ with--White, of St. Thomas, all relatives. Mrs. Stephen, Sr,, and Ml’ Mrs. J. Heckman, of Dashwood, arid Mr, and Mrs. William Stephen, of Woodham, were guests at the home of Mr. Charles .Stephen on Sunday. The 24th was Charles' and Mr, and Mrs. Heckman's birthday, it was also Mr. and Mrs. William Stephen’s wedding anniversary and it is their custom to celebrate together hear that date. iMrs. Pym spent the past week attending Mrs. James Kirltiaiid, wild has been ill.Mr, ahd’ Mrs. William Rontly and family were visitors at the home of Mr. Creighton Wynn, .jn „Wood­ ham, on Sunday, Mr, and Mrs, it. Johns and PliiP ip visited Miss Bessie Johns at Byr­ on on Sunday. a ..Mr. Harold Johns, of Edmonton, was a visitor at the home of Mr, Howard Johns during the past week. and held in well at- evening. ■ w__ _ services was Rev. A. J. Waterman, of Avon, who preached very inspiring ser­ mons. The choif provided special music and was assisted by Mr. Ar­ nold Kilmer at both services and ■by Mrs. Fletcher in the evening, who sang a solo. The church was nice­ ly decorated with plants, blossoms and spring flowers. The May meeting of the Home and School C'lub was held in the school on (Friday evening last, There was a good attendance and Mr. F. Wickwire gave a very interesting address. Numbers on the program included readings by Marjorie Flynn; instrumental, iGrace And­ rew; solo. Winnifred Field; reading, Clare Wright; song by Helen TaskoJ Berniece Tripp and Donna Bowden and a sing-song led by Mrs. Pen­ warden with Mrs. L. Hicks at the piano. Plans were made for the picnic to be held on the last Friday in June. PIANO RECITAL by pupils of MAE PATTERSON, A.T.C.M. with ARTHUR PALMER, Boy Soloist, St. Paul’s Cathedral, London, Ont. GRAND BEND United CHURCH FRIDAY, MAY 28th, 1943 8.15 p.m. THAMES ROAD The regular monthly meeting the jxeci Gross was lieid in the church basement on Thursday evening. The Y.P.U. presented their play, "Willowdale" in the Whalen school on Friday evening and at Munro on Monday night. Mrs. W. Ferguson returned home on Sunday after spending two weeks with her sister, Mrs. Watson, of Science Hill. Miss Margaret Allison and Miss Anne Morgan, of London, spent the week-end at their homes. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Hunter and family, visited with Mr. and Mrs. E. Pym on Sunday. Rev. E. Grigg, of Exeter, preach­ ed at Thames Road and Roy’s on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gollings, of London, spent the week-end at their home here. Betty and Joanne Mail’ visited with Marion and Louise Woods, of Exeter, on Sunday. We are sorry to report that Mr. George Jeffry is confined to his bed owing to a heart condition, wish him a speedy recovery. Mr. Bert Gardiner, of Toronto, spent the week-end with his par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gardiner. Don’t forget the play "Civil Ser­ vice", Thursday night, May 27, in the church. Proceeds for the Red Cross. A letter was received from Pte. Wes. Baliantyne this week stating he had received his Easter parcel With everything in good condition. We are glad to know these parcels are arriving safely. Several from this community tended Woodham anniversary Sunday. of We at> on} « A three-act play entitled Civil Service” will be presented by the Young People of Egmondvillc United Church on Thursday, May 27 ft S.SO p.m. at Thames Road United Church Admission 25c arid 15c Sponsored by thriThairies Road Unit of the Exeter Red Crass* everybody welcome WHALEN Rusell Parkinson, of London, week-end visitor at his home Pte. Was a here. Miss Helen Forbes spent the week-end with her parents at For­ est. MiSS Jessie Finlayson, of Elmira, was a recent visitor with Mrs. La­ verne Morley. * Miss Edith Hodgson, of Brinsley, is holidaying with Mrs* Geofgo Ledkie, Mrs. Cameron, who has spent several months With Mr. and Alex Baillie, home Mr. Mary are returning to their home after , . with the latter’s parents at Wing­ ham. The play entitled "Willowdale” was presented by the Thames Road United Church Young People at the school here on Friday evening last to a full house, has returned to at Motherwell. and Mrs. Hilton Ogden Mrs. hei* and spending the winter months 4, SHEARER APPRE3SE3 FARMERS AT CREDITON J", .<x fShearer, agricultural repre-a family, of Detroit, spent the week- tentative, addressed farmers of Ste-Mrs. Jack Raschke and iter mother, Mrs. Mer- Canadian Canners Ltd.phen Township at the May meeting of the Federation of Agriculture. The address centred around the problems of "Food Production" at the present time, in relation to quo­ tas for export and available food for home consumption. The 250,000 J men from the farms now serving in end with ner. Mr, andHensail, spent . _ JMI Mr. and Mrs. T, Harry Hoffman. Cpl. Laurine Spicer, of the C.W. A.C., London, A,0,2, Bob Spicer and A.0.2 Lome Spicer, C culled nt their home here on, Sun­ day. Miss Myrtle Gaiser spent the week­ end with Miss Helen Walper, at Grand Bend, Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Kellerman, of Chatham, spent the week-end here. Mrs. E. Edighoffer, of Zurich, is spending a few days with friends here. Mrs. John Snyder, who spent the past three weeks with her mother, Mrs, Hayter, who is on the sick list, left for her home in St. Catharines on Tuesday. Rev. and Mrs. Becker and Doug­ las have returned the past two weeks ents in Chicago. Mrs. C. Allemang Misses GertrudeMr. and Mrs. Carl Allemang, all of i , , . -Kitchener, were Sunday visitors with | A°on> also sports and races, etc. Mrs.Morley Sanders, of the week-end with after spending with her par- and daughters, and Esther and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Restemeyer. Spr. Garnet Weibeg, of Sussex, N.B., is spending a few weeks at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F'red Weiberg. Miss Ruth Guenther, of Kitchen­ er, spent the week-end at her home here. Mrs. Ross Guenther and baby, of Greenway, are spending a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. ~ Guenther. R BRANCH WO'EXETER, ONT. WOODHAM Anniversary services held Sunday morning in Woodham ited church, were exceedingly attended. i the armed forces have caused a ser- ions shortage of farm labour, with the result that certain foods have had to be rationed. Unfavorable seeding conditions will result in greatly decreased acreages of spring grains and sugar beets. Town and village people are urg­ ed to have gardens and also to raise chickens and hogs and thus relieve the meat rationing problem. Plans were also made for the first annual field day of the Huron County Federation of Agriculture to be held at Seaforth on Monday, June 7tlu Various demonstrations such as soil-testing, and labor-sav­ ing machines will be given, Educa­ tional displays will be featured. The ladies will be especially interested in “How to Can Fruit Without Su­ gar." There will be a picnic lunch The main speaker will be Hon. John Bracken, former premier of Manito­ ba, and now leader of the National Progressive-Conservative party. Pre- miei* Harry Nixon, of Ontario, is ex­ pected to be present also. Earl Shapton was acting secret­ ary for the meeting. Mrs. Lloyd Taylor -was in attendance at the Na­ tional Farm Radio Forum Confer­ ence at London, held in connection with the Canadian Association Adult Education. Everybody will be welcome at farm picnic. for the Acreage Wanted for Golden Wax Beans, Green Beans, Lima Beans, Phone 28 or call at office for contracts. Main St. Class Meets On Tuesday evening the Kum- joinus Class of Main Street Church met for their monthly social eve­ ning. A. J. Sweitzer, chairman of the social committee, presided over E. J, GREEN, Local Manager an impromptu program of songs, skits, readings and musical num­ bers. Mrs, Kepneth Brown delight­ ed the audience with several sel­ ections on the marimba. Lunch was served at the close. Use Shur-Gain Chick Starter for good results. last Un­ well The pulpit and tables WRIGHT—MORGAN The marriage took place __ _ _ Mary’s Church, Brinsley, on were surrounded by a profusion of.day, May 22, of Elizabeth, spfing flowers, which were enhan-j daughter of Mr. and Mrs. cing and lent beauty to the church. Morgan, to James Wright, only son The guest speaker at both services! of John Wright and the late Mrs. was Rev. A. Alsworth, of Staffa,: Wright, of West McGillivray.* Rev. who delivered very inspiring ser- Mr. Skinner, a former minister, of- mons. The Sunday School scholars ! ficiated. The bride looked charm- occupied the loft and rendered [ ing in a robin’s egg blue street­ beautiful choruses, under the lea- length dress with shoulder veil and dership of Mr. Ray Mills. Many visi- a corsage of red rose buds. Her tors attended the morning service j bridesmaid was Margaret Wright, and spent the day with friends here sister of the groom, in a_pink dress Visitors from other town were' Mrs. Florence Kirk, of Gladstone, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Passmore and Alice, of Thames Road, Mrs. (Rev.) Lovegrove and Mr. and Mrs. Gor­ don Dykeman and children, of Galt, ivray. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Anderson and Shirley, of Washington, Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Stone and Donna, of Kirkton, Mr. and Mrs. James Earl, of Zion, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Cann, of Thames Road, Mr. and Mrs Eph- riam Hern, Hazel and Laurene, of Zion, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brock and Jean, and W-S. J. Brock, of Zion, Mr. and Mrs. William Essen, of Oil Springs, Mr. and Mrs. Hazel­ wood, of Whalen, Miss Muriel Thacker, of Granton, Pte. Russel Parkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hodgins and little daughter, of Granton, Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Woods, of Elimville and many more attended from Kirkton village. On Monday evening, May 24, in the Orange Hall a splendid play was presented by the young people of St. Marys, under the auspices of our Sunday school. The hall was filled to capacity. All the actors took their parts splendidly. Pro­ ceeds from the play were $100.00 and the Sunday collection and en­ velopes amounted to $140.00. It had always been the custom for years to have a supper in the hall the evening of May 24, but owing to the sugar and meat ration it was cancelled. There will be no church services held here next Sunday owing to anniversary services held at Zion on the Mitchel] Road, when Rev. Wilkinson, of Hickson, a former pastor of this church will be guest speaker. Sunday School service will be held as usual at 10 a.m. St.at Satur- second J. W. Flush your flock once a week with FLUSHING MASH for coccidiosis. We also have a supply of BEET PULP, an excellent feed for milking cows. SEED GRAIN:— Urban and Cartier seed oats and'seed barley. We have a supply of Western oats, wheat and barley in stock. Shell Oil in 5 gallon cans. Certified Seed Potatoes and Oil Cake now on hand. Front axle and tires for trailer for sale G. A. CANN & SONS KHIVA and Mrs. J. Hutchinson, ofMr. __ London, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. H. Eagleson. Miss Evelyn McCann, of Wind­ sor, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. McCann. Mr. and Mrs. William Maguire, of Brinsley, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. William Mason Mr. and Mrs. M. Clarke visited on Sunday With relatives near’ Hen­ sail.Miss Meta Sararas, of Toronto, Gordon Sararas and his nio- of Zurich, visited on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. ■. and Mrs. S. were visitors G. Mr. then, with Mr don, Mr. and Ml's. E Otto Willett. Adams, of Lon- on Sunday with Kraft. HARPLEY Mr. and Mrs. Clide Nicholson, of Brigdell, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Jos. Hickey. Misses Donna and Barbara Hay- ter spent the week-end with friends at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Jos, Carruthers and Miss Willa and Mrs. Edison Pollock, spent Sunday at Or an d Bend, the guests of Mr. and Mrs, Willis Hot- son, Mr, and Mrs, J, M; Gflmiis visited With Mr. and Mrs. Fred McDincliey on, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Newton Hayter ahd Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hickey were in London on Tuesday. Miss 'Christine Stone is some time with her sister ham, spending in Chat- soli, perToll it well arid It wilt Exeter and district the telling is best dene through the Times-Advd- cate. Deliveries made Wednesday and Saturday. Other deliveries charge. with hat to match. The groom was supported by Mr. Joseph Mor­ gan, brother of the bride. After a short honeymoon they will reside oh the groom’s farm at West McGill- I ® Si// War SfiViiTQSStamps and Certificates Regularly, J. F. ROLFE, WARTIME TELEPHONE tactics FOR YOUR OFFICE TT « vrtur switchboard operator » Sher ityo"- . ‘4 adelne llm switchboard Oper- k “e» . list of ireqnentWM »«“• here Wr «t your fc route ro” s“ro- tary. to talk as soon as your call con pietcd» When will he get off that line! It’s easy to see he’s forgotten how precious time has Become, and how seriously telephone facilities are strained. The days* of casual telephoning are definitely over; there is urgent war work to be done. You can help hurry it along by using the telephone judiciously. Before you lift the receiver, ask yourself: "Do I really need to make this Call? ** And when you do, please be brief,