HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1943-01-21, Page 8Page 3 . V’s Beauty Shoppe TH^J^TBBTIMES,ADVQCATE, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 31$t, m3 (umitlian Women Help— “PASS THJ] AMMUNITION” A 25c Stamp Buys 12 Bullets BUY A STAMP HERE TODAY VERA a DECKER, Prop. Phone 112 Exeter Markets .Wheat, $1.07. Creamery Buttei', 3De. Eggs,, A Large, 32 c. Eggs, Medium, SOe. Eggs, B, 25 c. Dressed Hogs, $16.25. Leavitt’ Exeter Ont.Phone 135 THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY JANUARY 21, 22, 23 Special Feature i Save Tires and Gasoline i E Fpr your future convenience E S ship your hogs with E local trucker where E get the highest prices E yield your you and Great Man’s Lady” with BRIAN DONLEVY and BARBARA STANWYCK fk | Archie Etherington | s Phone 171rll, Exeter = Marion Pooley Beauty Shoppe All Work Guaranteed CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Exeter Phone 245 f. Snell’s Taxi Service Phone 100 maarny MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY JANUARY 25, 20, 27 Two Special Features O Girl” starring ANN SHERIDAN RONALD REAGAN Hairdressing * * * Tomlinson’s Phone 146 LOCALS NOTICE and “The Navy Comes Through starring PAT O’BRIEN and GEORGE MURPHY NOTICE The Red Cross executive meeting postponed owing to the storm, will be held in the basement of the lib­ rary on Monday, January 25, at 3 P.m. * Keep February 5 open foi* the play at Fairfield school, A draw will be made for a quilt. ( I wish to inform the public that through the courtesy of White’s Ba­ kery I am ovens, By undamaged be able to rounding sary requirements. W. E. Middleton permitted to use their using some of our own machinery we hope to supply Exetex1 and sur- district with their neces- Bey. John Galloway J. G. .Coelhume, Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.--Public Worship 7 p.m.—Evening Service Monday, January 25, 8 p.m.- nual business meeting of the con­ gregation in the church. MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. N. J, Woods, M.A., Mwster Mrs. A. Y, WiJhird, Organist 10.30 Church School. 7 pan.-—Lantern Lecture “The Un­ ited Church in Newfoundland” Thursday, 3 pan.-—W.M.S. at the parsonage. Friday, Jan. 22, 8 p.m,—Annual congregational meeting. Monday, Jan. 25, 8 p.m.-—“Kum Jpinus” class social.evening. a,.m,—Public Worship The Minister. JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. A. B. Irwin, B.A. W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, January 24, 1943 a.m.—Morning- Worship “ INSTALLATION BY EASTERN STAR (continued from page L) Dignan, P.P, The incoming Worthy Matron also presented her instal- ling board with a gift of apprecia­ tion. The following were ficers installed for 1943: Worthy Matron. Mrs. M. fer; Worthy Patron, W. ders; Assistant Matron, Mrs. W Sanders; Assistant Patron, C Green; secretary, Mrs. Ida M. ders; treasurer, Miss Maude Horton; Conductress, Mrs, J. A. Traquair; Associate Conductress, Mrs, John Ferguson; Chaplain, Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers; Marshall, Mrs. Sanford Lawson: organist, Mrs. E. J. Green; Adah, Mrs. W. J. Smith; Ruth, Mrs. G. W. Lawson; Esther, Mrs. Rufus Kestle; Martha, Mrs. W. E. Middle- Quance; Sen- the of- w D. Tel- San- r. D . J San- ton; Electa, Mrs. E. M. Warder, Mrs. Mary Horney; tinel, B. W, F. Beavers. Before dispersing lunch was ed and a very pleasant social was spent. serv- time FORMER RESIDENT DIES Mrs. Mary Band, mother of Mrs. Albert Harness, now in London, formerly of Exeter, died at King, Ont., on Wednesday morning, Jan­ uary 13, and was on Saturday last, and Mrs. Harness Exeter that Mrs. from England and made her home with Mr. and Mrs. Harness. buried in Toronto It was while Mr. were residents of Band came out STILL A FEW GOOD CARS ±o pick from at the BLUE SUNOCO * * * 1941 Chevrolet Coupe 1940 Chevrolet Coach 1940 Chevrolet Coupe 1939 Dodge Coach 1936 Ford V8 Coach 1935 Dodge Coach 1932 Chev. Coach, standard 1930 Model A Ford Coupe * * » Fred Dobbs DODGE and DESOTO STEWART’S TAXI Phone 155w Exeter Day or Night STEWART BROS. GARAGE DANCING.... at Exeter’s New — DANCELAND — (The old Opera Housch EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT with TED PUDNEY General Admission 50c EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT >s with CLAYTON STEEPER IMr. H. S. Walter spent the week­ end with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Grant in London. Miss Alice Dales, B.A., of Wood- stock spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cole, Miss Vera Decker spent the week­ end with Mr. and Mrs. Roylance Westcott, of Usborne. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Grant, Don, Mac and Gary, of St. Thomas, vis­ ited with relatives in town Sunday." Mr. Jas. Jewell returned to Lon­ don Friday after visitin, for a couple of days, Rev. J. W. Down. Mr. J. M, Bradley, the Canadian Bank Crediton, has been transferred the Exeter branch. Miss Coqueline Simmons, of Lon­ don, and Miss Eva Copeland, R.N., of Albany, N.Y., are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Simmons. Staff-Sgt. Bill Dunsford, of Ipper- wash, and Miss Mary Baker, of Brussels, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dunsford. LAC. Carfrey Cann, who has been training at Victoriaville, Que., has been posted to the E.F.T.S. at Osh- awa. )Mrs. Cann and Patricia left last week to join him. Gnr. Clarence (King) McDonald, who has been spending his furlough at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe McDonald, left for Debert, N.S., on Sunday morning. Owing to the storm the annual congregational meeting of Main St. United Church which was to have been held Tuesday evening was postponed until Friday evening of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bell, of Elim­ ville, received a cablegram from their daughter, Second Lieutenant Bessie Bell, stating she had arrived safely overseas. Miss Bell is a nurse in the U.S. army. L.A.C. Reg. Wuerth, who has been confined to the hospital_ at Winnipeg for several weeks with pleurisy is recovering nicely but in all probability will be laid up for another couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Simon Greb return­ ed to their home in Exeter on Mon­ day. Mrs. Greb has been visiting with her daughter in Toronto since Christmas and Mr. Greb has spent the past two weeks visiting in To­ ronto and St. Catharines. Mrs, W. Martin, of Bristol, Que. spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. L. Penhale and attended the wings parade at'No. 9, S.F.T.S., Exeter, at which her son LAC. Stewart Martin received his wings and his com­ mission. Mr. and Mrs. C, V. at St. Marys Sunday death of a relative of Miss Caroline Chapman Smith, who died in a London hospital Saturday after an illness of two years. The deceased of late had been making her home with her sister, Mrs. P, S. Riddell. L.Cpl. Douglas Triebner returned to his home In London last Thursday from Shilo, Man,, on sick furlough following an operation for append­ icitis. Cpl. Treibner, (Mrs. Treibner and Roy, Mi*, and Mrs. Wm. Corbett and daughter and JutSoIi Corbett, of London, spent the week-end With Mr. and Mrs. N, Corbett. Sgt. ’Chas. Treibner, of Barry- field Camp, Kingston, spent several days last week with his mother, Mrs, Drank Treibner. Chatlie recently had the tip of the index finger of his right hand amputated at the knuckle joint following an accident. He has at the same time undergone an opei’ation foi* the removal of his tonsils. SALVAGE FAT SOLD H. C. Rivers, butcher, last week sold the first accumulation of sal­ vage fat to a government agency to aid in the manufacture of munitions of war and the money was handed over to the Wai* Time Committee for service work. Meat dealers all over Canada are accepting fats in tin containers of one pound or over. Save salvage fats and help the war effort. The money will also help to send parcels to the boys overseas. Local Ration Board Notes .g in Exeter the guest of of at to former teller of Commerce Pickard were owing to the Mrs. Pickard, 11 Avowal of Our Hope” p.m.—Sunday School and Bible 'jgjl Class ' — p.m.- 3 or over, may secure a ration by applying at the Clerk’s of- Exeter. your address or name has been Any member of the armed forces on subsistence or on leave of seven days card fice, If changed since the issuance of your present ration book you should get in touch with this office and com­ plete the proper form at once. Farmers or others who make dairy butter names should send or leave their at this office. Dorothy Traquair, nurse-in-Miss training at Victoria Hospital, Lon­ don, spent the latter part of the week at her home here. UKWSJI CYCLONE HOCKEY EXETER ARENA ( WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27th Doubleheader starting at 8 p.m. Eagles vs. Gremlins Second Game at 9.30 Exeter vs. Spare Parts The Eagles, Spare Parts and Grem­ lins are teams picked from the var­ ious divisions of No. 9 S.F*.T.S. The Exeter team will he made np of the remaining players of last year’s team along with players in the surrounding community and some of the Ail* Force boys who reside in town. Adm. Adults 25c; Children 15c Spills Thrills Action Galore ■■ ' JOHNSTON—ELLIS A wedding of interest was solem­ nized in the Detonia Park United Church, Toronto, when Joan Eileen Ellis, daughter of Mrs. Ellis and the late Herbert Ellis, became the bride of LAC. Carlyle A, Johnston, R.C. A.F., son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Johnston, Guelph. The bride wore a floor-length gown of white satin with floor-length veil. She carried red roses. Miss Verna Ellis was her sister’s bridesmaid. Wearing a tur­ quoise blue satin and net with pink roses. ----- ~ ” Woods ushers N.V.R., Flight Sergeant William was groomsman and were: Robert Haacke, R.C. and Norman Tilston, R.C. A.F. A reception was held at the Dawes Road Veterans’ Memorial Hall. After a short trip the couple will reside in Exeter. 3-Act flay the “MYSTERY AT MIDNIGHT’’ Under the auspices of the James Street Young People in James Street United Church Basement Wednesday, February 3rd nt 8.15 Admission 25c WE SELL WAR SAVINGS STAMPS Get the habit of buying them each week. PINK GRAPEFRUIT Per lb. 29c DALY GRANGE TEA—Your favorite tea can now be secured here. MIRACLE WHIP Sandwich Spread Very tasty.......................Med. size jar, 25c Our Store will be closed every Wednesday afternoon at 12 o’clock. i that Much those towns War Time the Times-iI Advocate? [ Your contribution can ; reduce your income tax i AID TO RUSSIA FUND tj If you are in need of a good overcoat it is a good time to secure one. You won’t get as good cloths again for Some time ait prices we are offering. We also have some good Boys’ Overcoats at prices that are worthwhile savings. Ladies’ House Dresses In good quality prints, well niade, splendid styles apd special value. Get your season’s supply at these prices. Cotton Flannels for Comforters A fine range of plaid cotton flannels for comforters. Most of these are good color- Suitable for comforters and children’s wear Youths' and Men's -Youth Service conducted by I gi* Y.P.U. .Speaker, Rev. Wm. Mair. I 8.15 p.m.—Fellowship Hour. A cor­ dial welcome to all. i Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir Leader, Mr. Miildleiuiss Third Sunday after Epiphany a.m.—Sunday School -Evensong and Sermon, meet- TOMATO SOUP—10 oz. tin 3 Day Special, get your supply ...3 for 23c AUNT JEMIMA PANCAKE FLOUR Ready to go.............................Per pack 15c TRIV1TT MEMORIAL CHURCH 11 7 p.m.- “A Peace Program” The annual vestry meeting postpon­ ed owing to the storm will be held on Tuesday, January 26, at 8 p.m. PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE Sunday School—2 p.m. Service—3 p.m. Evening Service—8 p.m. Wednesday, 8 p.hl-—Prayer ing. All are welcome. Pastor—K. Clemens ----X------------------------------ ZION EVANGELICAL CHURCH jg Crediton i 51. E. Reuber, B.A., B.D., Minister j iMrs. F. W. Morlock, Organist Lawrence A. Wein, Choir Leader 10 a.m.—Morning Worship 11 a.m.—Church School 7.30—Evening Worship — o—. Wednesday, 'S- p.m.—Ladies’ Aid and W.M.S. meeting at the home of Mrs. Fraser Brown Thursday, 8 Friday, 7.15 Friday, 7.45 pm—-Midweek Service p.m.—Junioi* League p.m.—Senior League Welcome RED CROSS RECEIPTS The following Red Cross dona­ tions are acknowledged by the trea­ surer, Geo. W. Layton: Eastern Star ........................... Dashwood Unit ..................... Exeter War Time Board ....... Unit 14, (S.S. No. 2 Hay) .... Jr. Red Cross, tea dance .... Grand Bend Community Sale $48.30 21.55 23.51 30.00 16.25 20.00 County Councillors Delayed By Storm Huron County Council was called ( to meet Tuesday. Owing to the! storm only sixteen members were ? Flannelette Pyjamas We should have had these for Christmas but they were late arriving. Extra value, ' good quality and well made. 8, 10, 12 and 14 years, $1.50 16 and 18 years, $1.59 Men’s, $2.25 Grocery Specials for Thurs., Friday and Saturday ,4 for 25c BRUNSWICK SARDINES in Mustard You will like them.......................Per tin 7c SMOKED SALT For curing meat ...............Large tin $1.25 CHEESE — Try our June cheese. It’s a dandy .... BLEACH It whitens your clothes Per bottle, 8c Southcott Bros Phone 16 On Sunday evening provincial headquarters for the Russian Relief Fund by radio announced the fact that for 'two cold Russian winters the schools and homes in the beseig- ed city of Leningrad had no fuel whatever, and very little food. This means that tens of thousands of women and children must have died ! and ’thousands more are in a pitiable [condition—yet they held on, and it i was announced on .Monday that . the seige had been raised. ! help is needed at once for I people. Many other cities and j are in like condition. We in Can- fada cannot do too much for these i people, for when they win the bat- I tie of Leningrad or Stalingrad they also win what might have been the battle of Halifax or Montreal or To­ ronto. Will you not help by giving something of your surplus by leav­ ing a donation with the Committee, the Banks or This is War! Your Suits Must Last Don’t expect one suit to stand the strain of everyday wear forever. By all means buy an extra one while you can do so. It has been found that by wearing youi* suits alternatively, you permit the fabrics to return to their original shape when not in use. In this way durability is greatly increased and cleaning, and pressing bills are reduced. be used to by use of OLUim VLUy OIAUUCU UXCIUUDAD IV wa V _ ’able to reach Goderich that day. the offlciaI from Toronto Railroad and highways were block-[ ed Wednesday and at the time of ' going to press there has been -no traffic through. Reeve B. W. Tuck- ey‘ and some of the other members from the south attempted to motor to Goderich Tuesday morning had to turn back. but ar- Crediton and Exeter P.S. Scholars Play Tie Game. ?A hockey game at the Exeter ena on Monday after school between pupils from the Crediton public school and room 5 of the Exeter public school resulted in a 2-all tie, Wuerth did the scoring for Credi­ ton and l?fes55cator foi* Exeter, The line-ups were: Crediton—W» Wein, (ft Wuerth, D. Roeszler, F. Waghofh, G, WttOrth and 0. Gaiser, Exeter—H. Presacator, J, Wilson, D. Easton, W. Smith, B, Luxton, Waghorn, H, Ellis, p, Eilis and BrintheiL Look at your label! w. H headquarters. Contributions previously acknow­ ledged amount to $470.37. Addi- 1 tional amounts follow: I Gerald Zwicker, Crediton ....$ I Miss Bessie Yelland ........... i Samuel Jory, R.R. 1 ............ Elimville Sr. Boys’ Primary| S.S. Class ........................ I Garnet Miners, R.R. 3 .......... lArdys McFalls ...................... By Mail, no name ................ .A, E. Buswell ..................... | Shipfca Sunday- School ..... . Mrs. V. Armstrong ......... . , Verne Pincombe, R.R. 3 ....... j Mr. and Mrs. Arthur lErhncis I Dr. H. H. Cowen I Reg Knight ............. ............ , Centralia Farmers’ Co-op. .... Mr. and Mrs. F. Brierley .... Wm. Fraytte .................. . Red Cross Unit 17, S.S. 4 & 5 USbotne ....... Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Eraser .... [Alfred Hicks ..... , I Miss McAUSh (additional) .... i I I J Place an Ad here and It e s u 1 t s . Watch 2.00 4.00 W. W. TAIWAN IlllllllllllIilllillllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIil RENDEZVOUS To my father’s liniemory At evening by the fireside . . . At night beside one’s hearth . While praying by one’s bedside,- Comes the longing of the heart. While across the fancies stealing, Cottles a face which one can see,— And the thoughts of looks appealing Returns again to me. ~ In these blessed memories Where spirits blend once more,— There ■ steals great trust, from me, ’ to you, That will last as in days of yore. FoS.V.le Which cannot perish decay,— each Will never more Are hopes which Ished, True love which have cher- lasts for aye. M. Penrose iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 33Va Main St. W.M.S. The Main Street W.M.S. met at the parsonage on January 14 with a good attendance, the president, Mrs. Jacques, presiding. The open­ ing hymn, “Standing at the Portals of the Opening Year” was sung. A report of .the year’s work was given and proved very satisfactory. The topic, “Christian Education” was very ably dealt with by Mrs. Lay- ton. Mrs. T. Mawhinney gave a splendid reading and Miss Hack­ ney then took charge of the worship service in which Mrs. Cole, Mrs. Jacques, Mrs. Lay.ton and Mrs. Woods took part. Mrs. Norman Hockey favored with a delightful solo and hymn, “Lord, Speak to Me” was sung followed by closing prayer. A meeting of the executive was held at the home of Mrs. Jacques on January 10 for the purpose of ar­ ranging for new programs for the coming year and other business. Mrs. Jacques Served a tasty lunch and a social time was spent,