HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1940-12-19, Page 2THURSDAY, DEC. lpth, 1010 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE SI ft llllllllllllllll SYNOPSIS II! Alexandra Putnam persuades hei’ son, Lyle, to propose to Jill Morton, spoiled only daughter of John Mor­ ton, department store magnate. , Lyle is infatuated with Valeric Brooke, ambitious showgirl, who is not interested in marrying a poor man. John Morton, who is well aware of the whole situation, op­ poses the marriage bitterly, but is convinced by his sister, Lucy, that he had better make the best of a bad bargain, since Jill is determin­ ed to marry Lyle anyway. How­ ever, John has a talk with Lyle, in which he makes it clear help the young couple, marriage is distasteful GO ‘ON WITH THE CHAPTER III (Ctontiijued) STORY Lyle “We you’d Put- "You’re broke,” John Morton’s voice whistled through the air like a whiplash. “You’re worse thau broke. You’re in debt.” Lyle inclined his head. “Pretty deeply.” "Marrying my daughter will just sohfe the. Putnam's problems. You don't deny that?” “No, J don't—deny that." Lyle’s hand trembled as he lit a cigarette. "Suppose,” John Morton men­ tioned idly, “that I disinherited Jill? That would put her in your own financial class—foi* the next five years at any rate.” Lyle hoped his voice carried the propev note, of assurance. "In that case. I’d marry her anyway—if she’d have me.” The man behind the massive ma­ hogany desk was silent, squirmed inwardly, ventured, had hoped, Jill and I — that approve—that you’d—” “J know what you hoped, nam.” John Morton leaned across the desk, faced his prospective son- in-law squarely, “but that is quite unimportant. My daughter's hap­ piness is all that matters to me. For that reason, and only, I’m going easier for you.” Relief washed in a great warm . John Morton 1 ning the first -of the month, position — will be — found—for you.” The slow-spoken words were a masterpiece of insult. “The posi­ tion will carry a salary in no way commensurate with the duties in­ volved or the intelligence required. I will build and furnish a home for you. I will defray the expenses of your wedding trip. In return fo’’ which”—his eyes were diamond hard— “you will make my daugh­ ter happy.” Lyle broke in eagerly, sure of his way at last, “I assure you, Mr Morton-—” The older man met his eyes cold­ ly. “That will mean Valerie Brooke.” Lyle gasped. “That episode.” John ■tinued with controlled be concluded. Do you understand?" "Perfectly? But if I might ex­ plain—” “No explanations are necessary. I think We understand each other quite clearly. But let us face the issue quite openly. If through any fault -of your own Jill becomes—'un­ happy—you will very much regret the day you married her.” He tap­ ped the desk lightly to emphasize the words, “I would think nothing ■of throttling you with my bare ‘hands.” Alexandra Putnam’s son was sil­ ent under the weight of such fin­ ality. • John. Morton smiled coldly, “I haven’t asked, you will note, wheth­ er you are in love with Jill or not. It isn’t necessary. I think we un­ derstand one another?” Lyle rose, gathered his poise about him like a torn coat. ‘‘I think,” he said seriously, “that w« do. Thank you. And good after­ noon.” He walked proudly to the door, closed it quietly behind him. “I’ve given that young man some- for that reason, to make things Lyle’s fear away flood. went on, "Begin- a—• no more- Morton con- calm, “will It is hard to keep the children from taking cold; they will run cut of doors not properly clad; have on too much clothing and get overheatol and cool off too suddenly; they get their feet wet; kick off the bed clothes at night. The mother cannot watch them all the time, so what is She going to do? Mothers should never neglect the child’s cough or cold, but on its in­ ception should procure a bottle of Dr* Wood’s Norway Fine Syrup, ft is so pleasant to the taste the youngsters take it without any fuss. The T. Milburn Cov Ltd., Toronto, Ont, Hi I* lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll thing to think about,” said John Morton grimly. Lyle Tells His Mother Lyle Putnam hastened home to his mother, smarting under the scorn and embarrassment of the interview with John Alexandra Putnam her desk, sorting and inevitable bills. Her sharp and distinct as though snip­ ped from paper. Lyle told her the meeting in the restaurant, Morton’s invitation to visit him his offices. “Oh. it’s all arranged and set­ tled,” Lyle said bitterly. “It’s just what you wanted, Mother. But I can’t go through with it. I don’t care if we do go to the poorhouse." Alexandra laughed, a brittle and humorless bark of laughter. “Have you anything better to suggest’'' she asked fiercely. “We’d get out of it somehow,’’ Lyle's chin was set in an unaccus- tuined stubbornness. “There are worse things than being poor. One of them is being John Morton’s son- in-law.” Her voice was tipped with fury. ••We happen to owe in the neighbor­ hood ot §12.t'0U. Our assets are practically nothing. Our creditors are developing a lamentable lack of respect for social rating. Our cre­ dit is nonexistent. You spend money but you don't earn any. What oth­ er brilliant plan have you?” He tried to answer, but her ang­ er swept the words from his lips. “John Morton has been generous— very generous. He is willing to give you a good position, financial backing, security. What more do you want?" Lyle said slowly, “He knows 1 don’t love Jill.” His mother stiffened. “Did you— were you fool enough to tell him that?” He shook his head miserably. ‘‘It wasn’t—necessary. He knew. He knows practically everything about us—how much we owe—who we owe it to. He did a remarkably thorough job of investigation.” His mother flicked a curl of from the desk top,x. frowned her thoughts. “Jill’s a lovely Lyle. I want you to know even if—if things weren’t the they are—even if this marriage ■weren’t so vital to us—Jill is exact­ ly the girl I’d have chosen for you.” His lip twisted in a smile that held no mirth. “She’s exactly the girl I’d have chosen for myself, if I didn’t happen to be in love with somebody else. Somebody — who isn’t interested in a poor man.” was philo- a poor man of ever be- I don’t see Morton. sat calmly at arranging the profile was as of of in dust over girl.’ that way “Well,” Alexandra sophical, ‘‘since you’re and have no prospects ing anything else — what you can possibly lose by mar­ rying Jill. Plans for the Wedding Plans for the wedding moved forward with the speed of a snow­ ball careening down hill and gain­ ing momentum in the descent. As the date swung nearer, Jill wan­ dered around the Morton house in a state of dazed ecstasy, Decora­ tors, florists, announcements, guest lists, caterers, honeymoon plans—a thousand and one details foamed uponj one another. There were gowns to be bought and bridesmaids to be chosen and teas to attend, and the inevitable series of -show­ ers. Blueprints of the new home cluttered up the tables. Contrac­ tors’ estimates were piled ceiling­ ward. As usual, the burden fell upon Aunt Lucy. John in the May. “You he growled. She brushed a tired hand across her eyes. John thought for a shocked instant how old and she looked. He noted the lines about her lips, and the shadows beneath her eyes. “Better see Doc Huston,” vised. clip. No wedding’s ticularly this one.” ‘‘Mind youi’ own snapped, "and let mine. I’ve already seen the doctor ” “What did he say?” “That,” she frowned, “it my own affair. If it’ll make you feel bet­ ter, he gave me a prescription.” A prescription, she thought, and a lot of unnecessary; chatter aboul tired hearts and excitement. “If that’s voice think “This house," she returned with spirit, “is filled with fools. Pre­ sent company suspected. Jill’s in a daze. The servants are out of their minds ” •He chewed violently on his cigar, struggled for an effective answer, but Lucy forestalled him. said has***Jf Morton stopped his sister hall one afternoon late in look like the devil, Lucy,” worn blue dark be ad- “You’re hitting too fast a worth it. Par- business,” she me attend to you want to kill yourself, up to you. Only—” grew unusually gentle, you’re a fool ” IIIIIIHUllIUUlUlllinUHlIlUlluniHUHUlr: tnat Merrill girl, the one who went to school with Jill. You know. Eunice Carruther’s daughter. Her name’s Joan. She’s dropping in for a short visit.” “Oh, one more won’t matter so much,” Lucy admitted. “Anyway she’s already on the train. Jill seemed to think it was sort of— important. And anything that will take Jill’s mind off this—this whirligig—might be a good idea.” She brushed a strand of untidy hair from her eyes, made frantic notes in the small notebook that was ra­ pidly becoming part of her tume.« “Lucy—” ‘‘Yes, John?” His eyes were frightened, all a mistake—this business, if.’” She “Hard Lyle’s weak weren’t so much in love with him, she might make a man of him. He’s been under Alexandra Putnam’s wing for so long he’s unable to think for himself. But basically—” sin was trying to be fair, to be just— "basically, I believe the boy has good stuff in him. He’s just a ca»e of arrested adolescence. Jill didn’t care so much—” ♦‘It all goes back to that, doesn’t it?" He sighed. Lucy’s Prediction “I suppose so. Jill’s so—spoiled. Yes, she is, John. You've given her everything in the world she’s want­ ed. Now she wants this boy. means to have him. it, Jill's due for a rude awakening cue of these days, gets it before she tar. cos- “It’s isn’t bit her lip, thoughtfully, to say. John. I’ll admit a pleasant enough boy. but — terribly weak. If Jill H. & BASKETBALL The School girls’ and the boys’ basketball teams played hosts to the Mitchell H.S. Basketball teams last Wednesday and both local teams were on the top end of the scoring, the boys winning 40-28 and the girls in-2. The boys' clean, producing some tive combination, were the Exeter lecting 24 and tively. Wally the other point for the locals on a foul shot, Moore whipped in ten baskets and 4 foul shots, while Green basketted six and three foul shots. Mitchell scoring was div­ ided among Ratz, Myers, Dungey, Gatenby, Pearce and Drummond. Myers led the visitors with six bas­ kets; Ratz collected 4; Dungey 2; Gatenby 2 foul shots and Pearce and Drummond each one. Exeter — Green (15); Moore (24); W. Fahrner (1); A, {Fahr­ ner, Hannigan and Southcott. Mit­ chell—Myers (12); Ratz (8); Dungey (4); Gatenby (2); Pearce ,(1); Drummond (1); Beaumont and Jordan. While the girls’ game did not produce as high scoring as the boys it was also a well played game, Anne Gordon made three baskets and Hazel Hern two for Exeter’s ten ponts. W. Johnston scored the Mitchell girls’ only basket. Exeter—<A. Gordon (G); Hern (4); J. McDougall, D. Kydd, S. Duncan, I. Kydd, S. Mason. Mit­ chell—W. Jackson (2); G- McHo- gan. E. Stoskopt', D. Morrison, Walther, D. Gollnitz. G. B. Gillrie, J. Quinsey. game was fast and very effec- and Green alters, ed­ its respec- collected Moore pace-m 15 poiu Fahrner H. L. Lealess, 4 Many people think that backache is a trouble that comes naturally with advancing years, but this woman of 71 proves that it is not. “I suffered for a long time from backache,” she writes, “but put it down to my age (71). Reading your announcement, 1 thought I would try. Kruschen Salts, I have been taking it for some time mid have found great relief. I thought you would like to know it has done me a world of good,”—(Mrs.) E.R. When pains in the back are caused by inactive kidneys and failure of the digestive system to throw off poisonous impurities, Kruschen Salts will give real help in setting the matter right. Because Kruschen has a diuretic action which helps jto flush your kidneys and liver. After that, your blood throws off all impurities; you get happy relief from pain. I suffered for a long time from ’’but put it Daniel Boone was asked if he had ever been lost in the woods. ♦’No, I never got lost,” Boone plied reflectively, “But I was wildered once for three days.” re- be- I PRESBYTERY OF HURON Tne Presbytery of Huron, Unit­ ed Church of Canada, was conveu- E. F. North Street On Tuesday, call of Victoria Street, Goder- to Rev. Arthur J. MacKaye of Bridge, in the Algoma District, sustained, and arrangements ecl by the chairman, Rev Chandler, IJ.A., at Church, Goderich. December 10 th. On account of the bad condition of the roads the at­ tendance was not us large as usual. The ich. Iron was were made for liis induction, pend­ ing his arrival in the Presbytery. The induction service will be in charge of Rev. W. E, Bremner, Sec­ retary of Presbytery, who will pre­ side, and induct the minister, while Rey. R. G. Burton of Clinton was appointed to address the minister, and Rev, R. G. Hazelwood of Ben- miller will address tion. A somewhat new work of the church The Exeter Times-Advocate Established 1873 and 1387 at Exeter, Ontario Published every Thursday Miomlnfl SUBSCRIPTION—$2,0i0 per year in advance RATES—Farso or Real Estate tor sale 5Qct each Insertion for first tour insertions. 25c. each subse­ quent insertion, Miscellaneous ar­ ticles, To Rent, Wanted, Lost, ox Found 10c. per line of six words. Reading notices 10c. per line. Card of Thanks 50c. Legal ad­ vertising 12 and 8c. peT line. Ia MeaioriaMi, with one verse 50o< extra verges 25c, each. Member of The Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association Professional Cards If It's become a habit with her. ■And she The way I see ' g I only hope she reaches the al- It’s bad business, John, mar­ rying for money when the affections are. tangled elsewhere.” He nodded mutely. CHAPTER IV and—the last—a neat, im- envelope, a flawlessly en- bond rectangle, bearing the “Raynes, Masefield, Bald- To himself lawsuit,” and bored forefin- sat in’a wide I Thursday. Only three more days till the wedding. Lyle Putnam moved in a dull, apathetic trance unbroken by his mother’s increas­ ing cheerfulness. He had reached the stage of mental anesthesia where nothing becomes important, nothing carries any weight. In three more days—he pushed the thought back in his mind, wadded it carefully behind unimportant trifles. He sorted the early morning mail without enthusiasm. No letter from Valerie. No sign or signal from her after their brief and un- dramatic parting. No, Lyle thought mournfully, Valerie didn’t care whether he married Jill Morton or not. His fingers riffled the usual cron of bills, a few unimportant letters portant graved legend, win and Gilbertson." he thought. “Another rpiped it open with a ger. Alexandra Putnam bar of early June sun-light, indus­ triously, if inexpertly mending a pair of stockings. ‘‘I’ve sent a check to the ’tailor,” she said, “not that I could spare it, but because' you simply must have a tropical suit and—'Lyle you’re not listening. Is that the mail?” Keeps the Letter Secret Lyle tossed the envelopes in an . untidy heap at his mother’s elbow. The short letter on the handsome stationery he folded and briskly stuffed into his pbeket. “Only a letter of congratulation,” he said carelessly, busy With an imaginary thread on his lapel. The room swam luxuriously about him. | Alexandra consulted the clock, exclaimed, “It’s 11.30 already and I’m meeting Mrs. Anders at the Crillon at noon. Plans, for the ■Carity Masque. You won’t lunching alone? Or are you ing Jill?” "Jill’s got some school with her today. I won’t lunching alone.” It seemed an infinity of time be­ fore his mother finally made her de­ parture, and the sound of the door closing behind her was a melody | sweeter than the angels sing. 1 (TO BE CONTINUED) mind meet- friend mind i LOCATED lI’LUJlif »eASY CHOOSE RATES ♦1 *2 MODERN FIRJPRCCf » HOTELS the congrega- WOODHAM The White Gift service served here last Sunday a splendid programme was scholars, consisting stories, chorus, was ob- morning. provided g of recita- vESSby the Christmas tions and vocal solos, after which a large display of white decorated parcels was collected by a number of the scholars and brought to the front of the Sunday School and put in a large white-covered basket. A hymn was sung and the superinten­ dent. Mr. Milton 'Hooper, brought the meeting to a close with the benediction. The scholars and their teachers are busy preparing for the annual Christmas concert which will be held on Friday evening, Dec. 2 0th in the Orange Hall. Old Santa will be there to unload the Christmas tree. The, W.MJS. meets Wednesday afternoon of this week. Convener of Group No. 4, Mrs. Frank Parkin­ son, will be in charge. Lunch will be served. Dr. Campbell of Kirkton attend­ ed church service here last Sun­ day morning. Mrs. W. Switzer, who was on the sick list, is, we are pleased to say, up again and is much improved. We are glad to know that Mr. Wilbur Wynn is slowly improving, after his severe illness, but we hope it may be more speedy. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. 'Squire visited Sunday last with wr. and Theron Creery. Mrs. 'Oscar Brine visited her sister, Mrs. Grierson in don, on Tuesday of last week. Mrs. A. Dewar is visiting for a week with friends in Toronto. CREDITON EAST Mr. -and Mrs. Wm. Heatherley and Mrs. Frank Scheiding, all of London, spent Saturday with Mrs. Catharine Motz. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Masnica baby Grace ronto. Mr. ill, is improving. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Kuhn and son of Baden spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Kuhn. and Mrs. Ed. Penhale spent the week-end in .Dan Truemner, who has been f-1 SHJ.PKA Mr. Albert Morenz is confined to his home through illness. The program and slides in United Church on Wednesday ‘ening last were well attended much enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gaiser family spent Sunday in .Goderich. Miss Reta Ratz, nurse-in-train­ ing at Victoria Hospital, spent .the week-end with .her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Ratz. Mr. Ed 'Grigg is engaged to work ( for Mr. Dan Sweitzer. iMr. Ted Dietrich who has been in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, is expected home this week. MLRS. STEWART HODGINS SUCCUMBS IN B1DDULPH with Lon- Mrs. FEBRUARY i feature of the JI _ was presented by. Inspector of Public Schools for Centre Huron, Mr. Kinsaid, in the problem of Christian Education in Public Schools. His address was very much appreciated, particu­ larly his suggestions as to the most satisfactory methods of giving such instructioin to the pupils. It was afterwards passed in the form of a resolution, that we commend this important matter to the considera­ tion of the Christian people of the county, with the ’ suggestion that they cooperate with their teachers, ministers and school boards, par­ ticularly in rural areas, with a vieiv to promoting a deeper interest in the question. In many of our town and city areas, the work is already organized and carried on through the co-operation of Associations. Rev. W. J. Lane ported having had ful year in the management of the Goderich Summer Schools and Camps, pointing out that all the time was fully occupied throughout the months of July and August, and also that the financial returns were quite satisfactory. The Summer School grounds are now practically free of indebtedness, thus giving a greater opportunity for usefulness and expansion, The Presbtyery went on record as strongly opposed to any legislation by which ths sacred character of our Lord’s Day should be further encroached upon, by the running of special trains for pleasure purposes on that day. Rev J. R, Peters of Varna, was appoint­ ed official reporter for the Presby­ tery for the local press, and also for the church paper, the United Church Observer, to receive any items respect to The time meeting were left to the of the executive officers. GLADMAN & STANBURY (F. W. Gladman) BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, &c Money to Loan, Investments Made Insurance Safe-deposit Vaults for use of our Cliems without charge EXETER and HENSALL CARLING & MORLEY BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, &«■ LOANS, INVESTMENTS, INSURANCE Office; Carling Block, M»in Stree6, EXETER, ONT. of the Ministerial of Goderich re- a very success- He will be glad from any of the charges of general interest with the progress of and place of the work, the next discretion HIBBERT COUNCIL The Hibbert Township Council met for their regular council meet­ ing the Township .Hall, Staffa, on Saturday, Dec. 7th, at one o’clock p.m., all members present and the Reeve presiding. The Clerk read the minutes of the previous meet­ ing which was adopted as read. ■By-law No. 491 to ratify and con­ firm an agreement with the Bell Telephone Company was read a third time and finally passed. A resolution was passed author­ izing the Canadian Bank of Com­ merce, Dublin, to accept tax pay­ ments. The bank is to collect re­ muneration from the tax payer. The following orders sued: Municipal World, $2.04; Mr. Alvin L. Harris, balance on Canadian General Insurance Co., $1.50; Dr. 'Stapleton, annual con­ ference of Ontario Medical Officers, $2;5.00'; The McKillop, Logan and Hibbert Telephone Co., $3.2'5. The Council adjourned to meet on Saturday, Dec. 14th, at one p.m. THOS. D. WREN, were is- supplies, CROMARTY LADIES’ AID RE-ELECTS OFFICERS Dr. G. F. Roulston, L.D.S.,D.D.S, DENTIST Office: Carling Block EXETER, ONT. Closed Wednesday Afternoons Dr. H. H. COWEN, L.D.S.,D.D S DENTAL SURGEON Office opposite the Post Office, , Main Street, Exeter Office 36w Telephones Res. 3C) Closed Wednesday Afternoons ARTHUR WEBER LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY PRICES REASONABLE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Phone 57-13 Dashwood R. R. No. 1, DASHWOOD FRANK TAYLOR LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed EXETER P. O. or RING 188 WM. H. SMITH LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex Special training assures you of your property’s true value on sale day. Graduate of American Auction College Terms Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed Creditor! P. O. or Phone 43-2 USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Exeter, Ont. President ........... JOHN Kirkton, R. R. Vice-President .... JOHN Dublin, Ont. HACKNEY, 1 mcgrath 80 th Miss and had For rest or play—Vancouver and Victoria are ideal for a thoroughly enjoyable winter vacation. Warm days and cool refreshing nights. Excellent golf courses—myriad sights, in the mountains and by the seashore. Riding, tennis, motoring, fishing ... Canada’s livergreen Playground offers them all, in an unexcelled setting. Special Winter rates at hotels. The new Hotel Vancouver’s spacious rooms and delightful accommdda- tions. will add to the pleasure of your stay in Vancouver. Mrs. Maggie Hodgins, wife Stewart Hodgins, of lot 11, conces­ sion 2, Biddulph Township, died Thursday night at her home a few hours after she fell at the house and fractured her hip. Shock of the tumble is believed to have caused her death. She was in her year. Mrs, Hodgins was formerly McNamee, a daughter of Mr. Mrs. William McNamee. She lived for 55 years on the‘farm where she died, except for four years spent with her son in Kitchener. She was a member of Centralia United Church, Surviving are her husband and one son, Garnet, of Kitchener, also four grandsons and four great­ grandchildren. Several brothers atfcl sisters live in Western Canada. The funeral service was held at the home at 2 p.m., Saturday. In­ terment was in St. James* Ceme- vei y, vxunueuo^e. attractive rail fares ALWAYS USE CANADIAN NATIONAL tELEGRAPHS — MONEY ORDERS — EXPRESS SPEED, DEPENDABILITY, SAFETY Reduced sleeping-car /ares. Low meal rates on trains. TRAVEL WEST tHE JASPER WAY USING THE AIR-CONDITIONED CONTINENTAL LIMITED jFw/Z information from any ticket agent DIRECTORS W. H. COATES .................. Exete. ANGUS SINCLAIR ... Mitchell, R. 1 WM. HAMILTON ... Cromarty, R. 1 T. BALLANTYNE ... Woodham, B. 1 AGENTS JOHN ESSERY Centralia ALVIN I,. HARRIS ... Mitchell R. 1 THOS. SCOTT ................. Cromarty SECRETARY-TREASURER W. F. BEAVERS ............„ Exeter GLADMAN & STANBURY Solicitors, Exeter The annual meeting of the marty Ladies’ Aid of the Presbyter­ ian Church was held otf Wednes­ day afternoon of last week at the manse. The president, Mrs. Roy McCulloch, was in the chair and conducted the meeting, also taking charge of the devotional exercises. After the roll call, which was re­ sponded to by sixteen members, the proceedings of the November meet­ ing were reported and adopted, the secretary, Mrs. McLellan,■ gave the minutes of the last annual meet­ ing, also a summary of work done which showed a busy year in an earnest effort to raise needed funds. The annual report of the treasurer, Mrs. Quance, was equally encourag­ ing, being in advance of last year’s finances. Mrs. Jamieson, was appointed chairman while the election of of­ ficers took place, but the meeting at once made it unanimous to re­ appoint the last year’s officers. So all have to brace up and shoulder the responsibility of the proceed­ ings for next year. The hostess, Mrs. Jamieson, and Mrs. Thomas Laing and .Mrs. R. Scott served a delicious luenh and the meeting enjoyed a social time. Tho January meeting will be held 1 feeling everytime the millionaire at the home of Mrs. R. Scott. kisses her, Cro- B. is The World’s Finest Anthracite Trade Marked Blue. Order Blue Coal and we have it, also Large Lump Alberta Coal HAMCO Dustless Coke Prices are Right A. J. CLATWORTHY Phone 12 Granton We Deliver Then...there is the chorus girl who gets a ‘grand* and glorious