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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1940-12-25, Page 8
WEDNESDAY, DEO. 25th, 1910 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE GREETINGS E’or the liatronage accorded during tiie year, we thank you. We welcome this opportunity extend to our manj friends a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy Prosperous New Year. V’s BEAUTY SHOP Phone 112 Evenings by appointment Vcia C, Decker, Proprietress Exeter Markets Wheat for Wheat Boai;4 53&c, New Wheat 70c. Creamery Butter, 40-41 Eggs, A Large. 25c Eggs, Medium. Eggs B, 21c. Dressed Hogs, $10.35 Dr. Cowen wishes to announce that he will open up in his new fiee building, Main St., Friday this week. SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned will be receiv ed at the office of the County Clerk until 5 o’clock p.m. Wednes day, January 15th, 1941, for the sale of a two-storey brick house on Cameron St., Goderich Ont., for merly used as the Children’s Shel ter. Tenders will be received eith er for the house or the house and its furnishings Tenders to be accompanied by a marked cheque for 5 per cent of the tender price. If the tender is accepted, a further 35 per cent to be paid within thirty days and the balance may be secured by mort gage with interest at 4 per cent. The highest or any tender not ne cessarily accepted. Persons desiring this house may do at the County Court House. Goderich. N. W. MILLER, County Clerk. to NOTICE TENDERS WANTED US I CHRISTMAS GREETINGS i SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNER We wish you all most heartily A MERRY CHRISTMAS with all the joys that the season brings, Christmas Greetings CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev, Douglas O. Hill, BA., B«D, Minister Mrs. J, G. Cochrane, Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 p.m.-—New Year’s Message. 7 p.m.—Public Worship >*- '.V (greetings IDEAL MEAT MARKET C. Tanton Main St, C. E. ZURBRIGG Optometrist at Exeter Open every week day except Wednesday Phone 38 at to look through so by applying Clerk's Office, THE CENTRAL HOTEL Dinner Served from 12.30 to 2 and 5.30 to 7 o’clock Price 75c Central Coffee Slioppe Open every Saturday from 7 to 12 All boys between the ages of 12 and 20 desirous of playing hockey this winter are asked to register at Traguair’s Hardware. FOR SALE—Rogers Electric 5- tube Mantle Radio in good working I condition. For information Phone ' 13'9 Hensall. FARMS FOR SALE — 75-acre farm, good house and barn, 'hydro, close to school. Terms. Other farms. Also chopping mill outfit, well located and a going concern. C. V. Pickard. Phone 165. STRAYED—Onto Lot 7, Con. 3. Biddulph, a yearling steer. Owner may have same by paying expens es and proving property. Apply to Ivan Isaac, Lucan R.R, 1 12-24-3tn LOST—A manure fork with onp broken prong, east on Huron Street. Phone 176rl6, Exeter. Sapper Douglas Gould, of Camp Borden, spent a few days at 'his home. Mr. Barry Wenger is spending Christmas with his family at Mit chell. Mr. and Mrs. J. Willis and family are, spending Christmas in Centralia. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Appleford, of Hamilton, are visiting at the home of Mr. Jos. Senior. Mr, and Mrs. Ted Taman, of Lis- towel,’ spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Taman. Miss Dorothy Welsh, of Sarnia, is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. E. Welsh. Mr. Anson Smale of Farquhar, is spending a few days with Mr and Mrs. Arthur Day. Signaller Warren Sanders, of the on a (APPLES FOR SALE—10-0’ bus. Spys, 50 bus. other varieties at 70ic per bushel. Apply to James Gar diner, Kirkton, or phone 21rl0, Kirkton. ltp. FOR SALE—iFrame cottage on south side of Gidley St., residence of the late Henry Welsh. Apply to R. E. Balkwill. ltp. FOR SALE—100-acre farm, lot 8, South Thames Road. Apply to Mrs. Frank Hutchison, Staffa. 2tp ICE CREAM—For your special! festive season or your parties. Jum-’ bo, full pints, 18c each, 2 for 35c. Exeter Frozen Foods. STRAYED—'Onto lot 1, con. 5, Usborne, a two-year-old steer. Own er may have same by proving pro perty and paying expenses. ‘Apply to Fred Dobbs, phone 9r4, Lucan. 1212-3 tc STORES, Dwellings, garagd? saw mill. woodwork shop and farms, large and small, W. C. Pearce, .Exeter f FOR SALE—Good 8-year Clyde mare. also a freshen Exeter. old Cheap for quick' sale; old to Elliot, Jersey cow, 6 years at Xmas. Sandy SALEVILLAGE PROPERTY FOR Brick house, two-storey, over acre of land. Immediate deed. Right price for quick sale. Apply to J. W. Morley or R. N. Creech. HOUSES FOR SALE—Several comfortable homes in Exeter and surrounding villages. Range of prices. Good values. C. V. Pickard, phone 165 'SKATES WANTED The Exeter Lions club is making an appeal for skates and boots, sizes 4 and 5, for boys and girls at the Exeter public school. Free skating is provided for school children twice a week at the Exeter arena. A number of pairs of skates have been provided but a few more are needed. Leave them with principal, J. B. Creech, or at Umos-Advocata.. the the FOR SALE PEA ENSILAGE $1.00 PER TON Hours, 8 a.m, to 5 p.m. Saturday, 8 a.m. to 12 noon Contracts are now being taken for String Beans CANADIAN CANNERS. Exeter, Ontario week Mrs. as in- his mother for Christ- Mrs. Gordon Wilson and Centralia spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. 'George of Helen Stevens and Jackie, at the home Mr. and Mrs, Sarnia, former- after a week’s Mrs. F, A. R.C.C.S., Toronto, is home sixday Christmas leave. Mrs. J. S. Harvey left last to visit with her daughter, Stacey, at Willow Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. B. Bowey are spending Christmas at Ilderton with Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Calvert. Electricians 'have been busy quite a number of farmers have stalled hydro for Christmas. Mr. Hiram Shapton, of Stephen, is confined to his home through ill ness with a nurse in attendance. Mr. Laverne Christie, who is at tending Commercial School in To ronto1 is home for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers spent Sunday in Sarnia with Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Beavers and babe. • Mr. Rowe Dinney, of Stratford, spent the week-end at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Din ney. Mr. W. C. Davis, on the staff at Sky Harbor Airport at Goderich, is visiting mas. Mr. and Harvey ‘evening Hay. Mrs. of Detroit, are visiting of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Lovie, of Ste phen. Private Rollie Motz, of Chatham, arrived home Monday and will spend a six-day leave at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith, and Marion and Mrs. Wm. Penhale of Forest, are spending Christmas with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Newton spent the week-end with Frank 'Simpkins, of ly of Exeter. Mrs. R. Welsh, visit with her sister, Brimacombe, in Hamilton, returned home last week. Mrs. G. A. Matheson and son, of Petrolia, spent several days last week with her brother, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Tomlinson. Miss Hazel Elliot, of the Kitch ener-Waterloo hospital, spent. Sun day evening with her parents, Mr. and Ml'S. A. O. Elliot. The Silver Maple Club were enter tained to tea at the home of Patsy Hay on Friday and the evening was spent at a theatre party. Miss Jean McQuSen, of and Mr, Harry Snell, of spent Sunday with the mother, Mrs. J. C. Snell. Messrs. Borden Sanders, Fuke, Grant Taylor and Snell, students at Western die honw foi die holidays. ft- Hensail, London, latter’s Stewart Orville Univer- from Marion Pooley Beauty Shop Exeter Phone 245 MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. Norval J, Woods M,A. Mrs. N. L Dore Organist and Choir Leader 11 a.m.—‘‘Be of Good Cheer”. 3 p.m.—(Sunday Schools 7 p.m.—“The Return of the Shep herds. The choir are repeating the Christ mas music morning and evening. Thursday, 7.30 p.m,—Mid-week meeting’ of Prayer and Bible Study. JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev, Arthur Page W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir Leader —The Minister p.m.—Church School p.m.—The Minister. Joyful Christmas and a Happy • New Year to All erry 11 a.m.- 3 7 A.Happy New YearMr. Ray Creech, who on Satur day last finished a month’s train ing at the Chatham camp, is spend ing Christmas holidays at his home here. Misses Isabelle and Helen An thony, of Hamilton, are spending the Christmas vacation with their parents, Rev. Jas. and Mrs. An thony. Miss Dorothy Cox, of Petrolia, and Mr. Gordon Mattingley, of Sar nia, spent several days last week with the former’s mother, MfrsL M. Hannigan. Miss Patricia Russisil, a student at the Westervelt Business College, London, is spending the Christmas j vacation with her mother, Mrfe. . Rose Russell. The skating at the Arena adver tised for last week 'did not mater ialize. After securing a fine sheet of ice mild weather set in and the ice turned soft. - Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wood and son William, of Lambeth, and Miss Olive Wood, R.N., of Toronto, are spending Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wood. Mr. Wm. J. Brown, an Exeter old boy, who for 20 years has been associated with the furniture busi ness in London, recently accepted a position with Kingsmill’s in that city. Miss Mary Van Camp of the Civil Service department at Ottawa and Miss Irene Van Gamp, nurse-in- [ training at Victoria Hospital, Lon don, are spending Christmas with theta parents. Mrs. Leslie Richards of Stephen underwent an operation in Victoria Hospital, London, Tuesday of last week. She is getting along as well as can be friends will covery. Mr. Fred Bank of Montreal, has returned to his duties after training fior a month at the Woodstock camp. Mr. C. Aylen also returned to his duties after an illness of a few days. Mrs. Russel Love, of Owen Sound, is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R, McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. McDonald, Lloyd and Mrs. Love are spending Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Davis in Toronto. All the rooms at the Exeter pub lic school held Christmas parties for the pupils before the close of school for the holidays. ’ Programs were given and games and refresh ments were enjoyed. The teachers all receivd gifts from the pupils. < i 1 / expeced. Her many 'hope for a speedy re- Walter, teller at the TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev, M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Ohoir Leader, Mr. Middlemiss Sunday after Christinas a.in.-—Sunday School11 7 p.m.—The Christmas music be repeated. Christmas Services 11.30 p.m. Christmas Eve—-Holy communion and Christmas music. Anthem: “The Birthday of the King”. 11 a.m. Christmas Day—Holy Communion will STRAWBERRIES— What an add ed treat foi’ your holiday dinner! ‘‘We freeze 'em, you eat ’em.’” Exe ter Frozen Foods, RHEUMATIC PAIN, Sciatica, Lumbago, quickly relieved by using RUMACAPS. Recommended by thousands who have gained better health. Browning's Drug Store, Exeter Mr. Grafton Hall, Toronto, mas, at home. Mrs. Arthur and Mrs. Chester Sunday with relatives in Hamilton ------- z Cochrane of Osgoode is spending Chris t- Kerslake and Harold Cornish spent 29th Wedding, Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. George Hay cele brated their 29 th wedding anni versary on Saturday, December 21st, when a number of friends were entertained at their home. The evening was spent in playing’ cards after which a dainty lunch was served. 4 Southcott Bros. Exeter W.I. Holds Christinas Party The Christmas meeting of Exeter Women’s Institute was held last Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. W. R. Goulding with a splen did attendance. The President, Mrs. Kyle, presided after the usual opening exercises. Christmas carols were sung with Mrs. N. J. Dore at the piano. The Roll Call was ans wered by donating' 1 lb. of anything suitable for Christmas cheer. Don ations of $10 were given toward the Community Christmas Cheer Fund; $5.00 to the Canadian Legion Branch 69 at Byron Sanatorium; $5.00 to the Tuberculosis Associa tion. It was also decided that a treat or gift be sent to any Exeter patient at Byron Sanitarium. A committee was named to assist the Exeter-Hensall branch of the Can adian Legion with their Christmas treats for the school children, also the filling of baskets for needy families. The guest speaker for the evening was Mrs. George Layton, the topic, “The Spirit of Christmas” proved very inspiring. Mrs. Lay- ton emphasized the spirit of gener osity, the desire to give and these gifts to be given in love and received in the same spirit. The speaker spoke highly of the givings of our Institute toward worthy causes and the good-will spirit in which they are given. Mrs. N. J. Dore sang a Christmas number which was en- j joyed by all. After the singing of more Christmas carols, Mrs. Rufus I Kestle of Hurondale in her usual capable manner gave an autobiog- (Jg raphv of a woman sky pilot. The Ag- meeting closed with “O Canada” and the National Anthem, after which the hostess, assisted by Mrs. G. A. Cann and Mrs. Horton, served fig lunch. The January meeting will be ££ held at the homo of Mrs. B. Presz- cator, the topic being “The % of Vitamins”, taken by Mrs. Jacques. th? iMrrrg ©hristmaa of ofTuesday their 50 th Mr. and 78 years of on the old MARRIED 50 YEARS Mr. and Mrs. George Millson Whalen Corners, on last week cedebrated wedding anniversary. Mrs. Millson are • both age and were married Gunning homestead near Whalen. Mrs. Wilson, before her marriage, was Miss Mary Gunning. There are a son and. daughter, Mrs. Geo. Mardlin, of London Township and Clarence Millson, who at Prospect brated the with their children. Hill. The event at children keeps store family cele- their home and grand- NEW YEAR’S DANCE THE HIT OF THE HOLIDAY SEASON Exeter Arena TUESDAY, DEC. 31st < Dance to the music of JOHNNY DOWNS and his 9-piece orchestra value Geo. from W. W. T A M A N PHONE 81 Caven Red Cross Elects Officers The Exeter-Hensall branch of the Canadian Legion held their first bingo in their new rooms^rhursday evening last. It was well patron ized. quilt convener, Mrs. R. sewing convener, Mrs. A. The secretary reported New Years REDUCED ’’ FARES! PRIZES FAVORS NOVELTIES GALORE All the frolic and frills that go with a New Year’s Dance FAVORS year Net be Under the auspices of the Exeter Lions Club Dancing 9.30 to 2.30 Admission $1.00 each Everybody Welcome Dress Optional The Christmas mail tills has been the heaviest on record. The local staff was considerably in creased and were kept very busy. A Christmas tree decorated with many Main negie week mission Exeter this season gaily lit up with colored lights that add to the at tractiveness of the town. (Colored lightsi adorns! th a Street in front of the Car- Library. It was erected last by the Public Utilities Com- There are many homes in The Presbyterian Unit of the Red Cross Society held its first annual meeting and election of officers December l|8th at the home of Mrs. W. Simmons. The officers elected for 1941 are as follows: Pres., Miss .L. Jeckell; vice-pres., Mrs. T. Fuke; sec., Mrs. B. Pilon; sub secretaries, Mrs. E. Pollen, Mrs. K. Fuke, Miss F. Hatter, Mrs. W. Sillery, Mrs. H. Whyte; Russell; Easton. that $37.88 had been raised and the following work completed since or ganizing: Knitting, 3 36 pairs socks, 4 pairs seaman’s socks, 22 sweat ers, 1 turtle-neck sweater, 7 scarv es, 30 pairs wristlets, 3 pairs mitts, Sewing, 11 pairs pillow cases, 17 hospital gowns, 6 surgeon’s gowns, 4 surgeon’s caps, 2 bed jackets, 4 dressing gowns, 23 pairs pyjamas, 4 pneumonia jackets, 15 towels, 24 handkerchiefs, 19 abdominal bind ers.. 19 slings, 6 hot water bottle covers, 4 1 afghan, 1 blouse, bloomers, hfitV 40 other articles, ticles from the refugee shower Wash cloths, 15 quilts, 8 ladies’ dresses, 2 skirts, 2 nightgowns, 10 pairs 36 pairs children’s mitts and 95 ar FARE AND A QUARTER Good going: Monday, Dec. 30 to Wednesday, Jan. 1, 1941 inclusive. Keturn Limit: Leaving destination not Th“s- /g, FARE AND A THIRD Go?^ soing: Friday, Dec. 20 • 1° .Wednesday, Jan. 1, 1941 ■ST 7 inclusive. Return Limit: Lcav> _ / IA?>d.es£ina<:‘on not later than Midnight (E.S.T.) Tuesday* January.7, 194L GO AWAY FOR NEW YEAR’S Faces.», Now Fun•, i Now Colobrationt I Full infortitaiion from any agent. CAHADIANHATIONAq