HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1940-12-19, Page 6TJ-U’iWAY. 10th, 1040
Your Next Visit to
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Located pn Wide Spadina Ave.
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A, M> POWELL, President
Following is the parody on the
ball team, composed by Mrs. Tudor
and sung by Mr. W, O. Goodwin at
the baseball banquet in Hensall re
There’ll always be a Hensall tor
they are on the map,
And to our Hensall baseball nine
we politely doff our cap.
First up is our Brown Bomber, he
sure can swat that pill,
Then kicks those heels and runs
like heck, we laugh till we are
Then up comes Shortstop Stade, he
too can clout that ball.
He is the Home-run King, you
know but once we saw him fall.
Then next is Firstbase Willie, he
surely is a hummer,
He takes a swing and wham! it
sails, he nevei’ needs a runner.
And don’t forget our Johnny, the
baby of the nine,
He sure can steal, but can he hit?
Well seldom twice in line!
And then there is our battery, Boe,
Carter and Lochinvar three.
And when they’re in there on their
toes, they fan them one-two-
Then way we go to outfield, Hank
■Greenberg was the star,
He saved the day in Waterloo, he
surely did by Gar!
Then, Lennie, Max and Eddie, they
play the game so neat,
And when they’re chasing those fly
balls, no grass grows ’neath
their feet;
And don’t forget our mascot, to you
he’s Fakir Joe,
He spends his cash on hat pools,
but he’s seldom in the dough.
And lastly comes our manager, he
paces up and down,
But when they miss that ball and
muff, oh boy, how he can
Yet, when they knock a homer, his
face is one grand smile,
The boys all say if ’twould stay
that way their life would be
But hats off to our Stanley, he gives
what time he can,
And when they only play the game,
he doesn’t give a hang.
So thus my story endeth, ’tis really
all in fun.
And if you’ll just excuse me, I’ll
say good-night and run.
For there’ll always be a Hensall, as
long as we can see,
For Hensall means as much to you,
as Hensall means to me.
Thomas Barry, of McGillivray
Township died suddenly on Sunday
in St. Joseph’s Hospital in his 51st
year. Mr. Barry had been ill in
hospital some weeks ago, but had
returned to his home. On Satur
day he returned to hospital and 24
hours later died.
Mr. Barry was the eldest son of
the late Mr. and Mrs. John Barry,
of the Clandeboye distrist. He had
lived all his life in that township,
where he farmed. He is survived
by three sisters, Mrs. Boland and
Mrs. Smith in Detroit, and Mrs. Leo
Thompson of London; two broth
ers, Michael and John Barry, both
of Detroit.
The funeral took place Tuesday
from the C. Haskett and Son fun
eral home, Lucan, and proceeded
to * the Mount Carmel Church for
requiem high mass and interment.
Painful Boils
Bad Blood the Cause
When boils start to break out’on
different parts of the body it is an
evidence that the blood is loaded up
with impurities.
Just when you think you are rid
of one, another crops up to take its
place and prolong your misery.
All the lancing and poulticing you
may do will not stop more coming.
Why not give that old, reliable,
blood. purifying medicine ^Burdock
Blood Bitters a Chance to banish the
boils? Thousands have used it for
this purpose during the past 60 years.
Take B.B.B. and get rid of the bad
blood and the boils too.
true T. Milburn (jo., Ltd., Taranto, OM.
* * ♦
Main St. Mission Band
The regular meeting of Main St.
Mission Band was held on Monday
December 16th, with the leader,
Miss E. Penrose, in marge. A
special Christmas program was ar
ranged, and the meeting opened
with carol singing with hymn 423,
“Away in a Manger’’ and hymn 312
“Silent Night, Holy Night”, being
sung. The Mission Band Purpose
and Prayer were recited alternate
ly. A Christmas playlette entitled.
“Stories from the Bible” was given
by Eveljn Waring, Joan Hopper,
Marion Woods. Patricia Hoppe"
and Virginia Hemblay with Eva
Penrose assisting. Hymn 295 was
sung. An instrumental was given
by Evelyn Waring, which was much
enjoyed. The study book was il
lustrated and was entitled “Mr.
Thimble’s Christmas”. The col
lection was taken up and put into
the Missionary Box. Evelyn War
ing favored with a short reading on
“How a Boy Shared, in India”.
Prayer was offered, after which
the Mizpah benediction was pro
nounced in unison. The next meet
ing will be on January 16th, 1941.
* * *
Main St. Evening Auxiliary
The December meeting of the
Main St. Evening Auxiliary was
held at the home of Mrs. (Rev.)
Woods. “Silent Night, Holy Night’’
was the opening hymn and the
Lord’s prayer was repeated. Scrip
ture reading by Mrs. A. Frayno fol
lowed and hymn 50 was sung. The
president then took charge of the
business. Mrs, Woods presided
over the election of officers which
resulted as follows: Hon. pres.,
Mrs. G. Layton; pres., Mrs. R. Turn
bull; vice-pres., Mrs. G. McKnight,
recording sec., Mrs. R. Balkwill;
assistant, Mrs. G. Lamport; treas.,
Miss M. Broderick; asst, treas.,
Mrs. Eric Campbell; press reporter,
Mrs. B. Tuckey; community friend
ship sec., Mrs. E. Russell; tem
perance sec., Miss Eva Penrose;
pianist, Miss Merna Sims; assistant
pianist, Miss Helen Dignan; Home
secretary, Mrs. A. Frayne; Mite Box
sec., Eva Penrose; group leaders,
Mrs. R. Hopper, Helen Dignan, Mrs.
Harold Skinner. The meeting
closed by singing "It Came Upon a
Midnight Clear”, and the benedic
tion. The January meeting is to
be at the home of Mrs. R. Hopper on
Wednesday, January 8th.
* * *
James St. W. M. S.
The annual meeting and election
of officers of the W.M.S. of James
St. Church was held on Thursday1,
Dec. 12th, at 2.30 o’clock in the
church parlors. The president, Mrs.
Page presided. Very satisfactory
monthly reports from the depart
ments were given. A bale valued at
?9I5.OO had been sent away. Mrs.
Christie, convener of Christian
Stewardship, presented the chart,
showing the amount raised during
the year. Mrs. Fanson gave a tem
perance reading. Five changes of
office were made in the executive:
Mrs. Goulding as Missionary Month
ly secretary; Mrs. Fanson, temper
ance secretary, Mrs. G. Walker, as
sistant; Mrs. Harvey Perkins, as
sistant treasurer; Mrs. 'Sharp,
Strangers’ secretary.
A very impressive Christmas ser
vice was presented by Mrs. J. M.
Southcott. The theme was “The
World Pays Homage to Christ”.
Mrs. Southcott was assisted by Mrs.
Cook, Mrs. J. May, Mrs. Beavers,
Mrs. Horney and Mrs. Anderson.
Mrs. S. Elliot sang a beautiful and
appropriate selection, “Jesu Bam
bino”. She was accompanied by
Mrs. Sturgis. The room was decor
ated with simple Christmas decora
tioins. Refreshments were served
by Mrs. C. Christie’s group.
* * *
Main St. W. M. S.
The December meeting of the Af
ternoon Auxiliary was held at the
home of Mrs. Geo. Layton, with a
good attendance. The president
opened the service with the use of
hymn “O Little Town of Bethle
hem” and repeating the Lord’s
Prayer in unison. The business was
in charge of the president. Sick
members were also remembered. A
leaflet was given by the temperance
secretary, Mrs. Gunning, and a
Christmas lesson was read by Mrs.
Howard. The worship service was
in charge of Miss B. Hartnoil, and
readings were given by Mesdames
Cole, Jaques and Campbell on Eur
ope, Africa, India, China and Japan.
Several Christmas hymns were then
sung. Rev. N. J. Woods gave a talk
on Christmas in the Old Country,
telling how it was a symbol of re
ligious ceremony. A vote of thanks
was rendered the pastor. Mrs.
Chas. Johns invited the executive
to meet at her home on January
6th at 2.30 p.m. The next meeting
is to be held at the home of Mrs. H.
Anderson. The meeting was closed
with prayer for the missionary by
the president.
Christmas Cards of all Kinds
Christmas cards, beautiful fold
ers, printed with your name, two
dozen for One Dollar. Also indi
vidual cards or by the box, We
have a grand assortment Tifties-
The December meeting of the
W.M.S.was held on Wednessday af-
ternoon,December 11th,at the
home of Mrs. H. McMurtrie with
a large attendance. The meeting
was presided over by Mrs. Chand
ler and opened with hymn 53. Mrs.
Allan Johnson read the scripture
lesson. ”O Come Let Us Adore
Him” was then sung and Mrs. J.
B. McLean led iu prayer. Mrs. Hen
derson sang a very pleasing solo,
•’I Cannot Tell Why, He Whom
Angels Worship”, accompanied at
the piano by Mrs. J. B. McLean.
Hymn 57 was then sung. The topic
which was in several parts was
taken by Mrs. John Cooper, Mrs.
Allan Johnson, Mrs. Norman Alex
ander, Mrs. L. Melies and Margaret
Sinclair. Mrs. Henderson then
sang “I Cannot Tell How He Will
Win the Nations”. This was followed’ by the business discussion,
when it was moved by Mrs. W. W.
Cooper and seconded by Mrs. H.
Jones, to re-elect all officers for the
coming year. Hymn 5 5 was then
sung, and the meeting closed by
repeating the Lord’s Prayer in uni
son. Lunch was served by Circle
No. 1.
The Sunday School Christmas
concert will be held on Wednesday
evening, De4c. 1*8th. The) Youliig
People are presenting a play,
“Aaron Slick from Punkin Creek.”
Mrs. Joseph Linden who has been
visiting her daughter, Mrs. Archie
Parsons, returned to her home at
Denfield on Friday.
Mr. Clarence Taylor of Crumlin
spent the week-end with friends in
the vicinity.
Miss Irma Ferguson and Mr. Ar
nold Gackstetter spent Sunday with
relatives in Woodstock and Inger
Mr. and Mrs. H. Jones visited on
Sunday with the latter’s sister, Mr.
and Mrs. W. Parsons of neai’ Cro
Master Gerald Parsons is visit
ing his grandparents Mr. and Mrs.
Linden of Denfield.
Mrs. Mina Love is visitina her
son Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love
(Too late for last week)
Mrs. Archie Parsons and infant,
son returned to their home on Sun
day from Mrs. Patterson’s Hospital,
Mrs. Alex McMurtrie spent a few
days last week in Hensall with her
mother, Mrs. J. Johnson.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Butt and fam
ily of Holmesville visited recently
at the home of the former’s bro
ther, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Butt-
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Keys,
newlyweds, have returned from
their honeymoon.
Mrs. Joseph Linden, of Denfield,
is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Ar
chie Parsons.
Mr. and Mrs. W. McLachlan and
Marlyu spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. ,T. Baker of Hillsgreen.
Mr, and Mrs. Allan Johnson and
Mrs. Alex McMurtrie spent Mon
day in London.
The annual Sunday School meet
ing was held in the basement of the
church on Wednesday evening. The
following officers were elected:
Hon. supt., Mr. John Hazelwood;
Supt., Wm. Hodgson; asst, supt.,
Milne Pullen; sec., Wilfred Her
bert; treas., Russell Morley; or
ganist, Elva Morley; teachers: Ad
ult Bible Class, Frank Gunning,,
assistant, John Hazelwood; Inter
mediate Class, Mrs. John Morley,
assistant, Mrs. Wm. Hodgson; Pri
mary Class, Mrs. Frank Gunning,
assistant, Jessie Finlayson.
W.M.S. and W.A.
The W.M.S. and W.A. held their
December meeting at the home of
Mrs. Frank Gunning on Thursday
afternoon with nine members pre
sent. Mrs. Frank Gunning presid
ed over the W.M.S. meeting. A
hymn was sung and Mr. Falcon
bridge led in prayer. Mrs. Pullen
favored with a solo. All the mem
bers read a verse from the Scrip
ture. Mrs. Wm. Morley was in the
chair for a short W.A. meeting.
Several business items were dis
cussed. Readings were given by
Mrs. Harvey Squire and Mrs. Wm.
Morley. Mr. Falconbridge presid
ed over the meeting for the election
of officers: Pres., Mrs. Wm. Mor
ley; 1st vice-pres., Mrs. Frank
Squire; 2nd vice-pres., Mrs. Ed
gar Squire; sec., Mrs. H. Squire;
treas., Mrs. Wilson Morley; pianist,
Elva Morley, Mrs. Duffield; good
cheer sec., Mrs. Hazelwood, asst.,
Mrs. Frank Gunning; press sec.,
Miss Elva Morley, asst., Mrs. Frank
Red Cross officers were elected
as follows: Pres., Mrs. Alex Baillie;
sec.-treas., Mrs. E. Foster. Mrs.
Frank Gunning and Mrs. Foster
were appointed conveners for the
sewing and knitting. The following
are the articles sent to the Exeter
Branch of the Red Cross from this
unit for the year: 50) pairs socks,
2 sweaters, 17 pairs wristlets, 22
BBB, 49 arm slings, 11 water bottle
covers, 4 hospital gowns, 2 pairs
pyjamas, 20 handkerchiefs, 25 tow-1,
els, 18 quilts, 14 articles consisting"
of childrens dresses, etc.
'SLAJFOR|T|H—John Earle, who
has been bailiff for the Seaforth
Division Court since 1932, has re
signed. J. M. Uovenlock is Acting
ds bailiff
Fall of Meteorite or Collapse of
Underground Cave Suggested as
Reasons for the “Quake”; Win
dows and Dishes Rattle and
Doors Sway over Area of Miles
Grand Bend and the countryside
for 15 miles around was shaken by
an unexplained earth tremor about
1.30 Thursday morning of last
week when windows and doors
shook and dishes rattled although
no damage resulted.
The tremor seemed to follow a
dull boom as of a heavy explosion
in the distance. Residents who
were awake thought it was a blast
somewhere near by. Those who
were iu their bods were awakened
and were mystified by the disturb
Reports were that the earth
shock was felt as far away as Exeter
15 miles east of Grand Bend, and
down the lake shore several miles
and in the Dashwood area.
The possibility that the local
earth tremor was the result of a
meteorite hitting the ground some
where in the vicinity was consider
ed. The theory of a heavy explo
sion was discounted when a check
up of the district showed no blast
ing was in progress and there was
no explosion known to have taken
Residents were asking their
neighbors if they had felt the earth
quake, and most of them had no
ticed it or been awakened rudely
by its tremble.
Local citizens said the quake fol-
‘Tk&ut ienodtfieA.
tofacco JUST LIKE
lowed what seemed like a dull thud
that shook the ground and all hous
es for just a few seconds. There
was no repetition of the tremor.
Dr. H. R. Kingston, head of the
astronomy department of the Uni
versity of Western Ontario, said
when advised of the earth tremor
in the Grand Bend district that only
a large meteorite striking the
ground would cause a shock as of
an earthquake,
A smaller meteorite would not
strike with sufficient force to
cause the ground to shake, he be
lieved. He did believe that the
striking of a1 meteorite would sound
like an explosion but likely would
be accompanied by concussion or
rushing of air.
The possibility of the collapse of
some underground cavern in the
stratified rocks such as exist in the
peculiar rocky shale formation at
near-by Kettle Point was also ad- j
vanced as a possible cause. In this
case the shock might be local in its
effect but fairly violent for a mo
ment nearby.
No record of any earth distur
bance has been received by the
university officials.
The death occurred at the home
of her niece, Mrs. George Camp
bell, Stanley township, of Mary
Quance Ward Madge, widow of
Walter Madge, in her 99th year,
Mrs. Madge was born In Devon
shire, England, December 4, 1842.
She was married to Mr. Madge in
March, 1SSi5, and they came to
Canada on their honeymoon, and
settled on the Bronson line, Stan
ley township, where they resided
until Mr. Madge’s death in June,
19IS. Since then she has lived
with Mrs. Campbell.
'PARKHILL—Roy G. Nunn, drug
gist, of Parkhill, Arthur Skee, of
East Williams, and Max Emery, of
concession 7, McGillivray, received
word to report to the R.C.A.F.
YES, out in Vancouver and Victoria
GOLF is played all year ’round!
Warm sea-breezes and the protection
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maintain a moderate temperature in
which all outdoor sports take on an
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Plan now to visit Canada’s EVER
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the ideal place for a thoroughly
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Winter rates at hotels. The new Hotel
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lightful accommodations will add to
the pleasure of your stay in Vancouver.
Reduced sleeping-carfares... Low meal rates on trains
A/ways Use .. .
Speed i , . Dependability . , , Safety
Full information from any ticket agent
WHILE we celebrate this Season of Goodwill in comfort, our
brothers, sisters and comrades across the sea live ’neath the
shadow of death . . . death let loose from the skies by the monstrous
hordes of Nazidom and Paganism.
At this season we are particularly reminded of the debt we owe to
those whose service and sacrifice make it possible for us to enjoy our
Christmas midst the carefree happiness of children and fond parents ...
those valiant men who patrol the skies, man the ships, stand by the guns,
and place their all — even unto life itself, between us and the enemy.
How can we pay our debt to them?
The least we can do is to Save every dollar that we can and lend it to
Canada, so that Canada can provide everything in munitions and
equipment to fortify these men for the defence of our country and our
Our savings should be invested in War Savings Certificates, and we
should continue to save and invest in War Savings Certificates until
Victory is won.
The widow’s mite counts as much as the more fortunate ones’ plenty,
as evidence of service, sacrifice and determination.
So then, whatever else you do at this Christmas season, save and
invest in War Savings Certificates. The very consciousness of your
service in the Defence of your homeland will make greater your
personal enjoyment of Christmas.
W. H. Somerville and de Ga»p6 Beaubien, Join! National Chairmen, War Savings Committee, Ottawa