HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1943-01-07, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 7th, 1943 HENSALL Mary Gibson, pf Brucefield, recently with ner sister, J. Todd. Phyllis Case returned home with relatives McKinnon, of spending McKinnnon is his and of Toronto,vis- Liss visited Mrs. A- Miss after a visit with friends and re­ latives in St. Catharines. Mrs. F. Weir, of Goderich, is vis­ iting' with ner son. Rev. William Weir, Mrs- Weir and Freddie. Miss Margaret MacLaren left this week for Waterloo, where she teach­ es history at the Ladies’ College^ Miss AUce Glenn, of Clinton, vis­ ited last week with her cousins, Misses Lois and Marion MacLaren. The many friends of Miss Katie Scptt are pleased to hear that she is much improved after her recent illness, Mr, and Mrs. Jack Verbeem and family, of Ipperwash, visited during the holiday week with relatives here. Mr, and Mrs. Claude Blowes, Claudette and Sandra returned home after a pleasant visit in London. L.A.C.' Donald E, Claresholm, Alta., furlough with Mrs. family. Mrs. D. Grassick, ited last week with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Walker. Mr, and Mrs. Harrjr Cook, of Windsor, were week-end visitors With the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Cook. Mr. Robert Sangster returned to his duties at Thedford after visit­ ing at the home of his mother, Mrs. Minnie Sangster. Mr, and Mrs, Milne Rennie, of Seaforth, were recent visitors with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs, William Dougall. The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper will be dispensed in Car­ mel Presbyterian Church on Sun­ day, January 17. Mr. Lome ’Scott, of Toronto, vis­ ited this week with his sisters, Miss Kaitie Scott, Mrs. Carrie Ballantyne and Mrs. Graham. ’ Miss Mary Clark returned to Wingham this week after spending the holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alf Clark. Mrs. Ed. McQueen had the mis­ fortune last week to fall on the icy walk just outside her home and frac­ tured her left arm. Mrs. R. H. Middleton, who has been confined to her room, suffer­ ing from an attack of pleurisy, is much improved at date of writing. L.A.C. Allen Soldan, of Toronto, spent several days recently visiting with his mother, Mrs, Harry Sol- dan and members of the family. r Miss Marion Dougall, R.N., of London, returned to her duties af­ ter a pleasant visit at her parents, Mr. and Dougall. Master Ross Cor.bett his home here after spending the holidays parents, bett. Miss Western up hex1 studies there after spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Cook. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Mickle, Bil­ ly, Betty and Charles spent the holi­ day week-end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George T. Mickle in Ridge town. Mrs. William Weir and Freddie returned home last week after spend- • ing Christmas and the holiday sea­ son with Mrs. Weir’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Bailey, in Hunts- yille. The staff of the Bank of Mont­ real in Zurich, comprising Mr. Daag, manager and Misses Margaret Glenn and Ellen Fremlin, assistants, have been transferred to the Hensall branch of the Bank of Montreal. It is understood they will go to Zur­ ich on Monday, Wednesday and Sat­ urday of each week to open the branch there for “business. Rev. William Weir conducted the services in Carmel Church on Sun­ day, delivering an inspiring message at the morning’ service in keeping with the Week of Prayer on the text, “The effectual fervent pray­ er of a righteous man availeth much.” The choir sang an anthem entitled “Sweet Hour of Prayer”. At the evening service Mr. Weir con­ tinued his series of sermons on “The Lord’s Prayer in War Time” Prayer services will be held dur­ ing the week in the local churches commencing at 8 p.m. on Tuesday evening, the, service was held in the United Church, the speaker, Rev. Grant, of Kippen, delivering an in­ spiring evening Church, er, and xnel Presbyterian Church when Rev. R. A. Brook will be the guest speaker. FPi’dst - Jamieson A quiet wedding took place at Niagara Falls on Saturday When Rev. Gordon united iri marriage Margaret Jaihiosbii, daughter df Mr, and Mrs, Jamieson, Niagara Falls, and Gunner Louis Forest, of Sussex, N»B«, son of Mr, John Forest, Of Hensall, The bride wore a tur­ quoise blue street-length dress and navy accessories and corsage of American Beauty roses. They are spending their honeymoon at Niag­ ara Falls. the home Mrs. W. returned of R. to at the home of his grand­ Mr] and Mrs. Fred Cor- Norma Cook returned to University, London, to take message; on Wednesday in St. Paul’s Anglican Rev. William Weir, speak- Thursday evening in Car- is Clark, Sr., representing the. Or­ ange Lodge; W. O. Goodwin and Fred Smallacombe, representing the Masonic Order and W, R. Dougall •and George Fee representing the I I.Q.Q.F, Interment was made In • Hensall Union cemetery, where •the Oddfellows’ service was con­ ducted by Petei’ L. McNaughton, Noble Grand and Stanley Bove, Chaplain, Council Meeting The first regular meeting of the 1943 village council was held on Monday eyeping in the council cham­ ber with all members present. Min­ utes of the previous meeting were read and adopted pn motion of J, Parkins and A, W. Kerslake. K, Hicks appeared, asking a refund pf the balance of his transient trader’s license fees, Same is to be consider­ ed later. R. J. Paterson, tax col- the1 lector, reported having collected as be of of WJ. Meeting The January meeting of the Hen­ sall Women’s institute will he held on Wednesday evening, January 13 at the home of Mrs, W. O. Good* win with Mrs. Ernie Chipchase co-hostess. The roll call will answered by “Famous Sayings Famous People”. Rev. Grant, Kippen, will be the guest speaker. The motto, “The Foundation of Ev­ ery Community is the Education of its Youth” will be taken by Mrs. Chipchase. The recipe will he given by Mrs. Byron Kyle and Mrs, F. Beer will give the current events. At this meeting a special collection is being asked for to aid ’the “Seeds for Britain Fund”, Each member is reminded to bring tea, pencil -paper. and The Cross Town Aipinal Meeting annual meeting of the Society will be held in Hall, Hensall, on Monday,] $10,882.76 of the 1942 roll, leaving Red January 11, when Majoi’ Watson, of a balance of $711,5?' uncollected. Toronto, field secretary of the Red On motion of F. W. Smallacombe and E, W, .................... • will be left ■lector until I reported in connection with ' on King St., arid was instructed to 1 get in touch with J. Massee, J. A. I Paterson, treasurer, reported" li- j quid assets as at January 1 of about $6,000.00 and no liabilities. Cor­ respondence was read as follows; Provincial Treasurer re railway tax; ■ Department of Highways, County t Cross for Hensall, will speak. Fea- [ and E, W, tured during the evening will be the presentation of two motion films, “There Too Go I”. This film covers various activities of the Red Cross work, distribution to prison­ ers of war, ambulances, field kit­ chens, food offices and administra­ tive service, and the various steps of the blood donor departments. In this film the noted English actress, Anna Neagle, plays a prominent part and Her Majesty, Queen Eliba- Treasurer. Correspondence was fil- betli, also appears. The other film, “Britain at War”, covers various theatres of war as given out by the British Bureau ' of Information. These pictures are well worth see­ ing. Everybody welcome. Fink the collector’s roll in the hands of the col- March 1, 1943, T. Kyle snow DASHWOPP Pte. Walter -Ness, of Chatham^ spent a few days with his mother, Mrs. Ness, last week, Mrs, E. E. Tieman and daughter, Mary Ann, who have been here, left last week for where they will spend the the winter. Mrs. Effie Kleinstiver is Ip Bowmanville and Toronto. Mr. and spent New Exeter, Mr, and spent New Year’s in Bryanston. Mr. and Mrs, D. Tieman received a cable on New Year’s from their son, Lieut, Lome Tieman, who is somewhere in New Guinea, wishing them a Merry Christmas mnd a py New Year. Mrs. Walter George Smith baby, Georgina, are visiting Mr, and Mrs, Norman Vincent, Carl Oestreicher left on Monday for Guelph where he is attending O.A.C. ing his lations. Mrs. Mrs, Harold Year’s with Mrs, A. K. staying Barrie, rest of vising Kellerman friends in Qestreichex’ Hap and With Carl was successful in pass- exams, We extend congratu- I, who Colborne Mrs. Annie MacDonald Dies Suddenly ; Mrs. Annie MacDonald passed , away suddenly at her home here , on Monday morning in her 82nd year. The deceased was formerly . Miss Annie McAsh and was born ■ at Varna and came to Hensall to reside several years ago. She was a member of Carmel Presbyterian Church. Surviving are three sis­ ters, Miss Mary, with whom she re­ sided; Mrs. Margaret McKenzie, Brucefield and Mrs. Munshaw, De­ troit; two brothers, Dr. John Mc­ Ash, Tara; and Ed McAsh, London; a private funeral service was held from the home on Wednesday at 1.3 0 p.m., conducted by Rev. William Weir assisted by Rev. R. Interment was in Mt. cemetery, Loridon. Reeve Shaddick Tackled Thieves and Held Reeve R. E. Shaddick, of Hen­ sall, tackled two alleged car thieves on No. 4 Highway, south of Clin­ ton, on New Year's Eve and man­ aged to hold one until police ar­ rived, the other having loosed him­ self and disappeared. The youths are alleged to have stolen the automo­ bile of Reeve Fred Watson, of Stan­ ley Township, from the street in Clinton. The radiator had been drained of water and they had not gone far, on the highway south of Clinton when the engine heated and seized. The man held is 17-year- old'. Howard Wilson, of Toronto, and the one sought is believed to be George Williams, aged 18. One youth stopped Reeve Shaddick for aid as he was returning home. He had heard of the theft in Clinton and recognized the car and managed to hold Wilson until Constable Lever, of Clinton and Constable Ferguson, of Exeter, arrived. In transporting the prisoner to jail, Constable Le­ ver’s car ran out of gas and he had to wait until 7 o’clock in the morn­ ing to replenish his supply before proceeding to Goderich. Geo. O. Petty Passes Away In His 88th Year One of Hensall’s most prominent residents died at his home here on New Year’s day in the person of Mr. George C. Petty, in his 88th year, following a lengthy illness. Born in Hay Township, the deceased 'was the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Petty. He was one of the founders of the village of Hensall and was the first one to build a home here. He was the first councillor of the village and served as reeve at dif­ ferent titties, having lived her since the village was incorporated. Mr. Petty was a large property owner, and conducted the Yorkshire Pack­ ing House and had the first meat market in Hensall. He was a most prominent member of St. Paul’s Ang­ lican Church, being minister’s war­ den and people’s warden, founder of the I.O.O.’F. in Hensall and a member of the A.F. & A.M. and Or­ ange Lodges. Mr. and Mrs. Petty celebrated their diamond wedding anniversary several years ago. Sur­ viving are his widow, formerly Hannah Dinsdale; four daughters, j Mrs. Lorne Scott, Toronto, Mrs, Ken-1 lledy, Winnipeg; Mrs. C. Abbott,, Detroit, and Mrs. G. M. Smith, St. | Marys; one sori, HaiiSon, j A. Brook. Pleasant Two Cai* One ed. Moved by J. Parkins, seconded by A. W. Kerslake that F. Smalla- combe and E. Fink be a property • committee. Moved and seconded by F. W. Smallacombe and E. Fink that A. Kerslake and J. Parkins be a street committee. The following bills and accounts were ordered paid on motion of E. Fink and F. W. Smallacombe: J. A. Paterson, premium on bonds, $28.00; A. McEwen, labor, streets, 90c; W. Hilderbrand, labor, streets, 9 0c; W. Dabus, labor, streets, 90c; I. Geiger, teaming, streets, $12.60; F. G. Bon- thron, postage, $5.0b; Hydro Com­ mission, hydro, hall, $12.03; T. Kyle, salary, $70.-00; R. Dick, labor, rink, $15.45; F. Kenning, labor, rink, $6.0 0; C. Schwalm, labor, rink, $1.13; H. Wolff, labor, rink, $1.25; R. Schwalm, Pfaff, labor, $197.29. Moved by Parkins that given first reading. Fink and F. labor, rink, $1.13;‘J. rink, $42.00; Total, A. Kerslake and J. By-laws 1 and 2 be Carried. Moved by E. Fink and F. -Smallacombe | that By-laws 1 and 2 be given sec­ ond, third and final reading and fin- i ally passed. Moved and seconded I by F. Smallacombe and E. Fink that I the clerk be authorized to order 8 copies of the Municipal World, also the necessary supplies. On ‘mo­ tion of A. Kerslake and E. Fink the council authorized the fire chief to make a list of supplies needed for fire fighting and hand same to the council to purchase at once. On motion of J. Parkins and F. Smalla- 1 combe ’the meeting was adjourned till February 1st or at the call of the reeve. Jas. A. Paterson, Clerk WOODHAM The Young People of the Church held a crokinole party in the church basement last Wednesday evening with a splendid attendance con­ sidering the icy condition of the roads. Community singing led by Miss Gertrude Cann was indulged in and a pot luck lunch was served at the close. Mr. and Mrs. William Essen, of Eddie Mills, returned to their home last Sunday, having -spent the Christmas holidays with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Johnson. Miss Margie Laing, returned to her duties at North Bay on Sunday evening after visiting at her home here. Mr. funeral of his sister, Swallow, of Kingsville on last. Visitors in and out of lage for New Year’s were: Wilbur Wynn attended the Mrs. John Sunday the vil- Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Murray with Mrs. John Routley; Mr. and Mrs. H. Hanna and children, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ross, of Kirkton, with Mr. and Mrs. William Thompson; Mr. and Artixux* Rundle and Mr. and Jack Smith with Mr.-and Mrs. Bert Rundle; Mr, and Mrs. James Squire With Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Stone, of Kirkton; Mr. and Mrs. Everard Mil­ ler1 and Freddie, of Zion and Mr. and Mrs. Millar, of Thames Road Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Pringle and ily, of London, witli Mr. and Merviix Copeland; Master Kenneth Pringle is staying over for a few holidays; Mr. Russel Laing, of Guelph with his parents, Rev. A. arid Mrs. Laing. x.x. SX..XAVX. Wednesday evening of this Marys; one sori, Hanson, gave his we®k th® Bed Cross Society held a life in the last Great War and two c°hcert in the Orange Hall. A good daughters, Millicent and Gertrude Progi’Uxh was provided with Major died several years ago; one sister, I Watson, of Tdrohtb, as the guest Miss Alice Petty, Toronto. FUtter-.peaker. He showed laiiteVn slides, al Service was held froni the hbme! W.M.S. met Wednesday af- on Monday at 2 p.m., followed by (-?/Ze a public furieral service Paul’s „__ p.m. Rev. M. A. Hunt the Service^ assisted by Archdeacon Doherty, The floral tributes wore very beau­ tiful arid hUnxeVoUs. ers were Johtt Henderson arid Lew- agaitil” Mrs. Mi'S. 1 and Mrs, James Millar; with Mr. fam- Mrs. from St I kasehieht With Mrs. Cecil Cainm In Ainglicai? Church -at 2.3o\cha^e o£ th6 prOgr£lm‘ conducted Vdiiorable of Londori. “I’iri hi an awful predicament.” “What’s the trouble?” “I’ve lost my glasses and I can’t The pallbear- look for them until I’ve found them Hopcroft and Russell, have been visiting in Port returned home on Sunday, Donald Oestreicher, who attending medical school don, has returned for his sixth Mr. Norman Vincent visited Mr. and Mrs. Harold Prance, of Thedford, on Thursday. Mr. W. G. Smith, B.S.A., of the Haig Farm, Thedford, left a couple of days before Christmas for Eve­ sham, Sask., where he will visit with his parents. Mr. Smith hasn’t seen his parents since his graduation six years ago. He had a pleasant trip and intends returning -home on 'the 7 th of January. New Year’s visitors with Mr. Mrs. Norman Vincent were Charles Reaman, of Blake;.Mr. Mrs. George Bullock and Donna, El- da Mae and Johnnie, Mr. and Mrs. George Smith and Georgina, and Mrs. Harold E. Prance daughters, Betty and Shirley, Thedford, and Mr. Earl Vincent, Josephs. has in been Lon- year. with and Mr. and St. ELIMVILLE CREDITON Holiday visitors at the hoine of Mr. apd Mrs, J. Woodall were A.C.2 and Mrs. Jack Pryde, pf Exeter, Miss Laura Messrs, kin, pf Mrs. in St. has returned home and is recuper­ ating at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Eryine Eggert, at Greenway. Mr. Ed. Yearley, of Tilbury, spent the holiday at the home of his par­ ents, Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Yearley. Mr. Lloyd Lamport returned home on Thursday after spending a week with friends in Tilbury, Service of public worship op the Crediton circuit will be conducted by the minister. Rev. Lawrence H, Turner, when the subject will be “Lead. Us Not Into Temptation”, the minister continuing his analysis Of the Lord’s.prayer,, The annual congregational meet­ ings of the churches comprising the Crediton circuit are as follows: Cre­ diton, Tuesday, January 12 at 8 p.m.; Brinsley, Wednesday, January 13 at 8 p.m.; Shipka, Thursday, January 14 at 81 p.m. For the duration of the war the Women’s Association and the W.M.S. of the United jointly on the each month. Mr. and Mrs. New Year's friends in Kitchener, Waterloo and Bridgeport. Mrs. Vera LaVigne and daugh­ ters, Jean.and Gertrude and friend, Stanley Semegen, of Windsor, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Al­ bert King. Sunday, January 3 the annual promotion exercises were held in the Crediton United Church. Awards were also given to the pupils with the highest marks for attendance and number of verses learned. Under the auspices of the Sunday School a very successful and en­ joyable social evening was held New Year’s eve in the Sunday i Woodall, pf London, and Bill Woodall and Don Ran- Tilbury, R. Stahl, who has been ill Joseph’s Hospital, London, Church will meet second Thursday of Ross Krueger spent with relatives and Mr. and of . School room of the United Church, of: The first part of the program was % directed by which several were played. the C.G.I.T. of Mrs. H. Mitchell King. All junior the minister rounds of Lunch under was the and andGnr. Reg McDonald, of Petawawa and Mrs. McDonald, of Exeter, Mrs. S. Hunter, Roy and Glen, of Eden and Miss Gerta Hunter, of London, were Christmas visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Skinner; Mr. and Mrs. William Routly, Anna and Grace and Mr. and Mrs. Wes Horne , were with Mr. and Mrs. A. Sumner, ' instruction will become a very de­ St. Marys; Mr. and Mrs. Dykeman, ] finite part of the school curriculum after crokinole served by direction Mrs. Sam primary scholars of the Sunday School - re­ ceived a bag containing the usual orange, candy , etc. Herb Mitchell, the superintendent, is to be con­ gratulated on such a delightful eve­ ning. Beginning Wednesday religious Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dykeman j at the Crediton public school. For and children and Mrs. Bullock, of i the first half of the remaining ’ school year Rev. Reuber will dis­ pense religious knowledge to the senior grades with Rev. Turner giv­ ing instruction to the junioi* grades. Two esteemed elders of the church, George Mawhinney and Joseph Lawson, are confined to their homes through illness. It is the expresesd hope that they may soon be restored to their normal health. Annual Meeting The annual meeting of the Ladies’ Aid and W.M.S. of the Evangelical Church was held at the parsonage on Tuesday, December 29, with Mrs. Nelson Schenk in charge of the de­ votional period. A hymn was sung and the Scripture was read by Mrs. H. Schenk, followed by prayer by Mrs. A. Amy. Grace Gaiser, De­ lores Pfaff and Delores Schenk sang a Christmas carol. Mrs. H. M. Faist gave the second and third chapters of the study .book and Mrs. Chris Haist a reading on “Service”. The president, Mrs. A. Amy, then took the chair for a brief business session. Letters of appreciation were read from several shut-ins, who had been remembered by the society at Christmas. A moment of silence was observed in memory of Mrs. L. Schwartz, former presi­ dent, who died the past year. Rev. M. E. Reuber then took charge of the election of officers, when Mrs. Dan Finkbeiner presented the fol­ lowing slate: President, Mrs. Arthur Amy; first E. Reuber; Mrs. Chris, dent, Mrs. secretary, Mrs. Hugo Schenk; surer, Ladies’ Aid, Mrs. H. M. Faist; treasurer, W.M.S., Mrs. Albert Mor­ lock; corresponding secretary, Mrs. H. K. Eilber; pianist arid chorister, Mrs. Emmery Fahrner; assistant pianist, Mrs. Herb Morlock; secre­ tary of literature, Mrs. Dan Fink­ beiner; secretary of and tithing, Mrs, E, secretary of prayer league, Ezra Faist; secretary of temperance, Mrs. Wes Wein; adviser of Y.P.M.C,, Mrs. H. K. Eilber; convener of mem­ bership and magazines (Finkbeiner; Mrs. George social committee, Mrs. Harry Bea­ ver; convener of parsonage commit” tee, Mrs, Hugo Schenk; convener of transportation committee, Mrs. Clayton Sims; convener of flower and good- cheer committee, Mrs. Royal Gaiser; Red Cross representa­ tive, Mrs. H, M« Faist; auditors, Mrs. Freeman Morlock and Mrs. M. E. Reuber. ■, The treasurer of the Ladies’ Aid reported balance Mrs, A. Dykeman; Mr. S. of Dashwood with Mr. Launce Bat- and Mrs. Batters- Galt, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dykeman and children, of Zion, with Mr. and Mrs. J. Miller and family Mr. Thos. Bell; tersby, R.C.A.F., by arid children, of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Gould and children and Mr. and Mrs. H. Rader and child­ ren, of near Dashwood, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wes Heywood; L.Bdr. E. Carsca'dden with Mrs. Carscad- den at the home of Mr. G. Miners; Miss Grace Brock, of Galt, and Mr- Billy Brock, of Crumlin, • spent Christmas and New Year’s at the home of Mr. J. Brock; Mr. Howard Pym, of Malton airport, was home for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs, Harry Murch, Sr., and Cpl. and Mrs. Harry Murch, Donna and Lonnie, of London, were at the home of Mr. P. Murch for Christmas. Cpl. Murch and fam­ ily are remaining while he is on 14 days’ leave. A.C.l Earl- Courtis, of Camp Bor­ den, and Sgt. ’ - Aylmer, spent their New leave at their homes here, ing on Monday. Mrs. Ewart Cornish, of and Mr. Mack Cornish, of were visitors with Mrs. J. during the holiday week. mechanic at spent New Charles Ste- Clarence Ford, of Year’s return- Mr. Laurie Stephen, Sky Harbor Airport, Year’s leave with Mr. phens. Miss Florence Bell, the V.O.N., Toronto, London, Clinton, Cornish Reg.'N., of spent five days of the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. T. Bell. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Brock and Mr. and Mrs. John Brock and Grace visited Mr. Len O’Reilly and family in Sarnia last Saturday. The officers for the Senior Bible Class were appointed last Sunday as follows: President, Mrs. Pooley; first vice-president, Mrs. A. Pym; second vice-president, Mr. John Rid­ ley; treasurer, Mr. Lewis Johns; asst, treasurer, Mrs. E. Skinner; secretaries, Mrs. Davis and Mrs, S. Herdman. vice-president, Mrs. M. second vice-president, Haist; third vice-presi- Wes. Wein; recording trea- stewardship M. Reuber; Mrs. ROBERTSON’S CONDITION POWDER Mrs, J. convener of sewing, Eilber; ednvener of 3 lbs. — $1.00 9 lbs. — $2.45 Guaranteed no Filler Results considered, yob will find tliis powder unequalled as a tonic for all fawn stock * * * Robertson’s Drug Store Cann’s Grist Mill Roy Francis, Kirkton . E. Allen, Cromarty receipts of $200.32 with a oh hand of $116.85 ahd Morlock reported $147.67 Early Hatched Chicks for More Profits ENSURE YQURSELF PROSPERITY IN 1943-44 BY PLACING YOUR ORDER NOW FOR EARLY HATCHED CHICKS that lay all through the highest, priced period from August 1st to January 1st, * Britain’s 1943 contract calls for an additional 18 million dozen of eggs, We predict many chick buyers will wait months to get their chick requirements. Large Type White Leghorns, Rock x Leghorns, Sussex a Leghorns, Pure bred Sussex, Sussex x New Hamp., Barred Rocks, New Hampshires. INCUBATORS NOW RUNNING Office open every day and Saturday to 9 p.m. Place Your Order Now Lakeview Poultry Farm Wein Bros. Phone 78. E: had been raised for Missions. The meeting closed with prayer by Rev, M. E. Reuber and a social half hour was then enjoyed, followed by an expression of appreciation host and hostess. to the regular of this Mr. and Mrs. Wil- Exeter. Rohde and Billie with Mr. and Mrs. and Mr. United various special10 a at the Sun- the Russian SHIPKA The Y.P.S. held their meeting on Tuesday evening week in the form of a social eve ning at the home of Mr. John Lamport. Crokinole was played. A meeting of the Ladies’ Aid will be held on Thursday afternoon of this week at the home of Mrs. Roy Ratz. The annual congregational meet­ ing will be held on Thursday even­ ing, January 14, at the Church. Reports from the organizations will be given. On Sunday, January offering will be given day School in aid of Relief fund. Miss Violet Sharpe has -returned to her school duties at Lindsay af­ ter spending the Christmas vacation at her home here. Miss Alma Ratz has resumed her duties at Zion after spending Christmas with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Ratz spent New Year’s in London visiting with t-he latter’s father, Mr. P, Fassold, who has been a patient in Victoria Hospital and is improving. Mr. and Mrs. George Clark and children, of Thedford; Mr. and Mrs. Glen Brenner and Annie Brenner, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Fred McPherson, of Parkhill, spent the week-end at the home -of Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Sweitzer. Mr. Jack McKenzie, of Windsor, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Art Finkbeiner. Mr. family latives Mr. Messrs. spent New Year’s at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ilderton. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne and family spent New with relatives at Ailsa liam Rohde, Dorothy Squires; lunch comm., Alice Passmore, Doris Dun­ can, Ray Stewart, Allan Coward. The meetings are to be held' every Sunday evening at <8.30 p.m. Every­ body welcome. Mr. and Mrs. John Allison spent New Year’s with liam Passmore in Mr. and Mrs. spent New Year’s R. Keller, of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. C. Miller and fam­ ily spent New Year’s with Mr. and Mrs. J. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. E. Stewart and fam­ ily spent New Year’s with Mr. and Mrs. A. Morgan. Mr. and Mrs. W. Ferguson family spent New Year’s with and Mrs. O. Jacques at Cromarty. Thames Road Sunday School en­ tertainment was held in the church last Wednesday evening.* The pro­ gram was put on by the children and was much enjoyed. At the close of the program all assembled in the basement and the children were treated to candy bags. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Moodie visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Allison on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Green spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Rohde,. spent New of Western, holidays at children and Mrs. of Grand Bend, and New Year’s William Sweitzer. and re- and Mrs. Arthur Webb spent New Year’s with in Exeter. and Mrs. Ed. Lamport Lorne and John Lamport and McNair, of Finkbeiner Year’s day Craig. THAMES ROAD Mrs. William Moodie received word that her cousin, J. D. Downie, of Winnipeg, former this district, passed Christmas Day. The following spent day with Mr. Cann: Mr. family, of Whalen; Robert Cann and family, Mr. and Mrs. William Jeffrey and family, Mr. and Mrs. Carmen Cann family, Mrs. Monteith, Edgar teitli, Mrs. Wiseman, Mr. Thomas Ballantyne and Mrs. Roy Lamport. Miss Margaret Allison week-end at her home. Miss Ann Morgan returned London on Monday after spending the holidays at home. Mr. Bruce Mair returned to Al­ bert College on Wednesday. Mrs. Wiseman IS Visiting with her (brother, Rev. W. Monteith, in Font Hill. Rev. and Mrs. Mair attended the Ministerial Association meeting al the home of Rev, and Mrs. A. B. Ir­ win In Exeter on Mbnday afternoon. The Y.P.U, met in the church oh Sunday evening, officers for the coming year ate as follows: Hon­ orary president, Mi4. Mali4; prOsb dent, Edwin Miller; Vice-president, Jean 'Cann; secretary, Eleanor Daw­son; treasurer, Arnold Gann; pian­ ists, Marion Hodgert, June Coward, Alice Passmore; program comm., Mary Borland, Allison Morgan, Wil- resident of away on New Year’s and Mrs. William and Mrs. Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. and Mr. and Mon­ Mrs. and spent the to and Mrs. Whit- Marys Road, Mrs. St. with Mr. and P. Passmore Johns and and Gar- Mr. Bert Gardiner Year’s at his home. Miss Shirley Duncan, University, spent the her home. Mr. George Coward, Miss Victoria*. Coward and Mrs. William Hodgert,. of Exeter, Mrs. Thomas Willis, of Centralia, and Mr. ney Coates, of spent New Year’s Roy Coward. Mr. and Mrs. family, Mr. William family, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur diner and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ma- vers and family spent -New Year’s with Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Duncan. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Roland Williams, Hazel and Onah, and Mr. James Smith spent New Year’s at the manse. and Mrs. Frank Statton, Mr. HARPLEY Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. New­ ton Hay ter for New Year’s were Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Statton and Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wilds, all of Grand Bend, also Mr. and Mrs. Fred McLinchey and daughter Eleanor. Mr. and Mrs. Colin Love spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hodgins, of the Mollard Line. Mrs. Gladys McLinchey wTent to Detroit and spent a few days with her sisters there. New Year’s guests at the home of Mr. Mansell Hodgins were Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love, Betty, Don and Clare, of Shipka and Mrs. Clarence Hardy, Helen and Frank, of LucaiX and Miss Jean Morley Of Whalen. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Love and fam­ ily and Mrs. Colin Love and family spent New Year’s at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Love, of Thedford. Mr. arid Mrs, Newton Hayter spent week end at the home of Mr* Mrs. Kenneth Lovie, in Hamil- last and ton, Follow the Classifieds—they save you money. DANCE TIEMAN’S HALL, DASHWOOD New and Old Time WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13th MURDOCK’S ORCHESTRA Admission 35c J. A. Service *♦