HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1943-05-06, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY gft, 1943
HENSALL to, date there have been many In
dies. However, Arrangements tq
use ladies as donors will not be com*
pleted uiltil the next clinic, which
will probably be he!4 early in June*
The ladies who have already ep-*
rolled aye advised that it Will be
necessary for women donors to have
a bipod pressure haempglPbin
reppyt frpm their ewn dfletprs be
fore they wilj be permitted to give
O>W<dl Meeting
The regular meeting of the Jage Council Avas held Monday
Mtes Grace Pepper, of London,
spent the week-end at hei* home
Mrs* B. Walks visited over the
week-end with relatives and friends
in Guelph*
Mrs. Thomas. Simpson, of* Wind
sor, is the guest of Mr* and Mrs,
J. Simpson.
Mrs. Bertha Bell is spending a
holiday here with her sister, Mrs.
Jean Cawthorpe,
Lieut, Sam Rennie, of Toronto*
spent the week-end with Mrs, Ren
nie and family here.
Pte, Stewart Pepper, of Halifax is
on furlough at the home of his fa
ther, Mr, William Pepper,
Mrs. Harry Lawrence returned
home on Saturday after spending a
Couple of weeks in Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. David Kilpatrick,
of London, called on relatives and
friends in town on Sunday.
Mrs. Hannah Workman has
seriously ill at her hoxne here
pneumonia. Her many friends
for a speedy recovery,
Miss Helen Inglis, of No, 2
T.S., Uplands, visited with her fa
ther, Mr. W. J. Inglis and her aunt,
Mrs. Helen I, Dow, over the week-
There will be a tag day on Sat
urday, May 15, on behalf of the
Chinese War Relief Fund. Keep
this in mind and give all you can
to a people who have done that much
for you.
The following men have signed up
to attend the clinic on May 7: C.
Smillie, W. Morris, M. Traquair, T.
Sherritt, William Kyle, W. Chip
chase, J. McLellan, L. McLean, Ross
Love, R. Middleton, T. Oliver, P,
McNaughton, D. Joynt, J. Beer, E.
Chipchase, G. Campbell, G. Hess and
W. Weir.
Next Tuesday is the big night in
the town hall when “Mary Molly
Malone” will try to discover “Wh<5
Murdered Who”. Those are the
titles of two one-act plays that are
being staged by local talent and
from all reports both productions
are super colossal. There will be
other items on the program and all
the proceeds will go to the Red
I-Iensall Women’s Institute will
meet on Wednesday evening, May 12,
p.m. sharp at the home of
Cook "with Mrs. Harry Hor-
co-hostess. The roll call
answered by “One way in
may keep in the Institute”.
ning at 8 p,m. in the Council cham
ber with all members present. The
minutes of the previous meeting
were read and adopted on motion
of E. Fink and A. Kerslake, T. Kyle
reported in connection with the
trees on P, Moir’s property. The
matter was referred to the property
committee, W- B. Cross and W. R.
Davidson appeared in connection
With the drain at the side of their
property on Albert Street* Matter
referred to Street Committee. G.
Hess and W, Davidson appeared re
salvage, asking tlie village to sup
ply the cartage. Recom'mended to
have a bee some* evening and get
same donated, Correspondence was
read as follows: (Department of
Highways, Gutta Percha Rubber
Ltd,, Chinese War Relief Fqnd, De
partment of Public Welfare, Depart
ment of Munitions and Supply, As
sociation "of Assessing Officers,
County Treasurer, County Clerk re
salvage, Local Ration Board re sal
ary for secretary of same, filed, The
following bills and accounts were
ordered paid on motion of J, Par
kins and A. Kerslake: B. Kyle, paint
and painting, fire jjepartment,
$6.50; ~
60c; School Board, current expens
es, '$1,000.00; J. Patterson, cartage
and salt, $1.10; Total, $1,116,33.
F, W. Smalla’combe and E. Fink
moved that a Court of Revision be
held on the assessment roll on June
7 at 8 p.m. Moved by A, Kerslake
and J. Parkins that garbage be col
lected as usual on May 12 and 13.
Adjournment was moved by A, Kers
Ma and Mrs, William Pavls, who
spent the winter i» London, have returned to their home here*
Mr, a»d Mrs. Alvin Kellerman,
Chatham, spent the week-end
their home here.
Mr, aud Mrs. Hartman, Elsie and
Mrs. Garvey and Ronnie haYe re
turned after spending the past week
with friends ip Sarnia.
Miss Lavada Hartleib is on the
pick list. Her friends hope for a
speedy recovery.
A number from here attended the
General Conference held in Bridge
port on Sunday.
Mr. Harry Hartleib, of London*
spent Sunday with friends here,
A Red Cross bingo and dance
will be held ip Dashwood Hotel on
Thursday night, May 6, with ten
free games
May 6,
Mr. and
Trousseau Tea
Mrs. Wesley Wein will entertain
at a trousseau tea in honor of her
daughter, Verna, on Friday, May
14, 1943, from 3 to 5 in the after
noon and from 7 to 9 in the eve
your ticket.
Schatz, and
were week-
Mr. and Mrs. „ daughter, of Detroit,’
end visitors with Mr, and Mrs, Ver
non Schatz.
Mr. Alf Zimmer, of Portland,
Oregon, visited With his father, Mr.
William* Zimmer, and his sister,
Ida, on Thursday of last week,
The members of the Evangelical
Church choir, presented their Eas
ter cantata at the Centralia airport
on Sunday, evening.
Mr. Lome Kleinstiver, of Bow-
manville, is spending a few days
with his mother, Mrs. Kleinstiver
painting, fire
W. R. Davidson, coal,
; Hydro Commission, 1
; T. Kyle, salary, $70.00
oiling band
I. Geiger, teaming, streets,
); E.
at 8.15
Mrs. C.
ton as
wTill be
which I
The speaker will be Miss Jean Mur
ray and the subject is to be select
ed. The motto, “If you want a good
neighbor, be one” is to be taken by
Mrs, Morley Sanders. A demonstra
tion on children’s parties will be
taken by Mrs. Norminton. The re
cipe will be given by Mrs. Carl
Passmore and current events by
Miss Greta Lammie. Please bring
tea, pencil and paper. A good at
tendance is urged.
Local and rural citizens are to be
commended for their hearty sup
port of the recent canvass conduct
ed by the Women’s Institute for do
nations of money and other gifts
foi’ boxes for the Hensail boys who
are serving overseas. These boxes,
27 in number, were packed by the
Institute on Monday night. The
fact that various persons through
out the village and district donated
sugar made possible the provision
of delicious homemade candy, this
work being done by Mrs. Pfaff, Mrs,
Sherritt, Mrs. Welsh, Mrs. Patter
son and Mrs. Hess, while other kind
friends contributed cookies, gum,
shortbread, maple sugar, cigarettes,
razor blades, bars, etc. In addition
to the items already named each
parcel contained stationery, talcum,
shaving stick, tooth brushes, cheese,
tobaccos, cigarettes and papers of
flints, Lux, handkerchiefs, tea. .Fur
ther donations of homemade candy
were received from Mrs. J. Sang-
ster and Mrs. Mary Buchanan. The
total collection in cash up to May 3
amounted to $129.33. The Institute,
after buying supplies for these boxes
has on hand $39.63, which will be
used at the next time of shipment
in August. All shipping charges
were borne by the War Service Com
mittee. The list of soldiers is
as follows: L. Noakes, E. Nomninton,
J. Taylor, R. Brock, J. Campbell, D.
McKaig, E. -Fairbairn, P. Lemmon,
A. Schwalm, L. Baynham, C. and I.
Kipfer, S. and B. Dick, G. Johnston,
R. Foster, C. Zuefle, J. and A. Boa,
H. Hedden, G- Glenn, H. Smale, K.
Brook, R. Welsh, W. Nicol, L. Hud
son and D. Sangster.
Arnold Circle
The Arnold Circle
meeting at the
Hoggarth on Friday evening
the president, Mrs. Melvin
presiding. The meeting open
singing “My Faith Looks Up
after which Miss Helen
The Scripture
held their re-
ho'ine of Miss
and E. Fink,
James A, Patterson, Clerk.
Carmel Church Notes
There will be two special services
at Carmel Presbyterian Church next
Sunday. At the morping diet of
worship the annual Mother’s Dav
service wil be observed at which
time rewards for the Bible Tests
will be made to Donald MacKin
non and Billy Campbell. There will
be special music and Mr. Weir will
preach a sermon in keeping with the
The evening service will be of in
terest, not only to the members of
Carmel Church, but to people of the
whole district, inasmuch as the con
gregational honor roll will be un
veiled. At this time Hon. iFlt. Lt.
(Rev.) D. J. Lane, of Goderich,
will bring the message. Mr. Lane
was a chaplain during the last war
and again is serving the armed
forces by being part-time chaplain
at Sky Harbor and also at Port Al
bert. He is therefore particularly
fitted to preach on such an occa
sion as this and
of Carmel Church
ate indeed to have
outstanding event,
have a member of
present to assist him in the service of
praise. Those who have seen the
honor roll to be dedicated next Sun
day are enthusiastic in. their praise
as they see it as a thing of beauty
which will do much to keep in re
membrance the names of those con
nected with the congregation who
have enlisted in the present struggle.
lAt least 21 names will be on the
honor roll, each name being cast
in a separate metal bar which makes
the Roll a permanent one. It is
hoped that there will be a large at
tendance at this particular service,
not only to hear Mr. Lane, but to
pay tribute to those who have giv
en themselves to the cause of free
dom at this time.
The Sacrament of the Lord’s Sup
per will be observed at the morn
ing service on Sunday, May 16. Mr,
Weir will preach his farewell ser
mons on that day.
Sunday, May 23, will mark the
anniversary of Car'mel Presbyterian
Church and for this happy occasion
the congregation has secure^ the
services of Rev. Hugh Jack, B.A., of
Seaforth. Further announcement
will be made at a later date.
the congregation
are very fortun-
Mr. Lane for this
It is hoped to
the armed forces
The quiz contest for Usborne
school children in connection with
the Fourth Victory Loan Campaign
was held in Elhuville church on
Monday evening, A good number
were present and Rev. Mair acted as
Chairman, The opening number
was a chorus sung by the Winchel-
sea school children, followed by a
short address by Mr. Mair. Two
readings were given, one by Velma
Ferguson, of Hurondale school, en
titled, “Driving from the Rear”, and
the second by Kathleen Johns, of
Zion, entitled, “What Can I Give to
My Country?”, both being very ap
propriate. Group C children from
grades 1, 2 and 3 from Six differ
ent Usborne schools were called
to the platform to answer the ques
tions for their grades. Mrs. Ralph
Batten gave the questions. Three
rounds were given. Shirley Coates,
of Eden school, favored with a piano
solo. Dr. Taylor, of Dashwood,
gave a splendid address in the inter
ests of the Fourth Victory Loan.
Group B children from grades 4, 5
and 6 were then called to answer
their questions. Grant Morgan, of
Lumley school, played a selection
on the piano. Group A from grades
7 and 8 were given theii’ turn, and
the winner from this group, Aud
rey Arksey, of Whalen school, will
meet the winners fronr the other
townships in Clinton. The winner
of group 1 was Catharine Hunter,
of Eden; group 2, Grant Morgan,
of Lumley. AU were (presented
with War Savings Stamps according
to the judges' rating.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bell
in London for the week-end.
attended the convention of the
kins dealers on Saturday.
Mrs. Richard Johns visited
friends in ‘London and also
Miss Bessie Johns at Byron
on Saturday.
AVALS. Meeting
N. Clarke had charge of the
W.M.S. meeting held at the
home of Mrs. William Veal on Ap
ril 21. The worship service from
the Missionary Monthly was fol
lowed. Mrs. Veal and Mrs. Batten,
and Mrs. F. Horne and Mrs. W. Bat
ten played piano 'duets. Mrs. Poo-
ley gave a very interesting reading,
“A 'Sharpened Tool”. Mrs. Ralph
Batten gave a report of cthe Pres
inbyterial, held the day before
ed by
to Thee'
Moir led in prayer
lesson, Matt. 10:29-31 and
12: 11-12, was read by Mrs,
After singing “More, Love to
O Christ’’’ the minutes were
the business discussed and the of
fering taken. The topic on “The
French”, was ably taken by Mrs.
Baynliam, and the meeting closed
by singing “What a Friend We Have
in JeSuS” and the Lord’s Prayer in
unison. Refreshments were served
by the hostess.
» Red Cross Notes
There Will be a blood donoi’ clin
ic in Seaforth on Friday, May 7,
and if there are any who Wish to
volunteer for this service they arc
asked to advise R. H.- Middleton at
once. We are glad to report that
among those who have enrolled Up
’ji1' 11 i’ll MW'lhlHlirimMMWMli'Mrt
(Additional Hensan news will be
found on Page Three.)
Large White Leghorns, Barfed
Rocks, BfOWn Leghorns, Austro*
lorps, Barred Rocks a .White Leg
horn; Write or Dhone for price list.
Phono 3 8-3, Granton.
Granton, Ont.*
Harvey Gray, of Toronto,
the week-end with his father,
Maxwell Gray.
H.M.O'.S. Malcolm How, Mrs. How
and little son, Jaimes,
visited with friends in
this past week.
Mr. and Mrs. John
Woodham, have moved
telephone house recently vacated by
Mr. and Mrs. R. Brock.
There was half an inch of ice on
Water troughs and
in the open on the
A large number
neighbors met in Aberdeen Hall Fri
day evening to do honor to Mr. and
Mrs. Russell Brock and boys. After
a short program an address was
read by Ross Marshall. Reuben
Sweitzer made the presentation of
two occasional chairs and a trMite
lamp. The boys, Doh and Bill, were
presented with money, Russell
Very fittingly replied, after which
dancing and euchre provided inter-
tainment for the balance of the
evening. The Brock family ate
leaving for their home at Burgess-
Ville on Monday where Russell has
Secured a position.
go With this family
of London,
the village
Smith, of
into the
other containers
morning of May'
of friends and
Best wishes
to their hew
Mr. and Mrs, William Quinn, Mr.
and Mrs. Wilbert Venner and Lor-
een, of Exeter and Mrs, A. Fitzpat
rick, of Toronto, spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Passmore.
A Red Cross quilt was quilted at
the houne of Mrs. Percy Stone on
Monday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Passmore at
tended the funeral of their aunt,
Mrs. Louisa Gunning, of Whalen,
on Saturday.
Bruce Mair returned to Albert
College on Monday after holidaying
at home.
week-end at her home.
A combined service with
church and Sunday School will be
held on Mother’s Day, this coming
Sunday. Sunday School will be
withdrawn, and children will as
semble in ths Sunday School room
previous to church service and go
in a body with teachers, to the up
stairs service.
Mr, and Mrs. Percy Passmore at
tended the Tookey-Box wedding at
Empress Avenue Church, London,
also the reception at Glen Allan
Villa, on Easter Saturday after
Miss Jean Canh spent a couple of
days with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Johns
ton, of whalen*
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Squire, of
Whalen, are spending a few weeks
with Mr. and Mrs. James Anderson.
Pte. .Robert Jeffery, of Wood-
stock, spent the week-end with his
parents, Mr, and Mi's. William Jef-
fery, of Hurondale.
Mr. and Mrs, Orval Cann and
Mrs. Percy Passmore attended the
funeral of their uncle, Mr. George
Squire, Granton, on Friday.
Miss Telnna Parker, of Exeter,
spent the week-end with her par
Miss Alice Passmore spent a week
with relatives in Exeter,
Anne Morgan returned to
herafter holidaying at
Margaret Allison spent the
Miss Mabel Waldock,
Angeles, <JaL, is visiting with
and Mrs. Earl Haise.
Mr, and Mrs, Ballantyne Thomp
son, Vernon, Anna and Helen,
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Haist.
iCpl, Lloyd England, of Chatham,
spent the week-end at his home
Shirley Fahrner, of London, spent
the week-end at her home,
The fine residence of the late
Henry Eilber has been sold to Mr,
C. W. Green, of London, who gets
possession June 1st. We welcome
Mr. and Mrs. Green to our midst.
Mrs. Johnston and Miss Kestle,
sisters of Mrs, 'Thos. Trevethjck, are
both seriously ill at the
Mr. Trevethick*
Mrs. F. W, Clarke, who
Easter holidays with her
Mrs, Dale, of Brampton,
turned home,
A social evening and reorganiza
tion meeting is being held tonight
(Wednesday) by the Dorcas Band
and the C.I.C. class in the Evan
gelical Church. A fine program has
been arranged to he followed by
games and contests. Refreshments
will be served.
Miss Berniece Fahrner, of Lon
don, spent the week-end at hei’ home
Mr, and Mrs. Ross Krueger spent
Friday in Waterloo.
The 79th Annual
Evangelical Conferei
Bridgeport from Api
Rev. M. E. Reuber
at Crediton Evangelical Church. His
ordination as elder took place on
May 2. Rev. C. Becker has been re
stationed at Dashwood and Rev.
Hackendorn at Zurich.
Mothers’ Day will be observed
next Sabbath at all three churches
constituting the Crediton circuit,
Brinsley, Shipka and Crediton. The
program formulated by the Ontario
Religious Education Council will be
followed. Mrs. Milton Ratz will
give leadership at Shipka with Mrs.
Eldon Hodgson and Mrs. Dan Lewis
directing the program at Brinsley.
Mrs. Wilfred Mack will give lead
ership at Crediton, A Mothers’ Day
address will be given by the minis
ter at all three services.
Carolyn Maxine Odd, infant
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William
Odd, (nee Ilene May Ellwood), of
St. Catharines, was the recipient of
the rite of infant baptism at the
home of her grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. Cecil Ellwood, of Brinsley.
The officiating minister was Rev.
L. H. Turner. A unique feature was
the presence of the child’s great-
gandmother, Mrs. T. Ellwood, a
Eight schools in Stephen Town
ship took part in the quiz contest in
connection with the Fourth Victory
Loan which was held at Crediton
on Tuesday evening. II. K. Eilber'
acted as chairman and Mr. Macln-
nis, teacher at Dashwood, was mas
ter of ceremonies. A splendid pro
gram was given by the pupils. Dr.
Campbell, of Hensail, gave a short
talk and James Lumsden showed
some interesting moving pictures.
In the quiz contest representatives
from the followingi, schools took
part: Crediton, Nos. 4, 6, 7, 11, '12
and Grand Bend, Eunice King won
and senior honors and will repre
sent Stephen, at the county contest
in Clinton tonight. (Wednesday)
Miss Becker, of Dashwood, won the
intermediate and Joseph Houlahan
the junior.
C.G.I.T. Meeting
Th,e C.G.I.T. meeting was held
in the church basement on Satur
day, May 1. The meeting opened
with the members and leader re
peating the Lord’s prayer. The
C.G.I.T. pledge was also repeated
and the C.G.I.T. hymn was sung.
The minutes of the last meeting
were read by Elaine Mitchell. Roll
call was then answered with the
name of a wildflower. Business
was discussed. A prayer was of
fered and a hymn was sung. The
Scripture was read by Eveleen Hill.
Lois Swartz gave a reading and a
hymn was sung,
read a poem. I
given by Lois Swartz.
Taps closed the meeting,
meeting will be held on
All members are asked to
a "special speaker on First
be present.
spent the
has re-
F»g« 5
home of
anadian Canners Ltd.
By dove, I m not covetous for gpld-nw
care I who doth feed upon my cost; it
yearns me not if men my garments wear;
such outward things dwell not in my de
sires; hut if it he a sin to covet, honour
I am the most offending soul alive,-r
King; Henry V, Part 1, Act 4, Scene* 3
said King Henry V of
England on the eve of an
invasion of the continent of
Europe five centuries ago.
At Agincourt the arms of England
f^on a victory that lives inscribed for I
evermore on the national scroll of
honour. Today Shakespeare’s words
re-echo in our ears as we Canadians
prepare to offer our wealth, our goods,
our blood, in a cause more honour
Session of the
ice convened at
il 28 to May 2.
was restationed
Joyce Chambers
First aid was also
Games and
The next
May 15.
come as
Aid will
Celebrated 52nd Birthday
birthday celebration for EdithA _ - r -
Kipfer was held at tire holme of Mr
and .......
May 3rd.
held, attended by many friends and
relatives jvho presented her with
some lovely gifts. The ladles spent
the time ill quilting. The table
looked lovely with a large birthday
cake adorned with 52 candles. Her
friends wish her many more happy
Mrs. Resume Desjalrdine on
A pleasant party was
Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Godbolt have
returned home after their wedding
Misses Nola 'Sweitzer, R.N., and
E. Stewart, R.N., returned to Lon
don on Sunday after spending the
week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Matt.
Sweitzer and family.
Mother’s Day service will be held
on .Sunday next. A special Mother’s
Day prograim will be given at 10.30
a.m. Rev. L. H. Turner will give
the address.
Miss Reta Ratz, R.N., has return
ed to Peterborough Hospital after
attending the Godbolt - Ratz wed
Mr. Wes Lamport, of Alberta,
visited a few -days with his brother,
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Lamport and
Ross Love on the
girl on April 26.
in attendance.
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Mellin have
moved onto the ISth concession.
Mrs. Emmerson Bawden and
Children, of Windsor, are spending
a couple of weeks with Mr. and
Mrs. Jacob Ratz.
Mr. Harold Guest, of No. 16 SjlF.
T.S., Hagersville, and Mrs. Guest,
spent the week-end with relatives
Mrs. Harold E. Prance and daugh
ters, Betty and Shirley, of Thedford,
spent a few days with her parents,
Mr, and Mrs. Norman Vincent.
Miss Evelyn Vincent and Mr. Ira
Vincent spent the week-end with Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Prance, of Thed
Mr, Wes. Lamport, of Vermillion,
Alberta, called on
Samuel and Edward, last week. He
brought a carload of horses and
sold them to Colter Bros., in To
ronto, the first day he was there.
Two hours later they were sold to
a (man from Niagara Falls and were
reloaded again,
an easy one on
were eight days
fed three times,
ed from 1300 to
were of the black Percheron type,
not branded, and well broken.
to Mr. and
arrival of a
Mrs, J. Baker is
his brothers,
The trip was not
the horses as they
enroute and were
The horses rang-
1400 pounds. They
able than Henry’s; more honourable
than any that history has yet record
ed. Do we, too, covet honour more
than cost, more than gold, and out
ward things? Let it not be said that
even the least one among us . has
failed to back the attack
President and General Manager
Acreage Wanted for
Golden Wax Beans,
Green Beans, Lima Beans,
Phone 28 or call at office for contracts.
Mr. and Mrs. Orval Sutherland, of
Mt. Brydges, were Easter visitors
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Emmerson Glenn, who has been
on the sick list is slowly improving.
Miss Catharine Watson is at Vic-
E. J. GREEN, Local Manager
toria Hospital, taking treatment.
The death of Mrs. George Wither
spoon (nee Maggie Prest) occurred,
on Saturday last at the home o£
her son, Stewart Witherspoon, on
the 12th concession of McGillivray.
She had been in poor health far
some time.
Use Shur-Gain Chick Starter
for good results
Wash your flock once a week with SLUSHING MASH for
Breeding Failures
Take out the guess work
—Get Results
Year Drugs at
Phone 50 Exeter
Mother’s Bay program will be
served in the United Church
Sunday next, May 9, Rev, L.
Turner will bo the speaker
special 'music will be furnished by
the Sunday School choir,
Mr, and Mrs. Ren Sholdice, Betty
and Bot'ooh spent Easter with Mr.
and Mrs. Wilbert 'Sholdice.
Mr, and Mrs, Roy Lackie, of
Windsor, are holidaying with rela
Engobe BicO, of London Normal
School, is to teach in S,S, No. 6 this
We also have a supply of BEET PULP, an excellent feed
for milking cows.
SEED GRAIN:-— Urban and Cartier seed eats and seed
We have a supply of Western oats, wheat and barley in stocks
Shell Oil in 5 gallon cans.
Deliveries made, Wednesday and Saturday. Other deliveries