The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1943-04-29, Page 5THS EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE, THURSDAY MORNING, APSIS 29th, 1943
' r
Grand Concert
Wed., May 5th
.at 8 p,jp.
Speaker: Rev. W. A. Beecroft
Admission (Free:
Coming to Hensall
C. R, Wilkinson, R.O.
Ophthalmic Optician
will be at W. O. GOODWIN’S
Store, every 1st and 3rd Tuesday
in the month, for the purpose of
testing eyes and fitting glasses.
> Difficult cases and those .that
have not been properly fitted,have not been properly fitted,
specially recommended to con*
suit me. Hours 10 a.m. to 6 p.m
Phone 16 Hensail
for appointment
Beryl Pfaff visited
in Oshawa during the
and Pat-
days. „
Mr. Roy MacLaren, of St. Cath
arines, spent Easter with Mrs, Mac
Laren and Donald.
Dr. and Mrs. D. G. Steer
ricia spent Easter Sunday with re
latives in London.
Dr. William T. Joy nt,
don, spent the holiday
mother, Mrs. Alice Joynt.
Pte. Leonard Noakes,
of Lon-
with his
don, spent the week-end with
Noakes and family here.
Mrs. Nichols, of Parkhill,
is a
holiday visitor’ with her daughter,
Mrs. Kenneth Hicks.
Miss Jean Foster, of London,
spent the holiday with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. A. Foster.
Pte. Wesley Jones, of the R.C.
O.C., London, spent the week-end
with Mrs. Jones and Patsy.
Miss Kathleen Jones, of Toronto,
spent the holiday with
Mr. and Mrs. Norman
. aMi’* William Cook, spent the week-end at
his mother, Mrs. Jane
Mr. Kenneth Hicks,
A.F., Galt, spent the week-end with
Mrs. Hicks and family here.
Miss Irene Russel is spending the
Easter holidays with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Russel.
Gwendolyn Britton, of Dublin, vis
ited during the holidays with her
grandmother, Mrs. Workman.
Miss Mildred Jones, of Clinton, is
spending the Easter holidays with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman
• Jones.
An executive meeting of the Hen
sall Senior Institute was held at the
home of Mrs. Ken Hicks on Mon
day evening.
Keep the date open, May 4th, for
the Red Cross concert in the town
hall, Hensall, when two plays will
be presented.
Mrs. Don Rigby and daughter
Donna are holidaying with the for
mer’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stew
art McQueen.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Spenceir
and Gwendolyn were guests at the
Farquhar-'Snell wedding in Exe
ter on Saturday.
Miss Helen McNaughton, of To
ronto, spent a few days recently
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Lome McNaughton.
Misses Betty Mickle and Eleanor
Cook are spending the holidays at
the ho'me of Mr., and Mrs. Robert
Moore, in Aylmer.
The Arnold Circle of Carmel Pres
byterian Church Will be held at the
home of Miss Irene Hoggarth on
Friday evening, April 30,
Mrs. Whitney Carter, Donald and
Catherine, of Clinton, were week
end visitors with the former’s moth
er, Mrs. Catharine Hedden.
Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Hayter and
Donald, of London, visited over the
week-end with Mrs. Hayter’s par
ents, Mr. and Mrs, R. D. Bell.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Lavery and
family, of St. Catharines, spent the
holiday with Mr.
Passmore and Mr.
Mr. and Mrs.
Hamilton, spent
their parents, Mr
Elder and Mr. and Mrs. John Pass-
Miss Edith'Parkins, Mr. and Mrs.
Cline Flynn, of London, and Cor
poral Wilfred Klopp, of Quebec
City Spent Easter with Mr. and
Mrs. James Parkins and Mrs. Klopp.
Rev. William Weir is attending
the meeting of the Hamilton-Lon
don Synod 6f the Presbyterian
Church ill Canada, being held in
New St. James Presbyterian Church
in London this week.
Sunday visitors at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Corbett were Mr,
and Mrs. Albert Morenz and Mr.
and Mrs. Hugh Morenzs of Dash-,
wood; Mrs. William Corey and Mr.
and Mrs. Leslie Adams and fam
ily, of London.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Passmore,
Anii and Judy, Mr; and Mrs. Al
bert PaSsimdre, of Delhi; Mr. aiid
Mrs. Lome Elder, of Hamilton, and
Pilot Officer Kenneth Passmore, of
RoCkcliffe, were Sunday visitors
with their parents, Mf’. find Mrs.
her parents,
of London,
the home of
of the R.C.
, and Mrs. Carl
and Mrs. Harris.
Lome Elder, of
the holiday with
'. and Mrs. John
John, Passmore.
A patriotic mass meeting for the
South Huron communities of Exe
ter, Zurich, .......‘‘.........
Crediton and all townships will be
held jn the town hall, Hensall, pn
Wednesday, May 5, at 8.30 p.m.
The guest speaker will be Rev. Mr.
Beecroft, of Wingham, a talpiited.
speaker. An inspiring film, ^Rin-
cers on Japan”, will be featured at this meeting, All citizens who hold
their rights of citizenship and wel-
fare of their children and loyalty to
God and King and to the Dominion
of Canada are requested to attend
this meeting.
’ prpsentatioii *
A very pleasant evening was spent
at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Clay
ton Horton, on Thursday evening,
when the members and friends pf
the Chiselhurst hockey team, about
35 in number, gathered to honor
Bill MacLean, who is serving with
the army in Eastern Canada, and
now on furlough. During the eve
ning Bill was presented with g. pen
and pencil set by Hugh McMillan, on
'behalf of the hockey teaim. Games
were enjoyed, followed by a social
hour in which refreshments were
Easter Messages
• (Special Easter services coupled
with special music in keeping with
the Easter spirit were observed in
the three local churches on Sunday.
At the United Church the minister,
Rev. R, A. Brook, spoke on “The
Hope of the Resurrection.” With
the choir under the direction of
W. O. Goodwin, Miss Greta Lammie,
organist, W. O. Goodwin, Claude
Blowes, C. Cook and Harry Horton
were soloists. * At Carmel Presby
terian Church Rev. W, Weir, min
ister, occupied his own pulpit. The
choir, under the direction of Mrs.
J. Murdock, rendered appropriate
Easter music. Mrs. James W. Bon-
thron was soloist. At St. Paul’s
Anglican Church Rev. M. A. Hunt,
rector, delivered appropriate
sages. The choir with Miss
Clark at the console rendered
ial music.
Hensail, Pg$hwPQi3,
Town Hall, Hensail
Sat., May 1
8 to 9.30 p.m,
Frank Kenny and his Hotshots,
along with the gang.
A community Red Cross quilting
wiU be held, in tlm basement of the
Evangelical Church, on Thursday
afternoon ^xnd evening to which
everyone is cordially invited to at
tend, Rindly 'bring lunch,
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Restemeyer
spent -Good Friday with friends in
Mr. and, Mrs. Melton Walper, of
Ingersoll, spent Easter with her
parents, ‘Mr. and Mrs. Philip Fas-,
Dr. and Mrs, Taylor and daugh
ter Anne, spent Raster with friends
jn London.
Mr, and Mrs. William Schroeder
and family, of Detroit, and Mr, and
Mrs, C. Wildfong, of London, spent
the week-end with Mrs, Hamacher.
Mr. -Herb Wein, of London, spent
the week-end at his home here,
Mr, and Mrs. Hubert Restemeyer
and Miss Oneida Restemeyer, R.N.,
of London, spent Easter Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Otto Restemeyer.
Miss Ruth Guenther, of Kitch
ener, spent the week-end with hei’
Mrs. Keys and brother, Ward
Adm.: Adults 30c; Children 10c
Mrs, Roland Williams is spending
few days with her brother, Mr.
lastMr. E. Beaver returned holme
week after visiting for a couple of
weeks with friends in Chicago,
Mrs. Flynn and Marjorie visited
with Miss Bessie Johns at Queen
Alexandra (Sanatorium, Byron, on
Thursday of last week.
Mrs. W. Hodgert, of Exeter, spent
the Easter week-end with her sister,
Mrs. T. Willis.
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hodgins and
family, visited with friends in Wal
kerton on Good Friday.
Misses Dorothy Hicks, of London,
and Mildred Hicks, of Shipka, spent
the week-end with their mother,
Mrs. B. Hicks.
Corporal Donald Blair,
to, spent the week-end
mother, Mrs. James Blair.
Miss Beulah 'Skinner,
Sarnia, and Miss Alma Skinner, of
London, spent Easter with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Skinner.
Mr. and Mrs. Harris West spent
the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J.
Talbot in Grand Valley. *>>
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mitchell and
family, of Ljondon, were Sunday
visitors with the former’s parents,
Mr, and Mrs. Norman Mitchell.
Visitors over the week-end
Mrs. George Flynn Were Mr.
Flynn, of Pt. Colborne; Mr.
Mrs. Gordon Flynn and Mr.
Mrs. Thdmas Flynn, of London.
Master Marvin Bowden spent the
week-end with his grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. McDonald, in Exeter.
L;A.C. Scotty Baynham, of To
ronto, spent the week-end with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs.’ George Bayn-( ham. • '
Mr. and Mrs. E. Foster and son,
of Granton, were Sunday visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. W. Skinner.
. Cpl. Rupert Merriam, Mrs. Mer
riam and Misses Rubena, Pearl and
May Merriam spent Easter with their
parents, Rev. and Mrs. Merriam.
Fit. (Sgt. Jack Andrew and Mrs.
Andrew, of London, spent the week
end with their -parents, Mr.
Mrs. G. R. Andrew and Mr.
Mrs. George Hicks.
Mrs. George Flynn visited
friends in St. Thomas on Monday.
There will be choir practice in
the church on Friday night in (pre
paration for the anniversary
Cpl. Harry Silmpkins and
of Toron-
with his
R.N., of
. Mrs.
Simpkins and Miss McNair were
Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. G.
F. Penwarden.
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Amos Wright were Mrs. Chas.
Morton, of Ailsa Craig; Pte. and
Mrs. Robert Morton, of Fingal and
Miss Doris Morton, of London.
Mr. and. Mrs. Harold
Norman and Marietta, of
were holiday visitors with
Mrs. Norman Mitchell.
Mr. and
and family
ing friends
Miss Eva
of thanking
in the EaStei* pageant and assisted
the choir for both services.
Blister Services
The Easter services held in
church on Sunday were well attend
ed both morning and evening, Spec
ial music was provided by the choir
in the morning and Rev. Merriam
delivered a very inspiring Easter
sermon. The pageant in the even
ing was under the direction of Miss
Eva Merriam and Was a splendid
success. The decorations were
beautiful and the colouring and
arrangement of the lighting for the
pageant made a Veriy; attjractilve!
scene. ^The characters Were well
chosen and each played liis part
Well. The Choir, under the direc
tion of Mrs. Penwarden, was assist
ed by Gpl. Harry Simpkins and Miss
McNair, of No. 9 S.F.T.S. and others.
Mr. and
HodginsMrs. Kenneth
spent the holiday visit
in Walkerton.
Merriam and Mrs. G. F.
take 'this ^opportunity
all those who took part
a few days with her brother, Mr.
Richard Traquair, who is ill at Hen
Visitors at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. B. Williams on Sunday were
Miss Roxie Doupe, of Kirkton; Miss
Thelma Weber, of London;
Ruth Weber, of Sarnia; Mr. David
Carr, of Sarnia and Messrs. Ralph
and Walter Weber, of Dashwood.
Week-end visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. C. Miller were Mrs. D. L.
Tucker, of Belleville and Mac Mc
Guire, of Belleville.
Mr. J. W. Miller, who has been
spending the winter with his son,
Mr. C. Miller, returned to Belle
ville and Napanee on Monday for a
Mr. and Mrs. Alex MacBeath, of
Brucefield, visited with Mr. and
Mrs, A. Hunkin on Sunday.
Mr. Bert Gardiner, of Toronto,
spent the week-end with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Gardiner.
Mr. and Mrs. M. McCurdy receiv
ed word that their ^on,. Bob, who is
with the R.C.A.F. at Manning
Pool, is confined to barracks with
scarlet fever and mumps. We all
wish Jiim a speedy recovery.
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. L.
Harris on Sunday were Mrs. Char
lotte Harris and son, Cpl. A. Har
ris, of London, and Mr. and Mrs.
Ray Fletcher, Ronald and Norman,
of Elimville.
Mr. Charles Harris, of Toronto,
spent the week-end at his home.
Ina and Jim Harris returned with
him to Toronto and are visiting
with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Morgan.
Miss Shirley Duncan, of Valley
field, spent* the week-end at
“Miss Margaret Allison spent
week-end at her home.
Miss Anne Morgan, teacher
London, is holidaying with her j
Visitors at the manse
day were F.O. Carothers,
ward Johnson and L.A.C.
ham, all of No. 9 S.F.T.S., Centralia.
Mr. Norman Ferguson, of Sarnia,
and Mr. and Mrs. O. Jacques visit
ed with Mr. and Mrs. B. Ferguson
on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Kellar and fam
ily, of Exeter, visited with Mr. and
Mrs. H. Rohde on Sunday.
A large congregation attended,
the memorial service in the church
on Sunday morning for Pilot Officer
Henry Gordon Anderson.
The Sacrament of the Lord’s Sup
per will be held at the three ap
pointments this Sunday.
The Y.P.U. presented their play,
"Willowdale” in Main St. United
Church, Exeter, on Tuesday night
and in Elimville Church on Wed
nesday night.
Miss Beth Ballantyne and Mr.
week-end at
Mr. hnd
visited with
on Sunday.
'Mrs. Mclnnes and daughter Hel
en, of London, spent Easter week
end with the former's mother, Mrs.
Mrs. C. Borland, Mary Borland,
Mr. and Mrs. Gibb Duncan and Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Duncan spent Eas
ter Monday with Miss
Miss Lyla Borland
day wtih Miss Roberta
• in
of London, spent the
the former’s home.
Mrs. ■ Nelson Lamport
Mr. and Mrs. P. Stone
K. Robb in
spent Mon
Proof of the profits is in answer
ing thei Want Ads.
Mrs. W. S. Cluff and i
and Patil, of Kitchener,
Easter holidays with Mr.
I. N. Marshall.
Miss Marian Tufts,1 of Stratford,
is nursing Mrs. Frank Andersen,
Sr. in, the village.
Miss Roxie Doitpe spent the week
end with Miss Hazel Williams, of
Exeter. \
Mrs. Maitland Hammond received
word from her husband, stating
that he had been promoted from
pilot officer to flying officer.
Mi\ H. A. Dotipe, Of Pt, Credit,
visited with Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred
I Loupe on Saturday.
Spent the
and Mrs,
Harold Tufts and
of Toronto, spent
with Mr. atid Mrs. Truman
Kraft, of London, spent
days with their mother,
Pte. Donald Oestreicher, of Lon
don, spent the week-end with his
Misses Carolyn and Helen Spell
man, of Kitchener, are spending
their Easter holidays with Mr. and
Mrs. T. Harry Hoffman.
■Cpl. Laurine Spicer, of the C.W.
A.C., London, and A.C.2 Lome
Spicer spent the week-end with their
Mr. and Mrs*. E, Brandt and son,
Harold, of Kitchener, spent the
week-end at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. V. L. Becker.
Mrs. iE. Flynn and Mrs. Stadel-
bauer, of London, were Sunday visi
tors with friends here.
Miss Esther McMath is spending
the Easter holidays at her home in
Mr. A. O. Becker, of Waterloo,
spent Easter with his parents.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Mclsaac and fam
ily, of Detroit, spent Easter with
Mrs. L. Mdlsaac. Mrs. Mclsaac and
twins and Jimmie are staying for a
visit while Mr. Mclsaac and Frank
returned to Detroit on Monday.
Rev. C. Becker is attending con
ference at Brideport this week.
L.A.C. Howard Klumpp left for
Vancouver on Sunday night where
he will be stationed with the R.C.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Kellerman, of
Chatham, spent a few days with
friends here, 'also attending the
funeral of the late Mrs. Weber.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fillingham,
of Northern Ontario, spent a few
days with Mrs. Haugh and Mrs.
Miss Zeta Nadiger, of Howell,
Mich., attended the Godbolt-Ratz
nuptials on Monday, returning on
Tuesday. - ..ipc
The Ladies’ Aid of the Lutheran
Church held a social evening at the
home of Mrs. Addison Tieman on
Monday evening. The evening was
spent in playing bunco, the first
prize going to Mrs. Art Willert and
the ' ''
Friday night, May 7, with ten free
games given with your ticket. Do
nations for prizes will be gladly re
Mr. Simon Willert, of Listowel,
spent the week-end in town.
We regret to learn of the sudden
death of Mr. Fred Rinker, of Thed
ford, also of Mrs. Bristow, formerly
Hartleib, of London. Both were
raised here and were former resi
dents of Dashwood.
Mr. and Mrs. Rollie Grenier, of
Windsor, called on friends here on
The Evangelical Church choir
presented an Easter cantata, “Christ
Victorious”, by Nolte, on Sunday
evening. Mrs. J. M. Tieman was
leader and Miss Gertrude Hoffman
accompanist. The Easter story
was told by Rev. C: Becker and solo
Mrs. _. ___
Harry Hoffman and Mrs. J. M. Tie
man and Wesley-Wolfe. Trio parts
were taken by Miss Catharine Fink
consolation to Mrs. F. Gentt-
Red Cross bingo and dance
be held in Dashwood Hotel on
hy any member of the $xe-
Ervin Guenther, of Windsor,
Easter holidays with his
were su
'A' ,
• . V>
Order your late May and
All mem-
by Harry Hoffman,
Jack Gaiser andBecke:.
M. Tieman. Duets were
Catharine Finkbeiner and
Klumpp, Stuart Wolfe and
Mrs. Klulmpp and Stuart
The choir will render the
cantata on Sunday evening,
2, at the Gentralia Airport.
Teachers spending Easter
days at their homes here are
of Northern Ontario
Camm, of near Exe-
Thacker, of Lambeth
Marjory Laing,
Miss Florence
Miss Dorothy
Miss Gertrude
ter; Miss Olive
and Mi’S.
Miss Gladys Shier
Jacques, of Hespeler
at their ho’mes.
Mr. and Mrs. V. Trott and daugh
ter, Joan, are Week-end visitors at
the home of Mr, and Mrs. Duer.
Mr. and Mrs. James Squire
tended the memorial service for
lot Officer Harry Anderson
Thames Road Church last Sunday
and also visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Percy PaSsmOre.
The ministers and laymen of Forth Presbytery met in Woodham
church on Tuesday of this Week at
9.30 a.m. Dinner was served ‘by a committee of ladies of the W.A.
Miss Rhea Mills, R.N„ has re
turned home, having been attend*1
ing Mrs. John Hern, Sr., of Zion.
L.A.C. Norman • , Hazelwood, of
Quebec, is spending a few days at
the home of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs, Oliver Hazelwood.
of Gladstone
of Toronto
Ewen, of Oil
and Miss Viola
are holidaying
J. F. ROLFE, Manager
The W.I. will hold their annual
meeting at the town hall on Monday
evening, May 3, at 7.30.
bers please take note.
Miss Ella Morlock, of
is spending a few days at
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Haist were in
Toronto last Saturday attending the
Mountain - Jeffrey wedding held at
St. Barnabas Anglican Church.
Rev. and Mrs. Reuber are attend
ing the Evangelical Conference which
is being held at Bridgeport this
Mrs. William Ratz was hostess at
a charlming miscellaneous shower
at her home in honour of Mrs. Ger
ald Godbolt, formerly Miss Alma
Ratz, a recent bride.
Miss Gertrude Beaver, of Detroit,
Mr. Vernon Beaver, of Pittsbur
Pa., Mr. Howard Beaver, of
ton and Cpl. E. H. Beaver, of
wawa, and Mrs. Beaver were
end visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Holtzmann
and Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Brown, of
Detroit, spent Easter wi ‘
Mrs. Horace Pfaff and
Mrs. Alf. Holtzmann.
Mrs. Florine Brown,
spent the winter at Selkirk
Kitchener, has returned to Crediton.
Mrs. O. W. Connell, of Spencer
ville, mother of Mrs. L. H. Turner,
who has been a guest at the United
Church parsonage during the win
ter, left .for her home on Monday,
stopping ovei’ in Toronto enroute.
She was accompanied by her daugh
ter, Miss Beryl Connel,,
to, who was an Easter
guest of her sister, Mrs. Turner.
Last Sunday evening a choir of
30 members and the pastor, Rev.
Reuber, under the direction of
Lawrence Wein, presented the "Red
of Dawn”, a service of story and
song for Easter. Special solos and
duets were taken by Ray Morlock,
Mrs, Reuber, F. W. Morlock, Mrs.
Smith, Mrs. Emery Fahner and Mrs.
Alvin Finkbeiner. Mrs. Freeman
Morlock presided at the organ.
Jr. Room Contributes to War Funds
lA large number of parents and
friends gathered at the Crediton
School at an Easter party presented
by Miss Verna M. Cunningham and
her nineteen junior pupils. A
lengthy programme was well pre
sented, It consisted of humorous
dialogues, Easter songs and hymns,
recitations, solos and choral verse.
The room was attractively dressed
In Easter atid patriotic decorations,
Following the program a contest was
her home.
H. C.
of Toron-
June chicks Now!
We still have several hundred Hybrid Cockerels available
weekly during May
O.A.C. (open formula) Starter on hand. Have used
this starter for past 5 years with excellent results.
20,000 Chicks to Satisfied Customers Weekly
Lakeview Poultry Farm
won by Mrs. Lawrence Wein and
several of the pupils. Miss Joyce
Hoffman drew the lucky ticket on
at patriotic Red Cross quilt. The
lucky number, 27, was held by F.
W. Clark, of Crediton. Miss Betty
Sims was given 60 cents for selling
the most tickets. Another quilt
was sold for $5.50. A bazaar was
also conducted and $10.86 was.jeal-
ized from it. A grand lunch was
served 'by the teacher and some of
her pupils. Mrs. Lloyd Hey and
Mrs. Lawrence Wein poured tea.
Mrs. Reuber moved a hearty vote of
thanks to Miss Cunningham,
pupils and the parents who so
ingly and earnestly helped,
net profit of the quilts, bazaar
collection amounted to $39.25.
money was donated to three
ferent war charities, including
to the Crediton Red Cross, $1
0 to
Lieut.-Col. F, J. Riches, who is one
of the Divisional Headquarters of
the Salvation Army, London,
remaining $7.00 was donated to
Queen’s Air Raid Fund.
Victory Loan Canvassers
Following are the
the Fourth Victory
following townships:
B1 an s h ar d-—J am es
R.R. 3, St. Marys;
St. Marys;
Loan in
H. Robinson,
J. H. Robinson,
R.R. 1, St. Marys; James Highet,
Science Hill; Gordon Jones, R.R. 1,
iFullarton—H. A. Morrison, R.R.
Science Hill; G. M. Stoskopf, R.R.
Hibbert-—-Gerald Holland, Dublin;
Reed, Staffa,
A Pimple Covered Face
Kills Many a Romance
The lives df many young people are made miser
able by the breaking out of pimples, and you probably
know of cases where a promising romance has been
spoiled by those red, white, festering and pus filled
sores on the face..
The trouble is not so much physical pain, but the
mental suffering caused by the embarrassing disfigurement which very
often makes the sufferer ashamed to go out in company.
The quickest way to get rid of pimples is to improve the general health
by a thorough cleansing of the blood. *
Burdock Blood Bitters helps to cleanse tht blood and with the blood
cleansed tho complexion should clear up.
Tho T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont.