HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1940-12-19, Page 1EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 19th, 1940 Sixty-Eighth YearESTABLISHED 1873 Extra Special LADIES’, MISSES’ and GIRLS’ Winter Coats 39c, 2 for 75c GIFT SUGGESTIONS FOR MEN AND BOYS Shirts—Braces—Ties Neck Scarves Gloves Sweaters Bath Robes Pyjamas BLANKETS♦ BATH ROBES AND rainbow borders.DRESSING GOWNS $2.95 each AXMINSTER AND Pillow Cases CONGOLEUM RUGS Christmas Groceries Low Prices POULTRY WOMEN’S VELVET OVERSHOES Fancy Parasols Neck Scarves Chenille Bed Spreads at $3.95 and $4.95 each each and Cotton Blan> Beautiful colors. each 10 dozen Men’s Ties boxed singly. Regular price, $1.00 On Sale, 69c ea. Large fresh stock. Oranges — Nuts — Candies All baking requirements Black, Brown, Grey and Green In all the newest styles We will appreciate your order which will have our best attention. Initialed Linen and Bordered Handkerchiefs Lace Tablecloths at old prices for Ladies, Men, Boys and Girls See our special Chenillei Bath Robes for Ladies and Misses NEW DRESSES FOR THE HOLIDAY SEASON for LADIES and MISSES Just arrived.... Smart Styles.... Low prices. Dozens to choose from. Fancy Linens Leather Handbags Fancy Towel Sets Sweaters GIRLS’ SNOW BOOTS All white Snow Boots with cosy fur tops. These make a very Suitable Christ­ mas gift. _____ ______ ____ WINDBREAKERS, SKI CAPS, ETC. Hoisehide, Pigtex or Special All-Wool Windbreakers A real assortment to choose from All colors in Ski Caps 10 dozen men’s Ties, boxed. Regular 50c. ££ On Sale Arm Bands Garters HOUSE SLIPPERS AS GIFTS Complete range of slippers for Men, Women and Children. Very low prices. ...GROCERIES... Extra Special 100 pairs plain white Jumbo Flannelette Blankets—extra large—full 2% yards long whipped singly. On sale at This store will be open evenings commencing Wed, Dec. 18th • •• Christmas Merchandise at Greatly REDUCED PRICES Every coat must go, regardless of cost. Handsome new coats at real bar­ gain prices. These would make a hand­ some Christmas gift. A few odd ladies’ coats clearing at $9.85 each GIFT SUGGESTIONS for LADIES and GIRLS Handkerchiefs in Fancy Boxes Bath Robes and Dressing Gowns Silk Hosiery and Underwear GIVE SILK HOSIERY See our special $1.00 Supersilk values in Chiffon, Crepe and Service Weight. Extra Special 25 Dozen Supersilk Crepe Hosiery New Fall shades. Very slight imperfec­ tions. Sizes SVa to IO1/,. A real bargain 79c pair All wool. A real bargain. Standard sizes. White with While they last at $5.00 . Woolcott—Wool kets. Bound singly. $2.25 Reversibles in Same $2.95 each f MEN’S AND BOYS’ OVERCOATS Newest styles and colors. Buy your new Overcoat now. We still have a few Young Men’s Overcoats at last year’s price, $15.00 each. Also a fine range of better ones at $17.00 to $25.00. Complete range of boys’ overcoats at $6.95 to $14.00 EXETER COUNCIL The Municipal council met at 7 p.m. on Monday evening, Dec. 16. Minutes of meetings of Nov. 25 and Dec. 7 were read, moved and adopted, present, acting reeve FL O. Southcott, Councillors Hern, Taylor and Dignan, Communications were read from the Dept, of National Defence re accommodation at Town Hall and appreciation of dept, for its use free. Dept, of Public Welfare re cultivation of vacant lands in town. Further details in April, 1941. 'town of Kingsville re petition to government to supply free transpor­ tation to all members of Canadian Active Militia to .and from their homes. Dept, of Highways, asking that all tenders for the old bridge structure be forwarded them at once. Report of the assessors for the Townships of Usborne and Stephen and the Village of Exeter regarding annual levy and collection for School No. 9, read and filed. Clerk J, Senior asked regarding refund of Street Watering rate for Huron 'Street, Report re James Sanders’ admis­ sion to Victoria Hospital as indi­ gent patient. Passed and allowed. The following accounts were or­ dered to be paid: County of hospital charges re T. $27.10; B. Rivers, oil for St. Pavement, $2.20; Thos. batteries, fire dept., $24.25; Advocate, printing, * “ pal World, supplies, $11.24; Huron County, collecting municipal tax, 816.37; W. Gillespie, cheque, error $1.05 to $1.50, 45c; R. Welsh, school equalizing, $5.00, voters’ lists, $5.00, total, $10.0'0'; J. Sen­ ior, revising voters’ lists, $11)8.00; selecting jurors, $4.00; telephone calls, 25c; postage, $6.70; total, $128.95; J. Norry, court re voters’ list, $5.00; W. C. Pearce, postage account, search, Goderich, 2.35; Seth Winer, gravel, $7.05; removal of snow, Louis Day, $8.80*; Gilbert Dow, $3.30'; R. Davis, $5.00; Fred Moore, $5.50; D. Treibner, $4.00; R. Sanders, $4.00: N. McDonald, $4.00; J. Stire, $1.00; Wm. And­ rew, street cleaning, $3.00, snow, $7.25, total, $10.25; H. Green, $19.0’0; C. Godbolt, $45.30; Jas. Lawson, rings, $17.00. Boxing Day Holiday A petition from 34 ratepayers .was read, asking that Dec. 26 be declared a public holiday. Petition granted on motion of Taylor sec­ onded by H.env Carried. By-law No. 7', 19 40, calling fo$ a nomination meeting Monday, December 30, 1940 and voting day, if necessary, Monday, Jan. 6, 19 41. Passed on motion of Taylor and Hern. at attractive prices for Christmas iSKATE OUTFITS Black or All White Skating Outfits Nothing better for Christmas gifts. ( prices are as low as last year. Your Superior Store Huron, Nunns, Huron Coates, Times- $7.40; Munici- JOS. SENIOR, Clerk. TIMES-ADVOCATE TO BE PRINTED TUESDAY NEXT (<^vrresponclent$ and Advertisers Please Note) With Christmas coming on Wed­ nesday of next week the Times- Advocate will be printed on Tues­ day. Correspondents and adver­ tisers are kindly asked to take note and send their copy in early. All copy must be in the office Monday as we will not be able to guaran­ tee publication if left until Tues­ day. POST-NUPTIAL SHOWER 'On Wednesday evening of last week a number of friends and rela­ tives gathered at the home of Mrs. William Mitchell and presented Mrs. Arthur Woodcock, formerly Miss Lillian MacDonald with a miscel­ laneous shower. Mrs. Fred Smith made the presentation and Miss Norma Wilson read the address. Lillian thanked ope and all in her very pleasing manner. The even­ ing was spent in contests and games after which a dainty lunch served. O.E.S. ELECTS OFFICERS At the regular meeting of the Exeter Chapter No. 222 O.E.S. held last Wednesday evening, the Wor­ thy Matron, Mrs. B.W.F. Beavers, having concluded the business ses­ sion, turned the meeting over to the Presiding Worthy Patron W. J. Smith, who conducted the election of officers assisted by Miss Maud Horton, Mrs. Mabel Ferguson and Thos. Pryde as scrutineers. The following were elected to office; Worthy Matron, Mrs. Beatrice Green; Worthy Patron, B. W. F'. Beavers; Assoc. Matron, Mrs. Cath­ erine P. Smith; Assoc. Patron, D. B. Field; Secretary, Miss Reta Rowe; Treasurer, Mrs. Jennie Lawson; Conductress, Mrs. Chrissy Telfer; Assoc. Conductress, Mrs. Mary San­ ders. The remaining officers will be appointed by the new Worthy Matron. JOINS THE AIR FORCE Mr. Jas. Anderson of Thames Road received word of the accept­ ance of his son, Harry Anderson, of Rouyn, Quebec, as a pilot in the Royal Canadian Air Force and is at present stationed at Trenton. Mr. Anderson had won distinction as a flyer while associated with the Stadacona Mines in Rouyn. Harry is well known at Exeter, being an honor graduate of the Exeter High School and graduate of Western University in mining engineering. Illustrated Address on Crippled Children’s Work Pictures of the Blue Mountain crippled children’s camp near Col­ lingwood featured an address b.v Mr. Hopper, secretary of the Ontario Society for Crippled Children, at the Lions Club supper meeting at the Central Hotel Monday evening The camp is carried on through the ' summer months and tile pictures showed the various activities with different groups of children. Mr. Hopper was accompanied to Exeter by Miss Armstrong, of London, field nurse for this district. The society has been organized for about five years and in that time several hund­red children have been helped. Several counties have been thor­ oughly canvassed and it is hoped to make a canvass of Huron county in 1941. A town hockey league Will again be sponsored this winter. $25,00 was voted to the Navy League, & was RED CROSS NEWS The largest shipment yet receiv­ ed at the Exeter Red Cross rooms was brought in by the Units on Friday, Dec. 13th. The shipment was as follows; 42 9 pairs socks, 3 4 sweaters, 26 scarves, 22 pairs mitts, 10 helmets, 9 pairs seaman’s socks, 4 pairs wristlets, 8 pairs knee caps, 9 pairs pyjamas, 15 bed jack­ ets, 4 pneumonia jackets, 44 towels, 3 6 handkerchiefs, 28 washcloths, 5 personal property bags, 11 wo­ men’s nightgowns, 11 dresses, 3 skirts, 14 blouses, 106 pairs bloom­ ers, 46 large quilts, 5 small 214 other articles of refugee ing. This completes a year of the members year’s report soon as the The .annual will be held on quilts, cloth- splen- did work done by al] of the Branch. The will be published as books can be closed. Red Cross meeting January 3rd, at 8 p.m. The Treasurer acknowledges the following receipts: Exeter Women’s Institute, $26.65; James St. Unit, $22.07; Main St. Unit, $13.85; Ca- ven Unit, $13.63; Exeter War Time Board from vice Unit, Unit, quilt, $17.'0.'0. At the time of the Red Cross can­ vass several persons made promises that have not been fulfilled. We would be pleased to receive these amounts at an early date. the Centralia War Ser- $ 69.40; Zion Church $59.00; Main St. Unit, Appointed Fruit and Vegetable Inspector Mr. W. J. Smith of town received word last week from, the Civil Ser? vice Commissioin at Ottawa that he had been appointed Fruit and Vege­ table Inspector for the Dominion Department of Agriculture. Bill has been acting as Field Supervisor for Captain Mason of the Western On­ tario Credit Bureau at Stratford for the past six months and will con­ tinue with the collection work dur­ ing his spare time. Primary Pupils Entertained The Primary department of the James St. Sunday school held a Christmas party Friday evening of last week to which the parents and friends of th'e primary and cradle roll departriients were invited. Miss May Jones, the primary superin­tendent (welcomed the visitors and spoke of the work being carried on in the primary department. Mrs. Sharp, superintendent of the cradie roll, spoke of hen department. A splendid program of recitations and musical selections by the pupils was carried out. Christmas story, program games were the children after Claus appeared and Christmas • stocking youngsters present, the children, seated tables, were treated and cookies, while tea and cookies were served to the adults. Mrs. Page told a Following the arranged for which Santa distributed a to all the In conclusion around little to ice cream the Main held on Rev. N. Reports Christmas ;(By Rev. Janies Anthony) <‘Let us go to Bethlehem.” That is what the wise men of long ago urged one another to do and that is what they did. And what thing one half so good can we suggest to one another these Christ­ mas times. Circumstances have compelled us to go to the battle­ field or to soar miles high in the air or to sink into old ocean's depths that we may preserve our freedom. We have done these terrible things because we would .have been less than men to have done otherwise. But on Christmas eve we pause in our occupations that we may gain strength for the struggle, that having won our fight we may prove ourselves more than conquerors through Him who came to earth in new power that first Christmas morning, for n’ tT00’ 011 His sword in a warfare from which there was no discharge. For one day especially we’ll not heed the /sail of Mam­ mon or of Mars but will own the sway of Him whose Dominion is supreme and without end. That Babe who looks so helpless there ydl conquer the world and by faith we stretch out our weary hands to Him knowing that light is bound to conquer darkness and good will cannot but overcome strife. We cannot be merry nor can we ask anyone to be merry, but live in hope and encourage each other to hope that we’ll soon see the day when love has conquered hatred and good will overcome evil with good. CHRISTMAS CHEER FUND Contributions are trickling in for the Christmas Cheer fund and it is hoped that before another week the fund will be considerably augment­ ed as part of the proceeds will be used for the Christmas entertain­ment of the children. The Women's Institute are cooperating with the Lions Club and the Exeter-Hensall Branch of the Canadian Legion and a canvass of the situation will be made to see that all needy fam­ilies are at least remembered during the festive season. Help make some youngster happy by leaving your contribution early at the Times-Ad- vocate. The amount acknowledged last week was $56.00. Additional contributions are I.O.O.F., $10, and one dollar each from the following: Station’s Billiards, Wm. Ward, Herb Ford, Mrs. A. Dale, Miss Ida Carling, Miss Mary Carling, W. G. Medd, Arthur Francis, Dr. Cowen, W. Martin, A Friend, C. V. Pickard, W. J. Beer, C. E. Zurbrigg, J. W Morley, W. Cunningham, John Rowe, W. R. Goulding; and $10.00 fom the Women’s Institute; ' ' $94.01. Canadian Legion Exeter-Hensall Branch Giant Bingo Legion Hall (next to Lindenfield’s Hdwe.) THURS, Dec. 19 at 8.30 p.m. Chickens — 7 Ducks 15 Rouhds 8 Consolation Drawing total, LUXTON—HODGERT The home of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Hodgert, North Thames Road, was the scene of a very pretty wed­ ding on Saturday at 12 o'clock, whea their eldest daughter, Mildred, Leith, was united in marriage to Elgin Wood, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Luxton, Centralia. Rev. Wm. Mair, pastor of Thames • Road Church officiated. The ceremony was performed under an arch of evergreen, with a large white bell in the centre. The bride, given in marriage by her father looked charming in a floor-length gown of turquoise blue net over taffeta and she carried an arm bou­ quet of Talisman Roses. Miss Alma Borland was the bridesmaid and wore a floor-length gown of pink sheer and carried a bouquet of car­nations. Mr. Fred Luxton, brother of the groom, was best man. Mrs. Alex MacBeath, of Varna, played the wedding music. The soloist,. Miss Ruby Simpson, sang “I Love You Truly”. Following the cere­ mony a sumptuous wedding dinner was served to some twenty guests. The bride’s table was decorated witn pink and white streamers, pink ta­pers, roses and centred with the three-tier wedding cake. Serving were Mrs. Russel Morley, Whalen, Miss Blanche Whiting, Exeter, Miss Janet Hodgert, Seaforth, Miss xMarjorie McDougall, Hensail, as­sisted by Miss Jessie Hodgert of Exeter. Later the young couple left amid showers of goodwill and confetti for a motor trip to War­wick and Sarnia. The bride tra­ velled in a black sheer dress with turquoise trim, black coat with beaver trim and black accessories. i The annual meeting of St. Sunday School was Monday night, Dec. 16tli. J. Woods, M.A., presided, were ;,i__ __M School in an active condition............B. W, F. Beavers who has been' superintendent for 26 years, asked j to be relieved. This was granted, •, he being made Honorary Superin­ tendent, The officers elected were ! as follows: Hon. Supt,, B. W. F. Beavers: Supt., Benson Tuckey; asst, supts.. Chas.. Tuclcey, Ray Waghorn; primary supt., Mrs. Ar­ thur Frayne; missionary supt., Mrs. Chas. Johns; temperance supt., W. C. Pearce; Cradle Roll supt., Mrs. Wilbert Martin; treas,, Miss Gladys Ryokman; sec.. Chas. Aidworth; postmaster, Archie Web­ ber; sec. for supplies, Glen Me- Knight: pianist. Miss Merna Sims; asst, pianist, Miss Helen Dignan; Home Dept.. Mrs. John Caldwell, Mrs. John Northcott. given showing the Sunday I in an active condition. Mr. '* Reeve B. W. Tuckey, who has been ill at his home for a couple of weeks is making splendid progress and is expected to be out this week. Mr. Clayton Aylen, accountant at the Bank of Montreal, was taken ill while working at the bank Mon­day evening. He has been confin­ed to his bed but is improving nice­ ly. Misses Margaret Tape and Mar­ion Snell, of the Exeter H.S. staff, entertained the Badminton Club af­ter badminton the home of Jaques Exeter will Dec. 26th, as .___ ... ____petition was presented to the Mu­ nicipal Council at its meeting day night and a proclamation is being issued. Mr. Garnet Flynn has moved in­to his new barber shop in Dr. Cow­en’s new building, east side of Main St. The building has all modern conveniences. A. E. Wuertjfe was the first customer in the new* stand, Hughie, 11-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Westlake, of Us- borne. was taken to Victoria Hospi­ tal, London. Saturday where lie un­ derwent a successful operation for appendicitis and is getting along as well as can be expected.On Sunday morning last while doing chores about the barn Mr. Amos Wildfong, of Hay. suffered a partial paralytic stroke and was found unconscious by his son Frank. He is again able to be around. In a court case, at Sarnia on Wed­ nesday of last week Mrs. Abbott, of Exeter, laid suit against her hus­band, Mr. W. F. Abbott, for ali­ mony and on judgment by mutual consent. Mrs. Abbott is to receive’ a separate house in Exeter and $20.00 a month as maintenance. A number Sarnia as them were last Friday night at Mr. and Mrs. Geo. observe Boxing Day, a public holiday. A Mon- from Exeter were in witnesses, but none of called. Additional 10 Rounds of Geese General Admission 25c PROCLAMATION BOXING DAY THURSDAY, DEC. 26th to be observed as Holiday with a pe- citizens of Exeter re- In accordance tition signed by the Village of questing the Municipal ’ Council to declare Thursday, December 26th as Boxing Day and a Public Holiday, the petition was granted and I hereby call upon all citizens to observe the day as a holiday. H. ,O« Southcott, Acting Reeve SKATING EXETER ARENA FRIDAY AND SATURDAY and each evening next week Admission 20c and 10c LEAVITT’S THEATRE EXETER Phone 133 Two Features THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, “Stage to Chino” starring GEORGE O'BRIEN “Dancing on a Dime” starring ROBERT PAIGE and an all star cast MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY “It’s in the Air” A British picture starring GEORGE FORMBY, England?® Ace Comedian SPECIALS FOR THE CHRISTMAS SEASON Lum and Abner in “DREAMING OUT LOUD*’ “MOON OVER BURMA’* ' starring Dorothy Lamour, Preston Fester & Robert Preston “I MARRIED ADVENTURE’* an animal thriller starring Mrs< Martin Johnston