The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1943-04-22, Page 4Page 4 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 22nd, 1943 Reserve Army Recruiting.... “D” CO., MIDDLESEX & HURON RGT., EXETER Urgently calls for men 18 to 55 and boys 16 and 17 * (Those in age group 18 to 30 who are exempt from Active Service calls.) Serious-minded men who realize the need for training­ instructors are here tp teach yPW to familiarize yourself with a rifle, Bren gun or anti-aircraft gun, Should proposed European invasion plans blunder—are you prepared to defend your home, business or farm?... Yesl It can happen here, from the North, East or West. • Those who have recently made enquiries—We will ans­ wer your questions, Thursday, Drill Night—at the Town Hall, Exeter, Phone 243W for details, F, G. WRIGHT, O.C., "D” Co,, M-&H., Exeter One) or evil, , I.O.O.F. ATTENDS J SERVICE AT CAVEN ! (Continued from Page .societies can be for good . God has made of one blood all na- ‘ ’— as Christianity there should be no dis- In this common brother- TO MEMBERS—Kit Parade Thursday nights Church Parade Easter Sunday to Thames Road Church. Trucks provided. Leave Town Hall at 10.15 a.m., sharp. a WE ARE ALL ON THE OFFENSIVE The Battlefront thS8 Homefront Will you do your part? t (fans and so long < remains, j (faction, hood we have to remember that there are difficulties that arise. He : | referred to the strikes in the many {branches of industry* striking at a. i time when human destiny is at t stake. The first strike tq take place ’is recorded fa the Bible, when the | Israelites were asked by Pharaoh tip make bricks without straw’. By i taking away the straw it meant the I bricks would be of an inferior qual- ' ity and the Israelites struck fa pro- j test against lowering the standard ■I of their product. It would be a | good thing today if we could hear | of workers protesting because they 1 i were not giving their best product : to the world. Strikes have far-I ’ reaching effects. If a brick-layer I ■ strikes today it affects the carpen- { t ter, the plasterer, the i [ the furnisher and many others. Fa- imine in one part of the world has,HI»its effect on the other side of th©; without many precedents, III’world. 1 ___„ .... •hfa India puts out the fires fa the,^^ records, .* spinning factories < ■ England. Life today iThe glory achieved by <of a family reflects ; • whole family; ifall it affects the others. The solu­ tion to our problems is spiritual. ‘Human solutions are failures. The I man who had the solution for the ! world’s problems went to the cross { 2.000 years ago. He came to destroy ' the sin that separates man from •God. A better world will emerge as ; we recognize the brotherhood of Iman and th’e Fatherhood of God, Walter Cutbush and A. E. Wuerth, two The Will you deny yourself a little more to provide the necessities for our Armed Services ? I ’members of i duets. ; Following dodge a vote tR. N» CREECH HONORED BY LODGE MEMBERS At the recent meeting of Lebanon Forest Lodge, A.F. £ A.M.* Wop. Bro. R. N. Creech* who resigned the position of secretary of the lodge after thirty years of faithful, service, was honored by the breth­ ren in .the presentation of a hand­ some pen and pencil set. War. Bro. George W. Lawson, the newly- appofated secretary, read the ad­ dress and the presentation was made by D.D.G.M. Rt. War. Bro. R, D. Munroe, of Carlow Lodge, Auburn, who eulogized Mr. Creech for his fang and efficient service. Mr. Creech expressed his apprecia­ tion of the kind words and of the gift he will always treasure, address was as follows, Exeter, Ontario, I April 12 th, 1943 i Won Bro. R. N. Creech, | Exeter, Ont., {Dear Bro, Creech: { Thirty years is a long span in any ' man's life. To occupy the position plumber I Secretary in a Lodge for that {period, as you have in Lebanon {Forest Lodge, is an unique record .......... __ ____H ___ , in devo- Faiiure to produce cotton jtiou to duty, exactitude in keeping ue xuvs XB lUH -IN--,, faithfulness to your of Lancashire, ^Odge for many years* yoa have • - {been equalled by few and surpassed 'by none. I Our Order’ is founded on and pro- $ fesses the pracr moral virtue; < tual assistance, ‘in its in and i Lodge ’these _____ _ i brethren of the i Your professn isistance has exit i to members of r ' community life, ‘freely of youi* ti: {various Boards o : for the advancem for the promotion the carrying out ' ' is complex. r one member glory on the likewise should one e of social and brotherly love, mu- truth and charity, most extended sense. With- beyond the four walls of the Room you have exemplified character!; Huron County’s quota is $3,040,000.00. You can help by investing in Fourth Victory Loan 3% bonds in two ways: 1. By investing all the cash you have at home and in the bank. 2. By investing part of the money you will have coming in over the next six months. WHEN YOU PURCHASE VICTORY BONDS YOU BUY— SECURITY and CITIZENSHIP AND YOU ARE BACKING THE ATTACK (This ad inserted by the Huron County War Finance Com­ mittee in the interests of the Fourth Victory Loan.) FOR SALE TENDERS FOR COAD AND COKE CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF STOCK, IMPLEMENTS AND REAL ESTATE W. E- Nairn, auctioneer, will of­ fer for sale on No- 23 Highway, ad­ joining the VILLAGE OF WOODHAM FOR SALE OR RENT—200-acre farm of H. G. Glanville, 14 miles south of Exeter. Immediate pos­ session. W. C. Pearce, Exeter. ltfc FOR SALE1—Counter scales weigh­ fag up to 240 lbs,; baby’s large tin bath; old style Oliver type­ writer; new black satin slip, 42-44. Apply at Times-Adyocate. FOR SALE—Two cows due to fresh­ en shortly. Apply to Glen Slavin, R.R. 2, Kippen, 22c FOR SALE—Eight little pigs. Also house for rent. Apply to Silas Stanlake, Hay P.O, 22c FOR SALE —— Cartier oats, early, heavy testing variety, SOc pei* bushel, W. L. Switzer, Wood­ ham. Phone 16r3, Kirkton, * 22:29:6c FOR SALE—Nine pigs seven weeks old. Apply Hubert Heywood. R.R. 3, Exeter, 22* SEED GRAIN FOR SALE—Cartier oats; Cartier oats and O.A.C. 21 Barley, mixed; also soy beans, E. Westc.ott, phone 176rl4. ft22c FOR SALE OR RENT—200 acre farm of H. G. Glanville, 14 miles south. Immediate possession. Would considei’ renting east and west of railway separately. W. C. Pearce, Exeter. MISCELLANEOUS ANYONE wanting tractor work done call 21-90, Hensall. Also 3-year- old roan colt for sale. 8:15:22* LOST AND FOUND FOUND—In Exeter, on Friday last, sum of money. Owner may have same by proving property and paying for advertisement. Ap­ ply at the Times-Advocate. LOST—In Exeter, on Main St. on Sunday night, a boy’s wrist watch, Certina, with leather band. Reward. Please return to Times- Advocate. 22c NOTICE—A green silk skirt with figures was taken in error from a car at ‘Cook’s Hall Tuesday eve­ ning Party is asked to leave the same at the Times-Advocate. REAL ESTATE TO RENT—For the season, roomy cottage, Huron Street, Grand Bend. Modern conveniences. Phone 95, Exeter. ' 8c HOUSE FOR SALE—In Dashwood, close to Lutheran Church, good house on double lot, barn and hen house, for immediate sale. Apply Mrs,. Irvin Guenther, Danh- wood. 22* FINE RESIDENCE FOR SALE — In Exeter. All conveniences, Nice lot and garage. Other homes. C, V. Pickard, Main St. FOR SALE—Some very good hous­ es in Exeter and other villages, and farms, mills and stores. W< C. Pearce. lc FOR SALE—50 acres, comfortable house, good bank barn, well fenced. Close to school and vil­ lage. Easy terms. Other farms. C. V. Pickard, Exeter. ltfc Federal Buildings — Province of Ontario Sealed tenders addressed to the undersigned and endorsed “Tender for Coal,” will be received until 3 liau. (E.D.S.T.), Thursday, April 29, 1943, for the supply of coal and coke for the Dominion Buildings throughout the Province of Ontario, Forms of tender with specifica­ tions and conditions attached can be obtained from the Purchasing Agent, Department of Public Works, Ottawa; and the Supervising Archi­ tect, 36 Adelaide* St- East, Toronto, Ont. Tenders should be mSde qn the forms supplied by the Department and in accordance with departmen­ tal specifications and conditions at­ tached thereto. Coal dealers’ licence numbers must be given when ten­ dering. The Department reserves the right to demand from any success­ ful tenderer, before awarding the order, a security deposit in the form of a certified cheque on a charter­ ed bank in Canada, made payable to the order of the Honourable the Minister of Public Works, equal to 10 per cent of the amount of the tender, or Bearer Bonds of the Do­ minion of Canada or of the Can­ adian National Railway Company and its constituent companies un­ conditionally guaranteed as to prin­ cipal and interest by the Dominion of Canada, or the aforementioned bonds and a certified cheque, if re­ quired to make up an odd amount. Such security will serve as a guarantee for the proper fulfilment of the contract. By order, j. M. SOMERVILLE, Secretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, April 15, 1943 on APRIL 26, 1043MONDAY, Commencing at 1 o’clock sharp the following: Horses, Cattle, implements, also all tq be offered This farm is fenced, equipped with hydro phone; six acres fall wheat, balance in hay and grass, On the property are a first class frame house, good bank barn, cement drive shed, new; hen house, Al) fruit. Terms of farm of sale. Chattels Positively no reserve as the own­ er1 is in ill health and is quitting the farm. WILLIAM SINCLAIR, Prop. W. E. NAIRN, Auctioneer a full line of 100 acres of for sale. well drained farm land and and hinds ..of small made known day cash'. AUCTION SALE OF FARM, FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS Mr, Harold Jackson has been instructed to sell by public auc­ tion at DOT- 1, CON. 14, TWP. OF TUCKERSMITH 3 miles east of Hensall on THURSDAY, APRIL 29th at 1 pan. HORSES—1 roan filly 7 years old, 1 bay gelding 5 years old, gen­ eral purpose, 10 years old, broken single and double, 1 aged horse, 1 filly one year old. CATTLE—Five Durham cows freshened last two months; Holstein cow fresh 2 months, 3 Durham yearfags, 3 heifers, 2 steers, 5 spring calves. PIGS—Ten chunks 10 weeks old, York; York brood sow. POULTRY—125 White Leghorn hens, pullets, ’IMPLEMENTS—M.'H. binder, G ft. cut; Deering mower, sulky rake, 7-ft/ stiff-tooth cultivator, 4-section harrows, disc harrow, 14-plate; Cockshutt bean scuffler and puller, new, 2 years; 13-hoe seed drill, steel land roller, 2-furrow gang, walking plow, riding plow, set of seales, 1200 lbs.; wagon, hay rack; set of farm sleighs, buggy, cutter, robe, gravel box, fanning mill, 10-in. grain grinder, power unit, 2 crosscut saws, forks, shovels, whippietrees, neckyokes, all kinds of tools, sling ropes, circular saw, manure spread­ er, wheel barrow, stone boat. 1 GRAIN—-200 bus. oats, 75 bus. seed barley, 10 bus. mixed grain, 75 bus. wheat. - Few tous of mixed hay. Seven hundred feet of 1-in. hem­ lock and basswood lumber; colony house 10x12, good. Cream separator in A-l condition; root pulper, 2 sets double harness, set single harness. Some house furnishings including Coleman lantern, chairs, bedroom furniture, etc. FARM—100 acres ''’clay loam, well drained; barn 76x48. Hen house 14x36; drive barn 18x24. No. 1 frame dwellin; er supply; bush. Fall acres of fall Terms oh Property— balance in 30 days. HAROLD JACKSON Auctioneer GEO. DALRYMPLE, Prop. ties towards the Ordew, in of mutual as- nded furthei* than he Order, in your You have given ?, and talents on the Municipality ■nt of education, »f sports, and for f patriotic enter- i prises. Thi^ we say is Masonry fa .the truest sense of the word. * we car.not permit you to Hen-' volfaquish your office without ex- S nroccvno- w/\ir»Ac? bvu ennKArtlnwere thetheir return to of thanks was tendered 'to Mr. Galloway, the choir and the i Session for the splendid service. Mr. • Galloway was present and voiced ‘ his pleasure in speaking i ” ering. Representatives from sail and Brucefield lodges ; present and spoke briefly. the truest sense to the gath- { BIRTHS ■ BROWN—-At Dr. Taylor s Hospital, ‘ Dashwood, on Thursday, April S, ' 1943, to Mr. , Brown, i {pressing fa words our true apprecia­ tion of your services. Not for its {value but for the spirit it demon- .strates, we ask you to accept this J small Ii i gift. -Signed on behalf of Lebanon Forest Lodge. No. 133, A,F. A.M. J. B, Dawson, W.M. G. W. Lawson, Sec. & and Mrs. Russell a son (Gordon Russell).! CAHILL—At Mrs. Godbolt’s Hos-» j pital, on Saturday, April 17, 1943 i to L.A.C, and Mrs. Harold ; of Exeter, a daughter I Ann). COCKWILL —■ In Stephen : ship on Tuesday, April 26, 1943, ’ | to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cockwill, the - ‘ gift of a daughter. ; KETTLE—At Mrs. Godbolt’s Hos­ pital, on Friday April 9, 1943, to L.A.C. ‘ ■' ------ of Exeter, Diane). . McGEE—At1 I ! i crea,"Xo^D®' S°5?nawra'bea^; u sclenun loVehn^’ id. at Cosm^cs WANTED Town- < Cahill, (Carol- - FROM - |qO Q SERVICE FLYING TRAINING SCHOOL CASH FOR FOX HORSES—Dead animals removed. Two-hour ser­ vice day or night. Phone Credi- ton 47rl5, collect. Jack Wil­ liams. A welcome visitor to the Station over the week-end was Group Cap- I tain John McNab, formerly Chief •*. , I Chaplain (P» of the R.C.A.F. over- on Sundav I'nrii is f 1 seas and now Command Chaplain ?? ® f Jr ' |(E) To™™- « Lieut, and Mrs. McGee, a son. . . ., * , . . . . «‘t0 kold a drumhead service out of POCKLINGTON—-At Dr. Fletcher's ’ doorSj but the inclement weather ospital, on Tuesday, April 20, j n?;ade such a plan impossible. The and Mrs. > Cburch parade, however, assembled between two of the hangars and then, preceded by the Bagpipe Band, marched to the Recreation Hall. A her i number of visitors, including Reeve , watched the parade and north, on Tuesday, April 20, Caro-!attended the service. In his address line Kercher, widow of the late Group Captain M<*Nab spoke of) Jacob Weber, in her 85th year. {how, flying eastward across the At- DESJARDINE — Suddenly, fa To-!lantic t0 Britafa fa a bomber and ronto. on Monday, April 12, 1943 >seefag the first streaks of dawn, he Adolphus Desjardine, formerly of . 'vas tilled with the sense that we Grand Bend and Edmonton, a;were indeed approaching the dawn brother of Mrs. Olan Truemner iof victory and a new day. He gave as and Placid Desjardine, of Dash- reasons for his hope, things he had wood, in his 59th year LEWIS—In McGillivray Township, at the home of her sister, Mrs. Thomas Barlow, lot 23, conces­ sion 4, on Friday, April 16, 1943, Charity Lewis, in her 68th year. CUNNINGHAM—-At her residence, 393 Central Ave., London, on Sunday, April 18, 1943, Hanna Bryant, widow of the late Wil­ liam Cunningham, fa her 83rd year. HUTCHINSON —* In McGillivray Township, on Saturday. April 17, 1943, Mary A„ wife of the late Robert Hutchinson, in her S7th year. and Mrs. Eric Kettle, , a daughter, (Kathryn ’ 19 43, to Fit. Lieut, i Pocklington, a daughter. DEATHS WEBER—-At the residence of daughter, Mrs. J. Calwell, Exeter | Tuckey, I | how, flying eastward across the At- seen fa the oM country—the com­ radeship of niR.'} and women of all . the United Nations fa arms and fa ; civilian life, the cia! eonsciousue he had seen qi several blocks. pies of the Beve ; day of its issue.i conviction that basis was adequate for the new world order. newly awakened so- ?s (he told of how :ieues stretching for waiting to buy co- widge Report on the . and the widespread •only a Christian iwwn, AGENTS WANTED — Local sub­ scription agent. Part time. Com­ mission. Either man or woman. When applying state what ex­ perience you have had. Apply to “The Farmers* Advocate”, London, Ont. 22* AUCTION SALES I AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction at CREDITON: ONT., on TUESDAY,’ APRIL 27, 1943, at 1.30 o’clock the*following: Extension table, 6 kitchen chairs, kitchen cabinet, 2 dressers, 2 beds, 2 sets springs, radio, radio table, small table, sidebokrd, kitchen stove, linoleum, rocking chair, pots, pans, washing machine, wash tubs, garden tools, couch, lumber, wood, 6 dining-room chairs, numerous other articles. • ' *“ TERMS—GASH LORNA & MELVIN RICHARDS, Proprietors FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer .g house; No. 1 wat- 8 acres of hardwood plowing done and 10 wheat. chattels—'Cash. -Ten per cent down, Phone 65, ExeterW. S. COLE, Phm.B Varnishes • Paints Enamels >Wax A big event of this Week was the boxing show held ?on Thursday eve­ ning, April 15. Boxers from St. Thomas arrived here to take part. {Sgt. Gelber, announcer for the oc­ casion, added in-erest to the events with his amusing and witty com­ ments. The crowd in attendance thoroughly enjoyed the show. At the conclusion of the show, Group Captain E. G. Fullerton spoke brief­ ly, thanking the participants, -and all who had contributed to make the evening a success. Silver cups bear­ ing station designation were pre­ sented to the winners. Leather bill­ folds were presented to the Other contestants. Contestants from St. Thomas included Barrier^ Moodie, Willis, Anderson, Sgt, LTlereus and DeCdrufo. all personnel who contributed to the success of this venture. By the way, L.A.C. Stogre, who instructs boxing here, has an extra broad grin these days. Reason—a nine-pound son, Gordon. Roger, born April 13. Town Hall this week will again be held, at the Hostess House. Fit. Lieut. Sansbury will temporarily take over to lecture on Japan. His long term of residence in Japan will give him the necessary back­ ground for a worthwhile address. We are keenly anticipating this event. ❖ * W=c MRS. JACOB WEBER DIES VICTORY LOAN CAMPAIGN F6A SALE av A FINISH FOR EVERY SURFACE Huron Lumber Co* Exeter A. Spencer & Son Hensall Dupres, Mo. 9 S.F.’T.S, contestants included Goo- dar<L Braceland. Voloski, Sdlilosser, Stogre, Sgt. White and P.O. Hen­ derson. During the intermission Sgt, OrMahoney, known as “Fiffa the Clown”, formerly with Barnum hnd Dailey, entertained the group. Guests were present from Exeter and surrounding district. To stage events of this kind entails much work, A vote of appreciation is duo Our weekly Tuesday evening dance was resumed this week. At this dance an innovation occurred, In place of one pianist, two key­ board artists combined to add vari­ ety and interest to the music. From time to time new musical talent is discovered and such usually finds its way to one of our musical organ­ izations here. » 1 ... . & #Movies for the week included “Who Done It”, starring Abbot and Costello; “The Gay Falcon”, starring George Sanders, and “Hold Rack the Dawn’7 with Charles Boyer, Olivia DeHaViland and Paulette God­ dard, That is all for now Harris Weber, Y.M.G.A. The death took place Tuesday afternoon at the home of her daugh­ ter, Mrs, John Caldwell, of Mrs. Jacob Weber, in her SStli year. The deceased, who before her marriage was Carolina Kercher, had been ill for two months. Her husband lira­ deceased her in 1935. She is surviv­ ed by two sisters, Mrs, John Schroed­ er, of Osnabrock, N, D,} and Leah Tomah, of New Dundee, one brother, Daniel Kercher, of neapoiis; two sons, Arthur and fa!, of Dashwood, and two daughters, Mrs, J. (Ida) Caldwell, of Exeter, and Mrs, Laura Schroeder, of Osna­ brock, N. D. The funeral will take place from Hoffman’s funeral parlor, Dashwood, on Friday at 1.30 p.m, and interment will be in Exeter Cemetery, Remember the meeting in the Thea,t?o in Exeter next Sunday night at 8:80 (after church services), See special advertising - regarding this meeting. Stop... Mrs, Ont., Mill" Dan- Breeding Failures with REX WHEAT GERM OIL Take out the guess Work -—Get Results — ■Yolfa ili’iigs at ROBERTSON’S Phone SB Kxlito*