HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1940-12-19, Page 5e HENSALL SPECIAL ATTRAt LION FOR MARRIED LADIES AT THE HENSALL CHRISTMAS TREE SATURDAY, DEC. 21, 1646 Rive *— CASH PRIZES — Five $5.00 $4.00 $3.00 $2.00 $1.00 Tickets given to all married ladies attending the Christinas Tree Santa will arrive about 2.30 Draw to bo made at 4.30. Holders of lucky tickets must be present when draw is made* Cash donated by Merchants of Hensall. Mr, and Mrs. J, W. Bonthron ■ spent Tuesday in London.Carmel Presbyterian Church con- . cert will be held on Monday even­ ing, Dec. 2 3rd. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Tudor spent the week-end with relatives at Dun­ das.Mr. Carrey Joynt is assisting at the local post office during the Christmas season. The annual public school concert will be held on Friday afternoon, December 20tli,The annual Christmas concert at S.S. No. 10, Hay, will be held on •Thursday evening, Dec. 19th. •Mrs. Geo. Walker returned home after spending several days visit­ ing with relatives in Toronto. The Wohelo class of the United Church held a business meeting on Friday evening, after which lunch was served. The annual Christmas concert at S.S. No. 1, Tuckersmith, will be 'held on Friday evening, Dec. 20, Proceeds in aid of Red Cross So­ciety.Mr. Allen Davidson, who has been training with the non-permanent militia at Woodstock, is confined to the Hospital there suffering with a severe cold.Mrs. W. A, MaoLaren favored with a vocal solo accompanied by Miss Minnie Reid at the piano. The meeting closed by singing “Jesus Master Whose I Am”, followed by the benediction by Rev. Weir. (White Gift services will be ob­ served at the United Church on Sun­ day, December 22nd. A Manager ■play, “The Heart and the Halo” will be presented at the morning ser­ vice. The church will for the service. The choir of Carmel Church are preparing cantatta entitled, Redeemer”, ..LLL "1 , .ed in the church on Sunday even­ ing, Dec. 2 2nd. choir will assist mas carols. Next Saturday, December 21st is going to be a lucky day for five mar­ried ladies who attend he Christ­mas tree .celebration in Hensall. The merchants of Hensall are anxious to show their appreciation of the splendid patronage given them dur­ ing the Christmas season and have donated $15.00 to be given away to the holders of the first five tickets drawn on Saturday afternoon. Free tickets will be given away, at the tree, from 2 to 4 o’clock, to each married lady attending the visit of Santa Claus. The draw will take place at 4.30. Accident A motor accident occurred on No. 4 Highway at Hensall on Thurs­day when a car driven by Mr. Wm. Workman of Kippen going north collided with a truck driven by Mr. Marriott of Goderich, which was going south. Mr. Workman receiv­ ed a broken rib and knee abrasions. The vehicles were also damaged. The accident is attributed to the conditions of the Highway. Young People Hold White Gilt Meeting The Young People’s Society Carmel Church held their worship meeting on Monday evening with the president, Miss Irene Hoggarth presiding assisted by Miss Hannah Murray. The meeting opened by singing Christmas carols followed by prayer by Miss Violet Hyde. The Christmas .Scripture was read by Miss Blanche Thompson. A poem entitled “Bethlehem’s Star”' was given by Miss Marion Sangster Misses Irene Hoggarth and Mabel Workman sang a duet entitled, “Day of Joy and Gladness” accompanied by Mrs. MacDougall at the piano. Mrs. I. G. Smillie was the guest speaker and she gave a splendid address on “The Other Wise Man”. The meeting concluded with a white gift party at which many beautiful gifts were received and will be sent to the Sick Children’s Hospital in London. Public Library A Public Library meeting was held on December 19 in the Coun­cil chamber with all members be­ ing present. Minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read. The Librarian reported for October 50b and for November 543 circulation. Ken Hicks tendered his resignation to the Board as he has accepted the position of a school trustee. Chair­ man R. E. Shaddick thanked linn for his services and wished him' the best of luck on the School Board. Bills and accounts were passed to­talling $60.3'5. The Librarian, Mrs. A. Cameron, appeared as regards closing the Library for checking the books. Motion that we close the library between December 28th and January 4th for checking over the books and that all books be called in otherwise a fine will be im­ posed. Carried. Adjournment un­ til January 14th,Jas. A. Patterson, Sec.-treas. Council Meeting The last regular meeting, of the Village Council for 1-940 was held on Monday evening at 8 p.m, as per statute in the. council chamber with all members being present. Min­ utes of the previous meeting were read. Moir and Cameron that the minutes be adopted as read. Car­ried. Dr. I. G. Smillie, Medical Of­ficer of Health, presented his an­ nual report and explained the same. He also discussed dental work amongst the school children. Hor­ton and Cameron that report of Dr. Smillie, M.O.H., be adopted as read. Carried. , ,,Rov MacDaren appeared re the catclf basin in front of the Presby­terian Church. Same to be looked after in the near future. R. J. Patterson, tax collector, re­ported having collected $12,519.47 in taxes, leaving a balance of $1,- 12G.03 outstanding, which is very good. Horton and Moir, that the business tax of Ken Hicks be struck off on account of his payment of Transient Traders’ License. Car­ ried. Thomas Kyle reported re Poll taxes, same being all collect­ ed except one who lias promised to pay shortly. He also reported re the work done on the street. The treasurer reported receiving the County Highway rebate of $611.88, Correspondence was read and filed. The following bills and accounts were ordered .paid: 0. Twitchell, supplies fire dept., $4.55.; J. Pass- more, supplies and labour, $7.83; Bank of Montreal, interest, $25-20; G. M, Case, teaming and coal, $47,010; R. Middleton, soldiers’ belts, $11.25; Moore Bros-, repairs. $4.70; Bonthron & Drysdale, sup­ plies, $18.65; A. H. Erskine, tax collecting, $10.93; J, A. Patterson, allowances, $16.60; Dr. I. G- 'Smil­lie, Bd. of Health meetings, $6.00; R. E. Shaddick, Bd. of Health meetings, $6.00'; Thus. Kyle, Bd. of Health Meetings, $3.OP; F. G. Bon­ thron, postage, $5.00; M. Cooper, labour, streets, $3,001; L. Rands, labour, streets, $2.40; A. Noakes, labour, streets, $5.0 0; A. Dick, la­bour, streets, $3.20; W. Taylor, la­bour, streets, $5.20; A, Hilde­brandt, labour, streets, $2.60>; R. Dick, labour, streets, $1.60; W. Love, labour, streets, $4.00; R. Broderick, team, streets, $2.80; O. Geiger, team, streets, $19.80; school board rate, $5,5010.00; pub­lic library rate, $191.66; County of Huron rate, $1973.82; Hydro Com­mission, street lights, $1,00:8.00; total, $8,'889.79. Moir and Camer­ on that the bills and accounts read be paid. Carried,Reeve R. E. Shaddick thanked the members of the council and the officials for their cooperation dur­ ing the past year and wished all the compliments of the season. Cameron and Horton, that we now adjourn. Carried.Jas. A. Patterson, Clerk', Miss Nora Stinson spent the. week end at her home in London. ■Mr. and Mrs. Jack Corbett and Ross visited on Sunday with Mrs. P. H. Devlin. Mr. Milton Ortwein of London spent the week-end with his par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Verne the week-end mother, Mrs. Mrs. Jas. visited last week with her mother, Mrs. Robt. Bonthron and sister, Mrs. Lou Simpson. Mr. Harold Bell left this week for London, where he has accept­ ed a position with Mr. Lome Man- son. Dr. Smith and son of St. Marys visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. C. Petty. Mrs. Smith and daughter, who yhave been visiting with MPs. Smith’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. C. Petty accompanied Dr. Smith home. Mission Band Christinas Party The Mission Band of the United Church presented a very fine Christmas program in the school­ room of the church on Friday ev­ ening under the very able leadership - ----- A in to were Mrs. J. W. Ortwein. Smith of Exeter spent at the home of her Annie Saundercock. MacMartin of Barrie be decoraved Presbyterian „ a Christmas _____ “The World’s which will be present- The boys’ junior with the Christ- icy of THE EXETER TIME5-ADV0CATE by Miss Greta Lammie and the following carols were sung in keen­ ing with the motto, "As With Glad­ ness Men of Old”, and “Gentle Mary Laid Her Child”. Mr. Car­ rey Joynt favored with two vocal solos, “Sylvia” Miss Florence at the piano. on which Phaff, Misses Brook Mrs. I. mas and "Smilin’ Thru", Welsh accompanied The demonstration Christmas Parcels"Wrapping was given by Miss Beryl was very beautifully done, Kay Drysdale and Ruth favored with guitar duets G. Smillie gave the Christ- story entitled, “The Other Wise Man”, which was very inter­ esting. Miss Beryl Pnaff moved a vote of thanks to the hostess and co-hostess for their hospitality. The meeting closed with the singing of “0 Little Town of Bethlehem” and the National Anthem, after which refreshments were served. ^mzssxac DANCE to CLAYTON STEEPER KIPPEN FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20 C* Watson, Manager CREDITQN Mr* Gerald Smith, who has been in training in Woodstock, will be name at nis barber shop on Dec. 21st.The United Church S.S. enter­ tainment will be held Friday even­ ing.The Evangelical Mission Circle held a most enjoyable Christmas party at the home of Mrs. H, K. Eit­her last Thursday evening. After the bountiful chicken dinner served by the hostesses, there was the ex­ change of gifts. Then the Christ­ mas story was read and Christmas carols sung.Mr. and Mrs, Howard Haist and daughter Marilyn spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Finkbeiner.Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Brown spent the week-end at Holmesville.Miss Edna Beaver of London spent a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Beaver. Miss Beta Rate and Miss Peggy Maclsaac spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Rate.Mr. Rodney Bowman of Windsor spent the week-end at his home here.Dr. Morrison of Detroit spent a few days in the village over the week-end.A pleasant surprise with given Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Amy on Mon­ day evening, when relatives gather­ed in honor of their 25 th wedding anniversary. The evening was ’ ' games and contests, after ------- —2------Is were served. A presentation of a silver desert set and tray and a silver cake plate ■was made by Mr. Roy Rate and Emmery Fahrner to which Mr, Mrs. Amy made fitting reply, joined in singing “For They Jully Good Fellows.” j spent in games and which Tefreshments Drysdale, took part "Pilgrims costumes number a carol Bethle- very of Miss Kay of members play entitled hem,” The beautiful and were made by Mrs. R. J. Patterson and Mrs. T. Sher- ritt. Miss Greta Lammie played the music for this play while Mrs. Hedden and Mrs. Hess led in the singing, chairman Bier and ings and played a piano duet. Lantern slides were also shown and the story of the first picture entitled Little Jean ture, Boy” sitt. singing the National Anthem and the benediction. Observes 87th Birthday Mrs. Robert Bonthron, one of Hensail’s oldest residents, celebrat­ ed her 87 th birthday at her home here on Thursday. Mrs. Bonthron received many visitors during the afternoon, wishing her many more happy birthdays. She also receiv­ ed many cards, letters and gifts. Mrs. James MacMartin (Edith) her eldest daughter, of Barrie, receiv­ ed the guests, and her daughter, Mrs. Lou Simpson, who resides with her, served a buffet luncheon. The home was beautifully decorated with roses, mums and plants for the occasion. Mrs. Bonthron’s maiden name was Maria White, and she was born at Rodgerville and has spent all her life in this community. She has three daugh­ ters, Mrs. Jas. MacMartin (Edith) of Barrie; Mrs. Margaret Vair, of near Toronto, and Mrs. Lou Simp­ son Hensall and three sons, Wm. Bonthron California and Fred Bonthron, Institute Holds The home of Mrs. G. M. Drys­ dale was beautifully decorated for the Christmas meeting of the Sen­ ior Women’s Institute held on Wednesday evening. Two beauti­ fully decorated trees were arrang­ ed for the occasion and the mantel in the spacious living room was ar­ tistically decorated. The members were received by Mrs. Drysdale and the co-hostess, Mrs. Peter Mc­ Naughton. Miss Beryl Phaff, pre-, sidont, presided over the program, whieh opened by singing Christ­ mas carols, followed by the Lord’s prayer in unison. The roll call was answered by the gift of toys for the Sick Childrens’ Hospital in London, many beautiful gifts be­ ing received. Mrs. Wm. Weir and Mrs. G. M. Drysdale were appoint­ ed to pack the gifts. Miss Flor­ ence Welsh sang a delightful solo entitled “The Gift”. Miss Greta. Lammie accompanied at the piano. The motto, “A Christmas Carol and its History" was Very ably given Rev. R. A. Brook' was for the program. Elaine Billy Carlisle gave read- Billy and Betty Mickle Travellers” was told by Murray and the second entitled “Dhika, the was told by Miss Annie The program concluded by "Seven Miss pic- Bhil Con- DASHWOOD .Miss Zeta Nadiger, R.N., of How­ell, Mich., who spent the past week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nadiger, left on Monday' for Flori­ da, where she has accepted a posi­ tion at nursing for the winter. Mr. F’red Preeter of Stratford vis­ ited with relatives here last week. The Public School concert will be held on Thursday evening, Decem­ ber 19th. Don’t fail to attend.The Evangelical Sunday School entertainment will be held on Sun­ day night, December 22nd.Mr. VanDyke, who has been stay­ing with his daughter, Mrs. Ness, left for his home in Tavistock.Mrs. Ireland has returned and will spend the winter with her sis­ ter, Mrs. Tieman.Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Seldon and Miss Annie Seldon and Miss Fanny Preeter of Ingersoll called on Mr. and Mrs. I-Iy. Hoffman last Thurs­ day.Mr. and Mrs. N. Ogden of Exeter spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nadiger.The following is the Bed Cross shipment for this month: 6 quilts, 3 ladies’ dresses, 4 bed jackets, 1 boys’ suit, 1 boys’ .pants, 1 girls dress, 1 girl’s jumper and sweater, ■32 pairs socks, 9 sweaters, 2 pairs sea boots, 2 pairs sea socks, 2 pairs 2-way mitts.The Ladies’ Aid and W.M.S. of the Evangelical church held their •December meeting in the church basement. The devotional exercis­es were in charge of Mrs. H. E. Boppel’s group with Mrs. Boppel as chairlady. The theme was "Peace”. Two short extracts were read by Mrs. B. Miles. Mrs. Rop- pel then gave a splendid talk on “Peace”, illustrating with pictures and excerpts by different writers. ■Mrs. J. M. Tieman and Mrs. R. H. Taylor read selections enlarging on this theme and Rev. Ro.ppel then gave a very instructive and inter­ esting climax on the same subject, stressing that we, in our own homes, can be more sincere and thoughtful in our prayer life and can help to bring about world peace.Mrs. D. Tieman, vice-president, then took charge of the business. In the absence of the secretary, Mrs. R. H. Taylor was appointed secre­ tary. The special Sunshine Com­ mittee reported making 16 visits and a total of 38 sick visits were made during the month. The Christ­mas Box committee are as follows: convener, Mrs. Ezra Tieman, Mrs. Dan Haugh, Mrs. Ezra Bender, Mrs. R. Goetz, Mrs. D. Tieman. Moved by Mrs. J. M. Tieman, seconded by Mrs. Ezra Tieman that we pay $5.00 to the War Memorial Hospi­ tal, London. The Christmas Box committee are to be the Sunshine committee for the month. The meet­ ing was closed with prayer by Rev. Boppel and singing the National Anthem. MOUNT CARMEL Mr. Joe Regan of Toronto spent the week-end at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Ryan and family spent Sunday in London.A very splendid performance was given by the school pupils in the concert held in the hall on Fri­ day night.Mr. and Mrs. Mahoney, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Mahoney, Sr., spent Sunday in Zurich.Mr. and Mrs. Jack Morrissey at­ tended the funeral on Tuesday of the latter’s sister. Mrs. O’Brien of Detroit.Mr. and Mrs. Nap Geromette and family of Denfield spent the week­end at the home of the former’s parents, Mr, and Mrs. Geromette.Mr. John Barry of Detroit came home to attend the funeral of his brother, the late Mr. Tom Barry.The news of the sudden death of Mr. Matthew Doyle of London came as a great shock to the com­munity on Saturday night. Mr. Doyle formerly belonged to Mt. Car­mel parish and leaves many friends in this vicinity, A number here attended the funeral on nesdav.'The funeral of Mr. Thomas was held in Our Lady of Mt. Car­mel Church on Tuesday. THVIiSDAT, J>EC. lOlh, 1910 LAMPS We still have some Residence 63Phone 99 Tri-Lite Lamps at the low price of There will definitely be a change in furniture prices and appearance before another Xmas rolls round* Many people are taking advantage of our enormous stock and the low prices this Christmas. $9.95 Complete with Silk . Shade and Bulbs. They are beau­ tiful stands in Bronze, An­ tique Brass, Ivory and Gold finishes;. These lamps will be at least $2.00 higher af­ ter Xmas with the new ex-, cise tax of 25 per cent. Don’t fail to see our BEDROOM SUITE WITH RADIO BUILT IN BED This is the last word in comfort and is something entirely different OTHER CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS Coffee Tables, End Tables, Living Room Tables, Occasional Chairs, Dinner Wagons, Smokers* Magazine Racks, Card Tables, Foot Stools, Doll Buggies, Child’s Rockers, Mirrors and Fancy Cushions We never had a better or larger stock of Bedroom and Living Room furniture at a range of prices to suit every purse* Come and see this lovely stock. Make your selection early. We will store and deliver at Christmas time fromWed- Barrv Mr. of Detroit, now in Messrs. James and I-Iensall. Christmas Meeting’ CENTRALIA Mr. and Mrs. J. Lochner and Fred Baynham of London, were Sun­ day visitors with Mr. and1 Mrs. Geo. Baynham.Mr. and Mrs. MurrayWliott a.ud Miss Agnes Anderson vreited with friends in London on Sunday, Miss Gwen I-Iicks of Lonqoa-s-Rgnt the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Hicks.Mr. and Mrs. John Pollard vis­ ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Francis in ExeterDon’t forget the Christmas Con­ cert in the school on Thursday evening of this week. Mr. and Mrs. M. Elliott spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Sam McCoy of London. LEAVE YOUR ORDER for some ICE BOX FLOWERS AN IDEAL GIFT FOR CHRISTMAS HEATED PASSENGER CAR AMBULANCE SERVICE equipped with wheeled cot T. Harry Hoffman Funeral & Ambulance Service DashwoodPhone 70 E. R. Hopper’s Furniture Store, Exeter GRAND BEND Miss Mary Yeo returned home .from Detroit on Sunday after a two weeks’ visit. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Holt and Mrs. Alma Mollard spent Sunday in Bridgen and Sarnia.Mr. and Mrs. Norman Turnbull and Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Turnbull spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Woodburn at Greenway.Mr. Robert Love of Thedford vis­ ited his father, Mr. John Love on (Friday,Mrs. Wells of Exeter visited her mother, Mrs. Ettie Baker on Tues­day.Mrs. Newton Hayter and daugh­ter Donna spent Monday with Mrs.Mrs.Hayter’s parents, Mr. and Frank Statton.IMrs. Lizzie England is on sick list but is improving. Fred Kadding is caring for her. Christmas services are being_pre- pared at the United Church, er service will be held after evening services. BRINSLEY the. Mrs Pray- the l Highest Prices for Chickens Geese Ducks and Turkeys at Canada Packers PHONE 256 J EXETER ZION Congratulations to our newly­weds. On Saturday last Alonzo Hodgins and Ilene Watson were married and on Monday Arthur Hodgson and Pearl Thompson were married. The community joins in best wishes to them.The bombing plane that come down in.the Bean Bros field took flight on Saturday morning last.On Friday evening last Mrs. Wes Watson entertained her neighbors and friends to a shower of Miss Ilene Watson. Miss Vera Watson had the missionary program of the Sun­ day School of the United Church on services will be held Rev. Mr. Turner will subject, "A Study in in honor charge of Sunday.Christmas next Sunday, take as his Contrasts”.Mr. and Mrs. Russell McAlpine and daughter of Ailsa Craig spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Lewis. CORBETT Mr. and Mrs. Sunday with Bend. Mr. Thomas home after an his father, Mr. townsWp. Mrs/tThomas Gordon Ulens spent friends at Grand Consant extended Consant i ; returned visit with of London I on Monday evening, Dec. body welcome. Mr. and Mrs. 'Harry spent Friday with Mr. Garfield Steeper. Wood bees are the order of the day. 23. Every- Apple ton and Mrs. The Christmas meeting of the W.M.S. was held at the home of Mrs, Wellington Brock on Dec. 12. The meeting in charge of the pre­ sident, opened with hymn 291. Mrs. Warren Brock then led in prayer. A reading entitled ‘‘The Journey”; was read by Mrs. J. P. Hern, minutes of the last meeting read and adopted. Eleven hers answered the roll call, offering was thten taken. The book was taken by Miss Margaret Hern. The Scripture lesson was read in part by Mrs. Melville Hern and Mrs. Wellington Brock, along with Christmas music. Mrs. Tom Hern gave us a selection on the guitar. Bev. Mr. Laing gave a Christmas message. Mrs. Melville Hern then led in prayer. The elec­ tion of officers resulted as follows: President, Mrs. Wellington Brock; 1st vice-pres., Mrs. Melville Hern; 2nd vice-pres., Mrs. J. T. Hern; treas., Mrs. Jas. Earl; rec. sec., Mrs. Harold Hern; Mission Circle leaders, Mrs. Angus Earl, Mrs. War­ ren Brock; cor. sec. and mite box sec., Mrs. Everard Miller and Mrs. Edgar Baker; Christian steward­ ship, Mrs. Ward Hern and Mrs. J. The were mem- The study T. Hern; community friendship sec., Mrs. Ephriam .Hern; associate Helpers, Mrs. Tom Hern; temper­ ance sec., Mrs. Angus Earl and Mrs. Harold Hern; Missionary Monthly sec., Mrs. John Johns; pianists, Mrs. Geo. Brock and Mrs» J. Johns; lunch comm., Mrs. Alleir Jacques, Mrs. Milton Brock and Mrs. Charles Jacques; literature sec., Mrs. Wellington Brock. Her­ alds, Ghiina, Mrs. Wellington Brock, Japan, (Mrs, Norman Brock, India,. Mrs. Warren Brock, Korea, Mrs.. Laing, Africa, Mrs. J, Earl, Trini­ dad, Mrs. J. Johns, Home Missions,, Mrs. J. T. Hern. Miss Laurene Hern spent Bunday at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brock, Jean and Mrs. William Brock spent Sat­ urday evening with Mr. and Mrs. William .Stewart. Bingo, which was Field in the Zion school on Friday night was a great success. The proceeds amounted to about which is to be sent War Victims Fund, from the Red Cross to sixty dollars. The . ninety dollars . to The British The proceeds quilt amounted Read Your Label Practical Xwas Gifts -S Consant and Verna visited with her mother, Mr.s. Da­ vid Steeper, who is ill at the home of her son, Mr. Eldon Steeper. Mr, Willis Steeper 'of Woodstock training camp spent the week-end under the parental roof. Miss Nola Isaac and scholars are preparing a. Christmas program for December 20 at 8 n.m. in the Cor­ bett school. Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Rompli spent Tuesday evening with Mr, and Mrs. Maurice Murray. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Appleton visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. ’Tetreau of Grand Bend on Sat­ urday, The Christmas treat at Parkhill on Saturday afternoon with a visit from Santa Claus was enjoyed by many of the children of this com­ munity Be sure to attend the Christinas treat at Grace Church jpatish Hall SKATING OUTFITS $3.75 to $6.50 HOCKEY STICKS To suit all, at reasonable prices. Nut Crackers, 15c and 25c Nut Crackers and Picks in sets, 50c Cutlery, Pocket, Butcher, Paring and Bread Knives Scissors a PENLIGHTS, FLASHLIGHTS Batteries and Bulbs PHONE 181 SPENCER Deluxe Streamlined RANGES with patented oven and SPIRAL type grates which have proven to be the most economical yet devised. Also, many others to choose from. Aluminum COOKING UTENSILS will soon be off the market As yet we have a large as­ sortment to choose from. Prices have not risen. Large assortment of MITTS AND GLOVES in Cotton and Leather as low as 15c What could be more service- able than an assortment TOOLS for the home or farm. of FLOOR tylOPS Assorted Colors 59c to $1.75 Electric TOASTERS, IRONS WARMING PADS Westinghouse Mazda LAMPS N THIS YEAR MAKE LINDENFIELD’S YOUR HEADQUARTERS FOR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING Specializing in Tinsmithing and Plumbing EXETER