HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1940-12-19, Page 4THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATETHUIWAY, DEC. 19th, 1910 / ROCK BOTTOM CASH STORES COOK’S Special Tea Black, Green or Mixed 30c Valb. Exeter Hensail GREAT ASSORTMENT Xmas Candies GUMS, SATINS, MIXED, Etc. 15c per lb. CORN 25c Domestic or Schneiders’ Shortening 2 pounds 25c FRESH Roasted Peanuts 2 lbs. 25c Salted Peanuts 2 lbs. 25c See Our SPECIAL MIXED NUTS contains Walnuts, Brazils, Pecans, etc. No peanuts added. 2 pounds..........35c Candy Kisses 2 pounds.........25c ......... JS------------------- - || BEE HIVE or CROWN ■| Corn Syrup i 5 |bs- 39c ...Very Special... Schneider’s Cottage Q E CRolls MV ^Jlb. GINGER ALE Large Bottles 2 19c ELECTRIC LIGHT BULBS 40 or 60 watt 3 for 25c Country Pork Sausage 2 pounds.........35c FINE MIXTURE Sandwich and Chocolate BISCUITS 2 lbs. 25c EXETER I Phone 58 I COOK’S ROCK BOTTOM CASH STORES The Store That Gives You Value HENSALL Phone 46 The Times-Advocate will be Published Next Tuesday ifirnifiwnT-iiiTBniirinniifniTiir-jji-iiiin - ^iwimnHmmiWMrriiiri . ....................— ‘ TOMLINSON’S .... Christmas Gift to You .... Owing to the splendid patronage of our ever increasing clientele, we are able once again to pass on a special Christ­ mas Gift to you. Enjoy a cool, quick, perfect, heatless per­ manent with our new Thermique Heaterless Permanent Wave Machine. Every Permanent Wave backed by years of experience THERMIQUE Perfect Christmas Permanents Child’s Adult’s Under 12 YEARS $2.75 for $2.00 High School Students $2.75 for $2.50 Extra Special Oil Permanent $4.50 for $3.75 mi Tulip Oil Reg. $5.50—$3u50 Thermique Special $4.50 for $2.95 Thermique Oil $7.00 for $5.00 Permanent Ends Reg. Reg. Rteg. $2.50— $2.25 $2.25—$1.95 $1.95- $1.75 TOMLINSON'S BEAUTY SHOP Modern BARBER SHOP COOK’S Special Coffee 39c lb. So good you’ll want more Fine or medium ground New Dates 2 lbs........25c NEW RE - CLEANED Currants 2 lbs........25c CUT MIXED Peel 25c lb.i ROBINHOOD or FIVE ROSES FLOUR 7 lbs. 27c TOILET PAPER white 4 large rolls 25c WINCHELSEA Miss Mabel McGugan and Mrs. F. Brock visited on Sunday with friends at Mount Brydges.Quite a number from this com­munity attended the Bingo held in Zion School on Friday evening.Mr. and Mrs. Alf Collier and Grace of Kirkton visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Bailey.Air. R. E. Pooley spent the week­ end in Toronto.Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McGavin of Seaforth visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Horne. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Davis visited with*Air. and Airs. Leslie Thomson of Lumley on Sunday.The Elimville W.M.S. meeting was held Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. R. E. Pooley with a good attendance present. ’j ne Winchelsea School, S.S. No. G. held a very successful concert in Elimville church on Thursday night with all the children taking their parts very well. GREENWAY The Christmas party for the children of the United Church will be held on Friday evening, Dec, 27th. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Wood­burn and Leona visited on Sunday with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. E. Harris of Brinslev. Mrs. W. Hicks spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Petei* Gillies of East Wililams, :Mrs. R. L. Sheppard of London and Mr. Shelbourne English of De­ troit spent the week-end with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. English. Mr. George Chapman who recent­ ly came from England as aeroplane mechanic to the Port Albert airport spent the week-end with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wellman, Mar­ilyn and Robert of Port Huron, spent the week-end with relatives here, Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Carman Woodburn were Mr. and Mrs Norman Turnbull, Mr, and Mrs. Rufus Turnbull and Miss Bea­ trice Green of Grand Bend; Mr, and Mrs. Elzar Mousseau and Mar­ilyn of Kippen, Mr. and Mrs. Jean Brown, and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Brown. \ BIRTHS KERNICK- -At Dr. Fletcher’s Hos­ pital, on .Tuesday, December 17, IMO. to Mr. and Mrs. Kernick (Jr.) of Usborne, a son. PARKER—At Mrs. Saundercock’s Hospital, Hensall, on Saturdav, December 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Parker of Chiselhurst, twins, a boy and girl. BEAVERS — At Sarnia General Hospital on Saturday, December 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. Reg Bea­ vers, a son (’Gerald Benjamin). HEYWOOD—In Exeter on Monday, December 16th, to Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Heywood, a daughter ARTHUR — At Mrs. Godbolt'S Hospital, on Wednesday. Dec. 18tli, to Mr. and Mrs. Humphrey Arthur, of Anderson, a daughter. DEATHS KIPFER—On Friday, December 13, 1940, in Brucefield, Ont., Solomon Kipfer, in his 70 th year. TEDBALL—In Parkliill, on Sun­ day, December 15th, 1940, Wil­ liam Tedball, in his 80th year. DOYLE-—Suddenly at the family residence, 877 Helmuth avenue, London, on Saturday, December 14, 1940, Matthew T. Doyle. GOULD—In Hay Township, on Monday, December 16th, 1940, Percy Jarvis Gould, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Gould, in his 25 th year. BARRY’—In St. Joseph’s Hospi­ tal, London, on Sunday, Decem­ ber 15tli, 194U, Thomas Barry, eldest son of the late Mr. and Airs.- John Barry, of McGilliv­ ray. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Airs. E. Beaver, of Cen­ tralia, wish to thank the many friends who so kindly remembered Airs. Beaver during lier recent ill­ ness. PP- CARD OF.THANKS Airs. Jas. Brooks wishes to ex­press her sincere thanks to all who so kindly remembered her while a patient in Victoria Hospital. Lon­don. Air. Brouks returned home Alonday after being in hospital for five weeks. ENGAGE3IENT Air. and Airs. William Sanders wish to announce the engagement of their only daughter, Bernice I., to Air. Howard C. Truemner, son of Mr. Dan Truemner of Crediton and the late Airs. Truemner, the mar­ riage to take place quietly in De­ cember DP ENGAGEMENT Air. and Mrs. J. O. Lovie announce the, engagement of their daughter, Marion Jean, to Air. William Neil AIcDonald, son of Air. and Airs. Gordon AIcDonald, of London, the marriage to take place the end of December. IN ALEAIORIAAI PYM—In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Airs. Cephas Pym, who passed away December 21st, 1939. Deep in the heart lies a picture Of a loved one laid to rest; In memory's frame we shall keep it, Because she was one of the best. —Fondly remembered by Hus­ band, Son, Daughters and 'Grandchildren pp KHIVA School closes here on Friday for the Christmas holidays.Air. and Airs. J. Hutchinson and daughter Ruth and Air. and Airs. Garnet Hutchinson and babe of London spent Sunday with Mr. and Airs. Hy. Eagleson and Air. and Airs. Wm. Alason.Miss Leona McCann, nurse-in- training at St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, spent the week-end with her parents. Mr. and Airs. B. Alc- Cann.Mr. and Airs. E. G. Kraft and family spent Sunday with Air, and Mrs. S. -Adams at London.Mr. and Airs. R. Hodgins of Alt. Carmel spent Wednesday evening with Mr. and Airs. Wm. Mason. Aliss Ruth Willert spent Saturday in London. HARPLEY Mrs. W. H. Hayter has gone to Detroit to visit with her daughter, Mrs. Alark Miller. Miss Evelyn Harlton, R.N., is at present staying with her aunt, Mrs. Joseph Hickey. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hodgins and family spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love. Misses Irene and Joyce Hodgins of Corbett spent Sunday with Mr. and Airs. David Eagleson. Mr. Hector Murray has returned home ^from sailing on the Great Lakes to visit with his brother, Mr Robt. Murray. Miss Audrey Bestard spent Sat­ urday afternoon with her friend, Miss Betty Love. Mr. and Mrs. Alark Miller of De­ troit spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Fred McLinchey. TREE, DITCH, FENCE FAIL TO INJURE YOUTH Though the car lie was driving went over a ditch, bounced off a tree, knocked down a farmer’s fence, and rolled over onto its side, 16-year-old Roy Kirk, of Exeter, escaped unhurt. Kirk was driving south on No. 4 highway a mile and a quarter south of Elginfield about 2.15 p.m., Sunday. His wheels Struck some icy ruts, and he lost control. The car was considerably damaged. He was traveling alone. Traffic Officer Harry Lemon Inves­tigated.'—London Free Press. ELIMVILLE The Christmas meeting of the W.AI.S. was held on Wednesday, De­ cember 11th. Airs. R. E. Pooley was hostess. Airs. R. D. Hunter had charge and opened with the singing of some Christmas hymns. Follow­ ing this Airs. Hunter led in prayer. Hymn No. 62 was sung and the Scripture lesson from Matthew was read by Airs. John Prance. A love­ ly piano duet was played by Mrs. Wih Batten and Aliss Audrey Prance. Mrs. Pooley gave a fine reading and Mrs. Hunter also read some short extracts from the Mis­ sionary Alonthly. “The First No­ well” was then sung and Airs. R. Batten gave a reading. She then took charge of the business period. Minutes of the November meeting were read and adopted. Roll call was answered by eighteen members with a Christmas quotation. Airs. Wes Johns read parts of the last chapter of the study book, dealing with women’s education in India. Aleeting was dismissed with the benediction after singing another hymn. An appetizing lunch was served by the committee in charge. It was decided to hold an executive meeting on January 8, at Airs. Ford’s home. The annual social evening will be held on Jan. 15th. A pot luck supper will be served in the basement of the church. Other entertainment is being planned by the committee appointed. The annual Christmas concert of the Winchelsea school was given ‘in this church on Thursday evening. December 12th. The church was filled and all enjoyed the various numbers by the children. Air. L. Wein and Aliss AIcCulloch and Mc­ Gugan deserve great credit for the success of the evening. Santa Claus arrived at the close and presented all the children of the congrega­ tion and school with bags of candy and nuts. Next Sunday the Christmas ser­ vice will be held and commence at 10 o’clock a.m. Everybody welcome. Officers of the adult Bible class in this Sunday School for 19 41 are as follows: Teachers, Messrs. Wm. Routly, Wm. Johns, R. E. Pooley. Wes Johns; asst, teachers, Alessrs. Delmer Skinner and Alvin Pym; president, Airs. R. E. Pooley; 1st. vice-pres., Airs. Franklin Skinner: 2nd vice-pres., Airs. John Brock; sec., Airs. Alvin Pym; asst, sec., Airs. Delmer Skinner; treas., Mr. Louis Johns; asst, treas., Airs. Thos. Bell. Articles handed in from here for the Red Cross this month were: 1 scarf, S pairs knee caps, 14 pairs socks. 2 pairs combinations, 2 pairs pyjamas, 9 -wash cloths, 8 handker­ chiefs, 9 baby’s shirts, 1 helmet, 3 baby's bonnets, 1 balaclava helmet, ] child’s dress, 4 quilts. A new sewing committee has been appointed, namely, Airs. Sher­ wood Brock, Airs. John Prance, Airs. Newton Clarke. Auto Accident On No. 4 Highway, about two miles north of Lucan Hilton Truem­ ner, 44, of Zurich, lost control of nis car as he tried to get out of an icy rut. The car skidded, turned over three times and collided with a telephone pole, breaking the pole in three places. Truemner suffered slight facial lacerations, while his daughter. Dorothy, a passenger, escaped un­ injured. The car, Provincial Traf­ fic Officer Joseph Coffey of Lucan reported, was a total wreck. KIRKTON Airs. John Williams visited with friends in Stratford this past week. Air. and Airs. Fred Lankin visited with Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Marshall on Sunday. Word has been received of the death of the late Christopher Ver- nor of Clinton, a former Kirkton boy of some 4-0 years ago. ' Mr. Gordon Burgin has accepted a position with Vanstone Motors of London and commenced work Wed­nesday of last week. Mr. and Airs. W. Kirkby and daughter Barbara, Air. and Mrs. Alex Crago, Mrs. Truman Tufts and Mrs. Wib Cluff attended service at St. James Westminster Church, London, on Sunday night. This was the 10th annual Christmas Carol service given by massed choirs in London. Aliss Elaine Robinson spent Sun­ day with Air. and Airs. Lome Mar- I shall of London. The public school concert which was held in Aberdeen Hall on Mon­ day night under the direction of the teacher, Aliss S. Moser, and Mr. Roy Goulding was certainly a suc­cess. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Wear and daughter of Bryanston and Miss Mary Hanna of London and Tvlr. Max MacCathur of St. Marys were Sunday guests with Mr. H. Hanna. Miss Lois Roy is spending the winter in Stratford. Miss Ervena Brown left Friday for St. Alarys where she has taken a position. W.AI.S. Annual Aleeting The annual meeting of the W. M. S. of the Kirkton United Church was held on Thursday of last week and the following were elected to office: Hon. Pres.. Mrs. J. Gardin­er; past pres., Mrs. Afore; pres., Mrs. W. Kirkby; 1st vice-pres., Mrs. R. Hazelwood: 2nd vice-pres., Mrs. E. Stone; 3rd vice-pres., Mrs. W. Doupe; treas., Miss B. Doupe; cor. sec., Mrs, W. Batten; rec. sec., Mrs., R. Switzer; asst., Mrs. A. Bick- ell; Christian Stewardship, Airs. S. Switzer; community friendship, Airs. Ross, Mrs. A. Copeland: sup­ply sec., Mrs. F. Anderson; litera­ture sec., Mrs. Duffield; temperance sec., Mrs. Tufts and Mrs.. Gardin­er; AT. and M. sec., Miss Kirk; press see., Mrs. I. N. Marshall; Associate Helpers, Mrs. G. Allen; floral com­mittee, Mi’s. Alvin Cragd, Mrs. L. Kemp: pianists, Mrs. Alex Crago, Airs. W. Urquhart; Supt. of Baby Band, Mrs. Burgin; rep. of Circle, Mrs. C. Routly; auditors, Mrs. G.H. Burgin and Mrs. McHardy; group leaders, Mrs, Rapsoil, Mrs. Routly and Miss A. L. Urquhart; nomina­ ting comm, for next year, Mrs. W. Batten, Mrs. S. Switzer, Mrs. F. Roger. ATTENTION FARMERS HAVE YOUR POULTRY DRESSED -- while you wait -- See Our New Machine for Dressing Poultry You are assured of highest possible returns for your poultry from CANADA PACKERS PHONE 256 EXETER, ONT. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY’ GIVEN that all creditors and others hav­ ing claims against the Estate of PHEOBE JANE PENHALE, late of the Township of Hay, in the County of Huron, Widow, who died on the 18th day of November, 1940, are required rto forward their claims duly proven to the undersigned on or before the 23rd day of Decem­ ber, 1940. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that after the said date the Executors will proceed to distrib­ ute the Estate having regard only to the claims of which they then shall have notice. DATED at Exeter, Ont., this 3rd day of December. 1940. F. W. GLADMAN. Solicitor for Horace H. Pfaff and Thos, Harrison, Execu­ tors. i VILLAGE OF EXETER NOMINATION AND ELECTION Public notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Electors of the Village of Exeter will be held in the TOWN HALL or THE BASEMENT OF THE PUBLIC LIBRARY BUILDING, EXETER at the hour of 12 o’clock no<»n MONDAY, DEC. 30th, 1940 for the purpose of making and re­ ceiving nominations of Candidates for the offices of Reeve and four Councillors, Public Utilities Com­ mission and for the Board of Edu­ cation. And further take notice that in the event of more candidates being- proposed than required to be elect­ ed, proceedings will be adjourned until MONDAY, JAN. 6th, 1941 when polls shall be opened from 9 o’clock a.m., until 5 o’clock p.m., at the following places with the under­ mentioned officers in charge as fixed by Village by-law, viz: Poll 1, Wm. Kuntz’s residence, Main Street, E. Treble, D.R.O., Earl Parsons, >P.C.; Poll -2, Town Hall, Main Street, J. A. Stewart, D.R.O., Frank Coates, P.C.; Poll 3, residence of Roy Webber, Cor. Main and Victoria Sts., George Jaques, D.R.O., Airs. Hazel Harness, P.C.; Poll 4, residence of Thos. Webster, William St. North, Rd. Welsh, D.R.O., John Kydd, P.C. All electors are hereby requested to take notice and govern them­ selves accordingly. JOS. SENIOR, Clerk. Exeter, December 16th, 1940. TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE NOMINATION AND ELECTION Public Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Electors of the Township of Usborne will be held in the TOWNSHIP HALL, ELIMVILLE at the hour of 1 o’clock p.m. MONDAY, DEC. 30th, 1940 for the purpose of making and re­ ceiving nominations for the officers of Reeve and four Councillors.And further take notice that in the event of more candidates being proposed than required to be elect­ ed, and qualifying, proceedings will be adjourned until MONDAY, JANUARY 6th, 1941 when polls shall be opened from 9 o’clock u.m., until 5 o’clock p.m.. at the following places with the under- 1 mentioned officers in charge as fix­ ed by Township by-law viz:Sub-division No. 1. School House No. 4, Eden, J. J. Hunter, D.R.Q., John Luxton, P'.'C.,; Sub-division No. 2, house of Lloyd Stewart, C. B, Allison, D.R.O., Chas. Jeffery. P.C.; Sub-division No. 3, house of H. Rowcliffe, S. W. Dougall, D.R.O., Wm. Jeffery, P.C.; Sub-division No. 4, Public Hall, Farquhar, Leonard Harris, D.R.O., Nelson Roach, P.O,; Sub-division No. 5. Township Hall, Elimville, Lloyd Johns, D.R.O., Wes­ ton Horne, P.C.; Sub-division No. 6, house of Norman Jaques, Ross Hern, D.R.O., Wellington Brock. P.C.; Sub-division No. 7, house of Russell Morrison, 'Oliver McCurdy, D.R.O., Rav Mills, P.C. All Electors are hereby request­ ed to take notice and govern them­selves accordingly. A. W. MORiG-AIN, Cleric R.R. 1, Hensall, December 17, 1940 PARKHILL — C. E. Siverns. Parkhill, received word from Eng­ land that the store and home he owned before coming to Cana'da was totally destroyed by a Nazi botnb. His cousin and family, who owned the store, were sate at the time In a shelter, CLEARING AUCTION SALE of FORM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS AND FEED McNeil and Nairn, autioneers,. will sell by public aution on LOT 16. CONCESSION 13. HIBBERT 1%. miles south of Cromarty on THURSDAY, DEC. 26th, 1940 commencing at one o’clock sharp, the following: HORSES—Matched team, mare and gelding, rising 5 and 6 years old; aged mare, aged driver. CATTLE — One Durham cow, fresh with calf uy side; 7 Durham cows, milking; 4 Durham heifers, rising 2 years old; 5 Durham calv­ es. HOGS—11 shoats 160 lbs. each: J brood sow, 3 pigs 6 weeks old HENS—40 Rock hens. HAY AND GRAIN—25 tons of mixed hay, 15 0' bus. wheat, 15 0 bus. barlev. 200 bus. oats. IMPLEMENTS—IFrost and Wood binder. 6 ft. cut, nearly new; Case mower. 6 ft. cut, new; steel hay rake; Frost & Wood seed drill; stiff tooth cultivator; disc harrow; steel land roller; set iron harrows; single riding plow; walking plow; scuffler, root pulper, set scales, fanning mill, manure spreader, McCormick-Deering cream separa­ tor. 650 lbs. cap.; set sleighs, wa­ gon and box, hay rack, stock rack,, gravel box, cutting box, set grain rollers, 3 h.p. gas engine, grain grinder. 1% ton Ford truck, quan­ tity of lumber, car, 150 ft. new rope, pulleys, hay forks, slings,, grind stone, stone boat, buggy, cut­ ter, set double harness, set single harness, collars, whiffletrees. neck- yokes chains, forks, shovels, and a host of small articles. Positively no reserve, the farm is sold. This sale will start sharp at one. TERMS—CASH McLAREN BRO'S., Props. McNEIL & NAIRN. Auctioneers. TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN NOMINATION AND ELECTION •Public notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Electors of the Township of Stephen will be held in the TOWN HALL, CREDITON MONDAY, DEC. 30th, 1940 At one o’clock, in the afternoon- for the purpose of making and re­ ceiving nominations for Reeve, Deputy Reeve and Councilman. And further notice is hereby given that in the event of more candidates being proposed and qualifying for any particular of­ fice, than required to be elected, the proceedings will adjourn until MONDAY, JAN. 6th, 1941 when polls shall be opened at 0 o’clock, a.m., at the following places as fixed by the Township by-law: Sub-division 1, Mills’ Shop, Lot 5, Concession 1, W. B. Willert, D.R.O.. Lloyd Hodgson, P.C.; Sub-division 2, Penhale’s kitchen, iLot 20, Con­ cession 2, Preston Dearing, D.R.O., Geo. Walker, P.C.; Sub-Division 3,. Wenzel’s Barber Shop, Lot 11, Con­ cession 6, Thos. Trevethick, D.R.O., G. C. Morlock, P.C.; Sub-division 4, Town Hall, Lot 10, Con. 7, J. T. Hirtzel, D.R.O., J. H. Gaiser, P.C.; Sub-division 5, O’Rourke’s kitchen,. Lot 16, Con. 12, Pat Sullivan, D.R.O., Jas. Mawhinney, P.C.: Sub-division 6, Koehler’s Store, Lot 23, Con. N.B., Ed G. Kraft, D.R.O., Chester Gaiser, P.C.; Sub­ division 7, Sweitzer’s kitchen, Lot 1'0; Con, 17, John Houlahan, D.R.'O,,. Major Baker, P.C.; Sub-division 8, Pollock’s Store, Lot 40, Con. S.B., Wm. Hicks, D.R.O., Mansel Hod­ gins. P.O.: Sub-division 9, Ravelle’s Store, Lot 1, Con. Sauble, Isaac Besterd, Jr., D.R.O., Wellwood Gill, P.C. In pursuance of The Local Gov­ ernment Extension Act 1940, the Council elected will hold office for two years. All Electors are here­ by requested to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. HERBERT K. EILBER, Returning Officer.. Crediton, Deceniber 3rd, 1940