HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1943-04-22, Page 8Page 8 THE EXETER TIMES-ADV PC ATE, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 22nd, 1943 (hujadimi Women Help— THE AMMUNITION” A 2(5c Stamp Buys 12 BUY A STAMP HERE VERA C, DECKER, phone 112 Bullets TODAY Drop* Exeter Markets Wheat, $1.08* Creamery Butter, 39c. Eggs, A Large, 30e. Egg's, Medium, 28c, Eggs, B, 24c. Dressed Hogs, $16.2S. Marion Pooley Beauty Shoppe All Work Guaranteed. Exeter Leavitt’s Theatre Exeter Ont. Phone 135 WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY a Features —- 2 Nights Only r“TlSH” with MARJORIE MAIN, GUY KIBBEE and an all star cast, “Enemy Agents Meet Ellery Queen” with MARGARET LINDSAY & WILLIAM GARGAN FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SATURDAY MATINEE at 2.30 “They Got Me Covered’ with BOB HOPE and DOROTHY LAMOUR a ——....................................... 8 Friday and Saturday Nights, this week only shows commence at 7.30 3 MONDAY AND TUESDAY 2 Features — 2 Nights Only “Chetnicks” (The Fighting Guerillas) with PHILIP DORN & ANNA STEN “Ladies’ Day Feature Comedy with LUPE VULEZ and EDDIE ALBERT > Special for Wed., April 28th matinee and night two features Three Hearts for Julia” with ANN SOUTHERN and MELVIN DOUGLAS “Tarzan Triumphs” with JOHNNY WEISSMILLER COMING .... “YANKEE DOODLE DANDY” April 29, 30 and May 1 Round the Clock Service STEWART’S TAXI Phone 155w Exeter «s Staff Sgt. Bill Dunsford, of Ip­ perwash, spent the week-end with his parents. CLEANING and REPAIRING Have your upholstered furniture, chesterfields and rugs cleaned now Che THOR WAY of cleaning which de*mbths and cleans in one opera* Cion. CLEANING DONE IN YOUR OWN HOME APPLY TO Verne Wright at the DANCING.... at Exeter’s New — DANCELAND — (The old Opera House i Regular Saturday Night Dance with CLAYTON STEEPER = ^riiTihrtijwnoii wif i ynwitr I iiny it Tmni“ .iuriib tt i*na 11 unni n ww r rfflrirrr l i 1 locals I___________________________ _________________________________ji Good Friday will be a public holiday. Mrs, R. S. Graves and Stephen are visiting in Toronto. Mrs. Charles Johns is to ixer bed through illness. Cpl, Howard Elliot, of spent the week-end at his Miss Alta Harvey, of spent the week-end at hei* Jim Wilson visited with thers in London over the week-end. Miss Doris Hay was confined to her home the past week with the flu. Mr. spent here, Pte. | spent here. L.A.C, T. A. Walter, of Trenton, is spending a two weeks’ leave at his home. • Special Easter music is being prepared for the services in the dif­ ferent churches next Sunday. A.C.2 Don Whiting, of Trenton, spent the week-end with his par­ ents, Mr, and Mrs. Earl Whiting. Masters Fred and Pat Beavers, of Toronto, are holidaying with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers. Mrs. Kenneth Gillis and infant son, Wayne, are visiting at the par­ sonage Irwin. Mrs. Judith Beach with Mr. and Rev. A. Page, of Owen Sound, is spending ing with field. L.A.C. ter spending two his home here and in Zurich, left Sunday for Fingal, where he is tak­ ing a bombardier’s course. The Exeter- band, which has used the room above Mr. Senior’s photo studio for practice, has vacated the room and moved into a room on the third storey of the Frayne block. Major the Rev. C. W. Foreman, who was guest ^peaker at the Red Cross meeting in Main St. Church on Thursday evening, was an over­ night guest with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Irwin. The United Church ministers of Exeter and community together with their laymen, also members of the W.M.S. were at Brussels Tues­ day, attending Presbytery and the Presbyterial. Mrs. Owen and Miss Alice Owen, of Rocanville, Sask., -who visited with Mr. .and Mrs. G. W. Layton and with relatives at Clinton, left Thurs­ day of last week for California. Pilot Officer Ted Buswell, who has just completed his course at No. 1 General Reconnaissance School at Summerside, P.E.I., is spending a couple of weeks with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Buswell. Edwin Hodgson, a Pilot Officer at the Cilnton Radio School, visited with .his aunt, Mrs. R. Skinner, over the week-end. Mr. Hodgson is a son ’of Dr. David E. Hodgson, of Moose Jaw, Sask., and has complet­ ed his course at Clinton. L.B.A. Eli Christie, of the R.C. N.V.R. Toronto, is spending two weeks’ furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Christie. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Christie and Jean, and Mrs. Eli Christie, of Toronto, will spend Good Friday and Easter with Mr. and Mrs. Christie. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Traquair were ’ in London Friday attending the graduation of their daughter, Dorothy. Miss Betty Hogarth was also one of the graduates. Sixty- one girls graduated, this being the largest class in the history of Vic­ toria. Hospital. Mrs. (nee Lois Clark) wife of Able man Mulholland, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clark. Mrs. Mulholland sang a part in the anthem in James St. United Church on Sunday evening. Mr. Samuel Sweet, who recently disposed of his house and property in Exeter, to Mr. William T. Quinn, held a successful auction sale on Friday afternoon. Mr, Sweet and his daughter, Mrs. D. McInnis, of Paisley, spent several days in Exe­ ter, returning to their home on Sat­ urday. On Thursday and Friday morn­ ings of last week snow storms vis-, ited this section. Several inches of snow fell, again covering every­ thing with a mantle of white. The snow was accompanied by strong winds. Warm, dry weather is ing anxiously awaited by the mers, Mr, Joseph Senior, who has posed of his building on Main Street to Mr. James Grieve, closed his stu­ dio on Saturday while making the necessary alterations prior to occu­ pying the second story of the same building. Mr. R. G. Seldon has -moved his office across the street, to the office vacated by Mr, W. G. Cochrane. LO C A- L»S Jutson Corbett, the week-end at confined London, home. London, home, his bro- of London, his home Gordon May, of the week-end at Ipperwasli, his home with Rev. and Mrs. A. B. A. E. have after Ashton and daughter left for Grimsby spending some time Mrs. W. W. Taman. a few days in town visit- Mr. and Mrs. E. Linden- i Alvin E.Lindenfield, af- weeks’ leave at Mulholland, of Belleville Sea- with Bert solo be- far- dis- Phone 245 CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. John Galloway Mrs. J. G. Coeiirano. Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School. 11 a.m**—Morning worship. Subject: “The ideal Realized”. 7 p.m.-—Evening Worship, Subject: “Incidents Connected with Christ’s Resurrection”, t Monday, 7.80 p.ni,—Young people's Union. cai lll'litH!!!!1.!!!1.!!!!!!!1.!!}!!!1!1!!1 ••IHimimiimiiiimiJiimimimmmmmmimimmmmimiiiimmimmimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Our Store will be closed every Wednesday afternoon at 12 o’clock. • ••New Coats for Easter ... i Hairdressing * * ♦ Tomlinson’s Phone 146 ORDER YOUR HOT CROSS BUNS EARLY I i Bev. N, J. Woods, M.A., Minister Mrs. A. Y, Willard, Organist 11 a.m.—Public Worship and Church School, Easter Communion Ser­ vice, 7 p.m.—Public Worship. A pageant, “An Unshadowed Cross” ’Wednesday, April 21, 8 p.<m.-—Union Lenten Service in Caven Church. Rev. M. A, Hunt. Sunday, May 2—Laymen’s Sunday, Speaker, Mr, Rae Hughes, of London. Men’s choir. Owing to the shortage of gasoline and other materials, we find it im­ possible to deliver* Hot Cross Buns on Good Friday morning. Orders will be taken until Wednesday night for the regular Thursday delivery or to be called or. Orders for buns for Saturday, either to be delivered or called for must be in by Friday night. MIDDLETON'S BAKERY WHITE’S BAKERY WUERTH’S Men’s and Boys’ Work Shoes and Oxfords as low as $2.25 Pan co or Leather Soles POLISHES, ALL KINDS, /ILL COLORS REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS “Blackitty Black” — for renewing leather, will not rub off. We heel them, attend to their dying, save tlieir soles. Soles machine stitched, cemented or nailed. A. E WUERTH Mrs. Leslie Richards visited for a week with her sister, Mrs. W. E. Gardiner, in Meaford. Her moth­ er, Mrs. Parsons, who has been vis­ iting in Meaford for the past three months, returned home with her. \ SPIRELLA FOUNDATION " GARMENTS Designed to apply Nature’s own principles of support and control and are made to your correct body measurements through a plan which removes all guesswork. For free preview, phone 125. MRS. VALERIA ARMSTRONG FISH FISH . Cod and Haddock Fillets Fresh Herring — Kippers ’ Firm Haddie — Ciscoes Whitefish — Salmon (Sliced) — SPECIAL FOR EASTER — " Strawberries, 35c pel* qt. Jumbo Ice Cream, 20c per brick Exeter Frozen Food Lockers as IS MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH 6 Rev. A. B. Irwin, B.A. W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist anti Choir Leader EASTER DAY SERVICES a.m.—Sunrise Service, Riverview Park. The public is welcome, 11 a.m.—Holy Communion. Re­ ception of members. 3 p.m.—The Church School 7.30 p.m.—Easte-r Pageant, '“The Redeemer Liveth”, by members of Y.P.U. (Please note change in hour of service). Special music by choir at both ser­ vices. i TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M» A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir Leader, Mr. Middlemiss EASTER DAY ■Holy Communion —Sunday School —Holy Communion and “Victory Through Fate” -Preach- Flt. Lieut. C. K. Sansbury, Is10 a.m.— 11 a.m.— Sermon Good Friday Service, 8 p.m.- er, No. 9 S.F.T.S. a.m.- PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE Sunday School—2 p.m. Service—3 p.m. „ Evening Service—8 p.m. Wednesday, 8 p.m.—Prayer meet­ ing. All are welcome. Pastor—E. Clemens ZION EVANGELICAL CHURCH Crediton M. E. Reuber, B.A., B.D., Minister Mrs. F. W. Morlock, Organist Lawrence A. Wein, Choir Leader 10 a.m.—Easter Message. 11 a.m.—Church School 7.30 p.m.—Candlelight and Vesper Service. Thursday, 8 p.m.—Midweek Ser­ vice. Friday, 7.15 p.m.—Junior League. Welcome a THAMES ROAD UNITED CHURCH Easter Service, combined with Memorial Service for the late P.O. Harry Anderson, will be held Easter Sunday at 11.15 a.m. Flight Lieut. C. K. Sansbury, of Centralia Airport, will assist in the service. The public are cordially invited. —...... ............................................... msa' “WILLOWDALE” A 3-act play presented by Thames Road Young People in Main Street Church - - Tuesday Night, April 27th Under* the auspices of the “Kumjoinus” Class. Admission 25c and 10c Everybody welcome. H MKHl H ... Easter Sunrise Service ... Sponsored by the James Street Young People Sunday, April 25th — in RIVERVIEW PARK Pilgrimage will start from Janies Street Church at 5.45 and proceed past Town Hall and other churches to the park. All young people of the village are urged to share in this service. 6 a.m. THE PUBLIC IS WELCOME “Christ is RiS6n!”“He is Risen. Indeed!” H' We haven’t a large stock of coats left but there are a number of styles in cloths that cannot be repeated. Our prices will interest you, lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllil SMART NEW DRESSES We offer a range of new dresses in one and two-piece styles. These coni® in seersuckers rayons and crepes, == NEW GLOVES NEW HOSIERY == We are showing a lovely range of new = gloves for Easter in fabrics and kid. A new shipment of hosiery for Easter in the season’s newest shade. Priced at = $1.00, $1.50 to $2.50 85c, $1.00, $1.15 sind $1.25 /Wen’s and Young-Men’s Clothing In new tweeds and worsteds, These are new patterns and styles and are excellent values at $25.00 ' * $27.50 $30.00 NEW BILTMORE HATS FOR MEN Showing the newest shapes and shades for spring. Wools at $2.00. Fine Fur Felts at $3.95, $5.00 and $6.00 NEW NECKWEAR . In new and bright colors for spring. A big range to choose from at 55c and $1.00 MEN’S FINE SHIRTS In Tooke and Forsythe make. Make an early selection as good materials are very scarce. Priced at $2.00 and $2.50 MEN’S SPRING COATS Of exceptional fine quality in raglan styles. A coat you -will be proud to wear, at $30.00 ” Grocery Specials for Thurs., Friday and Saturday Be Wise! Get your SEED POTATOES, limited supply. We have Irish Cobblers, Green Mountain, Dooleys, No. 1 and 2 Katadins. No. 1 TABLE POTATOES at $2.40 a bag PUFFED WHEAT, for your breakfast without premiums ............... 19c, 29, 39c HOME RENDERED LARD limited quantity ........................... GARDEN SEEDS, Steele Briggs strictly fresh. Get supplies while stock is complete. S—« ............................................................. 17c a lb. STOKELY’S TOMATO SOUP concentrated, ................... 3 cans for 25c . CAPO DRAIN CLEANER and OPENER cleans your drain ................... per tin 22c LIBBY’S VEGETABLE SOUPS 10 oz. tins ................................... 3 for 25c Ideal SILVER POLISH PASTE cleans, polishes, brightens ... per jar 25c OYSTER SHELL for laying hens .. BRITE POWDER for windows, mirrors, etc...... per tin 10c per bag $1.35 Southcott Bros. Phone 16 Exeter jiiiiiiimiimiinii i mnn ntiinin n uiinii ill iiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiim min mi in i mi ii mi h mu iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiii mmmmmmmimmmmmm mmiiiiiiiiiiimmiiimiimiiiiiiimiiiiiimiiimimmiiiiiimimiiiiiimiimimmimiiiimmmm CARD OF THANKS In announcing the opening of my new bakeshop I wish to express my thanks to the public for the splen­ did co-operation and patronage I have been accorded during the months of rebuilding. Some of the bread sold was unavoidably wrap­ ped in my own wrappers as I had to buy unwrapped bread. I also wish to thank White’s Bakery for their co-operation. I hope to be in general delivery next week. • W. E. MIDDLETON Monday at six p.m. the fire sounded and the fire equip- made a hurried run to a Her- For- con- 1. and had hot few A goodly followed the firemen/to the On alarm ment chimney fire at the home of man Mitchell, James Street, tunately the fire was under trol when the firemen arrived no damage was done. Fire started in the chimney and stove pipes caused the family a moments of anxiety, crowd scene, Radio Farm Forum of No. 3The Stephen held a successful meeting Monday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Davey. The radio broadcast Subject was dealt with, “Farmers’ Part in the Coming Vic­ tory LoanP. A most interesting dis­ cussion followed on the value and work of the Federation of Agricul­ ture. There will be another broad­ cast next Monday night, the sub­ ject being “Selective Service as it Applies to Farmers”. We hope ev­ ery family in the section will be rep­ resented. The meeting'will be the home of Earl Shapton. at Thames Roa<l Young People Present play The Thames Road Young People presented their play “Willowdale” at Eden School Friday evening Ap­ ril 16, under, the auspices, of Red Cross Unit 17', §.S. No. 4 and 5 Us- borne. The play drew a large crowd and the unit had a net return of twenty dollars. Miss Doris Westcott Earl and Marie Heywood sang be­ tween acts. During the evening the draw for the quilt made by Eden pupils, was held. The holder of the lucky ticket Cooper, R.R. proceeds from one dollars, was Miss ^Isabelle No. 3 Exeter. The the dbilt Were forty* MRS. SANDERS’ HOMESHOWER FOR BRIDE-ELECT A miscellaneous shower was giv­ en in honor of Miss Alma M>oore, bride-elect last Wednesday eve­ ning at tile home of Jean and Mar­ ion Elliot. Euchre was enjoyed and a delicious lunch was served. , Caven W.M.S. Tliankoffei’ing The Eastei’ Thankoffering Caven W.M.S. was held in the Sun­ day School room on Tuesday eve­ ning, April 13, with the president, Mrs. William Sillery, in the chair. After the opening hymn and a pray­ er by Miss Jeckell, the Easter ser­ vice of worship as given in the Glad Tidings was followed by Mrs, 13, Jolinston acting as leader. Mrs. 0. Cann took the devotional exer­ cises and the offering was receiv-* ed. An interesting series of lan­ tern slides on the work of the Ohurbh' at home *and abroad was shown, accompanied by explanatory rem aides by Miss Jeckell. Miss. Weekes closed the meeting with of SCENE OF RECEPTION (Continued from Page One) sented with a silk neck piece by Sis­ ter iMrs, M. Hunt, also a bouquet of red and white carnations were pre­ sented to Past Worthy Matron, Mrs. Ida Sanders for the opening of her home for the reception. A short Program was held at the close of the meeting, Miss Margue­ rite Hogarth gave two clever tap dances, Miss Dorothy Green two readings and Mrs. Sturgis sang two lovely solos accompanied by Mrs. Brown, all of which were appreciat­ ed very much. A guessiiig competl- tion was held the prize being won by the Worthy Grand Patron. A light lunch was served by the officers and members of the o.e.S. Which, concluded ail afternoon and evening which will ever be a little of remembrance to all who had the Miss. pfayer and a social time was spent! ’ Measure 7f wToyilig It