HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1940-12-19, Page 3THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, J>E(\ 1040 Products the best of materials in all BREAD AND PASTRY FLOUR IT WILL PAY YOU TO GET OUR PRICES ON FLOUR Smiles n Chuckles Chocolates 50c lb. XMAS CANDY, CANDY NOVELTIES, FRESH ROASTED PEANUTS, MIXED NUTS Oranges Grapes We would appreciate your order for Christmas Fruit Bread For Cleanliness, Quality and Service try MIDDLETON’S EXETER PHONE 52 FORMER RESIDENT OF USBORNE DIES IN SASKATCHEWAN ast week mention was made death of Mrs. Buchanan, wife of Rev. Duncan Buchanan, of Man­ or, Sask., and sister of Mrs. Thos, Harvey of town. (From the Regina- Leader Post we copy the follow­ ing: “Mrs. Amanda Eliza Buch­ anan, 82, wife of Rev. Duncan Bu­ chanan, retired Uniited Chunch minister of Manor, Sask., died Fri­ day, December 6, in a Regina hos­ pital. Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m, Monday at Speers’ chap­ el, then the body will be taken to Moose Jaw, where burial will be made in Mount Pleasant cemetery at 1.30 o’clock. Rev, W. Ward, United Church Settlement House, Regina, will con­ duct services assisted Tufts, Mrs. Buchanan was borne township, near tario, a daughter of the late and Mrs. Charles Perkins, spent her girlhood there and in Exeter, married Duncan M. merchant County, commercial ministry of in Toronto, With Mrs. congregations at Georgetown, Lan­ ark and Jarvis until 1911, when •they came to Rouleau Sask. From nouieau they went to Tug- aske, from which place Mr. Buch­ anan retired from the United church ministry, going to live at Manor. Surviving, besides the husband, are; one daughter, Mrs. Martin RunnallS', Edmonton; two sons, C. G. Buchanan. Weyburi;, where for many years he edited and published The Weyburn Herald, and V. A. Buchanan, farming at Manor. Three sisters also survive, Mrs. Thomas Harvey, Exeter, Ont.; Mrs, Johnston, Lucknow, Ont.; and Mrs. J. Loadman, Tako, Sask.” LETTER BOX When You Think Of of The following letter was receiv­ ed by Mr. E. J. Wethey of town from his son Ted in England: (Somewhere in England, Nov, 9, 1940. Dear E. J., Things are certainly getting warm here. Eighteen incendiary bombs around here in the village the night before last and last night the pay-off. I was in the bath about nine o'clock last night “Boom!” the old house shook rattled. I lay down in the tub come to Mi*7, by Rev. born in Exeter, Dr. Us- On- Mr. and February 23, 1881, she Buchanan, a at Kintail, in Huron Mr. Buchanan gave up life and studied for the the Presbyterian church being ordained in 1891. Buchanan he served 5? where will was tub and and (and wished I had my ear plugs) and another one came down. I thought the house was coming down too. The windows blew out and the old tub shook and water splash- was but big the ed. I thought the next one coming right through the roof it missed, and altogether’ five ones came down in a row on other side of the street, the biggest one right opposite our house. The only casualty was a girl walking down the street. A piece of shrap­ nel went right through her cheek. We picked up pieces all over the place this morning. The bomb in front of our house lifted pieces of chalk and clay as big as pianos and blew out the telegraph wires. Some small trees bordering the road were cut in half by flying pieces and you could put a house in the hole it left. ’One lit on an emp­ ty Boy 'Scout hut and blew it to bits. The ’blast blew oui’ big garage doors open here but did no damage, to the -Ordnance. I’m going on leave I’ll think of you when land. All the best, Wednesday. I’m in Ire- TED P,S.—Twenty-nine windows of the house. Several incendiary bombs came down but I have seen where only one lit. out a big assortment of gifts that will be appreciated. w sg Is IB II & 8 Our stock is carefully selected and comprises useful and practical gifts, which, will give happiness on Christmas Day and throug hout all the year, ----------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- eg 4£ eg eg eg eg Electric Heaters Electric Irons $2.75 to $5.95 Electric Toasters $2.50 to $4.95 Christmas Tree Lights Carving Sets Pocket Knives 25c to $1.25 SKATES AND SHOES for every member of the family. We have a large stock to choose from and our stock was bought before the rise in price. Get our prices. Gillette Razors Shaving Brushes K LUGGAGE $1 to $15 CREDITON UNITED CHURCH W. A. ELECT OFFICERS J Other Gift Suggestions GENERAL ELECTRIC RADIOS AND REFRIGERATORS Electric Washing Machines, Vacuum Cleaners, Irons, Toasters, Grills and Flashlights AN ATTRACTIVE LINE OF ELECTRIC FIXTURES We sell and service Willard Storage Batteries, Goodyear Tires, Windshield Defrosters, Car Heaters, Car Fans, Etc. Stewart Horse Clippers, Clipper Grinding and Battery Charging Try us for Electric Motor Service and Repairs Repairs for all Makes of Radios Harness, Robes, Blankets and Everything for the Horse The December meeting of the Crediton United Church was held in the church basement on Decem­ ber 12th. Mrs. A. Baker took the chair in the absence of Mrs. G. Zwicker. The meeting opened with the old Christmas carol, “Hark the Herald Angels Sing”, followed by prayer by Rev. Turner. The year’s business was brought to a close with a very good report. The pen­ ny bags which were used proved very profitable. Rev. M.T. Turner then presided for the election of officers for 1941 which resulted as follows: pres., Mrs. W, Mack; 1st vice-pres., Mrs. A. Baker; 2nd vice- pres., Mrs. R. Finkbeiner; record­ ing secretary, Mrs. J. Woodall; asst. sec. and press sec., Mrs. J. O. Lovie; treas., Mrs. L, Trevethick; pianists, Mrs. Turner and Mrs. Baker; auditors, Mrs. !F. W. Clark and Mrs. Kestle; good cheer comm., Mrs. A. King, Mrs. Brock, Mrs. G. Mawhinney, Mrs. E, Beaver; par­ sonage comm., Mrs. T. Yearley, Mrs. E. Chambers, Mrs. R. Swartz; visiting comm., monthly. Mrs. hearty vote of Zwicker for her work; during the past year. Mrs. Lawson then favor­ ed with a reading and Betty Lou Swartz sang a solo. The meeting closed with another Christmas hymn and the benediction wa.s pro­ nounced. The hostesses for the day were Mrs. F. W. Clark, Mrs. L. Hill and Mrs. Roy Swartz and they served a very lovely lunch in keep­ ing with the season. 25 YEARS AGO At Exeter on Dec. 15th the mar­ riage took place of Ella Marie Wood, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Wood to Mr. John Luxton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Luxton of Exeter. The bride was given away by her father, and wore a dress of reseda green silk with pink rose buds. The ceremony was performed by Rev. D. W. Collins. Will Snell is learning the bar- bering with Ed Willis. Private Ed. Anderson was home from London camp over Sunday. Mr. Wilbur Martin has been con­ fined to his home for several days with a severe cold. Mrs. Goldie Cochrane has return­ ed from a visit to Berlin. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bossenberry of Grand Bend left on Thursday for Forest where Mr. Bossenberry vjill keep a boarding house, November report of Room 6: Stanbury, iG. Creech, C. Salter, Lamport, C. Davis, B. Buswell, Elworthy, M. 'Scott, W. Webster, G. Bedford, F. Norry, F. Hartleib, M. 'Gladman, R. Witmer, M. Rowe, F. Harvey, Earl Mallett, M. Bis­ sett, M. Ford, D. Mallett, C. Web­ ster, H. Dignan, R. Davis, F. Hea- man, E. Houlden. Teacher, H. Kinsman. S. R. M. '7) MATTHEW DOYLE, NATIVE OF McGELMVRAY DIES SUDDENLY IN LONDON on T. For rhe Western Packers to he in 0 ft *:i ( W. J. BEER I* Bluebird Diamonds Men’s Diamond Signets Ladies’ Diamond Signets Birthday Rings Costume Jewellery Evening Bags Compacts jeweller to be appointed ’Baker moved a thanks to Mrs. Don’t Fail to Visit the Store with the New Front Up-to-date jewellery and Gifts for Everybody Silver Tea Services Community Silverware Hollow Silverware Chinaware Dinnerware Spode China Sheaffer Pens and Pencils Comb, Brush, Mirror Sets Schick Razors Sunbeam Shave Master Christmas Cards Bulova Watches Westfield Watches! Elgin Watches Lorie Watches S. B. TAYLOR T? wrri?D LLA.il/ JL LLIv M. 15 YEARS AGO Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Sims of town celebrated their 2-5th anniversary on December 11th. A number of friends were present and dinner was served at 7 o’clock. Mr. and Mrs. Sims were the recipients of a num­ ber was A Mr. of useful gifts. The evening spent in music and games. number of friends surprised and Mrs. Tom Collingwood at their home. Mr, and Mrs. Colling­ wood were presented with a oak rocker. After the. last meeting of council Senior pleasantly entertained council Cafe. About 3 broke out Bert Harness on William Street, which he recently purchased from. Mrs, Perkins, Mr. and Mrs. Har­ ness were in St, Thomas at the time, having left early in the morn­ ing. Everything was completely destroyed, Shirley, 14 months old daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Gardiner, was painfully burned on the hand on Friday last having come in gon- tact with a hot stove. Miss Edith Walter has taken a position with Jos. Senior in the studio. Mr. Severn© Winer has from the Cluny Hospital, Mr. Winer went west on vester exclusion and-had fortune to break his for the year 1925 Mr, to a banquet at the o’clock on Saturday in the residence of on the Jos. the Rex fire Mr. returned Alberta, the hat* the mis­ arm whan caught in the belt of a separator while threshing. The Academy is Growing Dear Colonel: Here is another for your academy of odd names...... In our town is a Dr, Morrow, den­ tal surgeon, who is deservedly pop­ ular for as a friend puts It: always such comfort of molar melancholy going to Morrow.” ” ’Tis in the midst to think of —-Ernest I The dQath occurred suddenly Saturday evening of Matthew Doyle, at his home, 877 Helmuth avenue, London. Mr. Doyle was widely known in the livestock business, past 23 years he had been Ontario buyer for Canada Ltd. Mr. Doyle had appeared good health until shortly before his death. On Saturday afternoon he suffered a heart attack and then died a few hours later. Born in McGillivray Township 6'3 years ago, he was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Doyle. He lived in McGillivray Township until 12 years ago when he and his family moved to London. For a number of' years he was a resident of Exeter. >Mr. Doyle was a member of the congregation of St. Michael’s Ro­ man Catholic Church and took an active part in various religious and charitable organizations. He was a member of the local council of the Knights of Columbus, the Holy Name Society, the League of the Sacred Heart, the Altar Society, the Society for the Propagation of the Faith and the Ontario Commercial Travelers’ Association. He leaves his wife, Mrs. Angela Doyle; three daughters, Mrs. Geo. Nangle of Lucan; Miss Margaret and Miss Grace at home; three sons, Dennis, John and James, all of Lon­ don; two sisters. Mrs. Mary Cough­ lin and Miss Annie Doyle of Lon­ don, and four brothers, Phillip, of Toronto; Peter, of Ailsa Craig: Bert, of Exeter, and James, of Vancouver. The funeral was held from the family residence at 9.3>0i a.m. Wed­ nesday, to St. Michael’s Church, where a requiem high mass was celebrated at 10 o’clock. Inter­ ment was in St. Peter’s Cemetery, London. JAMES ST. MISSION BAND The December meeting of James St. Church Mission Band was held on Monday afternoon at 4.15 o’clock with an attendance of 39, The pre­ sident, Donald Southcott, was in charge of the meeting, which open­ ed by singing “Away in a Manger”. The Mission Band prayer and Mis­ sion Band Purpose were repeated in unison. Margaret Pickard read the minutes of the last meeting. The next number was a chorus, ‘‘Silent Night, Holy Night”. Myra Pym read the Scripture lesson. Re­ citations were given by Harper Appleton, Shirley Taylor, Lorna Taylor, Murray Brintnell, Gloria Appleton, Kathleen Moir, Margaret Johnston, Ann Marie Rivers, Marie Cutbush and Jimmie Tanton. The next number was a piano instru­ mental by Teddy and Mary Hanni­ gan. Margaret White and ino sang a Christmas carol. Tan ton told the next chanter study book, which was very esting. Following the closing ex­ ercises the children were treated to eandy and games were played. Max- Mrs, of the inter- Coleman Lamps, Lanterns, Irons Pyrex Ovenware Knives and Forks Scissors, 25c to $1.75 Tools, Hammers, Wrenches, Drills, Saws You never saw a saw that saws like these saws saw. ------------------------------------ eg eg eg eg eg eg sg sg eg B. W. F. Beavers Hardware Merchant Phone 86 Exeter Lawson’s Christmas Sales s OFFERS OUTSTANDING VALUES FOR THRIFTY SHOPPERS WE SPECIALIZE IN DIAMOND RINGS PRICED FROM $12.50 UP Diamonds are up but we have them at the old prices. I 1 Birth Stone Rings ....................$1.00 up We Have a Fine Assortment of Cut Glass —Silverware Bought at the Old Price— Don’t Forget to get our Prices on Popu­ lar Dresser Sets. Splendid Variety- Chime Clocks................$15.00 to $28.50 Mantle Clocks ............ $6.00 and up Dresser Clocks.....................$2.00 and up WRIST WATCHES 15 and 17 Jewel Movement Ranging in Price from $4.95 up Owing to our Stock Being Bought at the Old Prices There will be no Profiteering in this store.. A Call will Convince You. JAS. LAWSON REPAIRING A SPECIALTY Jeweller Exeter Gifts for the Home.. Of all the useful things you can present your family, there is nothing more enjoyable than Furniture. Make your house a home your family will be really proud of . . * one where your sons and daughters will love to entertain. We carry everything to be had in an up-to-date furniture store at very lowest prices.. We invite you to call whether you purchase or not. Roomy and Comfortable Chairs Mattresses that Invite Sleep TABLES A splendid collection of Oc­ casional Tables. All hand­ some new pieces in Walnut, Mahogany and Maple from $1.25 up CHESTERFIELD SUITES If you are thinking of a Chesterfield it will pay you to see our stock and! com­ pare our prices. STUDIO COUCHES Velours ate) the popular Coverings. Very attractive and modern colors and Shades LAMPS Tri-Light Lamps* Bridge Lamps, Table Lamps and' Bed Lamps, that are attrac­ tive and useful in the hortie. They make lovely gifts. Priced from $2.00 up Kitchen Cabinets, Smoker Cabinets, Magazine and End Tables, Doll Buggies and Child’s Sets that will delight the Children J Sewing Cabinets and Plate Class Mirrors